
一、单项选择题(45道小题,共55分)1、available(1分)A、合理的B、感激的C、吸引人的D、可得到的2、compete(1分)A、依赖B、建议C、申请 D、竞争3、ability(1分)A、压力B、目标C、能力D、体制4、focus on (1分)A、联系 B、集中C、写下 D、鉴于5、be similar to
B、因…而文明C、在…前面 D、与…竞争6、比较/对比 (1分)A、describeB、compareC、improveD、assume7、交流(1分)A、concernB、complainC、communicateD、consider8、环境
(1分)A、equipmentB、elementC、entranceD、environment9、一般地 (1分)A、in generalB、in common C、in large partD、in comfort10、捐赠/分发(1分)A、in additionB、at least C、give awayD、call in11、______ you may think, I’m going ahead with my plans.(1分)A、WhateverB、WhatC、ThatD、Although12、One of our ______ is to always use the material of the best quality.(1分)A、theoriesB、logicC、principlesD、forms13、I
______, I rarely go to concerts.(1分)A、in additionB、howeverC、whereverD、therefore14、As director of the company, I can’t ______ three weeks away from work.(1分)A、affordB、carryC、costD、pay15、The weather in Guilin is ______ that in San Francisco.(1分)A、the same asB、similar withC、sameD、similar to16、For me, it is not ______ for the bus for half an hour.(1分)A、worth waitingB、worthy waitingC、worth waitD、worth to wait17、Other things ______ equal, iron heats up faster than aluminum(铝).(1分)A、beB、beingC、isD、are18、He suggested ______ to tomorrow’s exhibition together.(1分)A、us to goB、we wentC、we shall goD、we go19、Many of the same techniques were applied ______ the solution of industrial, scientific and medical problems.(1分)A、withinB、toC、forD、at20、I want to buy a new tie to ______ this brown suit.(1分)A、go intoB、go afterC、go withD、go by21、The fireman reached the top floor ______ a long water pipe.(1分)A、with the purpose ofB、on account of
C、by means ofD、in the course of22、Whether they can finish the task before this Friday depends on which method they will ______ to the experiment.(1分)A、adaptB、adoptC、addD、address23、______ these measures, Chinese government also tried their best to reduce the price of it. (1分)A、Addition toB、In additionC、AdditionallyD、In addition to24、Some research workers completely ______ all those facts as though they never existed.(1分)A、ignoreB、leaveC、refuseD、miss25、He ______ in Beijing since he was five years old.(1分)A、wasB、has beenC、had stayedD、had been26、He suggested _______.(1分)A、to hire a carB、of hiring a car C、we hired a carD、our hiring a car27、_________, she can use computer quite well.(1分)A、SinceB、As time goes onC、As soon asD、As long as28、We got into a violent _____ about whether to go by sea or by air.(1分)A、opinionB、argumentC、hesitationD、doubt29、The government is ______ ways to decrease coal use by increasing the supply of natural gas.(1分)A、seekingB、improvingC、checkingD、ensuring30、I called on him prior ______ my departure.(1分)A、ofB、toC、withD、at31、Heˊll ______ his nervousness once he’s on stage.(1分)A、get away B、get offC、get throughD、get over.32、He said he had great ______ she would do the right thing.(1分)A、knowledgeB、understandingC、confidenceD、dependence33、One meter ______ 1,000 millimeters.(1分)A、equal toB、is equaledC、equalsD、equals with34、Iˊll buy a new watch ______ late next time.(1分)A、not so as to beB、as not to be so
C、so as not to beD、so as to be not35、Most of my income ______ working as a salesgirl in the shop.(1分)A、comes intoB、comes fromC、comes aboutD、comes back36、When can you get the book ______ into Chinese?(1分)A、translateB、translatedC、translatingD、to be translated37、Each year we waste tons of paper, and ______ for many years.(1分)A、does soB、have done soC、had done soD、did so38、Beijing desires to give the world a good ______ during the Olympic Games. (1分)A、excitementB、impressionC、interestD、record39、It is not ______ for me to return all the books to the library now because I still need some of them for my research.(1分)A、continuousB、difficultC、convenientD、sufficient40、______ is worth doing is worth doing well.(1分)A、ThatB、WhatC、ThoseD、Which41、我们必须要好好准备下个星期的英语期末考试。(3分)A、We must prepare good for our English final examination in the next week.B、We must prepare good for the next week our English final examination.C、We must prepare well for our English final examination in the next week.D、We must prepare well for the next week our English final examination.42、我不喜欢网上聊天,因为浪费时间。(3分)A、I don’t like chatting on line, because it is a waste of time.B、I ’m not like to chatting on line, because it is a waste of time.C、I don’t like to chatting on line, because a waste of time.D、I ’m not like to chatting on line, because a waste of time.43、他声称已经十天没有吸烟了。(3分)A、He announced that he didn’t smoke for ten days.B、He announced that he had abstained from smoking for ten days.C、He announced that he had abstained from smoke for ten days.D、He announced that he didn’t smoking for ten days.44、Men usually like to speak about things in a very direct, factual manner, while women, on the other hand, like to talk on and on, exploring a given topic.(3分)A、男人通常以一种间接的、实事求是的习惯谈论事情;而女人则相反,喜欢一直地讲下去,深入地讨论一个话题。B、男人通常喜欢以一种直接的、实事求是的举止谈论事情;而女人则喜欢不停地讲下去,深入地探测一个话题。C、男人通常以一种间接的、实事求是的态度举止事情;而女人则喜欢一直地讲下去,深入地探测同一个主题。D、男人通常喜欢以一种直接的、实事求是的态度谈论事情;而女人则相反,喜欢不停地讲下去,深入地探讨同一个主题。45、By listening and copying those around him, he becomes very skilled at the language,long before he learns reading or writing.(3分)A、通过不断地聆听和跟随他周围的人,他在学会阅读和写字之后就已经能熟练地使用语言了。B、通过不断地聆听和模仿他周围的人,他在学会阅读和写字之前就已经能熟练地使用语言了。C、通过不断地倾听和模仿他周围的人,他在学会阅读和写字之后就已经能熟练地使用语言了。D、通过不断地倾听和模仿他周围的人,他在学会阅读和写字之前在语言上就已经变得很熟练了。 二、阅读理解(3道小题,共30分)
A team of archaeologists (考古学家) has gone to New Mexico to look for proof of one of the greatest stories of the 20th century: the UFO crash at Roswell.
William Foleman, an archaeologist at the University of New Mexico, agreed to excavate (发掘) the site where the UFO supposedly crashed in 1947.
What exactly happened on the site is unclear. In 1947, a young man discovered some debris (碎片) on the field. After investigating the crash, the US Army
they had recovered a “fly disc”.
Several hours later, an Air Force general announced that the crash was caused by a weather balloon again. The field was closed off for several
military cleaned up the site.
Believers claim that the military found a crashed UFO, along with several dead bodies at the site. This story has inspired countless books, movies and TV
no one has been able to find any evidence to support it.
In 1997, the Air Force said the weather balloon story was made up and that the military was actually conducting a crash-test program with balloons.
But Foleman isn’t so sure. While he says he’s “Still uncertain” about UFOs, he knows that “something happened in July 1947”.1. Some people believe a UFO ______ at Roswell. A) Landed B) flew C) crashed D) disappeared2. An archaeologist went to the site to look for ______. A) Answers B) evidence C) aliens D) fossils3. In 1947 some debris (残骸) was found ______. A) in a field B) in a park C) in a house D) on a military base4. The Air Force said the debris had come from a(an) ______. A) plane B) car C) explosion D) weather balloon5. In 1997, the Air Force said their original story was ______. A) False B) true C) unclear D) exaggerated (夸张的)
Doctors have known for a long time that extremely loud noises can cause hearing damage or loss. The noise can be the sound of a jet airplane or machines in
or loud music or other common sounds found at home and at work.
A person only needs to hear the noise for little more than one second to be affected.
An American scientist had found that using aspirin could increase the temporary hearing loss or damage from loud noise. He did an
male students at a university who all had normal hearing. He gave them different amounts of aspirin for different periods of time, and then he tested
He found that students who were given four grams of aspirin a day for two days suffered much greater temporary hearing loss than those who did not use aspirin. The hearing
loss was about twice as great.
The scientist said millions of persons in the United States use much larger amounts of aspirin than were used in the study. He said these persons face a serious danger of suffering hearing loss from loud noises.1. Doctors have long known that ______. A) one’s hearing damage or loss has nothing to do with a loud noise B) hearing damage or loss can be caused by extremely loud noises. C) loud music are not harmful to the ear D) common sounds at home are not harmful to the ear2. This passage suggests that the noise can be ______. A) the sound of a jet air plane B) loud music C) the sound of machines in factories D) all of the above3. According to this passage, one conclusion you can draw is that aspirin ______. A) should never be taken more than four grams daily B) can damage one’s hearing when given more than four grams daily C) makes hearing damage from loud noise worse D) increases hearing loss by three times4. Millions of Americans are in danger of suffering hearing loss because they ______. A) often take jet airplanes on trips B) like listening to loud music C) are drowned in loud noises D) take too much aspirin5. The purpose of the experiment the American scientist did was to find ______. A) how much aspirin would affect a person’s hearing B) how much aspirin should be given for the patients with hearing problem C) whether the person who had hearing damage should use aspirin D) whether aspirin would increase the temporary hearing damage
James is a middle-aged New York builder. He’s lonely. Just like everyone else, James needs human contact from time to time, and he’s
(拥抱) parties.
New York can be a terrible place: it has a high murder rate and some seriously disturbed people living in it. But James says he’s comfortable at
apartment with twenty strange people. The floor of the “cuddle zone” is soon covered with complete strangers snuggling (依偎) and cuddling, but that’s as far as it goes.
Cuddle parties are the latest trend for lonely, isolated city folks who want to meet people and become safely intimate. The safety comes from rules before you come, bring clean clothes, ask permission before you cuddle, and keep your clothes on. “We have ‘cuddle lifeguards’ to make sure everyone sticks to the rules,
The lifeguards make sure nobody gets out of line, and everyone goes home feeling better than when they arrived.
Once the cuddle party is in full swing, people are soon crawling on top of one another, stretching out like dogs ready for a nap.
idea “might seem a little odd” at first. But research has shown that being touched by other people helps reduce stress and can help sick people heal faster.1. According to the passage, which of the following about James is true? A) He is old B) He is rich and happy. C) He constructs buildings. D) He has established cuddle parties.2. What is the relationship among people at the cuddle parties? A) They are friends. B) They are relatives. C) They are lovers. D) They do not know each other.3. What do people do at the cuddle zone? A) They talk and cuddle. B) They snuggle and hug. C) They cuddle and take off their clothes. D) They cuddle and kiss.4. What should “cuddle lifeguards” make sure? A) Everyone being cuddled should be glad to do so. B) People should not make friends in the parties. C) Strangers should not cuddle each other. D) People can get out of line.5. From the passage, we can infer that _______. A) people in New York feel especially lonely B) New York is a terrible city to live in C) some Americans consider cuddling people they do not know a strange action at first. D) being touched by strangers does no good to human health 三、应用文写作(1道小题,共15分)Directions:
Chinese below: 影讯4月15日(星期五)晚上七点半,我校大礼堂放映英国电影《雾都孤儿》,英语原声,汉语字幕。票价2元,售票地点:礼堂售票处。外国语学院4月13日Words for reference: 雾都孤儿 Oliver T
字幕 subtitle
先来张吊的。 --来自Lum...
保存至快速回贴有谁会做这道long service leave的题目,急!求大虾们急救!Australasia Ltd started operating on 1 July 2010 with 12 employees. Three years later all of those employees were still with the company. On 1 July 2012 the company hired 15 more pe_百度作业帮
有谁会做这道long service leave的题目,急!求大虾们急救!Australasia Ltd started operating on 1 July 2010 with 12 employees. Three years later all of those employees were still with the company. On 1 July 2012 the company hired 15 more pe
有谁会做这道long service leave的题目,急!求大虾们急救!Australasia Ltd started operating on 1 July 2010 with 12 employees. Three years later all of those employees were still with the company. On 1 July 2012 the company hired 15 more people but by 30 June 2013 only 10 of those employed at the beginning of that year were still employed by Australasia Ltd.All employees are entitled to 13 weeks’ long-service leave after a conditional period of 10 years of employment with Australasia Ltd. At 30 June 2013 Australasia Ltd estimates the following:• the aggregate annual salaries of all employees hired on 1 July 2010 is $600 000;• the aggregate annual salaries of all current employees hired on 1 July 2012 is $400 000;• the probability that employees hired on 1 July 2010 will continue to be employed for the duration of the conditional period is 40 and• the probability that employees hired on 1 July 2012 will continue to be employed for the duration of the conditional period is 20 per cent. Salaries are expected to increase indefinitely at 1 per cent per annum.The interest rates on high-quality corporate bonds are as follows: At 30 June 2012 the provision for long-service leave was $6000.Required(a) Calculate the total accumulated long-service leave benefit as at 30 June 2013.(b) What amount should be reported for the long-service leave provision as at 30 June 2013 in accordance with AASB 119?(c) Prepare the journal entry for the provision for long-service leave for 30 June 2013 in accordance with AASB 119.(d) Calculate the interest cost component of the change in the long-service leave provision for 2013.
(10+5+5+5=25 marks)
254ty5r gh rbhtrhgtr这个谁会做?_百度知道


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