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大家谁能帮我看看这句话又没有什么语法错误Russia has the secong largest population of these seven countries,220 million,but emission of carbon dioxide per capita is lower than brazil,which the population is only 125 billion.这句
大家谁能帮我看看这句话又没有什么语法错误Russia has the secong largest population of these seven countries,220 million,but emission of carbon dioxide per capita is lower than brazil,which the population is only 125 billion.这句话有语法错误吗?如果russia的emission of carbon dioxide per capita是0.9ton.该如何加到这句话里
话没错也可以这样Russia,with a population of 220million,is the second largest of these seven countries.However,the emission of carbon dioxide per capita is only 0.9ton,which is lower than that of Brazil,with a population of only 125 million.


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