罗马热 伊迪丝.华顿·华顿是种族主义作家吗

&&&&中华商务Stories 图画故事书&伊迪丝·华顿:夏日&英文原版&Summer&Edith&Wharton&Penguin&Boo...
版 次:1页 数:字 数:印刷时间:日开 本:32开纸 张:轻型纸包 装:平装-胶订是否套装:否国际标准书号ISBN:6所属分类:&&&
当当读书客户端万本电子书免费读上传用户:uquaqbuwvi文档下载 :『』&&『』『』学位专业:&关 键 词 :&&&&&权力声明:若本站收录的文献无意侵犯了您的著作版权,请点击。摘要:(摘要内容经过系统自动伪原创处理以避免复制,下载原文正常,内容请直接查看目录。)女作家伊迪丝·华顿是20世纪晚期美国实际主义文学最主要的代表之一。她的两部作品《伊坦·弗洛美》和《夏日》一反她一向采取的下流社会配景,分离描述了基层社会两个年青人反水实际,寻求幻想却又被实际所困的喜剧故事,展示他们生长进程中心坎的抵触和挣扎。本文从生长主题这一角度切入,侧重剖析这两部作品的生长主题及其组成,和小说若何凸显生长主题。生长小说就是以论述人物生长进程为主题的小说,它经由过程对年青主人公出走、考验、怅惘、顿悟和熟悉人生和自我的情节形式来展示和反应出人物的思惟和心思从老练走向成熟的变更进程。《伊坦·弗洛美》和《夏日》都是以生长为主题的小说,家庭情况、社会情况深入影响主人公伊坦·弗洛美和切丽缇的生长过程。他们在对传统的反水和对恋爱友情、幻想信心的寻求中,禁受渺茫、苦楚、挣扎和无法。作者把故事配景设置在荒僻罕见、贫困、与世隔断的马萨诸塞州的村庄,主人公的生长过程都产生在一个残破不全的家庭情况中,突现了情况对人物生长的影响。情节上他们勇于寻求、反水和逃离实际、顿悟、被实际所困,作者在人物设置、情节支配、配景建构上都独具匠心,凸显了其生长主题。人的个别生长是《伊坦·弗洛美》和《夏日》的主题,为到达情绪和精力上的成熟,伊坦和切丽缇寻求恋爱和幻想生涯。个中,作为女性切丽缇面临女性、阶层、父权制等成绩,是以其情绪和阅历奇特,这丰硕和深化了生长主题。另外,经由过程对两位主人公的剖析,他们的生长成果和生长类型分歧于经典生长小说也分歧于典范的美国生长小说,这丰硕了对生长小说的研讨。Abstract:Edith waton, a female writer, is one of the most important representatives of American realism literature in the late twentieth Century. Two of her works in Ethan Frome and the summer &- she has been taken to the underworld background and separation are described grass-roots society two young people of the defection of the actual, quest for dream is actually trapped in the comedy show their growth process center sill conflict and struggle. This paper, from the perspective of the growth theme, focuses on the analysis of the two themes of the growth of the theme and its composition, and the novel how to highlight the theme of growth. Growth novels is to discuss the character growth process for the theme of the novel, it through the process of young hero away, test, wistful, insight and familiar with life and self plot form to display and reflect the character's thought and thought from the veteran to mature to the process of change. Ethan Frome and the summer &is to grow as the theme of the novel, family situation, social situation deeply affected the growth process of the protagonist Ethan Frome and Cherie twips. They are on the traditional friendship, love and the defection of fantasy faith seeking, the slim, pain, struggle and not. The story background settings in electronization, poverty, was cut off from the world of Massachusetts villages, the growing process of the protagonist are produced in a broken family, highlighting the situation of character growth effects of. Plot they have the courage to seek, defection and escape reality, insight, was trapped, the character set, dominate the plot, background construction on originality, highlighting the growth theme. The individual growth is Ethan Frome and &summer day& theme, to reach the emotional and spiritual maturity, Ethan and Cherie twips seeking love and fantasy career. Medium, as a female Cherie twips facing women, class and patriarchy and achievement, is a strange emotion and experience, which enrich and deepen the growth theme. In addition, through the process of the two protagonists of the analysis, their growth and growth of different types of growth in the classic novel is also different from the model of the American growth novel, which is rich in the growth of the novel.目录:Chinese Abstract4-5English Abstract5-6Introduction8-18Chapter One The Theoretical Framework of the Initiation Story18-32&&&&1.1 Definition of the Initiation Story19-22&&&&1.2 Development of the American Initiation Story22-24&&&&1.3 Framework of the American Initiation Story24-29&&&&&&&&1.3.1 Typical Protagonist25-27&&&&&&&&1.3.2 Typical Plots27-29&&&&1.4 Characteristics of the Initiation Story29-32Chapter Two Growth Problems of the Protagonists32-46&&&&2.1 The Problems with Adolescents33-35&&&&2.2 Problems with Ethan Frome35-39&&&&2.3 Problems with Charity Royall39-46Chapter Three The Initiation Journey46-56&&&&3.1 The Initiation Journey46-48&&&&3.2 Ethan Frome’s Initiation Journey48-51&&&&3.3 Charity Royall’s Initiation Journey51-56Chapter Four The Epiphany of the Protagonists56-62&&&&4.1 Definition of Epiphany56-57&&&&4.2 The Epiphany of Ethan Frome57-58&&&&4.3 The Epiphany of Charity Royall58-62Conclusion62-68Bibliography68-74Acknowledgements74分享到:相关文献|伊迪丝·华顿《欢乐之家》的女性主义解读—硕士毕业论文下载
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[硕士毕业论文]论文目录&Synopsis第1-6 页 摘要第6-10 页 Introduction第10-18 页 Chapter One Objectified Women in the Patriarchal Society第18-30 页   ·The Gaze and the Body第18-20 页   ·Lily:An Object under Male Gaze第20-30 页 Chapter Two Silenced Women in the Patriarchal Society第30-38 页   ·Language and Gender第30-31 页   ·Lily with No Voice第31-38 页 Chapter Three Female Doubling:To Represent the Other or to Remain Oneself?第38-47 页   ·The Strategy of Doubling第38-40 页   ·Lily's Two Selves第40-47 页 Chapter Four Women Living in and out of "the House of Mirth"第47-54 页   ·Women Living in "the House of Mirth"第47-50 页   ·Women Living out of "the House of Mirth"第50-54 页 Conclusion第54-57 页 Works Cited第57-60 页 Acknowledgements第60页
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