如何应对航速 节油耗索赔

详细信息 4-80
船 型 类 型 :
设 计 单 位 :
承 造 单 位 :
船&&&&&& 东 :
首&& 制& 船 :
&&&&& 设计特点(Design Characteristic):
&&&&& 主要尺寸(Main dimensions):
总&&& 长 Loa(m):
垂线间长 Lpp(m):
型&& &&宽& B(m):
型&&&& 深& D(m):
设 计 吃 水d(m):
结 构吃 水ds(m):
&&&&& 船级(Class notation):
&&&&& 载重量(Deadweight):
设计吃水时 DW(t):
&&&&& 航速、油耗及续 航距离(Speed , etc.):
服务航速 Vs(kn):
续航距离&&&&& R:
20000n mile
&&&&& 容量(Capacity):
船&& 员&& (人):
&&&&& 主机(M/E):
型 号 及 数 量(台):
MAN/B&W 6S60MC×1台
&&&&& 发电机及容量(Generator and capacity):
&&&&& 装卸设备(Loading/Unloading Equipment):
货油泵、潜液泵 250m3/h×14台、离心式压载泵350m3/h×2台
【摘要】:正 我们在船员的外派服务中,发现大多数船舶是以期租或航次期租形式进行运作的。在租船业务中,正确理解和履行租约中有关航速和燃油耗量的条款,在航运实务中是一件很重要的事,从而可以避免许多不必要的争议或纠纷。但是,在航运实践中有不少船舶对租船合同中的航速和燃油耗量
孙玉明;王彦波;;[A];高效 清洁 安全 电力发展与和谐社会建设——吉林省电机工程学会2008年学术年会论文集[C];2008年
记者 刘全洲;[N];拉萨晚报;2010年
地址:北京清华大学 84-48信箱 大众知识服务
出版物经营许可证 新出发京批字第直0595号
文/ALEX(航运顾问委员会 委员)浅析船舶航速油耗索赔争议及对策
…Speed and consumption basis good weather condition of upto Beaufort force 4and Douglas sea state 3 on about 12(L)/13 (B) knots on about 33mt(L) /32mt(B)per day +0.1mt MDO…
及在近期的Arbitration 12/14 (LMLN 3 案中:
【航顾委答问】租约中关于“PWWD”的解释及LAYTIME 计算
Hope above will be acceptable by your goodfirm and you will exclude 14th/Oct for assessment accordingly.
For the distance, the vessel’s log installwith dual Doppler log, not E Trust you also aware that theDoppler log is absolute log.
又依据LMAA 的法官Brian Williamson在他的文章《understanding performanceclaims》里的解释的,目前仲裁庭法官会依据船舶的实际情况,大小,吃水等等情况,综合考虑燃油的这个about是给予2%、3%还是5%。这也在气导公司如AWT他们的报告有反应,分2%、3%、5%不同情况下的油耗情况。
"...It is the duty of a ship, at any rate when sailing upon an oceanvoyage from one port to another, to take the usual route between those twoports. If no evidence be given, that route is presumed to be the directgeographical route, but it may be modified in many cases for navigational orother reasons, and evidence may always be given to show what the usual route is..
Such result will be affected by current, socan be negative if a &favourable current is encountered.
Above figures are the same as our lastcalculation on message date 25th/Nov.
5.Weather-induced ship motions
Mean Draft [32, 35]
关于这个day, goodweather day或者per day,到底什么样的情况下才算一个day?然后租家气导才能拿来做分析报告?参照London Arbitration ( LMLN 1
Therefore, the vessel’s slip only be affectedby item 4 & 5, current/swell and weather.
As you well aware that the draft, trim,propeller pitch, rudder are kept unchanged during her laden voyage.
1、Douglas sea state 3
7.Operating transients (rapid power and speed changes)
If your report/result is correct, then thepropeller slip should be:
High, but variable, slip figures areindicative of current/swell.
Wind Speed ≤ 15 knots
That apparent slip, a function of propellerpitch, engine RPM and speed through undisturbed water, is calculated bycomparing distance run through the water and propeller distance.
The House of Lords held that the route selected for a time-chartered vesselwas a matter of employment and that the charterers were entitled to order thevessel to follow a particular route and the master was obliged to follow it inthe absence of over-riding factors. The master remained responsible for mattersof navigation and the safety of the vessel, her crew and cargo and if an orderwas given which, in the judgement of the master, exposed the vessel to dangeror to a risk which the owners had not agreed to bear, the master was entitledto refuse it. The master remained responsible, however, to perform the voyagewith the utmost despatch and otherwise to comply with the orders and directionsof the charterers as to the employment of the vessel.
In this special case, we attached the current factor on14th/Oct for your easy reference. We have no objection that yourinsist the vessel with favourable current ( stern current ).
EE) Good weather definition in this charterparty.
o Weather-induced ship motions
But as above, the vessel’s speed may slow down eventhough she was in positive current.
案中两段符合好天气情况的14小时,16小时允许被拿来做气导分析报告,无需从一个中午到下一个中午连续的24小时。因此为了避免争议,最好是加上类似的“day means continuously 24 hours from noon to noon.”来明确定义这个day到底是什么。
But on the other hand, Owners refer to the vessel’s decklog/engine log, the slip update 11.8% on that day, which is abnormal.
With regard to theextent of the allowance to be given for the tem “about”, although on someoccasions in the past, arbitration tribunals had referred to allowances of lessthan 5% on bunker consumption, the current practice was almost invariably toapply an allowance of 5% unless there were special circumstances. There was noreason to depart from that practice in the present case.
feet Trim [1, 3]
Port/Stdb RPM Difference ≤ .5 rpm
关于指示船长如何在数据上造假,当然也有很多方法,但这是非法的,不在本文讨论范围之内。有案例,船方在log book上记录的所有时间内风均超过5级,法官认为这不符合常理,判船长造假,船东败诉。
On the other hand, Trust you also well awarethat mostly baseline condition for ship performance analysis in the shipyardare:
feet Speed through water ≥ 10 knots
&…That correlation for anall-waves average of 1.25m was a significant wave height of just under 2m. Ifthey used a significant wave height of 2m to judge fair weather days, they werein full compliance with the original meaning of Douglas sea state 3…
High, but variable, slip figures areindicative of current/swell.
In the court’s judgment, the tribunal erred in law when it directed itselfthat an admissible period of good weather had to be a period of 24 consecutivehours running from noon to noon. The charterparty merely referred to “goodweather”. There were no words in the charterparty which justified construinggood weather as meaning good weather days of 24 hours from noon to noon.
In present case, if the slip on 14th/Oct only5%, therefore, the vessel speed will be 12.64knots=288.1/(1-5%)x24, You willnote that the speed within the margin 12.5konts ( 13-0.5).
及 West OfEngland 在一篇《Defence Guides-Speed and consumption claims》中提到的如下:
8.Hull and propeller fouling
一般都认为海浪高度不超过1.25米即认为是海浪3级。但参照伦敦仲裁判例London Arbitration 12/14( LMLN 3:
因此为了避免争议,最好是在“about 12(L)/13 (B) knots on about 33mt(L)/32mt(B)”后面加上“about mean 0.5 knot for speed allowance and 5%for bunker allowance”。
AA) The vessel’s slip is 11.8% on that day 14th/Oct2015.
Sea State ≤ 3 (Beaufort)
当然了如果船东是为了计算省油来对冲时间上的损失,应该以下限,可参照London Arbitration 20/7 ( LMLN 3案,法官解释如下:
o Current/Swell
船东如果连续性保证了,那么将非常被动;要不然正常情况下船东只要保证在交船的那一刻,on delivery的时候符合要求即可。
“In my judgment, the owners’ construction is correct, and is justified inlaw by the principle or rule that a contracting party is not to be held liablein damages for failing to achieve more than the minimum obligation which heundertook by his contract. The construction of the words is plain enough:‘about’ clearly does import some margin below, and if relevant, above, thestated figure of 15.5 knots. When it is sought to hold the shipowner liable indamages for breach of this undertaking, he is entitled to have his liabilitymeasured by reference to the lower end of the range.”
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You may refer to attached engine log 1&2which from the Master.
In respect of vessel’s slip, Trust you as oneprofessional expert will no objection that will be affected by below:
Herewith attached engine log 1 &2 fromthe Master which are self-explanatory, the vessel’s slip is 11.8%, and enginedistance is 326 nms, average ship speed is 12 knots.
Thanks for your attention and sorry for too much troublefor this case.
o Hull and propeller fouling
Refer to report, the vessel’s slip is 11.8 on14th/Oct, distance 288.1nm. Therefore, the vessel’s actualperformance speed should be: 13.61knots= 288.1/(1-11.8%)x24 if no any influenceof external causes, i.e wind & current, such as in absolute staticcondition.
也就是说如果租家要索赔damage的话,那么船东只要不违反最低要求即可。那么租家在索赔damage(under performance claim)的时候,应该给予速度0.5节,油耗5%的allowance。
As the charterers had pointed out, on the owners’ case there would be asaving of bunkers to be set off against time lost if the vessel merelymaintained its warranted consumption of 46 mts of IFO per day. There was nolegal or commercial sense in such a conclusion. The margin permitted by theterm “about” was clearly intended to act as a shield against claims that wouldotherwise be made against the owners rather than as a sword to cut down themeasure of the charterers’ other losses. The owners could not be heard to saythat “the vessel underperformed and consumed more bunkers than described butbecause it did not overconsume as much as it might have done we can treat thatas a saving and reduce your loss of time claim”. For that reason the tribunalwould reject the owners’ submission that any saving in bunker consumptionshould be measured by reference to its warranted consumption plus 5%.
&…That seemed consonantwith the charterparty description of a “good weather” day, which specificallyprovided “no negative influence of swell”. Further, on the days in question,the general direction of the swell was either on, or forward of, the vessel’sport beam, that was to say, a negative influence on her passage through thewater…
Thanks for your last to reconfirm there was +0.32knotcurrent factor on 14th/Oct 2015.
2、no adverse current and no negative influence of swell
The vessel’s draft, trim, propeller pitch,rudder, hull and propeller condition are the same
Refer to your message date 25th/Novas below:
(b)In sea conditions not exceeding Douglas sea state 3
…Speed and consumption basis good weather condition of upto Beaufort force4 and Douglas sea state 3 and no adverse current and no negative influence ofswell on about 12(L)/13 (B) knots on about 33mt(L)/32mt(B) per day +0.1mt MDO…
There is only one reason could explain whythe vessel with the high, but variable slip on that day, The vessel encounteradverse current or effect by negative influence of swell.
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3、about 12(L)/13 (B) knots on about 33mt(L)/32mt(B)
Refer to your last, We wish to reemphasizebelow:
Also constant, but high, slip figures areindicative of hull fouling.
A weather factor is then applied to theoverallcalculation to estimate the extent to whichthe vessel’s speedwas affected by the conditions apparentlyencountered.
The daily routine of calculating slip basedon navigational data uses distance over the ground.
Speed and consumption are suitable for all sea passage或者 Owners guarantee the vessel’s speed and consumption during the wholeservice..或者在NYPE 4620-21行那Vessel on her delivery…加上andduring the service等等这里字眼将造成船东continuing warranty。
Propellerslip=(11.68-12)/11.68 x 100 = -2.74%.
…We see many caseswhen the vessel going faster in negative currents rather than in positive,..
o Rudder-induced ship motions
关于这两个“about”,速度是否给予0.5节,及油耗是否给予5% allowance, 可参法官Evens J在 The Al Bida [1986] 1 Lloyd’s Rep142 per Evans J at 146 提到的如下:
If the vessel with favourable current as yourreport, the slip should be negative, i.e -3%; but not +11.8%.
18. When the objective is to establish whether or not aship is capable of her warranted speed and/or consumption, a detailedinspection of both deck and engine logs ought to provide a clear indication. Ifdesigned trial speed and RPM on a vessel with a fixed bladed propeller in theladen condition are known, apparent slip will provide an indication as towhether progress through the water has been retarded by internal and/orexternal factors. Current apart, any variation in slip is symptomatic of achange in the relationship between propulsive power and speed. Constant, buthigh, slip figures are indicative of hull fouling. High, but variable, slipfigures are indicative of hull fouling and current.
As we clarify earlier, the vessel’s slip upto11.8% on that day 14th/Oct which is actual abnormal.
(d)No negative influence of swell
Mean Shaft RPM* Rate of Change ≤ .5 rpm
关于significant wave 包括了wind wave和swell wave, 很多时候都简单计算,把两者相加。其原本的计算公式应为:significantwave height? =wind wave height? + swell wave height?。
Accordingly, the appeal would be allowed. The award would be remitted tothe tribunal to determine whether the two periods of good weather in the firstleg of the ballast voyage (14 and 16 hours) were by themselves or cumulativelya sufficient sample to enable a breach to be established. They could not beexcluded from consideration on the grounds that each was less than 24 hours. Ifthey were a sufficient sample then the arbitrator had to determine whether theyestablished a breach of the performance warranty and, if they did, apply thatbreach to the whole of the charterparty, excluding any periods of slow steamingon the instructions of the charterers, in order to quantify the charterers’claim for damages.
So many thanks for your kind considerationand good cooperation in advance.
该案中,法官认同气导公司把significant wave height低于2米的天气算为好天气。
Dear Dino / Alex,Good day!
STW Rate of Change ≤ .25 knots/minute
The margin imported in the word “about” cannot be fixed as a matter oflaw. The margin must, as the arbitrators rightly held, “ be tailored to theship’s configuration, size, draught and trim etc”. There is no ground uponwhich the arbitrators can be required to state what the margin they haveadopted.
Attached the swell factor on 14th/Oct whichindicated that the vessel encounter port/port bow swell on that day.
There was a fine distinction between a master's navigationalresponsibilities and his obligation as far as was reasonable to followemployment instructions. That was recognised by Lord Bingham in The HillHarmony and by his Lordship's reliance on the words of Lord Porter in ReardonSmith Line Ltd v Black Sea and Baltic General Insurance Co Ltd [1939] Lloyd'sRep 64:
6.Rudder-induced ship motions
RE: MV HOF / NORFOLK/PRAIA MOLE- VOYAGE REPORT=========================================================
Consideration the sea condition is rather complicated,the vessel may always encounter adverse or affect by negati For avoid endless argument, We usual accept that if the slip less than5% which meet the Speeddiff &=Water - Ground Speed ± 3% , thatcould deem as good weather day if other conditions still meet the good weatherdefinition.
Further, high “slip” figures in the mainengine log can also indicate adversetidesand/or currents. (Slip is the difference between thetheoreticaldistance the propeller should have moved (pitchmultipliedby revolutions made) compared to the actualdistanceachieved over the ground for the same time period).This is not always themethod used by the weather routingcompanies,who often calculate an average speed whichincludesthose days where the weatherconditions were not“good”.
以下为个人在关于good weather day的选取标准上,以滑失率slip这一参数来解释这个good weather day,在现实中并不常见,但有理可依。
This impact will be significant especially the vesseldur The vessel’s speed will be lost during this condition.
(a)In weather conditions not exceeding Beaufort force 4
以下为和租家气导公司交涉的两封邮件,气导认为船舶在从美国NORFOLK到巴西PRAIA MOLE过程中有符合合同规定的好天气,我们坚持认为应该把受ADVERSE CURRENT 及NEGATIVE INFULENCEOF SWELL的时间排除。但最终双方都无法说服对方。
Your last contended in the cp terms for weather, namelyBF, DSS and current which are incorrect. &Missing any conditions a,b,c&d as above will be not meet the good weather definition and could not besuitable for the vessel’s performance evaluation.
Speeddiff = Water - Ground Speed ± 3%
如果在这里加上WOG或者Given in good faith或者For reference only等等,那都没什么说的了,一切都是不保证的,给的数据是善意的,仅仅供租家参考而已,租家不可以以此数据规范来索赔。现在来分析一下没有加上这些,该规范需要注意及完善的地方。
在good weather day 4级风3级浪后加上“no adverse current and no negative influenceof swell”显得非常有必要,可参照London Arbitration12/14 ( LMLN 3 判例,法官认为:
关于是否给双about,可参见London Arbitration 15/05( LMLN 1 及London Arbitration 20/07 ( LMLN3 案法官认为:
SHP Port/Stbd Pitch Difference ≤ .3 feet
But the slip is +11.8%, not -2.74%.
DD) Swell on 14th/Oct
CC) Current on 14th/Oct.
o Propeller pitch (for ships with controllable pitchpropellers (CPP)
Lord Bingham determined that the usual route between the west coast ofNorth America and northern China, Korea and Japan was by sailing a northernroute, save for vessels heading ?far to the south of Japan?. He concluded thatit seemed that the Great Circle route, which was the shortest and quickestroute, was the usual route for The Hill Harmony. It plainly would have been theshortest and quickest route for the vessel in the present case and the tribunalwas satisfied, moreover, that the northerly route advocated by AWT was theusual route. All the contemporaneous evidence showed that all other vesselsinvolved at the time sailed to the north. Only the subject vessel sailed to thesouth.
因此为了避免出现争议,最好在Douglas sea state 3后面加上“ means significant wave height less than 1.25m”。这样对船东将非常有利,在实际中wind wave和swellwave两者合成高度不超过1.25米的情况非常少见。
Factors that affect hull resistance and propellerperformance are inter-dependent. Wake, the body of water which trails behindthe ship, is caused by skin friction and has a velocity relative to the ship.Propeller pitch is the distance a propeller would advance if turned through onecomplete revolution in a solid medium. Theoretical advance assumes 100%efficiency. The difference between theoretical and actual is known as the slipand is expressed as a percentage of theoretical value. Apparent slip, afunction of propeller pitch, engine RPM and speed through undisturbed water, iscalculated by comparing distance run through the water and propeller distance.The daily routine of calculating slip based on navigational data uses distanceover the ground. Such result will be affected by current, so can be negative ifa strong favourable current is encountered.
此外船长在没有特殊情况下,应该听从租家气导公司的指示,选择气导公司他们推荐的航线,要不会构成违约,租家有权利索赔损失。参London Arbitration 15/05( LMLN 1 案如下:
(图一)(图二)作者其他航运文章浅析“Arrived Ship”的含义及NOR有效性问题
Meanwhile, We are awaiting for your coming on 1st/Dec,warm welcome.
The charterparty which was specified that speed/consumption based on good weather condition as following:
但参照法官Parker Lj. 他的说法如下:
(c)No adverse current
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The above conditions are sufficient toexplain why the vessel’s assessment performance speed should based on uptoBeaufort scale 4 / Douglas sea state 3, no adverse current and negativeinfluence of swell.
As regards theoverconsumption claim, Y Inc had concluded that the vessel overconsumed 71 mtof bunkers. X Corp had concluded that the vessel did not overconsume at all.There were two reasons for the difference. In the first place, Y Inc made noallowance for the “about” factor of (as was common ground) 5 per cent.
RE: MV HONG FU / NORFOLK/PRAIA MOLE- VOYAGE REPORT=========================================================
We also wish to point out that there also many cases whenthe vessel slow down in positive current than in negative. If we wish, we mayalso discuss this in due course.
Constant, but high, slip figures areindicative of hull fouling.
BB) In respect of the vessel’s slip, It’s thecommon sense that it will be affected by below:
Trust you also well aware that the vessel may pitchingand rolling heavily when she encounter the swell from her abeam.
Total SHP (both shafts) []
3.Propeller pitch (for ships with controllable pitchpropellers (CPP)
【航顾委答问2】因铁块等物体损坏卸货机或传送带的责任归属作者小说连载系列连载| 爱情海(一)
If the vessel not been affected by externalcauses, such as current/swell& wind, There is no disputed that the vessel enginecould performance the warranty speed, 13.58=326/24 is much higher than warranty12.5=(13-0.5).
Hope above are clear enough and will be acceptable byyou. Held that we may reach a conclusion that the vessel encounter negativeinfluence of swell on 14th/Oct 2015.
关于这个slip, 可参照法官 Brian Williamson 在《understanding performance claims》一文中提到的如下:
Therefore, We would appreciate you will reconsider yourposition, to exclude the day 14th/Oct for assessment and send usfinal voyage performance report accordingly.
o Operating transients (rapid power and speed changes)
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