CHISEL 最贵的手表牌子是什么牌子贵吗?

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美国最权威的巴朗 SAT3500词汇同义分类表,方便记忆!
----SAT High-Frequency Words ● ----SAT Hot Prospects Worlds 平静 平静下来,冷静 allay V 下来 (使) 平静,安抚
appease VWordListcalm pacifyal lay=ad-,to cause to liepacify or soothe relievepeasepeace停止 (cease,V) 平静的 公平的cessationNstoppagecede, ceed,cessgo, yielddispassionateAdjcalm impartialpassi,pati,pathsuffer,feelings平静的, 均衡的, equable 稳定的Adjtranquil steady uniformequ,equiequal沉着冷静 平静 (imperturbabili ty, N) 不停的imperturbableAdjcalm placid composedim per turbnot thoroughly disturbincessantAdjuninterrupted unceasingcede, ceed,cessgo, yield安抚,平静 换取信任,失去 警惕 (使其) 平静,安静,暂 停,短暂的平息lullVsoothe cause one to relax one's guard subsidelullNmoment of calm1 平息 安抚 安抚 平静● mollifyVsoothemoll 拉丁文:mollis=softsoftpacifyVsoothe make calm or quiet subduepac-peace冷静的 平静的 不易被激起的 平静的phlegmaticAdjcalm not easily disturbeddis turbapart disturbplacidAdjpeaceful calmplac-please劝解 平静 安抚 平静 宁静 安静的 稳重的 低沉的 平静propitiateV appeasepropit=petforward seekquietudeNtranquilityquicalm,restsedateAdjcomposed gravesed.sess,sidsitserenityNcalmness placidity沉静的 安静的 平静 冷静 不能平静的 不能平静的staidAdjsober sedatetranquillityNcalmness peacetrans, quiacross, calm,restimplacableAdjincapable of being2placplease pacified 静态 静默的 静音的 muted Adj silent muffled toned down 清醒,冷静 节制 严肃 sobriety N. moderation (especially regarding indulgence in alcohol) seriousness. (sober,Adj.) 静止的 单调的 (stagnate,V) 静态的
static Adj
stagnant Adj motionless stale dull unchanging lacking development sta stand (一直站着的) sta stand (一直站着的)和谐 和谐的 (compatibility, N)compatibleAdjharmonious in harmony withcom passi,pati,pathtogether suffer,feelings情感的亲近 和谐rapportNemotional closeness harmony不和谐 不和谐 (cacophony,●cacophonousAdj discordantcaco phonbad sound, speakinharmoniou3 N) 冲突的 不和谐的 不和谐的 冲突的 不和谐 不兼容 (incompatibilit y, N) 不调和的 荒谬的 (incongruity, N)
incongruous Adj discord Ns conflict lack of harmony
discordant Adj not harmonious conflicting incompatible Adj inharmoniou s in com passi,pati,path not together suffer,feelings cord heart cord heartnot fitting absurd平衡 平衡 不平衡,不成比 例equilibrium imbalanceN Nbalance lack of balance or symmetryequ,equiequaldisproportion和平 和平主义者
pacifist N one opposed to force antimilitarist pacpeace公平、公允 公允的disinterestedAdjunprejudicedjudjudge4 公平的,公允的● equitableAdjfair impartialequ,equiequal公平,公正equityNfairness justiceequ,equiequal公平的evenhandedAdjimpartial fair公平的impartialAdjnot biased fairim part judnot part judge公平的judiciousAdjsound in judgment wise不为情所动的 公平的objectiveAdjnot influenced by emotions fairob jectbefore throw (抛于眼前的 东西)不公平 不公平 易招嫉妒的 不公平的inequity invidiousN Adjunfairness designed to create ill will or envyequ,equi in vid,visequal on to see (看到~而嫉 妒)偏见、偏差 偏见的,偏差 (bias, N) 有识别能力的 有偏见的 (secondary meaning) discrimination, NbiasedAdjslanted prejudiced discriminatingAdjable to see differences prejudiceddis criminapart space (反唇相讥)5 患黄疸病的 有偏见的jaundicedAdjprejudiced [envious, hostile or resentful] yellowedresentagain feel (再次感觉―怒 气油然而生)倾向 偏见 偏见的 有目标的 预计好的partialityNinclination biaspartparttendentiousAdjhaving an aim biased designed to further a causetendstretch合理 合适的appositeAdjappropriate fittingap=ad posratio- put reason合理化rationalizeVgive a plausible reason for an action in place of a true, less admirable one offer an excuse不合理的 不合理的,不重 要的 inconsequentialAdjinsignificant unimportantcon sequ signtogether follow mark know不合理的unconscionableAdjunscrupulou6sci 不道德的 过度的 散漫的 不得要领的 discursive Adjs excessive digressing rambling dis cur apart run协调,协作,合作,一致 扣合 紧密合作 协作,合作 clasp N fastening device firm grip collaborate V work together com (co, col, con, cor) labor 协调的 concerted Adj mutually agreed on done together com (co, col, con, cor) cert sure work with, together with, together一致 一致 全体同意 全体一致 (unanimous,Ad j) 一致性 同样accord unanimityN Nagreement complete agreementcord un animheart one mind uniformityNsameness monotonyuni formone form不一致的,矛盾的 相差 ● discrepancy 缺乏一致Nlack of consistency7dis crepapart crack difference 不一致的,自相 矛盾的 ( inconsistent, Adj) inconsistency N state of being self-contradi ctory lack of
uniformity or steadiness 不相容的 矛盾的 irreconcilable Adj incompatible not able to be resolved ● repugnant Adj loathsome hateful ir-=il reconcil re-pugnnot again harmonize against fight不一致的 讨厌的 (令人) 矛盾的观点或 情绪 (ambivalent,Ad j) ambivalenceNthe state of having contradictory or conflicting emotional attitudes contradict give a false impressionambi-about,around, on both side strongval掩饰,造成假象 矛盾 相反的 belieVcontra dictcontrary sayconverseNoppositecon vers,verttogether to turn安与危 安慰,安抚 减轻 (痛苦) 满足 (饥渴)● assuageVease or lessen (pain) satisfy8as=ad suageto agreeable 安慰(hunger) soothe (anger)(止痛的) 安慰物balmNsomething that relieves pain reconciling soothing reconcil moll 拉丁文:mollis=soft again harmonize soft抚慰,调和 (conciliate,V) 缓和,安抚 (also Adj) 鸦片剂 安眠的,止痛的 conciliatoryAdjemollientNsoothing or softening remedy medicine to
induce sleep or deaden pain something that relieves emotions or causes inactionopiateN安抚 placateVpacify conciliateplac concil plac=pleasplease harmonize please安慰剂placeboNharmless substance prescribed as a dummy pill comfort in trouble安慰solaceN不安 心乱 不安discomposureNagitation loss of9dis comaway together poise 感到不安 (perturbation, N) 焦躁不安的 难以压抑的 restive Adj perturb V disturb greatlyposper turb put thoroughly disturbrestlessly impatient
obstinately resisting control互见:rest危与险,恶,凶,陷阱,预兆,残酷 困境 两难的困境 走投无路 僵局 僵局 (also V) 无路可通,走投 无路 僵局 impasse N deadlock N standstill stalemate predicament from which there is no escape deadlock 困境 危险的境地 两难 两难的困境 僵局 quandary stalemate N N predicament N tricky or dangerous situation dilemma dilemma deadlock im=in pass not pass困境,困难,困与难,艰难 困扰 besetVharass or trouble hem in10=set upon,包围,围 困 易碎的 困难的 紧急情况(Adj. exigent)brittleAdjeasily broken difficultexigencyNurgent situation emergency emergent siuationex igout act挣扎,辗转 艰难地奋斗flounderVstruggle and thrash about proceed clumsily or ● falter互见 founder proceed forward go情况,状况 困境plightNcondition, state (especially a bad state or condition)plifoldpredicament 困境 危险的境地 两难 困难,困苦 短缺,缺少 两难的困境
quandary N privation N predicament N tricky or dangerous situation dilemma hardship want dilemma priv private,deprive(使 丧失)危害、妥协、危险 危害 compromise 妥协 (also N),seeVAdjust or settle by making mutual11com pro misetogether forth send
eclecticconcessions endanger the interests or reputation of折衷的 ( eclecticism, N) eclecticAdjcomposed of elements drawn from disparate sourcesec lect dispar互见:electric 电气 read apart equal危险 Z于危险之中 (jeopardy, N)hazardous jeopardizeAdjd Vangerous endanger imperil put at riskhazardgame of dice危机,转折点 关键点 悬崖 危险的位ZjunctureNcrisis joining pointjunctjoinprecipiceNcliff dangerous positionpre cipice=caputbefore head (以头在先― 倒栽)冒险的 不确定的 冒风险的 冒险的 威胁的,险恶的 venturesome Adj ● precarious Adj uncertain risky bold ven,vent to come (来到) prec prayformidableAdjmenacing threatening险恶的 严酷的inclementAdjstormy unkindin clementnot mild12 险恶的 威胁的,险恶的 formidable Adj menacing threatening 险恶的 严酷的 inclement Adj stormy unkind in clement not mild闹 喧闹 俗丽 blatant Adj
flagrant conspicuousl y obvious loudly offensive 喧嚣,繁忙,熙 熙攘攘 bustle V move about energetically teem 胡闹 奇怪、出格的行 为 闹剧 嘲笑 (farcical,Adj) 闹着玩的 嬉戏的 雀跃 耍闹 嬉戏 ( also N) 狂欢,欢闹 hilarity N boisterous ● mirth13flagrburnescapadeNprank flighty conductes-=exout of one’s cape 迅速脱掉外套 forceout cape: 无袖的短外套farceNbroad comedy
mockeryfrolicsomeAdjprankish gayfrolicgambolVskip leap playfullygame 比赛hilar-glad 无暇的immaculateAdjspotless flawless absolutely cleaninmaculatenot be spotted喧闹的,喧嚣的 任性的 喧嚣 混乱 胡闹 打扮 小规模战争 小打小闹 (also V) 嬉戏的 玩闹的 吵闹 混乱obstreperousAdjboisterous noisypandemoniumNwild tumultpandemon-all 恶魔prankNmischievous trick minor fightsee: rankskirmishNsportiveAdjplayfulportcarrytumultNcommotion riot noisetumto swell (肿胀)喊叫的 吵闹的vociferousAdjclamorous noisyvoc,voke -ferclaim voice carry cry争吵、争论、争议、争辩 争吵 bicker 争吵 混战 争吵 争论 fray spat fracasV Nquarrel brawl, meleesee beakerN Nbrawl squabble14 口角 扇巴掌 争吵 squabble Nminor dispute minor quarrel bickering无可争议的 无疑的,无可争 议的 ● incontrovertible Adj indisputable not open to question Adj too certain to be disputed incontro-=contra vert in dis pute not against turn not apart think没有争论余地 非常清楚的indisputable争辩,辩论 好辩的 (disputant, N) disputatiousAdjargumentativ e fond of arguingdis puteapart think支持,辩护advocacyNsupport active pleading on something's behalfadvoc,voke voice辩护 (also N) 辩护者 advocateVurge plead foradvoc,voke apo-log- voice off speakapologistNone who writes in defense of a cause or institution trickery强辩,狡辩chicaneryNdeapart15 欺骗 辩论 反驳 controvert Vdeception oppose with arguments attempt to
refute contradictcept contro-=contra verttake (另外的方式) against turn雄辩 修辞 ( eloquent,Adj) 悖论 佯谬 eloquenceNexpressivene ss persuasive speecheloqu, logout speakparadoxNsomething apparently contradictory in nature statement that looks false but is actually correctparadox- opinion辩论的,好辩的● polemicalAdjaggressive in verbal attack
disputatious遁词 狡辩 支吾 吹毛求疵 (also V) 辩护 维护quibbleNminor objection or complaintquicalm,rest vindicateVclear from blame
exonerate justify or16vindicdicwine say(趁酒兴而辩论) proclaim (宣称离开 某地) support谋略、计谋、策略、技巧、智谋,阴谋、密谋、合谋、勾结 计谋 N stratagem deceptive de scheme 战略 cept 技巧 策略,计谋 技巧 欺骗 artifice N ruse N trick stratagem deception trickery art de cept 小玩意儿 密谋 预谋,预先考虑 有计划的 故意的 有想法的 premeditate V trinket N knickknack bauble plan in advance not spontaneous deliberate thoughtful 互见:meditateaway takeskill away takestudiedAdj拉丁文: sponta=of free will私下的,秘密的,揭秘 秘密 谜 arcane Adj secret mysterious known only to the initiated 核心小组会议 (秘密) caucus N private meeting of members of a party to select officers or determine17互见: cane policy 密码 秘密的 cipher N secret code 互见:encipher, decipherclandestineAdj Vsecret hint suggest 互见: intimacy私下的,秘密的, intimate 亲密的 宣告 暗中的 秘密的
furtive sneaky hiddensurreptover creep (偷偷爬过去)破译,解密 澄清 揭秘decipherVinterpret secret code clarify free from mystery or obscurity互见:encipher, cipher 互见 mystify demyst apart mysterydemystifyV计谋 间谍行为espionageNspyinge-=exspecout see,look奸诈狡猾 诡计 guileNdeceit
duplicity wiliness cunning互见:beguile 欺骗, 骗住,消磨时间精明的 明智的 诡计多端的 谨慎的politicAdj expedient
prudent well advised18 自发的 自然的 无预谋的 (spontaneous, Adj)spontaneityNlack of premeditatio n naturalness freedom from
constraint拉丁文: sponta=of free will阴谋,阴险 阴险的,奸诈 的,狡猾的 鬼鬼祟祟的 阴谋,诡计 阴郁的 阴森的 昏暗的 抑郁的insidiousAdjtreacherous stealthy slyin sidin sit(隐匿坐于其内者)machinationsNevil schemes or plots gloomy gloomy depressing dark drab so=sub omber=umber under shadowsaturnine
somberAdj Adj策略 合适的,有利的 策略性的 (expediency, N) expedientAdjsuitable practical politicexpediout foot (有助于行进的)技巧 精密的技巧 熟练,有技巧finesse adroitN Adjdelicate skill skillful互见: fine勾结 勾结collusionNconspiring in19col-=com-together a fraudulent schemelud,lusplay争斗、斗争、战争、竞争 赢得 purchase 换得 努力争取得 购买 (secondary meaning) 竞争 vieNfirm grasp or footingV contend compete见 via漩涡 漩涡中心 (争斗、讨论的) 中心vortexNwhirlwind whirlpool center of
turbulence predicament into which one is inexorably plungedvert turbturn(回旋的东西) to disturb (扰乱)斗 好斗的,好战的 好斗的,好战的 bellicoseAdjwarlikebell -cosewar 形容词词尾 war好斗的,好斗嘴 的 (belligerence, N) 狂热好战分子belligerentAdjquarrelsomebelljingoistNextremely aggressive20 侵略主义者 (jingoism, N)and militant patriot warlike chauvinist好战的 尚武的 好战的 (also N) 好斗的martialAdjwarlikemilitantAdjcombative bellicosepugnacityNcombativene ss disposition to fight (pugnacious, Adj)-pugn-fight斗殴 椭圆形的剧院, 斗兽场 殴打,斗殴amphitheaterNoval building with tiers of seats slap batter knock aboutamphi-around,(on both sides)buffetV挣扎,辗转 艰难地奋斗flounderVstruggle and thrash about proceed clumsily or ● falter互见 founder proceed forward go格斗,摔跤grappleVwrestle come to grips with21 徘徊 (思考问题) 混战scuffleVstruggle confusedly move off in a confused hurry翻滚 挣扎 骚乱 搅乱welterN turmoil bewildering jumble冲突 冲突的 不和谐的 discord N conflict lack of harmony cord heart干预,干涉 闯入者 干涉者 干预 干涉 interloper N intruder unwanted meddler
intervene V come between interven,vent between to come(来到)战 打击 挑战impugnVdispute or contradict (often in an insulting way) challenge gainsayim-=in-pugnputeinto fight think不可战胜的,不 能克服的● insuperableAdjinsurmounta ble22in supernot touch unbeatable击、攻、打、 攻击 攻击者aggressorNattackerag gressto walk to leap攻击assailVassaultas=ad sail攻不破的unassailableAdjnot subject to question not open to attack攻击 烦恼 (使) 围攻beleaguerVbesiege or attack harassedbesiegeVsurround with armed forces harass(with requests) 攻击的 冒犯的 offensive Adj attacking insulting distasteful 开始,发作,肇 端 攻击 易受攻击的 vulnerable Adj
susceptible to wounds sus-=sub cept under take (被放到~之下 onset N beginning attack23 vulse――蒙受) to pluck, (摘,采, 拉)各种“击” 轰击 (导弹) 冲击 假的,淡的,不 鲜明的 佯攻 (also V) 冲击 碰撞 急冲 袭击bombardmentNattack with missiles main impact or shock trick shift sham blowbombard miss 见 blunt(法文)炮击 sendbruntNfeintNhurtleVcrash rush见 hurtincursionNtemporary invasionin cur Vas-=vade-in run to go (行走) to pluck, (摘,采, 拉)无懈可击的 剧烈批评 猛烈抨击 打击 (also N)invulnerableAdjincapable of injury criticize harshly striking one object against another sharply stretch out full on ground24vulsepanVpercussionAdjper cussthoroughly strike, shake弄倒 降伏prostrateVprostratebefore spread (also Adj) 拳击家 猖獗的 滋生的 猛烈的 反责 反击 无懈可击的 unimpeachable Adj recrimination N pugilist rampant N Adj boxer growing in
profusion unrestrained countercharg es blameless and
exemplary见 prostaterecrim un im peach=pedicback crime not on, upon fetter (脚镣) (使上脚镣)埋伏 伏击 抢劫waylayVambush lie in wait各种“打” : 放倒,打倒● fellVcut or knock down bring down (with a missile)互见 fall,felt miss send用拳头打 抛弃前嫌 不打不相识 结为好友 化解冲突 不相容的pummelVbeat or pound with fists correct inconsistenci es become friendly after a quarrel reconcil again harmonizereconcileVirreconcilableAdjincompatible25ir-=ilnot 矛盾的not able to be resolvedreconcilagain harmonize各种“撞” 撞击 碰撞impingeVinfringe touch collide withim=in pingein strike推,挤 撞jostleVshove bump各种“推”(其它的见推卸、推迟、推测) 推动,促使 V actuate 推进剂 propellants Nmotivate substances that propel or drive forward driving forward pro pell pro puls forward drive forward drive推进的 有推进力的propulsiveAdj各种“挤” 挤压,逼 extrude V force or push out trespass enter as an uninvited person horde preempt N V crowd head off forestall by acting first appropriate26ex trud,trus in trud,trusout to thrust, to push into to thrust, to push强挤入,侵入 强加于人intrudeV拥挤 排挤,代替 阻止 抢占 先发制人见 horse pre empt before take(预先占有) (preemptive,A dj) 一大群 挤满,占满,蜂 拥 (also V) swarm Nfor oneself ● supplant dense moving crowd large group of honeybees 见 swarm激怒、激起、挑起、发动、组织、 煽动 盅惑 delude V deceive delud,lus 互见:elude:Vt.: 逃 避 , 躲避 : 【同 】 to escape from someone or something givin especially to use clever tactics to escape from pursuers 煽动政治家 off playdemagogueNperson who appeals to people's prejudice false leader of people法文 demos 希腊文 agoguepeople leader鼓动,煽动fomentVstir up
instigatestigprick煽动,刺激,驱 (使) inciteVarouse to actionin citein call,urge27 goad motivate
induce to exist 激起,煽动 激怒 煽动的 刺激的 激怒的 激怒 惹 煽动 挑起 (provocation, N provoke V pique V provoke or arouse annoy provocative Adj arousing anger or interest annoying stir to anger cause retaliation advoc, voice advoc, voiceprovocative,Ad j) 活跃的 煽动的 rousing Adj lively stirring &' &'驱使、鼓动 驱使impelVdrive or force onward urge start provokeim-=inpel in stigon,forward drive in,on prick (刺,戳;刺伤, 刺痛;竖起) forward take (最先去拿)驱使 激励,鼓动 instigateV提示 鼓动promptVcause provoke28pro mpt=empt 迅速及时的provide a cue for an actor抵抗,反抗 抵抗 不屈服 (defy,V) 免疫 抵抗 反抗的 暴动的 (mutiny, N) 反抗的 顽抗的 recalcitrant Adj
obstinately stubborn determined to resist authority unruly 抵抗当局 反抗 暴动 sedition N resistance to authority se dit=dict apart say recalcitr back kick (反踢回去) immune Adj defiance N refusal to yield resistance resistant to free or exempt from mutinous Adj unruly rebellious ex empt out take de-=dis fi-=fid apart trustmutechangeinsubordinati on withstand V stand up against successfully resist抵抗 经受住造反,反抗,反对 没打烙印的动物 maverickNrebel29 闹独立的人 非国教徒 造反者 造反的,起义的 insurgent Adj rebellious in surge 互见: insurrection 谋反的,造反的 反抗,敌对 (antagonistic,A dj) 反抗,不屈 insubordination N
antagonism N hostility active resistance disobedience ant-=anti agon(y) against struggle into rise nonconformi stin subnot under order thoroughly hold backward actrebelliousnes s 拒不屈服 反抗 反动的 retroactive Adj pertinacious Adj stubborn persistent of a law that dates back to a period before its enactmentordin per tin (ten,tain) retroact(法律)追溯的 (由制定之日前 的某一天生效) 反对,厌恶 ● antipathy N aversion dislikepassi,pati,pathsuffer,feelings反对的averseAdjreluctant disinclinedvers,vert in clinto turn towards bend 弯曲反对 阻止balkVfoil or thwart stop short refuse to go30 on 强烈反对 decry V express strong disapproval of
disparage 反对 犹豫 demur V object (because of doubts, scruples) hesitate 反对 (also N) 不可的,可反对 的 exceptionable Adj objectionable
dissent V disagree dissent ex cept apart feel(产生别的感觉) out take de-=dis mur互见:demure 端庄 的,认真的,腼腆的 from delay disparapart equal乱、混乱、暴动、暴乱、灾难、骚动、骚乱、造反,反动, 混乱 Adj in utter chaotic 互见:chaos disorder (chaos, N) 连累,牵连 混乱 (使其) ,麻烦缠 身 激怒 挑起骚动、暴乱 混乱 (使) ,迷惑 (使) 狂乱 frantic Adj wild31embroilVthrow into confusion involve in strife entanglefermentNagitation commotionflusterVconfuse互见:flutter 博动, 跳动 狂乱的frenziedAdjmadly excited unrestrained excessive inordin 互见:rival 对手; rave 咆哮 gavelN 棒 槌 unravelV 拆开 解决 not order紊乱的 不受限制的 混乱 (使) 解开混乱,解决 混乱 混乱的地方 肉铺 有暴风雨的 暴乱的inordinateAdjravelVfall apart into tangles unravel or untwist entangleshamblesNwreck mess互见:sham, shametempestuousAdjstormytemportime,season,opport unityimpassioned violent 吵闹 混乱 tumult N commotion riot noise 湍流 骚乱 动荡 骚动 混乱
turmoil N great commotion and confusion bloody turbulence N state of violent agitation turb disturb tum to swell (肿胀)血腥的 扰乱 扰乱 (discomfiture,goryAdjdiscomfitVput to rout defeat32 N discomfited,Adj ) 扰乱的 沸腾 seethe Vdisconcertbe disturbed boil麻烦、烦恼 总惹麻烦的人, 惹事生非者,捣 乱人 牛蝇 招人烦的人 firebrand N hothead: troublemakergadflyNanimal-biting fly an irritating person烦恼harassVto annoy by repeated attacks entangle stick in swampy ground 互见:admire 羡慕, 敬佩,欣赏陷入 (泥塘) 麻烦缠身 (also N) 繁重的 麻烦的 负有义务的 负有法律责任的mireVonerousAdjburdensomeonerburden压 压不住的,抑制 不住的irrepressibleAdjunable to be restrained or held backir re pressnot back press33 迫 惊吓 胁迫 压迫 压制 压dauntV intimidate frightenrepressVrestrain crush oppressre press strainback press draw tight各种“逼” 威逼,强迫 (coerce,V)
coercion N use of force to get someone to obey co-=com erce together restrain强迫、强制 强制的compellingAdjoverpowerin g irresistible in effectcom pelltogether drive强制移除dislodgeVremove (forcibly)dis lodge im portunapart place not port(不能进港,强要 进港) order, (entrust)强求 不停的求 强制的,命令的 义不容辞的 强迫性的,入迷 的 出神的 (obsession, N)importuneVbeg persistentlymandatoryAdjobligatorymandobsessiveAdjrelated to thinking about something constantlyob sessagainst sitpreoccupyin34 g 插手,强入,冲 出 obtrude V push (oneself or one's ideas) forward or intrude butt in stick out or extrude ob trud,trus against to thrust, to push(obtrusive,Adj)征服、镇压、压制、摧毁――平息 征服 subjugate V conquer bring under control 镇压 抑制 查禁 suppress V stifle overwhelm subdue inhibit 扑灭 镇压 平息 暴力压制 彻底摧毁 domineer V ● quell V extinguish put down quiet rule over tyrannically destroy completely domtame,rule sup=sub press under press obliterateVob literover letter (使盖在文字上 面)彻底摧毁 摧毁 无效● razeVdestroy completely weaken destroy见 graze,brazeninvalidateVin valnot strong, worth35 (使) 弱化 毁灭,破坏 annihilate V destroy an -nihil毁灭 perdition N damnation complete ruin 极具毁灭性的 ● pernicious Adj very destructive weaken sap 消灭 杜绝
preclude V make impossible eliminate pre claus=close=clud= clus before shut,close (在前面 关闭) per dit to nothing away giveper nicthoroughly kill破坏 undermineV失败、不成功、投降 不成功的,失败 abortive (abort,V) 彻底失败 完全失败 完全沉没 挫败 fiasco founderAdjunsuccessful fruitlessN Vtotal failure fail completely sink见 fiscal,互见 flounderbaffleVfrustrate perplex拉丁文:frustr=in vain挫败disheartenVdiscourage cause to lose courage or hopedis-apart打击foilVdefeat36 打败,挫败 烘托 衬托 失败主义者 (also N) defeatist Adj foil Nfrustrate contrastattitude of one who is ready to accept defeat as a natural outcome something that discourages hindrance互见 defeat挫败威慑;妨 deterrentNde terr 互见 deter,deterrenceaway from( apart) frighten terrify, terrible,terrific, terror terrorize, terrorism, terrorist碍物;挽留 的事物气馁 (使)adj.:遏制的,威 慑的;制止 的:阻碍 挫败 阻碍 挫败 导致,促使 击败 盛行 有重罪的人 reprobate N prevail V frustrate V thwart defeat 拉丁文:frustr=in vainthwartVbaffle frustrate
induce triumph over person hardened in37互见 thoughtpreval,vail-excessively strong(worth)re-again 道德败坏的人, 无耻的人 (有条件地)投降sin, devoid of a sense of decency capitulate V surrenderprob-try (test,examine)cap-=capit-head撤退、溃逃、隐藏、抓住、审判、判决―俘虏、囚、罪、重罪、罪人,罪犯、共犯、判定为… 人 撤退 (recede,V) recession N withdrawal retreat time of low economic activity 撤退 退却 撤回,撤退 (retraction, N) 撤回 取消 撤退 脱离 (secede,V) 倒退的,退化的 (also Adj) 退缩 retrograde V, Adj. go backwards degenerate wince V shrink back flinch 畏首畏尾,退缩 犹豫 吓跑 赶出 rout V flinch V hesitate, shrink stampede drive out38cede, ceed,cessgo, yield repelVdrive away disgustre pel re tract reVoc,vokesecessback drive back draw back to call, voice away yield retractVwithdraw take backrevokeVcancel
retractsecessionNwithdrawalretro grade-backward walk互见 win, wine,互见 route,sprout 击退 (also N) 隐退 隔离 sequester V isolate retire from public life segregate seclude se quest sol apart seek(寻求离开) alone逃――逃跑,叛逃逃避的 缺点 逃跑,叛逃 defection N desertion de sert defect 逃避的 (evade,V) 逃避现实,纸醉 金迷 escapism N evasive Adj not frank eluding avoiding reality by diverting oneself with amusements e-=exvas-=vade es-=exout of one’s cape 迅速脱掉外套 off join from make out to go (行走) out cape: 无袖的短外套隐藏 藏身之处 睡着的 隐匿的cache dormantN Adjhiding place sleeping
lethargic latent dormsleep庇护 隐藏 隐居的居所harborVprovide a refuge for hide互见 harbinger 先驱hermitageNhome of a hermit39herm-孤独 隐匿 藏匿 分泌secreteVhide away produce and release a substance into an organismse cret 互见 secretapart separate裹尸 隐藏shroudVhide from view wrap for burial互见 should,将来的 隐蔽的 纯粹的,,绝对的 透明的 峻峭的 避开,躲避 偏航,避开 躲避ulteriorAdjsituated beyond unstated互见 interior, exteriorsheerAdjvery thin or transparent very steep absolute互见 seer, sear,sheepparryVward off a blow deflect互见:marry, party隐秘,隐藏 隐匿,逃避,躲 债 隐秘的 偷偷摸摸,鬼祟 abscond V depart secretly and hide stealthy sneaky ab scond 互见: futile Adj. 无用的; 无效的; 没有出息的; 琐细的;不重要的away conceal(隐藏起来) Fertile 美 [?f tl] ? Adj. 肥沃的; 可繁 殖的; 丰富的; [物] 能产生裂变物质的 back shut,close (在前面 furtiveAdj隐遁者 寂寞者 recluseNhermit loner40reclaus=close=clud= (reclusive,Adj) 隐秘 隐藏 隐蔽行动 secretivenes s stealth N slyness sneakinessclus关闭)抓住,逮,捕 可得到的
accessible Adj easy to approach obtainable 逮捕 惧怕 领会 apprehend V arrest (a criminal) dread perceive ap prehend 互见: dread: to seize cess acgo ton.:恐惧,可怕 2,牢牢抓住 Vclenchclose tightly grasp可以得到的 可以抓住的prehensileAdjcapable of grasping or holdingprehenseize监视、监督,监护 监视 监督 监护 tutelage N surveillance N watching guarding guardianship training控告,诉讼、起诉? 控告
indictVcharge41ininto 起诉 ( indictment, N) 诉讼 (litigant, N) litigation N lawsuitdictsaylitilawsuit审问、盘问、调查、 传讯 责问 arraign V charge in court
indict 审查 (also V) censor N overseer of morals person who reads to eliminate inappropriate remarks 盘问 (secondary meaning) 审问 讯问 interrogate V grill V question severely 互见: arrange in dict 拉丁:censura= opinion 互见: censoriousAdj.批判 的, into sayquestion closelyinterrogbetween askcross-examin e 侦查 搜出 赶出 侦查 reconnaissance N survey of enemy by soldiers reconnoi42ferretVdrive or hunt out of hidingreconnaissagain know tering 质问者 (heckle,V) 调查者 盘问者 inquisitor N heckler N person who harasses others questioner (especially harsh) investigator 问询 质问 调查 投票 (also N) 挖掘 调查 领会 调查,测量 调解,仲裁 调解 仲裁 mediate V settle a dispute through the services of an outsider a person with power to decide a dispute judge 仲裁者 (arbitration,43互见:hike,hiker,inquisinto seekqueryNinquiry questioncanvassVdetermine votes, etccanvas-=vade??? to go (行走)delveVdig investigate● fathomVcomprehend investigate互见:fathermedimiddle仲裁者arbiterNarbitratorNjudge N) 不调和的 荒谬的 (incongruity, N)
incongruous Adj not fitting absurd妥协、让步,屈服、屈从、服从、顺从、达成协议――放弃 让步,屈服 勉强,让步,屈 从 让步 给与 割让 给予
concede V admit yield concession N an act of yielding yielding to another ceding bestow V give be stow 放弃 屈服于 投降 cede V yield (title, territory) to surrender formally 伤自尊 委屈 chagrin N vexation (caused by humiliation or injured pride) cede, ceed,cess upon put go, yield cess yield cede, ceed,cess go, yieldcessionNcessyielddisappointme nt44 屈服,屈尊deignVcondescend stoopde scend disclaim re cantdown climb negate cry back sing放弃 宣布放弃● recantVdisclaim or disavow
retract a previous statement openly confess error屈服的 柔和的 减弱的 屈服的 胆怯的 屈服 屈从 死 暂时放弃 屈从 屈服 放弃subduedAdjless intense quietersubunder submissiveAdjyielding timidsub miss suc=sub cumbunder send under lie down(横躺)succumbVyield give in diewaiveVgive up temporarily yield互见: wave,naiveyieldVgive in surrender互见:field,shield顺从 有服从义务的, 随时服从的 amenable Adj readily managed willing to be led readiness to yield conformity in fulfilling45a-=admento lead顺从 complianceNcompliwith fill requirements 顺从 compliant Adj yielding compli with fill 互见:pliant pliable down carry (拿到人之下) 互见: deference,differ,infer teach听从,服从,顺 从deferVgive in respectfully submit obedient easily manageddefer驯服的,听话的 善良的,(可教 的) (docility, N) 谦卑的,驯服的 温和的 顺从的 顺从的docileAdjdoc-meekAdjquiet and obedient spiritless flexible easily influenced accepting one's fate unresisting patiently
submissive互见:seekpliantAdjplifill 互见:compliant认命,顺从 听天由命 (resignation, N) 柔顺的 顺从的 柔韧的 委屈 冤情 不平 resignedAdjresign passi,pati,pathagain mark suffer,feelingssuppleAdjflexible pliant cause of complaintpli sup-=sub-fill 互见:compliant undergrievanceN互见 grief N.服从,驯服 野生的,未驯服 的 按不住的feralAdjnot domestic wildrefractoryAdjstubbornre-back46 不服气的 倔强的 不妥协 不让步 (intransigent, Adj) 遗弃的 废弃的 (also N) jettison V derelict Adj intransigence Nunmanageabl e refusal of any compromise stubbornness abandoned negligentfractorybreakderelictdown relinquish (放弃)抛弃货物throw overboard更多的“放弃” 放弃权利, 辞职, abdicate 退位V renounce give upabdicfrom proclaim (宣称离开 某地) fully alone放弃desolateVrob of joy lay waste to forsakede sol放弃forgoVgive up do without互见:fargoing Adj. 范围广泛的 for sake away from strive放弃forsakeVdesert abandon
renounce放弃forswearV renounce abandonfor swear re nounce reaway from swear back report back放弃 断绝关系 (renunciation, renounceVabandon disown
repudiate47 N) 放弃,投降投降 render 或交出, (另外意 思:熔解,精炼, 打底) V deliver provide representpudi 互见:senderbe ashamed(另外:呈递,开账 单,给予,还以,报 (另外意思:描写以文 以;放弃;正式宣布; 字形式表现,描绘, 裁决) 以图像或绘画表现, 演奏,诠释,翻译 成为(使))发誓放弃 (abjuration, N)abjureV renounce upon oathabjuraway swear不妥协,不让步,不屈,不服从, 硬脖子 headstrong 任性 不屈 不情愿的屈服, 放弃 (某物) relinquishAdjstubborn willful unyieldingVgive up something with reluctance yieldre linquish derelictback leave 互见:derelict刚硬的 不屈的rigidAdjstiff and unyielding strict hard and unbending不服从的 倔强的unrulyAdjdisobedient lawless达成 协议,草案,议 定书protocolNdiplomatic etiquetteprot(o)colfirst 最初/原型的 glue (最先粘上去的)48 平息 扑灭 镇压 平息 结束 平息 消除 伺候舒服 下沉 平息 减退● quellVextinguish put down quietque=quie 互见:quall 海蛰quietslakeVquench sate互见:snakesubsideVsettle down descend grow quietde scend sub sidedown climb down sit弄湿,扑灭,熄灭 弄湿 扑灭 熄灭 淬火 浸泡 弄湿 弄灭 浸泡,弄湿 陡坡 悬崖 窒息 (使) 扑灭 stifle V suppress extinguish inhibit49quenchVdouse or extinguish ● assuage or satisfydouseVplunge into water drench extinguish见 dose,housesteepVsoak
saturate见 seep――sip 保护免于灭绝 perpetuateVmake something last preserve from extinctionper petuthorough strive不屈服的 不可被征服的 去不掉的 不可磨灭的 禁止indomitableAdjunconquerab le unyieldingin dom-not tame,ruleindelibleAdjnot able to be erased ostracize banish outlawin dele pro scribe 见 prescribenot delete forth, publicly write (把罪犯的名字 公布出来――禁止某 事)proscribeV减轻,减缓,中和 弱化 减轻 减轻 减缓 中和 减轻 (palliative,Adj) palliate V lessen the violence of (a disease)
alleviate moderate intensity gloss over with excuses
mitigate V extenuate V weaken
appease moderate ex tenu out thin50 减轻,缓解 宽恕,减刑● remissionNtemporary moderation of disease symptoms cancellation of a debt forgiveness or pardonremissback send可宽恕的venialAdjforgivable trivial定罪,深信,信服 定罪 深信,信服
conviction N judgment that someone is guilty of a crime strongly held
belief conVict,vinc 互见:convince V. thoroughly to conquer (征服)背叛 变节者,脱党 者,叛徒 (apostasy, N)apostateNone who abandons his religious faith or political
beliefs be unfaithful reveal (unconsciou sly or unwillingly)apo staaway stand出卖 背叛betrayVbe trayupon hand over背信弃义的 不忠的 (perfidy, N)perfidiousAdjtreacherous disloyalper fidaway trust51 变节者 (also Adj) 叛徒 叛逆者renegadeNdeserter traitorrenegback denyturncoatNtraitor犯罪 犯罪分子 malefactor N evildoer criminal 犯罪 transgression N violation of a law sin 谋反的,造反的 insurrection N rebellion uprising in surrect (surge) bell 互见: insurgence against rise war male fact transgress badly make,do across walk罪,(轻罪、重罪) 牵连,牵扯 implicate (犯罪) 暗示 轻罪 misdemeanorVincriminate show to be involvedim-=in plicinto foldNminor crime互见 demean 降 级,贬低; misdemeanor 轻罪 pecc sin 犯罪轻罪,轻微冒犯 重罪犯peccadillo felonN Nslight offense person convicted of a grave crime赎罪,开脱52 无罪开释 (acquit,V) 赎罪acquittalNdeliverance from a charge make amends for (a sin)ac-=adquit expito free, release appeaseexpiateV开脱,免罪 exonerateVacquit exculpateexoner ac-=adquitout burden to free, release out guilt (使脱罪); blame开脱,洗脱exculpateVclear from blameexculp替罪羊scapegoatNsomeone who bears the blame for others犯。共犯、同伙 犯 perpetrate 共犯,共同Vcommit an offense participation involvement complic (ple,pli,ply) ac complic (ple,pli,ply) together fold (重叠) to together fold (重叠) again cutcomplicityN共犯,同伙accompliceNpartner in crime累犯 惯犯recidivismNhabitual return to crimere cid团伙,伙伴 小集团juntaNgroup of men53 政治团伙joined in political intrigue cabal伙伴 同盟,集合coalitionNpartnership league unionco alition=alescetogether grow up灾,灾难,意外事件 灾难,不幸 calamity N disaster misery 巨变 剧变 灾难 (cataclysmic,A dj) 灾难 catastrophe N calamity disaster cata stroph down,downwards, fully turning cataclysm N upheaval deluge cata clysm down,downwards, fully wash (冲刷而下) misermisery (一起受难)意外 小概率事件flukeNunlikely occurrence stroke of fortune互见:flute意外,灾难mishapNaccidentmishapbad luck欺骗 欺骗,骗住 消磨时间● beguileVmislead or delude54delud,lusoff play pass time 骗 bilk V swindle cheat 虚伪 欺骗 悬崖 bluff N pretense (of strength) deception high cliff 哄骗,勾引 ( cajolery, N) 强辩,狡辩 欺骗 欺骗 chisel V chicanery N
cajole V coax wheedle de cept away taketrickery deception swindle or cheat cut with a chiselde cept 互见:chisel 凿子away take欺骗的fraudulentAdjcheating deceitful易受骗的 欺骗,迷惑,蛊 惑 gullibleAdjeasily deceived deceive delude hood:罩上;以头巾 覆盖 wink: V. 眨眼;使眼 色;闪烁 delud,lus off playhoodwinkV伪善 欺骗 (hypocrisy, hypocriticalAdjpretending to be virtuous deceivinghypocritunder judge55 N) 欺骗 瞒骗 骗子 吹嘘的人 伪造的,欺骗的 ● spurious Adj quack N outwit V outsmart trick ● charlatan impostor false counterfeit forged illogical 骗子 哄骗 诱骗 swindler N cheat 动词:swindle― dwindle 互见:needle 针 flat blow 互见: spur: 鞭策, 刺激 out wit beyond, out wisdomwheedleV cajole coax deceive by flattery诈 奸诈,狡猾;伪 善,两面三刀, 两面派,口是心 非,言行不一 duplicityNdouble-dealin g hypocrisyhypocrit du plicunder judge two fold out twist敲诈,勒索extortVwring from get money by threats, etcextort抢劫 诈骗 讼棍 政界的奸诈之徒fleeceVrob plunder互见: flee 逃跑, 消 散 互见: shyshysterNlawyer using questionable methods56 虚、无、假、伪装、不真实――真实――诚实―― 撒谎 撒谎 误导 equivocate V lie mislead attempt to conceal the truth 撒谎成性的 撒谎的,假的 撒谎 支吾,搪塞 糊弄 mendacious Adj lying habitually dishonest prevaricate V lie pre var before diverse(不同的); to change (变化) equ,equi voc-ate equal Voice v.mendfault(缺点)虚有、虚幻、华而不实的 虚伪 bluff 欺骗 悬崖Npretense (of strength) deception high cliff互见: buff: N. 浅黄 色;软皮; (俚)健康 的身体 V. 有软皮摩擦;缓 冲;擦亮,抛光某物华而不实的gaudyAdjflashy showy虚幻的,不真实 的 illusoryAdjdeceptive not realil-=inlus de cepton upon play away take into blow夸张的, 虚华的, inflated 被放大的Adjexaggerated pompous enlarged57in flat (with air or gas) 无实体的,虚无 的 脆弱的,不坚固 的 曲解 海市蜃楼 虚影 虚无主义者 (nihilism, N) nihilist N mirage N insubstantial Adj lacking substance insignificant frail unreal reflection optical illusion one who
believes traditional
beliefs to be groundless and existence meaningless absolute
skeptic revolutionary terrorist 空虚的 空的,愚蠢的, 闲散的 有效的 实质的 虚的 不存在 nonentity N virtual Adj vacuous Adj empty
inane vac,van,void empty -nihilterrnothing frighten mirwhonder, behold sub stant under standin essence for practical purposes person of no importance 互见: nonenonexistence58 存在 生存subsistenceNexistence means of support livelihood现存的extantAdjstill in existence互见:extent假、伪装、伎俩 (另见假定假设假想等) 假的,做作的 (affectation, N) affected Adj artificial pretended assumed in order to impress ● apocryphal Adj untrue made up 废物 糠 假货 开玩笑 打趣 假人 (被人憎恨的,如 秦桧) 假的 误导的 (fallacy, 假装 捏造 假的,淡的,不 feint N trick59affect im press apoto make in press away from, off假的,捏造的chaffNworthless products of an endeavorde-fromeffigyNdummyef-=exfig(figure)out shape,figure fallaciousAdjfalse misleadingfalldeceive 欺骗N) feign V pretend feign fict 假装feignfict 假装 鲜明的 佯攻 (also V) 伎俩 小聪明 (also V) 撒谎成性的 撒谎的,假的 显然的 虚假的 mendacious Adj hoax Nshift sham blowtrick practical joke互见:coax V. 哄 骗;劝诱;慢慢将? 弄好lying habitually dishonestmendfault (缺点)ostensibleAdjapparent professed pretendedos tensbefore stretch假正经的 假装神圣的sanctimoniousAdjdisplaying
ostentatious or
hypocritical devoutness contradict give a false impressionsancthypocritsacred under judge掩饰,造成假象 矛盾 belieV赝品,假冒伪劣 赝品 bogus Adj counterfeit not authentic 佯装 假的 赝品 (also N) sham V pretend互见:shambles 混乱的 地方;肉铺60 以次充好的 赝品shoddyAdjsham not genuine inferior冒充者 冒名顶替的人impostorNsomeone who assumes a false identityim pos- put似真实假的,似是而非的 似真实假的 sophistry N seemingly plausible but
fallacious reasoning having a show of truth but open to doubt specious 似是而非的 specious Adj seemingly reasonable but incorrect misleading (often intentionally) 见:sophistry 似真实假的 spec see,look soph fall wise, wisdom deceive 欺骗似是而非的plausibleAdjplaudstrike, clap (拍手 称快)伪、装 (另见装,装饰,单独的搜索“装”) 伪善 黑话 欺骗 伪造的,欺骗的 伪善 cant N insincere expressions61互见 can’t 黑话of
piety jargon of thievescantsing伪善 欺骗 (hypocrisy, N) 伪誓 伪证 hypocriticalAdjpretending to be virtuous deceivinghypocritunder judgeperjuryNfalse testimony while under oath false counterfeit forged illogicalperjurover swear伪造的,欺骗的● spuriousAdj互见: spur: 鞭策, 刺激伪装,做作,掩饰 伪装 camouflage V disguise conceal 伪装,做作,掩 饰 伪装,做作,掩 饰 dissemble V disguise pretend dissimulate V pretend conceal by feigning dissemble feign dissimul 互见: dissimilate 使 异化,变得不同 not same (使变得不像) fict 假装 not same模仿 模仿 仿效apeVimitate or mimic imitate62 emulateV互见: 抗衡 模仿 拙劣的模仿rivalsimulate,dissimula te,mimicry ● parodyN Nimitation humorous imitation spoof takeoff travesty par=para ody beside ode(诗歌)摹写 模仿pasticheNimitation of another's style in musical composition or in writing feignpastpass模仿 冒充simulateVfeign 互见: dissimulate 伪装,做作,掩饰; stimulatefict 假装滑稽化 滑稽模仿travestyNcomical ● parody treatment aimed at making something appear ridiculoustra-=trans vestacross dress (刻意装扮以 引人嘲笑)独一无二的,独特的 防伪的,难以模仿的 独一无二的,独 特的 防伪的,难以模 仿的 inimitable Adj matchless not able to be imitated inimit63 真实、正经、诚实――撒谎,正直――虚伪 确实 N ● certitude certainty 难以Z信的 不像是真的 unbelievable 实际的 注重实效的
pragmatic Adj practical (as opposed to idealistic) concerned with the practical worth or impact of something 真实的 有实质的 大量的 substantive Adj essential pertaining to the substance
implausible Adj unlikelycert 互见:plausible 似 是而非的sure plaud: strike,clap (拍手称快)互见:pragmatist 爱 管闲事的人 实用主义者sub stantunder stand互见:insubstantive,insu bstantial tang palp touch touch可触摸的 真实的tangibleAdjable to be touched real palpable真实性 真实 准确性 逼真truismNself-evident truth truthfulness ver trueveracityNverisimilitudeNappearance of truth likelihoodver similtrue like真实verityNquality of being true64vertrue 真理 真实的陈述lasting truth or principle真诚、坦率 坦诚 直率 直率的 开诚布公 坦率 (candid,Adj) 清晰的 坦率的artlessAdjwithout guile open and honestartlessskill, art withoutbluffAdjrough but good-natured frankness open honesty cand white,bright candorNexplicitAdjtotally clear definite outspokenex plicout fold坦率的 豪爽的forthrightAdjoutspokenforthtowardsstraightforwa rd frank 坦率直言的 outspoken Adj candid blunt in cand out spoken 无知的 轻率的 不知情的 unwitting Adj witless Adj foolish idiotic unintentional not knowing65into white,bright beyond speak know personal,distinct knowwit idio wit 正直 垂直 正直 公正rectitudeNuprightness moral virtue correctness of judgmentrectright (straight)垂直与弯曲 沉着,垂直aplombNpoise assurancea plom(b)=plum(b)to vertical直线 垂直 铅锤 用铅锤量 (also N)beelineNdirect, quick route checking perpendicula rity vertical pend: hang, (weigh)悬挂 互见:plume NV 羽 毛(plumage) plumy Adj. 有羽毛 的;用羽毛装饰的; 羽毛似的 plom(b)=plum(b) verticalplumbAdj垂直落下 (N. . 铅锤;坠 子;重压物)plummetVfall sharply曲 (弯曲的、蜿蜒的,复杂的、迂回的) 弯曲的,钩状的 aquiline Adj curved, hooked tending or leaning toward bent ● meander V wind or turn in its course bending of a66aqu(i) 互见:beeline 直线 in clinwater (水线当然是弯 曲的,像钩状的了) towards bend 弯曲的倾向 倾向于,弯曲 (also V) 弯曲 蜿蜒inclinedAdj互见: meanrefractionNre-back (光线的)折舐, 弯曲 蜿蜒的,复杂的 serpentine Adjray of lightfractbreakwinding twisting蜿蜒的 弯曲复杂的 不老实的sinuousAdjwinding bending in and out not morally honestsinucurve,sinus (弯曲 的)暗示,含沙舐影 慢慢的夺取,巧 妙的迂回 (进入) 曲折的,蜿蜒的insinuateVhint imply creep ininsinuinto curve,sinus (拐弯 抹角地进入)tortuousAdjwinding full of curvestorttwist迂回的 (circuit, N)circuitousAdjroundaboutcirc itring go倾向 倾向 偏见partialityNinclination biaspart in clinpart towards bend 弯曲 punish sing倾向 趣味 倾向 自然倾向 倾向于penchantNstrong inclination likingpen chant,cant, centproclivityNinclination natural tendencypro cliv (clin)forward bend (弯曲)proneAdjinclined to67互见:pruneV.切掉 prostrate 自然倾向 propensity N natural inclination修剪 pro pens forward weigh (向前方垂直 _倾向)向、动作方向 向上 aloft ad V upward 互见: 、aloof .loft 高(地位). lofty 高 高在上的竖立的bristlingAdjrising like bristles showing irritation向心centripetalAdjtending toward the center coming from the side get one's bearings Adjustcentri pet latercenter seek (求取中心) side 侧面侧面的,侧向的 确定方向 校准 插入鞘 转向 突然转向 转向lateralAdjorientVori-rise,beginsheatheVplace into a case deviate turn aside sharplyswerveVveerVchange in direction互见:peerVi. 凝视, 盯着看;窥视 vt. 封为贵族; 与?同 等 n. 贵族;同等的人斜68 倾斜careenVlurch sway from side to side互见: career 生涯, 经历,职业倾斜,斜面inclineNslope slantin clintowards bend 弯曲倾斜 (secondary meaning) 间接的 倾斜的 无诚意的listVtilt lean overobliqueAdjindirect slanting (deviating from the perpendicular or from a straight line)ob liquetowards bent歪斜askewAdjcrookedly slanted at an angle互见:ask靠着的 斜躺的 不动的 休息的 斜面 斜坡recumbentAdjreclining lying down completely or in partrecumbback lie downrampNslope inclined plane各种地形: 坡、峡谷、深渊 上山的陡坡 acclivity N sharp upslope of a69ac=ad cliv (clin)to bend (弯曲) hill 下坡 declivity N downward slope small, steep-walled canyon de cliv (clin) 法文 gorge 互见: )gorgeous 华 丽的,灿烂的(志得 意满时放大喉咙) ) disgorge 吐出, 涌出, 呕吐 互见: chase a byss withoug bottom down bend (弯曲) throat (喉咙)峡谷gorgeN深渊 ,深坑,无底洞chasm abyssN Nabyss enormous chasm vast bottomless pit陡峭的 急躁的 下降 下坠 津 浅滩 (also V) 码头precipitousAdjsteep overhastyprecipitprecipit-before head before headprecipitateVthrow headlong hastenfordNplace where a river can be crossed on foot dock landing placequayN干枯的河床 岬 海角arroyo promontoryN Ngully headland pro mont=mount forward ascend (向前突出 的部分)70 群岛archipelagoNgroup of closely located islands border edgearchruler,(chief,first in power)边界 (also V) 边界 郊区 外围 邻近的,毗邻的vergeNvergto incline (倾向, 倾斜)outskirtsNfringes outer bordersAdjacentAdjAdjoining neighboring close by毗邻abutVborder upon Adjoin互见:but接近 亲近 接近的 附近的 接手 proximityNnearnessproximnearestimpendingAdjnearing approachingim pend an-=ad nex=necton hang (weigh) to bind (连接)annexVattach take possession of油碎石路面 铺有柏油碎石的 飞机跑道 拱廊tarmactar n. 焦油; 柏油; 水 手 vt. 涂以焦油;玷arcadeNa covered passageway, usually lined with shops庇护所、避难所71 庇护所asylumNplace of refuge or shelter protection避难所sanctuaryNrefuge shelter shrine holy placesanct-sacred庇护 隐藏harborVprovide a refuge for hide互见 harbinger 先驱各种点 顶点acmeNtop pinnacle高点,顶点,高 潮apexNtip summit climax顶点apogeeNhighest pointapogee-away from,off earth lean to max顶点的,高潮的 (climax, N)climacticAdjrelating to the highest point support on which a lever rests peakclimfulcrum (杠杆的)支点 顶尖 顶点 巅峰 summit pinnacleNNNutmost height or72summsum,(highest) 顶点pinnacle highest point (of a mountain, etc顶点 顶点vertexNsummitvertturn(上升物往下转 变的那一点)zenithNpoint directly overhead in the sky summit谷底,最低点 天底 小半点nadirNlowest pointmoteNsmall speck缺点、缺陷、弱点、污点 污染 defile 亵渎 缺点 弱点 没有缺点
impeccable foibleVpollute
profaneNweakness slight faultAdjfaultlessim-=inpeccnot sin 犯罪责任 缺点 债 缺陷liabilityNdrawback debts● pitfallNhidden danger concealed trapfalldeceive 欺骗污染,感染taintVcontaminate73 污点cause to lose purity modify with a trace of something bad线 弹弓 弹舐器 (also V) 灯丝 精细的织物或线catapultNslingshot a hurling machinecata pultdown,downwards, fully brandish(挥, 舞动) (高飞后落下)filamentNfine thread or fiber threadlike structure within a light bulb弹道 轨迹 抛物线 外围的 切线的trajectoryNpath taken by a projectiletraject throw (抛于眼前的 东西) apart walk touchtangentialAdj peripheral only slightly connected digressingdi-=disgress tang外围的 peripheralAdjmarginal outer终点站 (铁路线)terminusN.last stop of railroad.termboundary形容“线” : 断开disjointedAdjdisconnected74 断断续续 间歇 平行状态 相似的 断断续续的 间歇的● fitfulAdjspasmodic intermittentparallelismNstate of being parallel similaritypar=para allelbeside(against,bey ond,contrary) one anotherspasmodicAdj● fitful periodic面、网、膜 对立面对偶, 对 句,对语;对比 法,对照,对抗antithesisNcontrast direct opposite of or to弹幕,火力网barrageNbarrier laid down by artillery fire front (of building)
superficial or false appearance fac superfic face,forehead above face正面的 表面的,肤浅的facadeNfacet (宝石的)琢面 方面 多面的Nsmall plane surface (of a gem) a sidemultifacetedAdjhaving many aspects thin soft sheet of animal or vegetable75membrane (动植物的)膜, 薄膜N (membranous, Adj)tissue片、块、板、条、只、个、堆、屑、碎、末 单片的,单块的 monolithic Adj solidly uniform 一体不动摇的 unyielding 碎片 残骸 碎片 碎片 (陶瓷的) 薄板 外表 veneer N rubble N broken fragments fragment, generally of pottery thin layer cover debris N rubbleshardN各种斑点、条纹 有条纹或斑点的 brindledAdjtawny or grayish with streaks or spots spotted spot有斑点的 斑点 (使)起) 有斑点的 弄脏的 花斑的 斑驳的 有细条纹的dappled fleckAdj VmottledAdjblotched in coloring spottedpiebaldAdjmottled spottedstriatedAdjmarked with parallel76 (striate,V)bands grooved表示空间的“宽度、周长” 宽度 breadth N width extent 周长 空间的 perimeter N outer boundary relating to spacespatialAdj宽敞 宽敞的 宽敞,舒适capacious commodiousAdj Adjspacious spacious and comfortable包围 包围 围绕的,卷绕的 费解的 encompass convoluted V Adj surround coiled around involved intricate 领域 领域 realm N kingdom field or sphere 整个领域 gamut N entire range con volu together to roll (卷,滚)范围 地方的 小范围内流行 (N.地方病)endemicAdjprevailing among a specific group of people or in a77en demin people specific area or country 范围 程度 extent N degree magnitude scope 发生 发生率 影响的范围、频 度 入舐角 关联,相结合, 对接 范围 latitude N freedom from narrow limitations tie with a rope incidence N rate of occurrence particular occurrence用绳子绑 范围tetherV个体 残杀 (十个里面杀一 个) 一次一个的,逐 个的 渐渐的 碎的 主观的 个人的decimateVkill, usually one out of ten one piece at a time graduallypiecemealadVsubjectiveAdjoccurring or taking place within the subject unreal78sub jectunder throw (抛于眼前的 东西) 实体、物体 稀释 (气体) (● rarefy,V) 非物质的,无形 的 无实体的rarefiedAdjmade less dense (of a gas]incorporealAdjlacking a material bodycorp 互见:corporeal sub stantbodyinsubstantial 无形的,不成形 的under stand● amorphousAdjformless lacking shape or definition实体 天窗entity dormerN Nreal being window projecting from roof heavenly dormsleep天体的 n.:celestialAdj神仙,天堂 里的居民星体的 恒星的 stellar Adj pertaining to the stars圆 椭圆的 有意模棱两可的ellipticalAdjOval
ambiguous, either purposely or because key79ambi-about,around, on both side words have been left out periphery (圆形的)边缘 N edge, especially of a round surface distance around something circumferaround, round about carry方圆 周围环境girthNcircumferenc e 日志 圆木 log N record of a voyage or flight record of day to day activities方预感、预言、预兆、预示、预告、预知、预先、恶兆 不详的预感 N foreboding premonition of evil 预感 presentiment N feeling something will happen anticipatory fear premonition 有威胁的 恶兆的80fore bode presentbefore foreshadow,预兆 before feel (事先的感觉) ominousAdjthreateningomen预兆 预示 预示 表示 betoken V signify indicate? ?证的互见:tokenn. 表征;代币;记号 Adj. 象征的; 表意的; 作为对某事的保?vt. 象征;代表预示的indicativeAdjsuggestive implying预示portendVforetell presagepor tend pre sage sage:智者,圣人towards stretch before perceive预示presageVforetell预示能力prescienceNability to foretell the futurepre scibefore know预言 占卜 预言 (augur,V) 预兆auguryNomen prophecyaugur augural a.占卜的, 预 言的占卜bodeVforeshadow portend预知 预言者 (clairvoyance, N) 预言 预测clairvoyantAdj Nhaving foresightclairvoy wayfortuneteller. foreshadow V give an indication beforehand81prefigurebefore shape portend prefigure 预言 疾病警告 prognosis N forecasted course of a disease prediction 预言的 (prophesy,V) prophetic Adj foretelling the future pro gnos before know(事先知道)预先 预先计划好的, 算好的 合适的 安排妥当 预定 预先确定 calculatedAdjdeliberately planned likelyensconceVsettle comfortably predestine settle or decide beforehand influence markedly term boundarypredetermineV预先安排,偏向 于 (使其)predisposeVgive an inclination toward make
susceptible topos- put偏见的 有目标的 预计好的tendentiousAdjhaving an aim biased designed to further a82 cause 预见 运用直觉,超能 力 预见 倾向 偏见 divine V perceive intuitively foresee the future partiality N inclination bias part part开始、起点、初、头 开始旅程,开 embark 始, 登机, 上船, 上车Vcommence go on board a boat or airplane begin a journey开始,开端inceptionNstart beginningin cepton take (着手,启程)开始 早期的 开始,发源incipientAdjbeginning in an early stageinitiateVbegin originate receive into a groupori-rise,begin开始,发作,肇 端 攻击 恢复onsetNbeginning attackresumptionNtaking up83reagain,back 重新开始 (resume,V)againrecommence ment 登陆 靠岸 disembark V go ashore unload cargo from a ship scuttle V sinksume (sump,sumpt,sump tu)take沉没原始 原来的,土著的 (aborigines, N)aboriginalAdj Nbeing the first of its kind in a region primitive nativeorigin-beginning胚胎的 未开发的,原始 的 原始的 与时间同在的embryonicAdjundeveloped rudimentaryprimordialAdjexisting at the beginning (of time) rudimentary原始的 最初的 原来的rudimentaryAdjnot developed elementary cruderudraw原形、原型 原形 archetype N prototype84arch-ancient, first (first primitive pattern 原型 prototype N original work used as a model by others proto-in time) 古代,最先first祸根、发源,源头、起因于 祸根 bane N cause of ruin curse 发源,源头 genesis N beginning origin 起因于 引起 引起 触发 扳机 劝诱 导致,引起 ( inducement, N)
induce V persuade bring about in duce=duct in lead trigger V set off stem from V arise from互见:bone 用最熟 悉的词去记新词genproduce,race结束、终、末、最后、尾 结果,产物 corollaryNconsequencecon sequtogether followaccompanim ent 结局 结果 denouement N outcome final development of the plot of85 a play 解散 终止 解体 结论,结尾,结 局 结束 (terminate,V) 终极的 ultimate Adj final not
susceptible to further analysis 结果 upshot N outcome sus-=sub cept under take (被放到~之下 ――蒙受) dissolution N breaking of a union decay termination finale N conclusion 互见:final fin: end 结束 termination N end term boundary概括,总结,结算,累计 概括 总结 recapitulate V summarize re cap-=capit互见 capitulate 结算 累计 总结 summation N act of finding the total summary summ sum,(highest) again head生,活,育、养、复活,生动 得子 产生 beget V father produce give rise to 产生 generate V cause86 创造produce create初生的nascentAdjincipient coming into being生长 繁荣 装饰flourishVgrow well prosper decorate with ornaments膨胀,迅速生长 猖獗的 滋生的 猛烈的 野生的,未驯服 的 共生现象 (symbiotic,Adj )mushroomVexpand or grow rapidly growing in
profusionrampantAdjunrestrained feral Adj not domestic wild symbiosis N interdepende nt relationship (between groups, species), often mutually beneficial现象 phenomenaNobservable facts subjects of scientific investigation87 i生法regimenNprescribed diet and habits occurring again and again wandering traveling cur run一遍又一遍发 生的 循环发生的 巡回的 (also N) 复活 (resurgence, N) 凤凰 (象征不死和重 生、涅磐) 生理学的recurrentAdjitinerantAdjresurgeVrise again flow to and frosurge 互见: 谋反的,造 反的 mortrise insurrectionphoenixNsymbol of immortality or rebirth pertaining to the science of the function of living organisms a person concerned with the interrelations hip between living organisms and their environment study of prehistoric life animal or plant living88deathphysiologicalAdj生态学家ecologistN古生物学paleontologyN寄生 寄生体;依人为parasiteNparasite-equal food (靠近食物旁 生者on another toady
sycophant边)强壮――健壮、结实、健康、精神、神情、气色、面色红润、神采奕奕 强壮的肌肉 N brawn muscular 互见:brown (brawny,Adj) 魁伟,结实 strength sturdiness burly Adj husky muscular 紧密的,结实的 compact Adj tightly packed firm brief 雄伟的 厚重的 结实的 纪念的 健壮的
robust Adj
vigorous strong 红的,红润的, 白里透红的,健 康的 结实 硬朗的 矮壮的 又短又厚的 蹲着的 squat Adj ruddy Adj reddish healthy-looki ng toughstrong and firm stocky short and thick sine Vig,veg lively(快活的,有生 气的) monumental Adj massive monu ment advise n.sinewyAdj89 男子的 男子气概的virileAdjmanlyvirtue美德精神、精力 精神充沛的 (also N) 精神错乱tonicAdjVig,veglively(快活的,有生 气的) tonelively(快活的,有生 气的)deliriumNmental disorder marked by confusion生动的,生机勃勃的, 活跃的,有生气 animated 的 对健康有益的, 利于养生的 充满生气的 活泼的 敏捷的 重要的 生命的 生机的 vital salubriousAdjlively spiritedanimbreath (mind)Adjhealthfulsal,(san)whole (健全)spryAdj vigorously active nimbleVig,veglively(快活的,有生 气的)Adjvibrant and lively critical living, breathing生动的vivaciousAdjanimated livelyviv animto live (生活,生存) breath (mind)养育 alimony (离婚后的) 生活 费,抚养费 N payment by a husband to his divorced90 wife (or vice versa) 娇养,溺爱 coddle V to treat gently 互见:cod N. [鱼] 鳕 鱼;愚弄;哄骗 V. 欺 骗;愚弄粗饲料 饲养 养育,培养 鼓励 (also Adj) 养育 教育 (also N) 能养活的 可行的fodderNcoarse food for cattle, horses, etc rear encourage fosterV nurtureVnourish educate
foster● viableAdjpractical or workable capable of maintaining life营养的 营养品alimentaryAdjsupplying nourishment nourishing substancenutrientN有礼貌的,文雅和,有教养的 彬彬有礼 殷勤 整齐的,优雅的 礼貌 complaisant Adj trying to please obliging dapper
decorum Adj N neat and trim propriety91 温文尔雅 (decorous,Adj)orderliness and good taste in manners demure Adj grave serious coy gentility N those of gentle birth refinement 互见: demur V. 反对 犹豫端庄的 认真的 腼腆的 有教养,文雅文雅的 高雅的 彬彬有礼的 (urbanity, N)urbaneAdjsuave refined elegant轻率的,没礼貌的 轻率的,没礼貌 的,嬉皮笑脸的 轻率的 flippant Adj lacking proper seriousness hasty rash 轻率的,判断错 误的 im prudent Adj lacking caution injudicious 轻率 莽撞 (indiscreet,Adj) 俗气的人,无教 养的人 心胸狭窄的人 philistine N indiscretion N lack of tactfulness or sound judgment narrow-mind ed person, uncultured and exclusively92headlongAdjpru=probeforetacttouchphilove interested in material gain 不体面的 unseemly Adj unbecoming indecent in poor taste老、年纪、年长,陈腐,衰老,衰弱、衰退 返祖 隔代遗传 atavism N resemblance to remote ancestors rather than to parents deformity returning after passage of two or more generations 老化,磨损 decrepit Adj worn out by age state of collapse caused by illness or old age long life woman who rules a family or larger social group make young again matr arch mother ruler,(chief,first in power) again young de cre de cre down make,grow down make,grow衰老 老耄decrepitudeN长命不老 女家长 掌管全家的老 太婆 返老还童 青春重回longevity matriarchN NrejuvenateVre juven衰退,衰落93 衰退 (also N) 萎缩 衰退 (flagging,Adj)ebbVrecede lessenrecede, ceed,cessback go, yieldflagVdroop grow feebledrooping: a.: 下垂的,无力的 2,超越 衰落 失色eclipseVdarken extinguish
surpass衰弱 软弱的 无活力的 虚弱 (使) ,衰弱 衰弱,萧条flaccidAdjflabby● debilitateVweaken enfeeblelanguorN● lassitude depressionde pressdown press弱的,脆弱的 萎缩,变得没用 (also V) 变弱 (使) 弱的 (frailty, N) 无能的 弱的 impotent Adj weak ineffective potent powerful frail Adj weak enervate V weaken ● atrophy N wasting away94 无效的,弱的ineffectualAdjnot effective weakineffect 互见 effectualnot to make弱点 无力的,憔悴的infirmity languishN Vweakness lose animation lose strength纤细的 脆弱的wispyAdjthin slight barely discernible减少 变弱waneVdecrease in size or strength draw gradually to an end苍白的 苍白的 wan Adj having a pale or sickly color pallid 苍白的,惨淡的 pallid Adj pale wan生老病 (疾症患伤)死 (魔鬼神怪)苦、困难奇异怪、地狱、阴森 病,疾,患,症、瘦、肥胖、致命――治疗、治愈、包治百病、无可救药,95 生病 预防forestallVprevent by taking action in advance forecasted course of a disease predictionfore stall pro gnosbefore place before know(事先知道)预言 疾病警告prognosisN完蛋了的 生病了的● blightedAdjsuffering from a disease destroyed不适,欠佳malaiseNuneasiness vague feeling of ill healthmalaiseill comfort病态的,恐怖的 喜怒无常的 不成熟的morbidAdjgiven to unwholesom e thought moody characteristic of disease易受影响的 易感动的 易患病的 susceptibleAdjimpressionab le easily influenced having little resistance, as to a disease receptive tosus-=sub ceptunder take (被放到~之下 ――蒙受)疾病,病症96 疾病maladyNillnessmaladyill held,kept topmost (最高) fear (害怕)恐高症acrophobiaNfear of heights compulsive, habitual need condition in which blood lacks red corpuscles fear of being locked in feeling of great happiness and well-being (sometimes exaggerated)acrophobia瘾,依赖 贫血 (anemic,Adj)addictionNanemiaNcorpbody 红血球幽闭恐怖症claustrophobiaNclaustro phobia euphobia eu-反 cacoclose fear (害怕) well ,good fear(害怕)非常愉快 病态的愉快,愉 悦症 (euphoric,Adj)euphoriaN恐水症 狂犬病 无病呻吟 忧郁症hydrophobiaNrabies fear of waterhydro phobia hypo-water fear(害怕) underhypochondriacNperson unduly worried about his health worrier without cause about illness患黄疸病的 有偏见的jaundicedAdjprejudiced (envious, hostile or resentful)resentagain feel (再次感觉―怒 气油然而生)97 yellowed 下流的 卑鄙的,无理的 坏血病 梦游症患者 somnambulist N contemptible sleepwalker somn ambul 晕眩 vertigo N severe dizziness vers,vert sleep walk to turn(眼睛转动) scurvy Adj despicable诊断,救治,治疗 诊断 (diagnose, V diagnosis N art of identifying a disease analysis of a condition elixir N cure-all something invigorating N cure-all remedy for all diseases Adj curative corrective 补救 抢救 打捞 营救 (also N) 救援 援助 succor V aid assist98dia gnosthrough know(事先知道)diagnostic,Adj) 包治百病,万能 药包治百病的药, panacea 灵丹妙药pan aceaall cure,remedy 治疗治疗的,补救的remedialmedhealsalvageVrescue from losssuc=sub corunder (also N) 治疗的 治疗学的 (therapy, N) 止痛的 analgesic Adj therapeutic Adjcomfort curative互见:soccor 足球causing insensitivity to pain check flow of blood not correctable incurablealg sens 互见:stance 姿势, 态度,立场pain feel(感觉)止血 血流变检测 不可救药 不能挽回的 不能治愈的stanchV incorrigibleAdjirremediableAdjre medagain healuncorrectabl e 不能弥补的,不 能修复的 无可挽救的 解药
antidote N irreparable Adj not able to be corrected or repaired medicine to counteract a poison or disease dote=dose 剂药医生,专家 儿科专家 pediatrician N expert in children's diseases one who studies the skin and its diseases doctor99ped iatr derm oloy(y)child healing skin study皮肤病专家dermatologistN心脏病专家cardiologistNcardiheart specializing in the heart 足病医生 podiatrist N doctor who treats ailments of the feet pod iatr foot healing致命的 恶性的,伤害的 致命的 malignant Adj injurious tending to cause death aggressively malevolent 凶猛的,致命的 ● fell Adj cruel deadly 致命的 lethal Adj deadly leth mali gn=gen bad produce伤 外伤的traumaticAdjpertaining to an injury caused by violence unharmed pull strain twisttraum没有受伤的 扭曲 扭伤 曲解 折磨 拉unscathed wrenchAdj V肿 浮肿bloatedAdjswollen or puffed as100 with water or air 肿胀的 turgid Adj swollen ● distended 溃烂,化脓,沙哑的,神经质的,易呕吐的 (其它症状) 溃烂 (使) ,化脓 fester V rankle produce irritation or resentment ● raucous Adj harsh and shrill disorderly and boisterous 神经质的,洁癖 的 易呕吐的 queasy Adj easily nauseated squeamish resent again feel (再次感觉―怒 气油然而生)沙哑的伤害 擦伤 撞伤 伤害contusionNbruise impairVinjure hurt伤害maimVmutilate injure互见:main mute change瘦 有尖角的,瘦骨 嶙峋的angularAdjsharp-corner ed stiff in101 manner 瘦弱的,脆弱的 emaciated Adj thin and wasted lean and angular barren 瘦的 贫乏的,不足的 消瘦,憔悴 渴望 松树 枯槁的 憔悴的 变疯 (使) ,腐坏 (addled,Adj) 纤细的 addle V haggard Adj pine V meager Adj
scanty inadequate languish, decline long for, yearn wasted away gaunt muddle drive crazy become rotten tenuous Adj thin rare slim tenu thin e=ex maci out lean 瘦瘦骨嶙峋,憔悴 荒芜gauntAdj肥胖 肥胖 (corpulence, N) 肥胖的corpulentAdjvery fatcorpbodyobeseAdjfatob eseover eat carry(身体的搬运)健壮的portlyAdjstatelypart102 肥胖的 魁梧的 夸大的 充气的 虚胖的 踩高跷的 病人,病毒,病理 装病的人 假病号 (malinger,V) 病毒 virus N malingerer N stilted Adjstout● bombastic inflatedone who feigns illness to escape duty disease communicato r related to the study of disease diseased or markedly abnormalmali gn=gen feignbad produce fict 假装病理学 (paathegy, N)pathologicalAdjpassi,pati,path logsuffer,feelings study医、药、草、丸、剂、治疗、治愈 麻醉药 (anesthesia, N) anesthetic N substance that removes sensation with or without loss of consciousne ss ointment lotion salve103sensfeel(感觉)药膏 擦油linimentN互见:lineament n.容貌;相貌;面部轮廓 剂量potionNdose (of liquid)血缘、血统 同族的,同类的 血缘的 (also N) lineage N kindred Adj related belonging to the same family descent ancestry de scend 互见:descendant: n.:后代 propinquity N nearness kinship ac-=adquit to free, release down climb血统,降落,家系亲近 血缘死,死的 丧亲bereavementNstate of being deprived of something valuable or beloved serious or fatal accident beheadbe reaveintensive rob严重的事故 伤亡 斩首,杀头casualtyNdecapitateVdecap-=capit-off head死的 不存在的,报废 的defunctAdjdead no longer in use or existence死 (遗赠, 继承) demiseNdeath104deaway mise 安乐死 euthanasia N easy death eu thanas 朝生暮死,短 暂,短命
ephemeral Adj short-lived fleeting ep=epi hemersend(放手) well die upon day(只有一天的寿 命) not breath (mind) death tending toward了无生气的,死 气沉沉的 垂死的inanimateAdjlifelessin animmoribundAdjdyingmori bund身后的 遗腹的 (书出版于作者 死后,孩子生于 父亲死后)posthumousAdjafter death (as of child born after father's death or book published after author's death)屈服 屈从 死 死后的 殡仪业者 讣告 (also N) 挽歌,悲歌 (elegiacal,Adj) 安灵弥撒 安灵歌,挽歌succumbVyield give in diesuc=sub cumbunder lie downmortician obituaryN Adjundertaker death noticemort ob itdeath Near go out choose back quiet● elegyNpoem or song expressing
lamentation mass for the dead105e=ex leg=lig re quierequiemN dirge 告别的 valedictory Adj pertaining to farewell vale dict farewell say尸体 验尸 (also V) autopsy N examination of a dead body mort deathpost-mortem 尸体 cadaver N corpse 互见:corps[kau:] 军团,团体 互见:corpus:身体, 尸体;主体,全集, 本金。尸体似的,苍白 的 裹尸 隐藏cadaverousAdjlike a corpse paleshroudVhide from view wrap for burial互见 should,怜悯,同情,惋惜,抚恤 怜悯,同情 commiserate V feel or express pity or sympathy for commisertogether misery (一起受难)疲,劳、累,乏、困厄、困顿、痛,苦 重罚 Adj grueling 筋疲力尽 (使其) 不知疲倦的;不 屈不挠的;有耐 性的 ● indefatigable Adjexhaustingtireless106 疲倦的jadedAdjfatigued ● surfeited疲倦的,无精打 采的languidAdjweary
listless互见: languish 无生 机的疲乏● lassitudeNlanguor weariness痛与苦 痛苦afflictionNstate of distress cause of sufferingaf=ad flicto strike极度痛苦anguishNacute pain extreme sufferingangstrangle痛苦 烦恼 恼怒 痛苦 悲怆ga


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