隔江败打 方言什么最有意思的方言啊

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免费充电、高薪求职不再难!英语翻译1.what stereotypes about your hometown and people living there annoy you?1.我的家乡是丹东 中国最大的边境城市 与朝鲜隔江相望 四季分明 非常适合居住的城市people living there annoy you?这句话不知道怎_作业帮
英语翻译1.what stereotypes about your hometown and people living there annoy you?1.我的家乡是丹东 中国最大的边境城市 与朝鲜隔江相望 四季分明 非常适合居住的城市people living there annoy you?这句话不知道怎
英语翻译1.what stereotypes about your hometown and people living there annoy you?1.我的家乡是丹东 中国最大的边境城市 与朝鲜隔江相望 四季分明 非常适合居住的城市people living there annoy you?这句话不知道怎么回答 请随便帮我编一句2.Are you worrede about teh world's economic situation,and how does it affect you in your daily life?2.我对于经济不是很了解.事实上我不太担心世界经济 我只担心我能不能找到一份稳定的工作3.if your sister wants to become a surrogate mother what would you do?3.我会反对.虽然这是一件能帮助那些没有小孩的家庭,但是有可能会引发很多的问题.比如孩子不健康
1. 这道题目的是在问:“别人对你的家乡和家乡的居民是否有一些成见?这些成见中是否有一些让你恼火的?”请你重新用中文进行回答,然后我会帮你翻译你的的新回答(总觉得帮你编造答案不好).2. I don't know much about economics. In fact, I don't care too much about the world economy. All I care is my ability to find a stable job.3. I would oppose her decision. Although my sister might be able to help some childless families, at the same time it might also cause some problems (for example, the children's health conditions).希望能帮到你 :)&作者:8张照片
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