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天梭官方维修点Tissot天梭表中国大陆售后服务与维修站盘点以下是Tissot天梭表中国大陆售后服务与维修站盘点:北京东方广场天梭旗舰店东方广场一层AA03天梭旗舰店天梭手表维修-tissot天梭表维修电话、地址、价格 ...- …维修服务提供商。非官方维修渠道可能存在虚假信息,需要注意谨慎辨别。现为您盘点北京、上海、深圳三地的tissot ... 天梭 售后维修点 地址 电话 1 北京纳沙泰尔 ...北京天梭表官方维修点_时尚攻略_时尚知识_时尚信息_百 …北京天梭表维修中心 北京卡地亚手表维修点哪里好 北京宝珀手表维修点哪里靠谱 爱彼手表清洗保养北京维修点 浪琴手表北京授权官方维修点在哪里天梭手表售后服务_Tissot天梭表售后维修点、维修中心 …全国各地天梭手表售后服务中心,Tissot 品牌维修地址,电话等内容 登录 注册(即送50元) | 我的订单 | 手机万表 ... 万表官方 微博 万表达人服务号 关注领100元现金 ...北京天梭手表维修中心_天梭手表北京维修_保养_清洗|腕 …腕表之家维修频道提供北京天梭正品名表维修点信息,帮您第一时间找到上海地区可靠手表维修点,为您维修、保养、清洗爱表提供方便.商家包括**H纳沙泰尔手表服务中心 ...上海天梭Tissot 手表维修点(官方) 天梭手表上海售后服 …上海天梭Tissot 手表维修点(官方) 天梭手表上海售后维修店维修站电话地址 天梭指定精时恒达售后服务中心 维修地址:上海市黄浦区南京路步行街中段上海 ...杭州天梭手表维修点:官方售后保修如何清洗保养?&&万表网为您提供最新最全面的天梭表上海维修点电话报价、天梭表上海维修点电话相关资讯、天梭表上海维修点电话最新图片、天梭表上海维修点电话的优缺点,好不好 ...天梭手表维修-tissot天梭表维修电话、地址、价格 ...- …天梭 售后维修点 地址 电话 1 北京纳沙泰尔手表服务有限公司 北京市建国门外大街22号赛特大厦65806 2 北京亨得利名表服务中心 北京市东城区 ...天梭手表官方售后维修点_文库下载提供天梭手表官方售后维修点文档免费下载,摘要:天梭(Tissot)1853年诞生于手表制造业的摇篮——瑞士,属于瑞士中档手表之一。凭借在传统中不断创新的精神,如今 ...上海天梭维修点-天梭官方售后服务中心 (2)_百度文库精时恒达名表售后服务维修中心 名表维修官网: 温馨提示:手表是贵重饰品,如损坏,请到正规维修中心接受保养, 以免造成不必要的损失, 请拨打上面 ...天梭官方售后,天梭官方售后点,天梭官方售后验货,天梭官方售后中心,天梭手表售后维修点,天梭表北京售后维修,天梭售后维修中心,天梭表售后维修,天梭售后维修中,天梭售后维修,天梭手表售后维修,中国天梭售后维修中心,深圳天梭售后维修点,广州天梭售后维修点,上海天梭售后维修点Tissot天梭表中国大陆售后服务与维修站盘点日 - 以下是Tissot天梭表中国大陆售后服务与维修站盘点: Shanghai **H Watch Service Center Co.Ltd.-Beijing Branch Room 1609,Scitech Tower ...香港天梭手表售后服务_香港Tissot天梭表售后维修点、维修中心地址...日 - 地址:香港鰂魚涌英皇道683號嘉里中心8樓 8/F,Kerry Centre,683 Kings Road,Quarry Ba... [特惠]新年盛典,天梭、迪沃斯等5价底价赴会 您现在的...天梭授权售后维修中心关键字:天梭授权售后维修中心 , 发布日期: 16:42:00.0
详细内容 【精时恒达名表连锁维修热线:400-877-1151全国百家连锁,世界名表维修领导品牌,服务地区:北京 、...>...>产品展厅-快照em.egray{color:#999;*zoom:1;}.e_exd_opa{display:inline-*display:zoom:1;opacity:0;filter:Alpha(opacity=0)}
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#e_idea_pp_vip_bottom .e_idea_icon.egray{color:#999; border-radius: 3 padding:1font-size:12px}广告.e_haosou_fw_bg_title{zoom:1;*display:color:#1024font-size:16font-weight:400;text-indent:0;display:inline-overflow:text-overflow:white-space:height:18line-height:18max-width:500px}.e_haosou_fw_bg_title img{height:16width:16padding-right:5vertical-align:text-position:top:-2px}.spread .e_haosou_bg_title_fst{max-width:404overflow:display:inline-height:18line-height:18text-overflow:white-space:*display:zoom:1}〔大连〕天梭售后维修中心「品牌授权-全球联保」#e_haosou_fw_guides{clear:max-height:max-height:280px\0;*max-height:280overflow:position:text-align:left}#e_haosou_fw_guides .e_haosou_fw_normal{clear:max-height:overflow:position:width:540zoom:1}#e_haosou_fw_guides .e_haosou_fw_nav{max-height:80padding-top:0}#e_haosou_fw_guides .e_haosou_fw_nav ul,#e_haosou_fw_guides .e_haosou_fw_nav ul li{margin:0;padding:0}#e_haosou_fw_guides .e_haosou_fw_nav ul li{border-top:1px solid #f3f3f3;font-size:13height:25line-height:25list-style:width:100%}#e_haosou_fw_guides .e_haosou_fw_nav ul li label{display:inline-*display:font-weight:300;zoom:1}#e_haosou_fw_guides .e_haosou_fw_nav ul li div{display:inline-*display:height:100%;overflow:text-overflow:vertical-align:white-space:width:100%;zoom:1}#e_haosou_fw_guides .e_haosou_fw_nav ul li div a{color:#1024display:inline-*display:margin-right:26text-decoration:zoom:1}#e_haosou_fw_guides .e_haosou_fw_nav .e_haosou_fw_more{color:#1024text-decoration:vertical-align:middle}#e_haosou_fw_guides .e_haosou_fw_nav ul li.e_gd_fst{border:height:25line-height:25px}#e_haosou_fw_guides .e_haosou_fw_nav ul li div a:hover{color:#C00;text-decoration:underline}服务项目:售后服务防水检测清洗保养走时校准更换配件故障排除:手表进水配件损坏手表走慢手表走停真伪鉴定服务中心:大连售后中心权限维修售后中国客服热线400-#e_haosou_fw_wds{max-height:max-height:280px\0;*max-height:280overflow:text-align:position:clear:both}#e_haosou_fw_wds .e_haosou_fw_normal{clear:max-height:overflow:position:width:540zoom:1}#e_haosou_fw_wds .e_haosou_fw_display{padding-top:5max-height:115px}#e_haosou_fw_wds .e_haosou_fw_display .e_haosou_fw_md{display:float:margin-right:18.6height:max-height:115position:width:121px}#e_haosou_fw_wds .e_haosou_fw_display .e_haosou_fw_md.e_haosou_fw_last{margin-right:0}#e_haosou_fw_wds .e_haosou_fw_display .e_haosou_fw_md .e_haosou_fw_hd{color:#1024display:font-size:13height:20line-height:20overflow:position:text-align:text-decoration:text-overflow:white-space:width:100%;z-index:1;text-align:center}#e_haosou_fw_wds .e_haosou_fw_display .e_haosou_fw_md .e_haosou_fw_price{display:font-size:13height:20line-height:20text-align:text-decoration:width:100%;text-align:left}#e_haosou_fw_wds .e_haosou_fw_display .e_haosou_fw_md .e_haosou_fw_price,#e_haosou_fw_wds .e_haosou_fw_display .e_haosou_fw_md .e_haosou_fw_price em{color:#c00;text-decoration:text-align:font-size:12font-weight:normal}#e_haosou_fw_wds .e_haosou_fw_display .e_haosou_fw_md .e_haosou_fw_cover{background-color:#cursor:display:height:75text-decoration:width:100%;overflow:hidden}#e_haosou_fw_wds .e_haosou_fw_display .e_haosou_fw_md .e_haosou_fw_cover img{display:height:100%;margin:0text-align:center}#e_haosou_fw_wds .e_haosou_fw_display .e_haosou_fw_md .e_haosou_fw_cover span{background-color:#1cba45;color:#f1f1f1;display:font-size:13height:20left:50%;line-height:20margin-left:-30outline:0;position:text-align:top:40width:60z-index:1}#e_haosou_fw_wds .e_haosou_fw_display .e_haosou_fw_md .e_haosou_fw_hd:hover{color:#c00}#e_haosou_fw_wds .e_haosou_fw_display .e_haosou_fw_md.e_md_three{margin-right:88.5px}#e_haosou_fw_wds .e_haosou_fw_display .e_haosou_fw_md.e_md_three.e_haosou_fw_last{margin-right:0}手表进水大连售后中心走时校准权限售后服务清洗保养中国客服热线配件更换400-.e_haoso_fengwu_extend{clear:font-size:13margin:0;max-height:text-align:width:100%}.e_haoso_fengwu_extend cite{color:#4e9c62;font-style:line-height:20px}.e_haoso_fengwu_extend .fw_ext,.fw_ext{border-radius:3color:#4e9c62;font-size:12max-width:150overflow:padding:1text-overflow:white-space:nowrap}.e_haoso_fengwu_extend em.adv{color:#80BD57}.e_haoso_fengwu_extend em.egray{color:#999;zoom:1;}/ -
滚筒洗衣机售后维修厂家服务热线400-808-5556总部电话#e_haosou_fw_sm{max-height:max-height:280px\0;*max-height:280overflow:position:text-align:left}#e_haosou_fw_sm .e_haosou_fw_summary{max-height:40padding-top:0;width:540px}#e_haosou_fw_sm .e_haosou_fw_summary p{font-size:13line-height:20margin:0;max-height:40overflow:text-overflow:ellipsis}洗衣机维修中心滚筒洗衣机售后维修厂家服务热线400-808-5556总部电话家电维修:冰箱空调电视油烟机洗衣机热水器厨房电器常见故障:不制冷不制热不点火黑屏不脱水不工作维修服务:价格透明优质服务24H在线同城半小时上门/ -
天梭手表北京售后 瑞士名表维修服务中心关键字:天梭授权售后维修中心 , 发布日期: 16:42:00.0
详细内容 【精时恒达名表连锁维修热线:400-877-1151全国百家连锁,世界名表维修领导品牌,服务地区:北京 、...天梭官方售后维修中心天梭手表官方维修点,天梭官方维修,天梭表官方维修,天梭官方授权维修中心,天梭官方售后点,天梭表官方旗舰店,天梭表官方网站报价,天梭表官方网站,瑞士天梭表官方网站,天梭官方,天梭官方旗舰店,天梭手表官方旗舰店,天梭表中国官方网站,天梭中国官方网站,天梭官网中国官方网Tissot天梭表中国大陆售后服务与维修站盘点日 - 以下是Tissot天梭表中国大陆售后服务与维修站盘点: Shanghai **H Watch Service Center Co.Ltd.-Beijing Branch Room 1609,Scitech Tower ...天梭、欧米茄等手表售后维修点、售后电话大全_万表网日 - [导读]艾美售后维修点地址电话 1京亨得利名表服务中心北京市东城区王府井大街172号丹耀大厦B1 010-上海金钟名表服务中心上海市淮...天梭售后服务与维修站- tissot天梭手表天梭售后服务与维修站 香港 The Swatch Group (H.K.) Ltd. 5/F., Manulife Tower, 169 Electric Road, North Point, Hong Kong Tel: (852)
Fax: (852)
香港北角...上海天梭手表售后服务_上海Tissot天梭表售后维修点、维修中心地址...日 - 400-670-1853正大廣場亨得利鐘錶天梭 上海納沙泰爾手錶服務有限公司 Shanghai **H Watch Service Center Co. 地址:上海市天鑰橋路30號美羅大...求助,天梭在北京的官方维修点在哪里,天梭,爱表族论坛- 爱表族发贴时间:日 - 我要怎么把办事处和维修点联系起来呢。 天梭难道都是这么天才的人 爱表资深人士 发表于
19:54:12 |
力洛克最爱 爱表鉴...广州天梭手表售后服务_广州Tissot天梭表售后维修点、维修中心地址...日 - 广州天梭手表售后服务_广州Tissot天梭表售后维修点、维修中心地址,电话大全 内容来源:网络 时间: 11:24 我要分享 文章导读: 上海...北京天梭表维修点_百度经验发布时间:
点赞人数:6以高品质和诱人的价格著称,如今,佩戴天梭表的人有很多,却因不正确的佩戴方法而导致天梭表发生种种故障,那么,北京...北京天梭手表售后服务_北京Tissot天梭表售后维修点、维修中心地址...日 - 北京豐聯廣場天梭專賣店 Beijing Fenglian Plaza 地址:朝陽區朝外大街18號豐聯廣場一層111店鋪 111#,1F,Fenglian Plaza, No.18,Chaowai Road,...
增值电信业务经营许可证:辽B2-北京天梭(Tissot)官方指定修理地址_商城_ 售后维修中心会员商铺-中国贸易网-会员网站
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  【全国百家连锁,天梭(Tissot)维修领导品牌,服务地区:北京、上海、天津、北京、深圳、杭州、南京、沈阳、太原、成都、武汉、南昌、西安、南宁、郑州、昆明...】公司成立于2001年是一家专注于天梭(Tissot)维修的现代化大型服务型企业。公司总部位于北京,在全国各大中型城市设有维修服务中心,形成了庞大的手表售后维修服务网络,为广大消费者提供方便、快捷的手表维修服务! 专业团队:1、资深团队:由制表师、修表师、抛光技师、珠宝技师和其它专家组成小组,长期开展在职培训,提供更完善的顾客服务。2、学徒传统:派遣维修技师付瑞士、日本等名表工厂参加培训,培养一流的手表维修技师,以保证未来优秀团队的人才供给。天梭(Tissot)维修服务中心拥有遍及全国的专业服务网络、专业的维修技术、透明的维修价格、立等可取的维修效率。
  160多年前,天梭成立于瑞士汝拉山区的小镇力洛克,而其总部至今仍位于那里。“瑞士制造”是天梭心中从不曾磨灭的烙印,天梭logo中的“ ”和瑞士国旗相同,这是品质的象征,展现了品牌自1853年来不断传承的可靠质量。天梭是一个勇于创新的品牌,但它却从未忘记自己的瑞士血脉。[1-2]
  天梭高性能和高品质长期得到多方认可,它担任世界摩托车锦标赛MotoGPTM、FIM世界超级摩托车赛、国际篮联FIBA、澳大利亚橄榄球联合会AFL、RBS六国橄榄球锦标赛以及自行车、击剑和冰球世界锦标赛的官方指定计时和合作伙伴。1999年,天梭首枚触屏腕表T-touch诞生,开启传统腕表行业触屏技术的新时代。2014年首枚使用太阳能的触屏腕表T-touch Export Solar诞生,作为一款涵盖全方位运动功能的专家级运动腕表,只需轻触表冠开启触屏功能,包括双响闹、双时区、高度计、指南针、天气预报在内二十项功能即刻满足户外运动的全角度诉求。天梭是全球最大的手表制造商和经销商——斯沃琪集团的成员,销售网点遍布全球160多个国家。品牌将继续推出具有先锋精神的创新产品,一如既往地续写其品牌理念——“创新,源于传统”。
  公司名称 天梭 外文名称 TISSOT 总部地点 瑞士侏罗山脉力洛克 成立时间 1853年 经营范围 中高档手表制造 公司性质 外商独资 公司口号 时间,随你掌控 年营业额 10.6亿瑞士法郎(2013年) 品牌理念 创新,源于传统 产品代言人黄晓明、刘亦菲
  天梭表1983年加入了Swatch集团,全球总裁海耶克先生认为,天梭160年历史[1] 的创新和勇闯精神及其品牌形象与集团是完全一致的。从一个位于侏罗小镇,到2014年行销到全球五大洲150个
  国家,并且成为代表瑞士产品的质量和精确度的品牌,天梭表本身就是一个传奇,它向世界述说这个品牌不断成长,不断推出新设计、新的工艺成就,让顾客永远充满惊喜。正如公司的宗旨:非凡创意,源于传统 。
  天梭融合了160年的创意和传统的瑞士制表工艺,是瑞士制表业中的佼佼者。它的目标是向大众提供金质银价的手表。作为自行车,摩托车,击剑和冰上曲棍球世界锦标赛的指定计时器,天梭强调寻求成绩,精确度和挑战自我极限的体育价值。此外,天梭更特别邀请英格兰超级足球联赛球队利物浦兼国家队灵魂人物迈克·欧文(Michael Owen)为国际形象大使。被选为2001年欧洲足球先生的他所配戴的腕表,当然是值得信赖的精确时计。瑞士天梭表自1983年加入世界最大的手表制造商及分销商SWATCH集团,成为其中一员,立基于瑞士力洛克(Le Locle)并在全球超过150个国家设有零售点。
  160 years ago, Tissot was founded in the Swiss Jura mountain town of Locke, and its headquarters is still located there. "Made in Switzerland" is the heart never forgotten Tissot brand, Tissot logo in the " " and the same as the Swiss flag, which is a symbol of quality, show the brand since 1853 to continue the tradition and reliable quality. Tissot is an innovative brand, but it never forgot his Swiss blood. [1-2]
  Tissot high-performance and high-quality long-term multi-get recognized it as the MotoGP MotoGPTM, FIM World Superbike race, FIBA ??FIBA, Australian Football League AFL, RBS Six Nations Rugby Championship and cycling, fencing and ice hockey world championship the official timing and partners. In 1999, its first touch screen watch Tissot T-touch born, the traditional watch industry, open a new era of touch-screen technology. 2014's first solar powered touch screen watch T-touch Export Solar was born, covering a full range of motion as a function of the expert-level sports watch, simply tap the touch screen to open the crown features, including dual alarm, dual time zone altimeter, compass, weather forecast, including twenty function immediately meet the demands of outdoor sports the whole point. Tissot is the world's largest watch manufacturer and distributor - a member of the Swatch Group, sales outlets in more than 160 countries worldwide. The brand will continue to introduce innovative products with pioneer spirit, as always, continue to write its brand philosophy - "innovation from tradition."
  Company Name English Name TISSOT Tissot headquarters location Swiss Jura mountains Locke Established in 1853 in the high-end watch manufacturing business scope of foreign-owned nature of the company slogan company time, as you control an annual turnover of 1.06 billion Swiss francs (2013) brand concept innovation, from the traditional product spokesperson Huang Xiaoming, Liu Yifei
  brand introduction
  Tissot joined the Swatch Group in 1983, Mr. Hayek, president of global, Tissot 160-year history and the very best in the spirit of innovation and brand image is entirely consistent with the Group. From a small town in the Jura, 2014 to marketing on five continents 150
  Tissot ambassador
  Countries, and a representative of the quality and accuracy of brand products in Switzerland, Tissot is itself a legend, it tells the world continue to grow the brand, has introduced a new design, new technology achievements, so that the customer is always full of surprises. As the company's purpose: the extraordinary creativity, from tradition.
  Tissot combines 160 years of creative and traditional Swiss watchmaking, is the leader in the Swiss watch industry. Its goal is to provide the public with gold silver watch. As bicycles, motorcycles, designated timer fencing and ice hockey World Championship, Tissot emphasized that seek achievements, and challenges the accuracy of Sports Value of the limits of self. In addition, Tissot also invited the English Premier League club Liverpool and the national soul of Michael Owen (Michael Owen) as an international ambassador. Was chosen as the 2001 European Footballer of the watch worn by him, of course, is a trusted accurate timepieces. Swiss Tissot since 1983 to join the world's largest watch manufacturer and distributor of SWATCH Group, to become a member, Swiss legislation based Locle (Le Locle) and in the world more than 150 countries with retail outlets.
  该腕表以其设计者——意大利著名设计师Ettore Sottsass命名。天梭Sottsass系列是一款中性风格的腕表,拥有独特的设计细节。
  1991年 天梭Ceraten系列
  1994年 天梭赞助F1索伯 - 梅赛德斯车队
  1994年,天梭和F1索伯 - 梅赛德斯车队签署合作协议,该车队的两位车手分别是H.H.弗伦岑 和 A.德塞萨里斯。天梭曾经赞助过一级方程式比赛,而在12年后,天梭重返F1车坛,品牌的标志也出现在了索伯 - 梅赛德斯奔驰车队的30号赛车车身上。
  1995年 天梭成为国际自行车联盟(UCI)的赞助商
  1996年 天梭成为国际击剑联合会(FIE)的赞助商
  1996年 天梭成为国际冰球联合会(IIHF)的赞助商
  1999年 天梭T系列
  1998年,一位女设计师为女性消费者设计了天梭T系列。其命名中的“T”。让人直接联想到天梭的首字母。仔细地观赏,您会发现 “T”字被巧妙地融入了腕表的表带和表壳中,十分别致。
  1999年 天梭T-Touch系列,首款触屏腕表
  2001年 天梭成为MotoGPTM世界摩托车锦标赛的赞助商
  2008年 天梭成为国际篮球联合会(FIBA)赞助商
  2008年,天梭和国际篮球联合会(FIBA)签订合作协议。能和篮球这样一项国际性的运动合作,充分显示了品牌的运动精神,以及对精准和性能的不懈追求。天梭和FIBA的首次合作开始于2008年。然后,品牌和法国篮球巨星托尼· 帕克签约,邀请其担任品牌形象大使。这一合作关系显示了天梭在全球范围内对篮球的关注和热爱。
  2009年 C01.211机芯
  2009年,天梭以其卓越的制表技术和经验,研发了无与伦比的C01.211机芯。由于该机芯的生产及装配成本极富竞争力,使使用该机芯的腕表价格平易近人,从而可以将精准计时体验带给更多的顾客。C01.211机芯的设计灵感来源于两款经典机芯,它们分别是70年代的天梭Astrolon和Lemania 5100机芯。新研发的C01.211机芯具有里程碑式意义,其中使用了更多的合成材料。这一突破由80年代诞生的、使用合成材料的扁平式擒纵机构演化而来。使用合成材料制成的擒纵机构质量轻巧,性能出色,摩擦较小。它采用现代化的ETAChron标准调校精度。C01.211机芯中的自动锤采用纯铜制成,上面镶有增加重量的重金属条,而避震器则使用了高效的Nivachoc B1。全新的C01.211机芯首先运用于天梭库图和骏驰200系列腕表中。
  1988 Tissot Sottsass series
  The watch with its designer - named after the famous Italian designer Ettore Sottsass. Tissot Sottsass series is a neutral style watch, has a unique design details.
  1991 Tissot Ceraten series
  Ceraten series is the first to use Tissot watch made of ceramic. The name "Cera" on behalf of its ceramic case. It also features a sapphire crystal glass table mirror, the hardness of the material than steel. The name of the "Ten" symbol durable lithium battery used in the movement, but also very environmentally friendly.
  Ceraten series
  Ceraten Series (2)
  1994 Tissot sponsor Sauber F1 - Mercedes
  In 1994, Tissot and Sauber F1 - Mercedes signed a cooperation agreement, the team's two drivers were H.H. Frentzen and A. Desai Sarris. Tissot has been sponsored Formula One racing, and 12 years later, Tissot return to F1, brand logo also appears in the Sauber - Mercedes-Benz racing team's No. 30 car body.
  F1 race
  F1 race (3)
  1995 Tissot became the International Cycling Union (UCI) is brought to you
  Cycling is one of the major Tissot sports participation. 25 years ago, he began to sponsor Tissot bike race, which sponsored events including the 1978 Tour de France, the Tour de Suisse and Tour of Spain cycling race and so on. In 1995, Tissot and headquartered in Switzerland, and the International Cycling Union (UCI) to establish a cooperative relationship. Through this sponsorship, the audience can better align with the Tissot need endurance, precision and improvise movement linked, and these products also hope Tissot exhibited characteristics. With the deepening of cooperation, Tissot also became the official time of the world roads, grounds and mountain bike championships and the World Cup BMX race series classical venues, as well as mountain bike World Cup.
  1996 Tissot became the International Fencing Federation (FIE) sponsor
  In 1996, Tissot found an ideal partner - the International Fencing Federation (FIE). Fencing is a fusion of traditional and innovative movement, both of which also Tissot has been adhering to and emphasize core values. Fencing is one of the world's oldest sports, but also the precise timing requirements and very strict movement. Many watch brands keen to participate in this movement, Tissot is no exception. It perfectly illustrates the motto Tissot - "from the traditional, and strive to behave." Fencing blend of sensitivity and speed successful fencers require constant movement of technological innovation, surprise attack, to let the audience enjoy high quality game. In addition to highlighting the skills and innovative spirit, the fencers in the game's attitude is particularly elegant chic, which also makes the sport of fencing is more distinctive.
  1996 Tissot became the International Ice Hockey Federation (IIHF) sponsor
  In 1996, Tissot and the International Ice Hockey Federation formally established cooperative relations. Ice hockey is a dynamic, fast intense exercise, always makes the audience breathless enthusiasm. Hockey skills, precision and speed requirements are very high, but also the national sport of Switzerland. As a Swiss watch brand, Tissot nature of this movement favored a plus. Tissot is not only sponsored the Swiss national team, but also the world champion Russian team official partner.
  1999 Tissot T Series
  In 1998, a female designer designs for women consumers Tissot T series. Named the "T". People directly associated with the first letter of Tissot. Watch carefully, you will find the "T" word is cleverly integrated into the watch strap and case, and very chic.
  1999 Tissot T-Touch series, the first touch screen watch
  In 1999, Tissot watches into high-tech manufacturing, which once affected the entire watchmaking industry innovation. While this versatile T-Touch touch screen watch is a major breakthrough in watchmaking. 1999 T-Touch first generation already has a set of outdoor touch-screen function (including weather forecast, altimeter, countdown timer, compass, alarm and thermometer function).
  2001 Tissot became MotoGPTM MotoGP sponsor
  Tissot has always been keen on speed racing, in order to further enhance the brand association and racing, Tissot in 2001 and MotoGPTM partnership became official time of the tournament. Motorcycle is a fast and full of innovative spirit of sport, and sport cooperation Tissot brand reflects the spirit of sports products and relentless pursuit of accurate, it reflects the brand and hope all the drivers like to do their utmost to improve the game results. In 2003, Tissot launched the first official MotoGP watches, watch which draw inspiration from the high-speed motorcycle sport. The representative of the spirit of motorcycle racing Tissot racing series also born in 2004.
  2008 Tissot became the International Basketball Federation (FIBA) Sponsor
  In 2008, Tissot and the International Basketball Federation (FIBA) signed a cooperation agreement. Can such an international sport cooperation and basketball, it shows the brand's sporting spirit, as well as precise and relentless pursuit of performance. Tissot and FIBA's first collaboration began in 2008. Then, the brand and the French basketball star Tony Parker signed as a brand ambassador invited. This partnership shows Tissot worldwide attention and love of basketball.
  In 2009, Tissot watch for its excellent technology and experience developed unparalleled C01.211 movement. As the production and assembly costs of the movement of highly competitive, making use of the movement of the watch approachable price, allowing the precise timing experience to more customers. C01.211 movement inspired by two classic movement, they are Astrolon 70 years Tissot and Lemania 5100 movement. The newly developed C01.211 movement a milestone in which the use of more synthetic materials. This breakthrough by the 1980s, the birth, the use of synthetic materials flat escapement mechanism evolved. The use of synthetic materials escapement lightweight quality, excellent performance, low friction. It uses modern ETAChron standard calibration accuracy. C01.211 automatic movement of the hammer is made using copper, inlaid with an increase in weight of heavy metal bar above, and shock absorbers use efficient Nivachoc B1. The new C01.211 Tissot library map used in the first movement and Chun Chi 200 Series watch.


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