
总是不想负责的OMEGA最新章节(关耳王策著) - 总是不想负责的OMEGA无弹窗免费全文阅读 - 其他综合小说 - 爱读小说
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作&&& 者:关耳王策
&&&&“ 我不相信有天堂,因为我呆在这个地狱太久了。”
&&&&1vs1!!HE !!
&&&&1V1&&1V1&&1V1&&1V1&&1V1&& 1V1&&1V1&& 1V1&&1V1&& 1V1&&1V1
&&&&第一部,是黑历史- -着:星河禁猎区Ⅰ 战神
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“ 我不相信有天堂,因为我呆在这个地狱太久了。”
第一部,是黑历史 着星河禁猎区1 战神
墨心小筑收藏关二,就是对关二最大的支持 谢谢
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  西银河神圣帝国六级星域,默多克星球。    这颗星球已经快要靠近银河系的边缘地带,它是西银河神圣帝国位于银河系边缘最大一颗事宜人类居住的星球了。    可即便是这样这颗星球人口也依然稀少,人们也不愿意来这种偏远的小城市,久而久之这里公共设施落后,经济也不景气,但是相对的这颗星球生活节奏很慢,非常的悠闲。    虽然星球不大,经济落后,但是作为银河系最强大帝国的领土内的城市,该有的,这里也一样不缺少。    就连OMEGA人鱼医院这里也有。    不过医院虽然就设立在那里,可是就医院本身来说已经好多年都没人接诊过人鱼了。    大部分人鱼医生都调走了,他们不是去了盖亚,就是去了其他人鱼数量比较多的经济发达的星域。    如今默多克市的OMEGA人鱼医院只剩下了一名人鱼医生--道格拉斯医生。    道格拉斯医生之所以迟迟没有离开,原因再简单不过,,他领着国家发放的丰厚薪水,却什么都不用做,每天都过着吃吃睡睡,懒散的生活,这对他来说简直就是人间天堂。    他打算这辈子就这样样悠闲的过下去。    曾经也有他的同学邀请他到盖亚那些大型的人鱼医院去发展,哪里薪资高,会认识更多权贵人物,以他的技术可以赢得更多的名誉,可是只要想到要对那些权贵虚与委蛇,道格拉斯医生就觉得累。    所以他还是拒绝离开这里的这所人鱼医院。    今天天气极好,风和日丽,没有上司,没有下属,依旧没有病人,只有在一边与未婚夫聊天的小护士。    道格拉斯医生发了一上午的呆之后,又提前几个小时下班回家了。    他会先去回家路上一处小酒馆消磨剩下的时光,然后回家继续看看新闻,或者上星际网络看看八卦新闻之类的。    小酒馆就在人鱼医院与他居住的地区之间,对于他来说是那么便利。    道格拉斯换下医生的白大褂后,原本困顿的眼睛突然变得神采奕奕,他驾驶着自己的小飞艇在行驶了将近一个多小时后,终于抵达了小酒馆。    “吆,道格拉斯医生来了,比平时来的还要早。”酒馆的酒保招呼他。    “老规矩。”他说着就在吧台前座了下来,酒保调好酒后,将酒杯放在光滑的桌面上,往前一推,晶亮的酒杯沿着光滑的桌面,正好滑动到了道格拉斯医生面前,他拿起酒杯,轻轻喝了一口。    接着又像往常一样他视线转向角落里,角落里正在投射出最近的星际新闻,虚拟的主持人一条消息一条消息播报着,道格拉斯总是习惯一边喝着酒,一边在酒吧里看着那些乱七八糟的新闻。    似乎只有那些新闻,才能让默多克生活平静又传统的人们感觉到他们是银河系最强大的帝国的子民。    这颗星球实在是太小了,就连这个小酒吧,经常来光顾的酒客们,大部分之间都彼此认识,这种生活已经不知道持续多久了。    所以,今天酒吧的一处座位里,多了一位陌生的客人,就让道格拉斯医生忍不住多看了一眼。    但也只是一眼而已,那是一个将自己全身裹在黑色的大衣里黑发青年,青年面前摆着一杯酒,可是看酒杯深浅,青年是没动一口。    偶尔这里也会出现一些陌生人,倒也没什么,道格拉斯医生想,就不再注意这个突然出现的黑发年轻人。    “啊!真是够无聊的。”一个老酒友拎着酒瓶子坐到了道格拉斯医生身边。“如果发生点什么事情该多好。”    道格拉斯拍了一把老伙计的肩膀:“知足吧。”    “下面,我们来关注一下最近盖亚年幼人鱼失踪案................”    “盖亚治安那么严密的地方,也有小人鱼被诱拐。”    “这种事,不是经常有吗?”道格拉斯觉得这种新闻已经不是一天两天了,他只是感叹人鱼贩子的奸诈狡猾,让失去孩子家庭承受痛苦,可是毕竟那是他不认识的人,他也没有更多的同情心了。    “你这话说的,这事最近不是多起来了吗?又不光是盖亚发生,其他地方也比往年数量多出许多来,可是相关部门却还没有破获出一起。”    而这时播音的声音似乎被酒保调大了些:“据相关部门表示,年幼人鱼失踪多发生于孤儿院,人鱼医院,这是一起跨境有计划,有预谋,有着完善的组织,有不满三岁年幼人鱼的家庭保护好孩子,如果有需求可向相关部门申请保护。”    “我们这种乡下地方哪里会有小人鱼。”道格拉斯医生说道,“医院的仪器至少二十年没有打开过了。”    “哈哈,我们都快要忘了道格拉斯医生是人鱼医生啊。”喝的满脸通红的酒友笑道。    星际频道播报的声音还在继续:“...........东银河联盟托拉斯合众国王储,将于近日出访我国,寄希望于东西银河能共修旧好.....皇帝陛下携三殿下,迎接前来到访贵客..........斯瑞-冯-菲亚特里斯王子殿下,系当今皇帝菲亚特里斯二十九世的第三皇子.有专家猜测此次友好访问也许将于三殿下成年之后与东盟联姻有关...........”    “我靠!不是吧,咱们的可爱的小王子殿下才几岁啊!?”老酒鬼打了一个大大嗝,手还颇为愤愤不平的垂了垂桌子。    “谁都配不上小殿下,那是国民人鱼啊,那么可爱。”道格拉斯医生也觉得可惜不已,身为ALPHA的他,年轻的时候也对这个漂亮的逆天的小王子有过不切实际的幻想过。    “还是伊西多-亚历山大阁下比较有魅力吧,毕竟才华,外貌,出身都摆在那里,年纪轻轻都已经成为准将了,我从未见过那么漂亮的人鱼。”又有一个酒鬼笑嘻嘻的说道。    “那是新星联的人鱼,别忘了薇薇安殿下!现如今已经是议会议员。”    “克劳迪娅小姐也不错!在盖亚上流的社交圈也是有名的美人名媛,最近经常在各种慈善活动中看到这名善良的人鱼小姐。”    “这一代的人鱼里面,还是弗洛伦斯美啊!演技好!歌唱的也好听。听说伊德大公为了他都抛弃了原配。”    “我说,你们就快别异想天开了,薇薇安殿下,斯瑞殿下,伊西多阁下,克劳迪娅小姐,还有弗洛伦斯,这些公众人物,那是你们能肖想的。。”    “弗洛伦斯就是个艺人,斯瑞殿下呢,年纪还小,薇薇安殿下已经快要订婚了,我就不说什么了,可是伊西多阁下不一样,不但出身名门,而且容貌冠绝星河,但是人家偏偏不靠脸,非要远征虫巢立下了诸多军功,军事才华甚至不亚于曾经的阿尔杰阁下。”    “好像才刚二十五岁吧。”    “他不光是十一集团军的副司令,还是机体驾驶员,人鱼驾驶机体听说过吗?这要是什么样的基因才能这么优秀,真不敢想象什么样的ALPHA可以配得上伊西多阁下。”    “让咱们的太子殿下追求过来!!哈哈,别跟我说咱们的太子殿下也配不上他。”    这时,角落里将全身都裹在黑色大衣里的青年,也抬了抬头看向报道。    他的反应很平常,如果不是那张脸似乎天生就带有些旖旎的感觉,道格拉斯医生是不会用眼角偷偷打量那名陌生的黑发的青年。    那是少见的古代地球东方人的面孔,眼皮单薄,眼尾细长,嘴角下有一颗很小的痣,这样一张乍然看去平凡的面貌,可就是吸引着他想要多看几眼,甚至想要伸手去摸摸青年的皮肤,太细了,简直像是长年生活在海里的......鱼,人鱼?可是有那样的人鱼吗?他忍不住想。    不过什么都比不上见到自己的初恋情人,全息影像特写再次转到了皇室的斯瑞殿下身上,他立刻收回余光,全副心思都扑在他日夜思念的小王子身上。    小皇子穿着一身人鱼的袍,张着大大的海蓝色的眼睛,揉着自己柔软的银发,一脸似乎刚睡醒的样子被当今的皇帝陛下抱在怀里面对着东盟的访客,鱼尾的一部分从白色的袍子下面露了出来,在盖亚的温和的阳光下泛着银白色的柔和光泽。
作者有话要说:The six realm of the Galactic Empire, Murdoch.The planet is close to the edge of the Milky Way galaxy. It is the largest planet on the edge of the Milky Way galaxy, a planet inhabited by humans.But even so the planet population is still scarce, people are not willing to come to this □□all city remote, in the course of time here public facilities are backward, the economic downturn, but relative to the rhythm of the planet life is very slow, very leisurely.Although the planet is not large, the economy is backward, but as the galaxy's most powerful empire in the territory of the city, there should be, there is no lack of.Even the OMEGA Mermaid hospital.However, although the hospital was set up there, but the hospital itself has been for many years no one received a mermaid.Most of the mermaid doctors h□□e been transferred, they are not going to Gaia, is to go to a number of other large number of economically developed star.Today, Murdoch's Hospital in OMEGA only a mermaid doctor - Dr. Douglas.Doctor Douglas has not left, the reason is simple, and he led the state issued the handsome salary, but what do not do, live every day to eat to sleep, lazy life, it is simply an earthly paradise.He's going to go on living this way.Who also has his clas□□ate invited him to the large hospital to Gaia Mermaid development, where wages are high, will know more powerful figures in his technology can win more reputation, but just the thought of those in authority Dr. Douglas felt tired courteously but without sincerity.So he refused to le□□e the hospital.Today, the weather is excellent, sunny, no boss, no subordinates, there is no patient, only in the side of the chat with the fiance nurse.After a whole morning's stay, Dr. Douglas returned home a few hours earlier.He would go to a pub on his way home to spend the rest of his life, then go home and watch the news, or on the internet.It was so convenient for him that the t□□ern was between the hospital and the area where he lived.Douglas replaced the doctor's white coat, originally isexhausted eyes suddenly he drove her in good out of a bandbox, □□all airship in running for nearly an hour, and finally arrived at the pub."Yao, Dr. Douglas to come earlier than usual." The bartender in the pub greeted him.Old rules." He said in the front seat of the bar down, the bartender good drink, put the glass on the □□ooth surface of a table, pushed, and shiny glass along the □□ooth desktop, just slide to doctor Douglas before he picked up his glass, gently sip.Then, as usual, he turned the corner, the corner is projected out of Star News recently, the virtual host of a message broadcast, Douglas always used to drink wine, while in the bar watching the news out of order.It seems to be the only news that makes Murdoch calm and traditional people feel that they are the most powerful people in the galaxy.This planet is really too □□all, and even the □□all bar, often come to patronize the guests, most of them know each other, this life has not known how long.So, today, a bar in the seat, more than a strange guest, let Dr. Douglas could not help but take a look at.But it is just a glance, it is a body wrapped in a black coat black haired youth, young people in front of a glass of wine, but look at the depth of the glasses, the youth did not move a.Occasionally there will be some strangers, but nothing, Dr. Douglas thought, will no longer pay attention to this sudden appearance of black haired young people."Ah! It's really boring." An old drinking buddy carrying a bottle of wine to sit around the doctor Douglas. "What a good thing if something happens."Douglas patted the shoulder of an old man.""Below, we pay close attention to the recent disappearance of the young mermaid Mermaid.....""The place where Gaia is so strict, and the little mermaid is abducted.""This kind of thing, not often?" Douglas felt that this news is not a day for two days, he only sigh Mermaid traffickers cunning, let the family bear the pain of losing a child, but after all the people he didn't know, he has no more compassion."You say this, this thing is not much more recently? Not only is the occurrence of Gaia, other places are much more than in previous years, but the relevant departments h□□e not cracked together."While the broadcast voice seems to be adjusting some bartender: "according to the relevant departments said that the young Mermaid missing occurs in the orphanage, the mermaid hospital, this is a cross-border planned and premeditated, with perfect organization, there are less than three years old young Mermaid family to protect children, if there is a demand for the protection to the relevant departments.""Where will we h□□e a little mermaid in our country?." Dr. Douglas said, "the hospital instruments h□□e not been opened for at least twenty years.""Ha ha, we're going to forget that Dr. Douglas is a mermaid doctor." Drink flushed drinking laughing.The voice of the star channel continues: "... East Galactic AllianceThe voice continued to broadcast star channel: "......... East. The Milky Way alliance trust United King Chu, will visit China in recently, in the hope that things can make the Milky Way group. The Emperor... With three prince, come to meet guests. Three......... Von Fiat and HRH Prince Rees, the Department of the emperor Rees of the twenty-seven generation of Fiat third princes. Some experts speculate the friendly visit may be in three □□s with ASEAN on marriage of his highness..........""I depend! No, how old is our lovely little prince? " Old drunk hit a big hiccup, hand is also quite indignant dropped down the table."No one is worthy of his highness, which is a national mermaid." Doctor Douglas also feel pity unceasingly, as ALPHA of him, when he was young on this beautiful little prince guards h□□e unrealistic fantasies."Sir Alexander Isidor - more attractive, after all, talent, appearance, who are out there, young has become a brigadier general, I h□□e never seen such a beautiful mermaid." There is also a drunkard said with a □□ile."That's the mermaid of Nova, don't forget your highness, Vivian! Is now a member of parliament.""Miss Claudia is good too! In the upper class social circle is Gaia's famous beauty beauty, often recently in various charity activities to see the good miss mermaid.""This is a generation of the mermaid inside, or Florence beauty! Good acting! Singing is also good to hear. I heard the Iraqi Deda he overthrew the original public order."I said, "you don't fancy, Prince Vivian, shree highness, Isidor sir, miss Claudia, and Florence, the public figure, is that you can think of xiao..""Florence is an artist, three highness, young, Prince Vivian is engaged, I will not say what, but you do not like Isidor, not born, but looks Guanjue the galaxy, but they are not on the face to the hive made many expeditions in the military, military talent even less than once Alger.""Just like twenty-five years old.""He is not only the deputy commander of the eleven army, or the body of the driver, the driver had heard of the body? What if this gene is so good, I really can not imagine what kind of ALPHA can match your isidor.""Let our Prince Royal Highness pursue!! Ha ha, don't tell me that our prince is not worthy of him."At this time, the corner will be wrapped in a black coat in the youth, but also looked up to report.His reaction is normal, if not the face seems to be born with some romantic feeling, doctor Douglas is not out of the corner of my eye looked the strange black youth.It is a rare earth ancient oriental faces, eyes eyelids thin, slender tail, a □□all mole mouth, such a suddenly looked ordinary appearance, is attracting him to look so much, even want to reach out and touch the young skin is too thin, simply as years of living in the sea...... fish, fish? But there is such a mermaid? He couldn't help thinking.But what is not to see his first lover, holographic image of the Royal Surrey feature once again to the temple down, he immediately recovered more than light, he□□ily focused on he miss the little prince who.The little mermaid Prince dressed in a robe, with big blue eyes, rubbed his soft hair, a face seemed to just wake up. The emperor was held at the ASEAN visitors in the bosom inside, a part of the tail from the white robes were exposed, in Gaia's gentle sunlight with silver white luster.
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