
北回归线 Tropic Of Cancer
Going down the Rue des Dames I bump into Peckover, another poor devil who works on the paper. He complains of getting only three or four hours' sleep a night & has to get up at eight in the morning to work at a dentist's office. It isn't for the money he's doing it, so he explains & it's for to buy himself a set of false teeth. &It's hard to read proof when you're dropping with sleep,& he says. &The wife, she thinks I've got a cinch of it. What would we do if you lost your job? she says.& But Peckover doesn't give
it doesn't even allow him spending money. He has to save his cigarette butts and use them for pipe tobacco. His coat is held together with pins. He has halitosis and his hands sweat. And only three hours' sleep a night. &It's no way to treat a man,& he says. &And that boss of mine, he bawls the piss out of me if I miss a semicolon.& Speaking of his wife he adds: &That woman of mine, she's got no fucking gratitude, I tell you!&
In parting I manage to worm a franc fifty out of him. I try to squeeze another fifty centimes out of him but it's impossible. Anyway I've got enough for a coffee and croissants. Near the Gare St. Lazare there's a bar with reduced prices.
As luck would have it I find a ticket in the lavabo for a concert. Light as a feather now I go there to the Salle Gaveau. The usher looks ravaged because I overlook giving him his little tip. Every time he passes me he looks at me inquiringly, as if perhaps I will suddenly remember.
It's so long since I've sat in the company of well dressed people that I feel a bit panic-stricken. I can still smell the formaldehyde. Perhaps Serge makes deliveries here too. But nobody is scratching himself, thank God. A faint odor of perfume & very faint. Even before the music begins there is that bored look on people's faces. A polite form of self-imposed torture, the concert. For a moment, when the conductor raps with his little wand, there is a tense spasm of concentration followed almost immediately by a general slump, a quiet vegetable sort of repose induced by the steady, uninterrupted drizzle from the orchestra. My min it's as though my skull had a thousand mirrors inside it. My nerves are taut, vibrant! the notes are like glass balls dancing on a million jets of water. I've never been to a concert before on such an empty belly. Nothing escapes me, not even the tiniest pin falling. It's as though I had no clothes on and every pore of my body was a window and all the windows open and the light flooding my gizzards. I can feel the light curving under the vault of my ribs and my ribs hang there over a hollow nave trembling with reverberations. How long this lasts I I have lost all sense of time and place. After what seems like an eternity there follows an interval of semiconsciousness balanced by such a calm that I feel a great lake inside me, a lake of iridescent sheen, and over this lake, rising in great swooping spirals, there emerge flocks of birds of passage with long slim legs and brilliant plumage. Flock after flock surge up from the cool, still surface of the lake and, passing under my clavicles, lose themselves in the white sea of space. And then slowly, very slowly, as if an old woman in a white cap were going the rounds of my body, slowly the windows are closed and my organs drop back into place. Suddenly the lights flare up and the man in the white box whom I had taken for a Turkish officer turns out to be a woman with a flowerpot on her head.
There is a buzz now and all those who want to cough, cough to their heart's content. There is the noise of feet shuffling and seats slamming, the steady, frittering noise of people moving about aimlessly, of people fluttering their programs and pretending to read and then dropping their programs and scuffling under their seats, thankful for even the slightest accident which will prevent them from asking themselves what they were thinking about because if they knew they were thinking about nothing they would go mad. In the harsh glare of the lights they look at each other vacuously and there is a strange tenseness with which they stare at one another. And the moment the conductor raps again they fall back into a cataleptic state & they scratch themselves unconsciously or they remember suddenly a show window in which there was displa they remember every detail of that window with amazing clarity, but where it was exactly, that they can' and that bothers them, keeps them wide awake, restless, and they listen now with redoubled attention because they are wide awake and no matter how wonderful the music is they will not lose consciousness of that show window and that scarf that was hanging there, or the hat.
And this fierce attentiveness even the orchestra seems galvanized into an extraordinary alertness. The second number goes off like a top & so fast indeed that when suddenly the music ceases and the lights go up some are stuck in their seats like carrots, their jaws working convulsively, and if you suddenly shouted in their ear Brahms, Beethoven, Mendeleev, Herzegovina, they would answer without thinking & 4, 967, 289.
By the time we get to the Debussy number the atmosphere is completely poisoned. I find myself wondering what it feels like, during intercourse, to be a woman & whether the pleasure is keener, etc. Try to imagine something penetrating my groin, but have only a vague sensation of pain. I try to focus, but the music is too slippery. I can think of nothing but a vase slowly turning and the figures dropping off into space. Finally there is only light turning, and how does light turn, I ask myself. The man next to me is sleeping soundly. He looks like a broker, with his big paunch and his waxed mustache. I like him thus. I like especially that big paunch and all that went into the making of it. Why shouldn't he sleep soundly?
If he wants to listen he can always rustle up the price of a ticket. I notice that the better dressed they are the more soundly they sleep. They have an easy conscience, the rich. If a poor man dozes off, even for a few seconds, he imagines that he has committed a crime against the composer.
In the Spanish number the house was electrified. Everybody sat on the edge of his seat & the drums woke them up. I thought when the drums started it would keep up forever. I expected to see people fall out of the boxes or throw their hats away.
There was something heroic about it and he could have driven us stark mad, Ravel, if he had wanted to. But that's not Ravel. Suddenly it all died down. It was as if he remembered, in the midst of his antics, that he had on a cutaway suit. He arrested himself. A great mistake, in my humble opinion. Art consists in going the full length. If you start with the drums you have to end with dynamite, or TNT. Ravel sacrificed something for form, for a vegetable that people must digest before going to bed.
My thoughts are spreading. The music is slipping away from me, now that the drums have ceased. People everywhere are composed to order. Under the exit light is a Wer he is leaning on his two elbows, his eyes are glazed. Near the door, huddled in a big cape, stands a Spaniard with a sombrero in his hand. He looks as if he were posing for the &Balzac& of Rodin. From the neck up he suggests Buffalo Bill. In the gallery opposite me, in the front row, sits a woman with her le she looks as though she had lockjaw, with her neck thrown back and dislocated. The woman with the red hat who is dozing over the rail & marvelous if she were to have a hemorrhage! if suddenly she spilled a bucketful on those stiff shirts below. Imagine these bloody no accounts going home from the concert with blood on their dickies!
Sleep is the keynote. No one is listening any more. Impossible to think and listen. Impossible to dream even when the music itself is nothing but a dream. A woman with white gloves holds a swan in her lap. The legend is that when Leda was fecundated she gave birth to twins.
Everybody is giving birth to something & everybody but the Lesbian in the upper tier. Her head is uptilted,
she is all alert and tingling with the shower of sparks that burst from the radium symphony. Jupiter is piercing her ears. Little phrases from California, whales with big fins, Zanzibar, the Alcazar. When along the Guadalquivir there were a thousand mosques ashimmer. Deep in the icebergs and the days all lilac. The Money Street with two white hitching posts. The gargoyles & the man with the Jaworski nonsense & the river lights & the&站内网址搜索
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小说庶女谋嫁之极品王妃简介:小说《庶女谋嫁之极品王妃》月光晒谷/著, 穿越成庶出的庶出,在那复杂残酷的世家名门里求生存,文九姐只能谨小慎微的活着。 只是为什么,她都如此低调了,却还依然逃不开这帮子古人的倾轧、设计、坑害…… 哎,既然逃避不开、退缩不了,那也只能迎难而上,努力去争得属于自己的那片天了,在这锦绣骷髅的深深宅门里拓出一条光明大道来。 “九丫头,让你母亲多给你裁两件新衣吧,也到了说亲的年纪了。”正当九姐儿沉浸在向着古代成功人士发展的美梦中时,路人甲祖母的话犹如晴天霹雳将她唤醒。 说……亲?她禁不住愕然。 可是……她才十三岁呀,不过……貌似古代的女人确实都早婚。 改变不了,也只好入乡随俗。 不过好在她有方向有目标,立志要在这种马到处是、小妾满天飞的男尊女卑社会里养成一个忠犬型男来,于是九姐儿的理想又由谋生变成了谋嫁…… 商户之子,俊逸文雅,家道殷实,对她一见钟情。 皇家世子,文武双全,贵不可言,对她再见倾心。 高门庶子,一表人才,前途无量,也是她的忠粉…… 嗯,这么多,挑花了眼,到底哪个才好? “呵呵,还是本宫帮你挑吧……”巾帼不让须眉的杨皇后冷笑着登场…… 呃…… “请问王爷属什么?” “马!”酷王爷惜字如金。 我说呢…… 九姐儿扶额。 考验技术的时刻到了―― ……
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