
8c 日是传统的七夕情人节,,中法合拍跨国爱情大片《夜孔雀-如果没有遇见你》于七夕发布一绿;爱是什v;系列剧照。观众们观看剧照后对电影更加的好奇,剧照中埃菲尔铁塔的背景透露了这段爱情是在巴黎。巴黎成都为爱倾城 主创齐解;爱是什v;据悉,电影《夜孔雀-如果没有遇见你》讲述了法国籍华裔长笛手埃尔莎从浪漫巴黎到锦绣成都的几段邂逅。法布尔的《昆虫记》对;夜孔雀;是这样描述的:夜孔雀,也称孔雀娥。刘亦菲剧照它们一生中唯一的目的就是找配偶。不管路途多么远,路上怎样黑暗,途中有多少障碍,它总能找到它的对象。在它们的一生中大概有两三个晚上的时间去找它们的对象。如果在这期间它们找不到对象,那么这一生也将这样结束了。在曝光的剧照中,刘亦菲所饰角色埃尔莎的爱情判词是;爱是飞蛾扑火,也要奋不顾{;,正好与;夜孔雀;所代表的爱情意象相印。而黎明所饰角色马荣的爱情判词p;爱是铠甲也是软肋,让人寸步难衿;,言语之间似乎暗示情路不顺,爱或不爱是个双难问题。值得注意的是,剧照中刘亦菲和黎明的视线遥遥相望,饱含深情,让人为之动容。显而易见,刘烨剧照中埃菲尔铁塔的背景泄露了他所饰演的角色演绎的是巴黎的那段情缘?;爱是担当,是如影随形的陪伴?;照片中的刘烨侧颜俊美,只是神情落寞,让人心疼。同样让人不忍的还有余少群。剧照中他穿着川剧剧坐在医院里。他的判词是;爱是执迷,即是粉身碎骨也不放承;,如果说刘烨的爱如塞纳河水般温柔沉静,那余少群的爱就是川剧的高亢激越?。
程成获奖获奖电影《浮世千》访11c 第八届澳洲电影节颁奖礼在澳大利亚悉尼盛大举办。曾入围J1届韩国釜山国际电影节BIFF“亚洲电影之窗”单元的青春公路爱情电影《浮世千》(Duck Neck)也获得了最佳男演员、最佳制片人和最佳文艺片等提名。而著名主持人程成更于当晚获得最佳制片人大奖。《浮世千》(Duck Neck)是著名主持人程成与环球美食旅行家王子强跨界合作的首部电影作品。而对于第一次跨界就获得如此荣誉,程成表示:荣幸之外还有幸运,很开心能与好友王子强一同合作,更幸运能有如此年轻而充满活力的主创团队在背后鼎力相助,荣誉是大家的。对于好友在剧中的表现,程成也不吝称赞:子强虽然没有学过表演,但是他将自己通过多年旅行收获的感悟充分运用在电影角色中,让影片中角色呈现得更加真实,情感更加丰富。本届澳洲电影节入围作品中大片云集,而《浮世千》(Duck Neck)这个由程成制片、魏书钧导演、王子强主演的“后起之秀”毫不逊色,而主演王子强更是凭借真挚的表演让该片迅速突出重围,展现了黑马潜质以及华语电影新人辈出的美好前景。据悉,除了之前的韩国釜山国际电影节和此次的澳洲电影节,电影《浮世千》(Duck Neck)还受邀参加J3届法国维索尔国际电影节和J5届印度浦那国际电影节的主竞赛单元。而在明年春天,国内的观众就可以看到这部青春公路爱情电影?。
由姜武监制,新锐鬼才导演梁栋执导,姜武、蒋勤勤领衔主演的奇幻喜剧《完美有多美》,将于2 17广c在全国上映。片中,;萌大;姜武与女神蒋勤勤在AB世界丿;剪不断理还乱;的平行世界情缘燃起了情人节爱的小火花,同时,姜武与李乃文演绎的兄弟情义,也同样能唤起观众的共鸣。李乃文在片中塑造的;好哥们儿;仗义、爽快、风趣,又不失小人物身上的市井风气。对亿;毛驴;在AB世界身份的切换,李乃文更是拿捏自如。这自然与他曾长期在话剧舞台上磨练演技密不可分。《风声传奇》中饰演的石原,《借》中饰演的经q;杨小K;,《钢的琴》中饰演的陈桂林;;很多观众对影视银幕上的李乃文已经很面熟,但殊不知李乃文可是孟京辉话剧舞台上响当当的人物,先后参演《恋爱的犀牛》、《一个无政府主义者的意外死亡》等众多经典作品。凭借阳光俊朗的形象和稳重知性拿捏有度的表演,李乃文塑造了众多经典形象。此次《完美有多美》,是李乃文和姜武继冷幽默谍战大剧《虎口拔牙》后的再度合作,不知道这次两个好兄弟联手,又将如何将幽默一;;到底?李乃文在片中饰演皿;毛驴;是主人公程天乐(姜武 饰)关系最铁的;哥们儿;。两人不仅是一起在修车厂生产线上为生活;奔跑;着的工友,更是患难与共的好兄弟。从近日曝出的预告片看,既有程天乐(姜武 饰)咿;毛驴;(李乃文 饰)在A世界里一起脑袋被开瓢儿];有难同当;,又有两人在B世界的私人小飞机里的;有福同享;,一时间赚足了观众的好奇心:难道好兄弟是要一d;穿越;_。
蝙蝠侠与罗宾(来源:时光网)华纳兄弟新片《乐高大电影:蝙蝠侠》定亿 17广c 日在北美开画,今日官方曝光11款涂鸦海报。蝙蝠侠布鲁逦ざ骼弦ㄍ虬⒛翁嘏湟簦⒙薇觯蹩四蛉湟簦⒐芗野⒍ダ椎拢-费因斯配音)、蝙蝠女芭芭拿戈登(罗莎里i道森配音)、小丑(扎克-加利费安纳基斯配音)和哈奎茵(珍估偬嘏湟簦⒚ㄅ⑵蠖烊恕⒚沼锶恕⒍咎倥⒓倍橙苏唇巧辶料啵垦环绺裨煨透饕臁P〕蠛凸-奎茵《乐高大电影:蝙蝠侠》讲述了蝙蝠侠一边要阻止小丑犯罪,一边要抚养罗宾长大的故事。片中哥谭市经历着重大变迁,如果蝙蝠侠想从小丑的暴力掌控中拯救这座城市,他必须停止自己单打独斗的义警工作,试着去和其他人通力合作?。
近两年来,伴随着视频网站开始发力自制内容,脱口秀这一成本低、收入高、用户粘性强的节目形态便如雨后春笋般涌现出来,成为视频网站寻求差异化优势的重要内容和新的盈利点。近日,一直不走寻常路的凤凰视频就推出了原创自制时事脱口秀《又来了》。该节目独辟蹊径的选题定位、主持人口水横飞的麻辣点评,以及网友喜闻乐见的吐槽笑料,迅速吸引了大批网友的热捧,大有叫板成名已久的《大鹏N吧N》之势。据凤凰视频原创部总监李鸣介绍,《又来了》是互联网首档时事脱口秀,不同于《大鹏N吧N》主要以性话题和搞怪解读为主,每期话题很多,但却庞杂,难有深度,《又来了》则是传承凤凰视频以新闻资讯为主的内容定位,选题主要偏向国内外时政大事件,如;奥巴马,克里米亚关你什么事_;?;可怜的台湾人(贸协议_;;而且每期话题仅两到三个,可以]分钟时间内为网友呈现出深度、透彻的观点。另外再加上节目擅长运用吐槽、反问、搞笑、抨击等手法,以及图片、视频等各类插件,这使时政新闻瞬间化,网友可以在轻松愉快的氛围中了解枯燥的政治大事。大鹏N吧N剧照业内人士认为,在当前社会、历史、性脱口秀节目当道的情况下,凤凰视频推出《又来了》,主打时事脱口秀,这不仅符合其自身的品牌调性,有利于在行业中形成差异化优势,同时也极大丰富了互联网脱口秀的内容种类,为网友提供了更多消遣的内容。作为一部互联网时事新闻脱口秀领域的拓荒之作,刚刚诞生的《又来了》还无法在用户量、知名度上与?。当前位置: &
日 00:33:28
南昌同济医院光子脱毛多少钱景德镇第一人民医院治疗痘坑多少钱Millions of women apply foundation, lipstick and mascara every morning, many in the mistaken belief that this will make them look attractive to men.每天早晨,数百万的女性都要打粉底、抹口红、刷睫毛膏。她们误以为,妆画得美美的才能吸引异性的眼光。But, according to new research, men in UK would much prefer their wives and girlfriend chose a natural look instead as they too much make-up a turn off.一项新研究却发现,英国男人更希望自己的另一半以素颜示人,妆画得太浓反而倒人胃口。What#39;s more they are calling for the growing trend for plastic surgery, including Botox and lip fillers, and fake tan and false eyelashes to come to an end.而且,他们认为眼下愈演愈烈的整容之风该消停下来了,包括肉毒杆菌、丰唇手术、人工美黑以及假睫毛。A six month study carried out by skin care brand Flint + Flint revealed the majority of UK women wear make-up every day, while 34 per cent wear fake tan and 22 per cent regularly wear false eyelashes.护肤品牌Flint+Flint开展了一项长达半年的研究,发现多数英国女性每天都会化妆,34%做过人工美黑,22%常戴假睫毛。Ironically though these three beauty products all feature in the top ten biggest turn-offs as revealed by UK men.让人哭笑不得的是,这三种美容产品竟都在英国男士最不喜欢的化妆用品前十行列。These findings come as it#39;s revealed that more than half of UK women (54 per cent) apply make-up on a daily basis.此前有研究显示,超过半数(54%)的女性每天都化妆。More than 1,000 UK males were surveyed, who said that less is definitely more when it comes to cosmetics.参与调查的1000多名英国男士表示,在化妆这件事上,简简单单才是美。And while the majority of UK women, 52 per cent, would consider going under the knife to improve their looks, a huge 63 per cent of men would not be happy if their partner had Botox let alone full cosmetic surgery.另外,多数女性(52%)愿意为美挨上一刀,63%的男性却难以接受另一半打肉毒杆菌,更别说全套整容手术了。Of those surveyed 23 per cent said they would feel #39;embarrassed#39; if their partner had an obvious enhancement such as lip filler or Botox, and over half would rather their partner wear a pink or nude lip colour over a bright red shade.23%的调查对象表示,如果另一半接受了丰唇手术或注射了肉毒杆菌,面貌有了明显改变,这会让他们感到“很尴尬”。而超过半数的人认为,比起亮红色的口红,他们更喜欢另一半涂粉色或裸色唇。In August a poll of 1,000 women by Vaseline found that women spend also two years of their lives applying cosmetics and spend #163;12,000 on beauty products.今年8月,凡士林(Vaseline)对1000名女性作了调查,发现女性一生中用来化妆的时间竟长达两年,在美容产品上的花销高达12000英镑(约合116800元人民币)。Owner Maxine Flint said: #39;The popularity of reality shows such as TOWIE and Made In Chelsea, where the emphasis is on the girls being dolled up and looking good, has seen a huge rise in overtly glamorous make-up and clothing.Flint+Flint品牌所有者马克辛?弗林特(Maxine Flint)说:“眼下,《埃塞克斯是唯一的生活方式》(TOWIE)与《切尔西制造》(Made In Chelsea)一类的真人秀格外走红,里边的女孩子往往打扮得花枝招展、光照人,可谓引领了浓妆配华的潮流。”#39;Us normal women feel the pressure to conform and keep up with these trends but it#39;s surprising to hear that we are not impressing the other sex.“我们这些普通女性感到压力重重,因而不得不紧跟风潮。不过,听到男性对此并不感冒的观点,真的挺让人吃惊。”#39;It makes you wonder whose opinion actually matters to us women C our partners or our female friends?#39;“这也让女性很是疑虑:到底谁的看法对自己来说比较重要――究竟是参考另一半的观点,还是听从闺蜜的意见?” /116南昌医学整形美容绣眉多少钱
People with chronic back, neck or joint pain commonly seek acupuncture and chiropractic care for relief, but many don’t tell their doctors about it, a new study reports.根据一项新研究报告,慢性背部疼痛、颈部疼痛或关节疼痛的患者常求助于针灸和脊椎推拿疗法来缓解病痛,但他们大多都不会将这点告诉他们的医生。Researchers said they were surprised to find that of some 6,068 chronic pain patients who responded to a questionnaire, 47 percent reported using chiropractic care, 32 percent said they used acupuncture, and 21 percent used both. Only 42 percent said they used neither acupuncture nor chiropractic. All of the patients were members of Kaiser Permanente Northwest, a group model health maintenance organization based in Portland, Ore.研究人员表示,他们惊讶地发现,在6068名回答调查问卷的慢性疼痛患者中,有47%报告正在使用脊椎推拿疗法,32%表示正在接受针灸治疗,21%同时使用了上述两者。只有42%的患者称自己既没有接受针灸,也没有使用脊椎推拿疗法。所有患者均为团体模式健康维护组织Kaiser Permanente Northwest(总部设在俄勒冈州波特兰市)的成员。Many of the patients studied did not share information about alternative treatments with their regular doctors, and the information was not in their electronic medical records. About a third of acupuncture users and 42 percent of chiropractic care users did not tell their regular doctors about the care.参与研究的患者中有许多都未将自己接受替代疗法的情况与家庭医生共享,电子病历中也没有相关信息的记载。在接受针灸治疗的患者中,有三分之一并未告知自己的家庭医生,而在使用脊椎推拿疗法的患者中该比例达42%。Some patients who paid for the care privately may have been eligible for insurance coverage, said Dr. Charles Elder of the Kaiser Permanente Center for Health Research, the paper’s first author. “Alternative treatments work for a lot of patients,” he said, but communicating with your doctor is important. “If I don’t know what my patients are doing, I can’t advise them.”该论文的第一作者,Kaiser Permanente健康研究中心(Kaiser Permanente Center for Health Research)的查尔斯?埃尔德(Charles Elder)说:之前自费进行替代治疗的部分患者现在或可使用医保来报销这些费用。“替代疗法对很多患者都奏效,”他说,但是与医生沟通非常重要。“如果我不知道我的患者在做什么,我就没法给他们建议。”The study was published in The American Journal of Managed Care.该研究发表在《美国管理保健杂志》(The American Journal of Managed Care)上。 /416南昌武警总队医院去痘多少钱
江西南昌第一附属医院点痣多少钱Prevail of Taoism and Buddhism道教与佛教的盛行During the Northern and Southern dynasties, since most emperors believed in it, Buddhism grew rapidly despite the demolition incidents.南北朝期间,尽管存在拆除毁坏,佛教仍然发展迅速。Buddhism found a receptive audience in China, while the influence of Confucianism waned.当儒家思想的影响逐渐减弱时,佛教在中国被群众广为接受。During Northern Wei period, the rulers were the most generous patrons in both the north and south.北魏期间,帝王们是南北朝时期最慷慨的资助者。They took Buddhism as a nationwide religion in order to enforce his dominion.他们将佛教看作国教以加强自己的统治。In the north, large amounts of Buddhist caves and temples were built.在北方,佛教石窟与僧人寺庙被大量建立。Mogao Grottoes in today’s Dunhuang, Yungang Grottoes in Datong and Longmen Grottoes in Luoyang were three flourishing centers of Buddhist culture in its glory.今天敦煌的莫高窟,大同的云冈石窟和洛阳的龙门石窟是佛教灿烂的历史中三大繁盛的中心地区。Buddhist monastic establishment grew rapidly at that time.佛教修道院在那个时候也被迅速建立。By 477 there were reportedly 6478 Buddhist temples and 77258 monks and nuns in the north.据传,到477年,北方出现了6478座寺庙和77528为僧人尼姑。The south was said to have 2846 temples and 82700 clerics some decades later.据称南方在几十年后有2846座寺庙和82700位传教士。Emperor Wu of Liang had even contributed himself to experience as a Buddhist disciple in a temple for three times.凉武王甚至曾三次亲自到寺庙中体验佛教学徒的生活。In Jiankang (present Nanjing city in Jiangsu Province), Buddhist temples added up to 500 with 10000 monks.在建康(今江苏南京),寺庙数量增至500座,其中共有10000名僧人。Women turned to Buddhism as ily as men.女人和男人一样乐意投身于佛教。Originally one philosophy school of dozens schools in the Spring and Autumn Period, Taoism grew up into a religion in the late Eastern Han Dynasty (25―220 AD).道教起初是春秋时期拥有一些学院的哲学学派,东汉(公元25――220年)末年它成为了一种宗教。At first, it only gain the popularity among civilians and during the Jin Dynasty (265―420) it became a prevalence in the upper society一开始,它只在平民中受到欢迎,晋朝(265――420)时它在上层社会得到广泛流行,and in the succession of Northern Qi and Northern Liang, Taoism gained good graces of the ruler and once play a critical role in court.在之后的北齐和北凉道教得到了当权者的恩惠并一度在朝堂之上扮演重要角色。Taoist activities and ceremonies were held for worship purpose.道教活动和仪式被用来祭拜天神。 /425吉安做韩式开眼角哪家好
南昌/整形医院有哪些Tang Dynasty唐朝Prosperity of Zhenguan贞观之治The Tang Dynasty (618―907) witnessed the first period of florescence in the reign (627―649) of Emperor Taizong,唐朝(618――907)在太宗在位期间达到了第一次全盛时期,which was called the Prosperity of Zhenguan, an era of peace and prosperity.这个时期被称为“贞观之治”喻意和平与繁荣。During his 23 years of reign, Taizong did more for the empire than any emperor before him.在唐太宗执政的23年间,他比之前的帝王为这个国家付出了更多。Through firm leadership and a positive example, the new emperor set about reforming agriculture, manufacturing and commerce.通过严格的领导和正面的榜样,这位新皇帝开始改革农业、制造业和商业。In his words: the waters can both float and capsize a vessel.用他的话来说“水能载舟亦能覆舟”。This view led to humane policies, a strong economy and the commercial enterprise,这样的看法带来了“仁政爱民”的政策、强大的经济与商业,which became second to none throughout the known world.使它们都成为了全世界首屈一指的事业。Political progress was achieved by the overhaul of the examination system first introduced by the Sui Dynasty (581 ―618) for the appointment of officials.政治上的进步来源于科举制度的修订,这个制度在隋朝(581――618)时期被首次提出用来选拔官员。This system ensured only the best men regardless of their class or background could be appointed to vital posts within the government of the country.这种制度保了只有最优秀的人,无论他们来自什么阶级或背景,才能够出任国家政府中的重要岗位。Political corruption was virtually unknown as a result of these sound administrative structures.正是由于这种可靠的行政结构,政治腐败几乎不曾出现。He adopted favorable policies for agriculture to reduced taxes and reward farming.唐太宗针对农业采取了优惠政策,减免了税收、实行了耕种奖励制。Taizong endeavored to promote exchanges between nations.太宗致力于加强各国之间的交流。Princess Wencheng left Chang#39;an (present-day Xi#39;an in Shaanxi Province) to marry Songtsan Gambo,king of the Tubo kingdom, which was located about 3 000 kilometers to the west.文成公主离开长安(今陕西省西安市)嫁给了远在3000公里之外的吐蕃国王松赞干布。This pioneered amicable relations between the Tang and the Tubo and contributed to the development of China as a multinational country.这不仅开辟了大唐和吐蕃间的友好关系还为中国作为一个多民族的国家的发展做出了贡献。 /196
ATLANTA ― WHEN I learned last week about the discovery of an early human relative deep in a cave in South Africa, I had many questions. Obviously, they had dug up a fellow primate, but of what kind?亚特兰大――上周获悉在南非一个洞穴的深处发现了早期人类的亲属时,我有很多疑问。显然,他们又挖出了一种灵长目动物,但属于哪一类呢?The fabulous find, named Homo naledi, has rightly been celebrated for both the number of fossils and their completeness. It has australopithecine-like hips and an ape-size brain, yet its feet and teeth are typical of the genus Homo.凭借化石的数量和它们的完整性,被称作“纳勒迪人”(Homo naledi)的这个惊人发现的确应该庆祝。它的髋部像南方古猿,大脑体积和猿类的相当,但脚和牙齿却表现出了典型的人属特点。The mixed features of these prehistoric remains upset the received human origin story, according to which bipedalism ushered in technology, dietary change and high intelligence. Part of the new species’ physique lags behind this scenario, while another part is ahead. It is aptly called a mosaic species.这些史前骨骸表现出的复杂特征,搅乱了公认的人类起源理论。根据该理论,人类变成两条腿独立行走后迎来了技术、饮食变化和高智商。但这个新物种的身体部分停留在这一幕发生之前,另一部分却已经进化到了这一幕发生之后。叫它组合物种挺恰当的。We like the new better than the old, though, and treat every fossil as if it must fit somewhere on a timeline leading to the crown of creation. Chris Stringer, a prominent British paleoanthropologist who was not involved in the study, told B News: “What we are seeing is more and more species of creatures that suggests that nature was experimenting with how to evolve humans, thus giving rise to several different types of humanlike creatures originating in parallel in different parts of Africa.”但我们往往喜新厌旧,对待每一块化石都像是它必须要符合人类进化历程中的某个节点。未参与该研究的英国著名古人类学家克里斯?斯特林格(Chris Stringer)对B新闻(B News)表示:“我们看到,越来越多的动物物种表明,大自然是在尝试各种人类进化的方式,因而产生了几种不同类型的像人一样的动物,它们同时发源于非洲的不同地区。”This represents a shockingly teleological view, as if natural selection is seeking certain outcomes, which it is not. It doesn’t do so any more than a river seeks to reach the ocean.这就有了一种惊人的目的论色,仿佛自然选择是在追求某些结果。但其实不是这样。它和河流想要注入大海没什么不同。News reports spoke of a “new ancestor,” even a “new human species,” assuming a ladder heading our way, whereas what we are actually facing when we investigate our ancestry is a tangle of branches. There is no good reason to put Homo naledi on the branch that produced us. Nor does this make the discovery any less interesting.新闻报道谈到了“新祖先”,甚至“新人种”,假想出一条向着我们延伸的梯子,但在调查自己的起源时,我们实际面临的是一堆杂乱的分。我们没有充分的理由去把“纳勒迪人”放在那个产生了我们的分上。这丝毫不会减少这项发现的意义。Every species in our lineage tells us something about ourselves, because the hominoids (humans, apes and everything in between) are genetically extremely tight. We have had far less time to diverge than the members of many other animal families, like the equids (horses, zebras, donkeys) or canids (wolves, dogs, jackals). If it hadn’t been for the human ego, taxonomists would long ago have squeezed all hominoids into a single genus.人类谱系中的每一个物种,都会让我们更了解自己,因为人猿总科动物(人类、猿类和介于这两之间的一切物种)在基因方面是极为接近的。我们经历的分歧过程远短于很多其他动物科的成员,如马科动物(马、斑马、驴)和犬科动物(狼、、豺)。如果不是人类的自我意识,分类学家很久以前就把所有人猿总科动物归为一个属了。The standard story is that our ancestors first left the apes behind to become australopithecines, which grew more sophisticated and brainier to become us. But what if these stages were genetically mixed up? Some scientists have claimed early hybridization between human and ape DNA. Did our ancestors, after having split off, keep returning to the apes in the same way that today’s grizzlies and polar bears still interbreed occasionally?标准的说法是,我们的祖先先是从猿进化成了南方古猿,后来又变得更加复杂和聪明,最终变成了我们现在的样子。但如果这些阶段在基因上是混在一起的怎么办?一些科学家已经声称发现了早期的人猿DNA混合。脱离了猿后,我们的祖先是不断回到猿那里去,就像灰熊和北极熊至今还偶尔会杂交繁殖那样?Instead of looking forward to a glorious future, our lineage may have remained addicted to the hairy embrace of its progenitors. Other scientists, however, keep sex out of it and speak of incomplete lineage separation. Either way, our heritages are closely intertwined.我们的谱系没有憧憬美好未来,反而对祖先那毛茸茸的怀抱恋恋不舍。然而,其他一些科学家将性排除在外,转而说起了谱系划分的不完整。不管怎样,我们遗传下来的东西都是密切交织在一起的。The problem is that we keep assuming that there is a point at which we became human. This is about as unlikely as there being a precise wavelength at which the color spectrum turns from orange into red. The typical proposition of how this happened is that of a mental breakthrough ― a miraculous spark ― that made us radically different. But if we have learned anything from more than 50 years of research on chimpanzees and other intelligent animals, it is that the wall between human and animal cognition is like a Swiss cheese.问题是,我们一直假定自己是从某一时刻起开始成为人类的。但要找到这个点,就如同在光谱中找到从桔色变成红色的那个精确的波长,是不太可能的事。关于这种转变,有一种典型的理论,即是一种智力上的突破――灵光一闪的奇迹――使我们骤然改变。但以我们对黑猩猩和其他高智商动物进行的50多年的研究,至少有一个收获是,人的认知和动物的认知之间那堵墙,就像是一块瑞士奶酪。Apart from our language capacity, no uniqueness claim has survived unmodified for more than a decade since it was made. You name it ― tool use, tool making, culture, food sharing, theory of mind, planning, empathy, inferential reasoning ― it has all been observed in wild primates or, better yet, many of these capacities have been demonstrated in carefully controlled experiments.除了语言能力,没有哪个声称人类独具某项技能的论断会在提出十年后依然坚挺。你能想到的所有技能――使用工具、制造工具、形成文化、分享食物、心智理论、计划、共情、推理――都已经在野生灵长目动物身上观察到。更进一步,许多还可以在严格控制的动物实验中演示出来。We know, for example, that apes plan ahead. They carry tools over long distances to places where they use them, sometimes up to five different sticks and twigs to raid a bee nest or probe for underground ants. In the lab, they fabricate tools in anticipation of future use. Animals think without words, as do we most of the time.比如,我们知道猿类可以提前做计划。它们会携带工具长途跋涉到需要使用这些工具的地方,有时它们会用多达五种棍子和枝条来对付一个蜂巢,或翻找地下的蚂蚁。在实验室里,它们会制造工具以备将来使用。动物会不经由语言思考,就像我们大多数时候那样。Undeterred by Homo naledi’s relatively small brain, however, the research team sought to stress its humanity by pointing at the bodies in the cave. But if taking this tack implies that only humans mourn their dead, the distinction with apes is being drawn far too sharply.不过,“纳勒迪人”的大脑体积较小并未让研究团队退缩,他们转而通过指出尸体放在洞穴内来突出它们人性的一面。但如果用这一点来表示只有人类才会哀悼死者,那我们就把自己和猿类的差别划分得太清晰了。Apes appear to be deeply affected by the loss of others to the point of going totally silent, seeking comfort from bystanders and going into a funk during which they don’t eat for days. They may not inter their dead, but they do seem to understand death’s irreversibility. After having stared for a long time at a lifeless companion ― sometimes grooming or trying to revive him or her ― apes move on.猿类表现出会因为同伴死亡而深受影响,以至于完全陷入沉默,从旁观者那里寻求安慰,或陷入数天不吃东西的逃避状态。它们可能不会埋葬死去的同类,但它们似乎的确知道死了就不能再复生。长久地盯着死去的同伴――有时会给它们整理皮毛或试图让它们复活――之后,猿类会离开。Since they never stay in one place for long, they have no reason to cover or bury a corpse. Were they to live in a cave or settlement, however, they might notice that carrion attracts scavengers, some of which are formidable predators, like hyenas. It would absolutely not exceed the ape’s mental capacity to solve this problem by either covering odorous corpses or moving them out of the way.因为不会长久待在同一个地方,所以它们没有理由掩盖或埋葬尸体。但如果是生活在一个洞穴里或在一个定居点,它们可能会注意到,尸体的腐肉会吸引食腐动物,有些还是难以对付的捕食者,比如鬣。猿类绝对有足够的智能来解决这个问题,要么把腐臭的尸体掩盖起来,要么把它们移到偏僻的地方。The suggestion by some scholars that this requires belief in an afterlife is pure speculation. We simply don’t know if Homo naledi buried corpses with care and concern or unceremoniously dumped them into a faraway cave to get rid of them.有些学者认为做出这样的行为需要它们具备来生的观念,这纯粹是猜测。我们根本不知道,“纳勒迪人”是以关切的心态埋葬尸体,还是粗暴地将它们抛入偏远洞穴处理掉。It is an odd coincidence that “naledi” is an anagram of “denial.” We are trying way too hard to deny that we are modified apes. The discovery of these fossils is a major paleontological breakthrough. Why not seize this moment to overcome our anthropocentrism and recognize the fuzziness of the distinctions within our extended family? We are one rich collection of mosaics, not only genetically and anatomically, but also mentally.纳勒迪(naledi)和否定(denial)这两个词,字母相同,排序有异,这是一个诡异的巧合。我们花了太大的力气来否认自己是经过改变的猿类。发现这些化石的确是古生物学上的重大突破。为何不利用这次机会来超越人类中心说,承认我们所属的大家庭里各个成员的界限并没有那么分明?我们是一个组成非常丰富的群体,不仅从基因和解剖学上讲如此,在心智上也是如此。 /011南昌/县安义县进贤县去痘坑多少钱南昌同济整形脱毛多少钱


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