这是纠结什么意思思啊 嗷嗷嗷嗷 好纠结

嗷嗷是什么意思 嗷嗷在线翻译 嗷嗷什么意思 嗷嗷的意思 嗷嗷的翻译 嗷嗷的解释 嗷嗷的发音 嗷嗷的同义词 嗷嗷的反义词 嗷嗷的例句
嗷嗷 基本解释\u\u006E\u\u002E\u\u\u\u002E\uF\u006D嗷嗷[áo áo]拟嗷嗷 汉英大词典嗷嗷[áo áo][象] (表示动物或人的叫声):  例:痛[吓]得嗷嗷叫    scream with pain [fright];    雁群嗷嗷地飞过。    Flocks of honking geese flew past.嗷嗷 网络解释1. 1. Hoorah:You're the biggest badass I know.|你是我知道的最坏的坏蛋 | Hoorah!|嗷嗷! | Too bad we didn't go to prom together.|早知道咱们还不如去舞会呢嗷嗷 双语例句1. 此幅画作呈现的正是讨海人种种无奈与等待,等待顾客上门、等待生活经济好转,为了手中还在嗷嗷待哺的新生命,不得不继续等待……再等待。&&&&His work depicts the helpless waiting of fishermen, waiting to make a living from their customers, waiting for the sake of their young children. The predominant color is a gray-blue.2. 我也是。激动的在家里嗷嗷叫。&&&&I think it is overjoy ba.3. 蹲在那里的猫撒了他一脸炉灰;他急忙跑到厨房去洗脸,鸭子又泼了他一脸水;他想用毛巾把水擦干,鸡蛋又滚出来破了,把他的眼睛给粘上了;他想休息一下,于是往坐椅上一坐,发夹扎得他弹了起来;他勃然大怒,一头倒到床上,可是头一碰枕头,缝衣针便把他扎得「嗷嗷」乱叫着往外冲;当他走到门口时,磨盘从门上落了下来,一下把他砸死了。&&&&He ran quickly into the kitchen to wash himself, and the duck splashed water into his face.4. 济贫院当局按规定将这名孤儿嗷嗷待哺、一无所有的情况上报教区当局。&&&&The hungry and destitute situation of the infant orphan was duly reported by the workhouse authorities to the parish authorities.5. 逢虎年,办虎事,做虎人,走虎运,发虎财,虎气冲天嗷嗷叫,生活幸福哈哈笑!&&&&Wishing you all the blessings of a beautiful season. In addition6. 新年伊始,有多少贫困国家的贫民窟里老人挨冻受饿、孩子嗷嗷待哺,有多少卖火柴的小女孩在微弱的火光中离开了旧年,却未能走进新年;而我却依然可以自由的呼吸,在欢快的音乐声中迎来新的一年,可以和远方的亲朋通话、发信息,互报平安,互祝新年。&&&&Beginning of this year, how many elderly people in poor countries where exposure to cold slums suffering from hunger, a child craving for the number of The Little Match Girl in the weak flames in the left of the old year, but not into the New Y while I was still free to breathing, in a jubilant music ushered in the new year, distant relatives and friends can talk, hair information, mutual报平安, exchanged New Year greetings.7. 我心里十分害怕,阿开亚人中最好的战勇可能在特洛伊人嗷嗷的杀声中惨遭不幸。&&&&I hope it may Diomed and Ulysses driving in horses from the Trojans, but I much fear that the bravest of the Argives may have come to some harm at their hands.8. 猪 :嗷嗷,我不去。&&&&Pig: Oink! Oink! Not me.9. 少了女主人的家,一家子日子难过,罗查理有两个嗷嗷待哺的孩子,虽然他现在父兼母职,他绝对不能让家因为车祸而被撞垮下去。&&&&Without a mother, this home has suffered. Luo has two growing children. Though he must now do double duty as both father and mother, Luo is determined not to allow the accident to destroy the rest of his family, as well.10. 这是一张很有警示性的漫画,其中成百上千个新生婴儿们嗷嗷待哺,但是供应他们的却只有两碗粥。&&&&It is a very alarming cartoon, in which hundreds of new-born babies are crying for food but there are only two bowls of porridge available.11. 11. 他当时已经获得了一位来自贵族家庭的德国妻子,一窝嗷嗷待哺的孩子,同时还希望过上舒适的资生活,却没有支持这一切的物质手段。&&&&&&He had by then acquired an aristocratic German wife, a clutch of small children and aspirations for a comfortable bourgeois lifestyle, but no means of support.12. 你一定要知道,你们民族最高贵的女人,明成王后,曾经像一条低贱的母狗一样,被一个中国傻瓜:袁世凯操得嗷嗷叫。&&&&&&You have to know, the noblest woman of your nation, the queen Min-Cheng, had been fucked by a chinese idiot, just like a nidering bitch.13. 嗷嗷,我听到一阵大雁的叫声,我差点从我的身体里跳了出来。&&&&&&I almost jumped out of my skin. A neighbor was driving down the street.14. 有时,我不小心踩了他的爪子,他痛得嗷嗷直叫,转身就逃。&&&&&&When you live in the present moment, what do you have to remember?15. 我们都嗷嗷自信!我们取得的13连胜可是我们今年打出的最NB的成绩。&&&&&&We are all pretty confident and winning 13 in a row has us playing our best basketball of the year.16. 嗷嗷的翻译16. 他气得嗷嗷直叫,就开始往死里揍我。&&&&&&He cried out angrily, and began to hit me as hard as he could.17. 这样修做任务嗷嗷快,可以成为任务王了。&&&&&&To do this repair mission嗷嗷fast, the task can become a king.18. 啊。。。啊。。。嗷嗷。。。&&&&&&Aou.....ah... ah......19. 虎踞龙盘的南京,30万无辜者的生命,无论是白发苍苍的老人,还是母亲怀中嗷嗷待哺的婴儿,统统被杀,无一幸存,屠刀所指,山河血染,日月失色。&&&&&&Long disk Nanjing, 300, 000 innocent lives, whether it is white-haired elderly, or mothers of infant feeding arms, all were killed, no survivors, the authorities referred to, the mountains and rivers of blood, pale moon.20. 有时,我不小心踩了他的爪子,他痛得嗷嗷直叫,转身就逃。&&&&&&Sometimes I accidentally step on his toe. He yelps for a moment and backs away.嗷嗷是什么意思,嗷嗷在线翻译,嗷嗷什么意思,嗷嗷的意思,嗷嗷的翻译,嗷嗷的解释,嗷嗷的发音,嗷嗷的同义词,嗷嗷的反义词,嗷嗷的例句,嗷嗷的相关词组,嗷嗷意思是什么,嗷嗷怎么翻译,单词嗷嗷是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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