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英文翻译harbin electrical machine factory&&&&Harbin&&&&electrical machinery plant&&&&harbin electrical measuring instruments works&&&&harbin institute of electrical engineering&&&&harbin electrical appliances manufacturing school&&&&harbin complete plants co. for power station equipment&&&&hpe&&&&computer department of harbin electronic engineering university&&&&harbin (黑龙江省省会, 1932年设市)&&&&electric electr motormaker&&&&harbin russians&&&&harbin white pig&&&&harbin university&&&&port of haerbin&&&&shanxi lijun guoli&&&&harbinia&&&& harbin brewery&&&&harbin municipality&&&&haerbing tengyi&&&&summertime in harbin&&&&a night in harbin&&&&dalian electric motor plant&&&&dongfang electrical machinery works&&&&guangzhou electric motor works&&&&jiangmen electric motor works
例句与用法While in harbin , evans also toured the harbin electric machinery company埃文斯在访问哈尔滨时还参观了哈尔滨电机厂。 The company produces hydro turbines , hydro generators , steam turbine generators and gas turbine generators哈尔滨电机厂生产水轮机、水轮发电机、汽轮发电机和燃气轮机发电机。 Evans visit to harbin also included a tour of harbin electric machinery as well as a visit with orphans at the harbin children s home埃文斯在访问哈尔滨时还走访了哈尔滨电机厂,并看望了哈尔滨儿童福利院中的孤儿。 Large hydroelectric equipment production project of the harbin - electromotor plant has made great contribution to china ' s hydroclectric power development . the plant is now a major manufacturer of hydroelectric equipment in china哈尔滨电机厂大型水电设备制造我国重要的水电设备制造基地,为水电事业发展做出了巨大贡献。 The purpose of this dissertation is to develop a practical algorithm on nonstandard job - shop scheduling problem with constructional relationship among its parts under the make - to - order mode , and develop a production scheduling system oriented to big device equilibrium to fulfill the practical demands of harbin electric machinery limited company本文研究的目的是要寻找一种面向订单生产模式且带有装配关系的非标准车间作业调度问题的实用生产调度算法,并根据哈尔滨电机厂有限责任公司生产调度的实际需求,开发一个实用的面向大设备平衡的生产计划系统。 &&
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