c#定义公共交通工具包含类Vehicle,包含属性Wheels (轮子数)、Weight (重量)以及方

public class Vehicle {
private int
private int
public int getWheels() {
public void setWheels(int wheels) {
this.wheels =
public int getWeight() {
public void setWeight(int weight) {
this.weight =
public Vehicle(int wheels,int weight)
public class Car extends Vehicle{
private int
public int getLoader() {
public void setLoader(int loader) {
this.loader =
public Car(int wheels, int weight,int loader)
public class Truck extends Car{
private int
public int getPayload() {
public void setPayload(int payload) {
this.payload =
public Truck(int wheels, int weight, int loader, int payload)
public class TestVehicle {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Vehicle a = new Vehicle(4,3);
b= new Car(4,3,4);
c= new Truck(6,10,5,10);
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简明英汉词典wheel[wi:l, hw-]n.轮, 车轮, 轮子美国传统词典[双解]wheelwheelAHD:[hw?l, w?l] D.J.[hwi8l, wi8l]K.K.[hwil, wil]n.(名词)(1)A solid disk or a rigid circular ring connected by spokes to a hub, designed to turn around an axle passed through the center.轮子:由辐条连于轮毂之上的实心圆盘或坚硬的圆环,被设计用以围绕穿过其中心的轴旋转(2)Something resembling such a disk or ring in appearance or movement or having a wheel as its principal part or characteristic, as:轮状物:外观运行中类似于这样的圆盘或圆环的东西,或有一轮子为其最主要的部件或特性,如:(3)The steering device on a vehicle.方向盘,驾驶盘(4)A potter's wheel.陶轮(5)A water wheel.水车(6)A spinning wheel.纺车(7)Games A device used in roulette and other games of chance.【游戏】 轮盘:用于赌博或其它彩票等靠运气的游戏中的一种设施(8)A firework that rotates while burning.旋转烟火:一种燃烧时旋转的烟火(9)Informal A bicycle.【非正式用语】 自行车(10)An instrument to which a victim was bound for torture during the Middle Ages.轮式刑车:中世纪时将受刑者缚于其上受酷刑的一种装置(11)wheels Forces that provide energy, movement, or direction:wheels 动力:提供能量、运动或方向的动力:the wheels of commerce.商业动力(12)The act o revolution or rotation.旋转:旋转的行动或过程;回旋,盘旋(13)A military maneuver executed in order to change the direction of movement of a formation, as of troops or ships, in which the formation is maintained while the outer unit describes an arc and the inner or center unit remains stationary as a pivot.盘旋运动:为了改变队形,如部队或航船的运动方向而实施的军事调动,在此调动中外层分队划出一个弧形而其内部或中心分队保持静止作为基轴从而形成的队形(14)wheels Slang A motor vehicle or access thereto:wheels 【俚语】 机动车辆,汽车:Do you have wheels tonight?你今晚有车吗?(15)Slang A person with a great deal of power or influence:【俚语】 掌大权的人:握有大权或具有广泛影响的人:thinks he's a wheel because he works in the state government.由于他在国家政府机构中工作,便认为他有权有势v.(动词)wheeled, wheel.ing, wheelsv.tr.(及物动词)(1)To roll, move, or transport on wheels or a wheel.用轮子滚动、转动或运输(2)To cause to turn around or as if a revolve or rotate.旋转:使盘旋,使仿佛绕着一中心轴旋转;旋转,回旋(3)To provide with wheels or a wheel.给…装轮子v.intr.(不及物动词)(1)To turn around or as if a revolve or rotate.旋转:围绕或仿佛围绕一中心轴而转动;盘旋,旋转(2)To roll or move on or as if on wheels or a wheel.滚动:在或仿佛在轮子上滚动或移动(3)To fly in a curving or circular course:盘旋:按曲折或圆形路线飞行:A flock of gulls wheeled just above the dock.一群海鸥在甲板上方盘旋(4)To turn or w pivot:转身:在原地转动或旋转;以…为中心转动:“The boy wheeled and the fried eggs leaped from his tray”(Ivan Gold)“男孩原地转过身来,煎鸡蛋从他的托盘里抛了出去”(伊凡?戈尔德)(5)To reverse one's opinion or practice:改变主意或行动:One can never tell when she'll wheel about on that subject.永远没有人能判断出她什么时候会在那个问题上改变主意习惯用语at the wheel或behind the wheel(1)Operating the steering me driving.在驾驶:操纵机动车辆的机械装置;在驾驶(2)Dire in charge.指导或控制;掌管wheel and deal【非正式用语】To engage in the advancement of one's own interests, especially in a canny, aggressive, or unscrupulous way.独断专行:为自己谋取利益,尤其是采用狡诈、挑衅好斗或肆无忌惮的方式语源(1)Middle English 中古英语 (2)from Old English hw?l * see k wel- 1源自 古英语 hw?l *参见 k wel- 1现代英汉词典wheel[wi:l; (?@) hwi:l]n.(1)车轮,轮子(2)(汽车的)方向盘;(船舶的)舵轮习惯用语at the wheel驾驶;掌舵oil the wheels使事情进行的顺利on wheels用车子meals on wheels用车子送的饭菜(在英国指送到老人住处的饭菜)put one's shoulder to the wheel(帮助他人)动手wheels within wheels复杂的事情;复杂的原因词性变化wheelvt., vi.(1)推动;拉动He wheeled his motorcycle into the street.他把摩托车推到街上。The mother wheeled the baby round the park.母亲用小车推着婴儿在公园游玩。(2)(常与about, around连用)改变方向,转向(3)突然转过身来I called her and she wheeled to face me.我叫了她一声,她便转过身来朝着我。(4)盘旋The sea gulls wheeled in the air.海鸥在空中盘旋。习惯用语wheel and deal (AmE.)(在政界)独断专行现代英汉综合大辞典wheel[wi:l, hw-]n.(1)轮; 车轮(2)轮状物(3)【史】刑车[轮](4)[口]自行车; 纺车; 舵轮; 汽车驾驶盘; 转轮焰火(5)[pl. ]机器(6)原动力; 转动; 回旋(7)[pl. ] [美俚] 汽车; 腿(8)[美俚]一元银币(9)机关[构](10)重要[权威]人物, 领袖a water wheel水轮children's wheels儿童自行车a man at the wheel舵工; 骑自行车的人the dizzying wheel of the dance使人晕眩的旋转舞the wheels of life人体的机能the wheels of government政府机构词性变化wheel[wi:l, hw-]vt.(1)滚[转]动; 推转(2)(用车)运送(3)变换方向, 旋转(4)给装...轮子wheel the rubbish to the dump把这些垃圾用车运到垃圾场wheel[wi:l, hw-]vi.(1)旋转, 盘旋; 转弯(2)乘车前行(3)[口] 骑自行车(4)滚滚前进He wheeled round suddenly.他突然转身。The sea gulls wheel in the air.海鸥在空中盘旋。Right [left] wheel!(口令)右[左]转弯走!继承用法wheel-barometern.轮形气压表wheelbarrow[5wi:lbArEJ]n.手推车, 独轮车wheelbase[5wi:lbeIs]n.【机】轴距wheelbox[`hwi:lbCks]n.【机】轮箱wheelchair[5wi:ltFeE(r)]n.(病人等用的)轮椅wheelheadn.砂轮头, 磨头wheelhorsen.(1)(马车的)后马; 辕马(2)勤勤恳恳工作的人(3)[美俚](政治上的)应声虫wheelhousen.操舵室; 明轮罩wheelman[`hwi:lmEn]n.(1)舵手(2)[美]骑乘自行车的人; 汽车驾驶人wheelmarkn.轮迹, 轮辙wheelpathn.行车轨迹; 轮距wheelspinn.滑转, 打滑, 车轮空转wheeltrackn.轮距[轨]; 链轮wheelwatchn.守舵值班wheelwork[`hwi:lw\:k]n.(机器中的)转动装置wheelwright[5wi:lraIt]n.修造轮子(或车辆)的人wheeled[hwi:ld]adj.装有轮子的; 靠车轮行动的wheellessadj.wheellyadv.习惯用语at the wheel掌舵; 控制, 指挥big wheel[美俚]大人物, 自命不凡的人break sb. on the wheel【史】用刑车处死某人fifth wheel(1)备用轮(2)多余的人; 不必要的东西go [run] on wheels顺利进行grease [oil] the wheels给轮子(或机器)加油, (采取办法)使事情顺利进行; 行贿; 送礼have wheels in one's head[美俚]神经失常, 发疯see the wheels go round看看事情的过程, 明白事情[工作进行]的情况the wheels of state国家机构wheel and deal运用权势为所欲为; 牢牢地控制, 掌握支配权; (商业上)投机取巧wheel of fortune [Fortune's wheel](1)命运的更迭, 时运的兴衰(2)园盘赌具wheels within wheels复杂的结构; 复杂的情况; 微妙复杂的人事关系特殊用法abrasive wheel磨轮, 砂轮action wheel主动轮, 冲击式水轮additional clutch wheel附加离合轮additional crown wheel附加小钢轮additional driving wheel附加传动轮additional intermediate date wheel附加日跨轮additional minute wheel附加跨轮additional setting wheel附加拔针轮adjusting idler wheel调整用惰轮, 履带诱导轮aero wheel滚轮aileron control wheel副翼控制轮[操纵轮]air wheel超低压轮胎air-inflated rubber wheel充气橡胶轮alarm friction wheel闹摩擦轮alarm hand wheel闹针轮alarm handsetting intermediate wheel闹拔针轮alarm power wheel闹条轮alarm setting connection wheel闹调整连接轮angled wheel倾斜轮angular wheel锥形齿轮annular wheel内齿轮antifriction wheel减摩轮apron wheel履带astern wheel尾轮; 倒车轮Athey wheel履带轮axle spur wheel车轴正齿轮azimuth hand wheel方位操纵盘, 方向手轮balance wheel摆轮; 均衡轮band wheel带闸[带锯]皮带轮banding wheel旋转工作台bearing wheel支承轮bend wheel改向轮bevel wheel斜齿轮bladed wheel装有叶片的叶轮block wheel(装金钢石的)刀轮(切裁玻璃用)bogie wheel负重轮bottom ratchet wheel(手制动)下棘轮brake ratchet wheel闸棘轮, 制动棘轮breast wheel中间轮; 中速轮; 中射式水轮; 中射式水车; 腰部进水水轮brush wheel磨轮; 砂轮brush feed wheel刷式排种轮; [排肥轮]bucket wheel勺轮buffing wheel抛光轮built-up wheel组合车轮bull wheel主齿轮; 大齿轮burnishing wheel磨光轮calendar setting wheel日历过轮cam wheel凸轮camshaft gear wheel凸轮轴齿轮can seaming wheel封罐滚轮, 卷边滚轮cannon pinion driving wheel分轮传动轮carborundum grinding wheel金刚砂轮carrying wheel非动力轮catch wheel挡轮Catherine wheel【建】圆花窗, 车轮形窗casting wheel【冶】圆形铸锭机castle wheel离合轮change wheel变速[变向]齿轮chev(e)ron wheel人字齿轮chime warning wheel音响预报轮Chinese wheel水车chopper wheel调制盘chopping wheel切割转盘chronograph wheel秒计时轮circumferential friction wheel圆摩擦轮close-grained wheel细砂轮cloth buffing wheel布制打磨轮club tooth escape wheel叉瓦式擒纵轮coarse plain emery wheel粗砂轮cock wheel接轮, 中间轮code wheel码盘coding wheel符号轮, 编码(用)轮cog wheel嵌齿轮cog free wheel飞轮colour filter wheel滤色盘column wheel圆柱齿轮, 导柱轮composite wheel复合砂轮(砂轮中含有几种指标不同的磨料)coned grinding wheel圆锥磨轮contour wheel仿形轮contrate wheel端面齿轮, 横齿齿轮(轮齿在端平面内)convas polishing wheel帆布抛光轮cork polishing wheel软木抛光轮corrector spindle setting wheel校正器轴过轮counter wheel计数轮coupled wheel联动轮coupling wheel耦合齿轮crawler wheel履带轮cup grinding wheel环形砂轮cylindrical grinding wheel筒形砂轮date finger driving wheel换日轮, 日历指示传动轮date indicator driving wheel换日轮, 日历指示盘传动轮, 日历环驱动轮date setting wheel日历过轮date star driving wheel日星轮推进轮day disk driving wheel周历盘驱动轮day finger driving wheel周历拨爪传动轮dead wheel固定齿轮depth wheel耕深调节轮, 限深轮diamond cut-off wheel金刚石切割轮diamond-impregnated (grinding) wheel金刚石磨轮digital code wheel数字代码轮directive wheel导向轮, 转向轮dirigible wheel调整轮, 操向轮dish (emery) wheel蝶形砂轮dished wheel凹盘轮disk friction wheel盘形摩擦轮disk leather wheel牛皮抛光轮display driving wheel显示传动轮distributor cog wheel分电器齿轮divided wheel分度轮divided type disk wheel组合轮辋式盘轮dividing worm wheel分度蜗轮dotting wheel虚线轮double cup wheel双面凹砂轮double helical spur wheel人字齿轮double plate [webbed] wheel复板轮double recessed wheel双凹端面(的)砂轮double shrouded wheel闭式叶轮double-tyre wheel双胎轮dress grinding wheels整修磨轮drive gear wheel主动齿轮; 传动齿轮driven wheel从动轮, 被动轮driving wheel主动轮, 传动轮driving wheel on barrel条盒轮driving wheel on head头部驱动轮drop center wheel凹槽轮, 辋式轮drum worm wheel鼓形蜗杆蜗轮dual load wheel双负重轮eccentric wheel偏心轮edge wheel研磨轮elastic bond wheel弹性胶结磨轮elevating wheel升运鼓轮elevator ratchet wheel升降机棘轮emery wheel砂轮engaged wheel从动轮epicycloidal wheel外摆线轮face grinding wheel平面磨轮fan spoked wheel风扇辐轮feathering paddle wheel活叶轮feed wheel进给轮feeler wheel仿形轮felt buff wheel抛光毡轮fettling wheel修整砂轮fifth wheel半拖车接轮; 备用轮filter wheel滤光轮; 滤波器轮fine grit wheel细砂轮finishing wheel精磨砂轮; 抛光砂轮firming wheel压土轮flanged wheel带凸缘轮flap wheel翼片砂轮flaring wheel锥形碗轮flaring cup wheel碗形砂轮fleet wheel钢绳滑轮flotation wheel越野行走轮fly driving wheel风叶传动轮freeing wheel修整轮free-rolling wheel空转轮free uncoupled wheel游滑轮front jockey wheel前导轮furrow-forming wheel压种沟轮ga(u)ge wheel规轮(犁), 前导轮, 调整轮, 限深轮, 仿形轮gate driving wheel栏木驱动轮gearing wheel传动齿轮Geneva wheel间歇工作轮, 马尔特机构间歇传动轮gin wheel起重滑轮glazing wheel研磨轮godet wheel导丝轮gravity water wheel重力式水轮great wheel头轮ground-engaging wheel驱动行走轮guide vane wheel导向叶轮gypsy wheel锚链轮gyro wheel陀螺转子gyroscope wheel回转轮hand brake chain wheel手制动链轮hand carriage wheel拖板手轮hand feed wheel手进给轮handle ratchet wheel(底开门车)内棘轮handsetting wheel拨针轮harrowing wheel耙轮haulage rope guide wheel牵引索导轮head wheel磁头鼓heart wheel心形轮helicoidal wheel斜齿轮; 螺旋齿轮; 螺状轮herringbone wheel人字齿轮hoe wheel(旋转)锄铲圆盘, 圆盘式锄hollow steel spoke wheel空心钢辐轮hoop wheel环箍轮horizontal chain wheel铁链平轮horizontal sliding wheel平滑轮horn toothed wheel喇叭齿轮hour wheel时轮idle wheel空转轮, 惰轮idler wheel滚轮impeller wheel(径流式)叶轮index wheel分度轮, 分度盘indicator wheel指示轮integral wheel整体叶轮integrating wheel积分轮interlocking handsetting wheel互锁拨针轮interlocking pawl (winding) wheel大钢轮, 互锁棘爪轮intermediate wheel介轮intermediate alarm wheel闹时中间轮intermediate strike wheel中间打点轮internal wheel内齿轮inertia wheel惯性轮jigger wheel拉坯盘车, 辘轳车jockey wheel张紧轮(惰轮); 可放下的半拖车支撑轮; 支托轮(滚轮); 导轮kick wheel脚动陶轮knee action wheel肘动轮, 独立悬挂轮knotter cam wheel打结器凸轮knuckle wheel圆齿顶齿轮knurl wheel滚花轮land wheel地轮landing gear wheel起落架轮lateral wheel侧手翻leading wheel前轮, 前导轮leaning wheel倾斜轮left rear wheel左后轮lever-suspension wheel摇臂悬置轮lifter wheel挖掘轮; 圈盘挖掘器loading wheel负重轮lobed wheel叶轮, 叶形轮, 瓣轮loop wheel弯纱轮, 成圈轮loose wheel松带轮; 游滑轮main wheel发条轮(偶指小钢轮、中心轮或条盒等零件), 原动轮, 主轮mangle wheel砑光轮masked wheel带罩棘轮match wheel共轭齿轮medium plain emery wheel中砂轮meter wheel测量轮middleshot wheel中击水轮mill wheel带磨水轮mirror (scanning) wheel镜鼓, 镜(扫描)轮miter wheel等径伞齿轮monoblock steel wheel整体钢轮mortise wheel嵌齿轮motion-work wheel主动轮, 传动轮motion work auxiliary driving wheel副拨针传动轮motion work setting wheel专用拨针轮, 拨针过轮, 小过轮mounted abrasive wheel带柄磨轮multiface scanning wheel多面扫描轮multiple wear wheel修复车轮, 翻新车轮multiplying wheel增速轮multirib grinding wheel多齿磨轮nose wheel前轮notch wheel棘轮nutation wheel章动轮, 章动盘oil thrower wheel甩油盘one-piece wheel整轧车轮one side tapered grinding wheel单斜边砂轮oscillating weight wheel锤齿轴, 自动锤轮overhang grinding wheel外伸砂轮overshot wheel上射水车overhot water wheel上击水轮parallel grinding wheel平行砂轮paw wheel棘轮pedestal wheel导线立轮phonic wheel发音轮pillar wheel导柱轮pilot hand wheel先导手轮pin pallet escape wheel销钉式擒纵轮pinion wheel小齿轮pipe cutter wheel截管器轮pitch wheel相互啮合的齿轮pitman wheel连杆偏心轮plane bevel wheel平斜轮planet(gear) wheel行星齿轮plate wheel盘轮, 蝶形砂轮pneumatic-tire wheel充气轮胎point motion wheel转辙轮(双导线制)pony wheel小轮, 导轮portable grinding wheel移动式磨(砂)轮porous type wheel多孔(砂)轮potentiometric wheel电势计轮printing wheel墨油轮, 印字轮propelling wheel驱动轮pulley wheel滑轮pulling wheel拉丝轮rack wheel齿条传动齿轮radial wheel径向桨轮range hand wheel距离手轮, 距离盘ratchet wheel棘轮, 制逆轮ratio wheel减速轮retractable wheel伸缩轮, 收缩起重轮reaction type wheel反作用式水轮机rear furrow wheel尾轮recessed wheel槽式轮recirculating ball type steering wheel循环滚珠式转向盘reinforced wheel加筋砂轮, 补强砂轮replacement wheel备用轮resilient gear wheel弹性齿轮reverse gear wheel回动齿轮ribbed disc wheel加肋盘轮; 带筋辐板轮riding wheel托轮ridged wheel凸缘轮right-angle friction wheel直角摩擦轮rim gear wheel齿环齿轮, 齿圈(齿轮)road wheel车轮; 行轮; 负重轮; 测距轮; 测距仪; 里程表rocking bar wheel振荡杆轮rolled steel wheel辗钢轮roller free wheel滚子单向轮rotating scanning wheel旋转扫描轮rotating sector wheel扇形旋转轮roughening wheel磨锉轮; 砂轮runner wheel辗轮servo head wheel伺服磁鼓screw wheel螺旋齿轮, 斜齿轮solid roller steel wheel整体辗轧钢轮split wheel拼合轮, 对开轮spoke wheel辐条车轮spool wheel大卷轮sprocket wheel链轮spur friction wheel筒形摩擦轮spur-gear wheel正齿轮star wheel开关旋轮, (开关)星形轮; 链轮; 棘轮; 制逆轮starter toothed wheel起动齿轮steel sheet disk wheel钢板盘轮steel spoke wheel钢制辐轮steering wheel[5stIErIN]方向盘; 舵轮; 导向轮; 操纵轮; 转向轮steering hand wheel操纵盘stop-pin wheel止打轮straight wheel盘形轮straight-type wheel盘轮, 平型砂轮stud wheel柱栓齿轮suction guide wheel吸导轮synchronizing wheel同步(惯性)轮take-off sprocket wheel供片齿轮tangent-spoke wheel切线辐轮throwing wheel抛丸叶轮, 抛头thrust wheel支重轮, 支持轮tined wheel齿销轮, 钉齿轮toothed chain wheel齿链轮top-stem wheel立轮track wheel履带轮track-idler wheel履带空转轮traction wheel牵引轮trailing wheel后轮, 导轮, 自由轮trailer fifth wheel拖车接轮transfer wheel加料叶轮, 星形轮transmission wheel拨针轮trilobed wheel三叶轮trim-control wheel调整操纵盘trolley wheel滚轮[电车接电轮]turbo wheel透平叶轮turbine guide wheel涡轮导轮type wheel活字轮tyre wheel罩胎轮uncoupled wheel游滑轮undershot wheel低水位水轮undershot water wheel下射(式)水轮unit star driving wheel星传动轮unlocking wheel释放轮unlocking yoke cam driving wheel凸轮式瞬跳拨日轮vane wheel叶轮video head wheel录放象磁头鼓, 图象磁头鼓warning wheel报警轮, 报时轮, 闹时轮, 预告轮web wheel板轮(钟表), 盘式轮web type wheel辐板车轮weight bearing wheel支承轮welding wheel盘状电极winch pawl [ratchet] wheel绞车棘轮wind wheel风轮wing wheel(飞机)翼轮wire spoke wheel(钢)线辐轮wobble wheel摆动轮worm wheel蜗轮; 蜗杆传动wrought-steel wheel锻压钢轮, 整轧钢轮用法词典wheel来自古英语 hweal[七国语言]英汉电子工程大词典wheel轮[七国语言]英汉公共大词典wheel滑轮, 滑车[七国语言]英汉机械大词典wheel轮[七国语言]英汉建筑大词典wheel轮[七国语言]英汉矿业大词典wheel车轮[七国语言]英汉轻工业大词典wheel轮美国传统词典wheelwheelAHD:[hw?l, w?l] D.J.[hwi8l, wi8l]K.K.[hwil, wil]n.(1)A solid disk or a rigid circular ring connected by spokes to a hub, designed to turn around an axle passed through the center.(2)Something resembling such a disk or ring in appearance or movement or having a wheel as its principal part or characteristic, as:(3)The steering device on a vehicle.(4)A potter's wheel.(5)A water wheel.(6)A spinning wheel.(7)Games A device used in roulette and other games of chance.(8)A firework that rotates while burning.(9)Informal A bicycle.(10)An instrument to which a victim was bound for torture during the Middle Ages.(11)wheels Forces that provide energy, movement, or direction:the wheels of commerce.(12)The act o revolution or rotation.(13)A military maneuver executed in order to change the direction of movement of a formation, as of troops or ships, in which the formation is maintained while the outer unit describes an arc and the inner or center unit remains stationary as a pivot.(14)wheels Slang A motor vehicle or access thereto:Do you have wheels tonight?(15)Slang A person with a great deal of power or influence:thinks he's a wheel because he works in the state government.v.wheeled, wheel.ing, wheelsv.tr.(1)To roll, move, or transport on wheels or a wheel.(2)To cause to turn around or as if a revolve or rotate.(3)To provide with wheels or a wheel.v.intr.(1)To turn around or as if a revolve or rotate.(2)To roll or move on or as if on wheels or a wheel.(3)To fly in a curving or circular course:A flock of gulls wheeled just above the dock.(4)To turn or w pivot:“The boy wheeled and the fried eggs leaped from his tray”(Ivan Gold)(5)To reverse one's opinion or practice:One can never tell when she'll wheel about on that subject.习惯用语at the wheelorbehind the wheel(1)Operating the steering me driving.(2)Dire in charge.wheel and dealInformalTo engage in the advancement of one's own interests, especially in a canny, aggressive, or unscrupulous way.语源(1)Middle English (2)from Old English hw?l * see k wel- 1[名词委审定]英汉动物学名词(1996)wheel轮形体[名词委审定]英汉铁道科技名词(1997)wheel车轮英汉船舶大词典wheel n.轮 英汉电力大词典wheel n.转轮,工作轮,轮机 朗文英汉综合电脑词典wheel 轮形图 英汉电信大词典wheel n.轮,操纵轮 英汉地质大词典wheel n.轮,轮形骨针 英汉法学大词典wheel 车裂 英汉纺织大词典wheel n.轮,齿轮,纺车 英汉广播大词典wheel n.轮,操纵轮,手轮 英汉航海大词典wheel n.舵轮,轮 英汉航空大词典wheel n.轮,轮 英汉化学大词典wheel n.轮,车轮,驾驶盘,轮形物;vt.滚动,回旋,装轮子,轮 英汉海运大词典wheel 导轮 基本词义wheel 舵轮,手(操纵)轮,飞轮,轮转动,旋转 基本词义wheel 轮,车轮,操纵轮,操纵盘,驾驶盘,舵轮转动,旋转,滚动用车运(货) 基本词义wheel 轮,车轮操纵轮,操纵盘,驾驶盘,舵轮转动,旋转滚动,转动用车运(货)使旋转装轮子 基本词义wheel 轮,车轮操纵轮,舵轮转动,旋转滚动,转动用车运(货)使旋转装轮子 基本词义wheel 操纵手轮,调节手轮 英汉计算机大词典wheel n.轮(车轮,驾驶盘;vt.滚动(回旋,装轮子) 英汉机械大词典wheel n.轮,旋转 英汉农牧林大词典wheel n.轮,舵轮,操纵盘 英汉能源大词典wheel n.轮,轮形骨针 英汉汽车大词典wheel n.车轮;n.轮,车轮,轮状物 英汉水利大词典wheel n.车轮,滑轮,齿轮 英汉消防大词典wheel 车轮 英汉心理学大词典wheel 轮 英汉冶金大词典wheel n.轮对,轮 英汉中医大词典wheel n.轮,旋转
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