
Did Cantonese almost replace Mandarin as the standard spoken version of Chinese? Why did Mandarin win out?
All of the major founders of the ROC were Cantonese, so why did Mandarin win out?
Mark Rowswell, AKA Dashan 大山
I&m sorry, but I&ve followed this question for some time and just can&t believe that Song Lin's answer to Did Cantonese almost replace Mandarin as the standard spoken version of Chinese? Why did Mandarin win out? is still the top-voted answer. At the risk of sounding arrogant, the story of Sun Yat-Sen and the vote of 1911 is just nonsense. It&s simply a myth that, unfortunately, continues to survive 100 years later. Mandarin Chinese is the &standard version& of Chinese for deep-rooted cultural and historical reasons, not because of some &accident of history&.
(Crane Wang's answer to Did Cantonese almost replace Mandarin as the standard spoken version of Chinese? Why did Mandarin win out? provides some vital historical background to this question. I highly recommend people review his answer.)(克瑞恩&王的回答提供了一些非常重要的历史背景。我强烈推荐大家看看他的回答。)
&& Unlike the depictions we see on television, history is not decided by a small number of politicians making back-room decisions. Sun Yat-sen may have been a great man, but cultural forces are much stronger than any individual or group of politicians. This question is much bigger than that.
The northern dialect of Chinese, 北方语系 in Chinese, actually covers the majority of Chinese geography, from the north-east all the way down to Yunnan province. (Yes, Yunnan dialect is considered part of the &northern dialect& and is not difficult for any northerner to understand.) The eastern coastline of China, from Shanghai down to Guangdong province, has widely varying dialects from 吴 (Shanghai/Jiangsu/Zhejiang) down to 粤 (Cantonese) with 闽南 (Fukkienese) in between. This is largely determined by geography & places that are isolated by geography tend to develop unique languages or dialects, and places that are geographically accessible to each other tend to share languages or dialects. Geographically speaking, Mandarin has been the most dominant dialect of Chinese, even before 1911.
On the other hand, it is true that Cantonese bears more resemblance to classical Chinese than Mandarin. Tang poetry, for example, rhymes and sounds much better when read in Cantonese than in Mandarin. Yet this does not detract from the fact that Mandarin has been the dominant dialect of Chinese for many hundreds of years.另一方面,粤语确实比普通话更接近古代汉语。比如唐诗用粤语读起来押韵和发音都比普通话好。但是这并未减损普通话数百年来的主导地位。
&& Beijing has been the capital of China almost continuously since 1421. (Of course, that may not compare with Xi&an (Chang&an), which has been the capital of the Chinese nation for the greatest length of time in total. On the other hand, very few people in Xi&an speak Cantonese & they speak the Shaanxi dialect.) As such, the northern dialect of Chinese has been the official dialect for well over 500 years. That pre-dates any Communist conspiracy by over 400 years.
In 1911, the Chinese political system was rotten to the core. External aggression and internal revolt had simmered for over 50 years and the imperial powers in Beijing were completely unable to control these forces. Sun Yat-sen was a prominent dissident who had been exiled from China. When the revolution suddenly erupted in Wuhan (and not according to plan), Sun Yat-sen was actually in Denver, Colorado. He returned to China as quickly as possible to help guide the revolution.
At this specific point in history, many of the revolutionary leaders (including Sun Yat-sen) were from Guangdong and spoke Cantonese. By no means do I intend to belittle their contribution. Guangdong (Canton), as a major gateway to the outside world, has always played a vital role in China&s modernization. Yet these early republican leaders were unable to determine issues as important as standardization of the language. They did not have political control over the whole nation (even Chiang Kai-shek, after them, could not establish complete control). And even if they did have control, they would not have been able to control cultural forces greater than whatever political power they wielded.
To use an analogy, think of China in the 1990s. Jiang Zemin, former Party Secretary from Shanghai (and a native of nearby Jiangsu province) has established control over all of China. He has promoted most of his colleagues from Shanghai to hold senior positions in the Politburo and State Council. The public commonly refers to this group as the 上海帮, the Shanghai Gang. Theoretically, this group could have gotten together and decided to approve the Shanghai or Wu 吴 dialect of Chinese as the &standard dialect&. Yet they didn&t. And why not? Because it would be completely ridiculous and unenforceable, and they would be made the laughingstocks of China.
The same thing holds true for 1911. Even if Cantonese had been approved in this back-room voting deal, it would have been completely unenforceable. It&s nothing more than a piece of irrelevant trivia from Chinese history. Cantonese has always been a major dialect of Chinese, but one that is limited in scope to the south-east corner of China. Shanghainese would never adopt Cantonese, nor would the Sichuanese, not to mention the northerners. Cantonese has never had any sort of nation-wide scope in China. That is simply a fact of Chinese history, 也算是基本国情.
In modern times, China has been ruled by a coalition of leaders from various regions of China. Sun Yat-sen was Cantonese, Chiang Kai-shek was from Zhejiang, Mao Zedong from Hunan, Zhu De from Sichuan, Zhou Enlai from Jiangsu, Deng Xiaoping from Sichuan & and so on. The only thing this varied group of people could agree on is that the &standard form& of Chinese should be based on the northern dialect, which was the one dialect most understood by the majority of Chinese.近代以来,中国曾被来自不同地区的多个领导人统治。孙文是广东人,蒋介石来自浙江,毛泽东来自湖南,朱德是四川的,周恩来则来自江苏,邓小平来自四川&&等等。这些人唯一可能赞同的事情就是中国的&通用语&应该基于被大部分中国人了解的北方方言。
&& In post-revolution China (1949 to present), &standard Chinese& has been defined as &taking the northern dialect as standard, with Beijing pronunciation as the standard pronunciation&. This does not mean that the Beijing dialect has been enforced as the national standard, simply that there is a need to pick one standard and this was the most logical. In fact, there is a clear distinction between the Beijing dialect and Standard Chinese. And choosing the northern dialect as the standard was simply recognizing a fact of history & this was something greater than any one political leader or political party, that had been established by hundreds of years of history.
Choosing Mandarin as the standard dialect of Chinese is by no means a perfect choice, it&s just simply the most natural, historically-correct and culturally-acceptable choice, no matter what any individual politician or revolutionary leader says.
59 votes by Ben Newhouse, Ben Nham, Wen Huang, (more)
Yes. Cantonese was going to be the standard spoken version of Chinese in 1911. After the success of the 1911 (or Xinhai) Revolution, the Provisional Government of the Republic of China (中华民国) was founded. In the first Congress, a proposal suggested that Cantonese be the standard version of the Chinese language. As is known to all, Guangdong Province (广东) was one of the bases of the Chinese revolution in Modern history. And half members in the provisional Congress were from Guangdong. President Sun Yat-sen (孙中山) was Cantonese himself. So there was a strong probability that the proposal would pass at that time.&&是的,粤语在1911年差点成为汉语标准。辛亥革命成功后,中华民国临时政府成立,在第一届国会上,有一件提案建议选择粤语做为汉语的标准。众所周知,现代史上广东省是中国革命的基地之一。临时国会的一半成员来自广东,孙总统自己也是广东人。因此该提案很可能会获得通过。
&& But in the nation as a whole, Mandarin is spoken by the largest population and in the most geographic areas of China&not only in the north of China but also in the southwestern provinces, such as Yunnan, Guizhou, Sichuan (云南、贵州、四川), and also in some places of Hubei, Hunan, Anhui, Jiangxi, and Jiangsu (湖北、湖南、安徽、江西、江苏). And in history, Beijing (where Mandarin is spoken) was the political center of the country for more than 600 years beginning with the Yuan Dynasty.但从全国来看,说普通话的人口最多,地区最广,不只是北方,而且西南省份如云南,贵州,四川,还有湖北,湖南,安徽,江西和江苏的部分地区。历史上,北京(说普通话)从元代以来就做为国家的政治中心已超过600多年。
&& President Sun Yat-sen was a wise leader. He knew that supporting Mandarin was beneficial to balance off the&&Northern Warlords force in Beijing and promote the spread of the revolution from the south to the whole country.&&Though Cantonese was Sun's mother tongue, he still persuaded his countrymen in the Congress to give up Cantonese.
Cantonese was beaten by only one vote in 1911 and Mandarin won out finally. However, considering the history and reality, with the political distribution at that time, I think it was a rather good choice for Chinese.粤语以一票之差落选,而普通话最终胜出。不过考虑到历史和显示,和那时候的政治气候,我认为是个不错的选择。
&& Crane Wang, obsessed reader, self-learner of lang...
19 votes by Simon Holledge, Hongwan Liu, Kelly Kenneth Klein, (more)
No. This is a common misconception, but it's not what really happened in history.
An article published in the October 2008 issue on the magazine of Chinese Language Society of Hong Kong (香港中国语文学会) quoted linguist Yao Dehuai (姚德懷) as saying, the common belief in Hong Kong that, in the early years of the Republic of China, Cantonese lost to Beijing dialect only by one vote, is groundless. And the fact that such misconception was held by quite a few academics is shameful. (Commemorating 110th Anniversary of Mandarin/Putonghua Movement / 紀念 國語普通話運動110周年
姚德怀在2008年10月发表在香港中国语文学会杂志上一篇文章上说,在香港被普遍认同的:在中华民国早期,粤语以一票之差输给北京话的事情是毫无根据的。而学术界存在这种误解是令人羞耻的。(紀念 國語普通話運動110周年)
First it was not 1911. There was indeed a meeting to determine the national dialect, but it was first convened only in 1913.
According to A History of the National Dialect Movement (国语运动史纲) written by linguist Li Jinxi (黎锦熙), by the time the Pronunciation Unification Council (读音统一会) first convened in Feb 1913, nearly a third of its members were from Jiangsu and Zhejiang (both provinces are near Shanghai). Only 4 were from Guangdong. Even if some other dialect could become national standard, rather than that of Beijing, it could have been the Wu dialect spoken in the provinces near Shanghai. Besides, actually each province only had one vote in the later meetings of the Council. It would be unimaginable that a representative from some other province would willingly vote for the dialect of Guangdong.
And even if Cantonese had lost the contest to Beijing pronunciation, it would not happen by only &one vote&.&
It was not a law that simply said &Let's all speak Cantonese&. It was a more complicated process with fierce debate. All provinces in China use the mostly same set of characters. What matters to set a national dialect is to unify the pronunciation of those characters. Later on that council, after heated discussion, the standard pronunciation of more than 6,500 characters were decided one by one. And in that process, each province only had one vote. For any dialect to become national, it would take thousands of votes. The pronunciation is largely based on Beijing pronunciation, with some exceptions.
The closest point of Cantonese to national status was in 1926, on the 2nd national congress of Kuomintang. The meeting was held in Guangzhou (aka Canton) and Cantonese was taken as official language for that meeting. Mandarin speeches delivered by &Northerners& were interpreted by Cantonese party members. But that was only ad hoc. On the provincial education meeting held later in that same month in Guangzhou, Cantonese was not allowed in official speeches. (.cn/s/blog_6... [Chinese])
粤语最接近成为国家标准是在1926年的国民党第二次全国代表大会上。会议在广州举行,粤语做为会议的官方语言。 &北方人&的普通话发言由广东党员解释。但这也仅仅是专案。后来同月在广州举行的省教育会议上,粤语不再做为官方语言。
One blogger gave a lengthy account here: http://totemz./2010/0... The blog is written in Chinese and I just summarized his arguments. Most of the information that I give here comes from that blog.
对外汉语学习手册由网络行内人士分享,电子档资料每月更新一次,欢迎热爱汉语文化,传播汉语文化的人士提供原创实战教学技巧... 填写以下资料即可免费获得!学习是智慧的升华,分享是生命的伟大!
全球"汉语热"风潮难挡 近些年,中国经济
1,汉语水平能力 (教师应掌握汉语语音、词汇、语法与汉字基本知识,并具备良好的汉语听、说、读、写技能。)
例如1:请把你的手机给我! 这句话中的 把 字 怎么理解呢?
例如2:昨晚中国队大败西班牙队 和 昨晚中国队大胜西班牙队 这两句话如何给外国人解释?
例如1: "进" 这个字的来源,演变和意思是什么呢?
例如1: "车" 这个字的来源,演变和意思是什么呢?
媒介语的差异,(中文和媒介语之间的差异,我们有时候会出现中文里面的一个词在英文里面出现多个意思,中文里面多个词在英文里面是一个意思。要站在一个外国人的角度看中文, 做到思维方式的切换。
例句1 "球滚在地上" 和 "球在地上滚",有什么区别?
例句2 "我站在学校门口"和"我在学校门口站着",有什么区别?
例句1和例句2 又有什么区别?
我这只是顺便举几个例子,只要你仔细思考,也就能明白他们的区别了,关键字:滚 和 站
语系的差异:方块字和字母语系,这就涉及到拼音系统和汉字系统 (中文为方块字系,其他主流语系为字母语系。)如果你不能理解汉字的这两套系统,你在教学过程中会遇到很多问题无法解释,很多人感觉汉语学的很好,可是很多核心的细节功课并没做好,经不起推敲
1 能将中国历史文化教学与语言教学恰当地结合起来,并能根据具体教学环境、教学材料有选择地讲授中国历史文化知识。
2 能根据学习者的文化背景、个人情况及语言程度选择适当的教学方式与教学手段介绍中国历史文化。应具有比较丰富的中国历史文化知识,并能准确、客观地介绍和讲授。
3 能根据学习者的反馈及时调整所涉历史知识的深度、广度,以培养学习者进一步自主学习中国历史文化知识的能力。
4 如何将以上知识变的生动有趣,并能通俗易懂呢?
一年分 春分,秋分,夏至,冬至
在有天气变化的时间,可以讲一些典型的天气现象,比如,讲到 惊蛰 的时候,可以延伸到打雷。
例如;A请B吃饭,中国人的理解是A是要买单的,但外国人理解的是邀请一起吃饭,可能是AA制,一定要给外国人解释清楚"请"字的意思,是含有买单的意思。请字的翻译invite, 翻译上无法表达这个意思。再加上文化环境理解上的差异,就会产生很多问题。
如何避免这种情况呢,这里就牵扯到你在从事这个职业前,有没有搞明白一个问题:为你授课的老师她本身教老外的效果怎么样? 一个优秀的老师除了具备基本的技能外,还有哪些是需要额外补充的知识?以及如何才能在细节上鉴别老师的水平呢?这些都是你要思考的问题,也是对自己负责的基本要求...
再说说 证书吧,为了避免广告嫌疑,具体的我就不提了,只想发布下我的看法,希望能给刚刚从业的朋友们一点参考
关键是刚入门的朋友,证书你可以考一张,但最好建立在能力上,我个人观点是可以先有能力,再有证书,当你的能力上去后,你也肯定接触到了这个行业很多优秀的老师,哪怕就一两个,此时再考张证也不迟,因为老外跟你学中文的时候,其实不看证书的,只是很多学校招聘老师的时候会有要求,但市面上招聘信息里面总是有一条:"实践经验丰富的老师可以放宽要求" 呵呵,我的几个朋友也是对外汉语老师,她们就没出示过证书,因为能力和实力摆在那里,试讲一节课就能看出来了,干嘛还要证书呢?


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