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You can view the results of the last scan or rescanMT7620 datasheet_图文_百度文库
MT7620 datasheet
1.属性的定义采用property = value的形式,“”字符串、&&32或64位值、[]二进制[0x01
#address-cells =
&1&;---------------表示地址空间的个数,如系统有两片内存,那就需要两组数据来表示,ab表示内存1的空间 cd表示内存2空间。
#size-cells =
compatible =
cpu@0 {---------节点名称@节点寄存器偏移地址或节点设备编号,若该节点无reg属性则不写定义成空节点即可。
compatible = "mips,mips24KEc";
bootargs =
cpuintc: cpuintc@0
#address-cells = &0&;
#interrupt-cells = &1&;
compatible = "mti,cpu-interrupt-controller";
palmbus@ {------palmbus类似arm的AMBA,属于片内总线。
compatible = "palmbus";
reg = &0xx200000&;---reg属性表示该控制器的reg地址及总长度
& & ranges = &0x0 0x
#address-cells = &1&;----若节点的子节点有控制寄存器,则必须定义这两个属性。
#size-cells = &1&;
compatible = "ralink,mt7620a-sysc", "ralink,rt3050-sysc";
reg = &0x0 0x100&;
timer@100 {
compatible = "ralink,mt7620a-timer", "ralink,rt2880-timer";
reg = &0x100 0x20&;
interrupt-parent = &&intc&;
interrupts = &1&;
watchdog@120 {
compatible = "ralink,mt7620a-wdt", "ralink,rt2880-wdt";
reg = &0x120 0x10&;
resets = &&rstctrl 8&;
reset-names = "wdt";
interrupt-parent = &&intc&;
interrupts = &1&;
intc: intc@200 {-----intc为标签(为方便被其他节点引用)
compatible = "ralink,mt7620a-intc", "ralink,rt2880-intc";
reg = &0x200 0x100&;
resets = &&rstctrl 19&;
reset-names = "intc";
#interrupt-cells = &1&;
interrupt-parent = &&cpuintc&;--------引用节点cpuintc
interrupts = &2&;
memc@300 {----------描述系统内存的节点,为根节点的子节点
compatible = "ralink,mt7620a-memc", "ralink,rt3050-memc";
reg = &0x300 0x100&;
resets = &&rstctrl 20&;
reset-names = "mc";
interrupt-parent = &&intc&;
interrupts = &3&;
gpio0: gpio@600 {
compatible = "ralink,mt7620a-gpio", "ralink,rt2880-gpio";
reg = &0x600 0x34&;
resets = &&rstctrl 13&;
reset-names = "pio";
interrupt-parent = &&intc&;
interrupts =
#gpio-cells = &2&;-----表示gpio控制寄存器是64位的
ralink,gpio-base = &0&;----该组gpio从GPIO0开始
ralink,num-gpios = &24&;-------到GPIO24结束
ralink,register-map = [ 00 04 08 0c
20 24 28 2c
gpio1: gpio@638 {
compatible = "ralink,mt7620a-gpio", "ralink,rt2880-gpio";
reg = &0x638 0x24&;
interrupt-parent = &&intc&;
interrupts = &6&;
#gpio-cells = &2&;
ralink,gpio-base = &24&;
ralink,num-gpios = &16&;
ralink,register-map = [ 00 04 08 0c
10 14 18 1c
20 24 ];-----执行cat /proc/iomem显示的数值?
status = "disabled";
gpio2: gpio@660 {
compatible = "ralink,mt7620a-gpio", "ralink,rt2880-gpio";
reg = &0x660 0x24&;
interrupt-parent = &&intc&;
interrupts = &6&;
#gpio-cells = &2&;
ralink,gpio-base = &40&;
ralink,num-gpios = &32&;
ralink,register-map = [ 00 04 08 0c
10 14 18 1c
status = "disabled";
gpio3: gpio@688 {
compatible = "ralink,mt7620a-gpio", "ralink,rt2880-gpio";
reg = &0x688 0x24&;
interrupt-parent = &&intc&;
interrupts = &6&;
#gpio-cells = &2&;
ralink,gpio-base = &72&;
ralink,num-gpios = &1&;
ralink,register-map = [ 00 04 08 0c
10 14 18 1c
status = "disabled";
compatible = "link,mt7620a-i2c", "ralink,rt2880-i2c";
reg = &0x900 0x100&;
resets = &&rstctrl 16&;
reset-names = "i2c";
#address-cells = &1&;
#size-cells = &0&;
status = "disabled";
pinctrl-names =
pinctrl-0 = &&i2c_pins&;
compatible = "ralink,mt7620a-i2s";
reg = &0xa00 0x100&;
resets = &&rstctrl 17&;
reset-names = "i2s";
interrupt-parent = &&intc&;
interrupts = &10&;
dmas = &&gdma 4&,
&& gdma 5&;
dma-names = "tx", "rx";
status = "disabled";
compatible = "ralink,mt7620a-spi", "ralink,rt2880-spi";
reg = &0xb00 0x100&;
resets = &&rstctrl 18&;
reset-names = "spi";
#address-cells = &1&;
#size-cells = &1&;
status = "disabled";
pinctrl-names = "default";
pinctrl-0 = &&spi_pins&;-----spi_pins不在dts文件中定义?
uartlite@c00 {
compatible = "ralink,mt7620a-uart", "ralink,rt2880-uart",
reg = &0xc00 0x100&;
resets = &&rstctrl 19&;
reset-names = "uartl";
interrupt-parent = &&intc&;
interrupts = &12&;
reg-shift = &2&;
pinctrl-names = "default";
pinctrl-0 = &&uartlite_pins&;
uart@500 {
compatible = "ralink,mt7620a-uart", "ralink,rt2880-uart",
reg = &0x500 0x100&;
resets = &&rstctrl 12&;
reset-names = "uart";
interrupt-parent = &&intc&;
interrupts = &5&;
reg-shift = &2&;
pinctrl-names = "default";
pinctrl-0 = &&pcm_uartf_pins&;
systick@d00 {
compatible = "ralink,mt7620a-systick", "ralink,cevt-systick";
reg = &0xd00 0x10&;
resets = &&rstctrl 28&;
reset-names = "intc";
interrupt-parent = &&cpuintc&;
interrupts = &7&;
pcm@2000 {
compatible = "ralink,mt7620a-pcm";
reg = &0x&;
resets = &&rstctrl 11&;--------resets属性含义?
reset-names = "pcm";
interrupt-parent = &&intc&;
interrupts = &4&;
status = "disabled";
gdma: gdma@2800 {
compatible = "ralink,mt7620a-gdma", "ralink,rt2880-gdma";
reg = &0x&;
resets = &&rstctrl 14&;
reset-names = "dma";
interrupt-parent = &&intc&;
interrupts = &7&;
#dma-cells = &1&;
#dma-channels = &16&;
#dma-requests = &16&;
status = "disabled";
compatible = "ralink,rt2880-pinmux";
pinctrl-names = "default";
pinctrl-0 = &&state_default&;
state_default: pinctrl0 {
pcm_uartf_pins: pcm_uartf {
pcm_uartf {
ralink,group = "uartf";
ralink,function = "pcm uartf";
spi_pins: spi {
ralink,group = "spi";
ralink,function = "spi";
i2c_pins: i2c {
lantiq,group = "i2c";
lantiq,function = "i2c";
uartlite_pins: uartlite {
ralink,group = "uartlite";
ralink,function = "uartlite";
mdio_pins: mdio {
ralink,group = "mdio";
ralink,function = "mdio";
ephy_pins: ephy {
ralink,group = "ephy";
ralink,function = "ephy";
wled_pins: wled {
ralink,group = "wled";
ralink,function = "wled";
rgmii1_pins: rgmii1 {
ralink,group = "rgmii1";
ralink,function = "rgmii1";
rgmii2_pins: rgmii2 {
ralink,group = "rgmii2";
ralink,function = "rgmii2";
rstctrl: rstctrl {
compatible = "ralink,mt7620a-reset", "ralink,rt2880-reset";
#reset-cells = &1&;
compatible = "ralink,mt7620a-usbphy";
resets = &&rstctrl 22 &rstctrl 25&;
reset-names = "host", "device";
ethernet@ {
compatible = "ralink,mt7620a-eth";
reg = &0x00&;
#address-cells = &1&;
#size-cells = &0&;
interrupt-parent = &&cpuintc&;
interrupts = &5&;
resets = &&rstctrl 21 &rstctrl
reset-names = "fe", "esw";
compatible = "ralink,mt7620a-gsw-port", "ralink,eth-port";
reg = &4&;
status = "disabled";
compatible = "ralink,mt7620a-gsw-port", "ralink,eth-port";
reg = &5&;
status = "disabled";
mdio-bus {
#address-cells = &1&;
#size-cells = &0&;
status = "disabled";
compatible = "ralink,mt7620a-gsw";
reg = &0x0&;
interrupt-parent = &&intc&;
interrupts = &17&;
compatible = "ralink,mt7620a-sdhci";
reg = &0x0&;
interrupt-parent = &&intc&;
interrupts = &14&;
status = "disabled";
ehci@101c0000 {
compatible = "ralink,rt3xxx-ehci";
reg = &0x101c0&;
interrupt-parent = &&intc&;
interrupts = &18&;
status = "disabled";
ohci@101c1000 {
compatible = "ralink,rt3xxx-ohci";
reg = &0x101c0&;
interrupt-parent = &&intc&;
interrupts = &18&;
status = "disabled";
compatible = "ralink,mt7620a-pci";
reg = &0xx100
resets = &&rstctrl 26&;
reset-names = "pcie0";
interrupt-parent = &&cpuintc&;
interrupts = &4&;
status = "disabled";
& gpio: gpio-controller@0 {
#gpio-cells = &2&;
& & & compatible
= "cavium,octeon-3860-gpio";
& & & reg =
&0x 0x100&;
根据其描述, 可知道gpio控制器的IO内存起始地址为:0x, 长度为0x100.
即从 0x 到 0xff.
在目标板里使用 &cat /proc/iomem
/include/ "mt7620a-wlzigbee.dtsi"
compatible = "WL-MT7620", "ralink,mt7620a-soc";
model = "GW4110";------model属性表示my board name。
palmbus@ {
gpio1: gpio@638 {
status = "okay";
gpio2: gpio@660 {
status = "okay";
status = "okay";
m25p80@0 {
#address-cells = &1&;
#size-cells = &1&;
compatible = "en25q64";
reg = &0 0&;
linux,modalias = "m25p80", "w25p128";
spi-max-frequency = &&;
partition@0 {----@后面为该节点寄存器的偏移地址或设备编号
label = "u-boot";
reg = &0x0 0x30000&;---reg属性表示寄存器偏移地址和长度,
partition@30000 {
label = "u-boot-env";
reg = &0x00&;
factory: partition@40000 {
label = "factory";
reg = &0x00&;
partition@50000 {
label = "firmware";
reg = &0x50000 0xfb0000&;
state_default: pinctrl0 {
ralink,group = "i2c", "rgmii1", "rgmii2";
ralink,function = "gpio";
ethernet@ {
mtd-mac-address = &&factory 0x28&;
ralink,port-map = "llllw";
ralink,port4 = "ephy";
ehci@101c0000 {
status = "okay";
ohci@101c1000 {
status = "okay";
gpio-leds {
compatible = "gpio-leds";
label = "wulian:blue:sys";
gpios = &&gpio2 20
label = "wulian:blue:wan";
gpios = &&gpio2 24 1&;
wireless {
label = "wulian:blue:wireless";
gpios = &&gpio2 21 1&;
gpio-keys-polled {
compatible = "gpio-keys-polled";
#address-cells = &1&;
#size-cells = &0&;
poll-interval = &20&;
label = "zigbee";
gpios = &&gpio2 23 1&;-------按此按键后开启zigbee模块业务?
linux,code = &0x197&;
label = "reset";
gpios = &&gpio2 22 1&;
linux,code = &0x198&;-------该属性的含义?
i2c-gpio {
compatible = "i2c-gpio";
gpios = &&gpio0 1 0 &gpio0 2
i2c-gpio,delay-us = &100&;
#address-cells = &1&;
#size-cells = &0&;
pcf8563@51 {-----------------pcf8563为挂在该i2c总线的rtc芯片型号
compatible = "nxp,pcf8563";
reg = &0x51&;


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