
是非不分是什么意思 是非不分在线翻译 是非不分什么意思 是非不分的意思 是非不分的翻译 是非不分的解释 是非不分的发音
是非不分 基本解释是非不分[shì fēi bù fēn]词典fail to distinguish right from wrong:是非不分;不分是非。词典can't tell black from white:是非不分。词典confuse right and wrong:混淆是非;是非不分;以白为黑;黑白颠倒。词典confuse truth and falsehood:是非不分;颠倒是非;不分是非。是非不分 汉英大词典是非不分[shì fēi bù fēn]fail to distingu can't t con confuse truth and falsehood是非不分 网络解释1. 1. It's black and it's white:You're wrong when it's right 顛三倒四 | It's black and it's white 是非不分 | We fight, we break up 從爭吵到分手2. 2. mata kotak:mandi kerbau 洗澡不干净 | mata kotak 是非不分 | mata petai 眼花是非不分 双语例句1. 你再是非不分的话,我们迟早要收拾你。&&&&If you confuse black and white any more, we`ll settle with you one of these days.2. 是非不分的意思2. 我对是非不分的女孩丝毫不感兴趣。&&&&I am simply not interested in a girl|who doesn`t know right from wrong.3. \u\u006E\u\u002E\u\u\u\u002E\uF\u006D3. 说错话了!我怎麼可以是非不分地劝&&&&Reasons. I wanted to weep, because I had said the4. 是非不分的解释4. 一些同志不了解问题的性质,认为这只是单纯的对待群众的问题,实际上,对方不只是一些是非不分的群众,还有一批造反派和大量的社会渣滓。&&&&Some comrades did not understand its nature and thought that we were only dealing with the masses.5. 他是非不分&&&&He can`t tell right from wrong.6. 他是非不分。&&&&He couldn't distinguish right from wrong.7. 当你狂热地崇拜一个人的时候,很容易就会受他的影响,会模仿他说话的语气,想法也会尽力向他靠拢,生活在他的影子里找不到自我,而且还可能会是非不分觉得他做得一切都是对的。&&&&When you fanaticism to worship one's time, it is easy to be under his influence, will imitate the tone of his words, the idea will be to move closer to him, living in his shadow, no self, and may not be right and wrong Points that he has done everything right.8. 8. 结果呢?一样冯京马凉不分,是非黑白不明,投机取巧的登龙成凤,找些跳梁小丑在舞台上大翻筋斗,然后美其名为『多元化社会』。&&&&They couldn`t tell right from wrong, black from white. The cunning ones took advantage of others to advance themselves, and recruited some clowns to perform their acrobatics on stage. Afterwards, they rationalized their actions with the term `Social Diversity`9. 调查分析显示,修养不够主要表现在是非不分、主仆易位、揽功诿过、懈怠自满、见利忘义、畏首畏尾、心浮气躁、领导乏术、媚上欺下、眼高手低等十个方面。这就要求从各个方面去加强。其途径是:理论武装、知识提高、实践锻炼&&&&Lnvestigation shows insufficient accomplishment mainly lies in no discrimination between right and wrong, the inversion of master and servant, pursuing merit and elbowing misdoings, laziness, promoting fame and money, uncertainty, flighty, and impatient, lacking leading art, flattery being fastidious...10. 再者是人口的负成长,许多年轻的夫妇视养儿育女为畏途,家庭中的儿女是宝,是父母心中的肉,是祖宗,对於孩子的要求,百依百顺,甚至有求必应,这对於是非善恶分辨能力薄弱的孩子,养成积非成是、善恶不分,难怪养成的孩子,像小螃蟹一样,横行霸道,这是国家、社会未来的隐忧,为人父母者应深思检讨,为人师者叹:师道难为。&&&&It is moreover that the population's defeat grows up, a lot of young married couple regard raising and educating women as the dangerous road, the children in the family are the treasure, and the meat in the love of parents, is the forefather, to the child's request, docile, even respond to every plea, this to good and evil resolution capability weak child, is it is it it becomes to be to accumulate to form, good and evil divide, the child that no wonder formed, like little crab, ride roughshod, this is the country, secret worry in the future of society, parents person should think deeply about and make a self-criticism, the teacher person sighs: The teacher embarrasses one.11. 他们必须学习一些新的工作方法,必须知道全世界正在进行着什么,而不致是非不分,真伪莫辨,这样才可理性地解决他们面对的问题。&&&&&&They must learn something about the new methods in working, must know that is going on all over the world, and not be blind to right and wrong, true and false, so that they may solve their problems reasonably.12. 灶王爷糖瓜吃多了,不分是非。&&&&&&Good thing is all posts are still there.13. b。在那个是非不分的年代,在那个国家陷入一片混乱而我正在努力重整破碎的生活时刻,我的女儿给了我一分理解。&&&&&&At a time when right and wrong canceled each other out, when the country was in chaos and I was struggling with the wreckage of my life, my daughter was my friend.14. 14. 那是个是非不分,国家动荡的年代,越战给我的身心留下了千疮百孔,而女儿成了我的朋友。&&&&&&At a time when right and wrong had canceled each other out, when the country was in chaos and I was struggling with the wreckage of my life, my daughter was my friend.15. 是非不分的意思15. 愚昧无知的车臣人并非是唯一的是非不分的牺牲者。&&&&&&The benighted Chechens were not the only victims of the amorality.16. 悲愤;痛恨:最为痛心的是自己是非不分,助纣为虐。&&&&&&Be concerned about, be solicitous about...17. 如果抛开承印质料的质度不谈,柔印机套印不确与非,首不后取决於不不安息者是非拔取了不分的不不不张力值。&&&&&&If you were to set aside the quality of the production materials, flexo printing machine overprinter accurate or not, first of all, depends upon the operator selects a suitable tension values.18. 我怎麽可以是非不分地劝说朋友,让她们放心,而一再又再地犯这个滔天大罪?&&&&&&How could I have advised my friends without distinguishing between right and wrong, and told them not to worry so they could commit such terrible offenses again and again?19. 19. 这两种文本世界特征建构了一个黑白不分、是非混淆的颠倒小说世界。&&&&&&It is observed that the two text world features construct an inverted fictional world in which everything is dislocated and upside-down.20. 20. 他们是非不分。&&&&&&They drew no distinction between right and wrong.是非不分是什么意思,是非不分在线翻译,是非不分什么意思,是非不分的意思,是非不分的翻译,是非不分的解释,是非不分的发音,是非不分的同义词,是非不分的反义词,是非不分的例句,是非不分的相关词组,是非不分意思是什么,是非不分怎么翻译,单词是非不分是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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