deliberate practiced有形容词吗

contemplate deliberate 的区别?
contemplate是(苦思,冥思,深思:重在think deeply)deliberate是(反复思考,重在在做决定前think carefully)
decent:得体的,体面的,正派的deliberate:深思熟虑的daring:大胆的,勇敢的dapper:neat and trim整齐的debonair:friendly有好的,友善的delicious:美味的(菜肴)decorous:decorum的形容词,得体的,彬彬有礼的definitive:决定性的deft:skillful,neat 灵巧的delectable:令人愉快的;美味的delightful:开心的demure:grave, serious, coy 端庄的,腼腆的(姑娘)/也有贬义 表达人假正经detached: 超然的公正的devout:pious虔诚的dexterous:灵活的didactic:teaching, intructional指导性的diligent:勤奋的discreet:言行谨慎的,用于形容与gossipy相反性格的人dignified:有威严的,有品格的discerning:mentally quick, having insight聪明的,有洞察力的dispassionate:calm, impartial冷静的,不带偏见的 ~ analysisdiverse:various, differing in some characteristics 多种多样的dogged:褒贬都有,一为subborn,一为determineddetermined: 坚定的(人的意志)droll: queer and amusing 离奇古怪的 形容story一类引人入胜ductile: malleable,flexible,pliable可塑的,有韧性的dulcet:sweet sounding悦耳的dutiful:respectful恭敬的durable:持久耐用的dramatic:除了戏剧化外还有生动的意思,a dramatic technique生动的方法drastic:激烈的;严厉的 可以作为正向词 drastic measures will have to be taken to restore orderdynamic:energetic, vigorously, active有活力的 其实d开头是贬义词多 因为有dis这个前缀通常都是负向反转意,我列举了以上有些褒义,带有我解释的中英翻译,希望对你有帮助~
adj. 故意的;深思熟虑的;从容的v. 仔细考虑;商讨
搭配:[+ act, attempt, policy, lie, effort, choice]
a deliberate act of sabotage
a deliberate attempt to portray them as law-breakers
He told his mother a deliberate lie.
搭配:[+ speech, movement]
stepping with deliberate slowness up the steep paths
With a slow, deliberate movement, he turned around to face us.
vi /d?'l?b??re?t/
They deliberated for three days before reaching a decision.
She deliberated over the decision for a long time before she made up her mind.
1.produced or marked by conscious design or premeditation
a studied smile
a note of biting irony and studied insult conscious design or purpose
intentional damage
a knowing attempt to defraud
a willful waste of time
3.with care and dignity
walking at the same measured pace
with all deliberate speed
4.marked by careful consideration or reflection
a deliberate decision
5.carefully thought out in advance
a calculated insult
with measured irony
They considered the possibility of a strike
Turn the proposal over in your mind
2.discuss the pros and cons of an issue
1.It is a deliberate action, often connected with battle and war.
2.I assure you it was not deliberate.
3.We made a deliberate decision to live apart for a while.
4.His quick recognitions made him frantically impatient of deliberate judgement.
5.Deliberate, heavy, slow-moving, he measured the wood.
这些动词均有“思考、判断、思索”之意。think一般用词,指开动脑筋形成看法或得出结论的脑力活动。不着重结论是否正确,见解是否有用。deliberate指缓慢、按部就班地作仔细而认真的思考或判断。meditate语气较强,指认真地长时间集中精力进行思考。muse通常指漫无目的地猜想。reason指根据资料、证据或事实进行推断,作出结论或判断的逻辑思维活动。reflect指回想或回顾,侧重认真而冷静地反复地思考某个问题,尤指对已发生事情的思索。 speculate指推论过程,隐含在证据不足的基础上作出推测或设想。
deliberate是什么意思 deliberate在线翻译 deliberate什么意思 deliberate的意思 deliberate的翻译 deliberate的解释 deliberate的发音 deliberate的同义词
deliberate英 [d?'l?b?r?t] 美 [d?'l?b?r?t] 第三人称单数:现在分词:过去分词:过去式:deliberate 基本解释形容词深思熟虑的; 故意的; 蓄意的; 慎重的及物动词权衡不及物动词熟虑; 商讨deliberate 同义词形容词动词deliberate 反义词deliberate的意思形容词deliberate的反义词deliberate 相关例句形容词1. His manner was quiet, his speech deliberate.&&&&他举止文静,说话审慎。2. He is deliberate in his speech.&&&&他说话从容不迫。3. He told us a deliberate lie.&&&&他存心说谎。及物动词1. 1. He deliberated the question before he made an answer.&&&&答复以前,他仔细地考虑了这个问题。不及物动词1. 1. They are deliberating upon what to do.&&&&他们在考虑该怎么办。deliberate 网络解释1. 考虑:我将慎重考虑(deliberate)在下几个月里将我的时间用在慈善及社区服务. 我将不限期地(indefinitely)不在(be away)香港娱乐界,没有设定期限 (no time refrain).2. 2. 熟虑:认知心理学家研究已经显示'''深思熟虑'''(deliberate)的实践是比简单的非结构实践来获取专家意见的一个更好方法. 最后,关于构建高质量的评估程序我们将不得不更多研究,例如,设计标准是什么,什么是最好方法来获得合并有来自定性和定量资源的信息?deliberate 双语例句1. By this curious turn of disposition I have gained the reputation of deliberate how undeserved, I alone can appreciate.&&&&由于我古怪的举止,我得了个冷酷无情的名声;多么冤枉啊,那只有我自己才能体会。2. 2. Lockwood gained the reputation of deliberate heartlessness because of his curious disposition&&&&洛克乌德先生又是如何因为他古怪的举止,得了个冷酷无情的名声。3. 3. Mr Baroni was very deliberate in his choices.&&&&巴罗尼经过慎重考虑后选择了这里。4. 4. Owing to the complexity of democratic reality, modern democracy needs not only representative system to insure public good, but also amateur communicative and deliberate process to generate legitimacy.&&&&由于民主现实的复杂性,当代民主制度既需要代议来有效保障公众的利益,也需要业余的传播、协商过程来生成正当性。5. The sort of pure exert oneself abandoned the call with vivid opposite and experience at deliberate of language character consider, it is education of do exercises in composition&&&&那种单纯地着力于语言文字斟酌推敲而放弃了对生活的召唤和体验,则是习作教学6. A deliberate mistake here or misleading information there, or even part answers on one page and the other parts on other pages next to totally unrelated sketches and writings.&&&&像是一个故意移漏的错误或误导人的资讯或分开在不同页与图面不相干的解答。7. Upon hearing this, the favoured also began to deliberate, saying: What I have been depending on was favour.&&&&亲者闻之,亦退而谋曰:`始我所恃者亲也,今上举义不辟亲2疏,然则我不可不为义。8. This is deliberate on the part of JPMorgan, which is attempting to encourage the development of a longevity derivatives market, for which a standardised index is necessary.&&&&在爱丁堡召开的一项养老金会议上,考夫兰解释道,有两种寿命风险:一般的人口统计学趋势,以及各计划具体的风险。9. If said misrepresentation can be shown to be deliberate, the marriage contract is also immoral.&&&&如果说这种误传可以被解释为故意的,那么婚姻契约就是邪恶的。10. 10. Next he bent his deliberate steps to Letitia.&&&&接着,他迈着小心翼翼的步伐去找利蒂霞。11. He used a very deliberate square-shouldered and guided walk - largely unnoticeable - to cover up the limp.&&&&&&他用一个非常蓄意平方米,肩负着引导城-主要是u nnoticeable-涵盖了跛行。12. Whatever you call them they are the result of either deliberate or accidental crossbreeding.&&&&&&不管你叫他们是因故意或偶然杂交改良。13. When she acts, she does so more out of her own deliberate intention than being compelled to take action by external forces.&&&&&&在本文中,女性的自我意识定义为:女性意识到自己作为一个独立的个体而存在,有自己的特性、价值、作用和使命。14. Set up a permanent council of national defence to deliberate and decide on national defence plans and strategy.&&&&&&设立经常的国防会议,讨论和决定国防计划和作战方针。15. 911查询·英语单词15. She had a limp, and they said it was deliberate, from coyness.&&&&&&她走路有点一瘸一拐,他们说这是因为她怕羞,故意这样的。16. deliberate是什么意思16. The deliberate universalism of these period films is at odds with the tone of Mizoguchi's 1950s films set in the present day.&&&&&&这些时代剧中刻意营造出的普世感,与沟口健二于五十年代创作的、背景被设定在现代的影片之基调有所不同。17. 17. We have made deliberate study of tho principles and means of implementing CSMS, the detection models and methods, and have discussed the difficulties of studying CSMS.&&&&&&深入研究了CSMS的实现原理、实现手段、检测模型和检测方法,讨论了现有CSMS存在的缺陷和研究难点。18. So, she was intensely annoyed when he dropped his masquerade and set out apparently upon a deliberate campaign to alienate Atlanta's good will.&&&&&&所以,当他一旦取下那个假面具、公然摆出架势来跟亚特兰大人的善意作对时,她便大为恼火了。19. It seems to have been a deliberate arrangement, warning people of the danger of lust.&&&&&&这似乎是个刻意的安排,来提醒人们色欲之危险。20. But the roofs were to be gleaming white, in deliberate contrast to the red-brown dark sprawl of Sydney, covered with ceramic tiles to catch and reflect the light, especially the fleeting colours of morning and evening.&&&&&&但是,房顶却要泛着粼粼的白,似乎有意要与悉尼滋蔓的棕红色的阴郁构成反差。顶上覆盖的片片瓷砖捕获着反射着那光,特别是晨曦与黄昏时那转瞬即逝的光彩。deliberate 词典解释The adjective is pronounced /d?'l?b?r?t/. The verb is pronounced /d?'l?b?re?t/. 形容词读作 /d?'l?b?r?t/。动词读作/d?'l?b?re?t/。1. 故意的;蓄意的;早有计划的&&&&If you do something that is deliberate, you planned or decided to do it beforehand, and so it happens on purpose rather than by chance.&&&&e.g. It has a deliberate policy to introduce world art to Britain...&&&&&&&&&&&它在政策上有意识地将世界艺术介绍给英国。&&&&e.g. Witnesses say the firing was deliberate and sustained.&&&&&&&&&&&目击者说枪击是蓄意而且持续的。deliberatelyIt looks as if the blaze was started deliberately...看起来似乎是有人蓄意纵火。Mr Christopher's answer was deliberately vague.克里斯托弗先生故意回答得含糊其词。2. 从容的;不慌不忙的;审慎的;小心翼翼的&&&&If a movement or action is deliberate, it is done slowly and carefully.&&&&e.g. His movements were gentle and deliberate.&&&&&&&&&&&他举止文雅而从容。&&&&e.g. ...stepping with deliberate slowness up the steep paths.&&&&&&&&&&&小心翼翼地沿着陡峭的小路慢慢往上走deliberatelyThe Japanese have acted calmly and deliberately.日本人表现得冷静而审慎。3. (尤指作出重大决定前)慎重考虑,仔细思考&&&&If you deliberate, you think about something carefully, especially before making a very important decision.&&&&e.g. She deliberated over the decision for a long time before she made up her mind...&&&&&&&&&&&她慎重考虑了好久才下定决心作出这一决定。&&&&e.g. The six-person jury deliberated about two hours before returning with the verdict...&&&&&&&&&&&6人陪审团认真商议了约两个小时后作出了裁定。deliberate 单语例句1. It was a deliberate move to launch business relations with the West.2. The man asked the shop in question to refund part of the money, alleging a " suspected act of deliberate fraudulence ".3. Preliminary investigation by the police and work safety authority has ruled out the possibility of deliberate sabotage.4. She ruled on Monday that she would not call a jury to deliberate on the case.5. He told a regular press conference that the incident was an individual deliberate case and the investigation was ongoing.6. Players also can be penalized under the hindrance rule, if the chair umpires believe it's deliberate and creates an advantage.7. In the present circumstances to keep pushing measures already proven ineffective is not only silly but indeed borders on deliberate chicanery.8. The Beijing conference in November is expected to deliberate on how to clear the way to technology development and transfer.9. Rodgers said referee Andre Marriner clearly felt the handball was not deliberate and it was not down to Suarez to intervene.10. As you deliberate how to tell the person without embarrassment, the clock stops once another colleague joins your party.deliberate 英英释义verb1. discuss the pros and cons of an issue&&&&Synonym: 2. think about carefully&&&&weigh&&&&e.g. They considered the possibility of a strike&&&&&&&&&&&Turn the proposal over in your mind&&&&Synonym: adj1. unhurried and with care and dignity&&&&e.g. walking at the same measured pace&&&&&&&&&&&with all deliberate speed&&&&Synonym: 2. carefully thought out in advance&&&&e.g. a calculated insult&&&&&&&&&&&with measured irony&&&&Synonym: deliberate是什么意思,deliberate在线翻译,deliberate什么意思,deliberate的意思,deliberate的翻译,deliberate的解释,deliberate的发音,deliberate的同义词,deliberate的反义词,deliberate的例句,deliberate的相关词组,deliberate意思是什么,deliberate怎么翻译,单词deliberate是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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