
Floral Beach wasn't much of a town: six streets long and three deep, its only notable feature a strip of sand fronting the Pacific. It was on that sandy beach seventeen years ago that the strangled body of Jean Timberlake had been found.
The people of Floral Beach didn't pay a whole lot of mind to past history, especially when Bailey Fowler, the self-confessed killer, had been properly processed and convicted. They weren't even unduly concerned when, a year after the murder, Fowler walked away from the men's prison at San Luis Obispo, never to be seen again. After all, everyone knew Jean had been a wild kid. "Like mother, like daughter," some said -- though never within hearing of Shana Timberlake, who, whatever her faults, still mourned her murdered child.
And then, by sheer fluke, the cops stumbled on Bailey Fowler. And a case seventeen years dead came murderously to life again.
For Royce Fowler, old and sick with not much time left, his son's reappearance was the chance to heal an old wound. For Kinsey Millhone, the case was a long shot, but she agreed to take it on. She couldn't know then it would lead her to probe the passions buried just below the surface of family relations, where old wounds fester and the most cherished emotions become warped until they fuse into deadly, soul-destroying time bombs.
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频道本月排行这部网络小说,网友:虽然是穿越的第一本,但是被过誉了吧?这部网络小说,网友:虽然是穿越的第一本,但是被过誉了吧?悦享悦读百家号  已经好久没遇到一本小说.可以让我有一读到尾的冲动.上次是&左耳&,这次是&梦回大清&.  好友口中的&梦回大清&.让我只觉得这只不过是一本跟&寻秦记&有某程度情节雷同的另一本小说而已.主角同是从现代回到古代.最后都意外地不能回来本来属于他们的时代.同时身怀一身绝技.知晓历史.却处处忍让.不敢让历史偏差丝毫.同是在故事中桃花处处.最终多只表现出对爱情的坚贞.同是在各层面上对当朝圣人成就大业.汗马功劳.却没有名流史册.史册不留名是当然.&寻秦&也好&梦回&也好.都只不过是作者杜撰的故事而已.  全书读完.很是感叹.作者对清史竟然如此熟知.虽是杜撰.但依然能按照历史事实的发生而推敲.书中主角虽是所谓的从现代回到古代.却事事遵从古代的规矩进行.此金子为何人?竟让人如此心服口服.  故事里的茗薇.就是那位从现代回到古代的女子.在大清的宫墙里招惹了十三阿哥.又伤害了四阿哥.更让老八.老十四暗里争斗.要不是作者把女主角写得如此美貌贤淑懂世故.还真让人以为是否现代人到了古代都是如此受欢迎.  很喜欢这样高潮迭起的故事情节.虽也不是十分出人意表.却又让人有点猜不透.当作者点明一切.却发现其实事情又一直都暗埋伏线.在宫中.朝廷.官场上人与人之间的明争暗斗.事事非非.无一不让人感觉迫在眉梢.真实得似乎就在眼前上演.  作者对茗薇与十三阿哥的感情线写得最好.虽然我从书的开始到最后都希望女主角会与四阿哥厮守.但作者又把十三写得让人不疼不得.不爱不得.舍不得.女主角的对白这样写着&他自小就没了额娘,不能再被自己的父亲抛弃了...&,&没有了我,你以后也会得到更多...&女主角虽对四阿哥也有情谊.但爱情却始终坚贞不定地守在那个无权无利无能无功的十三身上.一生一世.就算赌上了性命也在所不惜.  书看到后来.我一直都热泪盈眶.也许是我太感情丰富.也许是我太向往这样坚贞的爱情.故事情节虽是杜撰.却给了人&人间有爱&的希望.  把最后一行字看到最尾的那一刻.心里一阵缺失.阵阵可惜涌上心头.可惜了时间.物转星移.时代已过.可以了这故事.只是虚无.本文仅代表作者观点,不代表百度立场。系作者授权百家号发表,未经许可不得转载。悦享悦读百家号最近更新:简介:驾一叶之扁舟,举匏樽以相属作者最新文章相关文章


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