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我们会通过消息、邮箱等方式尽快将举报结果通知您。balba-bunny (Diko Linnai ) | DeviantArt
Sugar pie Honey Bun
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Albion Diko avatar by StarValerian
Little miss Clarabelle
Viva la Albion Diko
Yours truly, Albion Diko
I'll make it better
"I am familiar with redheads. I know how difficult, confusing, temperamental, sassy, high maintenance, and commanding they can be...and yet I am still drawn to them like a fly to a ZAPPER!"
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Drop me a block rockin' BEEF, homeslice of cheese! I'm Diko Linnai, half Italian, half Hawaiian, 100% daydreamer. ^_^I am a very opened minded individual, and very friendly, and honest. Give me your sincerity, kindness, and honesty, and I'll give you mine in return. Current Residence: Brightwall, AlbiondeviantWEAR sizing preference: DANGEROUS CURVES Favourite style of art: Abstract, Impressionism, Realism, still life, Modern, Art Nouveau, comic/mangaPersonal Quote: Love's not what you' what you're expecting to give: everything
Journal Entry: Wed Aug 8,
...a final panel interview for the police department? THIS GIRL!!!!! Ok so I passed the second examination for 911 Dispatch job for a local (well not so local) police department and all I have to do now is the last interview followed by a polygraph test and a mandatory Sheriff's training orientation. So why am I telling you guys this? Because once again no one on FB gives a crap
Well, I get plenty of "likes" and such but everyone here is always more supportive of my fluctuating life changes. There were so many girls that stood up and auto failed the exam I was actually quite surprised when I handed in my badge and was given a certificate of completion. I have NO idea what a law enforcement type interview is like, let alone being interviewed by a panel of police officers T___T&&This has been my career path for so long, but life sort of got in the way as did religion and failed relationships. I had career shadowed several court reporters and interpreters, and it's always what I wanted to do. Also, I'd be following in my family's footsteps to be in some type of law job (my step sisses are all either lawyers or foreign consulates on my dad's side) so I'm in the process of enrolling in school and I'll be taking Vietnamese and Italian. And YES
it's gonna be at FJC with you!
Unless, of course you don't go there anymore and you moved onto CSUF lol Also, yeah the divorce is finalized so I'm single even though I'm taken right now ^__^ He left me on a very bad note, something I will never forgive him for, but eventually he'll be only a memory. My anger has subsided considerably and I don't lose control of my emotions at all anymore. A lot of my negative reactions and outbursts were due to the way he left me, but I have no more ties with him, so the stress levels have dissipated. Still working on those requests! Sketching Jammy Manford's request traditionally so I hope I can get my tablet to work again! Hope all is well with everyone I'll try to be on here more often even if I don't have much to post. Buona notte, il caro mios~ Wow...I found a lot of stamps here... :thumb::thumb::thumb::thumb:
Listening to: Silence!
Watching: The IT Crowd
Playing: HoN
Drinking: Cherry Coke
has started a donation pool!
I'd LOVE to commission a custom journal skin, and also use for prizes and fellow members!I'd even be fine with one point per person. I'd love you forever
Please see my points commissions rules in the lower left of my profile under my critiques box
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Add a Comment:
Happy Birthday! &Hope you had a great day and enjoyed cake and presents! &Have a great one!
HAPPY 32nd BIRTHDAY, Diko Linnai, a.k.a. "balba-bunny," devious artist gal!
Good luck, and I hope you'll have a great birthday today!I also hope you're doing very awesome at all art ' I love 'em!
Comments by:Nelson C. [my real name],"N.N.F.88"6:15 P.M.Los Angeles, CA Since I wouldn't have been able to do some birthday muro drawings, I got you two extra drawing copies, so...SURPRISE;Believe it or not, two birthday muro drawing copies I made, of chibi Haruhi Suzumiya and Mikuru Asahina wishing you one, so, wishes 'n' luck!Click on them:
Love your art!
Happy birthday, friend. It's been too long.
Happy Birthday! &Hope you have a great one!
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