
塞下秋来风景异,衡阳雁去无留意。四面边声连角起。千嶂里,长烟落日孤城闭。 & & & 浊酒一杯家万里,燕然未勒归无计。羌管悠悠霜满地。人不寐,将军白发征夫泪。
一片春愁待酒浇,江上舟摇,楼上帘招。秋娘渡与泰娘桥,风又飘飘,雨又潇潇。 & & &&何日归家洗客袍,银字笙调,心字香烧。流光容易把人抛,红了樱桃,绿了芭蕉。
情高意真,眉长鬓青。小楼明月调筝,写春风数声。 & &思君忆君,魂牵梦萦。翠绡香暖银屏,更那堪酒醒。
平林漠漠烟如织,寒山一带伤心碧。暝色入高楼,有人楼上愁。 & &玉阶空伫立,宿鸟归飞急。何处是归程?长亭更短亭。
宝马晓鞴雕鞍,罗帷乍别情难。那堪春景媚,送君千万里。半妆珠翠落,露华寒。红蜡烛,青丝曲,偏能勾引泪阑干。 & & &&良夜捉,香尘绿。魂欲迷,檀眉半敛愁低。未别心先咽,欲语情难说。出芳草,路东西。摇袖立,春风急。樱花杨柳雨凄凄。
无言独上西楼,月如钩。寂寞梧桐深院锁清秋。 & & & 剪不断,理还乱,是离愁。别是一般滋味在心头。
莫听穿林打叶声,何妨吟啸且徐行。竹杖芒鞋轻胜马,谁怕?一蓑烟雨任平生。 & & &&料峭春风吹酒醒,微冷。山头斜照却相迎。回首向来萧瑟处,归去,也无风雨也无晴。
照野弥弥浅浪,横空隐隐层霄。障泥来解玉骢骄,我欲醉眠芳草。 & & &可惜一溪风月,莫教踏碎琼瑶。解鞍欹枕绿杨桥,杜宇一声春晓。
红酥手,黄滕酒,满城春色宫墙柳。东风恶,欢情薄。一怀愁绪,几年离索?错!错!错! & & &&春如旧,人空瘦,泪痕红浥鲛绡透。桃花落,闲池阁。山盟虽在,锦书难托。莫!莫!莫!
汴水流,泗水流,流到瓜洲古渡头,吴山点点愁。 & & &思悠悠,恨悠悠,恨到归时方始休,月明人倚楼。
【HMC独家翻译】《The Rappers Handbook》中文版 第二部分 提升你的押韵-多重押韵 【英文原版PDF电子书下载地址】http://pan.baidu.com/s/1mg5E7Ug 【翻译申明】...
  【HMC独家翻译】《The Rapper's Handbook》中文版 第二部分 提升你的押韵-多重押韵
  《The Rapper's Handbook(说唱歌手手册)》中文版享有中华人民共和国相关著作权与美利坚合众国知识产权法,所有中英文资料仅供个人学习使用,除权利人书面同意外,任何人不得印刷出版,或做任何形式之盗版、寄存及注册,或部分﹑全部中英文资料存放。敬告各位切勿以身试法!
  凡在标题注明【HMC独家翻译】字样的图片或文字内容均属于Hip-Hop Music Club专稿,如需转载文字请注明来源【HMC独家翻译】,否则Hip-Hop Music Club将依据《信息网络传播权保护条例》维护网络知识产权。
  翻译:向星星(中国-湖南) 审核/校译:斯科夫(中国-上海)
  第二部分 提升你的押韵
  为什么要在一片含有维生素C和维生素D的药剂中只摄取维生素C呢?多重押韵的产生在全世界范围内引发了一种狂潮,但全世界都没注意到的是说唱歌手从Chuck D到Bun B都已经在他们的歌曲中运用了多重押韵。
  &押韵的写作最使我感到困难的是琢磨接下来该怎样写。一旦我进入自己内心,便会不自觉的想起&da da da dadada da da&,如同填空一样,我使用典型的一个单词、两个单词或是三个单词的模式。我所知道的一件事便是,我是首个以将其分成多音节押韵形式结束这一小段的说唱歌手之一。第二天我便将《Curb Your Enthusiasm(抑制激情)》(译者注:美国喜剧片名)用进了押韵中。&Tell your homeboy to curb his enthusiasm / before I point my motherfu**in& Uzi at him&.&
  - Bun B
  [部分Ⅰ & 基础课程]
  Multies(多重押韵)是&Multi-Syllable Rhyme(多重音节押韵)&的简写,多重押韵是指在短语中有一个以上的音节押韵,多重押韵可以达到两倍、三倍、四倍等押韵。
  普通押韵: cat / hat
  多重押韵:my cat / hi-hat
  或更多多重押韵:bit my cat / hit the hi-hat
  I&m never going nowhere, so don&t try me,
  my music sticks in fans& veins like an I.V.
  - Ludacris, &Number One Spot&
  在这个来自《Number One Spot》的例子中,Ludacris以&try me&和&I.V.&创作了一个多重押韵。他本可以仅仅以&V.&押&me&的韵,但因为有额外附加的音节(try和I),让它成为了一个多重押韵。
  Don&t be silly cover your milli I&m like Billy
  Don&t be dumb cover your gun I ain&t fun
  - Dizee Rascal, &Stand Up Tall&
  Punchlines that kill& my hits&ll bury ya,
  I rap to myself on the bus like& schizophrenia
  The elite force like army rangers and navy seals,
  现在我们要以&navy seals&来创作一个多重押韵。第一件事便是列出与&navy&押韵的单词,最简单的方法是通过使用押韵词典(rhymezone.com)同时记录列出的结果,但请记住,这只会给你&完美&的押韵,不是不工整韵。不工整韵是非常重要的,因为它们能使你写下更多的有创意的句子。当你创作多重押韵的时候尤其如此,否则你的句子将会显得做作和拙劣。另一个问题是用押韵词典是他们为你做这项工作,如果你肯花时间为自己思考所有的押韵词汇,为了未来的即兴说唱比赛你将会更愿意使用在你脑海中的单词去押韵。我不推荐用押韵词典,除非你真的遇到了瓶颈。
  Baby meals
  Wavy eels
  Lady squeals
  Gravy feels
  Weighty whales
  I kick it operatic &til that fat lady squeals
  your lyrics are stuffing,
  so now I know how gravy feels
  I&ll call you Gerber
  cuz ya spittin& up some baby meals
  The elite force like army rangers and navy seals,
  I kick it operatic &til that fat lady squeals
  your lyrics are stuffing, now I know how gravy feels,
  I&ll call you Gerber
  cuz ya spittin& up some baby meals
  使用常见的短语或名人的名字(即&train station(火车站)&或&George Bush(乔治&布什)&),以这种方法写一些多重押韵的词组,然后将这些词组运用于有意义的句子中。
  [部分Ⅱ & 进阶课程]
  [重读 vs.轻读]
  Today is the first day of the rest of my life.
  - /-- / / - - / -- /
  Today is the first day of the rest of my life.
  Behind my house is the most twisted of trees
  如果我想以&twisted of trees&写一个多重押韵,我首先需要做的便是分清哪些是重音哪些是轻音。所以我将图划出来是这样的:
  -/-/--//- -/
  Behind my house is the most twisted of trees
  我真的需要注意的是&twisted of trees&这个押韵的短语,如你所见,重音在&twist&和&trees&这两个单词上,而轻音在&ed&和&of&这两个单词上。这意味着,当我写下这个多重押韵的时候,我需要以&twist&和&trees&来押韵,而不需要以&ed&或者&of&来押韵。
  Mystical knee
  Listen to me
  Mess with the bees
  Behind my house is the most twisted of trees,
  I always ignore the birds, but I mess with the bees
  尽管&ed of&与&with the&不押韵,但并无大碍,因为它们不是重读音节,这一句的Flow仍然很好。再看看另一个例子,Eminem在D12的 &My Band&中的一段,他使用了这个句子:
  I just think you&re trying to steal the light from me
  I just think you&re trying to steal the light from me,
  Yesterday Kuniver tried to pull a knife on me,
  &Cuz I told him Jessica Alba&s my wife to be
  Always on point with words that cut sharp
  如果我们以&sharp&来押韵则不可能出现多重押韵,而以&cut sharp&来押韵则可以。既然如此,让我们以&words(that)cut sharp&来写一个长的多重押韵。记住,因为&that&不是重音,我们可以忽略它。我们只需要对&words,cut,and sharp&进行押韵。我将以一系列不工整韵来写下一个有意义的小段,使用我们之前描述的韵律生成的步骤:
  nerds that aren&t smart
  burns the white tarp
  swords that touch heart
  worms make bad art
  nervous you might fart
  Always on point with words that cut sharp,
  I&m a paradox like nerds that aren&t smart
  I spit swords that touch hearts and words that cut sharp,
  You&re living proof that some nerds are not smart
  创作一些3个或4个音节的多重押韵,然后将他们添加到你的小段中,尝试在每句中用一个以上的多重押韵(就如同 Papoose 和 Eminem 在接下来的部分所做的那样)
  毋庸置疑,有一位使用多重押韵远超其他说唱歌手的艺人,他的名字叫做Eminem。事实上,他很多牛逼的Flow就是来自于他对多重押韵的创造性使用,你可以在他的所有作品中都能找到多重押韵,下面就是一个特别强劲的例子。来自&The Real Slim Shady&中的一段:
  But Slim what if you win wouldn&t it be weird?
  Why so you guys could just lie to get me here,
  So you could sit me here next to Britney Spears
  I think Christina Aguilera better switch me chairs
  - Eminem, &The Real Slim Shady&
  这里就是&The Real Slim Shady&中很酷的令人惊艳的部分。Eminem并不仅仅在重音上押韵,在轻音上也是如此(&be,me,ney&是轻音)。多个多重押韵都被他以同一模式使用:五行中四组押韵。
  His palms are sweaty, knees weak, arms are heavy
  There&s vomit on his sweater already, mom&s spaghetti
  He&s nervous, but on the surface he looks calm and ready
  To drop bombs, but he keeps on forgetting
  - Eminem, &Lose Yourself&
  这些&Lose Yourself&里面的韵脚绝对是Eminem最好的一些韵脚,并且其中包含了很多内容。他在其中疯狂的表达令人惊讶。他使用了大量的多重押韵和中间韵,而不是分散开来去编织一张复杂的抒情之网。
  他在短短四个小节中使用了多达5到6组多重押韵,并在其他的单词中重复了&palms&的读音。在&drop&和&bombs&重复,还在&vomit&和&on his&中重复,它们本身就是简短的多重押韵。而最后一行&keeps&与开头的&knees weak&押韵的使用,更是令我震撼。学习这些句子,因为它们与解析微积分一样具有复杂的韵律。
  这取决于你。只是偶尔有些说唱歌手使用多重押韵,而其他人(如 Eminem )几乎只是用多重押韵。尽量不要让多重押韵控制你的韵律,Eminem 在&Lose Yourself&中的伟大之处便是他不会为了强加一个多重押韵而牺牲歌词本身的意义。
  在下面的篇幅中,是用一个独特的小段作为例子,不断地重复同一个多重押韵词组的发音。歌词来自Papoose的歌曲&Thug Connection&,这是一位来自纽约的地下说唱歌手,Papoose以这个名字不仅来证明他的歌词的力量而且证明他的多才多艺。Busta Rhyme 和 Shaquille O&Neil 所走的轨迹对他起着重要的影响。这个Verse由30个不同的多重押韵串连,并且有着相同或相似的读音。一些人肯定会觉得这样的押韵会显得过度了,但对于其他人来说,这是一个令人惊叹的抒情成就。
  My lyrical tendency&s equivalent to a critical felony
  Precise behind bars like a criminal&s penalty
  Pinnacle definitely, hold so much jewels in my miracle memory
  It&s like I&m a physical treasury
  Deep into weaponry, psychotic ni**as who envy me
  Wanna be nuts, so I bust nuts like my genitals sexually
  Punished in my mother&s stomach by swimmin through Hennessy
  I was born with a difficult destiny, not your typical mentally
  Givin my vision through treacheries
  Syllable therapy, invincible visual energy
  No artist identity resemble me, I flow like a mineral chemically
  Cause I flow with a chemical chemistry
  I can flow like the river through Tennessee
  The mystical seventh sea, or currency at the Senegal embassy
  At birth although it&s umbilical regularly
  They cut a mic chord and disconnected me
  Leaders political threaten me for what I write in my lyrical melody
  While others broke laws, I broke lyrical legacies
  Flip forever, live for infinity, respect the P
  It&s Papoose, I conquered this caliber, next degree
  - Papoose, &Thug Connection&
  Part Two - Elevating Your Rhymes
  Why take just vitamin C when you can get vitamin C and D in one pill? The creation of multi-vitamins launched a worldwide craze for multies, but what most of the world didn&t realize is that rappers from Chuck D to Bun B were already serving up mulies in their raps.
  Once a rare treat, multies are now being used in hip-hop more and more frequently as lyricists constantly try to outdo each other. Multies aren&t necessarily harder to write than normal rhymes. They just take extra effort. You&ll find that the effort is well worth it.Spit multies, and get your vitamin C.
  [droppin& knowledge]
  &The hardest thing for me to do, as far as writing a rhyme, is figuring out how it&s going to go. Once I get in my mind that it&s going to go &da da da dadada da da,& then it&s kind of like filling in the blanks. I take the typical words, or I pick a two-word, three-word pattern. One of the things I&m known for is I was one of the first rappers to end their bars rhyming multiesyllabically. The other day I put Curb Your Enthusiasm in a rhyme.&Tell your homeboy to curb his enthusiasm / before I point my motherfu**in& Uzi at him&.&
  - Bun B
  [Part I - The Basic Lesson]
  What are Multies?
  Multies is short for &Multi-Syllable Rhyme.& Multies are phrases in which more than one syllable rhymes.Multies can be double, triple, quadruple (etc&)rhymes.
  Normal rhyme: cat / hat
  Multi rhyme: my cat / hi-hat
  Or a longer multi: bit my cat / hit the hi-hat
  Southern rapper Ludacris loves featuring multies in his verses. Luda has a trademark delivery, in which he slows down and emphasizes the end of each line.This delivery works well when he slips in some clever multies.
  [Pro Example]
  I&m never going nowhere, so don&t try me,
  my music sticks in fans& veins like an I.V.
  - Ludacris, &Number One Spot&
  In the example from the track Number One Spot,Luadacris creates a multi with &try me& and &I.V.& He could have just rhymed &me& with &V.&, but by rhyming with the additional syllables (try with I) it becomes a multi.
  What&s the difference between multies and in-rhymes?
  Don&t be silly cover your milli I&m like Billy
  Don&t be dumb cover your gun I ain&t fun
  - Dizee Rascal, &Stand Up Tall&
  Punchlines that kill& my hits&ll bury ya,
  I rap to myself on the bus like& schizophrenia
  Why should I use multies?
  Multies are hallmarks of all the dopest flows, and all the best rappers use them. They are more complex and more impressive than normal rhymes and so command a lot more respect. Multies add variation to your verse and will help you craft better rhymes.
  How do I write multies?
  Multies aren&t that much harder to write than typical rhymes, they just take more time. Step one is to find a line that you want to start with. Take this line for example:
  The elite force like army rangers and navy seals,
  Now we&re going to create a multi with &navy seals.&The first thing you want to do is list all the words that rhyme with &navy&. The easiest way to do this is by using a rhyme dictionary (rhymezone.com) and listing the results, but keep in mind that this will only give you the &perfect& rhymes, not the slant rhymes. Slant rhymes are very important, because they allow you to write more creative lines. This is especially true when you&re writing multies, &cause otherwise your lines might come out contrived and stupid. The other problem with rhyming dictionaries is that they do the work for you. If you take the time to actually think for yourself of all the rhymes for the word, you&re more likely to get those rhymes in your head for future freestyles. I don&t recommend rhyme dictionaries unless you&re really stuck.
  Perfect rhymes for navy:
  Slant rhymes for navy:
  Then repeat this process for the second word, in this case, &seals.&
  Perfect rhymes with seals:
  Slant rhymes for seals:
  Now we go through the process of linking up navy-rhymes with seals-rhymes. There are lots of
  combinations, so try to pick some that make some sense:
  Baby meals
  Wavy eels
  Lady squeals
  Gravy feels
  Weighty whales
  Then we pick one and write a line that makes sense:
  I kick it operatic &til that fat lady squeals
  your lyrics are stuffing,
  so now I know how gravy feels
  I&ll call you Gerber
  cuz ya spittin& up some baby meals
  Write a bunch of them, and then pick the one that you like best to use. Or use a bunch of them in a row like this:
  The elite force like army rangers and navy seals,
  I kick it operatic &til that fat lady squeals
  your lyrics are stuffing, now I know how gravy feels,
  I&ll call you Gerber
  cuz ya spittin& up some baby meals
  That&s the simplest way to write multies. If you master that simple technique, you should already notice your lyrical skills improving.
  [Practice This]
  Take a common phrase or celebrity name (i.e. &train station&or &George Bush&) and write out some multi-syllable rhymes using this method. Work the rhymes into some lines that make sense together.
  [Part II - The Advanced Lesson]
  Ok, so you&ve worked through the basic lesson and you want to take it further. The next thing we need to cover is the difference between prominent (or &stressed&) syllables and silent (or&unstressed&) syllables. It&s the same thing that your English teacher was teaching you when you did that Shakespeare lesson on iambic pentameter. In this case, we&re going to use it to figure out how to create long strings of quality multies that flow well. The general rule is this: you have to rhyme with the you can ignore the silent ones.
  [Prominent vs. Silent]
  The basic idea is that when you speak or rap there are certain syllables that you stress or put emphasis on and certain syllables that you don&t. When analyzing poetry, you&d place an accent mark (/) over the prominent syllables and a dash (-) over the silent syllables.
  For example, say this out loud:
  Today is the first day of the rest of my life
  The meter (a map of which syllables are stressed and which are not) would be something like this:
  - /-- / / - - / -- /
  Today is the first day of the rest of my life.
  This is a typical example because often times &little&words (to, is, the, of) are silent. Obviously, when we&re talking about a silent syllable, we don&t mean literally silent. Silent just means it&s not prominent.
  The simplest way of figuring out which syllables are prominent and which are silent is just to say the line out loud and listen to what you pronounce strongly and what you don&t.
  Why Did I just Learn that?
  Because with multies it&s important to make sure you&re rhyming with all the prominent syllables. But you don&t have to rhyme with the silent syllables.
  For example, take this line:
  Behind my house is the most twisted of trees
  If I want to write a multi rhyme with &twisted of trees,& the first thing I need to do is figure out what is prominent and what isn&t. So I&ll map it out like this:
  -/-/--//- -/
  Behind my house is the most twisted of trees
  All I really have to pay attention to is the rhyming phrase, &twisted of trees.& As you can see, the prominent sounds are &twist& and &trees.& The silent sounds are &ed& and &of&. That means that when I&m writing my multi, I need to rhyme with &twist& and&trees&, but I don&t need to rhyme with the &ed& or the&of&.
  So these work:
  Mystical knee
  Listen to me
  Mess with the bees
  Then I just pick one and write a line to it:
  Behind my house is the most twisted of trees,
  I always ignore the birds, but I mess with the bees
  Even though &ed of& doesn&t rhyme with &with the&, it doesn&t matter because they&re unstressed syllables. The line still flows. Take another example from Eminem&s verse on D12&s &My Band&. He uses the line:
  I just think you&re trying to steal the light from me
  In that line &light& and &me& are accented, but &from&isn&t. So he doesn&t worry about rhyming with &from&,just the other words. Like this:
  I just think you&re trying to steal the light from me,
  Yesterday Kuniver tried to pull a knife on me,
  &Cuz I told him Jessica Alba&s my wife to be
  What About Longer Multies?
  I&m glad you asked.Some rappers (especially underground rappers) like to string together long as hell multies to impress their listeners. You don&t always have to do this, but if you can drop a long-string multi occasionally, it will hit like a sound bomb.
  Take this line:
  Always on point with words that cut sharp
  If we rhymed with &sharp& it would not be a multi. If we rhymed with &cut sharp& it would be a multi. Instead of just that, let&s try rhyming with &words (that) cut sharp& to make a long multi. Remember, because&that& isn&t prominent, we can ignore it. We just need to rhyme with words, cut, and sharp. I&m going to use a lot of slant rhymes in order to make a line that
  makes sense. Using the process of rhyme generating described before we get:
  nerds that aren&t smart
  burns the white tarp
  swords that touch heart
  worms make bad art
  nervous you might fart
  Then we put them together:
  Always on point with words that cut sharp,
  I&m a paradox like nerds that aren&t smart
  Or we can rewrite a little, and include another multi in there as well. Remember, it&s always a good idea to revisit lines and rework them. Cut out the weak stuff,and add more quality stuff.
  I spit swords that touch hearts and words that cut sharp,
  You&re living proof that some nerds are not smart
  [Practice This]
  Write some 3 or 4 syllable multies, and then add them into your lines. Try to put more than one multi per line (as Papoose and Eminem do in the following section).
  Who is the King of Multies?
  Without a doubt, one rapper uses multies more than any other, and that rapper is Eminem. In fact a lot of his sick flow comes from his creative use of multi rhymes. You&ll find multies in all of his songs. The ones below are just particularly strong examples. Take these bars from &The Real Slim Shady&:
  [Pro Example]
  But Slim what if you win wouldn&t it be weird?
  Why so you guys could just lie to get me here,
  So you could sit me here next to Britney Spears
  I think Christina Aguilera better switch me chairs
  - Eminem, &The Real Slim Shady&
  Here&s what&s so dope and amazing about those &The Real Slim Shady& lines. Eminem doesn&t just rhyme with the prominent syllables, he rhymes with the silent one too (&be, me, ney& are unstressed). He also uses a lot of multies with the same rhyme pattern: 5 in 4 lines.
  How did he do that? He probably wanted to write a rhyme making fun of Britney Spears, so he started with her name and started generating multies off of it. He could have used others, but he found some that matched what he was trying to say. The lesson: always start with the word or phrase that is most important.
  [Pro Example]
  His palms are sweaty, knees weak, arms are heavy
  There&s vomit on his sweater already, mom&s spaghetti
  He&s nervous, but on the surface he looks calm and ready
  To drop bombs, but he keeps on forgetting
  - Eminem, &Lose Yourself&
  Those &Lose Yourself& rhymes are some of Eminem&s absolute best, and that&s saying a lot. What he does here lyrically is all out amazing. He uses lots of multi-rhymes and in-rhymes, not seperately but together to weave a complex lyrical web.
  He uses 5-6 multies in just four lines, but he also repeats the &palms& sound in other words. It&s echoed in &drop& and &bombs,& but also in &vomit& and &on his,&which is itself a little multi. The killer for me is the use of &keeps& in the last line, which rhymes with &knees weak& in the first. Study those lines, because they&re as complex rhyme-wise as some analytic calculus.
  How Many Multies Should I Use?
  That&s up to you. Some rappers use multies only occasionally, while others (like Eminem) rhyme almost exclusively with multies. Try not to let multies control your rhymes. The great thing about Eminem&s verse on&Lose Yourself& is that he never sacrifices the meaning to squeeze in a multi.
  On the next page is a unique example of a verse that rhymes over and over again with the same multi-syllable sound. The lyrics are from Papoose&s track&Thug Connection.& An underground rapper from NYC, Papoose is making a name for himself by demonstrating not only his lyrical powers, but also his versatility. He&s been featured on tracks with Busta Rhymes and even Shaquille O&Neil. This verse is a string of 30 different multies that all have the same (or similar) rhyme. Some people would definitely find this kind of rhyming excessive, but to others it&s a jaw-dropping lyrical achievement.
  [Pro Example]
  My lyrical tendency&s equivalent to a critical felony
  Precise behind bars like a criminal&s penalty
  Pinnacle definitely, hold so much jewels in my miracle memory
  It&s like I&m a physical treasury
  Deep into weaponry, psychotic ni**as who envy me
  Wanna be nuts, so I bust nuts like my genitals sexually
  Punished in my mother&s stomach by swimmin through Hennessy
  I was born with a difficult destiny, not your typical mentally
  Givin my vision through treacheries
  Syllable therapy, invincible visual energy
  No artist identity resemble me, I flow like a mineral chemically
  Cause I flow with a chemical chemistry
  I can flow like the river through Tennessee
  The mystical seventh sea, or currency at the Senegal embassy
  At birth although it&s umbilical regularly
  They cut a mic chord and disconnected me
  Leaders political threaten me for what I write in my lyrical melody
  While others broke laws, I broke lyrical legacies
  Flip forever, live for infinity, respect the P
  It&s Papoose, I conquered this caliber, next degree
  - Papoose, &Thug Connection&


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