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现在有15人对本文发表评论 &&中国国际新闻摄影比赛(华赛)
China International Press Photo Contest
日期: 08:47   来源:全球摄影网   作者:杨杨   责编:李洋洋   阅读:2537
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中国国际新闻摄影比赛(华赛)是由中国新闻摄影学会主办,由浙江日报报业集团承办的大型国际新闻摄影比赛。参赛照片应当围绕保卫、坚持世界的和平事业,发展、繁荣世界各国的经济和科技文化等,表现和平、经济和科技、文化等诸多事业中的成就、冲突和解决矛盾的过程,表现人类生活的变化和进步,表现人的命运、情感、意志和力量。一、由来2005年,经中央宣传部和国务院新闻办公室批准,在中国新兴的魅力城市深圳,诞生了一个撩动世界的国际新闻摄影比赛新品牌“华赛”——中国国际新闻摄影比赛(CHIPP)。主办方为中国新闻摄影学会,承办方由浙江日报报业集团担任,新华社、人民日报、光明日报、中央电视台、凤凰卫视、中国日报、人民摄影报等18个单位协办。“华赛”的成功举办,打破了西方世界对国际新闻摄影赛事的垄断,搭建了世界新闻摄影交流合作的新平台,铸就了一个国际新闻摄影的新品牌。二、理念宗旨“华赛”的主题和旗帜是“和平与发展”。比赛将遵循国际惯例,通过评选世界各国新闻记者和摄影师拍摄发表的年度新闻摄影作品来:1.奖励优秀作品:反映世界的和平发展、表现人类的生存状态、展示民众的命运情感;2.倡导先进理念:最开阔的新闻视野、最敏锐的洞察目光、最高超的摄影技巧、最快速的客观反映、最有力的视觉冲击;3.打造全新平台:“华赛”是中国新闻摄影学会主办,浙江日报报业集团承办的大型国际新闻摄影比赛,为全球新闻记者和摄影师提供新闻摄影作品、学术信息交流和友好交往的平台。参赛者不论国籍和年龄,均可以参与各个类别的比赛。由具有国际性、专业性、权威性的评选团对参赛作品进行评选,评出的获奖照片,将用于出版年鉴,并会进行巡展。 三、组别分类分类及代码---共分8类,每一类设单幅与系列两项:A 日常生活类新闻(DL)B 战争、灾难类新闻(WDN)C 非战争灾难类重大新闻(TN)D 经济及科技类新闻(ESTN)E 自然及环保类新闻(NEN)F 文化及艺术类新闻(AEN)G 体育类新闻(SP)H 新闻人物(PO)& 四、参赛规则1.接受通讯社、报刊社、图片社和各种摄影团体的新闻记者和摄影师的新闻摄影作品参赛。2.所有参赛者必须填写参赛申请表,在表中填明个人资料和对参赛新闻摄影作品的详细说明,申请表还必须有参赛者的签名或参赛者授权的签名。在填写参赛申请表时,如果参赛者没有受聘用的单位,就必须提供能够证明其作为摄影师的职业状况证明信或某种官方(包括各种摄影团体)认可的文件和注册编号。3.参赛申请表可通过预付邮资的方式邮寄。请在包裹上写明“不具有商业价值”以避免额外的收费和在海关延误。4.比赛组委会享有永久免费使用参赛者作品的权力,可以重复使用这些图片进行出版和展览,并在使用过程中尊重参赛者的署名权。5.获奖新闻照片可能会公布比赛结果时在媒体上发表,并同时纳入中国国际新闻摄影比赛的馆藏珍品。6.部分获奖者所提供的照片如有质量问题,可能会影响到出版和展览,组委会有权向其本人索要高质量的底片复制件,或幻灯片的复制件。“华赛”组委会保证将会对这些复制底片妥善保管。7.参赛者确保对参赛作品享有版权,作品涉及肖像权事宜由参赛者自负。8.若有第三方对图片中所反映的人、建筑或其他事物提出权利方面的声明或不满,参赛者应对图片可能引发的法律事务负全部相关责任。9.不遵守参赛规则或不能满足参赛表格中条件的参赛者将被视为不合格的参赛者。10.在参赛规则和申请表上阐述的条款具有约束力。五、评选标准1.内容真实,着力体现“和平与发展”主题。2.形象生动,富有冲击力和感染力。3.标题与图片说明准确、简明。4.参赛类别清晰。 六、奖项  共有8类16项(每类分单幅和系列两项),每项设金奖1名、银奖1名、铜奖1名、优秀奖5名;从各项金奖获得者中评出“年度最佳新闻照片奖”1名;各项奖数不足者可空缺。奖酬“年度最佳新闻照片奖”,奖杯一座、证书一张,人民币60000元以及到杭州浙江日报报业集团领奖的往返机票1张;各项金奖,奖杯一座、证书一张,人民币10000元以及前往杭州浙江日报报业集团领奖的往返机票1张;各项银奖、铜奖,奖杯一座、证书一张;优秀奖,证书一张,作品入编年鉴。获奖通知方式  评选结束后举行新闻发布会,宣布比赛结果,比赛获奖作品名单将同时在华赛网站上以中、英文两种文字予以发布。获奖人将被单独用电话、传真或电子邮件通知。比赛结果公布后,华赛将向所有参赛者发出对他们参赛的答谢,以及完整的获奖作品名单。 七、历届获奖回顾(一)首届日在深圳报业大厦会堂揭晓评选结果,5月28日在深圳关山月美术馆举行了颁奖式、首展式、获奖作品集首发式。日在北京中国美术馆举行了有500人出席的获奖作品展览开幕式。日至17日在西安第七届全国报纸总编辑研讨会上举办了&华赛高层论坛&。2005年11月间还在法国昂热和荷兰阿姆斯特丹举行了获奖作品展览和学术交流会。据国内外多方反映,首届“华赛”取得了超出预想的成功,受到了广泛好评与赞誉。首届“华赛”共收到来自法国、美国、英国、德国、荷兰、俄罗斯、印度、缅甸、日本、伊拉克、巴勒斯坦、智利、墨西哥、新西兰、澳大利亚、中国(包括台湾、香港) 等76个国家和地区的1765位作者寄来的参赛作品21627幅。第48届“荷赛”大奖得主从印度寄来的反映海啸灾难的作品。首届华赛参赛作品国别之多、作者之多、数量之多,反映出国际新闻摄影界对此项赛事的看重与关注。首届&华赛&参赛作品集中了2004年大千世界的精彩镜头,评选结果彰显了“和平与发展”主题下社会发展进步、人类生存状态的真实情景和参赛者开阔的新闻视野、敏锐的洞察目光和精湛的摄影技巧。首届“华赛”参赛作品分为“七大类题材”,每大类题材又分“单幅照片项和组照项”共14项,评选将逐项进行。七大类题材分别是:“突发与重大新闻”、“经济与科技新闻”、“新闻人物现场肖像”、“社会生活新闻”、“文化与艺术新闻”、“体育新闻”、“自然与环保新闻”(第二届已将第一类分成两类,即“突发性新闻”和“非突发性的重大新闻”,变成8类16项)。首届“华赛”共聘请15位评委,其中中国的8位,外国的7位。评委会主席徐祖根等国内8位评委都是业界重量级专家。来自美国、法国、荷兰、日本、印度、智利的7位外国评委也都是在国际摄影领域上有重要成就的专家。(不断更新中……)
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2012 Eighth International Press Photo Contest ( Chinese race ) winning the election 25P
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路透社记者高安-托马斯维克(Goran Tomasevic)的作品《利比亚冲突》获得2011年度新闻照片大奖。组委会主席于宁认为该图片反映了人们对战争灾难的抗争,对和平与发展的渴望。: Z2 l3 M/ X5 }$ e
Reuters reporter Goran Tomasevic works Libyan conflict 2011 Press Photo Award .4 \0 a0 [: ^% g5 g- m$ b5 a7 u
The organizing committee rather that the picture reflects the struggle of the people of the tragedy of war , the desire for peace and development .
2012 Eighth International Press Photo Contest ( Chinese race ) winning the election 25P
7 ]$ W3 [; x! t5 z7 s
日,一名摩托车手在智利参加2011年阿根廷-智利达喀尔拉力赛。作者:美联社/Natacha Pisarenko4 l: o' r&&U* b4 |- f9 ]- W& Y2 T
Single bronze medal winning of sports : Dakar Rally moment, k* N1 ~. ~3 [3 B: R$ v5 `9 T
January 7, 2011 , a biker in Chile to participate in the 2011 Argentina - Chile Dakar Rally . : AP / Natacha Pisarenko6 g: i& f4 c. @, W5 v& \" j' i4 d
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- y( p8 Y# K5 v2 U&&R9 J, g+ H
2012 Eighth International Press Photo Contest ( Chinese race ) winning the election 25P
体育类单幅银奖获奖作品:冲浪者, q" c! [) `; p& f& ^" o) R7 |: I
2011年月18日,澳大利亚悉尼勃朗特海滩,一个冲浪者被浪打倒。作者:Ryan Pierse/Getty Images: O0 b* Q. I% h6 ^. e&&c2 g" x( _% J
Sports single silver award winning : surfer, s# I. Z/ B) p% W
18 , 2011 , Sydney, Australia Bronte Beach , a surfer waves struck down . Author : Ryan Pierse / Getty Images
2012 Eighth International Press Photo Contest ( Chinese race ) winning the election 25P
体育类单幅金奖获奖作品:马踏牛仔1 c( \" r( e% F3 t
日,在加拿大国家展览中心,选手汤米·梅杰在比赛中落马。当日,2011年加拿大皇家冬季农业博览会上的牛仔骑术竞技赛在加拿大国家展览中心举行。作者:邹峥/新华社多伦多分社2 E: ~9 N! z2 m) W8 O6 G+ ^
Sports single gold medal winning : horse riding cowboy2 f$ Y( `' h# h
November 6, 2011 , at the Canadian National Exhibition Centre , Tommy Major players in the game to a halt. Day, the cowboy riding competitive race in the 2011 Canadian Royal Winter Agricultural Fair held at the Canadian National Exhibition Centre . : Zou Zheng / Xinhua News Agency Toronto Branch7 n( w* W' s8 Z+ N% N6 p# U
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2012 Eighth International Press Photo Contest ( Chinese race ) winning the election 25P
' D1 _# |. G( _2 C
经济及科技类单幅铜奖获奖作品:昆明市政府原办公大楼成功爆破# O; {# h0 v/ x# @5 r4 `&&C
日10时,昆明市政府原办公大楼成功实施爆破拆除。昆明市政府原办公大楼始建于上世纪90年代中期,建筑面积30911平方米,建筑高度为82.56米。此次爆破拆除主要采用定向倒塌的爆破方式。作者:云南日报/王宇衡' ^6 L9 I: K8 [5 b: ~' Z
Economic and technological Singles category award winner: Kunming City Hall original office building successful blasting
In December 25, 2011 10, the original Kunming city hall office building the successful implementation of blasting demolition.Kunming city hall was built in the former office building in the mid 90 century, a building area of 30911 square meters, building height of 82.56 meters.The blasting demolition by directional collapse blasting method.Author: Yunnan daily / Wang Yuheng. y$ y/ ?+ N! J% N
2 K7 `9 U&&H7 F- {7 h&&^
2012 Eighth International Press Photo Contest ( Chinese race ) winning the election 25P
日,在尼日利亚三角州区域哈科特港附近的奥格尼兰德航拍的非法炼油厂。 原油窃贼在当地被称为“地堡里的人”,在拥有非洲最大规模石油和天然气工业的尼日利亚,他们已存在多年,他们穿刺管道盗油,每年给尼日利亚和外国石油公司带来数百万美元损失。作者:路透社/AKINTUNDE AKINLEYE
Economic and technological Singles category Gold Award winner: Nigeria illegal oil refinery
In March 24, 2011, in the Nigeria Delta region near Port Harcourt augers kneeland aerial illegal oil refinery.Crude oil thieves, locally known as the &Bunker& in Africa, has the largest petroleum and natural gas industries of Nigeria, they have been in existence for many years, they puncture pipe oil theft, every year to Nigeria and foreign oil companies millions of dollars loss.Author: AKINTUNDE AKINLEYE / Reuters0 P3 f, Z- L' y- D, u
&&\$ ~' R2 O8 i& F4 g$ j
2 l" W' Z! `' C# M( b5 a&&J
2012 Eighth International Press Photo Contest ( Chinese race ) winning the election 25P
# M7 f8 p- D( m1 F" Y. t
文化、艺术与娱乐类单幅银奖获奖作品:可移动的艺术7 o3 X4 \& S6 I3 K: [) v, b4 u
日,在澳大利亚悉尼的悉尼港,一名模特在走秀。作者:Marianna Massey/WireImage/ F) M6 t- R6 a. o
Culture, arts and Entertainment Award Winners: Mobile Art5 m! Y/ f: C. T6 C; o1 z5 f1 B
In August 25, 2011, Sydney Australia Sydney harbor, a model on the catwalk.Author: Marianna Massey / WireImage- a' x# ]6 M$ a5 [. W
9 C6 {6 p- S1 o0 j( C& {9 E
2012 Eighth International Press Photo Contest ( Chinese race ) winning the election 25P
$ l% J& s& ^( A2 U' O/ z" \/ r
文化、艺术与娱乐类单幅金奖获奖作品:婚前教育! U0 X, X+ H7 i&&t, K
日,在英国北威尔士,英国女王伊丽莎白二世(右二)和她的孙子,刚执行完搜救任务的威廉王子(左二)交谈,菲利普王子(右一)注视着他们。威廉王子当时在盎格鲁山谷的英国皇家空军作为搜救直升机飞行员服役,他将在4月29日迎娶凯特·米德尔顿。作者:路透社-POOL;' i7 o9 D3 Z# p9 N% X$ v2 Y; p
Culture, arts and Entertainment Award Winners: premarital education0 j9 R) v. C- |' i& u( k7 D! `
In April 1, 2011, in the UK and North Welsh, Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom (right two) and her grandson, just after executing search and rescue Prince William (left two) conversation, Prince Philip (right) watches them.Prince William was in the valley of the Royal Air Force as a search and rescue helicopter pilot service, in April 29th he will be married to Kate Middleton.Author: Reuters - POOL;
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6 p0 g0 z6 |6 R8 I' F2 T4 |
2012 Eighth International Press Photo Contest ( Chinese race ) winning the election 25P
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自然及环境类单幅铜奖获奖作品:沙尘暴来了) Z- E5 L7 |9 y" L" ?8 S# p
日下午15点左右,今年第一场沙尘暴袭击了宁夏西海固地区。同心县兴隆乡黄谷村几名正在玩耍的孩子被突然刮起的风沙几乎吹倒。作者:陕西咸阳电视台/张熙平2 b* v) R2 ?) G5 T) J% B* _
Nature and environment of single bronze award winner: sandstorm came
February 6, 2011, 15 pm, this year first sandstorms hit of Xihaigu region in Ningxia.County Xinglong Township, Huang Gucun a few children are playing by the sudden gust of wind blew down almost.Authors: Shaanxi Xianyang TV / Zhang Xiping4 h" o% [; n/ K
* H, W7 P6 h% A$ s- ]
: i9 E& t5 \5 z5 C) b# c
2012 Eighth International Press Photo Contest ( Chinese race ) winning the election 25P
自然及环境类单幅金奖获奖作品:闪电遇到火山&&_& Z* I+ |1 r
日,在智利恩特拉古斯附近的普耶韦火山上空,闪电划过弥漫的火山灰。6月4日,休眠了数十年的普耶韦火山突然喷发,喷射出的火山灰上升至10公里高的空中,并随气流向邻国阿根廷移动,迫使智利政府疏散了数千附近居民。作者:路透社/Carlos Gutierrez7 ?3 L, s* t. H( O
Nature and environment of single gold award winner: Lightning meets a volcano- M6 \; H! G* e&&H
In June 5, 2011, Chile en tragoess nearby puyehue volcano sky, lightning diffuse volcano ash.In June 4th, dormant for decades of puyehue volcano erupts, jet out of the volcano ash up to 10 km high in the air, and with the air flow to the neighbouring Argentina mobile, forcing the evacuation of thousands of residents in the vicinity of the Chilean government.Author: Carlos Gutierrez / Reuters
2012 Eighth International Press Photo Contest ( Chinese race ) winning the election 25P
0 o7 o- O, d5 O! e8 u& k$ g
日,一架卡扎菲部队的军用战机在利比亚东部的班加西郊区被击落。作者:美联社/Anja Niedringhaus
Non war disaster of major news single bronze medal winner: downed fighter
In March 19, 2011, a Al-qaddafi force military aircraft in Libya's eastern suburb of Benghazi is shot down.Author: The Associated Press / Anja Niedringhaus
; n! \9 L* @, a6 h% t$ l$ L
" S1 Y; @# `) e$ I# i. b: ?- f- G- r
2012 Eighth International Press Photo Contest ( Chinese race ) winning the election 25P
* y( W$ l0 D$ n( D* @! {
日,在希腊首都雅典附件的比雷埃夫斯港口,一名从利比亚班加西港口撤离的孩子在一辆大巴上张望窗外。这艘由外国使馆安排的渡轮载着数百名来自大约16个国家的乘客从利比亚撤离。作者:LOUISA GOULIAMAKI) N8 a9 c/ l4 G8 B; L
Non war disaster of major news single award winner: evacuation& P5 N0 D) V& }, G3 C; z
In February 27, 2011, in the Greek capital Athens, Piraeus port attachment, one from Libya Benghazi port to evacuate the children in a bus looked out of the window.The ship by foreign embassies arranged ferry carrying hundreds of from about 16 countries passengers evacuated from Libya.Author: LOUISA GOULIAMAKI
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2012 Eighth International Press Photo Contest ( Chinese race ) winning the election 25P
新闻人物与肖像类单幅铜奖获奖作品:南苏丹返乡难民4 M4 d0 L6 h: S. V; U; Y: y
News Singles category with portrait award winner: South Sultan returnees
The southern Sultan independent for approximately 2000000 resident in Sultan South Sultan people bring citizenship and identity problems.Most of them were born and raised in Sultan's capital Khartoum, but because of the future identity anxiety, as well as the construction of his desire, since last year October, 33 Wan Nan Sultan people give up life in Sultan, all the way through difficult home.Author: Wu Xiaoling / Xinhua News Agency
7 m% ~8 ?# S* t5 \$ V5 O
$ k7 _5 ^) u/ F6 T( u9 D
新闻人物与肖像类单幅银奖获奖作品:奥巴马离开白宫办公室3 a) A" S" |# g7 X& E, u7 w
日,美国总统奥巴马离开白宫办公室。华盛顿邮报白宫记者斯科特威尔逊这样形容奥巴马:“一个政治上的独行者,喜欢使用政策,而不是能让政治有效的人。作者:Alex Wong/Getty Images
News and portraits Singles category award winner: Obama left the White House Office
In October 10, 2011, the United States President Obama to leave the White House office.Washington Post reporter of the White House Scott Wilson said of Obama: &a political loner, like the use of policy, and not to make effective political man.Author: Alex Wong / Getty Images5 O! t1 H. f' ?+ F% D" W6 o# R
- M0 S6 N; |6 o9 \( _; p+ B5 v
& O5 d, n- h2 `' c6 E3 J) M' S
News and portraits Singles category Gold Award winner: Al-qaddafi died
This was in October 22, 2011 in Libya Misurata a cold shot inside the former Libya leader Al-qaddafi.Libya &the national Transitional Council& chairman of the Executive Committee Jibril October 20th confirmed at the press conference, Al-qaddafi said in Soult died.Author: Muzi Lee / Xinhua News Agency
& P" F: }! L7 a- U) [; w1 N; u& t
日,在突尼斯和利比亚边界,一位在利比亚工作的突尼斯人逃离动荡的利比亚,准备乘公共汽车到位于突尼斯境内的难民营。大约有25万流动工人离开利比亚进入邻国,主要是突尼斯和埃及。作者:美联社/Emilio Morenatti
The daily life class single bronze works: evacuation' E; w" ?7 _$ U9 F9 M
March 15, 2011, in Tunisia and Libya border, Libya a work in the Tunisian people from turbulent Libya, ready to take the bus to the refugees in the camp is located in tunisia.There are approximately 250000 migrants from Libya into neighboring countries, mainly in Tunisia and egypt.Author: The Associated Press / Emilio Morenatti6 [- {( E7 ]2 i3 i
2 n7 C7 h6 j3 ?$ ~: v% B0 U
0 i* c+ p: x6 B$ M! ^
日常生活类单幅银奖作品:乌林根与以炭为生的孩子们6 Y* z3 X, J7 ^8 B1 q
日,在菲律宾乌林根,两名孩子在捡木炭工作之余休息。这里的工人们主要从事木炭产业。他们的收入十分微薄,工作条件十分艰苦。大部分的工人是十几岁的童工,有的甚至只有六、七岁。作者:Lisa Wiltse
The daily life class single silver works: the black Lin Gen with carbon for children5 S2 o4 Y' T: ^# F) B- u
In September 25, 2011, Philippines and Lin Gen, two children in picking up charcoal work rest.The workers here mainly engaged in charcoal industry.Their income is very small, very hard working conditions.Most of the workers are teenage children, some even only six or seven years old.Author: Lisa Wiltse' e7 F6 E4 ?; V# K. w9 o
日,埃及开罗,在塔利尔广场,反政府抗议者举着蜡烛绕着埃及军队坦克行走。作者:美联社/Emilio Morenatti
War, disaster type single bronze award winner: demonstrators in Cairo
February 9, 2011 in Cairo, Egypt, in Tahrir square, anti-government protesters carrying candles around the Egyptian army tanks walking.Author: The Associated Press / Emilio Morenatti
* x0 ^; M- I" [; X
8 m0 |! m&&Y& u4 t- Q. L
日,在泰国曼谷,人们在油污覆盖的洪水中前行,洪水淹没了该区的一条主要高速公路。受到肮脏的洪水影响,灾民们的健康状况令人担忧。作者:EPA/BARBARA WALTON- V' ^3 U: ]! ~
War, disaster Singles category award winner: Bangkok Thailand floods
In October 31, 2011, Bangkok in Thailand, people in the oil cover flood forward, flooded the area of a major highway.Be dirty flood impact, victims of the health situation is worrying.Author: EPA / BARBARA WALTON: f) Q% K$ d4 o3 Z. A# O+ U
" z8 O3 O3 o- x" z: S2 p
经济及科技类单幅银奖获奖作品:训练! W6 l8 z% S2 U
日,在位于莫斯科郊外星城的俄罗斯宇航员训练中心,身着航天服的受训人员正在潜水员的帮助下进行水下训练。水下训练模拟失重状态是太空训练的一个组成部分。作者:美联社/Sergey Ponomarev1 e( I; S4 M, ~4 k&&v5 J6 k
Economic and technological Singles category award winner: Training2 Y6 ?% q&&e1 K+ \4 [! n: G2 w&&@
In February 18, 2011, located in Moscow the Russian cosmonaut training center in Star City, dressed in spacesuit trainees are divers underwater training help.Underwater training simulated weightlessness in space training is an integral part of.Author: The Associated Press / Sergey Ponomarev
" U- E& K% N2 [* i5 D' V
. K0 f. M&&E2 f5 I
文化、艺术与娱乐类单幅铜奖获奖作品:打破吉尼斯世界纪录2 e" R- P* x* b7 _$ r6 W$ A
日,在英国伦敦,由英国艺术家乔-希尔在伦敦金丝雀码头创作的3D街道绘画作品创造了一项新的世界纪录。这幅作品长约60.46米,表面积达到892平方米,是世界上最长最大的3D街道绘画作品。作者:美联社/Matt Dunham3 I5 P3 p. A$ I. u+ l, l
Culture, arts and Entertainment Award Winners: Guinness world record
November 7, 2011, in London, by British artist Joe Hill in London's Canary Wharf creation 3D Street paintings created a new world record.This painting is about 60.46 meters long, surface area reached 892 square meters, is the longest in the world's largest 3D street painting.Author: The Associated Press / Matt Dunham
( h4 Y. }+ E! H9 O4 V
自然及环境类单幅银奖获奖作品:海啸7 \2 H4 P/ p" `+ S
日,8.9级地震袭击日本东北部后,海啸的大浪冲到岩手县宫古市的街道上。作者:路透社/Mainichi Shimbun
Nature and environment of single award winner: Tsunami% `/ |3 V0 e! M7 M9 ^3 Q
In March 11, 2011, a magnitude 8.9 earthquake struck northeastern Japan, tsunami waves rushed to Iwate prefecture city of Gong Gu street.Author: Mainichi Shimbun / Reuters4 s" O' v! M/ x" y% r$ \
非战争灾难类重大新闻单幅银奖获奖作品:火灾之后( u7 \2 G# p1 y) I' e4 @" t
Non war disaster of major news single award winner: after the fire: j# k# c1 N- Z( x& U
In April 7, 2011, Manila in the north of the city of Ma Labang, a fire will be a coastal village of about 500 houses were razed to the ground, a man in the dark and neck and full of debris deep searching for valuables.After that, the fire was caused by liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) tank explosion, although no injuries were reported, but at least 3000 people lose their homes./ t9 ]&&K/ t7 k8 u
4 P8 A; w7 d. |* @; r! O
8 k* g$ B5 f8 R7 ^" i0 a* u
" ^0 m/ J' [3 v: T, B
日,在孟加拉国首都达卡,一个小贩在两辆过度拥挤的火车上穿梭,销售自己的商品。火车上挤满了回家的孟加拉国穆斯林,他们要回家参加为期3天的伊斯兰教集会。这个集会从1966年开始每年都举行,是世界上最大的宗教集会之一。作者:美联社/Pavel Rahma: L% _7 ^0 R7 q$ W$ o
The daily life class single gold prize works: Jumping overloaded train
In January 23, 2011, Bangladesh, Dhaka, a vendor in the two car the overcrowded train shuttle, sales of own products.The train was packed with home Bangladesh Muslim, they will go home for 3 days of Islamic congregation.The rally started from 1966 to be held annually, is the world's largest religious gathering of.Author: The Associated Press / Pavel Rahma
&&@+ E' i/ l- |% Y) M8 C$ r
8 K$ e2 G& {$ C0 E+ n6 V4 }! S
日,在日本岩手县本州岛志愿者中心,一名志愿者正在清理一张家庭照片。作者:路透社/Toru Hanai3 o2 L9 I4 ?9 S0 W
War, disaster Singles category Gold Award winner: cleaning lost face6 |1 t/ |# e2 u* ?& q" Q
In April 12, 2011, Japanese Iwate Honshu Island volunteers, volunteers are cleaning up a photo of a family.Author: Toru Hanai / Reuters% N2 U&&Y, E/ J
6 ^% @- p3 {2 \6 Z3 N2 \
2 d% D. Z) H5 h8 {5 {
7 r1 |" T9 x6 H1 q# k# B
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