
Create standout photos with a comprehensive set of powerful but easy-to-use editing tools. Choose Enhance to improve your photo with just a click. Use a filter to instantly give it a new look. Or use new Smart Sliders to quickly edit like a pro even if you’re a beginner. Smart Sliders intelligently adjust multiple elements of your photo at once — so it’s easier than ever to lighten a dark image, get the color just right, or create a beautiful black and white.
Photos makes it simple to apply more advanced adjustments to your image. You can make precise edits by enabling the histogram, adjusting levels, adding definition, and more. You can even add a vignette for a final artistic touch.
Click through these editing tools to see how they work:
Perfect your exposure, finesse highlights and shadows, adjust contrast, and more.
Make your photo stand out by adjusting saturation, color contrast, and color cast.
Add some drama by taking the color out. Fine-tune intensity and tone, or add grain for a film-quality black-and-white effect.
Adjust midtones, highlights, and shadows to perfect the tonal balance in your photo.
Choose between Neutral Gray, Skin Tone, and Temperature/Tint options to make colors in your photo warmer or cooler.
Increase image clarity by adjusting the definition slider.
Add shading to the edges of your photo to highlight a powerful moment.
Download third-party editing extensions from the Mac App Store to add filters, texture effects, use retouching tools, reduce noise, and more.
When you’ve made an edit, you can quickly compare it to the original by pressing the M key. If you don’t like how it looks, simply revert to your original shot.
Make your photo stand out by adjusting saturation, color contrast, and color cast.
Add some drama by taking the color out. Fine-tune intensity and tone, or even add grain for a film-quality black-and-white effect.
Adjust midtones, highlights, and shadows to perfect the tonal balance in your photo.
Choose between Neutral Gray, Skin Tone, and Temperature/Tint options to make colors in your photo warmer or cooler.
Increase image clarity by adjusting the definition slider.
Add shading to the edges of your photo to highlight a powerful moment.
Download third-party editing extensions from the Mac App Store to add filters, texture effects, use retouching tools, reduce noise, and more.
When you’ve made an edit, you can quickly compare it to the original by pressing the M key. If you don’t like how it looks, simply revert to your original shot.
With just a click, you can add a filter to make a photo pop. Click through eight built-in filters to audition a look and choose the one you like best.
Use the Share menu to easily share photos via iCloud Photo Sharing and AirDrop. Or send photos to your favorite photo sharing destinations, such as Facebook and Twitter. You can also customize the menu and share directly to other compatible sites that offer sharing extensions.
Making special gifts for loved ones is easier than ever with Photos. Simple tools and new Apple-designed themes help you create beautiful photo books, cards, calendars, and prints that your friends and family will always cherish.
Fresh new designs and streamlined tools make it easy to build beautiful custom photo books. Add full-bleed, two-page spreads and include your own captions, maps, and more. You can create square books in new 10-by-10-inch or 8-by-8-inch sizes.
Order gorgeous prints of the iPhone panoramas you’ve taken. Just choose Auto-Sized to print your photos with no cropping in sizes up to 36 inches wide. Or choose from a variety of new square sizes.Move to iOS – Apple 官方推出 Android 迁移应用[Android]
Move to iOS – Apple 官方推出 Android 迁移应用[Android]
1.50 / 5 5
数据将通过由 iPhone 或者 iPad 创建的 Wi-Fi 网络传输,并且需要在新的或者重置后的 iOS 设备上选择“从安卓设备转移数据”:
不够,Move to iOS 刚刚推出了两天,在 Google Play 上的评价已经成了这样,好有趣…
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: 不小心点上个H同人音声就有趣了: @JayJames 需要设置里手动打开office文件的支持: 这个软件真心不错,提两个意见,
第一个就是是不是考虑支持下第三方的资源管理器?比如directory opus、total commander这类的,不需要嵌入进去,只需要提供个调用的方式,比如讲文件路径传给主程序,就可以弹出预览窗口,这样就可以很方便地给第三方的资源管理器提供支持了。
第二个就是doc格式支持不太好,弹窗无法打开,我装的是office 2016: @corey 一个是预览office的文件没法实现只能看到文件名称大小修改时间等等属性,已装office2013 64位,另外一个问题txt使用utf8编码的都会乱码,ansi正常: @corey
一个是预览office的文件没法实现,已装office2013 64位,另外一个问题txt使用utf8编码的都会乱码,ansi正常: @corey office预览(word excel)只能看到文件名称大小修改时间等等属性,不能看到内容,这个能解决么?: “精生之道”是何意?
传说中的小众软件 这里分享免费、小巧、实用、有趣、绿色的软件。
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商业网站或未授权媒体不得复制本站内容。Apple Watch屏幕尺寸是多少?分辨率是多少? – 京东商城
Apple Watch屏幕尺寸是多少?分辨率是多少?
更新: 14:55:24
摘要:Apple Watch目前拥有1.5英寸和1.65英寸两种大小,大小分别为38毫米和42毫米,其中对应有Apple Watch、Apple Watch Sport、Apple Watch Edition三个版本。
Apple Watch屏幕尺寸是多少?分辨率是多少?Apple Watch屏幕尺寸是多少Apple Watch目前拥有1.5英寸和1.65英寸两种大小,大小分别为38毫米和42毫米,其中对应有Apple Watch、Apple Watch Sport、Apple Watch Edition三个版本。 针对Apple Watch的屏幕尺寸是多少的问题,手表机身内部安装了TAPTIC引擎,并引入了全新的Apple S1处理器,帮助Apple Watch独立完成各项任务,Apple S1是苹果为Apple Watch量身打造的一款芯片,将许多子系统集成到一个极为紧凑的模块中,然后使用树脂将其完全密封,以保护电子元件免受撞击、磨损和其他组件的干扰。另外Apple Watch还拥有独立的机身存储、微型麦克风和WiFi模块,机身存储可以存放更多音乐,WiFi则可以用来拨打电话并与其他设备相连。同样Apple Watch是一款防水产品,你可以在水下或者洗澡时使用,但苹果并没有提供防水级别和具体的防水深度。Apple Watch分辨率是多少Apple Watch分辨率是320*640。 Apple Watch是一台独立的设备,它可以完成大部分iPhone完成的内容,比如调用Siri、打电话等,按下数码表冠下方的按钮进入 &朋友& 界面,在这里你会看到常用联系人的缩略图。轻点其中一个,就能发送信息,拨打电话。Apple Watch的屏幕尺寸是多少的问题总结。也可以利用Apple Watch查阅短信、邮件并直接回复表情。由于Apple Watch配备Digital Touch 功能,你就可以 “腕对腕&”地联系其他Apple Watch用户,比如分享心跳信息、即兴作画传给对方等。以上词条内容均来源网络,均系原作者观点及所有,仅供参考,不代表京东立场,感谢您对京东的支持。


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