她/他的however 同义词词

近朱者赤,近墨者黑。 --傅玄
真正的朋友有三种:爱你的朋友,忘你的朋友,恨你的朋友。 -----桑弗
真正的朋友,是一个灵魂孕育在两个躯体里。 ----亚里士多德
独学而无友,则孤陋而寡闻。 ----孔子
在智慧提供给整个人生的一切幸福之中,以获得友谊为最重要。 薄伽丘
人与人之间必须靠耐性来维持和谐,友谊有如一朵小花,必须靠双方小心的培育。 佚名
友谊好比一个分数,双方就是分子和分母。分子(分母)失去对方,分数值就化为乌有。 佚名
谁要在世界上遇到过一次友爱的心,体会过肝胆相照的境界,就是尝到了天上人间的欢乐。 罗曼.罗兰
世间最美好的东西,莫过于有几个头脑和心地都很正直的严正的朋友。 爱因斯坦
用不存成见的心情和人交往,才可以交到朋友。 罗兰
友谊,那是心灵的神秘的结合者,生活的美化者,社会的巩固者 罗伯特.布拉亥
讲到名望,荣誉、享乐、财富等,如果拿来和友谊的热情相比,这一切都不过是尘土而已。 达尔文
最好的朋友是那种不喜欢多说,能与你默默相对而又息息相通的人。 高尔基
除了一个真心的朋友之外,没有一样药剂是可以通心的。 培根
缺乏真正的朋友及是最纯粹最可怜的孤独;没有友谊则斯世不过是一片荒野。 培根
我们要能多得到深挚的友谊,也许还要多多注意自己怎样做人,不辜负好友们的知人之明。 邹韬奋
爱朋友,喜欢朋友,用诚意去对待朋友,但不要依赖朋友,更不要苛求朋友。能做到这几点,你才可以享受到交友的快乐。 罗兰
友情与事业代表着人生两大乐趣,而要想拥有这两大乐趣,一是要开朗,一是要勤劳。 罗兰
友情在我过去的生活里就像一盏明灯,照彻了我的灵魂,使我的生存有了一点点光彩。 ---巴金
和你一同笑过的人,你可能把他忘掉;但是一同和你哭过的人,你却永远不忘。 ---纪伯伦
海内存知已,天涯若比邻 。 -(唐)王勃 同是天涯沦落人,相逢何必曾相识。 -(唐)白居易 莫愁前....
海内存知已,天涯若比邻 。 -(唐)王勃 同是天涯沦落人,相逢何必曾相识。 -(唐)白居易 莫愁前路...
人生贵相知,何必金与钱 ----唐代李白《赠友人》诗之二 友谊是一种温静与沉着的爱,为理智所引导,习...
1、君子拙于不知己,而信于知己。——司马迁 2、在无利害观念之外,互相尊敬似乎是友谊的另一要点。——...
160.君子周而不比,小人比而不周。 ——孔丘 161.可与言而不与之言,失人;不可与言而与之言,失...
1、友谊绝不会忍受长期和频繁的忠告。 ——罗伯特·林德 2、友谊使欢乐倍增,悲痛锐减。——培根 3、...
海内存知已,天涯若比邻 。 -(唐)王勃 同是天涯沦落人,相逢何必曾相识。 -(唐)白居易 莫愁前路...
人生得一知已足矣,斯世当以同怀视之。 -鲁迅 找一个赞美你的朋友,不如找一个挑你刺的朋友。 -《当代...
第三方登录:同义词与词根记忆  1. important =crucial (extremely important),significant(amount or effect large enough to be important)   Sign=mark,表示“记号,信号”&
  signal n 信号  signalize v 通知;发信号(signal信号+ize)  assign v 分配;指定(as+sign→不断给人信号→指定)  assignment n 分配;指定(assign+ment)  signature n 签名;盖章(sign+ature→记号的东西→签名)  signet n 印,图章(sign+et做记号→图章)  signify v 表示;象征(sign+ify→用信号表示→象征)  significance n 重要;意义(sign+ific带有+ance→带有信号→[有]意义)  significant a 有意义的  consign v 委托;寄存(con共同+sign→共同做记号→把…委托[别人])  consignment n 交付;委托(consign+ment)  design n/v 计划;设计(de着重+sign→着重做记号→设计)  designate v 指示;指定(de+sign+ate→着重指定)  designation n 指定;任命(designate+ion)  ensign n 国旗;军舰旗(en内+sign→内部标志→国旗)  insignia n 徽章;标识(in内+sign+ia→内部标志物→国徽)  resign v 辞职;放弃(re再+sign→再做记号→再签字→[任职签一次],辞职签一次)  resignation n 辞职;听天由命  2.common=universal, ubiquitous(if something is ubiquitous, it seems to be everywhere)  Quit= free, 表示“自由”&
   quit v 停止,放弃(放弃[追求],获得自由)  quitclaim n 放弃权利(quit+claim宣告)  acquit v 开释,免罪(ac给予+quit→给予自由)  acquittal n 释放;还清(债)(acquit+t+al)  requite v 报答;报应(re回+quite自由,释放→回到自由状态→报答了[别人]恩惠)  requital n 报答,报应(requite+al)  ubiquitous a 无处不在的(ubi地方+quit+ous→自由地进入任何地方)  3.abundant=ample(enough and usually extra), plentiful(enough for people's needs and wants)   und = wave,表示“波动”
  abundant a 丰富的(ab加强+und+ant→[多得]象波浪一样→丰富的)  abundance n 丰富,富裕  undulate v 波动(und+ulate表动作+波动)  inundate v 泛滥,淹没(in进入+und+ate→进入波浪→淹没)  redundant a 多余的(red反复+und+ant→反复波动→多余的)  fecundity n 多产,富饶(fec做+und+ity→出产的[粮食]像波浪→富饶)  abund v 丰富,充满(ab+cund[=und]参考;abundant)  redound v 回流;起作用(red回+ound[=und]→波动回来→回流;产生影响)  ampl = large, 表示“大”
  ample a 宽大的;充足的  amplify v 放大,扩大(ampl+ify表动词→扩大)  amplitude n 广大,宽阔(ampl+itude表名词)  Ple,plen,plet, pli=full, fill,表示“满,填满”&   complement n 补足,补全(com全部+ple+ment→全部满→补足)  implement n 工具v.
完成;实施(im进+ple+ment→进入满→完成)  supplement n 增补,补充(sup在下面,次要+ple+ment→增加次要的心填满→增补)  plenty n 大量,丰富( plen+ty)  plentitude n 丰富,充足(plent+itude→满的状态→丰富)  deplenish v 倒空,弄空(de去掉+plen+ish→去掉满→倒空)  replenish v 再装满(re再+plen满+ish→再弄满)  replete a 充满的;吃饱的(re 再+plete→再满→吃饱)  complete a 完全的(com 全部+plete满→全满→完全的)  completion n 成就;圆满(com+plet+ion)  accomplish v 成就;完成(ac+com+pli+ish→全部弄满→完成)  accomplished a 有成就的,有造诣的(accomplish+ed)  compliment v 赞扬,恭维(com全部+pli+ment→[让人]+分满足→恭维[别人])  4.stick=adhere, cling(hold on something tightly)   ad-加在在单词或词根前,表示&做…,加强…  adapt适应(ad+apt能力→有适应能力)  adept熟练的(ad+ept能力→有做事能力→熟练的)  adopt收养;采纳(ad+opt选择→选出来→采纳)  adhere坚持(ad+here粘→粘在一起→坚持)  adjacent邻近的(ad+jacent躺→躺在一起→邻近的)  adjoin贴近;毗连(ad+join参加→参加在一起→贴近)  administrate管理;执行(ad+ministr部长+ate→做部长→管理)  admire羡慕(ad+mire惊奇→惊喜;羡慕)  adumbrate预示(ad+umbr影子+ate→[将来的]影子出现→预示)  adjust调整(ad+just+正确→弄正确→调整)   adventure冒险(ad+venture冒险)  admonish告诫,警告(ad+mon警告+ish→一再警告)  advent来临,来到(ad+vent来→来到)  5.neglect=ignore.(difference: neglect means someone has not paid enough at ignore means no attention.)   lect,lig= choose,gather表示“选择,收集”&
  collect v 收集,集中(col一起+lect→收到一起)  collection n 集合;收藏(collect+ion)  collective a 集体的(collect+ive→集中到一起→集体的)  elect v 选出,选举(e出+lect→选出)  election n 选举(elect+ion)  electorate n 全体选民(elector选举人+ate→全体选举人)  intellect n 智慧,智者(intel在…中间+lect→在中间选出的人→智者)  intellectual a 聪明的n.
知识分子(intellect+ual)  intelligence n 智力;聪明(intel在…中间+lig+ence→从中选出好的→智力)  neglect v 疏忽,轻视(neg没有+lect→没有选→疏忽)  negligence v 疏忽,过失(neg没有+lig+ence)  recollect v
回想起;振作(re重新+collect→[记忆]重新集中→回想到)  recollection n 回想,回忆(recollect+ion)  select v 选择(se分开+lect→选出来→选择)  selection
n 选择,精选(select++ion)  eligible a合格的,有资格的(e 出+lig+ibe→选出来的→合格的)  elegant a 高雅的;美好的(e出+leg[=lig]+ ant→选出的→好的,高雅的)  elegance n 优雅,漂亮(elegant的名词)  elite n 精英人物(e出+lite[=lig选]→选出的[人物]→精英人物)  gnos(t),gnor=know,表示“知道”&
  gnosis n 灵知(gnos+is)  diagnosis n 诊断(dia 穿过+gnos+is→穿过[身体]知道→诊断)  prognosis n 预测,诊断(pro在前+gnost+is→预先知道→预测)  prognostic a 预兆的n.征兆( pro+gnost+ic)  agnostic a 不可知论的(a不+ gnost+ic→不知道的)  ignore v 疏忽;不理睬(I不+geore→不知道→不理睬)  ignorance n 无知,愚昧(ignore+ance)  ignoramus n 不学无术的人(ignore无知+amus表示人或物→无知的人)  6.near=adjacent(twothings next to each other), adjoin(the same as adjacent)   7.pursue=woo(man woos woman, old-fashioned), seek(if you seek sth, you try to obtain it. FORMAL)   Secut,sequ= follow,表示“跟随”&
  persecute v 迫害(per始终+secute→从头跟到尾→迫害)  persecution n 迫害(per+secut+ion)  consecutive a 连贯的,连续的(con全部+secu+tive→一个接一个跟随)  consecution n 连贯,一致(con +secut+ion)  prosecute v 控告,起诉(pro在前+secute→跟随到[法官]前面→控告)  sequence n 连续(sequ+ence→跟随→连续)  sequential a 连续的(sequ+ent+ial)  consequence n 后果,结果(con共同+sequ+ence→随之而来的全部东西→后果)  subsequence n 随后发生(sub在后面+sequ+ence→随在后面的)  sequacious a 盲从的(sequ+acious多…的→跟随太多→盲从的)  sequacity n 盲从(sequ+acity)  obsequious a 谄媚的,奉承的(ob用力+sequ+ious→拼命跟随别人→谄媚的)  pursue v 追赶;追击  sue v 控告;向…求婚  The two parties disprove the theory of the other, but unite in persecute the dissenter.  Any consecutive set of descriptive clauses terminated by a period, written in the identification, environment, or procedure divisions of a COBOL program.   period还有句号的意思  8.accurate=precise(precise is exact and accurate in all details), exact(correct in every detail)   cur=care,表示“关心”&
  curious a 好奇的(cur+ioys….的→关心的,好奇的)  curiosity
n好奇的;奇品(curi+osity多的状态→关心多→好奇心)  curio n 古董(古董珍贵,被人关心)  secure a 安全的(sc分开+cure→不关心,不担忧→安全的)  security n 安全;证券(买长期证券通常有保障,所以security有证券一意)  cure v 医治,治疗(关心病人→治疗)  curable a 可治好的(cure+able能…的)  curative a 治病的,(药)有效的(cur+ative)  accurate a 准确的,精确的(ac+cur+ate→一再关心,弄精确为止)  accuracy n 正确,准确(ac+cur+acy)  procure v 取得;引起(por前面+cure→关心面前的东西→取得)  procuable a 可得到的(procure+abie)  procurement n 获得(procure+ment)  curator n (博物馆等)馆长(cur+ator人→关心照看者→馆长)  
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  10.top=peak, summit   sum,summ = add up ,表示“总,加”&
  sum n 总计 n.和  summit n
顶峰(summ+it表名词→山的顶峰像数量总和→一样→最高数量→最高峰)  summary n 摘要:大纲{summ+ary→内容总和→摘要)  summation n 总数(summ+ation)  summarize v 概括(summ+ar+ize)  consummate v 完成 a.完全的(con全部+summ+ate→全部总和→完全)  consummation
n 成就;极点(con+summ+ation)  11.competitor=rival, opponent(especially in sports and politics)   pon,
  component a 组成的n.
部分(com共同+pon+ent→共同的放到一起→组成的)  opponent v 对立的n.
对手(op反+pon+ent→反着放→对立的)  propone v 提议,提出(pro向前+pone→[把意思]向前放→提议)  proponent n 提议者(propone+ent)  exponent n 讲解者(ex出+pon+ent→把[内容]放出来→讲解)  compound n 化合物(com全部+pound放→全部放到一起→化合物)  postpone v 推迟(post 后+pone→向后放→推迟)  expound
v 详细说明(ex出+pound→把[意义]说出来→详细说明)  impound
v 把…围住;扣押( im进+pound→放进去→围住)  propound v 提出,提议(pro向前+pound→向前放→提出)  12.blame=condemn(if you condemn something, you say it is very bad and unacceptable)   demn=harm表示“伤害”
v 谴责,指责(com共同+demn→共同伤害→谴责)  condemnation n 谴责  indemnity n 赔偿(物)(in不+demn+ity→使不受损害→赔偿)  indemnify v 赔偿(in+demn+ify)  13.opinon=perspective, standpoint(means looking at an event or situation in a particular way)   per-  ① 表示“贯穿,自始至终”  perspective透视的(per+spect看+ive→看透了→透视的)  perennial全年的(per+ennial年→全年的)  perspire出汗(per+spire呼吸→全身呼吸→出汗)  permanent永久的(per+man拿住+ent→永久拿住→永恒的)  persist坚持(per+sist站→站到最后→坚持)  persuade劝说(per+suade劝→一直劝→劝说)  percussion敲打(per+cuss震+ion→震动→敲打)  perspicacious独具慧眼的(per+spic看+acious→全部看到→独具慧眼)  pernicious有害的,有毒的(per+nic毒+ious→有毒的)  perplexed困惑的(per+plex重叠+ed→全部重叠在一起→困惑了)  perforate打洞(per+forate打孔→打孔穿过→打洞)  permeate渗透(per+me走+ate→走过去→渗透过去)  ② 表示“假,坏”  perfidy不忠,背叛(per+fid相信+y→假相信→不忠诚)  perjury伪证,假誓(per+jur发誓+y→假发誓;参考:jury陪审团)  perfunctory 草率的(per+funct作用+ory→没起好作用→草率的)  perpetrate做坏事;犯罪(per+petr=patr父亲+ate→以父亲式态度对待别人→专横,做坏事)  pervert堕落,滥用(per+vert转→转向坏→堕落)  14.fame=prestige(describe those who are admired), reputation   put
  compute v 计算(com一起+pute→放到一起[想]→计算,思考)  computable a 计算得出的(compute+able)  computer n 计算机(compute+er)  dispute v 反驳(dis反+pute→过来思考→反驳)  disputable a 能反驳的(dispute+able)  disputatious a 好争论的(dispute反驳+atious→喜欢反驳的)  impute v 归咎于(im进+pute→把…放进思考中→归因于)  repute n 名声,名誉(re再+pute→再让人想起的东西→名声)  reputation n 名声(re+put+ation)  disrepute n 坏名声(dis不好+repute名声→名声不好)  15.build=erect(you can erect something as buildings, FORMAL), establish   rect=stright, right, 表示“正,直”&
  correct a 正确的(cor全部+rect→全部很正→正确的)  correctitude n 行为端正( correct+itude状态)  rectify v 改正(rect+ify…化→使…正直→改正[错误])  rectitude
n 诚实;正直;正确(rect+itude)  rectangle n 矩形(rect+angle角→[四个角]都是直角→矩形)  erect a 竖直a.
直立的(e 出+rect →直出来→竖直)  erection n 直立,竖立(erect+ion)  16.insult=humiliate(do something or say something which makes people feel ashamed or stupid)   sult=leap,表示“跳”
  assault v 进攻,攻击(as一再+sault=sult→一再跳起来→进攻)  desultory a 散漫的(de分散+sult+ory→没有目标的跳→散漫的)  exult v 欢腾,喜悦(ex出+sult跳→[高兴地]跳出来→欢腾)  insult v 侮辱(in进入+sult→踩到[别人的脸上]→侮辱[别人])  result n 结果(re反问+sult→反回来的东西→结果)  hum=earth,表示“土,地”&
  humble a 谦恭的;下贱的(hum+ble→接近地面→谦恭的)  humility n 谦让;低下(hum+ility状态→地的状态→低下)  humiliate v 羞辱,侮辱(hum+iliate使…使人到地上→羞辱别人)  humiliation n 耻辱(humiliate+ion)  inhume v 埋葬(in进入+hume→进入土中)  exhume v 掘出(ex 出+hume→出土→掘出)  posthumous a 死死的,遗腹的(post后+hum土,引申为死+ous→死后的)  hummock n 小圆丘(hum+mock圆丘→土丘)  human n 人类(传说人是由土造出的)  humane a 有人情的,仁爱的(humane+e→有人情的)  17.complain=grumble (complain something in a bad-tempered way)   18.primary=radical (very important and great in degree), fundamental   Prim= first,
   primacy n 主要地位;重要性(prim+acy)  primary a 最初的;根本的(prim+ary)  primitive a 原始的(prim+itive)  prime a 最初的,基本的  primer n 初级读本(prim+er→第一本书)  primeval a 早期的;远古的(prim+ev时代+al→最早的时代→远古的)  primogenitor n 始祖,祖先(primo+genit产生+or→最早产生的人→祖先)  I don't belong to the school of thought that favours radical change.
  Radical political views.
  Ted is a fire-eating radical.
  They called for a radical reform of our tax system.
  The talks are aimed at radical reductions in the level of weapons  19.relieve=alleviate(alleviate means you make pain or sufferings less intense or severe)   lev,live=raise,lighten,表示“提高,举起,变轻”&
  elevate v 举起,升高(e出+lev+ate→举出→升高)  elevator n 电梯,升降机(elevate+or)  lever n 杠杆(lev+er→举起[重东西]的东西→杠杆)  leverage
n 杠杆作用(lever+age状态;作用)  levitate v 使升在空中(lev+itate→使东西举起→升到空中)  levity n 轻浮(lev+ity )  levy
v 征税(lev+y→提高[收入]→征税)  alleviate v 减轻;缓和(al一再+levi+ate→不断轻→减轻)  relevant a 中肯的;有关的(re再→lev+ant→再举起→有关的)  irrelevant a 不相干的,不切题的(ir不+relevant)  relieve v 减轻;解除(re再+lieve→再轻→减轻)  relief n 减轻,轻松(re+lief[=live])  The court may have to levy on your estate to pay your debts.
  A payment exacted f an impost or a levy.
  The government levies a fine against the factories for polluting the air with smoke.
  The nation levied all able-bodied man for the war.  20.force=coerces into(coerce means you make someone do something s/he does not want to),compel   21.enlarge=magnify(magnify means make something larger than it really is)   22.complex=intricate(if something is intricate, it often has many small parts and details)   plex= fold,表示“重叠”  plexus n (神经、血管等)丛,网(plex+us)  complex a 复杂的(com共同+plex→全部重叠→复杂的)  complexity n 复杂性(complex+ity)  duplex a 二重的,双倍的(du二+plex→二次重叠→二重的)  complexion n 面色,表情(com全部+plex+ion→全部表情重叠于面部→面色)  perplex v 使复杂,迷惑( per从头到尾+plex→始终重叠→迷惑)  perplexed a 迷惑的(perplex+ed)  
  23. Lonely=solitary (if someone is solitary, there is no one near him/her)  Sol=alone,表示“单独”  sole
a 单个的n. 鞋底  solitary a 孤独的(sol+itary)  solitude n 孤独(sol+itude)  soliloquy
n 自言自语;独自(soli+loqu说+y→一个人说)  solo
n 独奏(唱)  desolate
a 荒凉的(de非常+sol+ate→非常单独→荒凉的)  desolation n 荒芜,荒凉(desolate+ion)  24.small=minuscule(very small), minute,  mini,min=small,表示“小”&
  minister n 仆人;部长(mini+ster→小人→古代大臣称自己是“小人”→部长,大臣)  administer v 管理,治理(ad+minister→做部长→管理)  administration n 行政,管理(administer+ation)  minify v 使…缩小(mini+ify→使…小)  minim n 微量,小量(mini+m)  minimize
v 使缩小到最少(minim+ize→使缩小)  miniature n 小型物;雏形(mini+ature东西→小东西)  diminish v 减少;缩小(di向下+min+ish→小下去→缩小)  minor a 较小的;较少的(min+or)  minority n 少数;未成年(minor小或少+ity→少的状态→少数)  minus v 减去(min+us→变少→减去)  minute n 一分钟a.
微小的,细微的(min+ute)  minutia n 细微末节(minute小+ia→小事件→琐事)  minuscule a极小的(min+uscule表形容词或名词→小的→极小的)  25.praise=extol(stronger than praise), compliment(polite and political)   The general was extolled as the man who had led the country to victory.
  He keeps extolling her goodness.
  Prais, preci= value, 表示“价值”  appraise v 评估(ap加强动作+praise→给以价值→评估)  appraisal n 评估,评价(appraise+al)  precious a 珍贵的(prec+ious→有价值的)  appreciate v 评价;欣赏(ap+prec+iate→给以价值→评价;欣赏)  appreciative a 有欣赏力的(appreciate+ive)  appreciable a 可估计的;可察觉到的(ap+prec+iable→能估计的)  depreciate v 降价,贬值(de去掉+prec+iate→去掉价值→贬值)  depreciation n 贬值;轻视(depreciate+ion)  26.hard-working=assiduous(someone who is assiduous works hard or does things very thoroughly   Sid=sit,表示“坐”  dissidence n 意见不同(dis分开+sid+ence→分开坐→意见不同)  dissident a 持不同意见的(dis+sid+ent)  reside v 居住(re再+side→再坐[之地]→居住)  residence n 居住;住宅(reside+ence)  preside v 主持(pre前面+side→在前面坐→主持)  president n 总统;校长(pre+sid+ent人→有前面坐的人→总统)  presidium n 主席团(preside+ium表示地方或团体→前面坐的团体)  subside v 沉淀;平息(sub下+side→坐下去→沉淀)  subsidiary a 补助的(sub下+sid+iary→坐在下面[帮助别人]→补助的)  subsidy n 补助金(sub+sid+y)  consider v 考虑(con共同+sider坐→坐在一起思考→考虑)  considerate a 考虑周到的(consider+ate)  insidious a 阴险的(in内+sid+ious→坐在内部的[坏人]→阴险的)  residue n 残余,余渣(re回+sidue→[不能用]重新坐回来→残余)  assiduous a 勤勉的,刻苦的(as一再+sid+uous→一再坐着[学习]→勤勉的)  sedate a 文静的(sed[=sid]+ate→坐着的→文静的)  sedulous a 勤勉的(sed+ulous多…的→坐得多的→勤勉的)  supersede v 代替,取代(super在上面+sede→坐到上面去→取代)  sedentary a 坐着的;久坐的(sed+ent+ary→坐着的)  The old professor had presided over a seminar for theoretical physicists.
  The hostess presided at table with tact and urbanity.
  Some people believe that the Fates preside over man's destiny.
  That insidious man bad-mouthed me to almost everyone else.   27.difficult=arduous(if something is arduous, it is difficult and tiring, and involves a lot of efforts)   rduous
['ɑ:dju s]
a. 费力的,辛勤的,险峻的  Negotiating a reduction in nuclear arms is a long and arduous undertaking.
  He mastered these words through the arduous consultation of the dictionary.
  Although the work was arduous, he finished it in a short time.
  It's an arduous task.
  名词:arduousness 副词:arduously  28.poor(soil)=barren, infertile(used to describe the soil is so poor that plants cannot be planted on it)   -ile   (1)表形容词,“…的”
  merchantile a 商人的(merchant商人)  servile a 奴性的(serv服务+ile)  juvenile a 青少年的(juven年轻+ile)  fertile a 肥沃的(fert带有;繁殖+ile)  infertile a 不毛的,不能生育的(in不+fertile)  tortile a 扭弯的(tort扭曲+ile)  ductife a 可塑的(duct引导+ile)  volatile a 挥发的;易变的(volat 飞+ile;参考:volation鸟的飞行能力)  senile a 年老的(sen老+ile;参考:senior年长的,高年级的)  (2)表名词,“物体”
  missile n 发射物,导弹(miss发送+ile)  projectile n 抛射物(project投射)  profile n 外形,轮廓(pro前面+file线条…前面的线条…轮廓)  domicile n 住宅(domic家+ile)  automobile n 汽车(auto自己+mob动+ile)  29.fragile=brittle, vulnerable(someone who is vulnerable is easily hurt emotionally or physically)  fract,frang=break,表示“打碎”&
  fraction n 部分;小片,分数(fract+ion)  fractional a 碎片的(fraction+al)  fractious a 易怒的,脾气坏的(fract+ious→碎的→脾气易碎)  fracture n 骨折;断裂(fract+ure→断的状态→骨折)  diffract v 分解(dif分开+fract →打碎分开→分解)  infraction n 违反,违背(in进入+fract+ion→打碎[法律]→违法)  refract v 折射(re回+fract→[光]打断回射→折射)  refraction n 折射作用(refract+ion)  refractory a 倔强的;不听话的(re 表否定+fract+ory→不能打碎→倔强的)  fragile a 易碎的(frang+ile能…的→能碎的)  fragility n 虚弱;脆弱(fragile+ity)  fragment
n 碎片;片断(frag+ment表名词)  suffrage n 投票,投票权(suf在下面+frage→打碎器皿庆祝胜利→表示赞成→投票)  suffragist n 赞成妇女参政者(suffrage+ist)  frail a 脆弱的(frail=fract打碎的→脆弱的)  frailty n 脆弱,意志薄弱(frail+ty)  30.show=demonstrate (to demonstrate a fact means tp make it clear to people.)   monstr=show, 表示“显示”
  monster n 怪物(显示出来的怪物)  monstrous a 巨大的;可怕的(来自monster)  demonstrate v 证明,表明(de加强+monster+ate→加强显示→证明)  demonstration n 证明;示威游行  remonstrate v 抗议,表示异议(re反+monstr+ate→显示反对→抗议)  remonstration n 抗议,反对  31.big=massive(large in size, quantity, or extent), colossal(use this word, you emphasize something’s large), tremendous(INFORMAL)   colossus n. 巨大,巨型雕像  Mozart is a colossus among composers.
a. 巨大的  It requires government spending on a colossal scale.
  32.avoid=shun(if someone shuns something, s/he deliberately avoid that something or keep away from it.)   uac uan uoid = empty,表示“空”
  vacuum n 空虚;真空(vac+uum表名词)  vacuous a 空虚的;无意义的  vacant a 空的;空闲的  vacate v 弄空;退出(vac+ate表动作→弄空)  vacation n 假期,休假(空出来不用干活)  evacuate v 腾空;清除;撤离(e出+vac+uate→空出去→撤空)  evacuation n 撤离,撤退  vanity n 空虚;虚荣心(van+ity→心里空空→虚荣心)  vanish v 不见,消失(van+ish→空空→消失了)  evanescent a 消失的;转瞬即逝的(e出+van+escent开始…..的→开始空出去→消失的)  evanescence
n 消失,幻灭  void
a 空的,n.空虚  avoid v 回避(a+void→空出来→回避)  avoidance n 避免;无效(avoid+ance)  unavoidance a 不可避免的(un不+avoid+able)  devoid a 无的,缺…..的(de加强意义+void→空的→无的)  Her artificial gaiety disguised an inner sadness.  She shows a spontaneous gaiety of manner.  Color flags added to the gaiety of the festival.  We all immersed in the gaiety of the Spring Festival.  The three most important events of human life are equally devoid of reason: birth, marriage, and death.
  Devoid of gladness and gaiety.
  The article is devoid of substantial matter.
  Dev frigid  The joy and moral stimulation of work no longer must be forgotten in the mad chase of evanescent profits.  asinine, fatuous, inane, mindless  void vacuous vacant   意思的区别  
  33.fair=impartial(someone who is impartial is able to give a fair opinion or decision on something.)   Part, port=part,
  partake v 参与;分享(part+take 拿→拿一部分→分享;参与)  partial a 部分的;有偏见的(part+ial)  impartial a 公正的(im无+partial有偏见的→无偏见的)  particle n 微粒,极少量(part+icle小东西→一小部分→少量)  particular a 特别的;各自的(part+icuar有…的→有自己的部分→特别的)  partition n 分开,划分(part+ition→[分成]部分)  partisan n 党徒;偏见者(parti[party党],一部分+san→党人→党徒)  apartment n 公寓(a+part+ment→[楼房]分出的一部分→公寓)  counterpart n 相对物;副本(counter相对应+part→对应的一部分→对应的人或物)  depart v 离开(de分开→part→部分分开→离开)  department n 部门;(大学)系(de下面+part+ment→下面的部分→部门;系)  impart
v 传授;告知(im进入+part→进入知识的一部分→传授)  impartible a 不可分的(im不+part+ible→不能分成部分的)  participate v 参加,参与(parti+cip进入+ate→进入一部分→参加)  partner n 合作伙伴(part+ner人)  portion n 部分,一般(port+ion→一部分)  apportion v 分配,分摊(ap成为+port+ion→把整体分成部分→分配)  proportion n 比例,成分(pro前面+port+ion→成分其中一部分→[所占]比例)  disproportional a 不成比例的(dis 不+proportion比例+al)  34.attack=assault(physically attack someone), assail (attack violently)  sal=leap,表示“跳”
  salient a 显著的,突出的(sal+lent→跳出来的→显著的)  assail v 攻击,进攻(as一再+sail[=sal]→一再跳起来→攻击)  resilient a 有弹性的(re重新+ail[+sal]+ient→能重新跳起来→有弹性的)  35.dislike=abhor(abhor means you hate something to a extreme extent for moral reasons), loathe(dislike very much)  hor(r)=shudder,dread,表示“颤抖,害怕”
  horrid a 可怕的  abhor v 憎恨(ab表示动作+hor→又怕又恨→憎恨)  abhorrent a 可恶的(abhor[r]+ent)  horrible a 可怕的(horr+ible)  horrify v 使恐怖(horr+ify→使人害怕)  36.ruin=devastate (it means damage something very badly, or utterly destroy it.)  39.always=invariably(the same as always, but better than always)  uari = uary, change ,表示“变化”
  variform a 有种种形态的(vari+form形状)  variable a 易变的(vari+able)  variance
n 变化;相异(vari+able)  various
a 不相同(ari+ous)  variegate v 弄成杂色;使多样化(vari+eg[=ag做]+ate→做出变化→弄成杂色)  variegation n 色彩班驳(variegate+ion)  prevaricate v 说谎;支吾;搪塞(pre预先+vari+cate→预先想好了变化之词→说谎)  40.forever=perpetual(a perpetual state never changes), immutable(something immutable will never change or be changed)  pet=seek,表示“追寻,寻求”&
  petition n 请愿,申请(pet+ition→追寻状态→请愿)  petitioner n 请愿者(petition+er)  appetite n 欲望;胃口(ap加强动作+pet+ite→一再追求→有胃口)  appetizer n 开胃食品(appet胃口+izer 东西)  centripetal a 向心的(centri中心+per+al→追求中心的)  compete v 竞争,竞赛(com共同+pete→共同追求[一个目标]→竞争)  competent a 资格的,能力的(compete+ent→竞争的[能力]→有资格的)  competence n 资格,能力(compete+ence→竞争的[能力]→资格)  competitive a 有竞争力的(compete+itive)  incompetent a 无能的(in无+competent有能力的)  impetus n 动力,冲动(im内+pet+us→内在的追求→冲动)  impetuous a 冲动的(impetus+ous)  perpetuate v 使永久,不朽(per全部,永久+pet+uate→追求永久)  perpetual a 永久的(per+pet+ual)  petulant a (脾气)暴躁的(pet+ulant多…的→追求太多,导致脾气不好)  propitiate v 获宠爱;抚慰(pro前+pit[=pet]+iate→追到前面去→获宠爱)  They offered sacrifices to propitiate the gods  propitious a 幸运的,吉祥的(pro前+pit+ious→在[别人]前面追到→幸运的)  They rejected his petition for naturalization.  Many subscribers' names are in the petition.
  They signed a petition in support of the workers' demands.
  They rejected his petition for naturalization.
  She petitioned her neighbor to turn down the radio.
  She filed a petition for divorce  central中心的  acentric 无中心的(a+centric中心的)  exocentric外向的,离心的(exo+centric中心的)  homocentric共心;同中心的(home+centric中心的)  subcentral接近中心的(sub+central中心的)  concentric同心的;同轴的;集中的(con共同+centric→同中心的)  concentrate集中;浓缩concentration集中;浓缩  centrifugal a 离心的(centri中心+fug+al→逃离中心的)  centripetal a 向心的(centri中心+per+al→追求中心的)  egocentric a 自我中心的(ego+centric中心的)  heliocentric a 以太阳为中心的(helio+centric中心的)  mut=
  mutable a 易变的(mut+able能…的→能变的)  mutability n 易变(mutable+ity)  mutate v 变化,变异(mut+ate→变化)  mutiny n 叛乱,兵变(mut+iny)  mutinous a 叛乱的(mutiny兵变+ous)  mutual a 相互的(mut+ual→你变我也变→相互的)  commute v 交换;坐公共交通车上下班(com共同+mute→和大家一起变动→坐公共车)  commutable a 可以交换的(commute变换+able→可变换的)  immutable a 不变的(im不+mut+able)  permute v 改变…次序(per全部+mute变→全部变→改变次序)  permutation n 改变;互换(permute+ation)  transmute v 使变形,使变化(trans横进去+mute变→变过去→变形)  
  The process by which some microbes differentiate or mutate.  commute the sentence  A commutable prison sentence  A pension is often commutable into a lump sum.  A pension is often commutable into a lump sum.
  Can we lump all these items together as incidental expenses'?
  Stir the sauce to prevent it lumping.
  The boys agreed to lump the expenses of their camping holiday.
  The oatmeal lumps if you don't stir it well.
  英英解释:  名词 lump:  a large piece of something without definite shape   同义词:hunk  a compact mass   同义词:ball, clod, glob, clump, chunk  abnormal protuberance or localized enlargement   同义词:swelling, puffiness  an awkward stupid person   同义词:lout, clod, stumblebum, goon, oaf, lubber, lummox, gawk  动词 lump:  put together indiscriminately   同义词:chunk  group or chunk together in a certain order or place side by side   同义词:collocate, chunk  
  col-,cor在同辅音词根前,表示&共同&  collaboration协作;合著(col+labor劳动+ation→共同劳动)  collocate并置,排列(col+loc地方+ate→放在同一地方→排列)  colingual用同一种语言的(col+lingu语言+al→同语言的)  collapse倒塌(col+lapse滑倒→全部滑倒→倒塌)  collate校对(col+late放→放到一起→校对)  collateral并列的,并行的(col+later边→al→周边的→并列的)  colleague同事(col+→league捆绑→捆绑在一起的人→同事)  collect收集(col+lect选择→放在一起选择→收集)  collegiate学院的; 学生的(col+legi读+ate→共同读书→学院的)  colloquial口语的(col+loqu说+ial→两人一起说→口语会话的)  collusion共谋,勾结(col+lus玩+ion→共同玩弄→共谋)  correct改正,纠正(cor+rect正→全部改正→纠正)  correspond通信;符合(cor+respond反应→共同反应→相互通信)  corrupt腐败的;变环的(cor+rupt断→全部断→变坏的,腐败的)  corrigible能够改正的(cor+rig改正+ible→全部改正的)  corroborate使坚固;证实(cor+robor力量+ate→用力量→证实)  
  It is better to say that it's a apt elusion of mentality to newly collate and stipulate personal status and value in eluding and a bit of sneering at ourselves rather than to say it's a standing against the tradition thought that the concept attitude tendency or called feeling above reveal.  Treasury everyday items shipped from storage inventory, warehouse inventory and collate regular supplies of custody maintained on the loading items from the storage site supervision and workers loading the command of the management and materials suppliers to ensure that day-to-day communication and coordination goods timely supply replenishment, and production departments determine the coordination of warehouse and in day-to-day management of the warehouse, warehouse personnel working arrangements, the warehousing of goods received accounts Jianzhang, documents, accounts and inventory management, stock statements inventory management and analysis, relevant statements of the plans and inventory reporting and production-oriented enterprise application software operation and maintenance of ERP.  
  41.surprise=startle(it means surprise you slightly), astound(surprise you to a large degree),astonish(the same as astound)  astound 使惊骇, 使大吃一惊 around=周围,st=街道;周围的树全被拔了,只剩下了街道让人大吃一惊  Can you overcome your shortcomings?  He was overcome with sadness.  She was overcome by despair .   She was overcome with grief.   He was overcome by the heat.  42.enthusiasm=zeal (a great enthusiasm), fervency (sincere and enthusiasm)  the(a)=god
表示“神”  theism n 有神论(the+ism主义,论)  monotheism  polytheism  atheism n 无神论(a无+theism)  theology n 神学(theo+logy学科)  theologian n 神学家(theo+log研究+ian)  pantheist n 泛神论者(pan泛+the+ist人)  theocracy n 神权政治(theo+cracy统治)  apotheosis n 神化(apo离开+theo+sis→离开人变成神→神化)  pantheon n 万神殿(pan泛,全部+theon→全部神在一起→万神殿)  enthusiasm n 热情(en进入+thus[theo神]+iasm状态→进入神的状态→热情)  ferv=boil,表示“沸,热”&
  fervid a 热情的,热烈的  perfervid a 十分热情的(per自始至终+fervid)  fervent a
热切的(ferv+ent)  fervor n 热烈,热情(rerv+or)  fervescent a 发热的(ferv+escent开始--的→开始热→退烧)  fervescence n 发热  defervesce v 退烧(de去掉+ferv+esce→去掉热)→退烧)  effervesce v 沸腾;冒泡(ef 出+ferv+esce→出热→沸腾)  effervescent a 沸腾的;热情洋溢的(effervese+ent)  After a moment Obsim reversed the process, causing an effervescent rush inside the tank as the brain revived.  zeal=ardor,表示”热心“
n 热心,一心一意  zealot n 热心者,狂热者(zeal+ot表示人,如;helot奴隶)  zealous a 热心的(zeal+ous)  jealous a 妒忌的(jeal[=zeal]+ous→对…热心而得不到,所以妒忌)  milit=soldier,表示“兵”
  militant a 好战的(ilit+ant)  military a 军人的,军队的(milit+ary)  militia n 民兵,义勇军(milit+ia)  militate v 产生(不利)影响(milit+ate→用兵[阻挡]→产生[不利]影响)  demilitarize v 解除武装(de去掉+milit+ar+ize→去掉战士→解除武装)  1.
Many factors militated against the success of our plan.  有很多因素妨碍了我们实现计画.  2.
Facts militate against this opinion.  事实不能说明这个论点。  3.
All this did not militate our success.  所有这些并不妨碍我们的成功。  4.
Several factors combined to militate against the success of our plan.  好几个因素合并在一起不利于我们计画的成功。  5.
The invisible powers of heaven seemed to militate on the side of the pious emperor.  来自天堂的无形力量似乎只在影响著虔诚帝皇的一方。  6.
The high risks involved in such a business venture militate against finding backers.  像这样的企业投资所冒的高度风险不利于找到赞助者。  7.
Some assert that aging's complexity will forever militate against the development of anti-aging therapies.  有些人断言,老化的复杂程度将永远不利于抗老化疗法的发展。  8.
While many forces are at work to facilitate intermarriage, others militate against it. This is particularly the case for African Americans.  尽管有许多力量在促进异族婚姻,也有因素在妨碍这一进程,对非洲裔美国人来说尤其如此。  9.
Old age: A diminished sense of taste and smell, loneliness, physical and mental handicaps, immobility, and chronic illness can militate against adequate dietary intake in the elderly.  老年人味觉和嗅觉减退、孤独、身体与精神障碍、不活动以及慢性疾病都会影响上老年人摄入足够的食物。  10.
But for a range of problems where free riding and public goods aspects militate against the spontaneous development of private organizations, it is important that the social benefits (and costs) are clearly known to the polity so that they will be undertaken by government organizations.  但是对于一系列问题来说,比如搭便车和公共品,它们会反对私有组织的自发形成,社会收益(和成本)对政党来说是很明确的,这很重要,那么他们将由政府组织来承担。  Partisan politics is often an obstruction to good government. Office politics are often debilitating and counterproductive.  ardent
a 热情的  arson
v 纵火  One cannot commit crimes with impunity.
  They tried to persuade her to commit perjury.
  The novelist makes his heroine commit suicide at the end of the book.
  I asked her what she thought, but she refused to commit herself.
  The magistrates committed him for trial at the Old Bailey.
  He would not commit himself in any way.
  She committed herself to philanthropy.
  The girl was committed to the care of an aunt.  
  43.quiet=tranquil(calm and peaceful), serene(calm and quiet)!  serenade 小夜曲  serene 安详的  serenity 晴朗;平静  44.expensive=exorbitant(it means too expensive that it should be)  Pend,pens, pond= weight, expend,
  expend v 花费(ex出+pend→花钱出去)  expenditure n 支出,开销(expend+iture)  expensive a 昂贵的(ex+pens+ive→要花钱的→昂贵的)  pension n 年金;养老金(pens+ion→用心花费的)  compensate v 赔偿;报酬(com全部+pens+ate→花费的钱全部[拿回来]→赔偿)  recompense v/n 回报,报答(re回+compense 报酬→回报)  dispense v 分配,分送(dis分开+pense→分开花费→分配,分送[财物])  dispensable a 可分配的;不重要的(dispense+able→能分送出去→不重要的)  indispensable  dispensary n 药房(dispense分配+ary场地→配药的地方)  propensity n 倾向;习性(pro前+pens+ity→重量偏向一边→倾向)  A propensity for being displeased with anything that is not perfect or does not meet extremely high standards.  Just how much corruption infects tertiary education is concealed by the propensity of some university management to breach statutory duties by not reporting it.  pensive a 思考的(pens+ive→称重量→衡量→思考)pensive mood  perpendicular adj/noun 垂直;垂直的(per 全部+pend)  ponder v 沉思(pond重+er→分出轻重→沉思)  ponderance n 重量;重要(ponder重+ance)  ponderous a 重的,笨重的(ponder重+ous)  pending adj. 悬而未决;待定  orbit=circle,表示“圆圈”   orbit n 轨道  orbital a 轨道的  exorbitant a 过分的,过度的(exhu +orbit轨道+ant→出轨的,过分的)  The practice of lending money and charging the borrower interest, especially at an exorbitant or illegally high rate.  exorcize v 驱除(坏事)(ex出+orc巫术,邪魔+ize)  And I write, hoping to exorcise some frustration.  
  45.luxurious=lavish(impressive and very expensive), sumptuous(grand and very expensive  lav,luv,lut=wash,表示“洗,冲洗”&
  lavish v 浪费a. 浪费的(lav+ish→冲掉→浪费)  lavatory n 洗手间(lav+atory场所→冲洗的地方→洗手间)  diluvial a大洪水的(di分开+luv+ial→冲开→水很大→大洪水的)  antediluvian a 远古的(ante前+diluvian大洪水的→大洪水前的→远古的)n老古董,比antique还要老的古董   ablution n 沐浴;净化(ab去掉+lut+ion→洗掉[脏东西]→沐浴)  dilute v 冲淡;稀释(di分开+lute→冲开→冲淡)  dilution n 冲淡;稀释物(dilute+ion)  dilutability n 可稀释度  diluent n/v 稀释;稀释药  diluant n 稀释剂  deluge v 大洪水;暴雨(de去掉+lug[=luv]+e→冲掉→暴雨)传说中的世界大洪水  sum, sumpt = take 表示“拿,取”&
  consume v 消费,吃光(con全部+sum+c→全部拿光→消费)  consumer n 消费者(consume消费+er人)  consuming a 消耗性的  assume a 承担;假装,假定(as加强动作+sum+e→拿往→承担[责任])  assumption n 假设,承担(as+sumpt+ion)  resume v 拿回;恢复(自由等)(re回+sun+e→拿回去,也可解释为重新拿起,继续)  reassume v 取回;再担任(re再+assume承担)  presume
v 假定;自以为是(pre预先+sum+e→预先拿往→假定)  presumption n 假定;冒昧(pre+sumpt+ion)  sumptuous a 奢侈的(sumpt+uous→[把钱]拿出去→奢侈的)  
  sumptuosity  n.  奢侈,奢华,昂贵,奢侈品
  A cylindrical surface or solid all of whose sections perpendicular to the elements are elliptical
  46.boring=tedious(if you describe something tedious, you mean it is boring and frustrating)  -ious表形容词,“…的”
  curious a 好奇的(cur关心+ious)  contagious a 传染的(con共同+tag接触+ious)  specious
a 似是而非的(spec看+ious…看上去是而实际不是)  impress  impassion  impressive  impassioned  spacious
a 宽敞的(spac空间+ious)  penurious a 贫困的;小气的(penury贫困+ious)  flirtatious
a 调情的(flirt调情+ate+ious)  euphonious a 悦耳的(eu美好+phon声音+ious)  parsimonious
a 小气的(parsi花费+mon警告,小心+ious…花钱小心…小气的)  parsimony n 小气,吝啬  tedious a 冗长沉闷的(ted厌倦+ious)  commodious a 宽敞的(commod舒适方便+ious)  1.
I'd like a specious room.  我要一间装饰漂亮的房间。  2.
Niko: Every room is very specious and comfortable.  妮可:每个房间都是这样的宽敞和舒适.  3.
With an area of 260sq. meters, it is specious and unique.  先声画廊空间宽敞独特,是由50年代德国建筑师的建筑改建而成。  4.
Also they cannot be sure what will happen to individual specious (species) of plants.  同时他们也不能确定那些独立物种的植物会发生什么。  5.
Outer design specious, line fluency, and the operator have the wide front/rear vision.  整车外型美观,线条流畅,驾驶员前后视野宽阔。  6.
He fences his doctrines with the specious plea that statesmen mustlive as the world lives.  他用似是而非的遁词为他的教义作辩护,说政治家必须象世人那样活著。  7.
Old building was torn open, old friend broadcast, the detail in memory is more and more specious.  老房子拆了,故人四散,记忆里的细节越来越似是而非。  8.
The force extend in the Gobi, and the unimaginable reason is a specious fashion show thousands miles far away .  暴力在戈壁滩上蔓延,而难以想象的原因竟然是一个千里之外高尚的时装发布会上。   9.
The acquisition of Trevor Ariza has loaded the team up at the three and frankly power forward is the squad's most specious position.  新引进的阿里扎是全队第3号大前锋,拥有全队最好的身体素质。  10.
Deluxe and elegant presidential suite is specious and bright . The international standardardized interview hall and meeting hall satisfy all your requirements.  豪华典雅的套房、宽敞明亮。国际标准的会见厅、会议厅,使您的要求无一不足。  11.
Additional of kind of material apply, the symbolic design of abstraction lets these Chinese style elements become ambiguous, specious, let popular feeling relax.  另类材料的运用,抽象化的符号设计让这些中式元素变得模糊,似是而非,让人心弛。  12.
The comfortable and specious conference room, which can accommodate 200people,is equipped with modern audio systems、VCD, projector and other specialized equipment.  舒适明亮的会议大厅能容纳200人,配备了最现代的音响系统、影碟机、投影仪等专业设备。  13.
The arguments that creationists use are typically specious and based on misunderstandings of (or outright lies about) evolution, but the number and diversity of the objections can put even well-informed people at a disadvantage.  创造论者使用的论证,一般而言都似是而非,而且源自对演化的误解,或者信口胡说,但是他们提出的反对意见,不仅数量多,而且五花八门,就算熟悉演化论的人也不易招架。  14.
If do away with a few specious traditions, make space of a few psychology and visual vacuum transition, jump from, false or true is applied, the space can magnify, just also escape likely the life form of those be dead as mutton.  假如破除一些似是而非的传统,将一些心理空间及视觉空间做转换、跳离、虚实运用,空间就会放大,也才有可能逃脱那些僵死的生活形态。  www.liang8.cn   15.
Turn head to consider, perhaps people shouldn't separate oneself and nature too far, several near thoroughly, this kind of blindfold break base a feeling knot will ruin perfect end-result of life, interfuse another a sort of specious of disconsolate. 回头想一想,人们也许不该将自己与大自然分开太远,几近彻底,这种盲目的断根情结只会毁掉生命完美的归宿,混入另一种似是而非的惘然。  16.
Arrive greatly adolescence, the blain of large area, ma Small arrive after manhood, now and then appearing blain blain affects integral figure, anyhow, what the occurrence of blain blain lets us is specious degree sell at a discount greatly.  大到青春期,大面积的痘痘,令皮肤惨不忍睹;小到成年后,偶然冒出的痘痘影响整体形象,总之,痘痘的出现让我们的外表美观度大打折扣。  17.
1 Perhaps his most difficult decision was the refusal, against the advice of weaker brethren in America and elsewhere, to bargain the security of the Western world by yielding to the specious Russian Offers of a face-saving accommodation at the expense of America's allies.  也许他最难作出决定的是,不顾国内外一些意志不那么坚强的同事们的劝告,不肯接受俄国人提出的以牺牲美国的盟友为代价的保全其面子的那种貌似有理的建议,而拿西方世界的安全来做买卖。  emuch.net   18.
Romantic, abound modelling and change, luxuriant, nobility has emotional appeal again, it is the reason that a lot of people like Europe type style admittedly, but if be gone after blindly modelling, dead move cover forcedly, also hard to avoid lets the home become bos is not foreign, specious.  浪漫、富于造型和变化,华丽、高贵又有情调,固然是很多人喜欢欧式风格的原因,但假如一味追求造型、死搬硬套,也难免让家变得不中不洋,似是而非。  19.
Abstract: This paper criticizes 4 specious propositions about current controversy on theory of value:(1)the proposition that labor is the only resource of value needn' (2) value is created by live labor, but distributed by ownerships o (3) value is determined in the process of production, but realize (4) value is a kind of social relationship, where there is no atom of use-value.  内容提要本文剖析了当前有关价值争论中的4个似是而非的命题:(1)劳动是价值的惟一源泉无需证明;(2)价值是由活劳动创造的,价值的分配是按生产要素所有权进行的;(3)价值是在生产过程中决定的,在流通中实现的;(4)价值是一种社会关系,其中不包含任何使用价值原子。  Press=
  pressing a 急迫的(press+ing)  pressure n 压力(press+ure)  compress v 压缩,缩短(com全部+press→全部压到一起)  compressible a 可压缩的(com+press+ible)  compression n 压缩,紧缩(com+press+ion)  depress v 压下;使沮丧(de向下+press→向下压→使情绪低下)  depressed a 感到压抑的(depress+ed)  depression n 沮丧;萧条(depress+ion)  express v 表达;特快(ex把[思想]挤出来→表达)  expression n 表达;表情(express+ion)  impress v 盖印;使感动(im进+press→压进去→盖印→印入头脑→感动)  impression n 印象;感想(impress+ion)  impressive a 给人深刻印象的(impress+ive)  oppress v 压迫,虐待(op加强动作+press→拼命压→压迫)  oppression n 压迫;苦难(oppress+ion)  repress v 镇压;抑制(感情)(re回+press→压回去→镇压)  suppress v 镇压;忍住(眼泪等)(sup下去+press→压下去→忍住)  suppression n 镇压,平定(suppress+ion)  Pass= felling, 表示“感情”&
  passion n 激情(pass+ion)  passive a 消极的,被动的(pass+ive→感情用事→被动的)  impassive a 冷漠的(im无+pass+ive→无感情的)  impassioned a 充满激情的(im进入+passion激情+ed→进入激情)  compassion n 同情(com共同+pass+ion→共同感情→同情)  patience n 耐心;忍受(par[=pass]+ience→感情,有感情就有耐心→耐心)  impatient a 不耐烦的(im+patient)  compatible a 和谐的,相容的(com共同+pat+ible→有共同感情的→相容的)  compatibility n 和谐共处(com+pat+ibility)  
  compatible with
  47.respect=esteem(if you esteem someone, you respect and admire him/her. FORMAL)  Spect, spic= look,
  aspect n 样子,容貌;方面(a加强意义+spect→看的东西→外表,容貌)  circumspect a 慎重的(circum周围+spect→看周围→小心的)  circumspection n 慎重;细心  expect v 期待,盼望(ex出+spect→看出去→期待)  expectation n 期待,希望(expect+ation)  inspect v 检查;视察(in内+spect→看进去→视察)  inspection n 视察;认真看(inspect+ion)  perspective n 看法;眼界;透视(per全部+spect+ive→全部看到→透视,看法)  prospect
n 展望,前景(pro向前+spect→向前看→展望)  prospective a 将来的(prospect前景+ive)  prospectus n 计划书;大纲(pro+spect+us→向前看的东西→大纲)  respect v/n 尊敬(re再+spect→再看[一眼]→尊敬)  respectable a 可敬的(respect+able)  respectful a 充满敬意的(respect+ful)  respective a 各自的(re回+spect+ive→回头看[自己]→各自的)  retrospect v 回顾,回想(retro向后+spect看→向后看→回顾)  retrospective a 回顾的;怀旧的  suspect v 怀疑(sus下面+spect→在下面看→怀疑)  suspicion n 怀疑(sus+spic+ion→在下面看→怀疑)  suspicious a 多疑的(sus+spic+ious)  spectacle n 奇观;状观;(spect+acle复)眼镜(spect+acle→看的东西→眼镜)  spectacular a 奇妙的;惊人的(spect+acular…的,来自spectacle奇观)  spectator n 观众,旁观者(spect+ator人→看的人→观众)  speculate v 思索;投机(spec+ulate→看准了→思考,投机)  speculation n 思索;投机(spec+ulate→看准了→思考,投机)  auspice n 吉兆,前兆(au鸟+spice→看到鸟[喜鹊]→吉兆)  auspicious a 吉兆的(auspice+ious)  conspicuous a 显眼的,引人注目的(con大家+spic+uous→大家都看见→显眼的)  despicable a 可鄙的(de向下+spic+able→向下看→看不起→可鄙视的)  despise v 轻视,看不起(spis=spic)  perspicacious a 有洞察力的(per全部+spic+acious…的→全部都看到的)  estim=value
(价值)  estimate
估计,估量  esteem
(尊敬)  estimable
  formidable adj.可怕的, 可畏的;难以应付的;丰富的; 强有力的  a man with a formidable appearance样子可怕的人  a formidable task难应付的工作  He has a formidable knowledge of English literature.他有丰富的英国文学知识。  Mr. Smith had formidable opposition to the proposal.史密斯先生强烈反对该建议。  
  48.worry=fret(if you fret about something, you worry about it)  1.
You are fretting yourself needlessly.  你是在不必要地折磨自己。  2.
Babies often fret (themselves) when their mothers are not near.  婴儿常常因母亲不在身边而哭闹.  3.
Fretting about it won't help.  发愁於事无补.  4.
Don't fret, we'll get there on time.  别著急, 我们能准时到那里.  5.
Don't fret away [out] your life.  别在烦恼中过日子。  6.
Don't fret away your life.  别在烦恼中过日子。  7.
You must not fret yourself about it.  你不要为它而使你自己感到焦躁不安。  8.
Don' we'll get there on time.  不要感到焦躁不安,我们会准时到那里。  9.
You need not fret yourself about that.  你不必为那件事自寻烦恼。  10.
Don't let sorrow fret away your courage.  别让忧愁消磨掉你的勇气。  11.
Don'everything will be all right.  别发愁,一切都会好的。  12.
Don't fret if you are a newbie at hosting.  如果你在招待客人方面没经验,不要担心。  13.
Fret for your car.  材料为你的车.  14.
The less you fret,  烦恼就越少。  15.
You had better not fret about your mistakes.  你最好不要为你的错误而烦恼。  16.
Many students fret over their college entry exam.  很多学生都很担心他们的大学入学考试。  17.
Don' everything will be all right.  不要烦躁不安,每件事情都会很顺利的。  shangyanshu.bokee.com   18.
Those nervously inclined see plenty of reason to fret.  那些紧张地做准备的人有足够的理由坐立不安。  19.
Do not fret at train' it will arrive here soon.  火车迟到不要焦急,他很快就到了。  20.
Problems are here to stay, but there's no need to fret!  麻烦是会找上门来,但也毋需焦躁!  21.
New Zealanders fret that their currency has risen too far.  新西兰人忧虑本国货币升值过度。  22.
Yet the Chinesecontinue to fret about the Needham question.  至今中国仍然被李约瑟问题所困扰。  23.
Yet the Chinese continue to fret about the Needham question.  那时中国仍然被李约瑟难题困扰着。  24.
Worry and fret and irritation are emotions which serve no purpose.  担担忧、烦恼和愤怒是不起任何作用的情感。  25.
Nativists fret about America's inability to secure its own borders.  本土主义者抱怨美国对自己边境管理的无能。  26.
Do not fret because of evildoers, Be not envious toward wrongdoers.  诗37:1〔大卫的诗。〕不要为作恶的、心怀不平、也不要向那行不义的、生出嫉妒。  27.
And if private investors fret, central banks may well pick up the slack.  即使私人投资人担忧,那些中央银行也会多买入,成为缓冲。  28.
Molly : Don't fret. Most big hotels have at least two western restaurants.  莫莉:别担心,大多数大饭店最少有两家西餐厅。  29.
Refrain from anger do not fret-it leads only to evil.  当止住怒气,离弃忿怒;不要心怀不平,以致作恶。  30.
Cease from ang D it leads only to evildoing.  诗37:8当止住怒气、离弃忿怒.不要心怀不平、以致作恶。  49.cold=chilly(unpleasantly cold), icy(extremely cold)  50.hot=boiling(very hot)  boiler 锅炉,汽锅  boiling 沸腾,煮沸  boiling and melting point apparatus 沸点及容点计  51.dangerous=perilous(very dangerous, hazardous(dangerous, especially to people's safety and health)  per=try,表示“尝试”  peril
危险(per+il→尝试→冒险)  perilous a 危险的(peril+ous)  empiric n 经验主义者(em出+pri[=per]+ic→从尝试出来→经验)  empirical a 靠经验办事的(empiric+al)  empiricism n 经验主义( empiric经验主义者+ism)  experience n 经验,经历(ex出+per+ience→尝试出来的东西→经验)  experiment n 实验(ex出+per+I+ment)  52.nowadays=currently  53.only=unique(the only one of its kind),  un,uni=one,表示“单一,一个”  unity n 单一;一致(uni+ty)  unitarianism n 一元论(unit+arian…的+ism论)  unite v 团结,合并  bisunite v 分离;分裂(dis分开+unite→团结的分开→分裂)  unify v 统一(uni+fy)  unification n 联合(uni+fic+ation)  uniped a 独脚的(uni+ped叫)  unique a 独特的(uni+que表形容词→单一的→独特的)  unison n 和谐(uni+son声音)  unanimity n 一致,同意(un[=uni]+anim生命+ity→一个生命→一致)  unanimous a 全体一致的(un+anim+ous)  unifoliate a 单叶的(uni+foli树叶+ate→单个树叶的)  uniform a 同样的,一致的(uni+form形状)  uniformity n 一致性(uniform+ity)  unilateral a 单方面的(uni+later边+al→单边的→单方面的)  54.stop=cease(if something ceases, it stops happening or existing)  55.part=component(the components of something are the parts that it is made of)  56.result=consequence(the results or effects of something)  57.obvious=apparent, manifest  par, pear=come in sight,表示“看见”
a 显而易见的(ap+par+ent→一再能看见→显而易见)  transparent a 透明的;明白的(trans穿过+par+ent→穿过去能看见→透明的)  transparency
n 透明度  appear v 出现(ap+pear→看见了→出现了)  disappear v 消失(dis不+appear出现→不出现→消失)  man,
maun= hand,表示“手”&
  manage v 办理;管理(man+age→用手做→引申为管理)  manacle n 手铐;束缚(man+acle东西→手上的东西→手铐)  manual a 手工的n。手册(man手+ual)  maneuver n 运用,操纵(man+enver劳动→用手劳动→操纵)  manifest
a 明显的v表明;证实(mani+fest打击→用手打出→不隐藏→表明)  manipulate v 巧妙处理;操纵(mani+pul一捆+ate→同时用手做一堆事情→巧妙处理)  manuscript n 手稿(manu手+script写→手写→手稿)  manufacture v/n制造;加工(manu+ fact做+ure→用手做→制造)  manumit v 解放;释放(manu+mit放→把手放了→释放)  maintain v 保持,维持(main[=man手]+tain拿→用手拿住→保持)  -o
  tyro n 新手(来自拉丁文tiro,新手)  maestro n 音乐大师(maestro+master)  impresario n &(娱乐圈的)经理人(impresar,意大利语,意为管理)&  virtuoso n 艺术大师(virtuous有美德的)  bravo n 歹徒(brav勇敢)  mangifico n 高官,贵人(magn 大+ific+o)  fresco n 壁画(fresc+fresh新鲜的…指画在墙上的画鲜艳)  tornado n 龙卷风(torn=turn转→转的风)  curio n 古董(curi好奇,关心+O)  patio n 庭院;平台(pat平坦的)  dynamo n 发电机(dynam力量)  motto n 座右铭(mot动…行动之指南)  relievo n 浮雕(relieve浮现)  volcano n &火山(volcan来自Vulcan,罗马神话中的火神)&  gusto n 嗜好(gust趣味,爱好)  fiasco n 大惨败(意大利词,原意为易碎的瓶子)  manifesto n 宣言,声明(manifest显示,证明)  58.play truant=play hookey=cut class  60.quite=fairly  61.pathetic=lamentable(very uncomfortable and disappointing)   path=feeling,
  pathos n 悲哀(path痛苦+os表名词)  pathetic a 可怜的;动情的(path+exit→动感情的)  antipathy n 反感(anti反+pathy→反感情)  apathy n 冷淡,漠不关心(a 无+pathy→无感情)  apathetic a 冷漠的(a+path+etic)  sympathy n 同情,怜悯(sym共同+pathy→共同感情→同情)  pathology n 病理学(path+o+logy学科→病的学科→病理学)  psychopath n 精神病人(psycho精神+path→精神病人)  electropathy n 电疗法(electro电+pathy→用电治病→电疗)  om-,con-表示&共同&  combine联合,结合(com+bine捆→捆在一起→结合)  compassion同情(com+passion爱国者→同胞)  compatriot同胞(com+patriot动→大家一起动→动乱)  commend赞扬;推荐(com+mend信任;命令→大家信任→赞扬;参考;recommend)  commemorate纪念(com+memor记住+ate→大家一起记住→纪念)  commensurable相等的,相称的(com+mensur测量+able→能放在一起的测量→相等的)  comparison比较(com+pari平等+son→一起平等→比较)  compact紧密的;合同(com+pact压紧→全部压紧→紧密的)  comfort安慰(com+fort加强→[精神]强大→安慰)  commodious宽敞的(com+mod动+ious→共同动→有动的地方→宽敞的)  compete比赛(com+pete追求→一起追→比赛)  component成分(com+pon放+ent→放到一起[的东西]→成分)  compress压缩(com+press压→一起压→压缩)  concentric同中心的(con+centric中心的)  contemporary同时代的(con+tempor时间+ary→同时间的)  conclude结束;总结(con+clude关闭→全部关闭→结束)  confirm坚定;证实(con+firm坚定)  condense凝结;浓缩(con+dense 浓密的)  consolidate巩固,加强(con+solid坚固+ate→成为大家的财产→没收)  Conflict冲突(con+flict打→一起打斗→冲突)  Confluence汇流(con+flu流+ence→共同流→汇流)  Congregate集合的,聚集的(con+greg集合+ate→集合到一起→聚集的)  Console安慰(con+sole安慰→一起安慰)  62.field=domain(a particular field of thought, activities or interest)  63.appear=emerge(come into existence)  merg, mers= sink,表示“沉,没”&
v 浮现,出现(e出+merge→沉的东西出现→浮现)  emergence n 浮现,出现(emerge+ence)  emergency n 突然事件(emerge+ency→[突然]出现的事情)  immerge v 沉入,浸入(im进入+merge→沉进去→沉入)  submerge v 沉入,沉入水中(sub在下面+merge→沉到下面去)  merge v 合并,融合(沉下→融为一体→合并)  emersion n 浮现,出现(e出+mers+ion→沉下又出现→浮现)  immerse
v 沉浸(in进+merse→沉进去→沉浸)  submersion n沉没(sub在下面+mers+ion,submerge的名词)  submersed a 在水下的,生于水下的(sub下面+mers+ed)  64.whole=entire(the whole of something)  tir=draw,表示“拉”
  entire a 完整的,完全的(en进+tir→拉进去→不遗留在外→完整的)  retire v 退休;撤退(re回+tir+e→拉回去→退休)  retired a 退休的;隐退的  tirade n 很长的演说(tir+ade→把[话]拉长→很长的演说)  attire v 打扮,穿着(at强调动作+tir+e→[把衣服]拉直→打扮)  65.wet=moist(slightly wet), damp(slightly wet), humid(very damp and hot)  66.wrong=erroneous(incorrect or partly correct)  err=wander,mistake,表示“漫游,犯错误”&
  err v 犯错  error n 错误(err+or)  errant a 漫游的;错误的(err+ant)  erratum n
正误表(err+atum表名词→[改正]错误的东西)→正误表)  erroneous a 错误的(err+oneous…的→错误的)  erratic a 古怪的n. 怪人(err+atic→[被人认为]错误的→古怪的)  aberrant a 越轨的;异常的(ab离开+errant错误的→离开[正确]走向错误→越轨的)  aberration n &越轨;失常(aberrant,后缀ant换成ation)&  inerrancy n 无错误(in无+err+ancy→无错误)  67.difficult=formidable  formidable adj.可怕的, 可畏的;难以应付的;丰富的; 强有力的  a man with a formidable appearance样子可怕的人  a formidable task难应付的工作  He has a formidable knowledge of English literature.他有丰富的英国文学知识。  Mr. Smith had formidable opposition to the proposal.史密斯先生强烈反对该建议。  form=shape,表示“形状”   formal a 正式的,正规的(form+al)  formalism n 形式主义(formal正式的+ism)  formality n 正式礼仪(formal+ity性质→正式性质→礼仪)  formation n 形成;培养(form+ation→形成形式)  formula n 公式;信条( form+ula表名词→形成的东西→公式)  formulate v 公式化;系统陈述(formula+ate→成公式)  conform v 使一致;遵从(con共同+form_→形式共同→一致)  conformity n 一致,相符(conform+ity)  deform v 使残废;变形(de坏+form→使形状坏→使残废)  deformed a 畸形的(deform+ed)  deformation n 畸形;丑化(deform+ation)  inform v 通知,告知(in进+form→进入形式→正式通知)  information n 信息,情报(inform+ation→通知的东西→信息)  informative a 见多识广的(inform+ative→有信息的)  multiform a 多形状的(multi多+form→多形式的)  reform v 改革,改造(re再次+form→再形成→改造)  transform v 变形;改造(trans变+form→变形)  transformation n 转变,变形(transform+ation)  uniform a一致的;n. 制服(uni一个+form→一种形状→一致的)  uniformity n 一致性(uniform+ity)  perform v 执行(任务);表演(per完全,彻底+form形状→从头到尾做出形状→表演  performance n 表现;表演(perform+ance)  68.change=convert(change into another form)  ver,ert=turn,表示“转”
  verse n 诗歌,韵文(转着反复说的话→诗歌)  versed a 熟练的(会写诗歌,表示对语言运用的熟练)  version n 翻译;译文(vers+ion→从原文转出来→译文)  versatile a 多功能的;多才的(玩的转→有才能的)  versatility n 多才多艺  vertical a 垂直(vert+ical[下垂的东西])  avert v 避开(a离开+vert→转开→避开)  adertise v 做广告(at一再+vert+ise→转来转去做广告)  advertisement n 广告  convert v 转化;改造(con共同+vert→共同转→转化)  conversion n 转化;(宗教的)改变  incconvertible a 不能转化的(in不+convert转化+ible)  unconverted a 不变的,不悔改的(un不+convert转化+ed)  controvert v 反驳;攻击(contro相反+vert→相反转→反驳)  controversy n 争论;议论  incontrovertible a 不容争论的 (in不+controvervtt反驳+ible→不容反驳的)  sivert v 转向;消遣(di偏离+vert转偏离→转向)  diversion n 转向;娱乐  invert v 翻过来,倒转(in进+vert→转进去→倒转→倒置)  pervert v 颠倒;曲解(per全部+vert→全部转→颠倒)  revert v 恢复原状(re回+ert→转回来→恢复)  reversion n 恢复原状  averse a 反感的(a坏+vers+e→往坏转→反感的)  aversion n 反感  adverse a 逆反;不辛  adversary n 敌手,对手(ad+ers逆反+ary人→逆反之人→对手)  anniversary n 周年纪念日(fanni年+vers+ary→一年转一次→纪念日)  converse v 谈话,交际(con共同+vers+e→[两个齿轮对着]一起转→相反)  conversation n 谈话  conversant a亲近的(con共同+vers+ant→在一起转的→亲近的)   diverse a 不同的(di分开+vers+e→转开了→不同的)  diiversify v 多样化(di分开+vers+ify)  diversity n 多样性  inverse a 翻转的(in进+vers+e→转进去→翻转的)  malversation n 贪污;渎职(mal坏vers+ation→转坏了→做官做坏→贪污)  peverse a 性情乖张的(per全部+vers+e→和大家[反着]转→乖张的)  perversity n 性情乖张的  reverse v 颠倒,逆转a.相反的(re反+verse→反着转→颠倒)  irreversible a 不能改变的(ir不+re+vers+i


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