关于hello chinakitty的几个问题:1.hello chinakitty有中国官网吗:2.全球HelloKitty主题公园有几个

【导语】:国内首个HelloKitty主题公园已经开园,杭州本地宝为您带来安吉安吉hello kitty主题公园与日本的HelloKitty主题公园-三丽鸥彩虹乐园的比较。  安吉HelloKitty主题公园PK日本三丽鸥彩虹乐园  简介:  安吉HelloKitty主题公园  安吉HelloKitty主题公园占地面积1.6平方公里,是目前世界上最大的Hello Kitty主题乐园。此前,仅在日本有两个,分别位于九州和东京。浙江省中旅日韩线经理说,东京的Hello Kitty家园一直是亲子游日本的必去景点,每年寒暑假都特别火。  日本三丽鸥彩虹乐园  三丽鸥彩虹乐园是集可爱的三丽鸥卡通明星,尤其是大名鼎鼎的Hello Kitty于一体的主题乐园。彩虹乐园是 一个室内型主题公园,即使是下雨天也不需要撑伞哦!  规模PK:  安吉HelloKitty主题公园占地面积1.6平方公里,是目前世界上最大的Hello Kitty主题乐园。  日本三丽鸥彩虹乐园是一个拥有地下2层、地面4层,总占地面积为21000平方米的全天候型娱乐公园。  标志性建筑PK:  安吉HelloKitty主题公园内比较显眼的,是外观设计成Hello&Kitty风格的摩天轮,中间有巨大的凯蒂猫头像,这是亚洲唯一坐落在9米高建筑上的滑道式摩天轮,是公园的标志性建筑。    日本三丽鸥彩虹乐园标志建筑:    玩点PK:  安吉HelloKitty主题公园这里分为凯蒂猫小院、友谊广场、欢乐港湾、音之村、精灵森林、蒸汽王国六大主题游玩区域,有全方位的多媒体互动表演,园区内的酒店还提供Hello&Kitty主题客房。  日本三丽鸥彩虹乐园以嘉年华式大巡游最为有名,其次还拥有7个娱乐设施,3家餐厅、1个咖啡厅和4家礼品店。在这里,你将会有最特别的体验,体会真正的温馨和感动,让你流连忘返。  交通便利程度PK:  安吉HelloKitty主题公园位于安吉县城东,距离杭州约1小时车程,园区入口就在杭长高速公路安吉出口东侧,与高坞岭村和赤芝村交界。  日本三丽鸥彩虹乐园东京都多摩市落合1-31,乐园的对外交通也十分方便。从新宿乘火车只需40分钟。距离中央高速公路国立府中出口也仅仅8公里。  新闻链接:      实用推荐:          专题推荐:    【】&
全国首家HELLO KITTY主题公园正式开园(组图)
& | & 来源: & | & 编辑:杨磊 & | &
  7月1日,中国首家HELLOKITTY主题公园正式开园,不少市民前来游玩。7月1日正式开园起,每周五周六都安排盛大的夜游活动,时间为当天16:00―21:00。在夜游活动上巡游的每个花车都闪烁着耀眼的光芒。整个巡游队伍在欢乐音乐的伴奏下,光彩四射,梦幻非凡。 中新社发 李晨韵 摄1
更多新闻v&& 11:45:07v&& 15:00:49kitty猫公园开园 到处都是HelloKitty身影
  据报道,7月1日,中国首家HelloKitty主题公园正式开园,地址位于浙江安吉县,这是全球第三个Hello Kitty主题公园。
  在这里,到处都有Hello Kitty可爱的身影,吸引了不少怀有少女心的朋友们前来游玩。
kitty猫公园开园 到处都是HelloKitty身影
频道信箱: news#(#改为@)安吉Hello Kitty主题公园开业 反响糟糕
China's Hello Kitty theme park only opened its doors last Wednesday but so far the reviews aren't great.
中国的Hello Kitty主题公园在周三正式营业,但目前从评论来看反响并不太理想。
It cost &210m and was built by America's Hettema Group to celebrate Kitty's 40th anniversary.
Maybe it is just teething problems, but if you go by the reviews from people who've been so far the theme park seems like a "must miss" attraction.
'Mediocre rides, wretched food'
One reviewer from Smart Shanghai swore a lot in his review of the park.
"Inconsistent branding, mediocre rides, and some of the most wretched food I've encountered in seven years in China," said Ian Louisell.
"Worse than any train food you'll find in China, but five times as expensive."
Smart Shanghai网站的评论者Ian Louisell在对该公园的评论里宣泄道:&宣传和实际不符,设施平庸,食物是我在中国这么多年来最难吃的食物之一。比中国火车上的饭点还难吃,但却贵了5倍。&
Apparently you also need a Chinese ID to book tickets on "the worst website ever made".
The slating continues with reports that "none of the good rides are open yet" and that bootleg merchandise greets visitors at the front gate.
Meanwhile the daily parade echoes with the "Hello Kitty theme song blasted from cheap speakers".
&好的设施还没开放,门口到处都是兜售盗版Hello Kitty的小贩。&
每日大游行的时候,他们&用廉价扬声器播放Hello Kitty的主题曲&
'Arduous trek'
Just outside Shanghai in the town of Anji (where Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon was filmed), the park says it expects to attract around a million visitors a year.
But getting there may prove a problem for Kitty fans.
Hello Kitty主题公园位于上海附近的安吉县(浙江省),该地是藏龙卧虎的拍摄地。据公园负责人预计公园每年将吸引约100万名游客。但对于Kitty迷来说,坐何种交通工具达到目的地成为了一个问题。
Answering a question on a TripAdvisor forum, a contributor called Nehow says there aren't any official buses.
It's apparently an hour away from the nearest high-speed railway station and then you need to find a shuttle to the attraction.
"Visitors using public transportation are possibly in for an arduous trek," the contributor says.
'It looked like a construction site'
Comments on Chinese websites weren't much better.
According to RocketNews24 this is a selection of what people thought.
"Most of the attractions weren't even working, and it only took around 10 minutes to check out everything the park has to offer."
"It looked like a construction site, and the stink of fresh paint was everywhere."
"I flew here specially from Xi'an, but it's such a crudely made theme park that I was left disappointed."
"None of the attractions looked fun. And there were huge queues for the boring attractions. It just wasn't any fun at all."
"There were only a few restaurants and they were in total chaos. The price for food and drinks was ludicrous."
"There were fake Sanrio goods being sold near the gates."
&门口还有兜售假Hello Kitty的小贩。&
"The shuttle bus came so rarely that in the end we had to take an unlicensed taxi."
"In a word, it was shoddy."
文章来源:四月网 | 责任编辑:独秀文译青年


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