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33Predicting Arsenic Relative Bioavailability
Predicting Arsenic Relative Bioavailability in Contaminated Soils Using Meta Analysis and Relative Bioavailability ?Bioaccessibility Regression Models
Albert L. Juhasz,*John Weber, and Euan Smith
Centre for Environmental Risk Assessment and Remediation, University of South Australia, Mawson Lakes, South Australia 5095, Australia Supporting Information b
ABSTRACT:A number of in vitro assays are available for the determination of arsenic (As)bioaccessibility and prediction of As relative bioavailability (RBA)to quantify exposure for site-speci fic risk assessment. These data are usually con however, meta analysis may provide predictive cap-abilities for source-speci fic As bioaccessibility and RBA. The objectives of this study were to predict As RBA using previously published in vivo/invitro correlations and to assess the in fluence of As sources on As RBA independent of geographical location. Data representing 351soils (classified based on As source) and 514independent bioaccessibility values were retrieved from the literature for comparison. Arsenic RBA was predicted using published in vivo/invitro regression models, and 90th and 95th percentiles were determined for each As source classi fication and in vitro methodology. Di fferences in predicted mean As RBA were observed among soils contami-nated from di fferent As sources and within source materials when various
in vitro methodologies were utilized. However, when in vitro data were standardized by transforming SBRC intestinal, IVG, and PBET data to SBRC gastric phase values (throughlinear regression models), predicted As RBA values for As sources followed the order CCA posts g herbicide/pesticide>mining/smelting>gossan soils with 95th percentiles for predicted As RBA of 78.0, 78.4, 67.0, and 23.7%,respectively.
Arsenic (As)occurs naturally in soil and is the 20th most abundant element in the earth ’s crust. However, enrichment of soil As may occur as a result of anthropogenic processes, including (butnot limited to) pesticide/herbicidemanufacture and use, mining, smelting, and wood preservation. Where anthropogenic inputs have occurred, elevated As concentrations in soils may exceed regulatory guidelines, with potential impacts on human and environmental health. 1?4Contamination of soil with As was ranked the most common inorganic constituent in the National Priority List of Sites in the United States. 5Because of the e ffects associated with As exposure, such as the development of numerous health disorders in addition to carcinogenesis, 6,7
there is concern regarding the potential risk associated with soil-borne As to human and environmental health. To de fine remediation goals for As-contaminated sites, site-speci fic data are required to ensure an accurate assessment of potential risk at the site. Site-speci fic data are also warranted to re fine default risk variables that, as a result of their conservative nature, may result in unnecessarily low remediation goals, use of additional remediation resources, and deliver unwarranted reme-diation costs. A parameter that may be utilized to re fine site-speci fic
r 2011American Chemical Society remediation goals is As relative bioavailability (RBA).Arsenic RBA is a measure of the amount of As that is absorbed into systemic circulation (withcomparison to a reference dose) as a result of contaminated soil exposure. It is dependent on As mineralogy, the in fluence of soil properties (e.g.,iron [Fe]content), and the residence time of As in the soil. 8As a result of these factors, As RBA may be less than the conservative assumption of 100%,and this may have a signi ficant in fluence on human exposure and risk assessment. Adjustments to As RBA may be achieved by conducting in vivo bioavailability or in vitro bioaccessibility studies. Currently, in vivo assays (e.g.,swine) are
however, these assays are complicated, expensive, and time-consuming. 9Because of their simplicity, speed, and a ffordability, in vitro assays (measuringbioaccessibility) that simulate conditions in the gastrointestinal tract may be an attractive alternative for predicting As RBA. 10However, for in vitro assays to be used as Received:May 29, 2011Accepted:November 7, 2011Revised:November 1, 2011Published:November 07, /10.1021/es2018384|Environ. Sci. Technol. 676–10683
USP 232中英对照-USP 38-NF 33_基础医学_医药卫生...Arsenic can be measured using a total-arsenic ...related to its extent of exposure (bioavailability... Gregor Mendel Strasse 33, A-1180 Vienna, Austria Received 3 September ...Keywords: Arsenic; Bioavailability; H M arsenic polluted soil_化学_自然科学_专业资料。...mobility and bioavailability of toxic elements [4]...0.578 47 0.733 0.448 ?0.965 0.656 0....Speciation and bioavailability of selenium and arsenic in foods by HPLC- ICP-MS 隐藏&& 维普资讯
adicdec mealcdsresweeasse tsln ...An Analysis of Soil Arsenic Records of Decision_...bioavailability of mine waste (12, 13) that ...mean 18.3 33.3 26.2 cleanup goal (mg/kg) ...Arsenic in an Unsaturated Soil_环境科学/食品科学_... mobility, bioavailability, and toxicity (1-4)....M) (33) supplemented with micronutrients (34), ...Yunnan Arsenic Mining Area_化学_自然科学_专业资料... were considered to be potential bioavailability. ...6.33 84.4 19.454 10.6 6.36 104.3 140....of arsenic will strongly affect its toxicity, mobility, and bioavailability. ...The relative standard 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 ... relative TCM, traditional ...Bioavailability is the amount of arsenic that is ...(0.33 to 4.36 mg/kg) (Samanta et al., ...Reduction of arsenic bioavailability by amending seven inorganic materials in arsenic cont_林学_农林牧渔_专业资料。Journal of Integrative Agriculture 2015,'4{...京 东 价:
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