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Reader Response to Death by Landscape
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: March 6, 2013
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“Death by Landscape” by Margaret Atwood
23 January 2013
Reading Response 1
“Death by Landscape” by Margaret Atwood is a short story about a trauma that had a tremendous effect on the life of a young girl named Lois.
The story begins with Lois living alone in an apartment.
She is a widow with two grown children.
Lois collects paintings of landscapes and she likes her apartment because they all fit on the walls.
I do not believe that Lois likes the paintings, but she seems to need them.
I like the imagery in the story very much.
Atwood descriptions are colorful and truly bring the story to life.
I can see Cappie, in her feathers and face-paint and blanket.
I can see Lois and Lucy smoking cigarettes and sneaking behind the outhouse to light fires.
When the girls leave camp for the canoe trip, the foreshadowing is wonderful.
“The lake goes down, deeper and colder than it was a minute before.”
Sights, sounds, smell, Atwood describes them all.
That is what I liked best about the story.
I did not like the part of the story where Cappie accuses Lois of being angry with Lucy and pushing her off the cliff.
I understand why she did so and why Atwood included it in the story, but it made me angry.
That sentence is what caused Lois to feel guilty her whole life.
Even though she was not responsible, Lois spent the rest of her life looking for Lucy.
It was interesting to me that Lois felt as though she was living two lives for most of hers – “another, shadowy life that hovered around her and would not let itself be realized”.
Every painting that she collected in some way reminded her of Camp Manitou and the forest where Lucy disappeared.
Even though she spent her life metaphorically looking for Lucy, she never went back to the north again. When she had her family near she could ignore these feelings, but now that she is a widow and her children have grown up, she is alone and seems to spend most of her time looking at...
...Death by Landscape
It is often wondered what an artist was thinking or what message they are trying to convey when they create an unusual or even a masterpieces of art.
Now it is also safe to say that such beauty and talent might only be in the eye of the beholder, and many will never appreciate or understand the views that others have towards an artists work.
Why do some people find such depth in the simplest of paintings, such as a
Many people connect to paintings or pictures because it takes them somewhere else while they look at it, and they can live in what they see even if it is only for a moment or two. This feeling alone is one that can inevitably make a piece of art so priceless.
Death by Landscape is a beautiful story.
Margaret Atwood tells the story of a young girl named Lois, her childhood and adventures growing up with her dear friend Lucy.
These two young girls grow up spending their summers at Camp Manitou.
Margaret describes the beautiful detail of where Lois and Lucy spend their summers.
The details allow you to paint a picture in your mind of this camp, their adventures and even the people that attend the camp with them each summer.
Lois and Lucy a they confide and grow with one another.
You grow with them as they come back to this camp each summer, and have matured developed and grown closer each year.
You come to know their...
...Reader-response criticism is a school of literary theory that focuses on the reader (or &audience&) and their experience of a literary work, in contrast to other schools and theories that focus attention primarily on the author or the content and form of the work.
Although literary theory has long paid some attention to the reader's role in creating the meaning and experience of a literary work, modern reader-response
criticism began in the 1960s and '70s, particularly in America and Germany, in work by Norman Holland, Stanley Fish, Wolfgang Iser, Hans-Robert Jauss, Roland Barthes, and others. Important predecessors were I. A. Richards, who in 1929 analyzed a group of Cambridge undergraduates' Louise Rosenblatt, who, in Literature as Exploration (1938), argued that it is important for the teacher to avoid imposing any &preconceived notions about the proper way to react to any work&; and C. S. Lewis in An Experiment in Criticism (1961).
Reader-response theory recognizes the reader as an active agent who imparts &real existence& to the work and completes its meaning through interpretation. Reader-response criticism argues that literature should be viewed as a performing art in which each reader creates their own, possibly unique, text-related performance. It stands in total opposition to the theories...
...Primarily speaking, the necessity of death penalty has been the prolonged clamour of victims' immediate family and relatives of these predators who demoralize and disrespect the life of their preys. A plea for justice has always been the battle cry of these innocent victims who impatiently wait the verdict of this bureaucratic delayed justice system. Moreover, some of these convicts are generally given life imprisonment which in the long run can be years
after repayment, vengeance is once sought after by these criminals. Though this humane world has been able to give a glimmer of hope for these prodigal sons to repent for the acts committed, the financial backwash should also be taken into consideration. The need to construct more prisons and jails is growing in leaps and bounds and the hungry stomachs of these people have long been siphoning our economic budget. On the long run, the taxes we pay are feeding these lackadaisical convicts more than the benefits we accumulate
For what we pay.
The first established death penalty laws date back to the Eighteenth Century B.C. in the Code of King Hammurabi of Babylon, which codified the death penalty for 25 different crimes. The death penalty was also part of the Fourteenth Century B.C.'s Hittite C in the Seventh Century B.C.'s Draconian Code of Athens, which made death the only punis and in the Fifth Century...
The Reader's Response
By: John O'dea
I have chosen a reader response criticism for Catch-22, because I believe it gives me the freedom to interpret, and explore the book on the freest and most personal grounds. It gives me the opportunity to look inward and contemplate the thought provoking scenes occurrences in Catch-22 on my own terms, and then allows me to relate these findings to fellow peers and readers.
reader response criticism complies with my beliefs of Literature, in that everyone who reads a book comes from a figuratively different place than any other reader.
Since everyone is a unique individual, the impressions, and meanings of passages are to be interpreted by these readers in their own unique and individual way.
Therefore, it is a reader response critic's belief that works of Literature do not have one specific meaning, as they are all interpreted by different people.
Two people may believe that texts have different meanings, or believe different things about them.
For example, The Catcher in the Rye can lead people down two entirely different paths.
For some this work represents a young mans loss of innocence, and subsequent downward spiral toward delusionistic insanity.
Others however, find themselves relating to Holden Caulfield, and perhaps at that time in their life are lead to look...
Reader Response Theory
In the short story “The Father”, by Bharati Mukherjee, explores the life a family that is faced with internal conflicts surrounding cultural ideals. Mukherjee utilizes descriptive literary techniques that enable the reader to analyze the author’s attitude towards western culture. Mr. Bhowmic, a father raised by old traditions, is constantly faced with obstacles regarding his daughter and wife on their “American”
ideals. At the end of these obstacles Mr. Bhowmic’s and his wife are presented with troubling news from their daughter. Unfortunately, due to multicultural conflicts, a breaking point is reached when it is revealed that Mr. Bhowmic’s daughter has participated in artificial insemination and is preparing for child birth. Although it is easy to blame the pregnancy on
the real blame can unknowingly be her parents. The multicultural conflicts of American society develop issues in families that struggle to maintain the lifestyle they were accustomed to.
Mukherjee address, in a fair amount, in this short story the difficulties of transitioning from older Eastern cultures to modern Western cultures. Through various literary techniques Mukherjee gives the reader the ability to experience Mr. Bhowmic journey and adjustments to Western cultures his family must endure. This technique also assists the reader in infusing personal experiences with Mr....
...To Kill A Mockingbird—Response
Harper Lee’s book, “To Kill a Mockingbird,” is, in my opinion, a book with a diverse collection of messages, skillfully woven into an interesting and engaging story. It seems to me, though, that the book is very focused on symbolism.
The symbol of mockingbirds is reoccurring in the book. It appears in the title, it is suggested in various characters and situations, and in parts of the book it is stated explicitly. For example, on page 90,
Atticus told Scout and Jem, “Remember it’s a sin to kill a mockingbird.” Scout didn’t understand this, and so she asked Miss Maudie about it. She responded, “Mockingbirds don’t do one thing but make music for us to enjoy. They don’t eat up people’s gardens, they don’t nest in corncribs, they don’t do one thing but sing their hearts out for us.” From these parts of the book, we learn that mocki it is a sin to hurt or injure them. I think that the symbolism of mockingbirds extends to humans also. They represent the innocent ones who are injured by evil. For example, I think that Tom Robinson is a prime example of a mockingbird that was killed. H he was a good guy who didn’t hurt anybody. However, because of prejudice, he was accused of a capital offence. He was convicted by a prejudiced jury and sentenced to death. With all his hope gone, he made a crazed attempt to escape his prison, but was shot dead. Clearly, the author is telling us here...
...yet she does not return. Instead, Lois hears a scream, although she cannot identify it. The campers head back to camp without L even the police cannot find her. When they return, Cappie insinuates that Lois pushed Lucy.
In retrospect, Lois realizes that Cappie merely needed someone to blame for the unfortunate event, but Lois struggles to let go of her friend. She is also haunted by the wilderness. The protagonist cannot believe that Lucy has died, and for this reason she has been
living two lives. At the end of the story, Lois can finally accept the wilderness as part of herself.
Death by Landscape” features a widowed mother, Lois, who is haunted by the wilderness and the disappearance of her friend, Lucy, years earlier. At the beginning of the story, Lois has moved into a new waterfront apartment and is hanging her art collection. The paintings, which are wilderness landscapes, fill her will a sense of unease.
Lois recalls her time spent at summer camp between the ages of 11 and 13, and her close friendship with Lucy. By their last year at camp, Lucy seemed to have changed, disillusioned by her parents’ divorce and involved in a relationship with the gardener’s assistant. During a week-long excursion into the wilderness with their camp counsellor, Cappie, Lois and Lucy separate briefly from the other girls and climb a trail to a lookout point over the lake. Lucy says she has to urinate, but doesn’t return, and...
...Readers Response of ‘Scarlet Letter’
Despite the declination in the personal and societal standards of morality in the past century, it is still evident today that a universal standard of ethics does indeed exist in every civilization.
Likewise, these communities administer consequences upon those who fail to meet up to those principles.
The severity of the punishment inflicted rests solely on the offender, the offense and the society itself.
Hester Prynne, the penalty for fornication was a lifetime of public shame.
In “The Scarlet Letter”, Nathaniel Hawthorne adeptly employed rhetorical devices such as allusion, syntax, metaphor, irony and imagery.
He dares to probe the deleterious nature of revenge and the duplicity of character in the Puritan society circa the late 1600’s.
The Biblical allusions found in the Scarlet Letter are so great in number to the point of being obvious.
First, Hester and Dimmesdale are comparative to Adam and E after committing the infraction, she is cast out of the Puritan community and both are forced to live under the stress of their guilt and work to ease their consciences.
When his character is first introduced in chapter three, Chillingworth is [rather aptly] paralleled to a snake (Hawthorne 61), yet another reference to the Garden.
Hester is likened to the Virgin Mary (Hawthorne 56) in light of her pose with Pearl on the scaffold.
There are multiple allusions to...
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More great study tools:> > >万达&甩卖&文旅项目:原想投资5千亿叫板迪士尼
出品|网易清流工作室作者|陈姿羊 编辑|赵妍万达集团董事长王健林在各地投资的消息从未淡出公众视线。7月初,总投资达到320亿元的昆明万达城项目正式启动,王健林在该仪式上公开亮相。但仅仅一个星期之后的7月10日,包括上述昆明万达城在内的13个文化旅游项目的绝大多数股权,连带76个酒店,被万达商业打包转让予融创中国(01918.HK),交易对价为632亿元,其中13个文旅项目的91%股权,交易对价为295.75亿元,并由融创承担项目贷款。王健林向媒体称,“转让项目能大幅降低万达商业的负债,并进一步实现轻资产化运营。”而孙宏斌则称收购资金全部来自融创自有资金。万达商业和融创中国就上述交易发布的联合公告,以及王健林与融创中国董事局主席孙宏斌随后的公开表态,并未能平息公众对上述交易的好奇与惊讶。网易「清流」工作室此前的调查结果显示,交易背后,一个无法忽略的事实是万达文旅项目近年来多地“受挫”的现实,自2009年进军文旅产业以来,万达文旅项目本身的探索并不尽如人意,先后曾遭遇武汉电影乐园停业、大连文化旅游项目搁浅等情况。不过,这并未阻碍万达在该领域“跑马圈地”,其“地产+游乐园”的商业模式——大多数万达文旅项目均搭配住宅项目销售,让万达文旅版图达到18个项目、总计投资近6800亿元的规模。而网易「清流」工作室根据公开资料统计,与融创交易的13个文旅项目,此前万达计划的投资总额达到5000亿元。而王健林本人则一直对文旅项目给予厚望。尤其是主打产品万达城,这个被称为“万达第四代产品”的项目曾让王健林放话“要让迪士尼中国在未来10-20年都无法盈利”。言犹在耳,万达如今将其中13个文旅项目悉数相让与融创。这一让人始料未及的交易背后,王健林和孙宏斌各自打得什么算盘?文旅项目早期探索“坎坷”武汉中央文化区被视为万达第一个城市文化旅游项目,是2011年万达在全国最大的一笔投资,总耗资500亿元。彼时,王健林将该项目赋予了这样的意义:“等我们武汉项目开起来,你们会看到万达这些年来的探索。”原本,王健林的信心不无道理。占地面积1.8平方公里的武汉中央文化区,是当时万达的全新生态:一条长达1.5公里的民国风情汉街,串起一座万达广场、两座万达酒店、一个武汉万达电影乐园、一个汉秀剧场,以及四周的万达写字楼和若干住宅。这也成为2013年后陆续上马的万达文化旅游项目万达城的雏形。但万达在文旅产业的这一开山之作,尤其是的武汉万达电影乐园,却随后便处于尴尬境地。日,武汉万达电影乐园宣布暂停营业,称将进行全面升级改造。这个投资约38亿元的项目,日才开门迎客。而目前,该项目仍处在停业升级期。自开业便一直在武汉万达电影乐园工作的王娜此前曾告诉网易「清流」工作室,所谓停业升级,实则是乐园无法继续运营。“电影乐园一直亏损。内部曾说按照票价,每天要保证人游玩才能实现盈利。但除了开业第一年的春节期间有过每天人,和做‘1元抢门票’活动初期最高峰的1.2万人外,平时很少能超过(人)这个游客数,最少的时候200-300人也有过。”王娜说。王健林或许对此亦颇有微词。根据公开报道,王健林曾在万达集团的年会上,对由万达文化产业集团有限公司副总裁唐军主抓的武汉电影乐园及汉秀项目,不留情面地一顿痛批。之后,唐军黯然从万达离职。事实上,作为文旅项目的早期探索,万达还曾计划在大连投资500亿元建设大连金石文化旅游地产项目。而网易「清流」工作室此前调查发现,这一项目悄然搁浅多时。日,万达宣布与泛海集团、联想集团及大连一方集团共同投资500亿元,打造大连金石文化区。根据当时万达的对外宣传,这一项目包含影视产业园、主题公园、大连秀剧院、度假酒店区、滨海高尔夫、商业中心、医院和学校配套居住区共八大功能区,预计2013年建成。大连金石文化区也被写入万达2010年、2011年和2012年的工作报告。在2012年的报告中,如此介绍该项目:“春节后(编者注:2013年春节)将全面开工,力争2016年、确保2017年建成。这个项目一旦建成,一定会在全世界引起轰动,成为全球影视产业的一大中心。”此时宣称的建成时间,已经比2010年时预计的延迟了3-4年。耐人寻味的是,自2013年起的万达工作报告中,再未出现关于大连金石文化区的相关信息。据悉,2014年前后,万达便将旅游文化项目撤出大连金石滩,原本的项目用地也已退还政府,仅保留了商业住宅“大连金石天成”。而时至今日,万达亦未能就此给出官方解释。一位大连金石天成的销售人员称,由于多方面原因,整个大连文化旅游项目搬去了青岛,即此后万达大力推广的青岛东方影都。网易「清流」工作室注意到,不少购买了金石天成商品房的业主则在网上大呼上当,称“当初购买就是看中了周边的配套旅游设施”,因而要求退房。作为补偿,2014年2月,万达开始对有退房意向的购房者办理退房手续,并对不退房的住户提供1000元/平方米的补偿。“游乐园”撬动住宅销售自2009年探索文旅项目至今八年,除却“搁浅”的大连金石滩项目,万达已在全国布局了18个文旅项目,包括武汉中央文化区、西双版纳国际度假区、青岛东方影都,南昌、合肥、哈尔滨、广州、成都、重庆等14座城市已建和在建的万达城。加上酒店、住宅等配套设施,这18个项目总计投资近6800亿元。而涉及此次协议的13个项目,根据公开资料统计,万达曾计划总计投资5000亿元左右。除了早期的武汉、西双版纳项目和青岛东方影都外,万达将其他城市的文化旅游项目均命名为“万达城”。万达城被万达赋予了重要使命。王健林曾公开表示,万达城将被快速复制到多地,到2020年前会在全国完成15-20个万达城项目。去年,王健林甚至公开叫板上海迪士尼乐园,号称要让迪士尼中国在未来10-20年都无法盈利。“好虎架不住群狼”,王健林的战略大抵如此。而其口中的“群狼”便是指万达向“轻资产”转型的重要标杆之一万达城。从规划布局上看,最早开业的合肥万达城与南昌万达城,无不瞄准了一个中心——上海迪士尼。“万达城和迪士尼的模式是有区别的,迪士尼是专门的‘游乐’模式,万达城则是‘地产+游乐园’模式,双方本身运作模式就有很大区别。”同策咨询研究总监张宏伟此前对网易「清流」工作室表示,如果纯粹从文旅角度讲,还是迪士尼经验丰富一点。实际上,在南昌打造万达城之初,王健林就曾介绍,400亿元总投资中约220亿元用于投资文化旅游,剩下的用于200多万平方米的房地产投资和住宅写字楼的投资。这也是正在全国范围内大肆兴修的万达城的通用模式。这也与网易「清流」工作室查询到的信息相符。在此次涉及到的13个项目中,有西双版纳、南昌、合肥、哈尔滨、无锡11个城市的文旅项目旁搭配有万达的住宅或商住混合项目在售或者即将开售。比如,最早开业的南昌万达城,目前有多区高层房源在售,均价为1.45万/平。根据公布的楼盘信息显示,开发商为南昌万达城投资有限公司,物业类型为普通住宅、别墅和商铺。而尚未放出楼盘信息的济南和昆明两地万达城,根据土地规划,也均包含居住用地。比如,根据济南当地媒体《经济导报》报道,6月30日,万达以66.75亿元摘得济南潘田片区16宗地块,共1495亩。其中,A地块有5宗,为医疗设施、康体娱乐等用地;B地块有11宗,为居住用地。此前王健林亦公开承认了这种模式,“我不可能买地后靠文化旅游用20年来回收成本,中国的金融模式 (指融资成本)不支持这种发展模式,在这个情况下,(资金)只能走销售(房地产)一部分、融资一部分的路子”。老齐点评:文化地产,甚至文化产业一直是王健林这几年的核心资产。参加过他几次内部讲话,对万达转型文化产业信心满满,而且这是他一直坚持的方向,他的一系列并购,都是给万达的地产注入文化元素。但这次卖掉了还真是比较奇怪。相当于推倒重来了,再看吧。


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