
拼搏奋斗 2021-10-03 13:33:47
爱拼才会赢 2022-01-19 14:52:39

Why are so many Vietnamese interested in the Sinosphere? I don”t see the Chinese, Koreans and Japanese having the same level of interest in it like the vietnamese do.
Duc Le Minh, Editor at SOHA. VN News(2017-present)
I was born in Hanoi, the capital of vietnam.Like any other Vietnamese, my you th was a nationalist. I hate everything about China.We grow up in an educational environment where China has
always been regarded as the nation”‘s greatest threat.Thousands of years of war (which will never stop) between Vietnam and China make all of vietnamese will to fight back China’ s
occupation.But everything changes when I started studying my “family tree” …it was a surprise that my family was one of the oldest families in China or Ji of Zhou Dynasty.Because of the civil
war at the end of Tang Dynasty, we moved from Beijing over Guangdong and into Vietnam before the independence of vietnamIronically, knew that my family has family churches in Bei jing and
GuangdongIt continues to be horrible b ecause of mother””Family Tree”. A Chinese warlord of Han Dynasty in North VietnamExpanded, almost 90% of the “Family Tree”of the
Vietnamese(Kinh)originate from Mandarin Chinese, immigrants, warlord, pirates, prisoners. etc… when the Chinese colonized Nor th Vietnam.One of the consolations for me is that Vietnamese can
be proud of being Han Ethnic rather than modern Chinese.Then with me, Sinophere is neutrala
Duc Le Minh
Make it simple like this. If you are a small branch of a large family, do you want forever as “young and weak brother”or become a new clan? Certainly the Han Chinese ruling the newly
independent Vietnam(even mordern day) all thought this way. Without main taining a difference you will be “devoured alive”.
James Moe
In General, Chinese have un-biased view regarding Vietnamese. I made several trips to China and could feel it from feedback contacts with relatives and strangers. If we or me, as a Chinese
(Vietnam, long-time US citizen), do not think of Vietnamese as distant relatives, we do not think of them as enemies. Some Vietnamese, on the other hand consider China and whatever Chinese as
an eternal enemy. You know what “eternal” means. It means forever. Only two things are only forever-Time and Space. Everything else is relative and temp orary, period! Neighb ors,
occasionally fight, argue and are in conflict. Try to settle any disagreement with talk and negotiation. Do not exaggerate any border dispute as if it were an intended full-blown invasion. It
was so 19th century! It was there because of the result of centuries of white man domination. If you thinthe white man loves you more than China, I have bad news for you. In other word, he
might hate you less. The white man (Imean specifically the policy makers in DC and Brussels)still wants to be the top dog! and who can preventhim from that position, China and then India. In
general, white men, just like yellow, black or brown are decent human being; only their policy makers decide what is good or bad. If you let them have that right forever, it will not be good.
Let’ s cut them down anotch, let’ s have more voice in that decision-making process so we do not anymore of Afghanistan Iraq, Libya, Syria, Yemen,Ukraine, ..
Tien Dung Do
If you took DNA test of all Asian, I believe you will find all of us are mixed. Thousands of years of wars and trades,immigration would con tribute to that fact No one is 100% pure of one
ethnicity for that matter. Even the term Han peoplecame from people living under Han dynasty to differentiate themselves with people from other areas outside Han dynasty,which came from
thousands of tribes living in that area. The term viet is also the same, you can be Vietnamese and ofdifferent ethnics as long as you accept the Viet culture. But by definition, there is no a
specific ethnic called “Viet” it’ sagroup of tribes living in the Sou th of China.By the look, you can see that Northern Vietnamese look exactly the same as people in Southern China, and
people of Middleand Southern Vietnam look similar to Thai or other South East Asia people. While people from Northern China look morelike Korean, Japanese.If you talk about Chinese and
vietnamese as nationalities then it’ s a big difference. Chinese government want to think ofVietnam as a part of their country, that broke away like Tibet or Inner Mongolia. Vietnamese on
other hand, want to remainas an independent culture and state as we has been for at least lats thousand years. Yes we sharethe similar culture aspects,maybe many of our blood has been mixed,
but vietnamese are not the same.Just look at the US, the real “American” are the Native, all other American came from some where. But do you see themever think of themselves as anything
rather than US citizen” or more commonly “American”?
Erli Lo
China doesn’ t think Vietnam as part of their country, it just sees Vietnam as used to be part of their country, which is a veryvery very distant memory. No one wants to take Vietnam into
China for now.
Zhou Jiushao
Hmm, I’ m not so convinced about “Northern Vietnamese look exactly the same as Southern Chinese” because I’ from Southern China and I think Vietnamese look very different, maybe because they
have also had mixed with Khmer people.
Alex Wong
There are 54 ethnicities in Vietnam, not everyone is Kinh. The Muong minority has darker skin.
Hoai Thu
I am Vietnamese and learning old writting sino-scxt and Nom (Vietn amese old scxts). Although the interesr is increasing, the level of understanding of the old scxts and culture is still so
little. The revolution and its later period(1975-1986)caused adisruption in culture, peole stip learning sinoscxt and learning about old culture. So the new movement is like seeking to
thepast.Japan and Korean undergo no disruption, they are still using sinoscxt in modern life, the old culture is maintained and inherited by new generations. So they don” have such kind of
Cao Milo
It’ s true that Chinese hold a very neutral feeling on Vietnam while Vietnamese are relatively more hostile towards China.I’ m just interested in this observation doubt how and why.
Will Wong
Can’ tcomprehend for the life of me why peoples of similar cultures just can’ t get along with one another. I live in Canada and every ethnic background of people live in the same
neighbourhood peacefully. Yes, some cul tures might not like other cultures, that’ s true, but, for the most part, we live happily in this land we call home.Asia is a great piece ofland with
tremendous resources, cultures, and traditions. Peoples from north, east, south, west,are just a big family and can benefit from one another’ sknowledge and exper tise. That’ s what definesus
as respectable civilizations belonging in the same race we call human race.
Cheong Tee
Unfortunately, civil wars (or family feuds)are often the bloodiest. Closeness does not guarantees peace.
Will Wong
I can see that from history and current events too. We have in ter-provincial disputes too, and the most recent one being thedispute between Alberta and B.C. on the federal government’ s
initiative to build the trans mountain pipeline through thetwo provinces. These disputes are not uncommon but no one in his right mind would ever imagine that the Albertagovernment would
declare war against the B.C. government and starts killing each other over this or any kind of dispute.That is why Obama once said, “The world needs more Canada*!
vu Song Vu
agree with Quan Trinh’ s answer. It seems your view towards Vietn amese being interested in Sinospheric culture issubjective. On the other hand, isn”tit good for people of a nation to be
“obsessed”with their culture?Personally, I think we can”t assume that other Sinospheric nations don”t have the same level of interest like Vietnamese. Ihaven”t talked to many Korean, Chinese
or Japanese yet but I know their cultural awareness is way more intense than vietnamese, just look at how they promote their cultures to the world. Vietnam, on the other hand, have been shut
out due to wars and many of our precious historical constructions and documents were eternally swept away. Therefore, manyVietnamese people these days no matter their ages are endeavouring to
bring up the resurrection of ancestor’ s tradition to find our own cultural identity. Truly I hope that someday the world would immediately recognise Vietnamese culture just likehow they buy
into Korean and Japanese culture.I myself am never shy to express my obsession with the Sinosphere. Since was a kid, I have been curious about why Vietnamhave so many similarities with China,
Japan and Korea and why Chinese, Japanese and Korean look roughly the same. Also,understanding the origin of Sinospheric culture helps me to break down my prejudices towards the Chinese,
opens my mindand makes me realise the connection of every cultural aspects. Aren’ t every countries in the world absorbing each otherand forming their own unique customs?
我同意 Quan
This is an extremely idiotic question. Vietnamese are not allowed to be intellectuall curious? Maybe because Vietnamese are more intellectually curious than the other nations.I’ m Vietnamese
and I have an interest in linguistics. Thus Sinosphere linguistics is fascinating to me because it is connected to Vietnamese linguistics in many ways, and that’ s why I’ m interested in it.
I’ m also interested in Romance linguistics and cultures of the Romance language world, without even being anything related to them. This is because English is also a language speak and in
English, like in Vietnamese with Chinese, there are a large amount of Latin derived vocabulary. Thus learning about and comparing and contrasting these cultures is a hobby for me.Even though
English is a Germanic language and England is more closely related to Germany and other Northern European countries, it the most Romance influenced of the Germanic family. Many people mistake
English as a Romance language due to heavy borrowing. English speaking people are also more inclined towards Romance culture than Germanic culture.Even English grammar has been written to
favour Romance grammar such as the no preposition at the end of the sentence rule, even though this is a natural feature of Germanic languages.Nowadays most English speakers are more
interested in Romance culture than Germanic culture due to this tie. It’ s because they are more familiar with and can relate to them. England’ s rival and arguably most “hated” nation in
Europe is France.But English people are fascinated by French culture and language. If you ever search up old English, it sounds exactly like German! Even now German still has a lot of words
that are close to English Yet German does not get the same interest.But English people would rather be like Germans and the Northern European countries than their Romance cousins. So does
affinity for Romance culture means English people want to be French, Italian or Spanish, and look down on Germans or Dutch? No it just means they are more culturally affiliated with and thus
more interested in Romance culture.So the claim that Vietnamese look down on Southeast Asians and want to be East Asians just because they are interested in the world of Chinese derived
cultures is not only idiotic and wrong, it is also incredibly offensive, insensitive and reeks of an insufferable superiority complex. This snarky remark is not only directed at Vietnamese
but also towards all Sou theast Asians,and reflects the asker’ s bigoted world view.Vietnam has always been a mel ting pot, and increasingly so. Vietnamese are not only interested in
Sinosphere but manymany other cultures. And with the opening of the economy and global integration, Vietn amese will also be lot morecurious about other countries and cultures in the future.
Max Yang
It is interesting to know how Vietnam educatioin portrait China and the relationship between Vietname and China that way.
Yumico Nart
That’ s what we call brainwash in Vietnamese education to view China as eternal enemy. Vietnam is just like the US needs an imaginary enemy to survive.
Cheong Tee
Thanks for your “almost brave” comment, because knowing the amount of nationalism in Vietnam, it’ s not easy to beself reflective on one’ s heritage and ancestry. Many Vietnamese like to
claim “purity to distance himself from China asfar as possible.
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