lockhtml4锁屏主题里怎么只有No Theme

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我的手机是iPhone6 iOS8.1已经完美越狱必装兼容插件清单?
你好!& &&为了方便爱玩机爱搞机的果粉,个人特意搜集了国外大神们列出的iOS8.0-iOS8.1越狱兼容插件清单。心急想玩插件的小伙伴们都要注意了!!!安装插件有风险,为了避免可能会出现白苹果等问题,安装前最好还是做好备份工作,将设备中的重要资料保存一份再开始玩吧。& 插 件 名 字是否 兼容?& &&&版本& && && && && && && && && && && &&&备注是否支持64位处理器?A Best VoIP&&APP - Tinkle是2.5.9&是AccountChanger&&TS部分2.4.2-2Works but requires&&AppStore to be quit and reopened before account is changed.部分Activator否1.9.0&否Alkaline是1.3&是AndroidLock&&XT是3.3.1&未测试AppETA是1.1&未测试AppHide部分0.0.2Only hides NewsStand&&as AppList is broken. From 部分Apple File&&Conduit "2"否1No effect.否AppList否1.5.8&否Asphaleia否1.0.4-39Causes safe mode否Auxo 2 (iOS&&7)否1.2.3&否Barrel是1.7.4.0-1&未测试Bars是0.7.0&是Battery&&Percentage Enabler是1.0.0&否BatteryLife是1.5.1&是BetrFoldr部分3.1-5Some features work&&but lags.部分BetterFolders是0.0.1-1&是BetterPowerDown是1.0.0-6&是BioLockdown否1.2.7Causes safe mode.否BioProtect否1.4-34Causes safe mode.否biteSMS否8.3&否Bloard是0.0.8-2&是bluePill是1.2-51&未测试Blur Remover是0.0.3-18&是BlurBar是1.2-1&是BlurredMusicApp是0.4-1&是BTstack是0.8-3&是Burst mode是1.3-6&是ByPass否2.0.0-1Safe mode.否BytaFont 2是2.2&是CallBar for&&iOS 7否0.3-176Causes safe mode.否CameraTweak 2&&(iOS 7)否1.1.2Safe mode when going&&into camera.否CCControls部分1.2Works but causes safe&&mode when using the controls in Control Center.部分CCHide是1.1-3&是CCLoader否1.2.7Causes safe mode when&&accessing the Control Center.否CCMeters部分1.2.1-1Works but to add&&extras to the Control Center, CCLoader is required, which does not work.部分CCToggles否0.2.2Causes safe mode.否Chip否1.5.1Crashes when setting&&an app and causes safe mode when a notification is c.否ClassicDock部分1.0-20Works but only with&&modern style.部分ClassicLockScreen否2.0-4&否ClassicSwitcher否1.5-38Breaks multitasking&&view.否Color&&Keyboard for iOS 7部分1.4.0-1Some themes work but&&opening the preference pane causes Settings to crash.部分ColorFlow否1.1.1-4&否Copic部分3.3Works but text&&alignment is wrong in messages app.部分customLS部分1.2-1Custom text does not&&work.部分CyDelete7否0.7-13&否是1.1.13&是Cydia&&Substrate部分0.9.5013Works but requires&&respring after a reboot.部分Cylinder是0.14.3.16&是Disable&&Parallax Effect是1.3-1&是DockShift是1.5-3&是Eclipse部分1.4.5-3Works but causes safe&&mode when tapping "Quit Apps" and whitelist does not work.部分Effects+是1.1-3&是f.lux是0.99&是FakeCarrier是1.5&是FakeClockUp是0.5-6From&&是Filza File&&Manager是1.4.3-3&未测试Five Icon&&Dock否0.9.3400Requires IconSupport否FlagPaint7否1.3.1Causes safe mode when&&a banner is shown.否Flex 2是1.928&是FlipControlCenter部分1.0.1~beta2Some features work&&but others cause crashes. From 是Flipswitch是1.0.4&是Folder&&Customizer是1.2.1-3&是FolderEnhancer&&(iOS 7)否2.3.1Requires IconSupport.否GhostPrefs是1.4.8-1&是iBlacklist否7.0-5Crashes.否iCleaner是7.2.4&是iCleaner Pro是7.2.4From&&是Icon Renamer是1.2.1&是IconSupport否1.9.4-1Depends iOS Firmware&&<8.0否iFile否2.0.1-1Crashes on launch.否Infiniboard否2.1.2-1Requires IconSupport.否Infinidock否2.1.2-1Requires IconSupport.否Infinifolders否2.1.2-1Requires IconSupport.否iSlideText否2.0-1&否iTouchSecure否2.0.1.3Causes applications&&to not open.否iTransmission&&4是4.6&是iTunes Radio&&Unlimited是1.1.0&是iWidgets部分1.1.2Does not work when&&tapping an empty space.部分Jellylock7部分1.1.0-1Works but can cause&&text to move over on the screen.部分KeDoRi Pro否1.0-1Crashes.否LabelShift是1.1-1&是libhide是2.4.1-1&是LinkOpener否1.3.1No effect.否locetionFaker是1.6-4&是Lock Screen&&Tool是2.0-1&是Lockdown Pro&&iOS 7否1.0.7Crashes.否LockHTML3是1.2.t-1&是Lockify Pro是1.5-1&未测试LockKeyboard是1.0~beta2From&&是LockSpeed是1.0.0-1Works but UI needs&&updating for iPhone 6 and 6 Plus screen sizes.是Messages&&Customiser部分2.5.0Preferences can be&&changed by Messages crashes when opened with this installed.部分metephrase否1.2Crashes.否MobileTerminal否520-2Crashes on launch.否MobileTSS是1.0-2&是MxTube是2.2&未测试MyWi 7否7.06.01&否NewTerm是1.0~beta1From&&是Nightmode是1.3.1-1&是Nitrous是2.4-5&是No Carrier&&Name是1&否No Dock&&Labels是1.0.0&否No Glint是1.0-3&是NoAdStoreOpen是0.0.2-1&是NoBlur否1.1-16Causes safe mode.否NoCameraGrabber是1.0.1&否NoCoverFlow7是1.0-1&是NoMotion是1.0.5&是NoPageDots7是1&是NoSlowAnimations是4.0-25&是NoUpdateCircles是1.0-1&是OpenSSH是6.1p1-11&是OpenSSL是0.9.8y-10&是PandoraSkips是0.0.5-1&是PasswordPilot是1.2-4&是Phantom for&&Snapchat是3.2.2-1&是Poof是5&是Power Tap是1.1.1-1&是PowerApp是2.1&是PreferenceLoader是2.2.2&是Priority Hub否1.2-1Crashes when a&&notification is shown.否Push for&&Gmail否1.11&否QuickMusic否1.0.0&否RocketBootstrap是1.0.2&是Safari&&Download Enabler否3.1-9No effect.否Safari&&Downloader+否3.1-1No effect.否ShowCase是1.3.4.3-1&是Sicarius否1.0.1No effect.否SixBar是0.0.4-29&是SleekCode是1.0-1&是Slide2Kill 7否1.1-25No effect.否Smart Search否1.2.1-1Causes safe mode.否SmartSearch否1.0-2&否SmartTap部分0.2-55Works apart from when&&device is locked by double tap, which causes safe mode.部分SnapMoreText是2.1-2&是Snes9x EX+是1.5.21&未测试Speedy Homey是1.2-1&是Springtomize&&3 - iOS 7否1.2.0-1&否StatusHUD 2是2.0.0&是StatusModifier是3.3.2&是SubtleLock&&(iOS 7)是2.0.3-1Works except for on&&Safari.部分SwipeSelection部分1.4.2-1Works except for on&&Safari.部分SwipeSelection&&Pro部分0.9.6-1&是SwipeShiftCaret是1.6.4-1&是SwitchSpring否1.0.1No effect.否Tage否1.0.5&否TetherMe否3.1.2-1Crashes settings app.否TimePasscode&&Pro是0.0.3&是TransparentVolume是0.0.2-1&是True iRadio是1&是TypeStatus部分1.2.1Status bar overlay&&works but icon does not.部分Universal&&Video Downloader否1.1.1&否vColor是1.1.1-1&是Virtual Home是1.3-1&是Wifi&&Passwords是2.0.2&是WinterBoard是0.9.3915&是Zeppelin是2.0.2&是
 此次的盘古越狱工具适用于iOS 8.0-8.1.x版本,之前为了等待iOS 8越狱而未升级系统版本的苹果用户可以放心了。这里为你带来iOS 8完美越狱教程。   注意事项:  1.在越狱前最好使用iTunes、iCloud或PP助手备份好iPhone、iPad内的数据;  2.越狱前务必关闭设备的密码锁以及“查找iPhone”功能;  3.越狱工具目前仅是为开发者准备的版本,因兼容问题,暂未提供Cydia以及Substrate,很多插件尚不能使用。  越狱教程:  1.打开盘古越狱工具;&iOS 8完美越狱教程-1  2.识别设备后点击“开始越狱”;&iOS 8完美越狱教程-2  3.耐心等待越狱工作完成;  4.越狱完成后,按照提示进行操作,且不会抹掉设备中的资料:解锁设备——选择WiFi(可跳过)——设置iCloud(可跳过)——设置查找我的iPhone(可跳过)——设置Touch ID与密码(可跳过)——开始使用。iOS 8完美越狱(配图来自网络)  至此,iOS 8完美越狱全部完成。盘古官方表示,等到Cydia作者完成兼容后,会立即更新越狱工具,集成Cydia。有耐心的网友可以继续等待一段时间。
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没找到想要的答案?那就登录提问吧The7 — Responsive Multi-Purpose WordPress Theme - WordPress | ThemeForest
Welcome The7 &#8211; the world&#8217;s most advanced multipurpose WordPress theme!
The7 is perfectly scalable, performance and SEO optimized, responsive, retina ready multipurpose WordPress theme. It will fit every site &#8211; big or small. From huge corporate portals to studio or personal sites &#8211; The7 will become a great foundation for your next project!
Compatible with WordPress 4.1 and 4.2.
Make your site unique with unlimited design and layouts options!
No theme around offers such a wide range of customization options. The7 allows you to customize almost every aspect of its appearance and layout via handy theme options panel and visual page builder.
State of the art Theme Options.
Countless number of logically organized and structured Theme Options offers you convenient tools to create a truly unique design!
3 styles: iOS, Minimalist and Material Design (new!)
You can choose between signature iOS styling or clean and universal look of Minimalist style. And now we&#8217;ve added brand new &#8220;Material Design&#8221; styling option!
20 skins x 4 layouts x 3 styles = 240 professional designs out of the box!
We&#8217;ve included 20 ready-made skins in different color schemes for different purposes. Multiply that on 4 layouts and 3 styles.
These 240 professional designs can be used right out of the box, or become a great starting point for your unique custom design.
Responsive. Fluid. Retina ready.
Your site will always look sharp and utilize 100% of screen estate on every device. Also The7 features adaptive navigation menu on smaller screen sizes.
Multiple header, main menu and content interposition options:
Top header, logo on the left, menu on the right
Top header, logo on the left, menu on the left under the logo
Top header, centered menu under the logo
Header on the left &#8211; content on the right / header on the right &#8211; content on the left
Boxed &#38; full-width layouts. Configurable content width and responsiveness points.
Select boxed or full- configure the content (and optionally header) width. Set custom responsiveness switching points for desktops, tablets and mobile devices.
Unlimited pages layouts with Visual Composer.
The7 comes with Visual Layout Builder. Create almost any layout you can imagine in only couple of clicks!
Plenty of unique layout elements.
29 custom elements:
Before / After (the essential tool to showcase retouch work)
Fancy Titles, Fancy Separators, Fancy Quote
Call to Action
Contact Form
Blog Masonry &#38; Grid
Blog Scroller, Portfolio Scroller
Portfolio Masonry &#38; Grid, Portfolio Justified Grid
Albums Masonry &#38; Grid, Albums Justified Grid
Albums Scroller, Photos Scroller
Photos Justified Grid, Photos Masonry &#38; Grid
Royal Slider
Gap, Fancy Media, Button, Fancy List
Almost all build in VC elements are highly customized: e.g. rows allows you to create parallax stripes, etc.
Multiple slideshows. Individual fancy headers for pages, posts, projects, etc.
Make your pages, posts and projects stand out with individual headers.
Choose one of 5 exclusive slideshows:
Slider Revolution
Layer Slider
Photo Scroller &#8211; developed exclusively for The7; photographers will love it!
Porthole Slider &#8211; custom slider based on Royal Slider
3D Slideshow &#8211; custom 3D slideshow/gallery
Or one of 4 fancy tiles (3 layouts of each!):
Multiple showcase options for your creative works.
There are many ways to showcase your creative works with The7. To name a few:
4 different slideshows
Masonry, justified grid and list portfolios and galleries
Responsive magnific popup lightbox
100% WooCommerce integration. Sell your goods with style.
That&#8217;s right &#8211; no need to mess with WooCommerce styling to fit your site perfectly. The7 will apply all required highly customized styles based on your design automatically! Specially optimized to sell digital, as well as physical, goods.
Supercharged Mega Menu!
Icon-font icons
Multiple menu rows / columns
Numerous styling options
Dedicated Post Types for:
Photo Albums
Plenty of Blog, Portfolio &#38; Galleries Layouts.
You can choose:
Masonry, grid or list view.
Justified grid layout for portfolio, albums and galleries
Infinite scroll / lazy loading option
Any number of columns + min. column width option
Additionally you can specify an appearance of photo album:
Photo Scroller
Simple slider
Supports WordPress post formats.
The7 supports and has individual styling for these post formats:
Unlimited Widgetized Areas. Individual sidebars and Footers. Lots of custom widgets.
The7 allows you to create an unlimited number of widget areas and display them individually in sidebar(s) and footer on pages, posts, portfolio projects, etc.
Convenient Page Templates.
Innovative page templates system in The7 allows you to display your content like portfolio projects, blog posts or team members in a couple of clicks. Moreover, you can specify which categories to show on this particular page. Therefore, you can create an unlimited number of different portfolios, galleries, blogs, teams, etc.!
List of page templates:
Default Template
Albums &#8211; justified grid
Albums &#8211; masonry &#38; grid
Blog &#8211; list
Blog &#8211; masonry &#38; grid
Gallery &#8211; justified grid
Gallery &#8211; masonry &#38; grid
Portfolio &#8211; justified grid
Portfolio &#8211; list
Portfolio &#8211; masonry &#38; grid
Unique page template: Microsite.
May be used for landing pages, one-page-sites, blank pages,.. even sterling sites-in-site!
Select custom menu
Enable / disable top bar, header, floating menu, bottom bar
Use custom logos, logo links and favicon
Enable / disable beautiful page loading
Choose wide or boxed layout
Custom CSS field
All regular options like header, slideshow, sidebars, etc. settings are also available
$99 worth of premium plugins included.
The7 offers more value for money. It includes $99 worth of premium plugins: , ,
(JS version), , , .
Compatible with most popular WordPress Plugins:
Contact form 7, WPML, All in One Calendar, Events manager Pro, Gravity Forms, WooCommerce, SEO by Yoast, All in One Seo Pack, W3 Total Cache, WP Super Cache, JetPack, Luv Comments, Disqus, Geo Post, Ultimate Maintenance Mode, NextGEN Gallery, etc.
Optimized for Search Engines (SEO).
The7&#8217;s HTML5 code meets best SEO practices. Theme is 100% compatible with industry-leading SEO plugins like &#8220;All on One SEO Pack&#8221; and &#8220;SEO by Yoast&#8221;.
100% translation ready and WPML compatible.
The7 is 100% translation ready and fully compatible with WPML.
Extensive documentation. Premium Class Support for free.
Faced a problem? No worries &#8211; we have ,
and our premium-class customer support service is always ready to help you.
Bui optimized for SPEEED!
Correctly set up sites build on The7 will yield highest page speed and scores in tests like GTMetrix and Pingdom.
Coolest and most trendy design features:
Slideshows in projects / posts previews, fancy headers, full-screen slideshows, Revolution Slider, boxed and wide layouts, striped content backgrounds, parallax stripes, video backgrounds (works in modern browsers), floating menu, various rollovers, integration of icon-fonts
and more&#8230; much more!
As you see, list of features goes on and on and on. Usage possibilities are truly innumerable.
But a picture paints a thousand words.
Attention! Photos on the preview are not included and can be purchased from .
Need some help?
Faced a problem? No worries &#8211; our premium class
service is always ready to help you.
Support requests are being processed on business days from 8:00 to 17:00 (GMT 0.0) [normally] within 24-48h in the order they were received.
Please note that the fastest way to obtain support is to submit a request via our online Help Desk: . Requests received via ThemeForest comments and personal messages, email, Twitter or FaceBook will take much longer time to process or can be not addressed at all!
Really great theme! Using it here &&
My GTMetrix score is A ( 98% ) and YSlow Grade is A ( 90% ) Lots of flexibility with this theme. Cross browser testing was perfect every time. Would recommend this theme to anyone! 5 Stars!!!
I just wished to say after buying lots of wordpress theme on Themeforest i have realized their is no theme which can outperform The 7 when it comes to easy customization with least knowledge of wordpress. You guys rock.
... You can say that this is a very successful project since it was done 100% by me. A designer with absolutely no knowledge about development. So this proves your theme works like a charm and it is very user friendly.
I just bought my 4th license of the7. This is the world&#8217;s top WP theme, ever. And I&#8217;ve bought hundreds. This is a &#8216;category killer&#8217;, the last WP theme anyone ever needs to buy. I&#8217;m a 15-year internet marketing veteran. I&#8217;d buy a dev multi-site license if there was such a thing available.
THANKS for making the world&#8217;s top WP theme. It&#8217;s all I&#8217;ll need, for years, and I&#8217;ll keep buying new ones for my new sites. You guys rock. Thank you. I&#8217;m a very skeptical hard-a$@ to sell to since I&#8217;ve seen it all. I&#8217;ve used the7 for 2 in-production sites already and working on 2 more. A+ Finally. a WP theme that leads the entire theme industry.
I compare this to others, nothing matches or beats it.
If I could buy you a beer, I would. Well use this as testimonial if you want, I&#8217;m a world&#8217;s top-buyer of rf content and this is helping me make a living and launch new sites to help customers. Rock on.
to profits, -ken
I use all the different &#8220;top&#8221; templates for clients like X &#38; U-Theme, but The7 is form a different planet&#8230;
No doubt, this is for me &#8220;by far&#8221; the best WP theme I have see and purchased.
So many customization, options, detailed manual, easy to use configuration etc&#8230;
Beautiful coded an slick design, I&#8217;m gone stop because I don&#8217;t want you to think I&#8217;m on the payroll form the author!
Purchase this template, its the best investment ever!
I have tried many WordPress themes and this is simply the best out there, period.
My biggest mistake was spending a week or so contemplating whether to purchase this theme or not and asking questions. I bought it yesterday, installed it, and everything (including the demo content) worked out of the box! It is very powerful and the options can be a little daunting at first but take a little time to read their instructions and you&#8217;ll have your site up and running in no time. From the design aspect within their demo I have improved my creativity by learning how things worked to showcase their cool pages. I have also found within Pingdom they have one of the highest performance grades including page speed. I will definetly be using this for other sites! Congratulations.
Amazing theme&#8230;. Best $55 I ever spent. I use to design everything from scratch in DW and it took me months to get something that looked fair. Wordpress and The 7 have truly changed my business and the way I&#8217;ll be working with sites. A dream come true. WP and the 7 have saved me hundreds of hours of time for a better result. It&#8217;s amazing that a deign like this is available for $55. 5 stars is an understatement. Thank you Dream Team.
I actually rate this product not only for design quality but all the features above. I have purchased and tried most of the highest ranked themes here but never seen one so versatile, non-problematic, user friendly and well performing. I have purchased a theme from you guys for the first time but in the future, you will be the first team that I will check for new designs. The visual composer works miracles for a non seasoned customer. BRAVO
Having wasted hundreds of $$$ on Theme Forest themes, my client asked me to use this on his project. To my joy, this theme has more than delivered and it seamlessly work in harmony with Visual Composer 4 to the extent that I&#8217;ve found it pretty addictive with the number of options and control you have at your fingertips.
I purchased this theme months ago and although I am in the development phase, I can attest that this theme is the most plugin receptive of the majority of themes available. I have about 60 active plugins and I rarely have javascript issues. This theme has it all but you can make it even better with other plugins for web design. Per the above comment, there will be a few conflicts but this theme shoots straight as an arrow.
Mark, Miami, FL
Just the best theme I&#8217;ve worked up to this day. Excelent amount of features availabe. The Visual Composer combined with the template feature makes you work just FAST like light speed. The design and the other components you have to consider when buying a theme are just insanely good. If you are wondering about buy this theme, just do it. Buy it TODAY! =) Great job Dream-Theme. Cheers Richard Silva
This is fantastic, flexible theme. It&#8217;s a pleasure to work with. The authors frequently update the theme, adding features, streamlining and fixing. When issues arise, they are responsive and get iterative patches out quickly.
I have played around with this theme with every option I could think of&#8230; the quality of the design and the well put-together administration features have helped me design a very attractive website (just the way I wanted!). Every single time, just when I thought I reached an obstacle&#8230; the support behind this theme is invaluable (effective and caring). I got what I wanted
&#8211; My personal opinion: Get this theme, you won&#8217;t regret it!.
Wonderful theme with so much possibilities and features. I purchased it 5 times and fore sure I will purchase it furthermore for other projects. Really good work and very friendly and good support.
So far it&#8217;s the most flexible theme with &#8220;looking forward&#8221; design. All the questions I had were answered (by myself) by searching through the comments. Good job!
Very well designed theme with a lot of customizable options. Holds up well and doesn&#8217;t interfere with most plugins I have used.
Very flexible and customizable which give you so many variation many theme can only dream of. which makes this a great all in one theme. plus the plugin they added are very relevant and compliment the great design. Well done guys&#8230;
I&#8217;m not one to give a rave view but I feel compelled to do so because of the absolutely stellar experience I&#8217;ve had with The7 and the dream team. In the past 4 months I&#8217;ve spent over $600 buying various premium themes or theme subscriptions from reputable companies. They&#8217;ve all been, for the most part, &#8220;okay&#8221; or &#8220;good&#8221; - but there was always something that wasn&#8217;t quite right about each of them &#8211; something they didn&#8217;t support or couldn&#8217;t achieve without a lot of custom coding. Then I found The7. The 7 is hands down the best theme I have ever used. Every aspect of its design is fully customizable - you won&#8217;t believe how many menus of detailed options are available in the Dashboard! On the few occasions where I couldn&#8217;t quite get it to do exactly what I wanted, I submitted a trouble ticket. Every time &#8211; within hours &#8211; I&#8217;d get a detailed response that included specific instructions on how to achieve what I wanted. So far I haven&#8217;t run in to a single situation where I can&#8217;t do EXACTLY what I want. These guys have created a very flexible, highly customizable theme and provide amazing support for it. What more could you ask for?
Easier to work with than Avada in my opinion.
This is an excellent theme with tons of features. I did my new corporate website on it and it got rave reviews from our offices around the world. Please keep up the great work making superb themes that can be used for businesses. Janette Dywasuk
This is a great theme. You can build any web site you want very different from each other and with great design standards. Even when clients asks for ugly designs, through this theme you can at least hold some sense and proportion.
Honestly there&#8217;s not so much wordpress template on themeforest which is simply awesome&#8230; And this one is the one of my dream. You simply not need much than only The7. Builtin with some of the best plugins available on CodeCanyon (you save extra bucks there !) With this theme, all projects can take life! Just ask support for this because there&#8217;s a lot of includiong things in this theme and you should have some conflicts. But for me that&#8217;s the BEST i have seen for a long time ago. And it&#8217;s regularly updates.
This Theme frickin&#8217; ROCK$! Very straightforward to customize, awesome variety of design options, looks amazing even on mobile&#8230; thnks for being Amazing Dream-Theme!! Looking forward to the next theme already plz! ha
Great theme, very versatile, very friendly to use, incredible possibilities, many features. That&#8217;s 5 ways to say what is to say about this theme: it&#8217;s perfect.
I have purchased many, many Wordpress themes in my career for both myself and my clients. I always customize themes I buy, since neither my clients nor I want our websites to look like everyone else&#8217;s. In the past, this has been a bit of a chore, due to limited options, oftentimes resulting in completely editing css/code, building my own page templates etc., to achieve the desired/required look. THIS theme is both beautiful and functional, as well as being very easy to use. I feel like a kid in a candy store! Thank you for all of your hard work.
Hi , I&#8217;m making this post because today my site that uses this theme was selected to compose the winning WeLoveWP list. Here&#8217;s a link :
Below is the full text of the email team WeLoveWP
[...] we approve only about 1 out of 10 submissions we receive que , que means this is quite an achievement and yet another reason for you to be proud of your work . Congratulations!
Now , if you would like to share the love and show others your website que is a favorite
, we recommend you que link to this URL :
My two year search is over! I have tried over 30 themes from Themeforest, many of them occupying the top 10, but The7 is by far the best I have used. That&#8217;s not to say the other themes are poor, it&#8217;s just that The7 is the fastest, easiest to make a site look professional (I have no idea about coding html etc) and the demo material is second to none. I can&#8217;t believe these guys charge $55; well it&#8217;s definitely the best $55 dollars I&#8217;ve ever spent on a product. Thank you so much Dream-T this site so much deserves to be number 1.
This theme, is without doubt, one of, if not THE best theme I have ever had the pleasure of working with. The support/updates are excellent. So easy to use and work with. If you are &#8216;thinking&#8217; of purchasing this theme, think no more and hit the buy button!. After my previous purchase from another developer turned into a lemon, this theme and the development team have restored my faith. Thank You guys!
I just wanted you to know that I spend a lot of time on this site previewing and looking at all the different themes. And I always come back to YOUR design, YOUR templates and YOUR customer service. I appreciate your ability to marriage DESIGN with functionality&#8230;as you do not skimp on either. I will ALWAYS buy your themes and I cannot wait till the next one comes out. This theme rocks!!!
after 2 years of use themeforest templates, never seen anything like this template very very very good quality-made template, with huge opportunities at the moment Support at the height (within a few hours of getting answers to your questions) Highly recommend to all!
I have never ever experienced such great WordPress theme. I would pay even triple price for this masterpiece and definitely will suggest this one also to my clients. HUGE thanks to author(s) of this killer piece of stuff.
Thanks for the last round of updates! You nailed a few things I was looking for! I hope you sell a crapload of these because this is one of the best and most flexible themes I have ever used.
The 7 is an AMAZING theme! I&#8217;ve purchased countless themes over the past years, and this has got to be one of the most versitile and time saving ones I&#8217;ve ever come across
by 1website4me (via our support portal)
This theme is great. Highly customizable. Dream-Theme have spent the time and attention to design, feature set and integration with other plugins. Updates include more features and are regular. Support is timely and on point. Thanks a ton.
In the hundreds of Wordpress themes that I had to use, it is the most accomplished. No doubt about it. So many possibilities and flexibility. Bravo.
The7 works like a charm! 5 stars theme and 5 stars support. Thanks!?[...] looking forward for your next update(s). Anyway, even if no update will be available (ever) for this theme, consider my 5 stars rating final and more than well deserved! By far the best theme I&#8217;ve purchased!
[...] Note to anyone considering this theme: Whether you&#8217;re experienced with WordPress, HTML/CSS or are new and just getting started, the way this is packaged should be the gold standard in WordPress template deployment, and I encourage you to commit and buy this theme. [...]
No brainer giving this theme 5 stars. Thanks for your quick reply on my pre sales questions. This is by far the most impressive theme I have used &#38; have several clients that have purchased themes from TF. keep up the good work. if I could give this a 10 star rating I would. Thank you!
Theme Evolution
v.2.1.8 (Jul 18, 2015):
1. Theme is now compatible with new generation of Visual Composer (v.4.6.x).
2. Plugins updated:
- Visual Composer v.4.6.1
- Go Pricing Tables v.3.0.2
- Layer Slider v.5.5.0
- Ultimate VC Addons v.3.13.1
3. Added fr_FR translation files.
4. Added theme text domain meta info.
5. Fixed: when use The7 page title for products, title tag attribute itemprop is missing.
6. Fixed: Pinterest social icon works like a share button.
7. Fixed: protected slideshows appears in header slider.
8. Fixed: different filter behavior in Album template and shortcode.
9. The7 mk1 updated to v.4.4.14:
- Layer Slider updated to v.5.5.0;
- minor bugfix in built-in version of Visual Composer.
v.2.1.7 (Jun 23, 2015):
1. Visual composer updated to newest version (fixed "vulnerability" inside the PrettyPhoto).
2. Go Pricing table plugin (and its dummy content) updated to newest version.
3. Added es_ES language files.
4. Fixed: Fixed header img + testimonial slider = Chrome bug.
5. Fixed: About the Author displays only nick name.
6. Fixed: when using featured image in benefits, alt is blank.
7. Better WPML compatibility.
8. The7 mk1 updated to v.4.4.13 (fixed "vulnerability" inside the PrettyPhoto).
v.2.1.6 (Jun 9, 2015):
1. Fixed: Pinterest share button not working.
2. Fixed: Contact form "doubled-text" bug on iOS.
v2.1.5 (May 30, 2015):
1. Updated de_DE translation file.
2. Fixed: team member page returns 404 error.
3. Ultimate Addons updated to v.3.11.1.
The7 mk1 updated to v.4.4.12. Please refer to this dedicated changelog for details: http://the7./changelog-mk1.txt
v.2.1.4 (May 23, 2015):
1. Plugins updated to newest versions.
2. Added "author" field to Portfolio and Albums post types.
3. Removed "Custom Fields" meta box from Portfolio post type.
4. The7 mk1 updated to v.4.4.11.
v.2.1.3 (May 6, 2015):
1. Solved odd "WP 4.2 + SEO by Yoast + The7" compatibility issue. The7 mk1 also updated to v.4.4.10.
2. Optimized memory usage in backend (this will yield significant backend performance boost for big sites).
v.2.1.2 (Apr 30, 2015):
1. Visual Composer updated to v.4.5 (solved issues with not working URL fields).
2. Slider Revolution updated to newest version (solved potential security issue).
3. Minor improvements and fixes.
4. The7 mk1 updated to v.4.4.9 for WP 4.2 compatibility.
v.2.1.1 (Apr 25, 2015):
1. Fixed potential security issue in TGM class.
2. Solved minor compatibility issue with WooCommerce 2.3.8.
3. Visual Composer updated for WordPress 4.2 compatibility.
4. Slider Revolution updated to newest version + solved minor compatibility issues.
5. New theme translation file added: German + theme will warp long words if needed
6. Solved: gallery archive by author returns NOT FOUND issue.
7. Solved: if anchors are in submenu, floating menu does not show up.
8. Solved: minor compatibility issues with WPML.
9. Misc minor fixes and appearance improvements.
v.2.1.0 (Apr 11, 2015):
1. New: "infinite scroll" &#38; "load more" options were added to "Blog - list" page template.
2. New: compatibility with "Event manager PRO" plugin.
3. Fixed: minor compatibility issues with WPML.
4. Fixed: minor layout and appearance glitches.
5. Fixed: issue with posts filter in "Blog - list" template.
6. Fixed: removed inner images of albums in search results.
7. "Ultimate Addons ..." plugin was updated to newest version.
v.2.0.1 (Mar 20, 2015):
1. Improved: "Log in / log out" button behavior.
2. Improved: Light buttons styles.
3. Improved: Minor skins improvements.
4. Fixed: iOS style - benefits background hovers.
5. Fixed: iOS style - categorization icons position.
6. Fixed: Material design - lightbox issues.
v.2.0.0 (Mar 18, 2015):
1. "Material design" style added: changes image hovers, categorization and filter, pagination, load more button, tabs, accordion, contact forms, fancy date, slideshow bullets etc.
2. "Material design" buttons.
3. Two new main menu hover styles: material underline.
4. Options for changing background color under content blocks.
5. Gradient for page title background.
6. New "Bold" style for icons.
7. Categorization &#38; pagination in blog, portfolio &#38; gallery shortcodes.
8. Categorization in blog masonry &#38; grid template.
9. New color &#38; appearance settings for WooCommerce cart in header.
10. Share buttons visibility setting: "always visible" or "visible on hover".
11. VC shortcode fix: toggle, accordion, icon.
12. Hover animation for social icons added.
13. New "Scale in" hover for portfolio &#38; photo albums. "Move from bottom" and "Side move" hovers have been removed.
14. 3 new material design skins.
15. "Back button" settings.
16. Bunch of minor improvements and fixes.
v.1.2.2 (Feb 25, 2015):
1. Added option for "Silence plugin activation notifications" in Theme Options & General & Advanced.
2. Ultimate Addons for Visual Composer was updated to newest version.
v.1.2.1 (Feb 18, 2015):
1. Ultimate Addons for Visual Composer was updated to newest version.
2. The7 mk1 is updated to v.4.4.8 to be compatible with WooCommerce v.2.3.x.
v.1.2.0 (Feb 12, 2015):
1. Theme is now compatible with WooCommerce 2.3.x.
2. New: long awaited option to display media inside albums in masonry and justified grid layouts.
3. New: "Theme Options & Archives" page allows you to select templates for your archive pages.
4. New: Bundled plugins update option added. Now you can update bundled plugins via "Appearance & Plugins" interface. Note that this feature is still in beta, so it will not work properly for Slider Revolution OR may not work at all on some servers.
5. New: ability to hide certain widget areas on mobile devices.
6. New: options for "Image &#38; hover decoration": no icon and white icon.
7. Improved: at last masonry layouts will work in tabs. Massive yay
8. Improved: "Theme Options & Header &#38; Top Bar" on layout tab you will find the setting to hide all additional elements (contact info, login form, etc.).
9. Improved: "Them Options & Theme Update" now indicates your active theme version.
10. Improved: auto-slide in scroller is now being paused when video in slide is being activated.
+ Some minor improvements and fixes.
v.1.1.1 (Jan 31, 2015):
1. Visual Composer and Ultimate Addons for VC were updated to newest versions.
2. Font Awesome updated to v.4.3.
3. New: dummy content for Conference Demo was added to DT Dummy plugin.
4. Improved: PhotoScroller auto-slide behavior when video is played.
5. Improved: compatibility with newest version of Visual Composer and Ultimate Addons for VC.
6. Fixed: error when WPML plugin enabled.
7. Fixed: issue with contact form layout.
8. Minor improvements and fixes.
9. The7 mk1 updated to v.4.4.7: fixed issues with password-protected galleries.
v.1.1.0 (Jan 22, 2015):
1. New feature: slide out header (check out theme demo)!
2. New demos: Shop and Photography added to dummy content.
3. Improved: settings for top bar on mobile devices (opened/closed/disabled).
4. Improved: floating menu animation.
5. Improved: image links design in PhotoScroller.
6. Improved: search for custom post types.
7. Improved: floating menu setting is moved to a separate tab.
8. Improved: for "Benefits layout: Image, &#38; title inline", link is assigned to a title as well.
9. Improved: plugins stylesheets enqueueing.
10. Improved: .less files structured into separate modules.
11. Fixed: "Theme shortcodes" tooltip in back-end.
12. Fixed: Google richsnippet notice for "updated" entry.
13. Fixed: incorrect menu text color (if navigation is placed next to the logo).
14. Fixed: IE11, Porthole slider. Grab to the left does not work.
15. Fixed: Essential grid plugin. Underline is removed from all text links.
v.1.0.3 (Jan 13, 2015):
1. Fixed: fancy media error &#8220;Strict Standards. Only variables should be passed by reference&#8221;.
2. Fixed: DT Dummy imports only Compact demo.
3. Fixed: WooCommerce &#8220;Cart&#8221; cannot be translated.
4. Fixed: WooCommerce products missing Footer, Sidebar, Header options.
5. Fixed: "nofollow" attribute removed from portfolio "details" link.
v. (Dec 23, 2014):
The7 mk1 updated to v.4.4.6 for compatibility with WordPress 4.1.
v.1.0.2 (Dec 20, 2014):
0. We made sure that theme is WordPress 4.1 compatible.
1. New demos available in content installation plugin: Compact, Business, Creative, One page, News.
2. Plugins updated to newest versions. Visual Composer is now compatible with WordPress 4.1.
3. Minor visual improvements and fixes.
v.1.0.1 (Dec 6, 2014):
1. New! 1-click demo content installation plugin called "DT Dummy" added to theme plugins repository.
2. Fixed issue with AJAX content when SRCSET-based high-DPI images are enabled.
3. Slider Revolution and Ultimate Addons for Visual Composer plugins updated to newest versions.
The7.2 (mark 2) v.1.0.0 (Nov 28, 2014):
Initial release.
For users of previous generation of The7 Theme
First of all, please note that we&#8217;re going to provide support, security and compatibility updates for previous generation of The7 theme. We realize that there are many people who performed serious customization using child themes and we want to keep their backs covered.
Therefore, if you don&#8217;t want to spend your time on updating to The7.2 (or there are no features crucial for you) &#8211; you do not have to update.
Second, if you decided to update, here&#8217;s suggested update sequence (needless to say that as with any other WordPress update it&#8217;s always a good idea to perform a full site backup before beginning):
Clone live site using &#8220;duplicator&#8221; plugin to your local environment OR put it in the maintenance mode (if you can allow your site to be offline for couple of hours).
Rename the old theme folder and install The7.2 as you do with any other new theme.
After being activated The7.2 will offer to automatically import settings from your previous The7 installation and choose a &#8220;fallback&#8221; skin for new settings.
Set up new settings in WP-admin & Theme Options.
Set up settings for pages with transparent header and &#8220;benefits&#8221; shortcodes (as they are mostly affected).
Set &#21; gap between images in &#8220;scrollers&#8221; shortcodes.
We&#8217;ve added new settings for &#8220;grid and masonry&#8221; shortcodes so you may want to utilize them as well.
Check everything and move your site back online with &#8220;duplicator&#8221; OR disengage the maintenance mode.
Though it may sound like a big deal it never took us more than 1 working day to migrate average-to-large corporate site from The7 to The7.2. If you can afford turning on the maintenance mode on a live site, the process will take considerably less time.
You can view changelog of previous generation of The7 (mark 1) here:
iOS 7, iOS7, X, Avada, Enfold, The7, Be, Bridge, Salient, responsive, fluid, retina, seo, shop, WooCommerce, e-commerce, business, creative, corporate, photography, portfolio, one page, one-page, one page template, custom layout, customizable, fluid, ios, mobile, parallax stripes, striped backgrounds, page builder, Visual Composer, Slider Revolution, Layer Slider, iPhone, Apple, iPad, Material Design
Regular License
Extended License
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Elite Author
4.82 average based on 2985 ratings.
11 September 13
Last Update
22 July 15
High Resolution
Widget Ready
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ThemeForest Files Included
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& All Rights Reserved Dream-Theme


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