Love for venuslove me是什么意思思

Love for venus是什么意思_百度知道
Love for venus是什么意思
Love for venus是啥意思哦,为她选择一款什么样的求婚戒指比较好
Love for venus是赐爱给维纳斯,也就是心中的缪斯,心中的女神的意思,这样的一份意义,而你在求婚的时候当然是需要好好为她准备一款戒指的,用这样一款戒指来见证你们的爱,守护你们的爱情,用你所用的戒指来代替你时时刻刻守候在她身边,这样的戒指所能代表的感觉,我的一位闺蜜就是收到她男友为她准备的一款乐维斯的实名制戒指作为的求婚戒指,那是一款寓意着以我之名,冠你指间,一生相伴,一世相随,如果你真的能够为她挑选一款这样的求婚戒指来感动她,那她一定会很感动的。
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Venus de Milo at the Louvre.&
Marie-Lan Nguyen/Wikimedia Commons
| Her ProfileThe beautiful goddess Venus is probably most familiar from the armless statue known as the Venus de Milo, displayed at the Louvre, in Paris. The statue is Greek, from the Aegean island of Milos or Melos, so one might expect Aphrodite, since the Roman goddess Venus is distinct from the Greek goddess, but there is substantial overlap. You'll notice the name Venus is often used in translations of Greek myths.
Fertility GoddessThe goddess of love has an ancient history. Ishtar/Astarte was the Semitic goddess of love. In Greece this goddess was called Aphrodite. Aphrodite was worshiped especially on the islands of Cyprus and Kythera. The Greek goddess of love played a crucial role in the myths about Atalanta, Hippolytus, Myrrha, and Pygmalion. Among mortals, the Greco-Roman goddess loved Adonis and Anchises. The Romans originally worshiped Venus as goddess of fertility. Her fertility powers spread from the garden to humans. The Greek aspects of the love and beauty goddess Aphrodite were added on to Venus' attributes, and so for most practical purposes, Venus is synonymous with Aphrodite. The Romans revered Venus as the ancestor of the Roman people through her liaison with Anchises."She was the goddess of chastity in women, despite the fact that she had many affairs with both gods and mortals. As Venus Genetrix, she was worshiped as the mother (by Anchises) of the hero Aeneas, the founder of the R as Venus Felix, the bri as Venus Victrix, th and as Venus Verticordia, the protector of feminine chastity. Venus is also a nature goddess, associated with the arrival of spring. She is the bringer of joy to gods and humans. Venus really had no myths of her own but was so closely identified with the Greek Aphrodite that she 'took over' Aphrodite's myths."Source: ( ~grandpa/rommyth2.html) Roman Gods: Venus
The Parentage of the Goddess Venus/AphroditeVenus was the goddess not only of love, but of beauty, so there were two important aspects to her and two main stories of her birth. Note that these birth stories are really about the Greek version of the goddess of love and beauty, Aphrodite:"There were actually two different Aphrodites, one was the daughter of Uranus, the other the daughter of Zeus and Dione. The first, called Aphrodite Urania, was the goddess of spiritual love. The second, Aphrodite Pandemos, was the goddess of physical attraction."Source: Portraits of VenusAlthough we are most familiar with the nude Venus artistic representations, this wasn't always the way she was portrayed:"The patron deity of Pompeii was Venus P she was always shown as being fully clothed and wearing a crown. The statues and frescos which have been found in Pompeian gardens always show Venus either scantily clothed or totally nude. Pompeians seem to have referred to these nude images of Venus as V this may be from the Greek word physike, which meant 'related to nature'."(/article.cfm/garden_design/31002) Venus in Pompeiian GardensFestivals of the Goddess:"Her cult originated from Ardea and Lavinium in Latium. The oldest temple known of Venus dates back to 293 B.C., and was inaugurated on August 18. Later, on this date the Vinalia Rustica was observed. A second festival, that of the Veneralia, was celebrated on April 1 in honor of Venus Verticordia, who later became the protector against vice. Her temple was built in 114 B.C. After the Roman defeat near Lake Trasum in 215 B.C., a temple was built on the Capitol for Venus Erycina. This temple was officially opened on April 23, and a festival, the Vinalia Priora, was instituted to celebrate the occasion."Next page
Venus - Goddess of Love and Beauty金慧林_百度百科
金慧林(Kim Hye Lim),日出生于韩国,韩国女歌手、演员,毕业于韩国首尔永波女子中学,女子演唱组合成员之一。2012年,携带首张迷你专辑《》出道[1]
。2014年,携单曲《sticky sticky》回归乐坛[4]
单曲《像海浪一样》;12月,发行第二张迷你专辑《What Are You Doing Today?》,并公开主打歌《What Are You Doing Today?》[8]
2013年1月,发表后续曲《Romantic Love》[9]
;31日,金慧林在“2012 Allkpop Awards”获得“最佳新人女子团体奖”;2月,在第二届“Gaon Chart K-POP Awards”获得“女子团体新人奖”[10]
,以主打歌《要喝茶吗?》展开活动;6月,金慧林在韩国举办首场演唱会“1stLIVE CONCERT”[12]
;8月,金慧林发行首场迷你演唱会LIVE专辑《HELLOVENUS LIVE 2013》[13]
2014年7月,由于Hello Venus Project企划已结束,和退出该组合[14]
,并于11月6日发行第四张单曲《sticky sticky》回归[15]
2015年,组合发表第五张迷你辑《我就是艺术(I′M ILL)》,主打歌为《我是艺术》[5]
专辑类型:演唱会专辑专辑简介:elloVenus于8月13日发行6月22日和23日两天进行的首场现场演唱会实况音源。演唱会当时门票售罄因此追加一场公演。此次音源共收录11首歌曲,同时也将发行包含演唱会现场场面的照片集。另外只在演唱会公开的&Officially Missing You&在对粉丝表达谢意的意义上重新进行录音。经纪公司表示:“首次单独演唱会音源和照片集,期待对于当时参加Hello Venus 1周年演唱会的粉丝以及遗憾未能来到现场的粉丝来说都能成为好的礼物。”
The Initial Contact
What are you doing today?
Would you stay for tea?
Would you stay for tea迷你三辑
专辑类型:EP专辑简介:Hellovenus于日携第3张迷你专辑“Do You Want Some Tea?”回归。主打歌“要喝茶吗”是Orange Caramel“Lipstick”、Ailee“Heaven”等歌曲的制作组创作,Hello Venus轻快的形象加上古典卡农变奏曲采样的流行舞曲。
Would you stay for tea
Just A Moment
Again (Ara Solo)
What Are You Doing Today迷你二辑
专辑类型:EP专辑简介:你二辑的主打歌《What Are You Doing Today?》是由Hello Venus的出道曲《Venus》Cho Young Soo和Kim Tae Hyung打造的明快舞曲。另收入中板乐曲《Romantic Love》冬日气息浓厚的《Winter Fantasy》以及Alice、Ara和Lime合唱的《First Love》。
What Are You Doing Today
Romantic Love
Winter Fantasy
Like A Wave迷你一辑再版
专辑类型:EP专辑简介:igital Repackage“Like A Wave”是Hello Venus的首张单曲。
Like A Wave
Love Appeal
专辑类型:EP专辑简介:Hello Venus组合的出道作品,首张迷你专辑《Venus》。
Love Appeal
(Hello Venus首张单曲)
Romantic Love
(放学后福不福OST Part.2)
It’s Just Love
sticky sticky
Hello Venus 1st Fan Meeting
Hello Venus 1st Live Concert
2013年,Hello Venus担任预防儿童虐待宣传大使;2013年,Hello Venus担任第17届首尔国际漫画动画节宣传大使。
2014年,Hello Venus担任绿伞儿童梦想自行车宣传大使;5月,Hello Venus担任两圈的梦想之路宣传大使[16]
&&&Allkpop Awards
&&&Music Awards
&&&Gaon Chart Awards&
&&&Mnet Music Awards
&&&Mnet Music Awards
&&&So-Loved Awards
.yes.2014[引用日期]Love for venus是什么意思_百度知道
Love for venus是什么意思
Love for venus是什么意思?怎么大家都在说这个啊
这句话可是有深刻含义的,venus就是希腊神话中的爱与美之女神,这句话结合起来呢就是把爱献给女神。嘿嘿,是不是觉得特别浪漫?这句Love for venus就是乐维斯钻戒的爱情真理,而且乐维斯的英文名Lovenus也是因为这个而来。因为乐维斯就是专注做求婚钻戒的,你的女神不就是自己的女朋友吗?把这枚代表真爱的实名定制戒指送给心爱的她,告诉她戒指的寓意“以我之名,冠你指间;一生相伴,一世相随!”,从此你们风雨共行,白头偕老。


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