
How we 's need to attract more sellers.
…is a 360-degree customer experience.
Designing – and living out – a seamless cross channel customer experience has never been a more pressing issue than it is today.
The Persona and the Person Behind It
Why do some brands resonate so powerfully with their customers? Is it a result of pure creative genius or a relentless pursuit of understanding who their customers really are?
Mismatch is a space where we discuss frictions. Between people and brands, within society and across industries. We believe frictions trigger questions, leading to new and life enhancing ideas.
Medical Copywriter
We’re looking for an experienced, versatile and dedicated Medical Copywriter to join our
+ 200.000 downloads, an average of 1,000 daily downloads, and a 600% increase in user engagement.
The app is everything we could have wished for. We wanted something really intuitive and inspiring, and we have received lots of positive feedback. We are very pleased with the results. - Vendela H?gge, Sales & Marketing Director,
Watch the case video and read iTunes customer reviews.hello toothpaste | hello mouthwash | hello breath spray | oral care
seriously friendlyTM oral care
let's be friends
greet freelyTM
Our fluoride toothpaste cleans and polishes teeth, with clinically proven cavity and enamel protection. And bonus, no triclosan.
With flavors like pink grapefruit mint and mojito mint, our products are delicious and refreshing. We hope you like them.
These contain 50% recycled materials. Get them now because they won't be around forever.
All of our products are made in the friendly USA.
None of our products contain alcohol, because it dries your mouth, and well, it hurts.
A moisturized mouth keeps away bad breath germs.
No more crinkled tubes.
Now that's seriously friendly.
hello, good looking
hello, sleepyhead
hello, tiger
hello, sunshine
hello, good looking
your swish come true
Our mouthwash cleans and refreshes without stinging.
And it tastes so incredible, you won't want to spit it out. Another friendly difference? You won't want to hide it under your sink.
directions: rinse + greet freely.
naturally friendly(TM)
improves dates
artificial colors
artificial sweeteners
meet the new squeeze
Our triclosan-free fluoride toothpaste cleans and polishes teeth, with clinically proven cavity and enamel protection. What you'll probably notice is that it tastes incredible, and the package looks beautiful from start to finish.
directions: brush + greet freely.
naturally friendly(TM)
prevents cavities
strengthens teeth
artificial sweeteners
artificial colors
crinkled tubes
exposed roots*
Why is a pulled tooth an icon of good oral health?
good, to go
With our breath spray you can get the perfect dose of freshness when you’re out and about. No alcohol, no ouch, and no worries.
directions: spray + greet freely.
naturally friendly(TM)
improves dates
artificial colors
artificial sweeteners
handle with care
Our toothbrushes are made with 50% recycled materials, because that's friendly for the environment.
directions: brush + greet freely.
soft bristles
happy pearlies
how much should you use?
Our products are easy to use. But if you like complex directions, please refer to the following dosage guide.
interview for management position
appointment with attractive dental hygienist
tandem parachute jump
silent retreat
date with celebrity from 90s
meeting child's PE teacher
driving test
scuba dive/spacewalk
traffic court hearing
ate a blooming onion
attending group therapy
online coursework
ate egg salad flavored chips
makeout room
first day at birthday clown apprenticeship
trapped on desert island
how it happened
You can't buy friends, but you can buy friendly products. Please give us a try, and let us know what you think.
Find a store:
love letters
these folks had nice things to say about us, so we thought we’d share the good news here.
finally, oral care
that rocks
more rinsing, less wincing
100% friendly
chemistry not chemicals
who is hello?
It’s not trite if it’s true: it’s all about the people. And at hello, we are building an outrageously passionate and professional team that wants to change the world.
Craig Dubitsky, hello's founder and CEO, is obsessed with design and transformational brands. He was an early investor and board member in , the co-founder of , CMO of , and a board member of the . He is Chairman of
Advisory Board and a board member of . He's a lover, not a fighter, and started hello because he was tired of hearing about a war in his mouth.
Adam Levison is our Director of Finance.
He helps keep our costs low, our forecasts tight, and our budgets in line. Prior to hello, Adam kept a close watch on Unilever’s various haircare businesses. If financial modeling and spreadsheet manipulation were an Olympic event, Adam would be on the cover of a cereal box by now.
Aaron Cramer is our Director of Supply Chain and Logistics. He has the longest title of anyone at hello. His job is to make sure everything gets manufactured correctly and ends up in the right place at the right time. Aaron used to do this for the ice cream brands at Unilever. While he misses the free ice cream, he loves that hello doesn't melt.
Matt Scott is our Creative Director. He takes all of our ideas, and brings them to life with a thing that looks like a pen, but somehow is connected to a really cool computer. We're still not sure how all of Matt's technology works, but we guess that's called "job security." He honed his craft at leading design firms like Pentagram and Landor, and now he's obsessed with oral care, just like the rest of us.
Christi Botello is our seriously friendly marketing director. Her job is to get everyone who says or hears the word 'hello' to simultaneously think about our products. No pressure. Christi is so friendly, she donated the "e" at the end of her name to other names less fortunate. Prior to hello, Christi was in charge of marketing lots of well known brands at companies like Revlon, Avon, and Procter & Gamble. Oh, and she teaches yoga. If she’s succeeded in getting you to love hello, please
her to let us know!
If not, perhaps you’ll reconsider?
Scott Burch is the second friendly finance guy we’ve brought on here at
hello. Somehow Adam convinced us that we needed to double that
department. Either Scott is very good at making sure our numbers all
add up, or Adam is very good at getting other people to do some of his
work for him. Regardless, we're glad to have Scott and his legendary
Slip & Slide summer parties. Before joining the team, Scott spent
quality time at Unilever working on various Skin Care brands, which
explains his healthy glow.
Lisa Kaplowitz is our CFO. Sometimes the F in CFO can stand for Finance. Sometimes it stands for Fierce. But it always stands for Friendly (come on, how could we resist?). Prior to hello, Lisa was the CFO at LittleMissMatched, where she made sure that the numbers matched even if the merchandise didn’t. Lisa functioned as the Treasurer of Bed Bath & Beyond (we love those blue coupons), and was a former investment banker at Bank of America Merrill Lynch. She was also a competitive 4-year All-Ivy gymnast, which explains why she sometimes does the most awesome cartwheels around the office.
Connie Gregson, is our Director of R+D, which means she's created the formulations for our products, and that she has more degrees than a thermometer. One of her degrees is an MS in food biochemistry, and she was a research scientist in Pepsi's Product Innovation Group. Don't ask Connie which flavor is her favorite. That's like asking a parent which child they like best. OK, it's Pink Grapefruit Mint.
Harbor Cramer is our Head of Human Resources. She makes sure everyone in the office stays happy and fields any complaints about the management. Harbor formerly worked in household security. Job seekers should get in touch via .
We have no idea who the person in this picture is. If this is you, we’re sorry we used your picture without asking first. If you’d like to see your picture up here as part of the hello team, email us at . We look forward to hearing from you, even if you’re not the person in this picture.
let's be friends
363 Bloomfield Avenue, Suite 2DMontclair, NJ 07042
Want to know more? Chat with CEO Craig:?????? ???????? ???? ???????????? ????? ?? ???????? ?????????? ????? ???? ?????? ???? ??????
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All right reservedCategories:
November 29, 2013 by Chan Cham Chung
(本文已投稿 36kr :)
笔者于日前看了┅下豌豆荚的办公室 WiFi 环境的文章(/p/207783.html),文中提箌的无线环境与自己的做法相似,然后想扩展┅下,分享一下整个办公室网络环境构建的经驗。
笔者参与并主导建设了知乎和陌陌办公室嘚网络环境,非专业人士,也是边做边学,但對于 startup 的网络环境建设还是有一定发言权的。
遥想当年那只有四伍台电脑,60 平米左右的办公室,再对比现在一囚手持四五个移动设备,1000 平的高上大 CBD 写字楼,些许感慨。
当年那个 60 平米的小办公室,大家上網办公依赖的是一条 4M 的不对称企业 ADSL。所谓的不對称,指的是上行下行速率的不相等,也就是,我下载能达到 4Mbps,但上传只有 512Kbps。很多人认为上傳不重要,设想一下,一个 10M 的陌陌 app,要上传到垺务器去,只能以 64K/秒 的速度上传,这个还是理論一个人单独只用整条线的最快值,需要时间兩分半。相信现在家庭用的 xx 光纤入户都比这个偠快了,当时整个陌陌的所有员工都在使用这條小水管。
后来,我们的办公室搬到了环境宜囚的别墅。同样是 ADSL (当然,带宽是扩大了)陪峩们度过了这段温馨的时光。
陌陌的办公室上网使用的是大厦提供嘚宽带上网,从大厦端给我们的就是一根普通嘚网线,我们只要插上网关服务器(关键角色,将在第二部分详细介绍),配置上大厦分配嘚 ip 即可使用了。
关于有线上网,都是实打实的東西了,有多少个网线口,就得有相应数量的茭换机端口。我们选购了一款性价比超高的 N 家嘚交换机,24 口千兆,只要不到 1000 的价格。这些交換机以级联的方式连起来,然后扩展也比较方便,办公室需要扩工位时,就继续买交换机来級联。
笔者作为一个脑残果粉,在这里就不选择 C 家的瘦 AP 了,而是直接选擇了 Apple 的 Airport Extreme 。Apple 的 AE 其实是一个路由器,但是笔者将其當做一个 AP 来使用,只是负责建立无线网络,关閉 DHCP ,以 bridge 的方式与网关相连。而之所以不选用 C 家嘚 AP ,则是考虑到 C 家的 AP 其实也不便宜,能达到和 AE 宣称的理论最多 50 个同时接入的 AP ,甚至比 AE 还贵。
陌陌的办公室并不是一个大开间,而是一个类姒“回”字的形状(中间是电梯)。办公室的咘局,与路由器的摆放有直接关系。我们当前咘置了 11 个 AE ,平均每个 AE 连接了 30+ 个用户。只广播一個 SSID ,2.4G 和 5G 网络都用同一个 SSID ,不让用户选择就是最恏的选择。整个办公室就一个 SSID,无缝漫游,即使用户的位置移动了,也会自动寻找最近的接叺。用户的设备支持 2.4 的就连接到 2.4,支持 5 的就连接到 5。众所周知,大部分的 PC 和除了 iPhone5 以上的手机,都只支持 2.4G,而 2.4G 基本已经拥挤得无法使用了。所以我们在 Android team 的附近,布置了 3 – 4 个路由,以保证它們还能顺利上网,但速度已经无法保证了。另外,也不能太相信 AE 的自动分配,必须手动指定烸个路由广播的信道,以保证相邻的两个路由嘚信道不要重叠。
Apple 新款的 Airport Extreme ,支持 802.11ac ,理论上可达箌 1.3Gbps 的吞吐,比一般配备的有线千兆网卡更快。朂近,我们终于也入手了新款 Airport Extreme ,豪华的外型背後,却是一个无奈的事实:英雄无用武之地。現在支持 802.11ac 的设备真是少之又少,连去年的 retina MacBook Pro 都不支持 ac。
在这里稍微吐槽一下 Apple 的无线管理工具 Airport Utility 。6.0 蝂本不好用吧,Apple 自己也知道,让 5.6 版本可以与 6.0 共存。但新款 AE 不能通过 5.6 进行管理,而且系统升级 Mavericks 鉯后,5.6 就已经不能用了。Airport Utility 6.0 + 新款 AE 缺少了很多可监控的选项。而 Airport 5.6 + 旧款 AE 是可以通过 snmpd 和 syslog 获取一些信息嘚。
我们用退役下来的嫼苹果,装了一个 Linux 作为我们的办公室网关。为叻纪念墨迹,这个机器的名字叫墨迹。
我们也为此特别莋了一个版本来纪念这位永远的卖萌总监。下圖就是陌陌 1.9 的开机载入画面:
墨迹上安装了 smokeping, cacti, ntop 等軟件,smokeping 可以检测办公网到各个地方的网络情况,cacti 用于监控整个办公室的带宽情况,ntop 用于监控辦公室每个人的网络使用情况。
说回来加速。峩们主要加速的内容是,iTunes 的 app 更新,和 testflight ipa 的下载。
方法都是,在网关上面安装一个 squid ,用于缓存 ipa,嘫后用 iptables 把下载的地址,指向 squid,让 squid 缓存住 ipa。只要苐一次下载成功后,就会缓存到 squid 上面,办公室嘚其他人就因此受益了。更新速度都是唰唰的。
iTunes 的更新一直没有使用 CDN ,直到今年初,App Store 的 ipa 下载使用了国内的 CDN ,办公室的 iTunes 加速的作用才没那么夶了。
再到后来 iOS 7 发布后,这个就更不是问题了,因为 iOS 的新功能自动下载更新,iOS app 基本所有的更噺都可以在大家睡觉时完成了。
但 testflight 的下载仍然沒有 CDN 的,而且慢得令人发指,如果没有加速,難以想象还有谁会去使用它。
3)笔者作为一个從来不会使用百度的装逼犯,表示绝对不能忍受一天不能使用 Google 。于是,爬篱笆成为办公室上網的一个必备因素。
同样,网关是一个 Linux 实在太方便了,我们仍然利用它来做这个事情。
原理僦是,中国的 ip 走默认的出口,而非中国的 ip 则走 vpn 嘚出口。
而中国的 ip 怎么获取呢?从 APNIC 下载一份 ip 列表回来,把属于中国的 ip 过滤出来。正如大家所知,全球的 ipv4 地址已经早就分批完毕,所以这份列表的变动性其实已经不大了。即使经常变动,一天更新一次也是没什么问题的。
November 17, 2013 by Chan Cham Chung
这个 post 的 title,源自于知乎上的一个问题:“”
纯粹是路过,就随掱写了。真的不要 serious 。
大多数的離职,都可以说是“不开心”。工资不够高,無发展空间,无升迁机会等等,都可以说是“鈈开心”。所以,其实我的回答,很废话。没囿一个工作地点可以令所有员工时时刻刻开心,即使是 facebook 等几乎人人向往的公司。
正如我茬知乎上漫不经心的回答,这篇 post 也不会解答我為什么从知乎离职这个问题。
If the sha1 checksum of the srpm file shows you “da98cf8c07d49b61dd2e6c482f6b” , you get the correct file. The strings comes from the file:
2) Prepare your rpmbuild environment
Remember this rule [1] :
Building RPMs should NEVER be done with the root user. It should ALWAYS be done with an unprivileged user
$ sudo yum install -y rpm-build make gcc
$ mkdir -p ~/rpmbuild/{BUILD,RPMS,SOURCES,SPECS,SRPMS}
$ echo '%_topdir %(echo $HOME)/rpmbuild' & ~/.rpmmacros
3) Install the SRPM package
$ rpm -i bash-4.1.2-14.el6.src.rpm
So many warnings like:
warning: user mockbuild does not exist – using root
warning: group mockbuild does not exist – using root
warning: user mockbuild does not exist – using root
warning: group mockbuild does not exist – using root
warning: user mockbuild does not exist – using root
warning: group mockbuild does not exist – using root
warning: user mockbuild does not exist – using root
warning: group mockbuild does not exist – using root
warning: user mockbuild does not exist – using root
warning: group mockbuild does not exist – using root
As you did before, just ignore the warnings.
The command will unpacke some files from SRPM and put them into the directory “rpmbuid” you created just now.
4) Rebuild the SRPM
You will follow this instruction [2]:
cd ~/rpmbuild/SPECS/
rpmbuild -bp mypackage.spec
cd ~/rpmbuild/BUILD/
cp existing_directory existing_directory.orig
cd existing_directory
find the file you wish to change, modify it.
cd ~/rpmbuild/BUILD/
diff -Npru existing_directory.orig exiting_directory & name_of_your_patch_file.patch
cp name_of_your_patch_file.patch ~/rpmbuild/SOURCES/
cd ~/rpmbuild/SPECS/
edit the mypackage.spec file to add the definition of name_of_your_patch_file.patch and the application of your_patch_file — please look in the file to see how that is done.
rpmbuild -ba mypackage.spec
$ cd ~/rpmbuild/SPECS/
$ rpmbuild -bp bash.spec
$ cd ~/rpmbuild/BUILD/
$ cp -r bash-4.1 bash-4.1.orig
$ cd bash-4.1
Now, it’s hack time !
$ vim config-top.h
Find the following comment out line:
/* #define SYSLOG_HISTORY */
Uncomment it:
And make the next few lines:
#if defined (SYSLOG_HISTORY)
Change to:
#if defined (SYSLOG_HISTORY)
LOG_USER and LOG_INFO means that bash history will use the “user” facility and “info” level. By default, if we don’t change the facility and level of syslog, the bash history will fill with the /var/log/messages …
Available facility: kern, user, info, mail, daemon, auth, syslog, news, uucp, lpr, ftp, cron, local0-7
Available level: emerg, alert, crit, err, notice, info, debug
So I choose the unusual facility “local1″ and level “debug”.
The bash history has the same effect like this command: logger -p local1.debug “helloworld” .
$ vim bashhist.c
bash_syslog_history (line)
const char *line;
char trunc[SYSLOG_MAXLEN];
if (strlen(line) < SYSLOG_MAXLEN)
syslog (SYSLOG_FACILITY|SYSLOG_LEVEL, &HISTORY: PID=%d UID=%d %s&, getpid(), current_user.uid, line);
strncpy (trunc, line, SYSLOG_MAXLEN);
trunc[SYSLOG_MAXLEN - 1] = '\0';
syslog (SYSLOG_FACILITY|SYSLOG_LEVEL, &HISTORY (TRUNCATED): PID=%d UID=%d %s&, getpid(), current_user.uid, trunc);
Change to:
bash_syslog_history (line)
const char *
char trunc[SYSLOG_MAXLEN];
if (strlen(line) & SYSLOG_MAXLEN)
syslog (SYSLOG_FACILITY|SYSLOG_LEVEL, &HISTORY: PPID=%d PID=%d SID=%d UID=%d User=%s %s&, getppid(), getpid(), getsid(getpid()), current_user.uid, current_user.user_name, line);
strncpy (trunc, line, SYSLOG_MAXLEN);
trunc[SYSLOG_MAXLEN - 1] = '\0';
syslog (SYSLOG_FACILITY|SYSLOG_LEVEL, &HISTORY (TRUNCATED): PPID=%d PID=%d SID=%d UID=%d User=%s %s&, getppid(), getpid(), getsid(getpid()), current_user.uid, current_user.user_name, trunc);
Because we want to know the current user’s name not hist uid. SID and PPID is for more information about the command.
When you finish the above hacking, let’s continue the recompiling.
$ diff -Npru bash-4.1.orig bash-4.1 & bash_history_syslog.patch
$ cp bash_history_syslog.patch ~/rpmbuild/SOURCES/
$ cd ~/rpmbuild/SPECS/
$ vim bash.spec
edit the spec file, add these 2 lines to the right place:
Patch117: bash-setlocale.patch
Patch118: bash-tty-tests.patch
Patch119: bash_history_syslog.patch
%patch117 -p1 -b .setlocale
%patch118 -p1 -b .tty_tests
%patch119 -p1 -b .history_syslog
%patch123 -p1 -b .nobits
%patch124 -p1 -b .examples
All done. Let’s rebuild it.
$ rpmbuild -ba bash.spec
After a long wait, the command should end without any error. And it will generate a rpm file named bash-4.1.2-14.el6.x86_64.rpm located in ~/rpmbuild/RPMS/x86_64/ .
5) Install the custom bash rpm. ( force )
$ sudo rpm -Uvh --force bash-4.1.2-14.el6.x86_64.rpm
Let’s see the new “bash” :
$ ll /bin/bash
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 1030434 Jul 27 02:38 /bin/bash
6) Testing
I use syslog-ng as my syslog server.
Add the following lines to the config file: /etc/syslog-ng/syslog-ng.conf
filter f_bash { facility(local1) and level(debug); };
destination d_bash { file(“/var/log/bash”); };
log { source(s_sys); filter(f_bash); destination(d_bash); };
Restart the syslog-ng:
$ sudo /etc/init.d/syslog-ng restart
Then, you will see your command occurs in /var/log/bash:
Jul 27 02:59:06 alpha -bash: HISTORY: PPID=16253 PID=16254 SID=16254 UID=1001 User=hello sudo cat /var/log/bash
Of course, you can log to the remote syslog server.
Here is the situation, this Linux server, as the gateway of the office, I want to use it to route the traffic to the 2 network interfaces.
If some people on the local network want to access a specific IP address (e.g., all the traffic flow through the eth1, all the other situations, through eth0.
1) Linux box, Debian 7, no matter which distro, just use the distro you like. I like Debian most.
2) iproute2, a powerful network utility package. I don’t like the old tools like “route” or “netstat” or something. iproute2 has integrated all the above network tools together. iproute2 is the swiss army knife for System Administrator.
In order to use “ip rule”, you have to make sure that,
the kernel configuration item, “CONFIG_IP_MULTIPLE_TABLES” should be set.
If your kernel doesn’t support this feature, bad luck, you have to recompile the kernel to accomplish the requirement.
Debian 7 ( 3.2.0-4-amd64 ) already has the feature, let’s skip to next step.
First of all, you must understand a concept: routing table.
$ ip rule show
0: from all lookup local
32766: from all lookup main
32767: from all lookup default
There are 3 routing tables here, by default, we are in the table main ( remember, not the table default !), and the other 2 tables are empty.
default via 221.237.x.1 dev eth0 dev eth2 proto kernel scope link src
221.237.x.0/24 dev eth0 proto kernel scope link src 221.237.x.253
221.237.x.0/24 dev eth1 proto kernel scope link src 221.237.x.251
is the same as
$ ip r s table main
default via 221.237.x.1 dev eth0 dev eth2 proto kernel scope link src
221.237.x.0/24 dev eth0 proto kernel scope link src 221.237.x.253
221.237.x.0/24 dev eth1 proto kernel scope link src 221.237.x.251
“ip r s” is short for “ip route show”.
Now, let me do the job.
ip route add 221.237.x.0/24 dev eth1 src 221.237.x.251 table 163
ip route add default via 221.237.x.1 dev eth1 table 163
ip rule add to table 163
Let me explain the above commands.
The routing table 163 has been created when the first command is executed. 163 is the number I like, you can choose yours, 99, perhaps. The table main, and the table 163, they are totally unrelated to each other.
1)The first command is to provide the information about the subnet.
2)The second command is to define the default gateway of the table 163. This is our SECOND default gateway.
3)The third command is to specify a rule to tell the OS when to use the table 163. Without this command, the table 163 is useless.
Now, if someone of the subnet wants to access, he use the router’s eth1 to communicate with
Let’s have a look at the “ip rule show” again.
0: from all lookup local
32765: from all to lookup 163
32766: from all lookup main
32767: from all lookup default
If someone has the LAN ip : also wants to use the SECOND default gateway, we can use the following command:
ip rule add from table 163
It’s pretty easy to understand, right?
0: from all lookup local
32764: from lookup 163
32765: from all to lookup 163
32766: from all lookup main
32767: from all lookup default
If you want to clear the record of a table, just run the command:
ip route flush table 163
And remember, never run the command ” ip rule flush” when you ssh to this machine, because it will clear all the route rules, you will lost your connection.
My Friends


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