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江苏省常州市学年七年级语文第一学期期中教学质量调研试题 苏教版
内容提示:江苏省常州市学年七年级语文第一学期期中教学质量调研试题 苏教版
上传日期: 21:39:29|
09-09-09 &匿名提问
reflection,主要用于反思(consider past things)contemplation,主要强调注视,思量的过程,长时间的集中精神,非常正式的用法。meditation,主要指精神方面(think deeply about spiritual matters), (主要用于宗教)动词还有内心策划的意思muse 只有在用作动词时,才表达沉思,而且是不及物动词,要和about/over/on/upon 连接。主要强调沉思自语。另:分析这些名词时,要结合动词的原意。
1.reflection[ri5flekFEn]n.反射, 映象, 倒影, 反省, 沉思, 反映reflectionre.flec.tionAHD:[r¹-fl&k“sh…n] D.J.[r!6flek.*n]K.K.[r!6flWk.*n]n.Abbr. refl.(名词)缩写 refl.The act of reflecting or the state of being reflected.反射:反射的行为或被反射的状态Something, such as light, radiant heat, sound, or an image, that is reflected.被反射物:如光、高热、声或形象等被反射的事物M careful consideration.精神集中;仔细考虑A thought or an opinion resulting from such consideration.深思熟虑的想法:通过这种考虑产生的想法或观点An indirect expression of censure or discredit:指责,怀疑:批评或不信任的间接的表达:a reflection on his integrity.对他正直的怀疑A manifestation or result:显示,结果:Her achievements are a reflection of her courage.她的成就是她勇气的显示Anatomy 【解剖学】 The folding of a membrane from the wall of a cavity over an organ and back to the wall.细胞膜折叠:细胞膜从器官的腔壁到器官上再折回腔壁的褶皱The folds so made.细胞膜皱褶:这样形成的皱褶reflec“tionaladj.(形容词)reflection(Brit also reflexion)/ri'flekFn; ri'flekFEn/   ---------- 1 ----------
(a) [U] reflecting or being reflected 反映; 反射; 表现; 沉思: * heat transmitted by reflection 由反射传导的热. (b) [C] thing reflected, esp an image in a mirror, still water, etc 被反映或反射之物; (尤指镜中、 静水等中的)映像: * see one's reflection in a polished table-top 在光亮的桌面上看见自己的映像* the reflection of the trees in the lake 湖面映出的树的倒影* (fig 比喻) be a pale reflection of one's former self, eg after an illness 与自己以前相比, 面容憔悴(如病後).   ---------- 2 ----------
[C] (fig 比喻) thing reflecting the nature of eg a person, task, etc 可反映人、 任务等的本质的事物: * Your clothes are a reflection of your personality.一个人的衣着可反映出其个性.   ---------- 3 ----------
(a) [U] thought or m consideration 沉思; 回忆; 思考: * lost in reflection 陷入沉思中* act without sufficient reflection 未经深思即采取行动* A moment's reflection will show you are wrong. 只要略加考虑就可看出你错了. (b) [C] ~ (on sth) (often pl 常作复数) (spoken or written expression of an) idea arising from this 经沉思而产生的想法(表达出的语言或文字): * idle reflections on the past 回忆往事的遐想* publish one's reflections on sexism 发表对性别歧视的看法.   ---------- 4 ----------
(idm 习语) be a (bad/poor/adverse) reflection on sb/sth harm the good reputation of sb/ imply blame or criticism of sb/sth 损害某人[某事物]的名声; 暗含责难或批评: * Your remarks are a reflection on me/my character. 你的话是对我[我的人格]的污辱.* This mess is a (poor) reflection on her competence. 这种混乱情况说明她难当此任. on reflection after reconsidering (sth) 再经考虑: * On further reflection, I saw that she might be right, after all. 我再一考虑, 反倒觉得可能还是她对.* She decided, on reflection, to accept the offer. 她重新考虑後, 决定接受那个建议.contemplation[7kCntem5pleiFEn]n.注视, 沉思, 预期, 企图, 打算2.contemplationcon.tem.pla.tionAHD:[k¼n”t…m-pl³“sh…n] D.J.[7kKnt*m6ple!.*n]K.K.[7k$nt*m6ple.*n]n.(名词)The act or state of contemplating.凝视:专注凝视的行为或状态Thoughtful observation or study.研究:留意的观察或研究Meditation on spiritual matters, especially as a form of devotion.沉思:对宗教问题的沉思默想,尤指作为一种虔诚方式Intention or expectation:意图:意图或预期:sought further information in contemplation of a career change.为改行而收集更多的信息3.meditation[medi5teiFEn]n.沉思, 冥想meditationmed.i.ta.tionAHD:[m&d”¹-t³“sh…n] D.J.[7med!6te!.*n]K.K.[7mWd!6te.*n]n.(名词)The act or process of meditating.沉思,冥想:沉思的行动或过程A devotional exercise of or leading to contemplation.默念,默想:虔诚的心理活动或导致沉思的A contemplative discourse, usually on a religious or philosophical subject.沉思录:经过冥思苦想的演讲,尤指以崇教或哲学为主题的med”ita“tionaladj.(形容词)4.muse[mju:z]v.沉思n.[希神] 缪斯女神Muse[mju:z][希神]文艺、美术 、音乐等的缪斯女神MUSE(Multi-User Simulated Environment)机器用户符号环境musemuseAHD:[my›z] D.J.[mju8z]K.K.[mjuz]v.(动词)mused,mus.ing, v.intr.(不及物动词)To be absorbed in one' engage in meditation.See Synonyms at ponder 沉思,冥想:全力思考;陷入沉思参见 ponderv.tr.(及物动词)To consider or say thoughtfully:谨慎地考虑或者说:mused that it might take longer to drive than walk.思忖着开车也许比步行花的时间还多n.(名词)A state of meditation.默想Middle English musen 中古英语 musen from Old French muser  possibly from mus [snout]  from Medieval Latin m&m 源自 古法语 muser  可能源自 mus [拱]  源自 中世纪拉丁语 m&m or of Germanic origin 或为 日耳曼语语源 mus“inglyadv.(副词)MuseMuseAHD:[my›z] D.J.[mju8z]K.K.[mjuz]n.(名词)Greek Mythology Any of the nine daughters of Mnemosyne and Zeus, each of whom presided over a different art or science.【希腊神话】 缪斯:宙斯和记忆女神的九个女儿,每一个掌管不同的文艺或者科学muse
muse A guiding spirit.指引方向的神A source of inspiration.灵感的源泉muse A poet. muse 诗人Middle English 中古英语 from Old French 源自 古法语 from Latin M&a 源自 拉丁语 M&a from Greek Mousa * see  men- 1源自 希腊语 Mousa *参见 men- 1muse1/mju:z; mjuz/   ---------- 1 ----------
the Muses [pl] (in Greek or Roman myth) the nine goddesses, daughters of Zeus or Jupiter, who protected and encouraged poetry, music, dancing, history and other branches of art and literature (希腊或罗马神话中的)缪斯(九位女神, 均为宙斯或朱庇特之女, 专管诗歌、 音乐、 舞蹈、 历史及其他文艺科目).   ---------- 2 ----------
[C] (rhet 修辞) spirit that inspires a creative artist, esp a poet 艺术家(尤指诗人)的创作灵感: * His muse had deserted him, and he could no longer write. 他已无灵感, 不能再写作了.
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上传日期: 18:05:57|
09-09-09 &匿名提问 发布
reflection,主要用于反思(consider past things)contemplation,主要强调注视,思量的过程,长时间的集中精神,非常正式的用法。meditation,主要指精神方面(think deeply about spiritual matters), (主要用于宗教)动词还有内心策划的意思muse 只有在用作动词时,才表达沉思,而且是不及物动词,要和about/over/on/upon 连接。主要强调沉思自语。另:分析这些名词时,要结合动词的原意。
1.reflection[ri5flekFEn]n.反射, 映象, 倒影, 反省, 沉思, 反映reflectionre.flec.tionAHD:[r¹-fl&k“sh…n] D.J.[r!6flek.*n]K.K.[r!6flWk.*n]n.Abbr. refl.(名词)缩写 refl.The act of reflecting or the state of being reflected.反射:反射的行为或被反射的状态Something, such as light, radiant heat, sound, or an image, that is reflected.被反射物:如光、高热、声或形象等被反射的事物M careful consideration.精神集中;仔细考虑A thought or an opinion resulting from such consideration.深思熟虑的想法:通过这种考虑产生的想法或观点An indirect expression of censure or discredit:指责,怀疑:批评或不信任的间接的表达:a reflection on his integrity.对他正直的怀疑A manifestation or result:显示,结果:Her achievements are a reflection of her courage.她的成就是她勇气的显示Anatomy 【解剖学】 The folding of a membrane from the wall of a cavity over an organ and back to the wall.细胞膜折叠:细胞膜从器官的腔壁到器官上再折回腔壁的褶皱The folds so made.细胞膜皱褶:这样形成的皱褶reflec“tionaladj.(形容词)reflection(Brit also reflexion)/ri'flekFn; ri'flekFEn/   ---------- 1 ----------
(a) [U] reflecting or being reflected 反映; 反射; 表现; 沉思: * heat transmitted by reflection 由反射传导的热. (b) [C] thing reflected, esp an image in a mirror, still water, etc 被反映或反射之物; (尤指镜中、 静水等中的)映像: * see one's reflection in a polished table-top 在光亮的桌面上看见自己的映像* the reflection of the trees in the lake 湖面映出的树的倒影* (fig 比喻) be a pale reflection of one's former self, eg after an illness 与自己以前相比, 面容憔悴(如病後).   ---------- 2 ----------
[C] (fig 比喻) thing reflecting the nature of eg a person, task, etc 可反映人、 任务等的本质的事物: * Your clothes are a reflection of your personality.一个人的衣着可反映出其个性.   ---------- 3 ----------
(a) [U] thought or m consideration 沉思; 回忆; 思考: * lost in reflection 陷入沉思中* act without sufficient reflection 未经深思即采取行动* A moment's reflection will show you are wrong. 只要略加考虑就可看出你错了. (b) [C] ~ (on sth) (often pl 常作复数) (spoken or written expression of an) idea arising from this 经沉思而产生的想法(表达出的语言或文字): * idle reflections on the past 回忆往事的遐想* publish one's reflections on sexism 发表对性别歧视的看法.   ---------- 4 ----------
(idm 习语) be a (bad/poor/adverse) reflection on sb/sth harm the good reputation of sb/ imply blame or criticism of sb/sth 损害某人[某事物]的名声; 暗含责难或批评: * Your remarks are a reflection on me/my character. 你的话是对我[我的人格]的污辱.* This mess is a (poor) reflection on her competence. 这种混乱情况说明她难当此任. on reflection after reconsidering (sth) 再经考虑: * On further reflection, I saw that she might be right, after all. 我再一考虑, 反倒觉得可能还是她对.* She decided, on reflection, to accept the offer. 她重新考虑後, 决定接受那个建议.contemplation[7kCntem5pleiFEn]n.注视, 沉思, 预期, 企图, 打算2.contemplationcon.tem.pla.tionAHD:[k¼n”t…m-pl³“sh…n] D.J.[7kKnt*m6ple!.*n]K.K.[7k$nt*m6ple.*n]n.(名词)The act or state of contemplating.凝视:专注凝视的行为或状态Thoughtful observation or study.研究:留意的观察或研究Meditation on spiritual matters, especially as a form of devotion.沉思:对宗教问题的沉思默想,尤指作为一种虔诚方式Intention or expectation:意图:意图或预期:sought further information in contemplation of a career change.为改行而收集更多的信息3.meditation[medi5teiFEn]n.沉思, 冥想meditationmed.i.ta.tionAHD:[m&d”¹-t³“sh…n] D.J.[7med!6te!.*n]K.K.[7mWd!6te.*n]n.(名词)The act or process of meditating.沉思,冥想:沉思的行动或过程A devotional exercise of or leading to contemplation.默念,默想:虔诚的心理活动或导致沉思的A contemplative discourse, usually on a religious or philosophical subject.沉思录:经过冥思苦想的演讲,尤指以崇教或哲学为主题的med”ita“tionaladj.(形容词)4.muse[mju:z]v.沉思n.[希神] 缪斯女神Muse[mju:z][希神]文艺、美术 、音乐等的缪斯女神MUSE(Multi-User Simulated Environment)机器用户符号环境musemuseAHD:[my›z] D.J.[mju8z]K.K.[mjuz]v.(动词)mused,mus.ing, v.intr.(不及物动词)To be absorbed in one' engage in meditation.See Synonyms at ponder 沉思,冥想:全力思考;陷入沉思参见 ponderv.tr.(及物动词)To consider or say thoughtfully:谨慎地考虑或者说:mused that it might take longer to drive than walk.思忖着开车也许比步行花的时间还多n.(名词)A state of meditation.默想Middle English musen 中古英语 musen from Old French muser  possibly from mus [snout]  from Medieval Latin m&m 源自 古法语 muser  可能源自 mus [拱]  源自 中世纪拉丁语 m&m or of Germanic origin 或为 日耳曼语语源 mus“inglyadv.(副词)MuseMuseAHD:[my›z] D.J.[mju8z]K.K.[mjuz]n.(名词)Greek Mythology Any of the nine daughters of Mnemosyne and Zeus, each of whom presided over a different art or science.【希腊神话】 缪斯:宙斯和记忆女神的九个女儿,每一个掌管不同的文艺或者科学muse
muse A guiding spirit.指引方向的神A source of inspiration.灵感的源泉muse A poet. muse 诗人Middle English 中古英语 from Old French 源自 古法语 from Latin M&a 源自 拉丁语 M&a from Greek Mousa * see  men- 1源自 希腊语 Mousa *参见 men- 1muse1/mju:z; mjuz/   ---------- 1 ----------
the Muses [pl] (in Greek or Roman myth) the nine goddesses, daughters of Zeus or Jupiter, who protected and encouraged poetry, music, dancing, history and other branches of art and literature (希腊或罗马神话中的)缪斯(九位女神, 均为宙斯或朱庇特之女, 专管诗歌、 音乐、 舞蹈、 历史及其他文艺科目).   ---------- 2 ----------
[C] (rhet 修辞) spirit that inspires a creative artist, esp a poet 艺术家(尤指诗人)的创作灵感: * His muse had deserted him, and he could no longer write. 他已无灵感, 不能再写作了.


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