
很多年前,我被安排和可口可乐、百事、雀巢、卡夫、强生的面试,都是通过一个几乎是陌生人的人。如果招聘网站对你来说不是很管用,那么试试The Kindness Of Strangers这个方法!招聘网站不管用? 试试 Old-Fashion Way!首先在使用那些时下常见的找工作网站时都会出现这些问题。如果你只是在类似猎聘、智联招聘这样的公众渠道寻求工作机会,你需要意识到,虽然这很简单方便,但对其他人来说也是如此。因此,无论你看重还是申请了什么诱人的职位,还会有几十上百个其他候选人的存在。竞争可是很激烈呢! 所以,找到那些能够给你内推机会的人能够让你更加接近好的工作机会。这不仅仅是你的社交圈,同事或者以前的同学,还包括你朋友的朋友,你朋友的朋友的朋友,校友网,甚至你偶然认识的人。所有这些人都能够让你接触更多的新机会。我把这个方法称之为,The Kindness of Strangers.
在我职业生涯早期,The Kindness of Strangers这个方法帮助我获得了非常重要的暑假实习生职位。这个实习是在台北,但是我是在美国拿到的。那个时候,甚至连网络、社交媒体、领英这样的网站都还不存在呢!当时,我在UCLA读MBA。我先是试着在校招的时候申请台北的实习。但是,当时很少有公司在招亚洲的实习。我向台北的分支机构直接寄了30多封信,但是鲜有回应。那些回应了的,不是说他们不感兴趣,就是说他们希望招拥有本地背景以及双语技能的学生,而不是像我这样说不好中文,也没有地区工作经验的人。别无选择,我决定趁一周的春假飞去台北。我买了张机票就直接上飞机了!我从没去过那儿,也不认识那里的什么人。到台北后,我在书店买了本在台湾设有分支的美国公司的目录本,然后像疯了一样开始给他们打电话。在50多通电话中,我得到了两三家公司的面试机会。但是这几家公司最后都拒绝了我。到了周三,我觉得很恐慌。还没有任何工作的预兆,而我三天后就要回美国了。当时,我觉得很沮丧也很失望,然后凑巧看到了之前遗忘了的,放在钱包里纸条。纸条上写着我同学姐姐老公的名字。他的名字是Rick。我给他打了个电话。我们见了面,聊了很多关于体育的话题,建立了联系。一小时后,他再次问我,能帮上我什么忙吗。我告诉他,我在找市场方面的实习,但是我说不太好中文,也从来没在亚洲工作过,更没有市场方面的经验。思索片刻后,他拿起了电话,开始打给他认识的几个市场经理。30分钟后,我后面的两天就安排了可口可乐、百事、雀巢、卡夫和强生的面试。周五的时候,在我和强生市场经理的二面中,我拿下了工作!这就是我如何从美国得到台北暑期实习的经历。当今的技术让建立联系,保持联系变得轻松多了。你应该使用这些有利的工具和渠道去联系别人。同时,我对任何找工作的人的建议就是,要尽可能积极主动,不要小看利用所拥有的关系来追求自己想要的机会的效果。我喜欢称之为 The Kindness Of Strangers,你也可以说他是一种老派方式。 文/ Larry Wang 王承伦版权归原作者所有王李亚洲资源与职商网创始人及CEO,资深职业发展专家。20多年来一直为在华跨国公司及中国本土领军企业中的职业人士提供职业发展指导,著有两本软技能相关的职业发展书籍《知己知彼》与《如何成就未来经理人》,并将于近期推出职商网。如何与我们互动1.留言:文章下方直接评论,小编会在后台动动手指帮你上沙发。或者返回主页面,直接回复你想跟我们说的话。2.咨询:关注王李每日问答板块,无论是你是刚毕业进入职场的新手菜鸟,还是工作多年的资深人士,留言写下你所关注的职场话题,我们会在接下来的问答环节与你进行深入探讨。3.推广合作: 合作需求请发送至marketing@wang-li.com
IntroductionYears ago, I managed to get interviews w/Coca-Cola, Pepsi, Nestle, Kraft and J&J;, all thru a person I just met. If job sites aren’t working for you, try The Kindness Of Strangers! No Luck With Job Sites?
Then Try The Old-Fashion Way!Here’s the basic problem with using popular job sites.
If you’re just looking for job opportunities through public channels, like Liepin and Zhaopin, you have to realize that while this is easy and convenient for you, it’s also the same for everyone else.
So whatever attractive positions you see and apply for, so are dozens if not 100s of other applicants.
That’s a lot of competition!
However, another way that can be even more effective for accessing good job opportunities is to go through people who can make introductions and open doors for you. I’m not just talking about your network of friends, colleagues, and ex-classmates. This also includes your friend’s friends, your friend’s friend’s friends, your alumni network, or just anyone who happens to know someone you know. All these people can help increase your chances of connecting with new opportunities.
I refer to this approach as,The Kindness of Strangers.
Early in my career, it was The Kindness Of Strangers that helped me to get a key summer internship that changed my future.
The internship was in Taipei, but I got it from the United States.
This was even before the internet, social media, and websites like LinkedIn existed! At the time, I was an MBA at UCLA.
I first tried pursuing a Taipei internship through campus interviews. However, few companies were hiring for Asia-based internships back then.
I then sent 30+ letters directly to branch offices in Taipei, but few responded. Those that did either said they weren’t interested or told me they wanted students with local backgrounds and bilingual skills, not someone like me who spoke poor Chinese and had no regional work experience. With no other options, I decided to fly to Taipei over my one-week spring break.
I bought a ticket and just jumped on a plane!
I’d never even been there before, and knew nobody there personally. After arriving, I bought a directory of U.S companies in Taiwan at bookstore and started cold-calling like crazy.
From over 50 calls, I managed to get 2-3 companies to meet me. But all turned me down.
By Wednesday, I was panicking.
No job prospects yet, and I had to fly back in three days.
Feeling desperate and depressed, I happened to see a piece of paper in my wallet that I’d forgotten about with the name of my classmate’s sister’s husband.
His name was Rick.
I called him.
We met, talked a lot about sports, and made a connection.
After an hour, he asked me again how he could help me.
I told him I was looking for a marketing internship, but didn’t speak Mandarin well and had never worked in Asia or done marketing before.
After contemplating this for a moment, he picked up the phone and started calling several marketing managers he knew.
After another 30 minutes, I had meetings arranged at Coca-Cola, Pepsi, Nestle, Kraft, and Johnson & Johnson for the next two days. On Friday, during our second meeting with the marketing director at Johnson & Johnson, I got an offer!
This is how I landed my summer internship in Taipei, . . . from the U.S.
With today’s technology, connecting with and contacting people is so much easier.
You should definitely use the beneficial tools and channels out there to reach out to others.
But at the same time, my advice to anyone looking for a job is to be as bold and proactive as you can, and don’t overlook the effectiveness of using whatever relationships that are available to you to pursue the type of opportunities you seek.
While I like to call it The Kindness Of Strangers, you can just think of it as the old-fashion way!
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5月25日 22:28
王李亚洲资源 最新文章突然发现怀孕,没有准备护肤品,我先暂时在超市买了个强生婴儿牛奶润肤霜代替,可回来发现成分表里含有香精,请问各位孕妈,这个还能用吗_百度宝宝知道在哪里能买到强生的KY?_百度知道
一般可以去药店或者是专卖店去买现在市场上假货太多, 有关怎么辨别真假强生KY。有几个方法可以鉴别仅供参考 真正的KY,强生(屈臣士)品牌,蓝带盒,彩色软管,50克,与市面上充斥的塑料管假货有本质的不同、和另外一种金属管的旧版KY也有很大区别。 该滑剂是透明无色的水溶性润滑剂。它不含油脂,芳香剂和酒精 现在世面上有很多仿冒的假货KY,外观视觉效果及其逼真,一般用户根本无法区分。建议还是去大型商场进行购买,购买的时候要仔细观察包装及防伪


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