
Joy and why should there so coincidentally intertwined:before our pain,for the wenchuan,At the expo,we have tears.Not superstitious,just like what we at any time to awake:life each day better than yesterday,but life is never entirely satisfactory.Joy is often the anticipated,and disaster and sad but always suddenly struck.Two years ago,and yushu county,an originally not familiar with all the local people into the sight,then gathered all eyes and sadness.This is our most reluctant to accept the reality,but must face.Because in wenchuan county,so this time,sadness,but has not been so still nervous.Tragedy,but not always has a tragedy to repeat last is.Therefore,the rescue still have faced with difficulties,4000 meters high altitude,cold winter temperatures,fragile as the language barrier,the traffic,and there is poverty.But after all is in wenchuan after,we still see this one life big relief process embodies the progress.What?What light?What slow?What urgent?Rescue work started on a more rational and calm.For example,the local government one cavity warm blood temporarily stopped,because the volunteer,limited traffic "life" to channel rescuers and most need to aid and open.Not anxious for rescue.If catastrophe were to let people vigilant and growth,that is progress but degradation.Besides,all have to continue life,we really hope rescue work continuously to let us call good,although such things should happen in earthquake relief after completion.Now,save lives,it is urgent.Also as XXX,even if the instructions to only 1% of hope,also want to try 100% effort.Life is priceless.There are many people in this time to do something,but that many people may finally didn't do anything,just silently in mind for yushu wishes.It is quite warm,let a person and always lets a person feel enough.For most concerned that such materials and cotton quilt.I believe there are a lot of people have the materials and is willing to donate,but because you do not know where,or because he knows that trouble,or is really no spare time to send in the past.Therefore,the relevant departments,not only give a few donation account can.Whether can put donations to the point,could street lane grass-roots organization as the volunteers and department hotline,and then make a few areas according to donate situation of period of time to collect.This for volunteers also put forward higher requirement,not to say just one cavity warm blood rushed to the forefront.The voluntary spirit is the spirit of dedication,a duty,more often,this service is completed in behind the scenes.This some planning,rational arrangement of donation and voluntary service whether it should be experienced in the wenchuan after the pain will be formed a kind of mechanism?At least should not be whenever a new when disaster strikes,we all work in the rescue in the process of sorrow:why do we have prepared better,but we can do it.Yushu aroundthe from wenchuan,actually the wounds of two anniversary has less than a month.This time we really should think more about wenchuan.Not to add sentimental,but through to find what we look back to the work can be better,can do better?As our psychological aid can ready,because in life "golden relief after 24 hours of psychological aid," from the people and are also important.Another example is late for work to prepare more quickly and all kinds of articles for daily use,whether example as far as possible can advance in place?The wound healing,wenchuan yushu have added new trauma.Whenever the scourge,heat up the heart immediately.Love,love is inflicted warm hearts that really is our national very lovely place.Often,this time because of grief and disaster for love,inter-woven touched the hearts of the men of clench together.Too often at this time,I am total at think,whether can be a bit less,and disaster love and warmth.Such as less WangGuLing tragedy,some more about our daily life of the disadvantaged groups.Obviously,the arrival of natural disasters are likely to stop this desire I,but everyone love cannot so much?But more available?Actually not to making donations,more often when we don't need only,just need more looks into a concern,then do no help.I wish this and not many people thought?Tears at yushu,but the miracle of life can appear more,let all the living are tough,the rest is up,don't abandon.But let us think wenchuan,can with better living condition,and their dead in human warmth,love,not remain aloof world,natural disasters occurred frequently earthquakes,only the unity of the nationalities in disaster can temper of stronger.S earthquake has become a life of disaster relief efforts,but now will have a valuable spiritual wealth,can comfort,can remind the posterity.
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  震后很有可能余震,而且余震的位置未必是震源很近的位置。所以学习自救是地震后很重要的措施之一。   地震发生时,至关重要的是要有清醒的头脑,镇静自若的态度。只有镇静,才有可能运用平时学到的防震知识并判断地震的大小和远近。近震常以上下颠簸开始,之后才左右摇摆。远震却少上下颠簸感觉,而以左右摇摆为主,而且声脆,震动小。一般小震和远震不必外逃。由此可见,地震,虽然目前人类还不能完全避免和控制,但是只要能掌握自救,互救技能,就能使灾害降到最低限度。总结有以下几点:   1.保持镇静在地震中十分重要,有人观察到,不少无辜者并不因房屋倒塌而被砸伤或挤压伤致死,而是由于精神崩溃,从而失去生存的希望,乱喊、乱叫,在极度恐惧中“ 扼杀”了自己。这是因为,乱喊乱叫会加速新陈代谢,增加氧的消耗,使体力下降,耐受力降低;同时,大喊大叫,必定会吸入大量烟尘,易造成窒息增加不必要的伤亡。正确态度是在任何恶劣的环境,始终要保持镇静,分析所处环境,寻找出路,等待救援。   2.止血、固定砸伤和挤压伤是地震中常见的伤害。开放性创伤,外出血应首先止血抬高患肢,同时呼救。对开放性骨折,不应作现场复位,以防止组织再度受伤,一般用清洁纱布覆盖创面,作简单固定后再进行运转。不同部位骨折,按不同要求进行固定。并参照不同伤势、伤情进行分类、分级,送医院进一步处理。   3.妥善处理伤口挤压伤时,应设法尽快解除重压,遇到大面积创伤者,要保持创面清洁,用干净纱布包扎创面,怀疑有破伤风和产气杆菌感染时,应立即与医院联系,及时诊断和治疗。对大面积创伤和严重创伤者,可口服糖盐水,预防休克发生。   4.防止火灾地震常引起许多“次灾害”,火灾是常见的一种。在大火中应尽快脱离火灾现场,脱下燃烧的衣帽,或用湿衣服覆盖身上,或卧地打滚,也可用水直接浇泼灭火。切忌用双手扑打火苗,否则会引起双手烧伤。消毒纱布或清洁布料包扎后送医院进一步处理。   5.同时要预防破伤风和气性坏疽,并且要尽早深埋尸体,注意饮食饮水卫生,防止大灾后的大疫。   最新自救建议:不要躲在桌子下   日本的《地震手册》避震知识十条中,第一条就明确的写着“要躲在坚固的家具下”。所以,日本教师坚信,最好的办法是“藏在桌下”。这个想法是以日本地震多在数十秒后结束,天花板不会落下为前提的。物天花板因强震倒塌时,会将桌床等家具压毁,人如果躲在其中,后果不堪设想,如果人以低姿势躲在家具旁,家具可以先受倒塌物品的挤压和碰撞,让一旁的人取得生存空间。


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