老表 你好hea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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> Hello me!
正在播放:Hello me!
Hello me! 歌词
所属专辑:Best Friend
歌曲:Hello me! mp3
《Hello me! Mizrock》歌词
&你好[nǐ hǎo] 这是一个,请在下列中选择浏览(共5个义项)如果想提出功能问题或意见建议,请到;如果您要 举报侵权或违法信息,请到;其他问题请访问Meet Sense
The first system for understanding your sleep and bedroom
Sense is a simple system that tracks your sleep, monitors the surroundings in your bedroom and reinvents the alarm, so you can sleep better.
Sense sits on your bedside table and combines the insight of your sleep patterns with the data of the environment in your bedroom, including noise, light, temperature, humidity and particles in the air. When you know what helps or hinders your sleep, you can fix it.
And Sense's Smart Alarm will wake you up in the morning at the right point in your sleep cycle, to avoid that tired feeling we all hate so much.
Available with free iPhone and Android applications.
Learn more about Sense's
You're asleep.It's working.
Sense comes with a little device called a Sleep Pill. It simply attaches to your pillow and invisibly tracks your sleep at night. Sense knows when you're falling asleep, soundly asleep, thrashing about, or waking up. Everything.
All this is possible with the highly sensitive accelerometer and gyroscope inside the Sleep Pill, which clips discretely, and securely, onto your pillow.
Understand the most important roomin your life
We spend a third of our lives in our bedroom. It has such a huge impact on our sleep and therefore our lives, but we hardly even think about it.
Sense's high precision sensors are able to identify noise - in you pick up o monitor temperature and and see particulates in the air such as dust and pollen.
Sense emits a beautiful glow showing the condition of your room either just before you go to sleep or when you wave your hand over. Stop being in the dark about the most important room of your life.
Wake up feeling refreshed, not tired
We all have a natural sleep cycle, but a normal alarm will wake you up regardless of when's best for you. Sense's Smart Alarm knows the right time to wake you up, so you will feel alert and refreshed.
If you want to be up by 9:30am, but you're already half awake at 9:17am, then your alarm should go off then, not wait for you to fall deeper into sleep and force you awake later feeling terrible.
Sense does this by watching your natural sleep cycle and sensing when you’re in light sleep, not deep sleep.
Your personal Sleep Score
Each night Sense calculates your Sleep Score. This score takes into account all of the sensor data and variables that Sense monitors to generate a score out of 100 for your previous night.
It looks at both the environment of your bedroom, such as disturbances during the night or whether your room was too bright for an ideal night’s rest, as well as how you actually slept yourself.
Ships in February 2015. You won't be charged until your order ships.
Read more on你好!2012_图片频道_新华网
| 责任编辑:
这是新华社记者日在英国伦敦议会大厦前拍摄的光绘“2012”,表达对2012新年的祝福。 新华社记者曾毅摄


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