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求助 ic3d怎么导出盒子折效果动画? - CPC中文印刷社区
◆- 包装印刷技术 包装印刷机械;包装印刷流程管理;包装、包装盒、书籍、标签、产品、茶叶、烟包、食品、餐饮、保健品、礼品等设计印刷交流;包装印制交流;包装的运输适性; 包装结构;Esko包装套件及其流程、Artwork、ArtiosCAD等包装软件技术的交流,凡是和包装相关的内容都欢迎交流。
求助 ic3d怎么导出盒子折效果动画?
等级: 小兄弟
Uid: 526362
注册日期: , 17:12
0 个帖子获得 0 次感谢
现金: 17金币
资产: 17金币
(280.7 KB, 41 次查看)
被 A-J 编辑.
原因: 不要重複發帖
等级: 七袋长老
注册日期: , 11:33
115 个帖子获得 298 次感谢
现金: 71金币
资产: 2071金币
等级: 小兄弟
Uid: 526362
注册日期: , 17:12
0 个帖子获得 0 次感谢
现金: 17金币
资产: 17金币
作者: guise4543
等级: 七袋长老
注册日期: , 11:33
115 个帖子获得 298 次感谢
现金: 71金币
资产: 2071金币
等级: 小兄弟
Uid: 526362
注册日期: , 17:12
0 个帖子获得 0 次感谢
现金: 17金币
资产: 17金币
等级: 六袋长老
Uid: 435175
注册日期: , 06:03
来自: 苏州
191 个帖子获得 220 次感谢
现金: 117金币
资产: 2217金币
等级: 小兄弟
Uid: 526362
注册日期: , 17:12
0 个帖子获得 0 次感谢
现金: 17金币
资产: 17金币
作者: Helix.xu
等级: 七袋长老
注册日期: , 11:33
115 个帖子获得 298 次感谢
现金: 71金币
资产: 2071金币
等级: 三袋长老
Uid: 582404
注册日期: , 13:59
19 个帖子获得 30 次感谢
现金: 66金币
资产: 550金币
iC3D version 5.0
Standard render
Sorry for ugly animation but work fine
Quicktime MOV video in archive.
Send me your scene to try with it.
Or check Quicktime is installed on your computer?
(629.7 KB, 6 次查看)
等级: 四袋长老
Uid: 109915
注册日期: , 18:26
84 个帖子获得 216 次感谢
现金: 86金币
资产: 346金币
等级: 小兄弟
Uid: 526362
注册日期: , 17:12
0 个帖子获得 0 次感谢
现金: 17金币
资产: 17金币
作者: wolonguang
等级: 小兄弟
Uid: 526362
注册日期: , 17:12
0 个帖子获得 0 次感谢
现金: 17金币
资产: 17金币
作者: cabron
iC3D version 5.0
Standard render
Sorry for ugly animation but work fine
Quicktime MOV video in archive.
Send me your scene to try with it.
Or check Quicktime is installed on your computer?
(12.24 MB, 13 次查看)
等级: 三袋长老
Uid: 582404
注册日期: , 13:59
19 个帖子获得 30 次感谢
现金: 66金币
资产: 550金币
See attachments :)
On my 10 years old mac with english language system work fine.
I leave file name in Chinese, so this is not problem.
Freehand and Time line movies in archive.
(225.3 KB, 6 次查看)
(258.9 KB, 0 次查看)
等级: 四袋长老
Uid: 109915
注册日期: , 18:26
84 个帖子获得 216 次感谢
现金: 86金币
资产: 346金币
等级: 八袋长老
注册日期: , 12:00
感谢: 2014
702 个帖子获得 1462 次感谢
现金: 67金币
资产: 30148金币
论坛禁用 HTML 代码
&nbsp 广告联系:
&nbsp 申办企业会员 &nbsp 站务管理:软件疑难&nbsp&nbsp文件设计制作印刷&nbsp&nbsp金币代卖&nbsp&nbsp程序开发
&nbsp&nbsp 魔镜销售
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Copyright & 2017iC3D Suite破解版|iC3D Suite中文破解版 v5.0.0下载(附破解补丁)[网盘资源] - 3322软件站
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> iC3D Suite中文破解版 v5.0.0
iC3D Suite中文破解版 v5.0.0
环境:Windows10, Windows8, Windows7, WinVista, Win2003, WinXP
iC3D Suite是第一款实时的三维包装可视化设计软件,提供便利智能网格允许将标签和艺术品立即建立模型无需繁琐的UVW贴图协调映射。通过该软件可以让用户实时生成3d数字模型,用户可以在几分钟内生成快速,准确的3D数字样机和印刷准备样张。无论是纸箱,玻璃,罐头,弹性体还是收缩包装,软件都可以非常轻松的实现从概念到生产的整个设计过程的实时可视化和验证。并且iC3D Suite不需要专门的程序,硬件或外部协助,只需一个简单的Illustrator文件或PDF就可以实时处理照片真实的结果,让创意人员尽情发挥创意,将设计生命周期降低80%,是你三维包装设计最好的辅助软件,有需要的朋友可以下载看看。ps:小编给大家带来的是iC3D Suite 5.0.0破解版,附带的破解文件可就可激活以及详细的破解教程iC3D官方介绍iC3D具有专利的智能网格,允许标签和图稿立即滑过模型,而无需繁琐的UVW纹理坐标映射。凭借其独特的Shape Modeller功能,您可以快速设计和生成不对称3D模型,如香水瓶,触发喷雾和模制容器。对于电影包装产品,收缩和收缩校正使您能够在几分钟内可视化应用于3D模型时艺术品或标签将如何扭曲。光线跟踪准确地模拟光线对虚拟对象的影响,用于照片写实,超高分辨率的摄影棚效果,而Light Map Editor则重新创建演播室照明,可编辑的亮点和阴影。动态背景和透视控制允许将2D照片图像与3D设计实时合并,从而可以从商店货架到吊船,冷藏柜或冷冻机显示屏的各个角度和任何设置可视化您的产品。无论您是使用一种产品还是多种产品,免费的基于云的查看器和存储设备,iC3D操作都使协作变得容易。您还可以通过电子邮件和动画电影分享设计。一旦完成,您可以输出高分辨率图像,3D PDF,生成样张或使用领先的3D打印机打印您的模型。没有专门的程序,硬件或外部帮助,只需单个应用程序使用简单的Illustrator文件或PDF,在几分钟内即可实现逼真的结果。iC3D Suite安装教程1、鼠标双击右键包,得到Creative Edge Software iC3D 5.0.2原程序文件和破解文件2、首先鼠标双击文件“iC3D-5_0_2-windows-install.exe”安装原版程序,语言选择简体中文3、弹出提示:计算机没有找到illustratort和extension manager,是否继续,选择是4、点击前进按钮,开始iC3D Suite软件安装向导5、协议内容,并勾选我接受条款6、选择软件安装目录位置,小编建议选择d:\Program Files\iC3D Suite磁盘7、开始iC3D Suite软件安装向导,准备完毕,即可安装8、正在安装中,同时会自动安装extension manager9、之后成功完成安装,先不要运行软件,退出软件iC3D Suite破解教程10、接下来对软件进行破解,可以直接将破解文件“IC3D.ex”和“ic3dv10.dll”移动复制到软件安装目录【C:\Program Files\iC3D Suite】下覆盖,即可完成破解11、iC3D Suite 软件破解成功,重新打开软件即可显示无限制免费使用iC3D Suite软件特点1、一体化设计软件2、直接链接到Illustrator和PDF导入3、易于学习和使用4、导入标准3D结构文件5、3D模型创建6、SmartWrap7、SmartShrink8、光线跟踪9、光地图编辑器10、动态背景与视角11、货架和店内展示台12、广泛的模型,模板和材料库13、打印并分享14、使用iC3D操作进行Web协作iC3D Suite 5新功能1、点编辑器先进的形状编辑工具通过能够选择性地向模型添加曲线,折痕,皱褶和凹痕,从而提供增强的照片真实感2、UVW编辑器可以选择性地处理放置在3D模型上的艺术作品,纠正艺术品变形,改善自然主义,3、物理模拟器自动计算适当的曲线,折痕和扭曲,以创建逼真的三维柔性包装,如袋和袋,在鼠标点击4、密封收缩使用完全密封袋可视化收缩包装。补充现有的iC3D Shrink Sleeve功能。5、高级形状建模器用于创建高度复杂的3D形状和形状组合的附加工具使用点编辑器和UVW编辑器等功能,iC3D Suite 5.0.2能够选择3D模型上的点,编辑形状,扭曲和表面效果,以可视化方式调整图稿以改善标签或包装设计的实际外观。这可能涉及添加随机或不完善的方面,如折痕,皱纹和缩进。除了这些用于选择性编辑的功能,版本5.0还包括自动处理。物理模拟器类似于游戏和电影行业中使用的技术。在iC3D Suite 5.0.2中,它会自动重现柔性包在不同情况下的行为,如凹陷,凸起和悬垂动态。密封收缩已经被开发来模拟收缩填充的袋子,例如通常用于预先包装的易腐烂物品,例如,奶酪,鱼和肉的部分。
iC3D Suite中文破解版 v5.0.0
精品软件推荐求助 ic3d怎么导出盒子折效果动画? - CPC中文印刷社区
◆- 包装印刷技术 包装印刷机械;包装印刷流程管理;包装、包装盒、书籍、标签、产品、茶叶、烟包、食品、餐饮、保健品、礼品等设计印刷交流;包装印制交流;包装的运输适性; 包装结构;Esko包装套件及其流程、Artwork、ArtiosCAD等包装软件技术的交流,凡是和包装相关的内容都欢迎交流。
求助 ic3d怎么导出盒子折效果动画?
等级: 小兄弟
Uid: 526362
注册日期: , 17:12
0 个帖子获得 0 次感谢
现金: 17金币
资产: 17金币
(280.7 KB, 41 次查看)
被 A-J 编辑.
原因: 不要重複發帖
等级: 七袋长老
注册日期: , 11:33
115 个帖子获得 298 次感谢
现金: 71金币
资产: 2071金币
等级: 小兄弟
Uid: 526362
注册日期: , 17:12
0 个帖子获得 0 次感谢
现金: 17金币
资产: 17金币
作者: guise4543
等级: 七袋长老
注册日期: , 11:33
115 个帖子获得 298 次感谢
现金: 71金币
资产: 2071金币
等级: 小兄弟
Uid: 526362
注册日期: , 17:12
0 个帖子获得 0 次感谢
现金: 17金币
资产: 17金币
等级: 六袋长老
Uid: 435175
注册日期: , 06:03
来自: 苏州
191 个帖子获得 220 次感谢
现金: 117金币
资产: 2217金币
等级: 小兄弟
Uid: 526362
注册日期: , 17:12
0 个帖子获得 0 次感谢
现金: 17金币
资产: 17金币
作者: Helix.xu
等级: 七袋长老
注册日期: , 11:33
115 个帖子获得 298 次感谢
现金: 71金币
资产: 2071金币
等级: 三袋长老
Uid: 582404
注册日期: , 13:59
19 个帖子获得 30 次感谢
现金: 66金币
资产: 550金币
iC3D version 5.0
Standard render
Sorry for ugly animation but work fine
Quicktime MOV video in archive.
Send me your scene to try with it.
Or check Quicktime is installed on your computer?
(629.7 KB, 6 次查看)
等级: 四袋长老
Uid: 109915
注册日期: , 18:26
84 个帖子获得 216 次感谢
现金: 86金币
资产: 346金币
等级: 小兄弟
Uid: 526362
注册日期: , 17:12
0 个帖子获得 0 次感谢
现金: 17金币
资产: 17金币
作者: wolonguang
等级: 小兄弟
Uid: 526362
注册日期: , 17:12
0 个帖子获得 0 次感谢
现金: 17金币
资产: 17金币
作者: cabron
iC3D version 5.0
Standard render
Sorry for ugly animation but work fine
Quicktime MOV video in archive.
Send me your scene to try with it.
Or check Quicktime is installed on your computer?
(12.24 MB, 13 次查看)
等级: 三袋长老
Uid: 582404
注册日期: , 13:59
19 个帖子获得 30 次感谢
现金: 66金币
资产: 550金币
See attachments :)
On my 10 years old mac with english language system work fine.
I leave file name in Chinese, so this is not problem.
Freehand and Time line movies in archive.
(225.3 KB, 6 次查看)
(258.9 KB, 0 次查看)
等级: 四袋长老
Uid: 109915
注册日期: , 18:26
84 个帖子获得 216 次感谢
现金: 86金币
资产: 346金币
等级: 八袋长老
注册日期: , 12:00
感谢: 2014
702 个帖子获得 1462 次感谢
现金: 67金币
资产: 30148金币
论坛禁用 HTML 代码
&nbsp 广告联系:
&nbsp 申办企业会员 &nbsp 站务管理:软件疑难&nbsp&nbsp文件设计制作印刷&nbsp&nbsp金币代卖&nbsp&nbsp程序开发
&nbsp&nbsp 魔镜销售
Powered by vBulletin& Version 3.8.11 Beta 2Copyright &2000 - 2018, vBulletin Solutions, Inc.
Copyright & 2017Creative Edge Software iC3D Suite(3d包装设计工具)V5.0.1 正式版软件下载 - 绿色先锋下载 - 绿色软件下载站
Creative Edge Software iC3D Suite(3d包装设计工具)是一款简单易用且界面简洁的3D包装设计软件。3D包装设计的软件非常多,你是不是不知道用哪款?绿色先锋小编为你推荐Creative Edge Software iC3D Suite正式版。主要用于设计纸箱、标签、软包装、瓶、收缩包装等,提供了智能网格可视化设计界面,包含多种编辑器和模拟器,无需繁琐的UVW贴图协调映射就可设计生产出不对称的3D模型,生成各种三维数字模型动态生活。从事包装设计的朋友不可错过此款软件哦!
使用完全密封袋可视化收缩包装。补充现有的iC3D Shrink Sleeve功能。
2、是否愿意安装iC3D Suite,点击&是&继续安装
7、iC3D Suite正在安装中
8、安装完成,进入iC3D Suite界面,开始使用吧!
&&请点击以下链接下载该软件:&Creative Edge Software iC3D Suite(3d包装设计工具)V5.0.1 正式版
为了保证您快速的下载,推荐使用[] 、[] 等专业工具下载.
中文按声母搜索:Solutions for 3D Real-Time Packaging Development,
Design, Prototyping, Modeling and Simulation.
Our solutions are based on
tested, reliable, and highly accessible hardware and software solutions.
NewFormat is Appointed Reseller and Solution Partner in
Nordic (Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Iceland) and Baltic Region (Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania)
of iC3D from Creative Edge Software.
iC3D Suite is the all-in-one tool for 3D real-time visualisation, from early ideas and
design drafts to complete design of the packaging, labels and packaging illustrations.
iC3D Reduces Time to Market, .... and Time to Customer
iC3D lets you generate live 3D digital mockups and prototypes on-the-fly and
significantly reduces the time and money spent to create 3D packaging visualisations.
iC3D is the perfect tool for faster prototyping of packaging designs,
and to shorten reviewing and proofing/approval processing.
Where iC3D focuses on 3D packaging visualization,
is a specialized CAD software tool for
structural design of cardboard packaging and POS products.
In addition to its 2D and 3D solution, Picador can also control cutting tables.
Picador also manages logistic optimization, palletizing, packing and truck loading.
As such, iC3D and Picador are a perfect match!
Introduction to iC3D Suite V5 (5:13)
Key features that can easily be used to
ideate, design and produce all types of packaging.
iC3D - "All-in-One" 3D tool for
ideation/design, development, prototyping, modeling and simulation
in the packaging, labelling & imaging markets.
iC3D Suite is the worlds first 3D real-time packaging simulation and design application
to combine multiple packaging disciplines in one single design application - "All-in-One" -
for cartons, labels, flexibles, bottles, POS/POP, shrink wraps and store visualisation.
3D packaging objects bring enhanced experiences to e-commerce buyers.
Samples of 3D packaging objects created in iC3D with the speed of imagination.
(Click on any mockup to view and interact with it in your in favorite browser)
& & & & & & &
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& & & & & &
& & & & & & &
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& & & &nbsp
2D samples
iC3D Virtual Workflow
iC3D - Bridges the Gap - From Concept to Shelves
Create shareable real-time 3D digital packaging design mockups with iC3D.
Get faster, more powerful ideation tools and all-in-one collaborative sharing
in one powerful software solution:
Purpose-built for all types of packaging design.
Create stand-alone or on-shelf visualisations.
Render lifelike packaging and display settings in real-time.
Seamless integration with Adobe Creative Suite.
Shrink correct and shrink render in real-time.
Share 3D content using any browser, OS or graphics card.
iC3D - THE Challenger in Packaging Design
iC3D Suite and iC3D Carton Edition - for packaging designers and engineers
looking for a feature rich and affordable alternative and complement to
ArtiosCAD, Esko Designer, Esko Toolkit, Esko Visualiser, and Esko Store Visualiser.
iC3D - Interacts with other design applications
iC3D Suite offers a wide variety of templates and tools for creating own models.
The graphic design is applied to existing packaging from the model library or
an imported model created in a third-party application.
iC3D Integration Workflow
iC3D Suite supports native PDF artwork import and also comes with
a direct link into Adobe Illustrator allowing 2D Illustrator artwork to be
directly, in real time, mapped onto 3D models as base artwork or as labels.
Output hi-resolution images, PDF proofs for mark-up or share designs with
colleagues and customers using the iC3D Movie exporter, which creates portable
compressed movie files that can be shared or put on compliant websites.
iC3D imports and export models from all major 3D applications,
for instance ArtiosCad, using the common cross application formats such as:
Collada (DAE or ZAE), Modo (LXO), 3DS Max (3DS and ASE),
Wavefront Object (OBJ), Lightwave (LWO and LWS),
Milkshape 3D (MS3D), STL (Stereo Lithography 3D Printer files).
iC3D Suite complements other 2D/3D software applications such as:
3ds Max, Cinema4D, Maya, Softimage XSI, Lightwave 3D, Photoshop,
trueSpace, Blender, Rhino 3D, gmax, Modo (Luxology), Mudbox, MotionBuilder,
Octane Renderer, Maxwell Renderer, Vray, KeyShot, Strata CX, Deep Paint,
Adobe Acrobat 3D Toolkit, Bunkspeed, Electric Image.
iC3D receives Comité Pack Experts Innovation Awards 2016 at All4Pack 2016
iC3D receives InterTech(TM) Technology Award 2014 for Technology
iC3D Suite@School
iC3D Suite for Educational Institutions
Breaking News!
Eye tracking to measure the impact of new packaging design.
Measures the impact of innovative packaging design and consumer behavior.
Benefits to go with iC3D Suite for fast and accurate 3D visualisation:
...Real-Time 3D Packaging I from first idea to a finished package solution.
...Cartons, Flexibles, Labels, Bottles, Shrink Wraps, and Store Visualisation.
...3D Prototypes Minimize Potential Packaging Problems.
...One Complete Solution - "All-in-One" - for Packaging Design, Modeling and Simulation.
...Image Based Lighting for 3D-rendering.
...Packaging 3D photorealism.
..."Smart Wrap" / Auto-Mesh-Mapping.
...Manages Unlimited Packaging Models and Materials.
...Rich Selection of Packaging Models and Templates Included for Faster Model Generation.
...Import and Export of Models.
...Accurate, Web-based 3D Content Sharing.
Inspiring 3D creativity for packaging designers:
...from 2D to virtual 3D, all your latest packaging, labelling, and imaging design concepts.
...seamless link with Adobe Creative Suite/Adobe Creative Cloud/Adobe Illustrator,
and other 2D/3D programs and file formats.
...wow your clients with easy to create "Real-Time" 3D packaging visualisations.
...special effects, holographics, 3D/lenticular, metallics, plastics, emboss, HDR lightning, proofs.
....with your clients using Adobe Acrobat & leading proofing collaboration tools.
...visualise products in retail stores, on shelves, in boxes.
...Proof accurate brand colors.
...more than clients expect, push creative boundaries in 3D... with iC3D Suite
iC3D Webinars/Video recordings, demonstrations and tutorials
Related Products:
Related Guides/White Papers/Recommended Reading:
Related Datasheets/Brochures/Presentations:
Related Product Ordering Numbers / Price Information
iC3D software can be obtained via license acquisition.
Related Reference Customers and Testimonials
Virtual Packaging Prototypes / Mockups in general:
Carton/Corrugated Packaging:
- iC3D Opsis 3D-sample:
(related to the award ceremony of )
Carton Production Agency:
- iC3D Opsis 3D-sample:
Packaging Design Agency:
Carton Production Agency:
Profilskaparen uses iC3D Carton Edition to visualise
the carton packaging for Gr?nstedt Le National Fine Champagne 2016;
view this YouTube video:
Flexible Packaging:
Food Packaging/Beverages/Groceries:
New Packaging Designs for Unilever/Comfort Intense brand.
("How iC3D Suite helped Diageo to shrink
time to market from 141 to 16 business days"),
3D Visualisation Solutions for Packaging from Concept to Shelf,
Color Conference 2015, Phoenix, USA.
Diageo also prints 3D packaging prototypes on 3D printers they own
thanks to support of STL (Stereo Lithography) files in iC3D.
Higher Education & Research -
Current users are saying the following about iC3D Suite:
“iC3D Suite was easy to learn.
No need for previous 3D training or experience.”
“We use iC3D Suite to show our clients how their
finished products will appear in-store.”
“Our team was able to drop weeks off our packaging development calendar
while also eliminating the need for multiple rounds of physical proofs.”
“iC3D is a great complement to our existing group of tools.
Fastest shrink in the industry!”
"The cost of fabricating physical prototypes hindred us.
iC3D changed that. Because iC3D creates truly accurate virtual prototypes
means we don’t need to create as many physical ones,
which saves both time and money.”
iC3D Suite in media
iC3D Suite Trial for 2 users at 750EUR/month, excl. VAT.
iC3D Overview
New Key Features in iC3D
iC3D comes in various flavors for specific needs and requirements
The main standalone application, provides functions for creating models of cartons, POS,
bottles, flexibles, tubes, sachets, etc., and applying graphics onto the packaging in real time.
Separate entry-level standalone version that focuses on the visualisation of folded cartons.
The on-line 3D model sharing service integrated into iC3D Suite and iC3D Carton Edition.
Separate standalone command-line-interface (CLI) / Hotfolder server solution for
creation of modell variants by replacing the graphics on existing models
and generating all kinds of outputs such as images, 3D PDFs and more.
The free application for opening native iC3D virtual prototypes on any computer, Mac or PC.
iC3D Suite is the first 3D real-time packaging design and visualisation application
that combines multiple packaging disciplines in one product.
Other software applications frustratingly separate design applications
into cartons or flexibles or bottles or store visualisation.
iC3D Suite encompasses these and more, allowing all these elements to be
seamlessly combined in the same 3D scene and visualised with colour accurate
materials using image based lighting (IBL) in simulated virtual retail environments.
iC3D Suite is also the first 3D packaging design and visualisation software to offer the patented
“Smart Wrap Mapping" technology which allows labels and artwork to be placed accurately
onto complex models without the need for tedious UVW mapping of texture coordinates.
This makes it extremely fast and easy to learn and manage in iC3D Suite.
iC3D Suite comes with a direct link into Adobe Illustrator allowing 2D Illustrator
artwork to be directly mapped onto your 3D models as base artwork or as labels.
Output hi-resolution images or PDF proofs for mark-up or share your designs with
colleagues and customers using the iC3D Movie exporter, which creates portable
compressed movie files that can be shared or put on compliant websites.
iC3D Carton Edition takes all the carton, dieline, lighting, template and
animation functions from iC3D Suite, but in an affordable package
specifically tailored for carton designers and packaging professionals.
New features include import of DXF and CFF2 dielines from Adobe Illustrator and leading CAD
packages including ArtiosCAD, whilst maintaining previously specified cut and fold information.
Best of all, iC3D Carton Edition can be simply upgraded to iC3D Suite
with the same familiar “look and feel” interface.
iC3D Opsis - Safe and Secure Remote Sharing of 3D Digital Mock-Ups.
The world’s first realistic 3D packaging design sharing environment.
Global sharing of 3D packaging designs & digital mock-ups on any web browser - interactively!
Secure, accurate, web based 3D content sharing solution free to iC3D users via the cloud.
iC3D Opsis allows iC3D users to securely upload their 3D digital packaging designs to the cloud,
while accurately maintaining all special effects, environments, shadows, lighting, transparency
and backgrounds, environment effects, including holographic and lenticular 3D-effects.
(Currently, and due
to technical limitations in the 3D PDF format, 3D PDF files
will not display as accurate compared to sharing display via iC3D Opsis.)
Users can generate and export real-time, high-resolution 3D digital images and mockups,
and create and export portable, compressed animation files for sharing or to put on
compliant websites:
Quickly communicate dynamic design content.
Easily manipulate and revise designs on-the-fly.
Uses secure high-bandwidth servers.
100% guaranteed network uptime.
Store up to 100 iC3D models to the cloud.
Delivers greater speed to market for your designs.
iC3D Opsis is ideal to shorten reviewing and proofing/approval processing.
A unique url is generated on each upload which can be emailed to clients for them
to interactively view, zoom, rotate and spin 3D content on any web browser.
This url can also be embedded into web sites to provide stunning interactive
3D content with accurate colours, lighting and effects which allow brands to
showcase their products in the best way.
Demonstration of iC3D Opsis
Click on any packaging sample below to view
the virtual 3D packaging mockup in your browser
iC3D Automate - Automation of 3D packaging visualisation.
In many packaging workflows a range of product “flavors” has to be developed.
Whether crisps, jam, tins/cans or baby food, the process starts with the creation of a
3D model with applied textures, artwork and subsequent iterative replacement of
those textures and artwork to develop the many different flavors of the original design.
Iteration costs a lot of time and money and iC3D Automate does away with it, completely.
iC3D Automate is a companion command-line (CLI) based product to iC3D Suite
that easily can be integrated in any common workflow production workflow,
DAM/MIS solution or automation tool (such as , Switch, ...) with total flexibility
and can be configured to perform exactly the type of automation one requires.
iC3D Automate increases product development speed, reduces human errors
during the visual development of product variations and can help to reduce
time-to-shelf during product development.
iC3D Automate will open an iC3D Suite design file “hands free” and run automated
“actions” on it, ranging from replacing textures or artwork, outputting high resolution
images at specific camera angles, generating 3D PDF files and Collada files,
and much more.
iC3D Viewer - Free viewer application to visualise iC3D projects on
any Mac and Windows computer (no need for installation of iC3D Suite).
Allows exchange of native iC3D project files with clients for review, proofing and approval.
Product Features and Comparison Overview
iC3D Suite and IC3D Carton Edition(for Mac/OS X and Windows)vsEsko Studio RangeEsko Designer, Esko Toolkit, Esko Visualiser, Esko Store Visualiser
(Click on picture for details)
3D Model Creation
Model import:
Import models from all major 3D applications,
using the common cross application formats such as:
Collada (DAE or ZAE)
Modo (LXO)
3DS Max (3DS and ASE)
Wavefront Object (OBJ)
Lightwave (LWO and LWS)
Milkshape 3D (MS3D)
STL (Stereo Lithography 3D Printer files)
Most models are imported with their materials (where applicable).
Where a model is not available you can take advantage of
iC3D’s Model Generation Service to create the model you desire from your designs.
Drag and Drop Model Library:
iC3D is delivered with an ever expanding model library of common packaging models.
Your own packaging models can be added to the model library for quick and easy access
when creating your packaging designs. To use a library model it’s as simple as dragging
a model from the library and dropping it within the scene.
Model creation using Model Templates:
One of the slowest parts of packaging design can be creation of models.
Especially if you need to keep changing the model as your concept develops.
Model templates in iC3D makes the creation/recreation process faster for common models.
iC3D ships with a range of model templates ranging from bottles, bags, magazines,
and many common flexibles types, like Gusseted Bags, Pillow Bags, Sachets,
Pouches, shrink wraps, and many more.
This collection of auto generated template models is continually growing so if you
don’t find the template you are looking for we may be able to create it for you.
Model Object Editor:
The model editor allows you to manage the multiple models and model components
that are often used to build up a scene.
The editor allows the user to interactively control objects, meshes and materials within the scene,
including the ability to rename the scene components for better controls.
All relevant properties of materials (such as shininess, transparency, colors, roughness,...)
can be edited in real time.
Material Import:
If you are creating 3D models in your favourite 3D application and it supports
the exporting of materials, then the likelihood is that those materials and
the associated bitmaps can be loaded into iC3D.
Material Creation:
Where you need to easily create sophisticated materials like refracting glass or metallic
effects like gold foil, holographic or even lenticular 3D-effects, the iC3D material editor is
designed to simplify this process for you.
Once you have created the surface materials for your model they can be easily applied to
using drag and drop to the correct parts of your model or by using the Object Editor.
Real Time 3D Environments
Real Time 3D Rendering:
The 3D environment generates the required 3D shaders on the fly in order to correctly
render all changes to models, materials and environments on the fly.
No need to wait while your display updates, changes are applied in real time,
meaning you can instantly tweak them to create the effect you are looking for.
IBL Lighting Model:
The 3D rendering model is based around Image Based Lighting (IBL)
which provides real time reflection of an environment onto a 3D model.
IBL uses HDRI or EXR environments to calculate accurate and realistic lighting.
Like a ray tracer it calculates the correct amount of lighting to apply and
the environmental lighting influences on a per pixel basis for every rendered frame,
however, unlike a ray tracer it is able to do this in real time.
Real Time Material Editing:
Open an objects material in the materials editor, make changes and see those
changes instantly updated at full rendering resolution to the model.
HDR and EXR support:
Import HDRI and EXR format environments directly into iC3D
so your models are shown in the environment of you choices.
In addition use the environment as a 3D background for your scene.
Packaging Types Supported
iC3D prides itself on supporting a large number of packaging type
or discipline under one application.
These include:
Plastic Containers
Plus many more
All of these can have labels and or base artwork applied to them
- directly imported from within Adobe Illustrator.
Visualisation of Packages on Stacked Shelving Displays
It is possible in iC3D to display a shelf or display tray containing
different products so they can be compared together.
This is useful for the comparison of Competitive Analysis,
Version Comparison and Variant Comparison or for just
checking how many with fit in the tray.
This is simple process whereby several SKUs can be selected,
the number of items specified and they will then be organised
on the shelf automatically.
Once placed on the shelf it is possible to interactive edit them,
for example changing the colour of the label.
Point of Purchase (POP) / Point of Sales (POS) Display & Animation
iC3D Suite can create amazing folding carton Point of Purchase (POP) displays
comprising many separate parts which can all be animated to show how the final
display is made up and equally importantly how it will look when finished.
Items created previously within iC3D Suite can be placed on the Point of Purchase
display unit shelves and then accurately visualised using the retail environments supplied.
Adobe Illustrator Plugin
Real Time Editing of AI Art:
iC3D comes with a plugin for Adobe Illustrator.
This plugin allows you to connect iC3D to your copy of Adobe Illustrator.
When you create labels or base artwork within iC3D these are automatically
created in Adobe Illustrator, where you can add artwork to the Adobe Illustrator document
and it will appear on your label or model within iC3D.
Open in AI:
The process also works in reverse,
where you can select within iC3D to open your already designed label artwork
(.ai and .pdf files formats supported ) and it will open this artwork for you with
Adobe Illustrator and create an iC3D label linked to it automatically.
Once opened the artwork will appear on you label which can
then be interactively positioned on your model.
Carton Folding/Animation
Import of Dielines
iC3D comes with the capability to import DXF and CFF2 dielines from a variety of
CAD programmes, such as ArtiosCAD as well as from Adobe Illustrator.
These dielines can be split, joined, cut and broken apart as required directly within iC3D.
It is then a simple matter to create the required cuts and folds, choose
the substrate from our library and generate the 3D model.
Artwork can then be added using the link with Adobe Illustrator and either a
freehand recording or an animation timeline movie (also called keyframe animation)
can be created for export and comment.
Add labels to Models:
iC3D’s Auto Mesh Mapping (Smart Wrap) software allows sliding labels to be placed accurately
onto complex models without the need for tedious UVW mapping of texture coordinates.
As UVW mapping of a model takes often as much time as modelling the model
in the first place this can be a considerable time saving.
2D and 3D Labelling View:
Labels can be seen both in 3D on a model or in 2D using the separate 2D views.
These 3D and 2D Views can be exported to PDF to allow for accurate mark-up.
Gap Jumping:
iC3D’s Auto Mesh Mapping software can also be adjusted to jump gaps allowing
labels to flow smoothly over gaps like ridges in tins/cans or plastic water bottles.
Print Effects
iC3D labels and base artwork can have many effects applied to them.
In the Adobe Illustrator artwork,
specify a spot colour to represent where the effect should be placed,
then select which effect to associate with the spot colour.
The rest is done automatically for you.
iC3D has many predefined effects but allows you to also design your own.
Predefined effects include:
Hot and Cold Foils
Emboss and Deboss
Opaque White
Metallic Inks
Plus many more
SFX - Special Effects
Flexible Packet Filling:
All the flexible templates allow the packets to be animated from empty to full.
So you can see the effect on your artwork in different states of fullness.
In addition if you have a model that has two versions,
a full model and an empty version of the model,
you can create your own flexible models using the iC3D Flexible Model Editor.
Adobe Illustrator 2D artwork wrapped to flexible 3D objects
Filling Objects with Liquid:
Models that should contain liquids can also be filled with liquid
in order to see the effect the liquid has on the design.
The opacity and colour of the liquid can be individually controlled.
Real Time Shadows:
iC3D has the ability to cast real time 3D Shadows, on other meshes within the model,
creating an even more realistic rendered environment.
Reflections in the Floor:
Reflections of models can be projected in the floor plane to give
the impression they are sitting on a shiny surface.
Complex Scene Staging
All of the above comes together to allow the staging of complex and
dynamic scenes using cross discipline packaging type.
An example might be an accurate model of scotch could be created and labelled
then placed to an equally accurate model of the box the scotch goes in.
Then a glass of scotch with its ices is added to the scene and
the materials for the glass and ice are applied.
Then liquid if fifed in the bottle and glass to represent the scotch and
the background is changed to grouse moorland.
The result is a complex scene which can be saved and exported
as a high resolution render or as a 3D model for others to view.
The labels and artwork used in the generation of the scene can also be output with
screen shots of the scene automatically to a PDF for collaborative review and mark-up.
Export Features
Hi Res Export:
High resolution renders can be exported to be further adjusted in Photoshop.
The exported images can be specified to contain an alpha channel so the models
can be divorced from their backgrounds so they can be placed in other scenes.
PDF, 3D PDF and U3D Files Export:
An auto generated PDF containing several screen shots of the 3D scene as well as
2D renders all the labels and base artwork in the scene, can be easily exported to
allow for easier collaborative review or mark-up.
U3D files created in iC3D can be inserted into PDF documents to allow users to interact
with Adobe Acrobat 3D content and to spin and view 3D object from all angles.
In addition, complete 3D PDFs can be created directly within iC3D and published
or emailed to clients for them to comment in Adobe Acrobat.
iC3D Opsis Export
Models created in iC3D can be uploaded for viewing and sharing to iC3D Opsis
thats is integrated into iC3D Suite and iC3D Carton Edition.
Collada and STL Files Export:
Models created or edited in iC3D can be exported with their materials in Collada and
STL (Stereo Lithography) format to most leading 3D printers.
This takes “Rapid Prototyping” to new levels as you now have the ability to
deliver virtual 3D via email and follow up with printed 3D samples in the post.
Models created or edited in iC3D can be exported with their materials in Collada and
STL (Stereo Lithography) format for editing in other third party 3D applications.
They can then be reimported as Collada
and STL files back into iC3D if required.
Augment Export - Augmented Reality (AR)
Models are easily exported from iC3D to Augment
- the augmented reality environment - for an enhanced 3D experience.
An Augment export button is integrated in iC3D,
making it very simple to upload 3D models to Augment (as Collada files).
Movie Export:
A Quick Time Movie (MOV) file where all model movements are can be exported to allow
the 3D content to be viewed on other devices and platforms, such as the Apple iPhone or iPad.
The Movie exporter uses high quality video compression to create
iPhone and iPad compatible movies.
The user can also manually animate the object during the recording,
to zoom in on a certain section or spin the objects so they can be viewed from all sides.
Dynamic Backgrounds
System Requirements for iC3D:
Apple software:
OS: Mac OS X 10.9 (Maverick) or higher.
Apple hardware - Minimum:
CPU: Dual core processor (quad core preferred).
Memory: 4GB+ RAM, 500GB HDD
Graphics - Minimum: NVidia or ATI Graphics card
with 1 GB VRAM (2 GB or higher recommended).
3rd Party Software:
Adobe Illustrator Version 16 is required (i.e. CS6 or higher).
Note: Will not work with older versions of Illustrator i.e. CS5
PC software:
OS: Windows(R) 7 or Windows(R) 8, Windows(R) 10, 64 bit version only.
PC hardware - Minimum:
CPU: Dual core processor (quad core preferred).
Memory: 4GB+ RAM, 500GB HDD
Graphics - Minimum: NVidia or ATI Graphics card
with 1 GB VRAM (2 GB or higher recommended).
3rd Party Software:
Adobe Illustrator Version 16 is required (i.e. CS6 or higher). 64 bit version only
Note: Will not work with older versions of Illustrator i.e. CS5
User License:
Floating license, for 1 concurrent user.
User Interface/Languages:
English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Japanese, Simplified Chinese.
Current Use Case
Typical use case where iC3D Suite makes a difference and solves your critical challenge.
"The (coming) Crunch for U.S. Food Companies":
Changes to the Nutrition Facts Panel (NFP).
will undoubtedly kick off a worldwide overhaul,
as consumer advocacy groups outside the U.S. lobby governments
for more standardized, consumer-friendly nutritional labeling.
This will lead to a rise in compliance-related costs throughout the supply chain,
including brand owners, package designers, printers, and converters.
Like the older version, the new NFP may not be re-sized, legally.
This means that years of package design optimization will have to be
discarded and new designs created for millions of packages.
Nutritional claims made outside the NFP will also have to be changed.
New label / What's the difference?
Fortunately, with iC3D,
the design and ideation part of those costs can be controlled.
Only iC3D provides immediate visual feedback on
these design challenges and possible solutions.
In iC3D, PDFs of both old and new Nutrition Facts Panel (NFP)
can easily be applied to virtual package models in real time.
For more information contact
Sm?rblommegr?nd 14, SE-165 72 H?sselby (Stockholm), Sweden
All content (C) copyright
NewFormat AB. All rights reserved.


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