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Based in United States, tinker-tank has been an eBay member since 06 Dec, 2001Please save or cancel your changes.There was an unexpected service failure. Please try again.Please sign in to make changes.
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04 May, 2018Thank you for choosing WATCHTIMECO for all your watch parts and tools needs!24 Feb, 2018Quick response and fast payment. Perfect! THANKS!!02 Jan, 2018Fast paypal. Recommended buyer..29 Nov, 2017EXCELLENT*,.o??)A+++,.o??) *GREAT BUYER*,.o??)A+++,.o??) *THANK YOU08 Nov, 2017
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Follow what inspires youLike another member's style? Follow them to see more of their great finds in your eBay feed.OK, got itTinker Tank (Miami, FL) | MeetupPublic groupShare:MembersMorePast Meetups (8)Kevin S.Mario C.Charles I.Stephen S.Ryan W.20 wentCharles I.Kevin S.Cristina S.Christopher S.Tom P.22 wentCharles I.Kevin S.Cristina S.andres b.David25 wentWhat we're aboutTinker Tank is a monthly event covering the intersection of hardware, software, and entrepreneurship. We talk about exciting startups and technologies in the internet of things, 3D printing, hardware, augmented reality, virtual reality, drones/UAVs and wearable computing areas. In addition, we roll up our sleeves to build and prototype together.Whether you're an engineer, designer, CEO, investor, or anyone interested in being a part of the hardware start-up eco-system, come join us and let's create an amazing addition to the tech scene in Miami!Members (392)Photos (8)Related topicsUser TinkerTank - Super User
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Den Haag, Netherlands
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Already a member?Tinker Tank V: The Python Language! | Tinker Tank (Miami, FL) | MeetupDetailsPython is a clear and powerful object-oriented programming language, comparable to Perl, Ruby, Scheme, or Java. In line with our recent talks around Raspberry Pi Hardware Hacking and Machine Learning, Python is continuously mentioned as a go-to language for many of these projects.Many of you have shown interest, asked where you could go and start learning, as well as other questions worthwhile answering. This has made for our next meetup: Tinker Tank V: The Python Language!We are putting together a panel of Python Experts who use this language for web apps, machine learning, hardware projects, and beyond. They'll be explaining Python's strengths, best use cases, and field all your questions around how to get started on your own.We are also inviting all those who have active Python projects they wish to share as an opportunity to allow the community to explore ideas, ask more questions, and network.We look forward to see you on May 31st, 2016 for Tinker Tank V: The Python Language!Attendees (67)Go to Attendee List


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