东西卖的很得了便宜还卖乖 英文英文是什么我急需这句

来源:互联网 时间: 7:03:50
&&为了解决用户可能碰到关于"拜托英文能人帮忙翻译一下文章吧,我很急需着个。大概400到500字左右。意思差不多就可以了。机译勿扰,谢"相关的问题,突袭网经过收集整理为用户提供相关的解决办法,请注意,解决办法仅供参考,不代表本网同意其意见,如有任何问题请与本网联系。"拜托英文能人帮忙翻译一下文章吧,我很急需着个。大概400到500字左右。意思差不多就可以了。机译勿扰,谢"相关的详细问题如下:亲爱的sind: 你最近可好?在连续不断的灾害报道我感到了人类生命的弱小和脆弱。为此我认为我们要做好预防的工作,和学会一些求生知识在必须的时候可以自救。我希望与你分享我的求生知识,大家一起来学习。 火灾有的时候是人为可以避免的,只要我们在煮东西的时候不要离开厨房,布料,木料等远离火种,要养成随手关好煤气阀的习惯。但是有的时候,意外却是无法预知的,在那时时候我们就要有安全知识和求生知识。在遇到火灾的时候,如果是室内的,我们首先要拿起湿毛巾灭火,可是如果很大火的话,我们首先要跑去有水源的地方把全身淋湿,并用手巾浸湿捂住口鼻,全身尽量紧贴地面爬行,要快速而有方向地往门口处爬去。在这里我特别要提醒你一个地方,就是即使晚上你锁门了,也一定要插着钥匙在门里,以防万一可以不必寻找钥匙而浪费宝贵的生命时间。此时的一分一秒都决定着你的命运。 我曾经看过一篇报道说的是有个男子他家 火灾了,他跑到了楼下准备出去的时候却发现门锁了,而钥匙还在他的睡房里!在他犹豫要不要拿的时候,大火把他的生命给吞灭了。这个事实教导我们一定要预防有些意外的发生,我们要做好随时与之斗争的准备。在我们逃出门外后我们要及时跟邻居求救,并且打电话给消防队。 生命是无价的,在危险的时候,也只有我们自己才能救自己,我们要清楚知道个中安全知识,和自救方法以免不时之需。
xian xx.xx.xx===突袭网收集的解决方案如下===解决方案1:Dear sind: How have you been recently? The continuous reports of disasters make me feel the lives of human are so weak and vulnerable. Therefore, I think we should do a good job for prevention and learn some survival knowledge to help ourselves in emergency. I'd like to share my knowledge for survial with you. Sometimes,the fire can be avoided by ourselves. If only we don't leave the kitchen when somet if only we make the cloth, wood,etc. far away from the fire, and keep a habit of turning off the gas immediately. But sometimes, accidents are unpredictable. We should have some survival knowledge in that case. If a fire broke out indoors, first, we should use the wet towels to put up it. But if it is a big fire, we should first rush to the place where there is a water source to soak ourselves , and cover our mouths and noses with wet towels, trying to crawl to the door with body tight to the ground as soon as possible. Here, I want to emphasize one point, that even if you have locked the door at night, you must make the key in the keyhole to save the precious time for finding keys,for all your life is determined by the tickering of time.
I read a report like this. It said that when a fire broke out in a man's house, he ran downstairs to get out ended up fingding that the door was locked while the key was still in his bedroom. He was killed by the fire when he was thinking whether to get the key or not. It tells us that we must be preventive for some accidents and we should prepare to fight against them. We need to ask help from neighbours and call 119 after escaped from the fire. Life is invaluable. Only we can save ourselves in danger. We should be clear of all kinds of safety knowledge and survival methods in case of any emergency. xian xx.xx.xx累死偶了。答:那天,阿伦独自一人在山里登山,一块360公斤重的石头落在他身上,他的手臂被砸中了。由于他无法抽出他的手臂,他就在那待了五天,期盼着有人会发现他。但当他的水喝完的时候,他知道他得做些什么来拯救自己的生命。他不准备那天就死去。所以,他...答:3/6 litres double-bond closestool: a family month water-saving nearly 2,000 liters Toilet flush without water, before a toilet each blunt once need water 10 liters. In Beijing, for example, a simple measure: Set for 100 million...答:现在では多くの女子生徒が大好きな日本招き猫小物は、私もとても好きです。日本の多くのお店は入り口の彩陶猫で、客がやってきた。これが、招き猫だった。招き猫は日本だった。江戸时代から、招き猫愚か者になった日本の民间吉祥の无事神仏だっ...答:关掉电视: 有一个有趣和有益的象这样的说法:关掉电视。对此不同的人有不同的观点。一些人持这种观点--关掉电影是不受欢迎的。他们指出在当今社会电视是我们得到信息的重要方式。通过电视,我们不仅可以知道国外或国外的新闻,同也也可以获得...答:Now, the part-time has become a vast campus at the moment the boom, more and more students out of school, start their own part-time dream. Of course, many part-time benefits. Not only earn little tuition, something to reduce th...答:不难,就是长,看在你这么诚恳的份上。我慢慢给你翻译吧。 ()部分为补充【】部分为注解。机翻你妹呀。机翻还要求加分,还说自己很累,要脸么。 现在为了能使一些并没有发挥其应有作用的生产设备、原材料、劳动力等资本能够被那些有前景的产业...


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