
Sony VAIO Z 超薄笔电和 Power Media Dock 动手玩
Sony 在今天较早时间发布了其最新一代的超薄笔记本电脑
和 Power Media Dock ,不知道读者们看到这部超薄的小东西有没有流口水呢?光看官方发布的照片是不够的,现在我们再更进一步来个多角度观感体验吧!
先来一个技术规格重温:VAIO Z 最基本版本配备 Intel Core i7 2.7Ghz 处理器,Intel HD Graphics 3000 图像处理器,256GB SSD,8GB RAM,1600 x 900 和 1920 x 1080 两种解像度的屏幕(台湾上的是 FullHD),重仅 1.165kg,130万像素 Webcam 和采用 VAIO S 式的电池组,最高续航力达 6.5 小时。
Sony VAIO Z hands-on
Sony VAIO Z components
第一眼看下去,VAIO Z 的外观与 VAIO X 颇为相似,而两者的瘦身的技术也颇相近:单面印刷的主板、使用时才向外翻的折迭式 RJ-45 插口,这些都是为了为 VAIO Z 争取最少厚度而作出的设计。VAIO Z 的顶盖与 VAIO X 一样,也是碳纤维的,虽然薄,但是主站编辑经试玩后认为它不算脆弱。
其次,由于 VAIO Z 超薄的机身设计,使它只能配备两个 USB 的插口,而且其中只有一个是 3.0 的规格。不过正是这个接头同时担当着 Light Peak 插口的角色,能将其与 Power Media Dock 连接作数据输出和输入,一物二用!以做为外连 GPU 来说,这是第一次在笔电中内建这样的功能。不过这就是说当 VAIO Z 与 Power Media Dock 连接时,剩下的一个 USB 插口要插入一个较大/较宽的 USB 插头时就有可能空间不足噜!
终于来到 Power Media Dock 了(我们没有忘记你的喔!)。Power Media Dock 配备 1GB 内存的 AMD Radeon HD 6650M GPU,并且额外提供一个 USB 3.0 插口,一个 USB 2.0 插口,一个 HDMI 插口,一个 VGA 插口和一个光驱(Blu-ray 或 DVD Multi)。在用途上,明显地它是被设计出来安放在家中,户外活动还是留给主角 VAIO Z 吧!VAIO Z 的总设计师还向我们确认了 VAIO Z 最多可同时输出影像到三个屏幕,即共四个屏幕呢!当然,要推动这么多的屏幕就一定要外接电源吧!
键盘的设计也是跟其他 VAIO 笔电差不多,VAIO 笔电用久的朋友应该不会感到陌生的。不过为了配合其超薄的设计,按键的露出高度较之前的型号为低。在场地较暗的灯光下,可以看出键盘的背光是淡绿色的,比起普遍笔电常用的蓝光和白光要独特许多。
这笔电另一个较不起眼的特点就其双排气风扇的设计,但这对双风扇应该对其超薄和宁静的设计有不少的贡献。因为有两个风扇分担散热的重任,在 30 分中的试玩过程中,整个机身几乎没有温度,而风扇转动的声音也难以察觉的。电池续航力方面,Sony 官方公布的数字为 6.5 小时(配合外置电池的话可高达 13 小时)。但要注意的是,电池看起来是不能随意拔插,只是不知道换起来有多麻烦就是了。
中国地区售价还没有公布,目前索尼英国官方网站给出Core i5版售价为1434英镑,约合人民币14900元,而多媒体底座的价格为400英镑,约合人民币4200元。
没钱路过! 其他地区是不是会比英国便宜很多啊? 这个转轴很有意思 不愧是13寸机皇 光驱都外接了?这还好意思叫z? 把钱拿去买台x220+双显卡台式机更划算,爽度也更高 说实话我感觉这款的设计理念很好啊,在需要带出去时只需携带本身的1.2kg
而扩展的放在家里 这样在家里时可以保证高性能而又不失便携性 Light Peak不是改名thunder bolt吗 理念不错,就是不够深入,应该笔电在一万RMB左右的配置,然后扩展也是一万RMB左右的配置,总价不变,但是在家的时候会爽翻天。 存米购入 要外出打工了... 如果外型没那么商务就更好了~~~下一部13.3寸便携本就考虑$ony了 日本人民太二了。听了半天一句都没听清楚。我对这台机器的设计没有什么意见。但是,展示的设计师,明显十分紧张。甚至忘记把线拔了再给大家看。 Sony总在挑战人类极限…… 我觉得5楼被嘘爆那个说得对。原来所以z系列之所以高端,有一部分原因就是因为它带光驱。现时来讲,光驱本身的确没有什么作用,但光驱位可以用来放第二硬盘!这对于我这种,希望以SSD+HDD来使用的用户,非常有帮助。另外,新z的屏幕边框宽了,这也是令我失望的地方。 华硕表示外置GPU神马的~~~ 我的VAIO 屏幕裂了,维修中心说只能自己认倒霉,官网提供的电话说他们只管软件问题。总体看来sony也越来越差 尼玛啊,SONY你就不能出个14-15的高端本本啊? 同意这是个优秀的概念笔记本承担普及应用,功能增强扩展负责更严苛的要求未来会不会发展成为功能模块化:基本运用的平板模块,增强操作的键盘鼠标绘图板模块,增强功能的主机模块,增强视觉的大尺寸第二屏幕,然后,外接运用的手机模块Matias 发布 Tactile Pro 4 机械键盘,Mini Tactile Pro 同场亮相
想要把游戏键盘做成白色是一个很大胆的决定,Matias 给我们带来了两款白色的机械键盘,我们已经见过了很多深色系的游戏键盘,突然看到白色版的会觉得眼前一亮。这次
,除了比较大的 Tactile Pro 4 机械键盘之外,还有一款小的 Mini Tactile Pro 同时亮相,两者均具备了 3 个 USB 2.0 端口。你要是觉得手心容易出汗,白色的按键容易脏,官方还有其它黑色及双色版供你选择。Mini Tactile Pro 价格是 US$150,Mini Tactile Pro 的价格是 US$130,分别是 930 元和 810 元人民币。点击可以看我们的实拍图集和一小段介绍影片。
Matias Tactile Pro Version 4 and Tactile Pro Mini Hands-on at CES 2013
两款都是苹果用的键盘,大的那把外观基本参照G4键盘,机械键盘这点倒是有点吸引人,不过已经用惯了笔电式的短键程键盘了,而且Mac上面也没太多游戏来玩。 最怕这种F区键位不标准的键盘了 tactile,青轴? 我打算花800RMB去买一个键盘吗? 我没记错的话,我刚刚开始接触电脑的那个年代,键盘都是白色的啊,不过用久了会变黄,还是现在的黑色键盘比较耐脏。GTX 860M双独显 强劲效能一手掌握
X7 搭载NVIDIA& GeForce& GTX 860M 8GB GDDR5双独显芯片,100%全速激发的绘图效能,3DMark 11分数超过P9000分*,为你带来极速震撼的游戏画面,赋予你追求胜利荣耀的强大战力!
*此为Stretched Mode下的实测分数
第4代英特尔&处理器 卓越极速效能
全新第四代 英特尔& 酷睿(TM) i7 处理器让极致效能往上再提升,22纳米制程核心架构,提供令人屏息的奔驰计算机运算、超快绘图图像处理、革命性提升电池续航力,开创笔电游戏使用全新体验!
大容量储存空间 AORUS RAID Xpress飙速存取
X7 配备超大容量储存系统最高支持3颗512GB mSATA SSD + 2TB HDD*,AORUS RAID Xpress技术,实现每秒1500MB/s最大化读取速度,让你在激战中掌握制胜关键,以迅雷不及掩耳的速度,领先敌人一步取得胜利。
* 储存装置规格依国家地区出货有所变动,诚挚建议与当地经销商或零售商确认最新产品规格
极速存取 四内存插槽
X7 内建四内存插槽,最高可扩充至32GB,大幅提升指令周期,即使同时开启大量数据库,也能确保快速存取不延迟!
* 储存装置规格依国家地区出货有所变动,诚挚建议与当地经销商或零售商确认最新产品规格
X7 雾面黑的金属质感机身搭配玻璃触摸板,透过流体雕塑设计勾勒出曲体外型与利落线条,展现速度、方向与追求胜利的企图心,以概念车排气孔为灵感来源的后侧双散热阀,是X7释放强劲效能的象征,世界第一的电竞笔电工艺,尽在AORUS!
AORUS Thermal+ 轻薄笔电散热权威
高效轻薄电竞笔电的关键因素在于散热技术,AORUS 致力研发散热技术,突破障碍,坚持采用 5 根散热导管,搭配 2 风扇与两侧、后侧 4 散热阀,加上可自行控制的 3 种风扇转速模式,有效分导处理器与独显芯片热气,让轻薄机身搭载高阶电竞规格配备也能稳定散热,成就业界难以达到的效能巅峰!
极轻薄 超强效
AORUS 研发中心以最新工艺技术搭配精密计算,突破效能与轻薄极限,以独家散热技术,将最强大的处理器、绘图芯片与重要组件置入仅仅22.9mm 、3Kg 的超纤薄机身中,创造全球第一的 17.3 寸轻薄美型电竞笔电!
* 此數據為與他牌搭載 GTX 880M 相同效能筆電比較結果
玩家超级帮手 独特快捷组合键功能
专业电竞键盘的快捷组合键功能,在X7上也能轻松拥有!你可以透过Macro Engine软件接口编辑键和鼠标轨迹的快捷指令,一键按下组合键即可同时执行多种复杂动作!不同于一般橡胶设计,AORUS 快捷组合键采用剪刀脚机械装置,极致触感和高反应力。让你畅快体验一键释放复杂的大绝招的游戏快感,掌握致胜先机。
极致触感 玩家专属防鬼背光键盘
X7 具备完美的键盘防鬼技术,确保你在游戏中同时间按下击发多种技能的按键也没有讯号传送影响,不容许任何一分失误。背光功能更可让你在黑暗环境中也能轻松操作,直觉顺手,万无一失。
《当个创世神》/ 《星海争霸 2》/ 《刺客教条 3》/《战地风云 3》/ 《上古卷轴 5》/ 《英雄传说 零之轨迹》/ 《魔兽争霸 3》/ 《古剑奇谭》/ 《Cube World》/ 《纵横谍海:黑名单》/ 《英雄联盟 AOS》/ 《FIFA OL3》/ 《突袭OL》/ 《天堂》/ 《最终幻想14》/ 《激战2》/ 《神秘世界》/ 《银河子民》,需为原厂预设的热键
Killer网络芯片 尽享游戏网上冲浪
内建玩家专用 Killer 网络芯片,0% 封包丢失率,对比一般网络 14.9% 的丢失率,有效降低网络等待时间,打造玩家渴望的高速网络环境,尽享游戏网上冲浪体验!
802.11ac Wi-Fi
45% - 70%更快无线网络传输
802.11ac Wi-Fi 技术,带宽大幅增加,网络传输速率提高45% - 70%;不用网络线也可随时随地享受游戏或高分辨率影片的快速便利,提供玩家毫无后顾之忧的游戏支持!
Acoustic+ 超震撼立体影音
AORUS Acoustic+音效强化技术,以独特软硬件重建立体环绕声、强化声音细节与高低音补强,即使是敌人细微的偷袭和脚步声,都难逃你的耳朵。内建2颗重低音喇叭单体强大立体声音场、4颗喇叭单元,无论观赏电影、听音乐或玩游戏,都能呈现原音重现的临场震撼。
精彩影音 你将全然身历其境
打开 X7,你将置身在枪林弹雨的战场。AORUS 采用顶级 Full HD 超广色域面板、搭配 NVIDIA&影像环绕技术以及 Acoustic+ 独家音效强化技术和重低音喇叭,营造逼真影音氛围,将游戏战场搬进你的家中,尽情享受全然身历其境的影音体验。
完美高画质 重现逼真游戏场面
采用高达 72% NTSC 高灵敏广色域 Full HD 面板,色彩饱和清晰,精彩呈现每个小细节,8ms 高灵敏反应时间以及 300 流明,确保游戏画面流畅无残影,影像鲜艳明亮,让你体验目不转睛的游戏画面。
NVIDIA& 影像环绕技术 视野无限延伸
X7 支持 NVIDIA& 影像环绕技术,超高屏幕解析,无限扩展你的游戏视野,让你精准掌握游戏画面里每一个敌人躲藏的位置,无论是实时战略或赛车游戏,尽情享受全然身历其境的生动场景!
Macro Engine 分享你的独家战技
特别为玩家设计超酷Macro Engine功能接口,透过Macro Engine你可以自行录制、执行按键和鼠标轨迹的快捷组合指令,更可将你的独门绝招分享到云端,和其他玩家一同分享,向全世界展示你的独家密技!
Windows键锁定 即刻全面攻击
在激烈的游戏战斗中,不小心误触 Windows 键将使你与胜利擦身而过。我们为玩家贴心设计 Windows 键锁定功能,你可透过软件接口简单设定 Windows 键锁定模式。尽管大展身手,全面攻击!
风扇控制 你自行决定
我们为每一位玩家提供最好的武器,让你自己掌控笔电效能,提供三种模式让你可依自己的需求一键设定风扇转速,轻松取得效能与续航力的完美平衡,另有 Auto 模式,为你的笔电提供最好的稳定保护!
X7X7 v2操作系统Windows 8.1
Windows 8.1 ProWindows 8.1
Windows 8.1 Pro处理器第 4 代英特尔(R) 酷睿(TM) i7-4700HQ 处理器 (2.4GHz-3.4GHz)第 4 代英特尔(R) 酷睿(TM) i7-4860HQ处理器 (2.4-3.6GHz)显示器17.3" Full HD
液晶显示屏幕17.3" Full HD
液晶显示屏幕内存16GB DDRIIIL 1600, 4个插槽 (Max 32GB)16GB DDRIIIL 1600, 4个插槽 (Max 32GB)
16GB DDRIIIL 1866, 4个插槽 (Max 32GB)芯片组英特尔(R) HM87高速芯片组英特尔(R) HM87高速芯片组显卡芯片NVIDIA(R) GeForce(R) GTX 765M GDDR5 4GB 双独立显示芯片NVIDIA(R) GeForce(R) GTX 860M GDDR5 8GB 双独立显示芯片存储设备*支持三硬盘储存系统
mSATA 128GB/256GB/512GB, 2个插槽
2.5” HDD 500GB/750GB/1TB/1.5TB 5400rpm , 1个插槽
*[storage-cn]128GB + 128GB + 128GB mSATA SSD + 1TB 2.5" 硬盘 7200转键盘种类全尺寸背光键盘全尺寸背光键盘光驱N/AN/A端口USB(3.0) x3,USB(2.0) x2, HDMI, mini-Display port, Surround port, D-sub, RJ45, SD 读卡器, 麦克风插孔, 耳机插孔(SPDIF), 电源输入USB(3.0) x3,USB(2.0) x2, HDMI, mini-Display port, Surround port, D-sub, RJ45, SD 读卡器, 麦克风插孔, 耳机插孔(SPDIF), 电源输入音效系统扬声器*2, 重低音喇叭*2, 内建式麦克风, AORUS Acoustic + 音效技术扬声器*2, 重低音喇叭*2, 内建式麦克风, AORUS Acoustic + 音效技术通訊网络: Killer 网络芯片
无线局域网络: 802.11ac
蓝牙: Bluetooth V4.0网络: Killer 网络芯片
无线局域网络: 802.11ac
蓝牙: Bluetooth V4.0摄像头(选配)130/100万画素100万画素安全设备Kensington防盗锁孔Kensington防盗锁孔电源充电式锂电池, 73.26Wh充电式锂电池, 73.26Wh尺寸428(W) x 305(D) x 22.9(H)mm428(W) x 305(D) x 22.9(H)mm重量3kg3kg
* 以上产品之规格、图片及其他信息仅供参考,如与实际产品有任何不相符之处,应以实际产品为准。AORUS保留在任何时间做出修改之权利。对任何因使用上述数据而引致之损失,AORUS概不承担任何责任。
* 本产品所标示之各项效能表现为各芯片厂商或各制定接口官方组织所提出的最大理论值,实际效能可能因规格及设备而有所不同。
* 本文中所使用之各项商标及企业识别图示,均为其合法所有人之财产。
* 基于PC基本架构,有部分内存空间须留作系统用途,故所侦测到之内存大小会比实际上较少。
Windows 8.1
BIOS 30B/30BR & EC F208 (Windows 8.1一般硬盘&RAID模式共享版)
Realtek High Definiton Audio (need to work with Command & Control)
Windows 8.1 64bit
Realtek High Definiton Audio (need to work with Command & Control)
Windows 7 64bit
Windows 8.1 64bit
Windows 7 64bit
Card Reader
Windows 8.1 64bit
Card Reader
Windows 7 64bit
Intel Management Engine software
Windows 8.1 64bit
Intel Rapid Storage Technology
Windows 8.1 64bit
Intel Chipset Software
Windows 8.1 64bit
Intel Management Engine software
Windows 7 64bit
Intel Rapid Storage Technology
Windows 7 64bit
Intel Chipset Software
Windows 7 64bit
Killer e2200
Windows 8.1 64bit
Killer e2200
Windows 7 64bit
ELAN PS/2 Port Smart-Pad
Windows 8.1 64bit
ELAN PS/2 Port Smart-Pad
Windows 7 64bit
Windows 7 64bit
Drivers Update
Windows 8.1 64bit
Command & Control
Windows 8.1 64bit
Windows 8.1 64bit
System Backup
Windows 8.1 64bit
Power Switch
Windows 8.1 64bit
Raid Driver
Windows 7 64bit
Drivers Update
Windows 7 64bit
Command & Control
Windows 7 64bit
Windows 7 64bit
NVIDIA& GeForce& GTX 765M
Windows 8.1 64bit
NVIDIA& GeForce& GTX 765M
Windows 7 64bit
Intel Centrino Wireless-AC7260
Windows 8.1 64bit
Intel Centrino Wireless-AC7260
Windows 7 64bit
Traditional Chinese
Simplified Chinese
Windows 8.1
BIOS FB04/FD04 & EC F002 (Windows 8.1一般硬盘&RAID模式共享版)
BIOS FA04/FC04 & EC F002 (Windows 7一般硬盘&RAID模式共享版)
Realtek High Definiton Audio (need to work with Command & Control)
Windows 8.1 64bit
Realtek High Definiton Audio (need to work with Command & Control)
Windows 7 64bit
Windows 8.1 64bit
Windows 7 64bit
Card Reader
Windows 8.1 64bit
Card Reader
Windows 7 64bit
Intel Management Engine software
Windows 8.1 64bit
Intel Rapid Storage Technology
Windows 8.1 64bit
Intel Chipset Software
Windows 8.1 64bit
Intel Management Engine software
Windows 7 64bit
Intel Rapid Storage Technology
Windows 7 64bit
Intel Chipset Software
Windows 7 64bit
Killer e2200
Windows 8.1 64bit
Killer e2200
Windows 7 64bit
ELAN PS/2 Port Smart-Pad
Windows 8.1 64bit
ELAN PS/2 Port Smart-Pad
Windows 7 64bit
Windows 7 64bit
Drivers Update
Windows 8.1 64bit
Command & Control
Windows 8.1 64bit
Windows 8.1 64bit
System Backup
Windows 8.1 64bit
Power Switch
Windows 8.1 64bit
Drivers Update
Windows 7 64bit
Command & Control
Windows 7 64bit
Windows 7 64bit
NVIDIA& GeForce& GTX 860M
Windows 8.1 64bit
NVIDIA& GeForce& GTX 860M
Windows 7 64bit
Intel Centrino Wireless-AC7260
Windows 8.1 64bit
Intel Centrino Wireless-AC7260
Windows 7 64bit
X7 v2 Manual
Traditional Chinese
X7 v2 Manual
Simplified Chinese
X7 v2 Manual
X7 v2 Manual
X7 v2 Manual
X7 v2 Manual
New Zealand
South Africa
Notebook is covered for two years warranty.
The battery is covered for one year warranty. The AC Adapter is covered for 2 years warranty.
Please refer below about LCD Panel Warranty.
Definition of bright dot/ black dot:
Bright dot defects appear as pixels that are always lit or “ON”. Black dot defects appear as pixels that are always dark or “OFF”, or in abnormal color.
- If there is more than 1 bright dot found in first 30 days of the end user purchasing, LCD panel can be replaced once in the service center nearby. Nevertheless, claimer needs to provide the invoice to prove it within first 30 days.
- AORUS do not provide ZERO BLACK DOT FREE guaranty service.
Notice: Any claim case, if over our guaranty period, will only treat as regular RMA process. The service only focus on functional repair. The guarantee will not be offer for LCD replacement neither.
The Software, carry bag, USB Flash Drive and other accessories that may be bundled are not covered by this warranty.
(Note: Customer Induced Damage is on the warranty exclusion).
AORUS shall not be responsible for any lost or damaged data, software or other materials stored or preserved on the product. AORUS strongly recommends that Customer maintain a complete data backup and disaster recovery plan.
Pick Up and Return Service for notebook covered by warranty in Australia is provided. (Note: Customer Induced Damage is on the warranty exclusion).
* Warranty periods and warranty terms may vary depending on different products and the distributing territories, please confirm with the location where the original order was placed.
Warranty Terms
Only certain product models that have been offered for Online Product Registration qualify for global warranty coverage. Please ask the store where the product was purchased if it qualifies for global warranty coverage.
Service Center
Address: Unit 3, No. 6, Garden Road, Clayton, V.I.C. Australia 3168
Online Product Registration
Please visit this website & for more information.
Notebook is covered for two years warranty.
The battery is covered for one year warranty. The AC Adapter is covered for 2 years warranty.
Please refer below about LCD Panel Warranty.
Definition of bright dot/ black dot:
Bright dot defects appear as pixels that are always lit or “ON”. Black dot defects appear as pixels that are always dark or “OFF”, or in abnormal color.
- If there is more than 1 bright dot found in first 30 days of the end user purchasing, LCD panel can be replaced once in the service center nearby. Nevertheless, claimer needs to provide the invoice to prove it within first 30 days.
- AORUS do not provide ZERO BLACK DOT FREE guaranty service.
Notice: Any claim case, if over our guaranty period, will only treat as regular RMA process. The service only focus on functional repair. The guarantee will not be offer for LCD replacement neither.
The Software, carry bag, USB Flash Drive and other accessories that may be bundled are not covered by this warranty.
(Note: Customer Induced Damage is on the warranty exclusion).
AORUS shall not be responsible for any lost or damaged data, software or other materials stored or preserved on the product. AORUS strongly recommends that Customer maintain a complete data backup and disaster recovery plan.
* Warranty periods and warranty terms may vary depending on different products and the distributing territories, please confirm with the location where the original order was placed.
Warranty Terms
Only certain product models that have been offered for Online Product Registration qualify for global warranty coverage. Please ask the store where the product was purchased if it qualifies for global warranty coverage.
Service Center
Office hour: 8am-5pm
Online Produkt Registrierung
Please visit this website & for more information.
笔记本电脑整机提供两年保修 。
亮/暗点的定义:在全黑底色的画面下,会不正常发光的点称之为亮点,其余称为暗点 (其它底色显示不正常发光的点也称之为暗点)。
- 自购买日起 30 天内若有超过一亮点(包含一点)于液晶显示器上,消费者可凭发票至当地或邻近快修中心免费更换一次
- AORUS产品不提供零暗点保修
* 购买日逾 30 天及维修品不适用本方案
随机附赠之软体光碟、手提保护袋、随身碟之其他配件则不属于保修范围 。
保修之最后判定请联系原购买商家以取得详细资讯 。
* 保固期限和保固条款可能会因不同的产品和分布地区有些许差异,请确认原始购买地区
全球保修服务仅限于「 AROUS 产品注册」网页中所列之产品型号,请联系原购买商家洽询您所购买的产品是否适用于全球保修服务。
Address: Room 504, West direction, 5F, NO.9 Building, 1st Bagua Rd Pengji industrial Park, Futian, Shenzhen
深圳市福田區鵬基工業區八卦一路 9 棟五樓西 504 室
Le PC Portable est garanti 2 ans
La batterie est garantie 1 an. L'adaptateur secteur est garanti 2 ans.
Ci-dessous les conditions de garantie concernant la dalle de l'écran
Définition d'un pixel blanc ou noir :
Un pixel est considéré comme Blanc quand il est en permanence allumé et donc blanc.
Un pixel est considéré comme Noir quand il est en permanence éteint et donc noir ou d'une couleur anormale.
- Si plus d'un pixel Blanc est trouvé durant les 30 premiers jours qui suivent l'achat, l'écran sera changé dans le centre de réparation le plus proche. La facture d'achat devra être fournie comme preuve d'achat.
- AORUS ne délivre pas de garantie "Zéro pixel défectueux".
Remarque : Toute réclamation pendant la période de garantie classique sera traitée avec la procédure de service après vente habituelle. Le service se concentre uniquement sur la partie fonctionnelle de l'appareil. Aucun changement de dalle ne sera possible après les 30 jours suivant l'achat.
Les logiciels, la sacoche de transport, la clé USB contenant les driver et utilitaires, ou tout autre accessoire qui aurait pu être vendu avec le portable ne sera pas couvert par cette garantie. (Notez que tout dommage provoqués par l'utilisateur n'est pas non plus couvert par la garantie)
AORUS ne pourra être tenu responsable de quelque perte de données, logiciel, ou tout autre stockage. AORUS recommande fortement que l'utilisateur effectue une sauvegarde de ses données régulière et prévoit un plan de restauration.
* La période de garantie et les termes de cette garantie peuvent varier en fonction des produits, modèles, et pays de distribution. Veuillez contacter le revendeur où vous avez acheté votre produit pour plus d'informations.
Termes de garantie
Seuls les PC Portables enregistrés en ligne profiteront de la couverture de garantie globale. Contactez votre revendeur où le produit a été acheté pour savoir s'il bénéficie de cette garantie.
Centre de service
Local hotline: 05 82 95 45 99
Office Hour: 10:00-19:00 (Mon-Sat)
Email: sav-gigabyte@
Enregistrement produit en ligne
Suivez ce lien pour enregistrer votre produit :
Notebook is covered for two years warranty.
The battery is covered for one year warranty. The AC Adapter is covered for 2 years warranty.
Please refer below about LCD Panel Warranty.
Definition of bright dot/ black dot:
Bright dot defects appear as pixels that are always lit or “ON”. Black dot defects appear as pixels that are always dark or “OFF”, or in abnormal color.
- If there is more than 1 bright dot found in first 30 days of the end user purchasing, LCD panel can be replaced once in the service center nearby. Nevertheless, claimer needs to provide the invoice to prove it within first 30 days.
- AORUS do not provide ZERO BLACK DOT FREE guaranty service.
Notice: Any claim case, if over our guaranty period, will only treat as regular RMA process. The service only focus on functional repair. The guarantee will not be offer for LCD replacement neither.
The Software, carry bag, USB Flash Drive and other accessories that may be bundled are not covered by this warranty.
(Note: Customer Induced Damage is on the warranty exclusion).
AORUS shall not be responsible for any lost or damaged data, software or other materials stored or preserved on the product. AORUS strongly recommends that Customer maintain a complete data backup and disaster recovery plan.
* Warranty periods and warranty terms may vary depending on different products and the distributing territories, please confirm with the location where the original order was placed.
Warranty Terms
Only certain product models that have been offered for Online Product Registration qualify for global warranty coverage. Please ask the store where the product was purchased if it qualifies for global warranty coverage.
Service Center
Address: Bullenkoppel 16, 22047 Hamburg
+49-40-25 33 040
extension 1
Online Produkt Registrierung
Please visit this website & for more information.
Notebook is covered for two years warranty.
The battery is covered for one year warranty. The AC Adapter is covered for 2 years warranty.
Please refer below about LCD Panel Warranty.
Definition of bright dot/ black dot:
Bright dot defects appear as pixels that are always lit or “ON”. Black dot defects appear as pixels that are always dark or “OFF”, or in abnormal color.
- If there is more than 1 bright dot found in first 30 days of the end user purchasing, LCD panel can be replaced once in the service center nearby. Nevertheless, claimer needs to provide the invoice to prove it within first 30 days.
- AORUS do not provide ZERO BLACK DOT FREE guaranty service.
Notice: Any claim case, if over our guaranty period, will only treat as regular RMA process. The service only focus on functional repair. The guarantee will not be offer for LCD replacement neither.
The Software, carry bag, USB Flash Drive and other accessories that may be bundled are not covered by this warranty.
(Note: Customer Induced Damage is on the warranty exclusion).
AORUS shall not be responsible for any lost or damaged data, software or other materials stored or preserved on the product. AORUS strongly recommends that Customer maintain a complete data backup and disaster recovery plan.
* Warranty periods and warranty terms may vary depending on different products and the distributing territories, please confirm with the location where the original order was placed.
Only certain product models that have been offered for Online Product Registration qualify for global warranty coverage. Please ask the store where the product was purchased if it qualifies for global warranty coverage.
Address: 344-, Oeda, Kasukabe-City, Saitama, Japan
Local Service Hotline:
Please visit this website & for more information..
??? ?? 2? ??
??? ??? ??2? , ??? ??1?
??? LCD ?? ??? ?? ????.
??? ??? ?? :
??? ??? ???? ?? ??? ??? ??? ?? ? ?????? ????? ? ??? ???? ??? ????? ?????. ?? ? ???? ?? ??? ??? ??? ???? ???? ?????.
- ?? ???? ???? ?? 30? ??? ? ?? ????? ?? ????, LCD? ??? ??? ???? ??? ?? ???. ?? ???? ??? 30? ?? ??? ??? ???? ?? ??? ???.
- ???? ??? ??? ??? ?? ?? ????.
??: ?? ?? ??? ?? ?? ??? ?? ?? ?? 30?? ??? ????, LCD? ???? ??? ?? ?? ???? ?? ? ???, LCD?? ??? ??? ?? ?? ? ???.
??? ??? ???? ???? ?? ?? ?????? ???? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??? ?? ????. ??? ???? ??? ??? ??? ?? ??? ???? ?? ???
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????? ??? ??? 100 ??12? 4? 11?
NO.11, 4th Floor, Najin 12 dong, Chengpa-Rd 100, Yongsan-Gu, Seoul, South Korea
??? ??? ?? ??? ? ??? ? ?????? &
New Zealand
Notebook is covered for two years warranty.
The battery is covered for one year warranty. The AC Adapter is covered for 2 years warranty.
Please refer below about LCD Panel Warranty.
Definition of bright dot/ black dot:
Bright dot defects appear as pixels that are always lit or “ON”. Black dot defects appear as pixels that are always dark or “OFF”, or in abnormal color.
- If there is more than 1 bright dot found in first 30 days of the end user purchasing, LCD panel can be replaced once in the service center nearby. Nevertheless, claimer needs to provide the invoice to prove it within first 30 days.
- AORUS do not provide ZERO BLACK DOT FREE guaranty service.
Notice: Any claim case, if over our guaranty period, will only treat as regular RMA process. The service only focus on functional repair. The guarantee will not be offer for LCD replacement neither.
The Software, carry bag, USB Flash Drive and other accessories that may be bundled are not covered by this warranty.
(Note: Customer Induced Damage is on the warranty exclusion).
AORUS shall not be responsible for any lost or damaged data, software or other materials stored or preserved on the product. AORUS strongly recommends that Customer maintain a complete data backup and disaster recovery plan.
* Warranty periods and warranty terms may vary depending on different products and the distributing territories, please confirm with the location where the original order was placed.
Warranty Terms
Only certain product models that have been offered for Online Product Registration qualify for global warranty coverage. Please ask the store where the product was purchased if it qualifies for global warranty coverage.
Service Center
Tel: 09-5718324
E-mail: Gigabyte.Service@pbtech.co.nz
Online Product Registration
Please visit this website & for more information.
Notebook is covered for two years warranty.
The battery is covered for one year warranty. The AC Adapter is covered for 2 years warranty.
Please refer below about LCD Panel Warranty.
Definition of bright dot/ black dot:
Bright dot defects appear as pixels that are always lit or “ON”. Black dot defects appear as pixels that are always dark or “OFF”, or in abnormal color.
- If there is more than 1 bright dot found in first 30 days of the end user purchasing, LCD panel can be replaced once in the service center nearby. Nevertheless, claimer needs to provide the invoice to prove it within first 30 days.
- AORUS do not provide ZERO BLACK DOT FREE guaranty service.
Notice: Any claim case, if over our guaranty period, will only treat as regular RMA process. The service only focus on functional repair. The guarantee will not be offer for LCD replacement neither.
The Software, carry bag, USB Flash Drive and other accessories that may be bundled are not covered by this warranty.
(Note: Customer Induced Damage is on the warranty exclusion).
AORUS shall not be responsible for any lost or damaged data, software or other materials stored or preserved on the product. AORUS strongly recommends that Customer maintain a complete data backup and disaster recovery plan.
* Warranty periods and warranty terms may vary depending on different products and the distributing territories, please confirm with the location where the original order was placed.
Warranty Terms
Only certain product models that have been offered for Online Product Registration qualify for global warranty coverage. Please ask the store where the product was purchased if it qualifies for global warranty coverage.
Service Center
Тел.: +7-495-276-22-11
Email: service@rss.ru
Пожалуйста выберите филиал в Вашем городе.
Online Product Registration
Please visit this website & for more information.
Notebook is covered for two years warranty.
The battery is covered for one year warranty. The AC Adapter is covered for 2 years warranty.
Please refer below about LCD Panel Warranty.
Definition of bright dot/ black dot:
Bright dot defects appear as pixels that are always lit or “ON”. Black dot defects appear as pixels that are always dark or “OFF”, or in abnormal color.
- If there is more than 1 bright dot found in first 30 days of the end user purchasing, LCD panel can be replaced once in the service center nearby. Nevertheless, claimer needs to provide the invoice to prove it within first 30 days.
- AORUS do not provide ZERO BLACK DOT FREE guaranty service.
Notice: Any claim case, if over our guaranty period, will only treat as regular RMA process. The service only focus on functional repair. The guarantee will not be offer for LCD replacement neither.
The Software, carry bag, USB Flash Drive and other accessories that may be bundled are not covered by this warranty.
(Note: Customer Induced Damage is on the warranty exclusion).
AORUS shall not be responsible for any lost or damaged data, software or other materials stored or preserved on the product. AORUS strongly recommends that Customer maintain a complete data backup and disaster recovery plan.
* Warranty periods and warranty terms may vary depending on different products and the distributing territories, please confirm with the location where the original order was placed.
Warranty Terms
Only certain product models that have been offered for Online Product Registration qualify for global warranty coverage. Please ask the store where the product was purchased if it qualifies for global warranty coverage.
Service Center
Address : 3, Coleman Street, #01-30, Peninsula Hotel/Shopping Centre Singapore 179804
Office Hours: Monday to Friday: 11am to 6pm exclu Saturday: 11am to 4pm
Online Product Registration
Please visit this website & for more information.
South Africa
Notebook is covered for two years warranty.
The battery is covered for one year warranty. The AC Adapter is covered for 2 years warranty.
Please refer below about LCD Panel Warranty.
Definition of bright dot/ black dot:
Bright dot defects appear as pixels that are always lit or “ON”. Black dot defects appear as pixels that are always dark or “OFF”, or in abnormal color.
- If there is more than 1 bright dot found in first 30 days of the end user purchasing, LCD panel can be replaced once in the service center nearby. Nevertheless, claimer needs to provide the invoice to prove it within first 30 days.
- AORUS do not provide ZERO BLACK DOT FREE guaranty service.
Notice: Any claim case, if over our guaranty period, will only treat as regular RMA process. The service only focus on functional repair. The guarantee will not be offer for LCD replacement neither.
The Software, carry bag, USB Flash Drive and other accessories that may be bundled are not covered by this warranty.
(Note: Customer Induced Damage is on the warranty exclusion).
AORUS shall not be responsible for any lost or damaged data, software or other materials stored or preserved on the product. AORUS strongly recommends that Customer maintain a complete data backup and disaster recovery plan.
* Warranty periods and warranty terms may vary depending on different products and the distributing territories, please confirm with the location where the original order was placed.
Warranty Terms
Only certain product models that have been offered for Online Product Registration qualify for global warranty coverage. Please ask the store where the product was purchased if it qualifies for global warranty coverage.
Service Center
Address: 152, 15th Road, Randjespark, Midrand,1685, Gauteng, South Africa
(Local service hotline)
Online Product Registration
Please visit this website & for more information.
Notebook (筆記型電腦)主機保固 2 年。
Notebbok (筆記型電腦)變壓器保固 2 年、電池保固 1 年。
亮/暗點的定義:在全黑底色的畫面下,會不正常發光的點稱之為亮點,其餘稱為暗點 (其它底色顯示不正常發光的點也稱之為暗點)。
- 自購買日起 30 天內若有超過一點(包含一點)於液晶面板上,消費者可憑發票至當地或鄰近快修中心免費更換一次
- AORUS產品不提供零暗點保固
* 購買日逾 30 天及維修品不適用本方案
在 AORUS 台灣的保固範圍內,請妥善將 Notebook (筆記型電腦)、包裝並送回,詳細細節請與 AORUS 台灣維修點聯繫。(註:人損不在保固範圍內)
產品內的資料可能因維修或重新格式化而遺失,AORUS 並無提供客戶資料救援與保管之服務。 強烈建議您應定時備份資料或為採取資料免於損壞之措施。
* 保固期限和保固條款可能會因不同的產品和分佈地區有些許差異,請確認原始購買地區。
全球保修服務僅限於「 AROUS 產品註冊」網頁中所列之產品型號,請聯繫原購買商家洽詢您所購買的產品是否適用於全球保修服務。
技術服務專線 :
台北市松江路 8 號 2 樓之 3
新北市新店區北新路三段 205 號 B2F
桃園縣平鎮市南平路 215 號
(03) 439-3025
新竹市光復路二段 278 號
(03) 572-5747
台中市公益路 81 號
台南市忠義路二段 173號
(06) 221-7374
高雄市建國二路 51-1 號
(07) 235-4340
請參閱 AORUS 產品註冊網頁&
Notebook is covered for two years warranty.
The battery is covered for one year warranty. The AC Adapter is covered for 2 years warranty.
Please refer below about LCD Panel Warranty.
Definition of bright dot/ black dot:
Bright dot defects appear as pixels that are always lit or “ON”. Black dot defects appear as pixels that are always dark or “OFF”, or in abnormal color.
- If there is more than 1 bright dot found in first 30 days of the end user purchasing, LCD panel can be replaced once in the service center nearby. Nevertheless, claimer needs to provide the invoice to prove it within first 30 days.
- AORUS do not provide ZERO BLACK DOT FREE guaranty service.
Notice: Any claim case, if over our guaranty period, will only treat as regular RMA process. The service only focus on functional repair. The guarantee will not be offer for LCD replacement neither.
The Software, carry bag, USB Flash Drive and other accessories that may be bundled are not covered by this warranty.
(Note: Customer Induced Damage is on the warranty exclusion).
AORUS shall not be responsible for any lost or damaged data, software or other materials stored or preserved on the product. AORUS strongly recommends that Customer maintain a complete data backup and disaster recovery plan.
* Warranty periods and warranty terms may vary depending on different products and the distributing territories, please confirm with the location where the original order was placed.
Warranty Terms
Only certain product models that have been offered for Online Product Registration qualify for global warranty coverage. Please ask the store where the product was purchased if it qualifies for global warranty coverage.
Service Center
Address: Unit 17, Stafford Park 12,
Telford, Shropshire,
Online Product Registration
Please visit this website & for more information.
Notebook is covered for two years warranty.
The battery is covered for one year warranty. The AC Adapter is covered for 2 years warranty.
Please refer below about LCD Panel Warranty.
Definition of bright dot/ black dot:
Bright dot defects appear as pixels that are always lit or “ON”. Black dot defects appear as pixels that are always dark or “OFF”, or in abnormal color.
- If there is more than 1 bright dot found in first 30 days of the end user purchasing, LCD panel can be replaced once in the service center nearby. Nevertheless, claimer needs to provide the invoice to prove it within first 30 days.
- AORUS do not provide ZERO BLACK DOT FREE guaranty service.
Notice: Any claim case, if over our guaranty period, will only treat as regular RMA process. The service only focus on functional repair. The guarantee will not be offer for LCD replacement neither.
The Software, carry bag, USB Flash Drive and other accessories that may be bundled are not covered by this warranty.
(Note: Customer Induced Damage is on the warranty exclusion).
AORUS shall not be responsible for any lost or damaged data, software or other materials stored or preserved on the product. AORUS strongly recommends that Customer maintain a complete data backup and disaster recovery plan.
* Warranty periods and warranty terms may vary depending on different products and the distributing territories, please confirm with the location where the original order was placed.
Warranty Terms
Only certain product models that have been offered for Online Product Registration qualify for global warranty coverage. Please ask the store where the product was purchased if it qualifies for global warranty coverage.
Service Center
Address: 17358 Railroad Street City of Industry, CA 91748
Online Product Registration
Please visit this website & for more information.
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