
关公关公1蝶恋花春满园月季财神赵公明奔马宝马送福报喜图花鸟图秋实扇面画国色天香关公 关公1 蝶恋花 春满园 月季 财神赵公明 奔马 宝马送福 报喜图 花鸟图 秋实 扇面画 国色天香
三胜咨询 - 中国领先的投资咨询机构
13:58:53  来源:解放日报  http://www.china1baogao.com/
"应加快《学前教育法》立法,明确政府对学前教育,包括0-3岁幼托的兜底责任,完善监管措施。针对上海某亲子园涉嫌虐待幼儿事件,上海市长宁公安分局9日通过官方微博发布消息称,警方控制了4名工作人员"... "从我国实践看,短时期内全面实施基础养老金的统收统支,恐怕会有比较大的难度。因此,先行建立中央调剂金制度不失为一种务实举措。十九大报告做出了我国社会主要矛盾变化的新论断,人民日益增长的美好生活"... "随着《创新中国》第一季“我的路”在北京举行首映,环球网记者采访了该片出品人之一李开复。当谈及技术创业时,李开复表示,高科技创业只是所有创业的冰山一角,只占5%,另外95%的创业应该要更接地气"... "10月10日,中共中央政治局委员、中央书记处书记、中宣部部长刘奇葆参观“最美中国人——庆祝中国共产党第十九次全国代表大会胜利召开大型主题美术作品展”,强调广大美术工作者要深入学习贯彻习近平总"...
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09-05-20 &匿名提问
转载; 商朝殷虚的遗址中挖出的陶片、陶罐包括很多种款式,有灰陶、黑陶、红陶、彩陶、白陶,以及带釉的硬陶,这些陶器上的纹饰、符号、文字与殷商时代的甲骨文和青器有密切的关系。青器的成本高只能为贵族享用,广大民众的各种生活器皿只能采用陶器。因此可以了解商代制陶工艺也得到普遍的发展,带釉的硬陶在这个时期已经出现了,釉色青绿而带褐黄,胎质比较硬,呈灰白色。    陶器在此时已经不在局限於盛物器皿,应用范围较广,大略可分为日用品类、建筑类、殉葬类、祭祀礼器类。朝廷对於制陶工作也很重视。    ●●秦汉时期陶瓷文化    秦汉-古代的建筑多采用木料来架构,不易久存,所以一些伟大的建筑,如秦代的阿房宫和汉代的未央宫,都无法完整保存下来,但仍可在残存的废墟中发现瓦当及汉砖等遗物,藉以略窥古代建筑的规模。   ●●● 隋唐朝时期的陶瓷文化    西元五百八十九年,杨坚篡北周并南陈,统一中原,改国号为隋,隋的朝代虽短,但在瓷器烧制上,却有了新的突破,不但有青瓷烧造,白瓷也有很好的发展,另外此时在装饰手法上也有了创新,如在器物上另外的泥片—贴花,就是一例。    唐朝时期的陶瓷文化    到了唐代,瓷器制作可为以蜕变到成熟的境界,而跨入真正的瓷器时代。因为陶与瓷的分野,在乎质白坚硬或半透明,而最大的关键在於火烧温度。汉代虽有瓷器,但温度不高,质地脆弱只能算是原瓷,而发展到唐代,不但釉药发展成熟,火烧温度能达到摄氏一千度以上,所以我们说唐代是真正进入瓷器的时代。唐代最著名的窑为越窑与邢窑。    ●●●●五代十国时期的陶瓷文化    这个时期较为有名的是后周世宗的柴窑,以天青色为主,世宗评为「雨过天晴云破处、者般颜色作将来」,所以有「雨过天晴青」的美称。陶路上记载「青如天、明如镜、薄如纸、声如磬」,可略知其制作精美。    越窑到了五代,一度成为吴越王钱氏的御用器皿,臣庶不得享用,因此当时又称为「秘色窑」,皆属於青瓷的制造。    ●●●●●宋朝时期的陶瓷文化—集瓷器之大成    后周赵匡胤夺取政权,建立宋朝定都开封,历史上称为北宋。宋代的陶瓷氏我国的鼎盛时期,「宋瓷」也是闻名世界。定窑、汝窑、官窑、哥窑、钧窑为五大名窑,形制优美,高雅凝重,不但超越前人的成就,即使后人仿制也少能匹敌。    ●●●●●●元朝时期陶瓷文化    元代入主中原九十一年,瓷业较宋代为衰落,然而这时期也有新的发展,如青花和釉里红的兴起,彩瓷大量的流行,白瓷成为瓷器的主流,釉色白 泛青,带动以后明清两代的瓷器发展,得到很高的成就。    ●●●●●●●明朝时期陶瓷文化    我国的陶艺发展到了明代又进入一个新的旅程,明代以前的瓷器以青瓷为主,而明代之后以白瓷为主特别是青花、五彩成明代白瓷的主要产品,而景德镇更成为主要的窑厂,规模最大,一直延续明清两代五、六百年而不衰,描写当时盛况为「昼间白烟掩空,夜间红焰烧天」。    永乐轩德时期为青花瓷器的早期,虽然比不上甜白、脱胎的精致,但由於苏泥渤青钴料的输入使用,使这时期的青花大放异彩;画工的艺术修养很高,利用青料的散晕,作末骨花卉的笔法,产生水墨的趣味;有的利用线条上不同浓淡,产生活泼的变化,显得更为生动有力。元代以来回教的输入也给此时带来丰富的图案,加上中国绘画的运用,布局内容清晰明朗,感觉出他的雄浑古朴。    成化、正德为青花瓷的中期,此时苏泥渤青已用完,改用平等青,色淡比不上苏青的浓郁,更无散晕水墨效果,所以另外朝著加彩或细致的表现方面发展,绘画手法力求精练,细描匀染,加上白瓷薄胎,达到精致的目标。    嘉靖、万历年间为青花瓷之晚期,回青的使用,给嘉靖诸窑带来盛况,色彩浓艳而强烈。此时产量较大,并由荷兰船运往欧洲。    万历年间有名的五彩、斗彩、成为后世彩瓷发展的基础,甚至日本伊万里古瓷也是根据这时期的斗彩发展出来,「万历彩」也就在史上成名。同时又有红地黄彩、蓝地黄花、红地青花、黄地青花五彩、描红等等各式彩磁及前代各窑之大成,图案更是千变万化、增加许多。    明代开始,窑址都趋於集中在景德镇,无论官窑或民窑都偏向於彩绘瓷器,宋瓷前都以单色釉为主,而明代后走入了彩绘世界,瓷胎也趋向薄、细、白的 求,在坯身上记住款式也从此开始,年代、堂号、人名都有,使研究考据有更确实的辨认。    ●●●●●●●●清朝时期陶瓷文化    清朝中国瓷器可谓登峰造极。数千年的经验,加上景德镇的天然原料,督陶官的管理,清朝初年的康熙、雍正、乾隆三代,因政治安定,经济繁荣,皇帝重视,瓷器的成就也非常卓越,皇帝的爱好与提倡,使得清初的瓷器制作技术高超,装饰精细华美,成就不凡,是悠久的中国陶瓷史上最光耀灿烂。    清代陶瓷生产,除以景德镇的官窑为中心外,各地民窑都极为昌盛兴隆,并得到很大的成就,尤其西风渐进,陶瓷外销,西洋原料及技术的传入,受到外来影响,使陶瓷业更为丰富而多采多姿,也由於量产及仿制成风,画院追求工细纤巧,虽有惊人之作,但少创意而流於匠气。    福建省德化白瓷,莹白而带透明感,生产佛像相当有名。清代中期,外销陶瓷发展出来的广彩,艳丽照人。    ■■陶瓷的分类??陶瓷器根据其使用的粘土、长石、硅石等原料及配合比例的不同,可分为半瓷器、硬质陶器、瓷器、硬质瓷器等几种。其它还有用石灰石代替长石的石灰质陶器,用白云石代替长石的白云石陶器,用骨灰代替长石的骨灰瓷器等等。??一般来说,烧制的方法可分为两种:一是最初在700~800℃的温度下进行素烧,素烧后上釉,然后再在℃的温度下进行烧制;另一种方式是先在高温℃下进行烧制,然后上釉再以900~1000℃的温度进行烧制。??瓷器上釉后再进行绘画装饰的方法称为釉上彩(700~800℃)上釉前进行绘画的方法称为釉下彩(℃)。??我国的陶瓷装饰丰富多彩,富有民族风格和艺术特色。如果按照艺术特点和表现手法来分门别类,则可以归纳为五大类。  ■■■陶瓷装饰  雕塑类 颜色釉类 釉上彩绘类 釉下彩绘类 贵重金属类  刻花、剔花、堆花、镂花、浮雕、塑造 结晶釉、裂纹釉、砂金釉、无光釉、流釉色坯 古彩、新釉、粉彩、广彩;印花、喷花、刷花、贴花 青花、五彩、釉黑红、贴花 亮金、磨光金、腐蚀金、本金、贴花??如按其使用价值来划分,则又可分为艺术陶瓷装饰法和日用陶瓷装饰法二种,这二种装饰在具体方法的运用上,无严格的区别,但它们各自所呈现的装饰效果,却有着非常明显的差异。  方法 艺术陶瓷装饰法 日用陶瓷装饰法  工艺要求 复杂 简单  技术难度 高 低  装饰效果 千姿百态、变幻莫测、有的产品被视为稀世珍品 容易控制,产品规格规范化标准化程度高,要求更新快  产品和市场需求情况 效果相同的产品少,市场需求量少,一般都作为陈设的艺术品 效果相同的产品能满足市场的需要,需求量大,是人们日常生活的必需品  ■■■■古陶瓷鉴别  古陶瓷的鉴别,传统的方法是指通过眼,耳、手去观察,分析,以对瓷器的烧造年代、窑口、质量、品类年代做出准确的判断。初涉陶瓷收藏的人,要学习和了解陶瓷发展史的基础知识,以便对古陶瓷器进行鉴别。我国有几千年的陶瓷制造历史,历代流传的陶瓷文物浩如烟海,每个时期的陶瓷在胎土、釉色、器型、装饰、工艺、色彩等方面都有不同的特点和风格。只要我们刻苦学习,认真实践,对第一件陶瓷器仔细推敲,认真辨别,就能知真假,少上当。  陶瓷是火和泥的艺术,陶瓷器的要素是胎骨、器型、釉色、装饰、色彩、工艺等。各种陶瓷器分别都有它的发明创烧时期,胎土、器型的变化以及釉色、装饰、色彩、工艺的改革创新都有它的成功期和普及期。这个创烧期就是它时代的上限。一件古陶瓷器在釉色、器型、装饰、色彩、工艺等其中一项上限年代最晚的,就是这件陶瓷断代的上限,这是一条不可违背的原则 。鉴定的依据为:  1、胎骨。随着粉碎、淘洗、烧结技术的不断提高,胎骨的质量也不断提高。早期的胎土没有粉碎,淘洗也不干净,烧成温度只有800度左右,所以胎土杂质多,疏松、吸水率高,强度差。商至东汉中期制陶业开始第一次飞跃,原始瓷出现,烧成温度是1000度左右,吸水率和强度介于陶器与瓷器之间。东汉晚期至南北朝瓷器发明,烧成温度是1200度左右。元代景德镇开始普遍采用瓷石加高岭土的&二元配方&,使瓷器烧成温度进一步提高,同时也减少了瓷器在烧制过程中变形。我们在鉴别陶瓷器时要善于根据通顺骨的烧结度来判断年代。同时,也要注意到各个地方就地取土为胎和偏远地区杂窑工艺技术滞后的现象。  2、器型。自从人类发明陶器至今,各类器型根据各个时代人们的生活、生产的需要和社会群体审美观的变化而不断变化发展。如果我们能对各个朝代的各种器型变化都了如指掌,我们在鉴定的时候就能稳操胜券  从商、周、秦汉比较单一的器型发展到现在梅瓶、盘口瓶、冲瓶、天球瓶、象耳瓶、玉壶春瓶、柳叶瓶、凤尾瓶、转心瓶等。每一种瓶型都有一个首先创烧的朝代,各个时期的瓶身、瓶嘴、肢线等都会发生变化。有些变化是明显的,有些变化是细微的。谙熟这些演变的规律,就能比较准确鉴别瓶类的真伪和准确断定它的年代。  3、釉色。自从商周的上釉原始瓷和秦汉的单色釉发明以来,颜色釉发展到今天已经有100多种,每种颜色釉都有它的出生日期和年龄。我们应该熟悉每种釉色的发明产生朝代,重点掌握划时代的几种釉色,如低温铜釉绿、铜红、钴蓝、高温青釉、绿釉、霁蓝、霁红、黄釉、黑釉、褐釉、茶叶末釉等等,并且要熟悉各种釉的演变发展。如:由霁蓝演化出的雪花蓝、洒蓝等,由霁红演变来的宝石红、郎窑红、豇豆红等。各种颜色釉都会派生新的釉色,各种色釉的叫法由于是口耳相传,民间叫法比较混杂,我们要多查阅资料,再根据其胎骨、器型、工艺、光泽确定其年代。
R Shang Yin virtual pottery excavated ruins, including a variety of pottery styles, there are灰陶, black pottery, terracotta, pottery, white pottery, as well as with the hard ceramic glaze, the decoration on the pottery, symbols, text with the Shang Dynasty Oracle and Green devices are closely related. Green's only for the noble high cost of access to the general public a variety of life can only be used pottery containers. Understanding of the Shang Dynasty ceramics can also be a general process of development, with a hard glaze pottery in this period there have been, brown glaze with green and yellow, hard胎质comparison, was off-white. R Shang Yin virtual pottery excavated ruins, including a variety of pottery styles, there are灰陶, black pottery, terracotta, pottery, white pottery, as well as with the hard ceramic glaze, the decoration on the pottery, symbols, text with the Shang Dynasty Oracle and Green devices are closely related. Green's only for the noble high cost of access to the general public a variety of life can only be used pottery containers. Understanding of the Shang Dynasty ceramics can also be a general process of development, with a hard glaze pottery in this period there have been, brown glaze with green and yellow, hard胎质comparison, was off-white. R Shang Yin virtual pottery excavated ruins, including a variety of pottery styles, there are灰陶, black pottery, terracotta, pottery, white pottery, as well as with the hard ceramic glaze, the decoration on the pottery, symbols, text with the Shang Dynasty Oracle and Green devices are closely related. Green's only for the noble high cost of access to the general public a variety of life can only be used pottery containers. Understanding of the Shang Dynasty ceramics can also be a general process of development, with a hard glaze pottery in this period there have been, brown glaze with green and yellow, hard胎质comparison, was off-white. R Shang Yin virtual pottery excavated ruins, including a variety of pottery styles, there are灰陶, black pottery, terracotta, pottery, white pottery, as well as with the hard ceramic glaze, the decoration on the pottery, symbols, text with the Shang Dynasty Oracle and Green devices are closely related. Green's only for the noble high cost of access to the general public a variety of life can only be used pottery containers. Understanding of the Shang Dynasty ceramics can also be a general process of development, with a hard glaze pottery in this period there have been, brown glaze with green and yellow, hard胎质comparison, was off-white. R Shang Yin virtual pottery excavated ruins, including a variety of pottery styles, there are灰陶, black pottery, terracotta, pottery, white pottery, as well as with the hard ceramic glaze, the decoration on the pottery, symbols, text with the Shang Dynasty Oracle and Green devices are closely related. Green's only for the noble high cost of access to the general public a variety of life can only be used pottery containers. Understanding of the Shang Dynasty ceramics can also be a general process of development, with a hard glaze pottery in this period there have been, brown glaze with green and yellow, hard胎质comparison, was off-white. R Shang Yin virtual pottery excavated ruins, including a variety of pottery styles, there are灰陶, black pottery, terracotta, pottery, white pottery, as well as with the hard ceramic glaze, the decoration on the pottery, symbols, text with the Shang Dynasty Oracle and Green devices are closely related. Green's only for the noble high cost of access to the general public a variety of life can only be used pottery containers. Understanding of the Shang Dynasty ceramics can also be a general process of development, with a hard glaze pottery in this period there have been, brown glaze with green and yellow, hard胎质comparison, was off-white. R Shang Yin virtual pottery excavated ruins, including a variety of pottery styles, there are灰陶, black pottery, terracotta, pottery, white pottery, as well as with the hard ceramic glaze, the decoration on the pottery, symbols, text with the Shang Dynasty Oracle and Green devices are closely related. Green's only for the noble high cost of access to the general public a variety of life can only be used pottery containers. Understanding of the Shang Dynasty ceramics can also be a general process of development, with a hard glaze pottery in this period there have been, brown glaze with green and yellow, hard胎质comparison, was off-white. R Shang Yin virtual pottery excavated ruins, including a variety of pottery styles, there are灰陶, black pottery, terracotta, pottery, white pottery, as well as with the hard ceramic glaze, the decoration on the pottery, symbols, text with the Shang Dynasty Oracle and Green devices are closely related. Green's only for the noble high cost of access to the general public a variety of life can only be used pottery containers. Understanding of the Shang Dynasty ceramics can also be a general process of development, with a hard glaze pottery in this period there have been, brown glaze with green and yellow, hard胎质comparison, was off-white. R Shang Yin virtual pottery excavated ruins, including a variety of pottery styles, there are灰陶, black pottery, terracotta, pottery, white pottery, as well as with the hard ceramic glaze, the decoration on the pottery, symbols, text with the Shang Dynasty Oracle and Green devices are closely related. Green's only for the noble high cost of access to the general public a variety of life can only be used pottery containers. Understanding of the Shang Dynasty ceramics can also be a general process of development, with a hard glaze pottery in this period there have been, brown glaze with green and yellow, hard胎质comparison, was off-white. R Shang Yin virtual pottery excavated ruins, including a variety of pottery styles, there are灰陶, black pottery, terracotta, pottery, white pottery, as well as with the hard ceramic glaze, the decoration on the pottery, symbols, text with the Shang Dynasty Oracle and Green devices are closely related. Green's only for the noble high cost of access to the general public a variety of life can only be used pottery containers. Understanding of the Shang Dynasty ceramics can also be a general process of development, with a hard glaze pottery in this period there have been, brown glaze with green and yellow, hard胎质comparison, was off-white. R Shang Yin virtual pottery excavated ruins, including a variety of pottery styles, there are灰陶, black pottery, terracotta, pottery, white pottery, as well as with the hard ceramic glaze, the decoration on the pottery, symbols, text with the Shang Dynasty Oracle and Green devices are closely related. Green's only for the noble high cost of access to the general public a variety of life can only be used pottery containers. Understanding of the Shang Dynasty ceramics can also be a general process of development, with a hard glaze pottery in this period there have been, brown glaze with green and yellow, hard胎质comparison, was off-white. R Shang Yin virtual pottery excavated ruins, including a variety of pottery styles, there are灰陶, black pottery, terracotta, pottery, white pottery, as well as with the hard ceramic glaze, the decoration on the pottery, symbols, text with the Shang Dynasty Oracle and Green devices are closely related. Green's only for the noble high cost of access to the general public a variety of life can only be used pottery containers. Therefore to understand the Shang Dynasty ceramic technology has been generallyR Shang Yin virtual pottery excavated ruins, including a variety of pottery styles, there are灰陶, black pottery, terracotta, pottery, white pottery, as well as with the hard ceramic glaze, the decoration on the pottery, symbols, text with the Shang Dynasty Oracle and Green devices are closely related. Green's only for the noble high cost of access to the general public a variety of life can only be used pottery containers. Understanding of the Shang Dynasty ceramics can also be a general process of development, with a hard glaze pottery in this period there have been, brown glaze with green and yellow, hard胎质comparison, was off-white. R Shang Yin virtual pottery excavated ruins, including a variety of pottery styles, there are灰陶, black pottery, terracotta, pottery, white pottery, as well as with the hard ceramic glaze, the decoration on the pottery, symbols, text with the Shang Dynasty Oracle and Green devices are closely related. Green's only for the noble high cost of access to the general public a variety of life can only be used pottery containers. Understanding of the Shang Dynasty ceramics can also be a general process of development, with a hard glaze pottery in this period there have been, brown glaze with green and yellow, hard胎质comparison, was off-white. R Shang Yin virtual pottery excavated ruins, including a variety of pottery styles, there are灰陶, black pottery, terracotta, pottery, white pottery, as well as with the hard ceramic glaze, the decoration on the pottery, symbols, text with the Shang Dynasty Oracle and Green devices are closely related. Green's only for the noble high cost of access to the general public a variety of life can only be used pottery containers. Understanding of the Shang Dynasty ceramics can also be a general process of development, with a hard glaze pottery in this period there have been, brown glaze with green and yellow, hard胎质comparison, was off-white. R Shang Yin virtual pottery excavated ruins, including a variety of pottery styles, there are灰陶, black pottery, terracotta, pottery, white pottery, as well as with the hard ceramic glaze, the decoration on the pottery, symbols, text with the Shang Dynasty Oracle and Green devices are closely related. Green's only for the noble high cost of access to the general public a variety of life can only be used pottery containers. Understanding of the Shang Dynasty ceramics can also be a general process of development, with a hard glaze pottery in this period there have been, brown glaze with green and yellow, hard胎质comparison, was off-white. R Shang Yin virtual pottery excavated ruins, including a variety of pottery styles, there are灰陶, black pottery, terracotta, pottery, white pottery, as well as with the hard ceramic glaze, the decoration on the pottery, symbols, text with the Shang Dynasty Oracle and Green devices are closely related. Green's only for the noble high cost of access to the general public a variety of life can only be used pottery containers. Understanding of the Shang Dynasty ceramics can also be a general process of development, with a hard glaze pottery in this period there have been, brown glaze with green and yellow, hard胎质comparison, was off-white. R Shang Yin virtual pottery excavated ruins, including a variety of pottery styles, there are灰陶, black pottery, terracotta, pottery, white pottery, as well as with the hard ceramic glaze, the decoration on the pottery, symbols, text with the Shang Dynasty Oracle and Green devices are closely related. Green's only for the noble high cost of access to the general public a variety of life can only be used pottery containers. Understanding of the Shang Dynasty ceramics can also be a general process of development, with a hard glaze pottery in this period there have been, brown glaze with green and yellow, hard胎质comparison, was off-white. R Shang Yin virtual pottery excavated ruins, including a variety of pottery styles, there are灰陶, black pottery, terracotta, pottery, white pottery, as well as with the hard ceramic glaze, the decoration on the pottery, symbols, text with the Shang Dynasty Oracle and Green devices are closely related. Green's only for the noble high cost of access to the general public a variety of life can only be used pottery containers. Understanding of the Shang Dynasty ceramics can also be a general process of development, with a hard glaze pottery in this period there have been, brown glaze with green and yellow, hard胎质comparison, was off-white. R Shang Yin virtual pottery excavated ruins, including a variety of pottery styles, there are灰陶, black pottery, terracotta, pottery, white pottery, as well as with the hard ceramic glaze, the decoration on the pottery, symbols, text with the Shang Dynasty Oracle and Green devices are closely related. Green's only for the noble high cost of access to the general public a variety of life can only be used pottery containers. Understanding of the Shang Dynasty ceramics can also be a general process of development, with a hard glaze pottery in this period there have been, brown glaze with green and yellow, hard胎质comparison, was off-white. R Shang Yin virtual pottery excavated ruins, including a variety of pottery styles, there are灰陶, black pottery, terracotta, pottery, white pottery, as well as with the hard ceramic glaze, the decoration on the pottery, symbols, text with the Shang Dynasty Oracle and Green devices are closely related. Green's only for the noble high cost of access to the general public a variety of life can only be used pottery containers. Understanding of the Shang Dynasty ceramics can also be a general process of development, with a hard glaze pottery in this period there have been, brown glaze with green and yellow, hard胎质comparison, was off-white. R Shang Yin virtual pottery excavated ruins, including a variety of pottery styles, there are灰陶, black pottery, terracotta, pottery, white pottery, as well as with the hard ceramic glaze, the decoration on the pottery, symbols, text with the Shang Dynasty Oracle and Green devices are closely related. Green's only for the noble high cost of access to the general public a variety of life can only be used pottery containers. Understanding of the Shang Dynasty ceramics can also be a general process of development, with a hard glaze pottery in this period there have been, brown glaze with green and yellow, hard胎质comparison, was off-white. R Shang Yin virtual pottery excavated ruins, including a variety of pottery styles, there are灰陶, black pottery, terracotta, pottery, white pottery, as well as with the hard ceramic glaze, the decoration on the pottery, symbols, text with the Shang Dynasty Oracle and Green devices are closely related. Green's only for the noble high cost of access to the general public a variety of life can only be used pottery containers. Understanding of the Shang Dynasty ceramics can also be a general process of development, with a hard glaze pottery in this period there have been, brown glaze with green and yellow, hard胎质comparison, was off-white. R Shang Yin virtual pottery excavated ruins, including a variety of pottery styles, there are灰陶, black pottery, terracotta, pottery, white pottery, as well as with the hard ceramic glaze, the decoration on the pottery, symbols, text with the Shang Dynasty Oracle and Green devices are closely related. Green's only for the noble high cost of access to the general public a variety of life can only be used pottery containers. Therefore to understand the Shang Dynasty ceramic technology has been generallyR Shang Yin virtual pottery excavated ruins, including a variety of pottery styles, there are灰陶, black pottery, terracotta, pottery, white pottery, as well as with the hard ceramic glaze, the decoration on the pottery, symbols, text with the Shang Dynasty Oracle and Green devices are closely related. Green's only for the noble high cost of access to the general public a variety of life can only be used pottery containers. Understanding of the Shang Dynasty ceramics can also be a general process of development, with a hard glaze pottery in this period there have been, brown glaze with green and yellow, hard胎质comparison, was off-white. R Shang Yin virtual pottery excavated ruins, including a variety of pottery styles, there are灰陶, black pottery, terracotta, pottery, white pottery, as well as with the hard ceramic glaze, the decoration on the pottery, symbols, text with the Shang Dynasty Oracle and Green devices are closely related. Green's only for the noble high cost of access to the general public a variety of life can only be used pottery containers. Understanding of the Shang Dynasty ceramics can also be a general process of development, with a hard glaze pottery in this period there have been, brown glaze with green and yellow, hard胎质comparison, was off-white. R Shang Yin virtual pottery excavated ruins, including a variety of pottery styles, there are灰陶, black pottery, terracotta, pottery, white pottery, as well as with the hard ceramic glaze, the decoration on the pottery, symbols, text with the Shang Dynasty Oracle and Green devices are closely related. Green's only for the noble high cost of access to the general public a variety of life can only be used pottery containers. Understanding of the Shang Dynasty ceramics can also be a general process of development, with a hard glaze pottery in this period there have been, brown glaze with green and yellow, hard胎质comparison, was off-white. R Shang Yin virtual pottery excavated ruins, including a variety of pottery styles, there are灰陶, black pottery, terracotta, pottery, white pottery, as well as with the hard ceramic glaze, the decoration on the pottery, symbols, text with the Shang Dynasty Oracle and Green devices are closely related. Green's only for the noble high cost of access to the general public a variety of life can only be used pottery containers. Understanding of the Shang Dynasty ceramics can also be a general process of development, with a hard glaze pottery in this period there have been, brown glaze with green and yellow, hard胎质comparison, was off-white. R Shang Yin virtual pottery excavated ruins, including a variety of pottery styles, there are灰陶, black pottery, terracotta, pottery, white pottery, as well as with the hard ceramic glaze, the decoration on the pottery, symbols, text with the Shang Dynasty Oracle and Green devices are closely related. Green's only for the noble high cost of access to the general public a variety of life can only be used pottery containers. Understanding of the Shang Dynasty ceramics can also be a general process of development, with a hard glaze pottery in this period there have been, brown glaze with green and yellow, hard胎质comparison, was off-white. R Shang Yin virtual pottery excavated ruins, including a variety of pottery styles, there are灰陶, black pottery, terracotta, pottery, white pottery, as well as with the hard ceramic glaze, the decoration on the pottery, symbols, text with the Shang Dynasty Oracle and Green devices are closely related. Green's only for the noble high cost of access to the general public a variety of life can only be used pottery containers. Understanding of the Shang Dynasty ceramics can also be a general process of development, with a hard glaze pottery in this period there have been, brown glaze with green and yellow, hard胎质comparison, was off-white. R Shang Yin virtual pottery excavated ruins, including a variety of pottery styles, there are灰陶, black pottery, terracotta, pottery, white pottery, as well as with the hard ceramic glaze, the decoration on the pottery, symbols, text with the Shang Dynasty Oracle and Green devices are closely related. Green's only for the noble high cost of access to the general public a variety of life can only be used pottery containers. Understanding of the Shang Dynasty ceramics can also be a general process of development, with a hard glaze pottery in this period there have been, brown glaze with green and yellow, hard胎质comparison, was off-white. R Shang Yin virtual pottery excavated ruins, including a variety of pottery styles, there are灰陶, black pottery, terracotta, pottery, white pottery, as well as with the hard ceramic glaze, the decoration on the pottery, symbols, text with the Shang Dynasty Oracle and Green devices are closely related. Green's only for the noble high cost of access to the general public a variety of life can only be used pottery containers. Understanding of the Shang Dynasty ceramics can also be a general process of development, with a hard glaze pottery in this period there have been, brown glaze with green and yellow, hard胎质comparison, was off-white. R Shang Yin virtual pottery excavated ruins, including a variety of pottery styles, there are灰陶, black pottery, terracotta, pottery, white pottery, as well as with the hard ceramic glaze, the decoration on the pottery, symbols, text with the Shang Dynasty Oracle and Green devices are closely related. Green's only for the noble high cost of access to the general public a variety of life can only be used pottery containers. Understanding of the Shang Dynasty ceramics can also be a general process of development, with a hard glaze pottery in this period there have been, brown glaze with green and yellow, hard胎质comparison, was off-white. R Shang Yin virtual pottery excavated ruins, including a variety of pottery styles, there are灰陶, black pottery, terracotta, pottery, white pottery, as well as with the hard ceramic glaze, the decoration on the pottery, symbols, text with the Shang Dynasty Oracle and Green devices are closely related. Green's only for the noble high cost of access to the general public a variety of life can only be used pottery containers. Understanding of the Shang Dynasty ceramics can also be a general process of development, with a hard glaze pottery in this period there have been, brown glaze with green and yellow, hard胎质comparison, was off-white. R Shang Yin virtual pottery excavated ruins, including a variety of pottery styles, there are灰陶, black pottery, terracotta, pottery, white pottery, as well as with the hard ceramic glaze, the decoration on the pottery, symbols, text with the Shang Dynasty Oracle and Green devices are closely related. Green's only for the noble high cost of access to the general public a variety of life can only be used pottery containers. Understanding of the Shang Dynasty ceramics can also be a general process of development, with a hard glaze pottery in this period there have been, brown glaze with green and yellow, hard胎质comparison, was off-white. R Shang Yin virtual pottery excavated ruins, including a variety of pottery styles, there are灰陶, black pottery, terracotta, pottery, white pottery, as well as with the hard ceramic glaze, the decoration on the pottery, symbols, text with the Shang Dynasty Oracle and Green devices are closely related. Green's only for the noble high cost of access to the general public a variety of life can only be used pottery containers. Therefore to understand the Shang Dynasty ceramic technology has been generallyR Shang Yin virtual pottery excavated ruins, including a variety of pottery styles, there are灰陶, black pottery, terracotta, pottery, white pottery, as well as with the hard ceramic glaze, the decoration on the pottery, symbols, text with the Shang Dynasty Oracle and Green devices are closely related. Green's only for the noble high cost of access to the general public a variety of life can only be used pottery containers. Understanding of the Shang Dynasty ceramics can also be a general process of development, with a hard glaze pottery in this period there have been, brown glaze with green and yellow, hard胎质comparison, was off-white. R Shang Yin virtual pottery excavated ruins, including a variety of pottery styles, there are灰陶, black pottery, terracotta, pottery, white pottery, as well as with the hard ceramic glaze, the decoration on the pottery, symbols, text with the Shang Dynasty Oracle and Green devices are closely related. Green's only for the noble high cost of access to the general public a variety of life can only be used pottery containers. Understanding of the Shang Dynasty ceramics can also be a general process of development, with a hard glaze pottery in this period there have been, brown glaze with green and yellow, hard胎质comparison, was off-white. R Shang Yin virtual pottery excavated ruins, including a variety of pottery styles, there are灰陶, black pottery, terracotta, pottery, white pottery, as well as with the hard ceramic glaze, the decoration on the pottery, symbols, text with the Shang Dynasty Oracle and Green devices are closely related. Green's only for the noble high cost of access to the general public a variety of life can only be used pottery containers. Understanding of the Shang Dynasty ceramics can also be a general process of development, with a hard glaze pottery in this period there have been, brown glaze with green and yellow, hard胎质comparison, was off-white. R Shang Yin virtual pottery excavated ruins, including a variety of pottery styles, there are灰陶, black pottery, terracotta, pottery, white pottery, as well as with the hard ceramic glaze, the decoration on the pottery, symbols, text with the Shang Dynasty Oracle and Green devices are closely related. Green's only for the noble high cost of access to the general public a variety of life can only be used pottery containers. Understanding of the Shang Dynasty ceramics can also be a general process of development, with a hard glaze pottery in this period there have been, brown glaze with green and yellow, hard胎质comparison, was off-white. R Shang Yin virtual pottery excavated ruins, including a variety of pottery styles, there are灰陶, black pottery, terracotta, pottery, white pottery, as well as with the hard ceramic glaze, the decoration on the pottery, symbols, text with the Shang Dynasty Oracle and Green devices are closely related. Green's only for the noble high cost of access to the general public a variety of life can only be used pottery containers. Understanding of the Shang Dynasty ceramics can also be a general process of development, with a hard glaze pottery in this period there have been, brown glaze with green and yellow, hard胎质comparison, was off-white. R Shang Yin virtual pottery excavated ruins, including a variety of pottery styles, there are灰陶, black pottery, terracotta, pottery, white pottery, as well as with the hard ceramic glaze, the decoration on the pottery, symbols, text with the Shang Dynasty Oracle and Green devices are closely related. Green's only for the noble high cost of access to the general public a variety of life can only be used pottery containers. Understanding of the Shang Dynasty ceramics can also be a general process of development, with a hard glaze pottery in this period there have been, brown glaze with green and yellow, hard胎质comparison, was off-white. R Shang Yin virtual pottery excavated ruins, including a variety of pottery styles, there are灰陶, black pottery, terracotta, pottery, white pottery, as well as with the hard ceramic glaze, the decoration on the pottery, symbols, text with the Shang Dynasty Oracle and Green devices are closely related. Green's only for the noble high cost of access to the general public a variety of life can only be used pottery containers. Understanding of the Shang Dynasty ceramics can also be a general process of development, with a hard glaze pottery in this period there have been, brown glaze with green and yellow, hard胎质comparison, was off-white. R Shang Yin virtual pottery excavated ruins, including a variety of pottery styles, there are灰陶, black pottery, terracotta, pottery, white pottery, as well as with the hard ceramic glaze, the decoration on the pottery, symbols, text with the Shang Dynasty Oracle and Green devices are closely related. Green's only for the noble high cost of access to the general public a variety of life can only be used pottery containers. Understanding of the Shang Dynasty ceramics can also be a general process of development, with a hard glaze pottery in this period there have been, brown glaze with green and yellow, hard胎质comparison, was off-white. R Shang Yin virtual pottery excavated ruins, including a variety of pottery styles, there are灰陶, black pottery, terracotta, pottery, white pottery, as well as with the hard ceramic glaze, the decoration on the pottery, symbols, text with the Shang Dynasty Oracle and Green devices are closely related. Green's only for the noble high cost of access to the general public a variety of life can only be used pottery containers. Understanding of the Shang Dynasty ceramics can also be a general process of development, with a hard glaze pottery in this period there have been, brown glaze with green and yellow, hard胎质comparison, was off-white. R Shang Yin virtual pottery excavated ruins, including a variety of pottery styles, there are灰陶, black pottery, terracotta, pottery, white pottery, as well as with the hard ceramic glaze, the decoration on the pottery, symbols, text with the Shang Dynasty Oracle and Green devices are closely related. Green's only for the noble high cost of access to the general public a variety of life can only be used pottery containers. Understanding of the Shang Dynasty ceramics can also be a general process of development, with a hard glaze pottery in this period there have been, brown glaze with green and yellow, hard胎质comparison, was off-white. R Shang Yin virtual pottery excavated ruins, including a variety of pottery styles, there are灰陶, black pottery, terracotta, pottery, white pottery, as well as with the hard ceramic glaze, the decoration on the pottery, symbols, text with the Shang Dynasty Oracle and Green devices are closely related. Green's only for the noble high cost of access to the general public a variety of life can only be used pottery containers. Understanding of the Shang Dynasty ceramics can also be a general process of development, with a hard glaze pottery in this period there have been, brown glaze with green and yellow, hard胎质comparison, was off-white. R Shang Yin virtual pottery excavated ruins, including a variety of pottery styles, there are灰陶, black pottery, terracotta, pottery, white pottery, as well as with the hard ceramic glaze, the decoration on the pottery, symbols, text with the Shang Dynasty Oracle and Green devices are closely related. Green's only for the noble high cost of access to the general public a variety of life can only be used pottery containers. Therefore to understand the Shang Dynasty ceramic technology has been generallyR Shang Yin virtual pottery excavated ruins, including a variety of pottery styles, there are灰陶, black pottery, terracotta, pottery, white pottery, as well as with the hard ceramic glaze, the decoration on the pottery, symbols, text with the Shang Dynasty Oracle and Green devices are closely related. Green's only for the noble high cost of access to the general public a variety of life can only be used pottery containers. Understanding of the Shang Dynasty ceramics can also be a general process of development, with a hard glaze pottery in this period there have been, brown glaze with green and yellow, hard胎质comparison, was off-white. R Shang Yin virtual pottery excavated ruins, including a variety of pottery styles, there are灰陶, black pottery, terracotta, pottery, white pottery, as well as with the hard ceramic glaze, the decoration on the pottery, symbols, text with the Shang Dynasty Oracle and Green devices are closely related. Green's only for the noble high cost of access to the general public a variety of life can only be used pottery containers. Understanding of the Shang Dynasty ceramics can also be a general process of development, with a hard glaze pottery in this period there have been, brown glaze with green and yellow, hard胎质comparison, was off-white. R Shang Yin virtual pottery excavated ruins, including a variety of pottery styles, there are灰陶, black pottery, terracotta, pottery, white pottery, as well as with the hard ceramic glaze, the decoration on the pottery, symbols, text with the Shang Dynasty Oracle and Green devices are closely related. Green's only for the noble high cost of access to the general public a variety of life can only be used pottery containers. Understanding of the Shang Dynasty ceramics can also be a general process of development, with a hard glaze pottery in this period there have been, brown glaze with green and yellow, hard胎质comparison, was off-white. R Shang Yin virtual pottery excavated ruins, including a variety of pottery styles, there are灰陶, black pottery, terracotta, pottery, white pottery, as well as with the hard ceramic glaze, the decoration on the pottery, symbols, text with the Shang Dynasty Oracle and Green devices are closely related. Green's only for the noble high cost of access to the general public a variety of life can only be used pottery containers. Understanding of the Shang Dynasty ceramics can also be a general process of development, with a hard glaze pottery in this period there have been, brown glaze with green and yellow, hard胎质comparison, was off-white. R Shang Yin virtual pottery excavated ruins, including a variety of pottery styles, there are灰陶, black pottery, terracotta, pottery, white pottery, as well as with the hard ceramic glaze, the decoration on the pottery, symbols, text with the Shang Dynasty Oracle and Green devices are closely related. Green's only for the noble high cost of access to the general public a variety of life can only be used pottery containers. Understanding of the Shang Dynasty ceramics can also be a general process of development, with a hard glaze pottery in this period there have been, brown glaze with green and yellow, hard胎质comparison, was off-white. R Shang Yin virtual pottery excavated ruins, including a variety of pottery styles, there are灰陶, black pottery, terracotta, pottery, white pottery, as well as with the hard ceramic glaze, the decoration on the pottery, symbols, text with the Shang Dynasty Oracle and Green devices are closely related. Green's only for the noble high cost of access to the general public a variety of life can only be used pottery containers. Understanding of the Shang Dynasty ceramics can also be a general process of development, with a hard glaze pottery in this period there have been, brown glaze with green and yellow, hard胎质comparison, was off-white. R Shang Yin virtual pottery excavated ruins, including a variety of pottery styles, there are灰陶, black pottery, terracotta, pottery, white pottery, as well as with the hard ceramic glaze, the decoration on the pottery, symbols, text with the Shang Dynasty Oracle and Green devices are closely related. Green's only for the noble high cost of access to the general public a variety of life can only be used pottery containers. Understanding of the Shang Dynasty ceramics can also be a general process of development, with a hard glaze pottery in this period there have been, brown glaze with green and yellow, hard胎质comparison, was off-white. R Shang Yin virtual pottery excavated ruins, including a variety of pottery styles, there are灰陶, black pottery, terracotta, pottery, white pottery, as well as with the hard ceramic glaze, the decoration on the pottery, symbols, text with the Shang Dynasty Oracle and Green devices are closely related. Green's only for the noble high cost of access to the general public a variety of life can only be used pottery containers. Understanding of the Shang Dynasty ceramics can also be a general process of development, with a hard glaze pottery in this period there have been, brown glaze with green and yellow, hard胎质comparison, was off-white. R Shang Yin virtual pottery excavated ruins, including a variety of pottery styles, there are灰陶, black pottery, terracotta, pottery, white pottery, as well as with the hard ceramic glaze, the decoration on the pottery, symbols, text with the Shang Dynasty Oracle and Green devices are closely related. Green's only for the noble high cost of access to the general public a variety of life can only be used pottery containers. Understanding of the Shang Dynasty ceramics can also be a general process of development, with a hard glaze pottery in this period there have been, brown glaze with green and yellow, hard胎质comparison, was off-white. R Shang Yin virtual pottery excavated ruins, including a variety of pottery styles, there are灰陶, black pottery, terracotta, pottery, white pottery, as well as with the hard ceramic glaze, the decoration on the pottery, symbols, text with the Shang Dynasty Oracle and Green devices are closely related. Green's only for the noble high cost of access to the general public a variety of life can only be used pottery containers. Understanding of the Shang Dynasty ceramics can also be a general process of development, with a hard glaze pottery in this period there have been, brown glaze with green and yellow, hard胎质comparison, was off-white. R Shang Yin virtual pottery excavated ruins, including a variety of pottery styles, there are灰陶, black pottery, terracotta, pottery, white pottery, as well as with the hard ceramic glaze, the decoration on the pottery, symbols, text with the Shang Dynasty Oracle and Green devices are closely related. Green's only for the noble high cost of access to the general public a variety of life can only be used pottery containers. Understanding of the Shang Dynasty ceramics can also be a general process of development, with a hard glaze pottery in this period there have been, brown glaze with green and yellow, hard胎质comparison, was off-white. R Shang Yin virtual pottery excavated ruins, including a variety of pottery styles, there are灰陶, black pottery, terracotta, pottery, white pottery, as well as with the hard ceramic glaze, the decoration on the pottery, symbols, text with the Shang Dynasty Oracle and Green devices are closely related. Green's only for the noble high cost of access to the general public a variety of life can only be used pottery containers. Therefore to understand the Shang Dynasty ceramic technology has been generally


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