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"I was minutes away from buying a Toyota that had recently been in an accident and received $6,500 in repairs. Thanks for helping me avoid that potential headache!" --Mike S. Atlanta, Georgia
"Thanks to your report, I discovered that my car's odometer wasn't the original one! I got the dealer to return $3,000 to me without much of an argument." --Len B. Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Besides your home, the purchase of a vehicle is probably the most expensive item you’ll ever buy. When buying used, it can be very difficult to determine whether the vehicle you’re about to purchase is exactly what you’re getting. Some questions you might ask yourself include:
* Has the car ever been in an accident?
* How many people have owned this car?
* Has the car been damaged by floods, fires, hail or other natural disaster?
* Is the mileage on the odometer trustworthy?
* Has the car ever been recalled?
* Was the car used as a service vehicle (police car, taxi, etc.)?
* Has the car ever had a branded title (e.g., junked, salvaged or rebuilt)?
* Was the car ever repossessed or stolen?
* Has the car ever been sold at auction?
* Is there a lien on the vehicle?
How can you get an answer to any of these questions?
No matter what, you should always have the used vehicle you’re interested in purchasing examined by a certified mechanic to make sure any possible issues are diagnosed and resolved before you spend your money. The other thing to do is to run an AutoCheck vehicle history report on the vehicle’s identification number (VIN).
For many used-car buyers, one of the most important questions is, “Has this car been in an accident?” Exclusive accident data from Experian now helps you answer that question with greater confidence. The accident data Experian has made available to its customers not only provides you a wealth of information, it provides you with accident data that Carfax(R) does not have. That means if your Carfax(R) report comes back clean, it still may have been in an accident that is not in their records.
The information we supply to over 7,000 dealerships is the same information found in the AutoCheck vehicle history report. You can know what the experts know when you purchase a report from AutoCheck.
We also understand that accident information is important to you when considering a used-vehicle purchase. With that in mind, AutoCheck reports 2X the number of reported accidents* than Carfax(R).
Finally, your report also includes the AutoCheck Score, which allows you to tell how a vehicle measures up against others of the same make and model at a glance. You can always explore the wealth of information that AutoCheck provides, but to save time and compare quickly, you can’t do better than the AutoCheck Score.
Don’t waste your money by paying too much for a vehicle history report! Buy an AutoCheck vehicle history report today.
* In 2009, Pipal Research, an independent research organization, compared data in AutoCheck and Carfax vehicle history reports. The study employed a sampling approach designed to provide data across 23 vehicle brands and to reduce the introduction of bias attributable to data selection. Pipal Research’s data sample included vehicle history reports from AutoCheck and Carfax for more than 55,000 vehicles, including 5,685 vehicles with accidents. Pipal Research found that AutoCheck vehicle history reports in the study had more than twice the number of vehicles with accidents reported as compared to Carfax. The study also found that the AutoCheck vehicle history reports — as a group — had more than double the number of overall accidents reported as compared to the Carfax group of reports. Both findings are statistically significant, calculated at the 95% significance level.
** Prices compared on AutoCheck(R) and Carfax(R) websites on 6/3/10.
When buying a used vehicle, one of the first questions you might ask yourself is, “Has this car been in an accident?” Exclusive accident data from Experian now helps you answer that question with greater confidence. The accident data Experian has made available to its customers provide even more value to you compared to Carfax(R), as well as in these other important areas:
* EXCLUSIVE DATA: Only AutoCheck has exclusive auction frame damage.
* BETTER VALUE VS. CARFAX(R): AutoCheck(R) offers you superior value with a 10% SAVINGS on Single Reports and UNLIMITED REPORTS.
* 2X THE REPORTED ACCIDENTS*: AutoCheck(R) has 2X the reported accidents* vs. Carfax(R).
* AUTOCHECK SCORE: AutoCheck(R) offers the only report with AutoCheck Score(R), which helps make your report easier to understand. You can also use it to easily evaluate and compare vehicle histories.
* POWERED BY EXPERIAN: AutoCheck(R) receives its data from Experian, a trusted leader in automotive data.
The information we supply to over 8,000 dealerships is the same information found in the AutoCheck(R) vehicle history report. You can know what the experts know when you purchase a report from AutoCheck(R).
We also understand that accident information is important to you when considering a used-vehicle purchase. With that in mind, AutoCheck reports 2X the number of reported accidents* than Carfax(R). AutoCheck reports also deliver accident information up to 200 days faster than historical industry standards, which means you have access to this critical information faster.
Your report also includes the AutoCheck(R) Score, which allows you to tell how a vehicle measures up against others of the same make and model at a glance.
No matter which package you choose, AutoCheck(R) vehicle history reports deliver available information on reported accidents, odometer rollback, lemon vehicles, branded titles and other valuable information. Our vast database pulls vehicle information from all 50 states and the information is built and managed by Experian, a leading expert in credit and automotive data services. Buy a vehicle history report from AutoCheck today!
* In 2009, Pipal Research, an independent research organization, compared data in AutoCheck and Carfax vehicle history reports. The study employed a sampling approach designed to provide data across 23 vehicle brands and to reduce the introduction of bias attributable to data selection. Pipal Research’s data sample included vehicle history reports from AutoCheck and Carfax for more than 55,000 vehicles, including 5,685 vehicles with accidents. Pipal Research found that AutoCheck vehicle history reports in the study had more than twice the number of vehicles with accidents reported as compared to Carfax. The study also found that the AutoCheck vehicle history reports — as a group — had more than double the number of overall accidents reported as compared to the Carfax group of reports. Both findings are statistically significant, calculated at the 95% significance level.
** Prices compared on AutoCheck(R) and Carfax(R) websites on 6/3/10.在美国买高性能二手车需要注意什么?
查CarFax买二手车之前一定要查CarFax(或者其他等同的VIN历史记录查询服务),看看这辆车是不是事故车、有没有被水泡过,等等。此外,CarFax的细节历史(detailed history)表明了前任车主保养车的用心程度。第二列的里程(mileage)一眼望下去应该是相对连贯的。拿下面这辆Nissan 350Z NISMO来说,凭证历史(title history)和更多历史(additional history)一栏列出了此车过去没有出重大问题。而细节历史(detailed history)一栏表明此车被保养得很好。看车到车行看车我们主要看4个方面:一、车身前后左右漆面光滑,无磕碰维修的迹象。有磕碰维修的迹象的常常是在拥挤的城市等环境恶劣的地区使用的车。二、车门、后备箱盖(trunk lid)、引擎盖(hood)均能正常打开和关上。不然说明车出现过事故,底盘已变形。三、车的内饰和座椅状态良好,能看出来前任车主很爱护车。四、车门和引擎盖上的原厂贴纸都还在,没有被重新喷漆的迹象。这说明车况整体良好。做车检如果上面两步均表明车况良好,你应该征求车行的同意,把车开去另一家车行做车检。为了确保车检不会弄坏车,车行往往会要求你去生产厂家指定的4S店(dealership)检查。你可以打电话给附近的4S店预约车检(diagnosis),告诉他们这是另一家车行的车,你准备买这辆车,想看看有哪些需要维修和保养的方面。这种购买前的车检一般费用$100左右,会非常详细地列出所有潜在的问题,并且告诉你修好要多少钱。然后你就可以拿这张车检单跟车行砍价,同时你们双方都在清楚明白(well informed)的状态下交易。一般车行都会派一个销售员陪你去车检。你不用付给销售员小费,这是他工作的一部分。也有些治安较好小镇人之前有信任,车行随便就让你自己把车开走了。这种情况下最好做完车检就回来,因为其实车行一般都在这些车上装了GPA追踪的。我有一次以车检为名开车行的车出去跟朋友玩,结果车行的老板相当愤怒。买车这三个步骤之后如果一切乐观,就可以下手买车了。==========================================延长保修(extended warranty)这个就是骗钱的。各位可以读读各大论坛(EvolutionM, GTRLife, NASIOC, EvoXForums等等)上面的车友经验,真有什么零件坏了,你这延长保修是不会付你一分钱的。顺带一提,原厂保修也是骗钱的。我至今只见过欧洲各厂家还比较守信用,什么部分坏了他们至少也会付大部分维修费,你付小部分。而日、美厂家是不管你这些的,保修就算个p。原厂认证二手车(certified pre-owned)这个唯一的作用是认证这辆车是没有被乱改装改坏了的。我原来在讴歌(Acura)买过一辆认证二手车,结果车轮轴承漏油、前保险杠是撞过以后换的,漆面质量很差过洗车的时候就掉漆了、HandsFreeLink系统漏电(parasite currents)等等的问题一大堆。幸好我自己会查会修,不过总的来说是很头疼的,这认证二手车物没所值。尽量别买重改过的车玩性能车改装是很正常的事,不过二手改装车市场有劣币驱逐良币的问题。很用心、改装得很好的车,车主都是想一生珍藏才一掷千金的。而在市场上卖的改装车绝大多数(~90%)都是高中辍学生(high school dropouts)一类的人员,用Ebay上买来的中国大陆小作坊的零件乱改一器。这样改了,车的动力是提升了不少,不过估计车也活不长。这些高中辍学生卖车的原因也很好理解。改了以后车三天两头坏,这帮中二又不会修车,去4S店(dealership)他们那点在麦当劳打零工的工资又修不起,所以终于意识到了自己有多2才出手的。
  1、买车时务必找懂车的师兄协助,看车和试车要让他和你一起前往,如果没有懂行的人一起,就最好不要购买个人的,直接去车行。  2、上估一下价,这个网站可以查询你要买的车在你那个地区大概的价格,在上面选好生产厂商,车的型号,年代,里程数和车的一些配置,你就可以查询了。  3、上花20美金查一下这辆车的历史纪录。看车的时候记下的vin number,凭它可以查询保养修理记录。  4、决定购买前先送厂检修,再根据结果和预估修理费用,作为购买和杀价的依据。如果你同伴很懂行这步可以省略。  5、砍价,使劲砍,二手车没有不砍价的
我在 local 的 body shop (那种只做车外不做车内的店子)买了辆店里修好的事故车,2年多,24000 mile,还在厂家保修期内。mechanic check 也没有问题。8000买,开了四年,维修没有花一分钱,最后7500卖了。便宜的原因:1。店主买来便宜,2。在自家店修好,成本低,3。没有dealer再赚钱。不过这是可遇不可求的,但是可以试着找找
前面各种回答基本只适用于通勤车。买高性能车和买通勤车不同。买高性能车可以考虑车厂的Certified Pre-Owned + Extended warranty。
@神胖胖回答的很详细了,我补充一点点,一般本品牌dealer的二手车看下carfax就行了不会有大问题,甚至是salvage title也没事。但是各种二手小dealer的还是要自己试试车,最好带个懂得朋友去看看。找owner买的话价格是便宜点,检查下大毛病没有就好,但是要做好花钱修各种小毛病的准备。有些高性能车如果不是特别懂车最好不要买二手,比如gtr。
不要迷信carfax,carfax上没有accident只能说明保险公司没有这辆车的事故信息,我房东的车出事就没有报告保险公司,carfax上就没有accident纪录。有的人甚至在inspection之前改里程表,所以carfax的里程数都不一定是真的。买车首先看title,看是否是salvage或flooded,如果是就别买了。买二手车基本就是看运气,有经验的听发动机声音,启动的时候听变速箱有没有异响,看轮胎磨损是否均匀。指示灯有没有亮这些就不用多说了。但是,这些只能判断个大概。买性能车不差钱就找dealer买certified,维修保养都省心。保养的钱不能省,you take care of car, car takes care of you。如果预算有限去拍卖公司拍一辆,拍卖公司的车经过检查质量有保证。如果你所在州的拍卖只有dealer能进,在网上找一个有dealer拍照的人带你去。据我所知,法拉盛有很多中国人做这个生意,劳务费不贵。Lookupvin Vehicle History Reports - Carfax Alternative
Location: Scottsdale, AZ
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