
别致是什么意思 别致在线翻译 别致什么意思 别致的意思 别致的翻译 别致的解释 别致的发音 别致的同义词 别致的反义词 别致的例句
别致 基本解释别致[bié zhì]词典:唯一的,仅有的;独一无二的,独特的;不平常的,特别的;超绝。词典:非常规的;非传统的;不依惯例的;通脱自喜。词典interesting and novel:别致。词典:别致。别致 汉英大词典别致[bié zhì](新奇, 不同于寻常) i new and unusal:  例:天坛的建筑结构很别致。    The architectural structure of the Temple of Heaven is unique.    这个收音机样子很别致。    This radio set is unconventionally shaped.别致 网络解释1. ethnic chic:31 woman warrior 战士 | 32 ethnic chic 别致 | 33 creat vintage 酒产地;有相同特征的人2. Bieszczady:Westerplatte,中国红 | Bieszczady,别致 | Hania,哈尼亚3. adj:chic n.别致的款式(尤指妇女的服饰) | adj 别致 | addled 腐坏的, 混乱的4. Chic Hermes:Dazzling YSL 耀眼YSL, | Chic Hermes 别致Hermes, | Divine Posen 非凡 Posen,别致 双语例句1. 位于上海的东方明珠塔,造型新颖别致,是中国的最高建筑。&&&&The tallest structure in China, the distinctive Oriental Pearl Tower, is located in Shanghai.2. 别致的部分式模切刀凡是拔取机增工办法制成。&&&&The common precrack in die-cutters generally use the texturization method.3. 媳耶黑黑的长睫毛非常别致地朝后弯曲着,掩映着一双一会儿象是蓝灰色的,一会儿又象是紫罗兰色的眼睛。她的长睫毛同她的眉毛和头发色泽调和,披拂在她娇嫩的脖子上的发绺,在阳光里轻轻飘动。&&&&Her eyes, which at one moment seemed blue-gray, at another violet(5), were shaded by long black lashes, curving backward in a most peculiar way, and these matched in hue her eyebrows, and the tress- es that were tossed about her tender throat and were quivering in the sunlight.4. 这样不离处置了上背提不入的和解,既可包管丝杠转不静,又可制止别致丝杠呈现的间隙不差错。&&&&This resolves the conflict raised above, guarantees that the screw turning taking ordinary screw joint occurs.5. 走在旧时法租界的地方,街巷幽深,高大梧桐荫郁下一处处别致的花园洋房。&&&&Walking in the old French Concession area, the deep alleys, the next big Indus Yu Yin-chic gardens everywhere.6. 进得客厅,我仔细再看平老师时,只见一袭黑天鹅长裙包裹着她健美丰腴的身躯,平日披散在脑后的如黑瀑布般的秀发在头挽成一个别致的发髻,露出修长的、象牙般雪白的脖颈,面颊上隐隐透出淡淡的红晕,浅浅的笑意如梦般迷人。&&&&Into a living room, I carefully look at the teacher level, the only black swan dressed in long skirt and wrapped her plump body bodybuilding weekdays in hangs loose falls behind, such as black hair-like in the first draft into a chic chignon to reveal a slender, ivory-like white neck, cheek blush faintly revealed faint, shallow charming smile like a dream.7. 7. 男友装修随便较长shirttail下摆和特大型适合略有别致的(这就像他的,只有你没有给它背面)。&&&&Boyfriend fit—casually chic with a longer shirttail hem and a slightly oversize fit (it's just like his, only you don't have to give it back).8. 营火像红色的、别致的花朵点缀着黑夜。&&&&Campire as red and picturesque flowers strewed the night.9. 我戴了一个别致的树脂项链,所有人都问我是从哪买的。&&&&I was wearing a funky resin necklace and everyone asked me where I got it.10. 可以适合不错成为一个简陋的别致的环境。&&&&Daybeds can fit quite well into a shabby chic environment.11. 你看,它的船身是红绿相间的,船舱里有两座造型别致的小房子。&&&&&&You see, it is the red and green and white hull, cabin, there are two unique forms of small house.12. 球道设计典雅别致,造型细腻流畅,独具匠心,看似平坦却极具挑战性,具有浓郁的湖景球场风格,能满足不同水平球手的需要。&&&&&&The overall length of fairway is11235 length of A course is 3706 yards, B course is 3704 yards, C courseis 3825 yards. The design is exquisite but challenging which caters for playersin different levels.13. 13. 鸦片烟枪是在越南买回来的,Eric觉得很别致。&&&&&&This opium pipe was bought from Vietnam. Eric feels that it is very special.14. 它既简单又别致,你可以把它塞进口袋里,但是当你需要的时候,它又可以有那些很棒的功能。&&&&&&It`s simple, it`s elegant, you can slip it in your pocket, but it`s got the great doodad when you need it.15. 您可以在旅行与手提包,店与一个跨机构Messenger或油漆城市红色与别致的离合器或wristlet 。&&&&&&You can travel with a tote, shop with a cross-body messenger or paint the town red with a chic clutch or wristlet.16. 苏溪小学,1964年开办,座落在苏溪居委南方村,占地面积为9750平方米,建筑面积4522平方米,校园运动区,教学区,活动区,布局合理,别致典雅。&&&&&&Su Creek Primary School opened in 1964, is located in the southern Su-Ju Wei Creek Village, an area of 9750 square meters, construction area of 4522 square meters, campus motor areas, teaching areas, activity areas, the layout is reasonable, chic and elegant.17. 17. 你的低领新装很高雅别致,生活中好的东西都不会很便宜。&&&&&&9Your new low-cut dress is exquisite. Nothing good in life is cheap.18. 胶版纸是敌国制卡和会员卡制作行业普及搁置的制卡和会员卡制作书刊、说暗书、别致画报、图片。插图等的纸张,属于否涂料纸。&&&&&&Offset is the business card printing and membership card making business the widely-used business card printing and membership card making to the explanatory memorandum, General collers, pictorialmagazines, pictures, illustrations, and so on., is a non-paper coated paper.19. 我常常惊叹这园林的优雅别致,无论是人造景物还自然景观,举目皆是,精美绝伦,即使是日日相处也总看不厌。&&&&&&When you step forward into it, bamboos are waiting for you respectful the soldierly poplars are standing sideways behind you.20. 20. 天津的城市建筑颇具特色,既有大量雕梁画栋的中式建筑,又有许多新颖别致的西洋建筑&&&&&&It not only has a large quantity of eastern-style construction that contain carved beams and painted rafters, it also has many unique and creative western style buildings.别致是什么意思,别致在线翻译,别致什么意思,别致的意思,别致的翻译,别致的解释,别致的发音,别致的同义词,别致的反义词,别致的例句,别致的相关词组,别致意思是什么,别致怎么翻译,单词别致是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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