
昨天,2014西昌邛海湿地国际马拉召开了新闻发布会,比赛将于11月9日在四川省凉山彝族自治州首府西昌市火把广场发枪。预计将有2万人参赛,这是四川首次举办国际马拉松比赛。本届比赛由中国田径协会、四川省体育局和凉山州征服主板、四川省田径协会、凉山州体育局和西昌市人民政府承办。设全程马拉松、半程马拉松和迷你马拉松(5公里)三个项目。组委会拟设立115万元人民币的总奖金,其中获得全程马拉松第一名的男、女运动员奖金各为4万美元。预计总人数2万人,其中全程马拉松约2000人,半程马拉松约3000人,迷你马拉松约15000人。为鼓励四川籍选手参赛,特设四川籍选手组,按成绩分别录取男、女前8名。对于第一次举办国际马拉松的四川来说,后勤问题是每个马拉松大赛最头疼的,即便是中国历史最悠久的北京马拉松,去年也爆发了“尿红墙”事件,移动厕所数量满足不了参赛者的需求。“全程补给点将有18个,移动厕所70个,平均2.5公里一个医疗点,13辆救护车和18辆救护摩托待命。”凉山州副州长施遐公布了一组数据,“虽然我们的移动厕所数量不及北京马拉松,但考我们的参赛人数规模要小很多,全程和半程马拉松人数预计5000人,后勤保障是肯定到位的。”此外,在刚刚结束的火把节上,组委会也提前预演了安保、后勤保障线路。华西都市报记者 陈甘露
网络爆料台 随时随地,极速爆料
  中新社四川凉山11月9日电(付敬懿)2014西昌邛(音同琼)海湿地国际马拉松赛9日在四川省凉山州西昌火把广场鸣枪开跑,25个国家或地区的近2万名运动员和马拉松爱好者参加。这是四川举行的首个国际马拉松比赛。  来自非洲的运动员强势“占领”领奖台,包揽男、女全程冠军。  上午8点,发令枪准时打响,此次马拉松赛形象大使、著名歌手吉克隽逸、4名四川籍奥运会冠军殷剑、张山、唐琳、冯喆与参赛者一同起跑。途中,选手们在中国最大的城市湿地邛海湿地中穿行后,到达终点西昌火把广场。  西昌秋高气爽,邛海边的树叶开始泛黄,湿地内的花海摇曳生姿,配合碧蓝的邛海水,美不胜收。  经过两个多小时的角逐,肯尼亚选手Chepngabit Noah Kipruto以2小时12分48秒获男子组冠军,两名埃塞俄比亚选手分获男子组二三名。女子组比赛中,埃塞俄比亚选手包揽前三名,Biruktayit Eshetu Degefa以2小时30分26秒夺冠。  在半程马拉松比赛中,非洲肯尼亚的两位选手获得男子组前两名,中国选手管油胜以1小时12分40秒的成绩获得第三名。女子赛中,第一名仍由肯尼亚选手Michael Cecilia Wayua获得,中国选手获得第二三名,其中第二名金玲玲来自四川。  此次马拉松赛设男、女全程马拉松、半程马拉松和迷你马拉松3个项目,其中报名参加5公里赛程迷你马拉松的人数最多。参赛选手中,年龄最大的已经90岁高龄,年龄最小的只有4岁。
[保存到博客]2014西昌国际马拉松赛参赛指南 Marathon Guide
2014&Liangshan Mining Xichang&Qionghai Lake Wetland International&Marathon&Guide
一、 竞赛日期和地点
I. Date & Location:
Time: November 9, 2014(Sunday), Starting Time: 8:00 a.m.
Location: Xichang Torch Square
II. Course:
(一)马拉松( 42.195公里 )
i. Marathon (42.195 KM)
Xichang Torch Square (The Start)&&Hangtian Ave (Mingren Hotel turning back)&&Hangtian Ave&&Fengqingyuan Road&&Haihe Street &&Haibin North Road&&Mid Haibin Road&&Gangyaocun&&Qinglong Temple&&Xiaoyucun&&&&&&&& (Intersection of the third phase of Wetland)&&Ecological Wetland Park&&Xichang Torch Square (The Finish)
(二)半程马拉松( 21.0975公里 )
ii. Half Marathon(21.0975 KM)
Xichang Torch Square (The Start)&&Hangtian Ave (Mingren Hotel turning back)&&Hangtian Ave&&Fengqingyuan Road&&Haihe Street&&Haibin North Road&&Mid Haibin Road&& Intersection of Gangyao (turning back)&&Mid Haibin Road&&Haibin North Road&&Qionghai Hotel&&Haikou Road&&Guanhai Road&&Xichang Torch Square (The Finish)
(三)迷你马拉松(5 KM)
iii.Mini Marathon (5 KM)
Xichang Torch Square (The Start)&&Hangtian Ave (Mingren Hotel turning back) &&Liangshan National Stadium (The Finish)
III. Rules:
i. The races are conducted in accordance with new Rules and Regulations for Track & Field certified by IAAF.
ii. All events will start simultaneously. The timing chips are used to&& record when runners pass induction areas one by one, which are posted at the start line, the finishing line, and every 5 KM. Each of the results is indispensable. Any 0.1 second or even less of time differences of any two chips will come to no result.
&iii. Gate Closing time:
Half& Marathon
The race route will be closed to traffic at successive sections during the race period. After the closure time, the road sections will restore traffic. Runners failing to finish corresponding distances at stipulated closing time(according to the time of starting gun)shall cease the race and quit the racing track to avoid danger. Runners who exit the course may get on the pick-up buses to the finish area.
iv. Marathon runners and Half Marathon runners should wear timing chips in a correct way that guarantees the results can be recorded when passing the mat set at each section&s timing point.
v. Video surveillance will be carried out by the Organizing Committee during the entire race. Runners will have their competition scores cancelled.
IV. Number Bibs
(一)& 号码布颜色及号段区别
i. Colors of number bibs and Number segments
Elite men&s group: 0 (black characters on a white bib)
Registered athletes men&s group: 0 (black characters on a white bib)
Amateur men&s group:0 (black characters on a white bib)
Sichuan men&s group: 0(black characters on a white bib)
Elite women&s group: 0(red characters on a white bib)
Registered women&s group: 0(red characters on a white bib)
Amateur women&s group: 0(red characters on a white bib)
Sichuan women&s group: 0(red characters on a white bib)
Half Marathon:
Men: 1 (white characters on a red bib)
Sichuan men&s group: 1(white characters on a red bib)
Women: 1(yellow characters on a red bib)
Sichuan women&s group: 1(yellow characters on a red bib)
2(white characters on a green bib)
ii. Requirements about number bibs
(a).Each participant of Half Marathon and Marathon wears 3 number bibs (2 big ones,1 small one), with 2 big ones on the front and the back of a racing suit respectively ,and the small one in the front sack of a bag which clothes can be put in.
(b). Each participant of 5KM wears one number bib on the front of the racing suit.
(c).Number bibs are used to identify participants. Number bibs are required to be worn during the whole race period, like check-in, finishing, etc. Any Loss is prohibitive.
(d).Number bibs are not transferable. All responsibilities will be borne by the original owner.
V. Timing chip
&&&& (a).Half-Marathon and Marathon participants must employ the timing chip distributed by the organizing committee, without which there will be no results and thus qualification for enrollment will be deprived .
&&& 2.如果未按正确方法用鞋带将计时芯片佩带在鞋面上或者采用金属制品固定芯片,会导致没有芯片计时成绩。
&&&& (b).Incorrect way to fasten the timing chip to the vamp with shoe ties or metals will cause a failure to record the result by the chip.
&&& 3.同时携带2枚或2枚以上芯片参赛,将取消参赛资格,并报中国田径协会处理。
&&&& (c).Participants taking part in the race with two or more chips will be deprived of qualification and will be reported to Chinese Athletics Association for punishment.
& & 4.比赛过程中参赛人员必须踏上线路上的计时地毯,避免跳跃,否则将无法记录下参赛人员的比赛成绩。
&&&& (d).During the race, participants must set feet on timing mats and must not jump across it, or results will be unable to be recorded.
&&& 5.赛前请将计时芯片用鞋带穿过计时芯片两侧的孔并收紧固定在鞋面上,正确的佩带方法见图示。
&&&& (e).Before the race, please thread shoe ties through the hole of the timing chip and fasten it on the vamp, according to the method of wearing illustrated in the diagram.(see graph)
VI. Cloak Room for Clothes and Articles
i. Cloakrooms for Elite and registered athletes are set at the special check-in spots. Cloakrooms for Marathon and Half Marathon are set near starting and finishing areas. Please put clothes and articles in a cloak room by presenting your storage package and number bibs, and claim storage package by you number bib in the cloakroom near the finishing area. Opening time of cloakroom: 07:00-15:30 (cloakrooms will be closed 15 minutes before race).Cloakroom is not set for 5km race.
ii. If failing to claim clothes and articles in time, please claim after race by your number at the registration site on the second floor of Liangshan National Stadium Tennis Center. Clothes and articles that are not claimed within 3 days will be disposed as unclaimed things.
&&& iii. Combustible, explicable and valuable items must not be checked in with only clothes and articles allowed.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
VII . Roll-call
i. Time: 6:40a.m.-7:40a.m., November 9.
ii. Venue:
(a). Marathon: Behind the Starting Gate. Square1 for elite athletes, registered athletes. Square 2 for team participants, and Square3 for individuals.
(b).Half Marathon: Behind the sign that reads &Half Marathon.&, Square 1 for team participants, Square 2 for individuals.
(c).5KM: Behind the sign that reads &5KM&, Square 1 for team participants, Square 2 for individuals
iii. Roll-call requirements:
(a).Check in on time at each call room and starting area..
(b).Wear the unified T-shirts distributed by our Race Organizing Committee.
(c) Participants of those athletes to apply for the National Class of Marathon shall go to &Call Room& with registration certificates.
VIII. Articles Distribution
联系人:高虹&&&&&&&& 联系电话:
i. The distribution of competition articles
One-off electronic timing chips are employed to record in Marathon and Half Marathon. Participants or groups should come to receive competition articles, timing chips, number bibs 3 days before the race (November 6 to November 8) at Liangshan National Stadium Tennis Center. Participation without the timing chip is invalid.
Time to receive timing chips: 9:00-17:00.
Contact person: G&& Phone number: &
ii. Issuing result certificate. Any participant finishing Marathon and Half Marathon within the time required should receive the certificate by logging in the number bibs at official website of Xichang Qionghai Lake Wetland International M Participants of Mini Marathon receive the result certificate with competition articles before the race.
iii. A timer is set up at the finishing area of 5KM.Participants finishing the race by the closure time fill the result in the certificate according to the time read by the timer.
&IX. Refreshment station and drinking water/water supply station
I. Classification and order
(a).The red table cloth indicates beverage provided by oneself. (b)The blue cloth indicates beverage provided by the organizing committee. (c)The white cloth indicates drinking water provided by the organizing committee. The distance between two colors is 30m. The beverage on the table of red cloth is private that others should not use. Anyone violates this rule will be punished according to relevant clauses of regulations.
ii. Beverage station
Beverage stations are set up at starting point, finishing point, 5 KM, 10 KM, 15 KM, 20 KM, 25 KM, 30 KM, 35 KM, and 40 KM.
iii Drinking water/water supply station
Drinking water/water supply stations are set up between two beverage stations at 7.5 KM, 12.5 KM, 17.5 KM, 22.5 KM, 27.5 KM, 32.5 KM, and 37.5 KM.
iv. Beverage provided by oneself: professional athletes can use their own beverage. If one is going to use his/her own beverage, please submit beverage and Registration Form of Professional Athletes& Own Beverage to beverage reception office of the organizing committee at 20:00-20:30 on November 8. Conspicuous labels must be stuck to athlete&s own beverage, and competition numbers and placing spots (km) must be indicated on the labels.
X. Medical Aid
Medical aid stations are set up at starting and finishing points, one medical station is set up every 5KM,and one medical point is set up every 2.5KM.There are ambulances along the track. During the race, every participant should compete to according one&s own health condition and ability. Once situations such as a lack of strength happen, please quit the race immediately for fear of accidents.
XI. Medical Aid
Aid cars are arranged by the organizing committee for Full Marathon and Half Marathon. For the purpose of safety, any participant who fails to reach the finishing line because of being in bad physical condition or out of condition or is unable to finish the race before the closure time should quit the race on time and wait along the track for the aid car
XII. Toilet
Fixed and mobile toilets are set up at the starting and finishing points, function areas, along the course.
XIII. Award Presentation
i. All sites of award presentation are set up at the starting point, Rostrum.
ii. Participants who win mentioned ranks in Full Marathon and Half Marathon will be ushered by referees at finishing point to the after-race control center and wait for award presentation there.
XIV. Every participant must purchase insurance by oneself. Organizing committee provides life insurance and medical insurance (see introduction of insurance).
i. Participants should be healthy and have had regular running exercises or trainings. Participant should choose events according to health condition and abilities. Persons suffering from following diseases are not advised to participate in the race:
(a) Congenital heart disease and rhe
(b) Hypertension and cer
(c) Myocarditis and ot
(d) Coronary artery disease an
(e)Diabetes Mellitus
(f) Other diseases unsuitable for sports.
&ii. Pre-match hints
(a) Basic articles
(1)A pair of running shoes s
(2) A pair of slightly thick cotton
(4) A one-off raincoat of rain-proof, wind-proof a
(5) A small box of ointment (medical vaseline ointment)
(b) Pre-match mental preparation
(1) Physical examination is advised for participants taking part in marathon for the first time, including heart, blood pressure, and blood biochemistry (persons with congenital heart disease and heart disease history, and abnormal indexes of blood fat, blood sugar liver and kidney should not participate).
(2) Preservation of feet: ails and feet cocoon should be trimmed. Ulceration of wound should be treated in hospital.
(3) Marathon is a mental and physical challenge. But safety is the foremost .We&d better understand how to &give up&. When physical condition gets bad, we should give up the race or ask for aids from others.
3.西昌属亚高原地带,平均海拔1500米,请参赛运动员赛前做好适应性准备。&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
(d)Preparation before the race
(1) Fried food, sweet food and meat are not recommended for breakfast.
(2) For preserving heat and for preventing injury, don&t put off clothes too early
(3) For raising body heat and improving the heart movement, warning-up exercises are recommended 30
(4) It is advised for persons of obesity and persons who have thick sinews to paint Vaseline cream at crotch to prevent rubbing.
iii. Competition hints
(a) Notes during the race
(1) The first &discomfort& may happen between the 10th and 20th minutes of the race, called &The First Extreme State& which is a normal physical phenomenon. The way to overcome that is slowing down and adjusting breath or walking for 2 or 3 minutes. You will feel comfortable to continue running after this &discomfort&.
(2) Persons lacking regular marathon training usually meet &Motility Physiological Limit& state during the 30th to 35th minutes. The symptoms include muscle pain, joint pain, a tremendous feeling of fatigue, and the psychological tendency to give up. You&d better quit the race when this phenomenon and situation occurs. Insistence may leads to life danger.
(3) It is recommended for every marathon racer to run at one&s own tempo and not to compete blindly with others, or former rhythm of running and breath may be broken.
(4) It is usual for marathon runners to drink a moderate volume of sugared beverage or energy beverage.
(5)西昌马拉松赛道21公里处,有约400米上坡道,最高海拔为1522米,请运动员赛中调整好体力分配,量力而行,安全第一。&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& &&&
(5)At&the&21KM&of&Xichang&Marathon&courseyou&will&meet&400m-long&ramp&and&the&highest&altitude--1552m! Please&assign&your&strength&rationally,because&your&safety&is&always&our&priority.
(b) Notes after the race
(1) Preserve heat, drink water and eat food (carbohydrates only)
(2) Must not have a
and bath, etc.;
(4) A jogging of 10-20 minutes 24 hours after race is helpful for recovery.
(5) Consult experts and psychologists when mental probl
XVI. Common sense about marathon
(a) Why physical examination is necessary before marathon race?
马拉松赛必须在医务监督的基础上进行,才能使这项运动健康地发展,确保参赛者的身体健康,同时提高健康水平,也能有效地防止意外事故的发生。参赛者必须首先进行严格的身体全面检查,身体合格后才能报名。专家忠告马拉松赛的爱好者,凡患有肝炎、心脏病、高血压,糖尿病及其它不适宜参加马拉松赛病 症的人,应该坚决不参加比赛。凡暂时患病者,例如感冒、发烧、心动过速、过度疲劳、心脏有病理性杂音、心电图有异常或外伤未愈等情况的人,也不能参加比赛。
Marathon should be conducted under the supervision of medical staff, only based on which marathon can develop healthily and improves people&s health while ensuring the safety of participants and preventing accidents. Participants must firstly have a strict and comprehensive physical examination and then register after making sure health condition is suitable for marathon. Experts strongly advice that persons suffering from hepatitis, heart disease, hypertension, diabetes mellitus and other diseases improper for marathon must not participate marathon race. Others suffering from temporal diseases such as cold, fever, tachycardia, over fatigue, pathological murmurs of heart, abnormal electrocardiogram, unhealed trauma, etc. must not participate in the race.
(b) Why a thorough defecation before race is necessary.
After being digested by the stomach and intestine, nutrition has been absorbed while the residues become excrement. Redundant water in the body mingled with wastes from muscles and blood is filtered by kidney and then becomes urine. Those wastes accumulated in rectum and bladder add weight and burden to body, which makes movement uneasy. Besides, the bladder wall is so thin that it may be broken up when collision occurs during the movement if it is full of urine. Accordingly, it is necessary to have a thorough defecation before the race.
(c) Why is sufficient warming-up exercise necessary before the race?
Marathon is a long-distance aerobic movement. Before the race, motor nervous centralis must be excited in order to establish a coherence among all physical systems and organs (muscle, blood system, respiratory system, motor system), which can only be achieved by a gradual warning-up exercise. Warning-up exercise helps to raise the body temperature, coordination, extensibility and elasticity of muscles, and to reduce the viscosity of muscles. So a sufficient warming-up exercise helps the body adjust to the race and get into a better state of motion, and prevents injury and accidents.
(d) How to remove nervous emotion before the race?
Some participants feel inevitably an unnecessary nervous emotion before the race. The main symptoms include emotional stress, premature excitement, fidgeting, insomnia, hyperhidrosis, frequent urination, etc.. Over excitement, emotional stress and a bad rest combined cause an over consumption of nerve energy and stamina, and a tendency to fatigue before the race, thus performance and result will be influence. Generally, methods to transfer the excitement can be employed to remove the pre-match emotional stress. For example, some quiet and slow activities such as reading, playing chess, fishing and walking can helpful. Massage is also helpful for eliminating the emotional stress.
(e) What kind of shoes is proper?
Rubber shoes and cross-country running shoes with air-foam rubber sponges inside are better. This kind of shoes have a better cushioning and protecting function that reduces fatigue of feet and the possibility of injury. Secondly, proper size is also important. Too big or too small will bring about foot injury. Shoes of 80 percent new that foot have adjusted to be the best because this kind of shoes is more elastic, soft and don&t cause blister. Because the grain of bottom has not been rubbed out, it is easier to exert strength with this kind of shoes. If shoes come off accidentally when th racing is starting, don&t haste, and specially don&t bend down to handle, or it may cause collision and tumbling.
6.马拉松运动员喝怎样的&水&(f) What kind of beverage does a marathon athlete need?
During marathon running, athletes perspire a great amount. The sweat mainly consists of water and mineral substances such as sodium, potassium, chlorine, magnesium, calcium, and phosphorus. A lot of salt also run off along with water, and the adjustment ability of body declines. Supplementing only water will make you thirstier which will cause symptoms such as a higher body temperature, calf muscle spasm, and coma. So it is correct to drink electrolyte beverage, also called minerals beverage which contains minerals such as sodium, potassium, chlorine, magnesium, calcium, and phosphorus, and also contains proper amount of sugar to adjust taste and supplement the consumed energy. Amateur athletes can eat some sugar 2 hours before the race to supplement the lost energy, with an amount of 1 gram for per kilogram of body weight. During the race and after the race, athletes should drink salty hot water, with a 1:15 proportion of salt and sugar
(g) How to guard against and ease abdominal pain during the race?
比赛中有的运动员会突然出现腹痛,其原因一般来说是准备活动做得不充分,加上天气比较冷,开始跑时吸入了大量的冷空气或起跑速度过快等,出现&岔气&现 象。出现腹痛时,应减慢速度,用手使劲压住疼痛部位,经过短时间的调整处理后,疼痛感会减轻。如果经上述处理仍然无法缓解,应退出比赛到救护站处理。为了预防比赛中出现腹痛,运动员在赛前做好充分的准备活动是非常重要的。
Some athletes may suffer a sudden abdominal pain during the race, which is often caused by insufficient warming-up exercise, a cold weather so that a lot of cold air is inhaled, or running too fast. When feeling an abdominal pain, you&d better slow down with hands pushing powerfully on the painful place. The pain will reduce after a brief adjustment. If method mentioned above is not sufficient, please quit the race and go to the medical station for treatment. In order to prevent abdominal pain, sufficient preparation is important for athletes.
(h) How to prevent and ease calf spasm?
比赛中有时会出现小腿肚抽筋或小腿肌肉长时间不由自主的收缩现象。原因是准备活动做得不充分,比赛时肌肉从静止状态突然进入比较剧烈的运动状态,小腿肌肉不能马上适应,尤其在气温比较低的情况下,穿短裤比赛腿部肌肉突然受到寒冷刺激或由于身体大量出汗带走许多盐份而引起小腿抽筋。因此,赛前准备活动一定要 做得充分,要达到身体发热的效果,天气冷时要适当延长准备时间,还要注意小腿保暖。比赛中若出现小腿抽筋应该马上减慢速度逐渐停下来,然后进行小腿处理如按摩和揉搓抽筋部位,如不能缓解应到救护站处理。
During the race, calf spasm or automatic contraction of calf muscle happens sometimes. The reason behind this is insufficient preparation so that the calf muscle is unable to adjust when entering into an intense movement from a static situation. It happens more often under a cold condition when muscle is stimulated suddenly by the cold air because you wear a short. A lot of salt lost along with perspiration also causes calf spasm. Therefore pre-match preparation must be sufficient so that the body begins to generate heat. A longer time of preparation is needed under cold weather, and measures to keep calves warm are necessary. When calf spasm happens during the race, athletes should slow down gradually and stop, and then rub the spasm place. If it is not effective, please go to the medical station for treatment.
(i) How to prevent and treat ankle joint sprain.
踝关节扭伤俗称&崴脚&,是比赛中经常遇到的一种意外情况。&崴脚&会造成踝关节周围的肌肉、韧带等软组织撕裂,踝关节出现淤血、肿胀、疼痛。原因是准备 活动不充分,跑步技术不正确,注意力不集中,路面不平及其他的影响等。预防踝关节扭伤的关键是做好充分的准备活动,完善技术,在比赛中提高安全意识,集中 注意力以及平时加强对踝关节的锻炼。比赛中一旦出现踝关节扭伤,一般应退出比赛,到救护站进行治疗。
Ankle joint sprain is a common injury in race. It may cause muscle and ligament tears around the ankle joint, extravagated blood, swell and pain in ankle. It may cause by insufficient preparation, wrong technique of running, inattention, irregular pavement, etc. The key point to avoid ankle joint sprain is to have sufficient preparation, to improve the running technique, to focus attention during the race and to strengthen ankle in regular exercises. If ankle joint is sprained during the race, one should quit the race and go to medical staff for treatment.
(j) How to prevent and treat muscle strain?
比赛中出现肌肉拉伤,一般要退出比赛,进入救护站进行治疗。为了防止比赛中出现肌肉拉伤,在赛前要做好充分的准备活动,尤其要活动开下肢。体质较弱、训练 水平不高的在比赛中要量力而行,不要速度过快,要注意正确的技术动作,不要在后蹬和向前摆腿时用力过猛。同时在身体疲劳或肌肉酸痛的状态下应放弃参赛。
If muscle strains during the race, one usually quit the race and goes to medical staff for treatment. To avoid muscle strain, sufficient preparation is necessary, especially sufficient movement of lower limbs. Participants with a weak physical condition or without high-level training should run according to abilities, not too fast, and should make sure a right technique, not exert too much power on rear leg and to swing forward. One should quit the race when body is fatigue-stricken or muscle feels an ache.&
(k) How to handle with coma after the race?
昏厥是由于脑中血液补充量减少所造成的短暂没有知觉,通常几分钟后就会恢复。常见面色苍白、四肢湿冷、出冷汗、头晕、恶心、心跳急速、脉搏细弱、呼吸表浅 甚至昏迷不醒等症状,这些症状可能发生在昏厥之前或当中。处理方法是让患者脸朝上平躺,抬高脚部20&30公分,头部稍低于下肢,维持畅通的气道和放松衣服,尤其是颈部衣领。如果患者呕吐,应让他侧卧防止堵塞呼吸道。经过上述处理病人清醒后应送救护站治疗。
Coma is a temporal unconsciousness caused by a declining blood volume in brain, and will recover minutes later. The symptom includes pale face, cold moist limbs, cold sweat, dizziness, nausea, rapid heartbeat, weak pulse, shallow breath, unconscious, etc. These symptoms may appear before or during the coma. The method to handle with it is to let the patient lie with face upwards, lift feet up 20-30 cm, make head slightly lower than low limbs, keep a clear air flow, and loosen the coat especially the collar. If the patient vomits, let him or her lie on the side to prevent the respiratory tracks from being blocked. After above procedure of treatment, the patient should be sent to medical station for treatment after he or she regains conscious.
(l) How to relax after the race?
马拉松运动后认真放松,能使人从运动到停止运动之间有一个缓冲和整调的过程。比赛结束后应小步慢跑逐步停止,不要突然停止,然后进行全身放松活动。上肢放 松活动:站立,上肢前倾,双肩双臂反复抖动至发热止。下肢放松运动:仰卧、举腿、拍打、按摩,颤抖大腿内、前、后侧和小腿后侧,以及臀、腹、侧腰部。团身抱膝放松运动:双手抱膝,下蹲,低头,反复上下颤动至腰椎发热止。全身休整运动:站立,双膝屈,双手体前扶地,充分运用气息,深吸气于胸,&屏吸&(即不 呼也不吸,不使憋气)慢吐气于腹(即丹田)。如此反复几次,同时上肢慢慢抬起、直立,直至脉搏恢复至运动前正常脉搏。
Relaxation after marathon helps to make a buffering and adjustment from movement to static situation. One should jog with small steps and stop gradually, not stop suddenly, and then have a relaxation exercise from head to foot. Upper limbs relaxation: stand up with upper limbs leaning forward, repeatedly shrug one&s shoulder and shake arms until participan lower limbs relaxation: lie on one's back, lift legs, slap, massage, shake the inner, front side and rear side of thighs and rear side of calves as well as bullocks, abdomen and side waist. Tuck relaxation: hands grasp knees, crouch, lower the head, and quiver up and down repeatedly until the lumbar vertebra feels a heat. Body relaxation movement: stand, bend the knees, hands touch the earth in from of body, breathe deeply, and hold the breath (neither inhale nor exhale), and then exhale gradually the air from abdomen. Do the movement several times, and at the same time, lift lower limbs gradually to straight position until pulse regains the normal condition before the race.
XVII. Procedure after the race
i. Receive articles: receive a souvenir and food within the allotted time by presenting two big number bibs. Athletes receive money award according to the rules of Chinese Athletic Association by the result certificate.
ii. Get a storage bag: return two big number bib to get one&s own bag.
XVIII. How to get to Conference and Exhibition Center
Bus: take off at Xichang Torch Square, then 3 mins& walk.
&& &Taxi: Participants for Marathon, Half Marathon and Mini Marathon take off at Xichang Torch Square (see traffic figure)
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