语言地理学的 攻博研究计划怎么写写

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中文名:&城市研究|城市地理学|城市规划|GIS|RS 书籍别名:&Urban Studies, Urban Geography作者:&资源格式:&PDF版本:&扫描版出版社:&书号:&地区:&语言:&简介:&
此资源作为学术资源供城市研究,地理学,城市规划以及其他社会学科的同仁们分享,后继将有更多相关书目补充进来,敬请期待。除了中文标题的书以外,全部书籍均为英文版,大部分在国内并没有翻译版本,因此在此我没有提供标题翻译,不过希望大家能够从中找到不分与中文版对应的书。英文资源分为七个部分,第一部分是地理学家哈维的部分著作;第二部分是主要针对城市内部空间的城市研究;第三部分是国家和区域层面的政治经济地理学;第四部分是探讨空间的社会性和文化性的著作,包括一些对地理学的本质思考;第五部分择取了近年来海外学者研究中国城市问题的著作,第六部分为城市规划和城市设计。第七部分为地理信息系统和空间分析,第八部分是ERSI出版的一些教材和手册。另外我还选了一些中文版的城市规划经典和国内学者的地理学著述。前五部分的著作主要集中在地理学和社会学领域,并且直接或间接的和城市地理学相关,第六部分主要是城市规划和建筑设计领域中的著作。第七部分希望能够对大家工作学习中的计量统计模块有所帮助。现已将所有部分都做了合集,欢迎大家下载合集。新增一个类别为空间统计分析和地理信息系统的理论和应用,希望是大家想找的资料。另外向大家推荐其中的一些经典,我都用粗体在下面的目录中标识了。VeryCD关闭下载,如有需要全套资料的,请点击,或者可以通过qq: 联系。新建群&阅览.城市&,请有兴趣者申请加入或者(侧重规划实务,已满)。以下是唐晓峰博士所著的关于大卫哈维及其作品的简介。引用大卫·哈维(David harvey)(David Harvey)是当代西方地理学家中以思想见长并影响极大的一位学者。他1935年出生于英国Kent的Gillingham,1957年获剑桥大学地理系文学学士,1961年以《论肯特郡年农业和乡村的变迁》一文获该校哲学博士学位。随后即赴瑞典乌普萨拉大学访问进修一年,回国后任布里斯托尔大学地理系讲师。布里斯托尔大学地理系是当时地理学革新的一个中心,一批世界著名的地理学新派人物聚集于此,哈维在该系讲授地理学方法论。他曾于年到美国宾州大学主讲此课,1969年后移居美国,任约翰·霍普金斯大学地理学与环境工程系教授至今,其间的年曾回到英国在牛津大学任教。  哈维的学科立脚点是人文地理学,但其学术视野及思想内涵则贯通于人文社会科学的许多方面。以地理思维之长(空间观察),见人文社会之短(批判弊病),是哈维治学的主要特点,也是其学说为人关注的主要原因。所以,哈维不仅仅是一位地理学家,更是一位社会理论大家。在社会学、人类学、政治经济学等方面,均有杰出声誉。作为一个地理学家,能取得如此广泛的社会人文影响力,是战后地理学界所罕见的。  1969年出版《地理学的解释》一书,奠定了哈维的理论地位,使其成为地理学中实证主义的代言人物。(商务印书馆已出版了此书的中文译本)而1973年出版的Social Justice and the City(《社会公正与城市》),又标志着哈维的一个更重要理论进展,即一种充满“社会关怀”的激进立场,有评论说,本书体现了他对逻辑实证主义的“科学方法”的失望与发现马克思主义理论的新的兴奋。《社会公正与城市》一书的出版,与美国社会中的批判思潮、激进思潮相呼应,很快产生超越人文地理学界的广泛影响(20年前向我推荐这本书的美国朋友完全不是地理学家),成为这一潮流 的名著。随后,哈维又出版了The Limits to Capital(《资本的限度》,1982年)、The Urbanization of Capital(《资本的城市化》,1985年)与Consciousness and The Urban Experience(《意识与城市经验》,1985年)均着力于揭露资本主义社会中政治经济与城市地理、城市社会弊病的关联性。哈维成了激进主义地理学的一名旗手。  作为旗手,哈维执着地高擎马克思主义的地理理论。哈维自认为对原马克思主义所忽略的空间问题,有开创性的阐发。他强调,资本主义的发展是一个涉及全球的地理问题,而且资本主义国家曾经历了“空间修整” (spatialfix)的过程,将自身积累的危机与阶级矛盾转嫁到国外市场。他在“历史唯物主义”这个传统概念中,加上“ 地理”一词,成为“历史——地理唯物主义”(historical——geographical materialism)。80年代初,北京大学历史地理学家侯仁之先生访问约翰·霍普金斯大学,哈维特地选了5月5号(马克思诞辰)这一天来会见侯先生,意义十分明显。1997年,在纪念《共产党宣言》发表150周年纪念活动中,哈维亦作有关《共产党宣言》的演讲,指出社会主义应当具有一种能够包容异质的具体形式,而不应是一个纯粹的概念。直到近两年他所出版的新著Spaces of Capital:Towards a Critical geography(《资本的空间》)中,仍表现出对马克思主义理论的执着的忠诚。  在研究对象上,哈维是与时俱进的。1980年代中期,有关后现代的讨论开始盛行,后现代主义的讨论淹没甚至取代了资本主义研究。哈维想:我已经撰写了《资本的限度》,我已经就第二帝国的巴黎做了全面的研究,我了解现代主义的起源,我对城市化了解颇多,那么为什么我不能坐下来就这一新的主题提出我的看法呢?于是哈维又对后现代进行了深入研究,并在1989年出版了《后现代性的条件》(The Condition of Postmodernity)一书。这部著作被普遍认为是对后现代社会秩序与非秩序性的精彩的阐述。他指出,后现代主义城市反对现代主义的那种理性规划,而倾向于个性化的美学追求,“空间属于一种美学范畴”。他在2000年又出版了另一本讨论后现代性的著作《希望的空间》(Spaces of Hope)中。在这部著作中,哈维强调,后现代性是一种新的对时间与空间的经验方式,即对时间与空间的高度“压缩”,生活变的急促而空虚。他从地理学家特有的角度提醒人们,地理考察是认识人与人差异的重要起点。哈维仍然以批判的视角,指出迪斯尼乐园、郊外封闭小区等是一种“变质的乌托邦”(degenerate utopias),这些貌似欢乐、闲雅的人造小区使人忘记了外面的充满麻烦的真实世界。在阐述后现代社会问题时,哈维汇集了建筑学、城市规划理论、哲学、社会理论、政治经济学等多种学科,在他身上,我们似乎又看到早期地理学家那种博大、无所不包的情形。----------------------------------------------------------------------------部分书影
第一部分 大卫.哈维著作1. Castree, N & Gregory, D (2006) David Harvey_A Critical Reader2. Harvey, D (1973) Social Justice and the City3. Harvey, D (1982) The Limits to Capital (非pdf文档,为djvu格式)4. Harvey, D (1996) Justice, Nature, the Geography of Difference5. Harvey, D (2000) Space of Hope6. Harvey, D (2003) Paris, Capital and Modernity7. Harvey, D (2003) Space of capital towards a critical geography8. Harvey, D (2003) The New Imperialism9. Harvey, D (2004) Spaces of Neoliberalization10. Harvey, D (2005) A Brief History of Neoliberalism98. Harvey, D (1989) The Condition of Postmoderity第二部分 城市研究11. Hubbard,P (2006) CITY12. LeGates, R & Stout, F (2002) The City Reader13. Johnston, R.J. et al.(2009)The Dictionary of Human Geography(5th)14. Clark, G., et al. (2000)The Oxford Handbook Of Economic Geography15. Badcock,B(2002) MAKING SENSE OF CITIES16. Clark, D (2003) Urban World17. GOTTDIENER,M & BUDD,L (2005) Key Concepts in Urban Studies18. Taylor,P & Derudder,T et al.(2007)Cities in Globalization19. Paddison,R (2001)Handbook of Urban Studies20. Hall,T (1998) Urban Geography21. Kim,Y and Short, J.R (2008) Cities and Economies22. Lefebvre, H(1996) Writings_on_cities23. Hoffma,L.M. & Fainstein, S.S. (2003) Cities and visitors_regulating people, markets, and city space24. Heynen,N, Kaika,M & Swyngedouw,E(2006)In the Nature of Cities_Urban political ecology and the politics of urban metabolism25. Marcuse, P & van Kempen, R (2002) Globalizing cities_ a new spatial order26. Saunders, P (1981)Social Theory and the Urban Question99. Adams D & Watkins C(2002) Greenfi elds, Brownfields and Housing Development.pdf100. Altshuler, A(2003) Mega-projects_the changing politics of urban public investment.pdf101. Ambrose, P(1994) Urban process and power.pdf102. Amis,P & et al.(2004) Urban governance, voice, and poverty in the developing world.pdf103. Arnott R & McMillen D(2005) A companion to urban economics.pdf104. Ben-Joseph, E & Szold, T(2003)Reguilating place_standards and the shaping of urban America.pdf105. Blomley,N (2004) Unsettling the city_urban land and the politics of property.pdf106. Booth, P(1996) Controlling development.pdf107. Dierwechter, Y (2008) Urban growth management and its discontents_promises, practices, and geo-politics in u.s. city regions.pdf108. Kivell,P(2003) Land and the city_patterns and processes of urban change.pdf109. Pacione, D(2002) City_critical concepts in the social sciences_vol.1_The city in global context.djvu110. Pacione, D(2002) City_critical concepts in the social sciences_vol.2_land use, structure and change in the Western city.djvu111. Pacione, D(2002) City_critical concepts in the social sciences_vol.4_society and politics in the Western city.djvu112. Pacione, D(2002) City_critical concepts in the social sciences_vol.5_cities in the third world.djvu113. Pacione,M (1997) Britain's Cities_Geographies of division in urban Britain.pdf114. PACIONE,M(2001) Urban Geography_A Global Perspective.pdf115. SCHNEIDER-SLIWA R (2006) Cities in Transition_Globalization, Political Change and Urban Development.pdf116. Smyth, H (1994) Marketing the city_the role of flagship developments in urban.pdf117. Sullivan T(2003) Housing Economics and Public Policy.pdf118. Thorns,D.(2002) The transformation of cities_urban theory and urban life.pdf第三部分 国家和区域层面政治经济27. Leitner,H Peck,J (2007) Contesting Neoliberalism_Urban Frontiers28. Ash Min (1990) Post-Fordism_ A Reader29. Brenner, N(2002) New State Space30. Brenner, N & Jessop, B (2003) State Space_A Reader31. Massey, D (1994) Space, Place, and Gender32. Cox, K (1997) Spaces_of_globalization33. Urry, J (1995) Consuming Space34. Smith, N (1990)Uneven Development: Nature, Capital, and the Production of Space35. Thrift, N (2005) Knowing_Capitalism36. Tickell,A & Sheppard,E et al.(2007)Politics and Practice in Economic Geography37. Blacksell,M (2006) Political geography38. Panelli,R(2004)Social Geographies_From Difference to Action96. Sassen, S(2001) The global city_ New York, London,Tokyo119. Brenner, Theodore (2002) Spaces of Neoliberalism.djvu120. Lefebvre, H(2003) The urban revolution.pdf第四部分 空间的社会性和文化性39. Lefebvre, H (1984) The_production_of_space40. Thrift,N(2008) Non-Representational Theory_ Space,politics,affect41. Tuan Yi-Fu (2001) Space and place42. Soja, E.W.(1989) Postmodern Geographies: The Reassertion of Space in Critical Social Theory43. Sayer,A(1992) Method in Social Science_A realist approach 2ed Ed44. Giddens,A (1984)The Constitution of Society45. Sheppard,A & McMaster, R.B.(2004) Scale and Geographic Inquiry_nature, society, and method46. Castells,M(2004) The Network Society47. Castree, N & Rogers,A et al.(2005) Questioning Geography_Fundamental Debates_ Essays on a contested discipline48. Castree, N(2005) Nature49. Adams,P & Hoelscher,S (2001) Textures of place50. Fotheringham,S & Brunsdon,C et al.(2000) Quantitative Geography51. Oakes,T.S & Price,P.L. (2008) The Cultural Geography Reader52. Yi-fu Tuan(2002) Dear colleague_common and uncommon observations53. McDowell,L(1997) Capital Culture_Gender at Work in the City54. Mark Shiel & Tony Fitzmaurice(2001) Cinema and the City_Film and Urban Societies in a Global Context97. Benedict R. Anderson(1983) Imagined communities_ reflections on the origin and spread of nationalism121. Alter, R(2005) Imagined cities_urban experience and the language of the novel.pdf122. Balshaw, M(2000) Urban Space and Representation.pdf123. Body-Gendrot(2000) The social control of cities_ a comparative perspective.pdf124. Brooker, P(2002) Modernity and metropolis writing, film, and urban formations.pdf125. Castells, M (1989) The Informational City.djvu126. Clammer,J(1997) Contemporay Urban Japan_A Sociology of Consumption.pdf127. Harding, D (2003) Writing the city urban visions and literary modernism.pdf128. Lash S & Urry J (1994) Economies_of_Signs_and_Space.djvu129. Raymond, Williams(1973) The_country_and_the_city.pdf130. Raymond, Williams(1976) Keywords_A Vocabulary of Culture and Society.pdf第五部分 海外学者研究中国城市55. Andrusz,G, Harloe,M & Szelenyi, I (1996) Cities after socialism56. Barry Naughton(2007) The Chinese Economy_Transitions and Growth57. Chen,N, et al.(2001) China Urban_ Ethnographies of contemporary Culture58. Chun,JH (1999) Cities in China_ Recipes for economic development in the59. Fan,C (2008) China on the Move_Migration, the State, the Household60. Friedmann,J (2005) China's Urban Transition61. Goodman,D (1997) China's Provinces in Reform62. Logan,J (2008) Urban China in Transition63. Lu, DF (2006) Remaking Chinese Urban Form_Modernity, Scarcity and Space, 64. McGee,T & Lin,GCS et. al (2008) China’s Urban Space65. Oakes,T(1998) Tourism and Modernity in China66. Oakes,T & Schein, L (2006) Translocal China_Linkages, identities, and the reimagining of space67. Wang, J (2005) Locating China_Space, place, and popular culture68. Wu, FL & Ma, L (2005) Restructuring the Chinese City69. Cartier,C(2002)Globalizing South China70. Wu,Fulong (2007) China’s Emerging Cities_The making of new urbanism71. Yi-Fu Tuan (2007) Coming home to China第六部分:城市规划和城市设计72. Cuthbert, A.R.(2006) The form of cities political economy and urban design73. Harris,C & Dines,N (1998) Time-Saver Standards for Landscape Architecture74. Moughtin,C & McMahon,K (2003) Urban Design_Health and therabeautic environment75. Moughtin,C & Shirley,P (2003) Urban Design_Green Dimensions76. Moughtin,C(2003) Urban design_street and square77. Moughtin,C & Taner Oc (1999) Urban design_Ornament and Decoration78. Fleming,D(2008) City of rhetoric revitalizing the public sphere in metropolitan America79. Walters,D(2004) Design first_design-based planning for communities80. Watson,D & Plattus,A(2003) Time-Saver Standards for Urban Design81. Woolley,H(2004) URBAN OPEN SPACES82. De Chiara,J & Panero,J (1992) Time-saver standards for Interior design and space planning83. Kolson,K(2001) Big plans_the allure and folly of urban design84. Carmona,M & Tiesdell,S(2007) Urban design reader85. Jenks,M & Burton,E et al.(1996) The Compact City_A Sustainable Urban Form86. Jenks,M & Burgess,R (2000) Compact Cities Sustainable Urban Forms for DevelopingCountries87. Calthorpe,P & Fulton,W(2001) The Regional City_planning for the end of sprawl88. Neal,P(2003) Urban Villages and the Making of Communities89. Panerai,P & Castex,J(2004) Urban forms_the death and life of the urban block90. Fogelson,R.M(2001) Downtown_its rise and fall, 91. Graham,S and Marvin,S (1996) Telecommunications and the city_electronic spaces, urban places92. Marshal,S(2005) Streets and patterns93. Urban Land Ins.(2002) Urban Spaces The Design of Public Space94. Whyte,W(1980) The social life of small urban spaces95. Lynch, K (2001) Image of the city131. Butler,D(2000)Urban Drainage.pdf132. Hall, T(1991) Planning and urban growth in the Nordic countries.pdf133. Hopkins, L (2001) Urban development_the logic of making plans.pdf134. Kahn, M(2006) Green cities urban growth and the environment.pdf135. Low, S(2005) Rethinking urban parks public space and cultural diversity.pdf136. McCarthy, J(2007) Partnership, collaborative planning and urban regeneration.pdf137. Neill, W(2004) Urban planning and cultural identity.pdf138. Post, R(2007) Urban Mass Transit.pdf139. Ratcliffe,J(1996) Urban planning and real estate development.pdf140. Small, K(2007)The economics of urban transportation.pdf141. Tal, D(2009) Google Sketchup for site design_a guide to modeling site plans, terrain, and architecture.pdf中文书目[未分类]142. [霍华德] 明日的田园城市.pdf143. [简.雅各布斯]美国大城市的死与生.pdf144. [伊利尔.沙里宁] 城市_它的发展衰败和未来.pdf145. [刘易斯o芒福德] 城市发展史_起源、演变和前景.djvu146. [陆大道] 区域发展及其空间结构.pdf147. [周一星] 城市地理学.pdf148. [吴传钧] 中国经济地理.pdf149. [谢觉民] 人文地理学.pdf150. [李孝悌] 中国的城市生活.pdf151. [蓝宇蕴] 都市里的村庄.pdf152. [卢汉超] 霓虹灯外:20世纪初日常生活中的上海.pdf153. [赵冈 & 陈钟毅] 中国土地制度史+新星出版社.pdf154. [崔功豪 & 魏清泉 & 陈宗兴] 区域分析与规划.pdf170. [彼得.霍尔] 城市与区域规划.pdfGIS与空间分析155. Bivand,R (2008) Applied Spatial Data_Analysis with R.pdf156. Chang,KT(2008) Programming ArcObjects with VBA_A Task-Oriented.pdf157. Cliquet,G(2006) Geomarketing_methods and strategies in special marketing.pdf158. Devillers,R(2005) Fundamentals of spatial data quality.pdf159. Dobesch,H(2007) Spatial interpolation for climate data the use of GIS in climatology and meteorology.pdf160. Illian,J(2008) Statistical analysis and modelling of spatial point patterns.pdf161. Kovalerchuk,B(2004) Visual and Spatial Analysis_Advances in Data Mining, Reasoning, and Problem Solving.djvu162. Laurini, R (1992) Fundamentals of spatial information systems.pdf163. Lee, J(2001)Statistical analysis with ArcView GIS.pdf164. Sullivan,D & Unwin,D (2003) Geographic Information Analysis.rar165. Rogerson, P (2001)Statistical methods for Geography.pdf166. Sanders,L(2001) Models in spatial analysis.pdf167. Thrall,G(2002) Business geography and new real estate market analysis .pdf168. Wachowicz,M(1999)Object-Oriented Design for Temporal GIS.pdf169. Wilson,JP(2008) The handbook of geographic information science.pdf以下为第二合集171. Albert, D & Gesler, W (2005)Spatial Analysis, GIS,and Remote Sensing Applications in the Health Sciences.pdf172. Bossomaier,T & Green,D (2002) Online GIS and spatial metadata.pdf173. Campagna,M (2006) GIS for sustainable development.pdf174. Chen,C (2007) Signal and image processing for remote sensing.pdf175. Chen,C (2008) Image processing for remote sensing .pdf176. Curtis,A & Leitner,M (2006) Geographic information systems and public health eliminating perinatal disparity .pdf177. Donnay,J & Barnsley, M (2001) Remote Sensing and Urban Analysis.pdf178. Fotheringham,S(1994) Spatial analysis and GIS.pdf179. Jong,S (2005)Remote Sensing Image Analysis_Including the Spatial Domain .pdf180. Konecny,G (2003) Geoinformation Remote Sensing, Photogrammetry and Geographical Information Systems.PDF181. Liang, S (2004)Quantitative Remote Sensing of Land Surfaces.pdf182. Liu,J (2009) Essential image processing and GIS for remote sensing.pdf183. Longley,P & Goodchild,M (2005) GIS and Science, 2nd Ed.pdf184. Martin,D (1996) GIS_Socioeconomic applications.pdf185. McCoy,R (2007) Field methods in remote sensing.pdf186. Netzband,M (2007) Applied Remote Sensing for Urban Planning, Governance and Sustainability.pdf187. NRC(1998) People and Pixels_Linking Remote Sensing and Social Science.pdf188. NRC(2002)Using Remote Sensing in State and Local Government.pdf189. Nyerges,T (2010) Regional and urban GIS a decision support approach.pdf190. Openshaw,S & Abrahart,R (2000) GeoComputation.pdf191. Raper, J (2000) Multidimensional geographic information science.pdf192. Schott,J (2007)Remote sensing_the image chain approach.pdf193. Shi & Fisher & Goodchild (2005) Spatial Data Quality.pdf194. Stein,A (2002) Spatial statistics for remote sensing .djvu195. Wang, F(2006) Quantitative methods and applications in GIS .pdf196. Weng,Q (2010) Remote Sensing and GIS Integration.pdf197. Weng,Q(2008) Remote sensing of impervious surfaces.pdf198. Wilson,J (2008) The handbook of geographic information science.pdfESRI 手册专辑199. ESRI_ArcGis9 Building a Geodatabase.pdf200. ESRI_ArcGis9 Editing in ArcMap.pdf201. ESRI_ArcGis9 Geocoding.pdf202. ESRI_ArcGis9 Geodatabase Workbook.pdf203. ESRI_ArcGis9 Geoprocessing Quick Ref Gid.pdf204. ESRI_ArcGis9 Geoprocessing.pdf205. ESRI_ArcGis9 Linear Referencing.pdf206. ESRI_ArcGis9 Street Map Tutorial.pdf207. ESRI_ArcGis9 Using ArcReader.pdf208. ESRI_ArcGis9 Writing Geoprocessing Scripts.pdf209. ESRI_ArcScan for ArcGIS.pdf210. ESRI_Exploring ArcObjects_vol.1 Applications and Cartography.pdf211. ESRI_Getting Started with ArcGIS.pdf212. ESRI_Modeling Our World_The ESRI Guide to Geodatabase Design.pdf213. ESRI_Understanding Map Projections.pdf214. ESRI_Using ArcGIS Survey Analyst.pdf215. ESRI_Using ArcGIS Tracking Analyst.pdf216. ESRI_Using.ArcGIS.Spatial.Analyst.pdf217. ESRI_Using_ArcGIS_Geostatistical_Analyst.pdf


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