wanderer lootcrate是什么有什么东西

需要特别注意的是,游戏首个箱子“Gamescom Invitational Crate”是收费的,剩下两个则为免费箱子。
“Gamescom Invitational Crate”角色皮肤:
“Survivor crate”角色皮肤:
“Wanderer crate”角色皮肤:
今日搜狐热点《绝地求生:大逃杀》角色皮肤 性感妹子手握大枪
官方计划在下周推出三个道具箱子,这些箱子包含了一些角色皮肤,一起来看看吧。不过要注意的是,游戏首个箱子“Gamescom Invitational Crate”是收费的,剩下两个则为免费箱子。
“Gamescom Invitational Crate”角色皮肤:
“Survivor crate”角色皮肤:
“Wanderer crate”角色皮肤:
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今日搜狐热点PUBG patch notes shed light on contentious paid crate system | PC Gamer
PUBG patch notes shed light on contentious paid crate system
A long list of fixes and updates in the upcoming monthly patch.
The dedicated first-person servers and FOV slider that were
earlier this month, along with a number of other features including colorblind mode, a new vsync option, and Xbox controller support, have now arrived on the public test server. The update will be pushed to live servers later this week, creative director Brendan Greene explained in the patch notes, "as we need some extra time to test the new first-person view."&Anyone who owns PUBG can access the test server by downloading the separate client through Steam.Greene also used the patch notes to say a few words about the upcoming "crate and key system," which hasn't been universally popular with Early Access players. "While our intention was and still is to add the full feature to the game when we move into actual release, we do need to test it prior to launch and at Early Access so that it is stable and ready to be fully introduced to our community," he wrote. "The idea of testing, prior to full implementation, is at the heart of adding every new game feature in our game, and this includes the crate and key system which we believe will serve as the foundation of a healthy economy after launch."&Greene said that the new system will put a cap on the number of crates a player can receive each week, in the same way the current free-to-open system does. Prices will be reset each Monday, and crates can be freely traded on the Steam marketplace. He also pointed out that the specifics of the "full cosmetic system" are still being worked out, "and we are taking your concerns into consideration when it comes to the ability to get free cosmetics by playing the game."&"I do understand your concerns about the system, but I feel testing for a sturdy economy on the Steam Marketplace is necessary at this stage and ultimately beneficial for the game," he wrote.&"But still, I must admit that our messaging wasn&t very clear, so I extend my sincere apologies for the confusion caused. The process of communicating our intentions precisely to our fans and communities should have been done in a more careful and prudent manner. I&ve learned a lot, and we&ll try to communicate better moving forward."&The full update 4 patch notes, and a few crate pics, are below.&Server Optimization:Optimized fences, doors, and windowsOptimized vehicle physicsClient Optimization:Optimized memory usage for world objectsOptimized terrain renderingOptimized vehicle physicsOptimized User InterfaceNew Items:Added new weapon Mk14 EBR. Mk14 EBR is a Designated Marksman Rifle that can only be obtained from Carepackages. This weapon is chambered for 7.62mm and sniper rifle attachmentsCharacter:Added two new face presets and hairstyles to character customization for both gendersGameplay:Added 1st Person server options to NA and EU Solo and Duo game-modesPlayers who choose 1st Person mode will be matched togetherCharacter view is set to 3rd Person mode in starting airplane and during free fall from the airplane. This will be set to 1st Person only in a future updateCamera will stay still while looting items to prevent dizzinessAdded a new feature to report playersSome people killed knocked-out teammates in order to avoid giving kill count to an opponent who knocked them down. Now the kill count will still go to the opponent in this specific case.Added new animation when using different consumables Improved camera transition when disabling Free look feature (Alt Key)Decreased the reload time of VSSPlayers may now re-enter games if they have been disconnected mid-gameYou may now play with Xbox controllers, and we will continue to make improvements with Xbox controllersSound volume difference from inside and outside of building is more obviousAdded new sound effect while scoping or aiming weaponAdded new effects when a character is running or sprinting over different types of surfacesImproved character animation without any weapon or with melee weaponAdded slight delay when using the drag-and-drop feature on items in inventory UI. We implemented this delay to provide a fair gameplay environment to all playersImproved post-process effect when a character takes damage outside of the blue circleItems and Vehicles:Added a lower rail attachment slot to SKSYou may now honk a car horn when sitting in the driver's seat with Left Mouse ClickDecreased the chance of vehicle explosion after the vehicle gets stuck in objectsVehicle driving sound will change slightly in FPP and TPP modesAdded new sound effects for motorcycle tire screech while drivingEliminated firing delay of S1897 from pump action after reloadImproved effects of boatsAdded spark effect to flat tiresReduced cast time of First Aid Kit / Painkiller to 6 secondsReduced cast time of Med Kit / Adrenaline Syringe to 8 secondsUI:Added more features and hot keys to the Options MenuAdded new option for V-SyncYou may now designate a maximum of two different keys for each key bindAdded new option to set toggle on certain actions and featuresYou may now use Mouse wheel up/down as one of your key bindsAdded new keybinds, such as all mute (Ctrl+M) and switching Voice Channel (Ctrl+Y), and a new option to adjust the volume of voice chatAdded new keybinds to use specific throwablesAdded Colorblind ModeAdded an FOV slider for 1st person viewAdded some region names to the mini mapAdded new option to display helmet, vest, and backpack equipped on HUD UI. This HUD UI will be updated further in the futureAdded new option to display all equipped weapons on the right side of the screen. This UI will be updated further in the futureBug fixes:Partially fixed client crash issuesFixed an issue of weapons sporadically ceasing to fire despite being set to auto firing modeYou may not use consumables in vehicles underwaterFixed bugs below while spectating another characterA character appeared to be shaking when the character moves aroundCamera swing when a character scopes while walkingCamera swing when a character peeks left or right while scopingA character appeared to be shaking when the player moves his mouse while scoping in ProneCharacters farther than 500m away from a vehicle will no longer hear the tire screech soundFixed post-process bug underwater in FPP modeFixed an issue of the reloading sound getting played repetitively after dropping a weapon while reloadingFixed the probability of getting rainy weather to previous valueFixed a bug where a character could not equip attachment with full inventoryFixed a bug where weapons would continue to play looped reload animation even after canceling the reloadFixed a bug where a character could see through the other side of wall when scoping or crouching against certain wallsFixed a bug where a character sitting on objects inside of certain buildings could see through ceilings and wallsFixed sporadic issue of disabling in-game UIEliminated bombing outside of Red ZoneSurvivor Crate (free-to-open):Wanderer Crate (free to open):


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