
求英文翻译,请不要用在线翻译那种语句不通的软件翻译,谢谢!!! 求大神、高手,给通俗翻译、谢谢。2_百度知道
求英文翻译,请不要用在线翻译那种语句不通的软件翻译,谢谢!!! 求大神、高手,给通俗翻译、谢谢。2
For most of us, it isnot too difficult to correct a mistake. We say we are sorry, promise to behave differently, and go on with no regrets. This is not true, though, of some historical figures whose actions failed. They probably spent their days feeling regret.Napoleon, for example,wasn`t satisfied being Emperor of France. He wanted to rule all Europe and, for a time, seemed to succeed. In the end, Napoleon &met his Waterloo&. He spent the rest of his life in exile on Alba. We can only imagine the regert he must have felt left on that small island.At the end of World War Ⅱ, the Emperor of Japan must have regretted the bombing of Pearl H arbor. It brought to an end the Emperor`s role as a God to his people. It is unlikely he did not feel regret for his country`s actions when he learned of the dropping of the atomic bomb. He had to feel regret when he had to announce hos country`s defeat to his people.In our own country, a President left his office. President Nixon was deeply involved in the Water Gate problem. Instead of revealing the action of his men, he tried to cover up the situation. When it was revealed there were tapes proving
his involvement, he must have felt regret. If he had not tried to cover up the problem,he might never have had to leave office.
对于我们大多数人来讲,纠正一个错误并非那么艰难。我们说一句我们错了,我们承诺从此改变这种行为,继续坦然向前走。但是实际情况是这样么?不然,一些历史统计数据显示,我们一旦犯下某种错误,我们会长时间沉浸在内疚当中。 就以拿破仑为例吧,他刚开始并不满足于做法国的帝王。他要统治欧洲,并且在一段时间,他几近成功。可是最后,拿破仑还是遭遇了他人生的滑铁卢。他最终流落至阿尔巴,在那里终其余生。不难想象,拿破仑在那个偏僻的小岛上终日悔恨。 二战末期,小日本(不好意思,原句的意思是日本帝国,个人不喜欢这种翻译,就直译为小日本了,楼主自行选择)为偷袭珍珠港后悔不已。这件事将日本政府从民众心中的神坛拉下。当原子弹在日本领土上空炸开时,他们似乎还不知悔改。他们只为他们不得不向自己的民众宣布战败消息的无奈而感到后悔。 在我们美国,一位总统被迫辞职。尼克松总统与水门事件息息相关。可是他不去揭露他部下的行径,反而采取各种措施来掩盖丑闻。直到最后丑闻的录音带曝光,他才感到后悔。如果他没有企图去掩饰,也许他也不必引咎辞职吧。
Gain input from your Conservation Partner in the development of your Action and Monitoring Plan. Sign-off of the Action and Monitoring Plan by the Conservation Partner is not mandatory (as this may require an unrealistic level of understanding of company resources and constraints). However, if there are significant areas of disagreement between you and your Conservation Partner, then you must keep a record clearly explaining your chosen course of action.
再帮忙 翻一段呗
英文:Gain input from your Conservation Partner in the development of your Action and Monitoring Plan. Sign-off of the Action and Monitoring Plan by the Conservation Partner is not mandatory (as this may require an unrealistic level of understanding of company resources and constraints). However, if there are significant areas of disagreement between you and your Conservation Partner, then you must keep a record clearly explaining your chosen course of action.
出门在外也不愁求将这段文字翻译成英文!在线等!高分 要靠谱的哦,不要软件翻。。。大感谢(^_^*)_百度知道
求将这段文字翻译成英文!在线等!高分 要靠谱的哦,不要软件翻。。。大感谢(^_^*)
情况说明本人2011年6月毕业于xxx大学(地址在重庆),毕业后在四川成都找到一份稳定的工作。之前在重庆读书时使用的银行卡因回成都后办理了注销,故无法获得对账单。现提供才办理的银行卡对账单(7至8月)以及近6个月信用卡对帐单来说明本人过去消费情况 。特此说明。
请楼主看看楼上写的 the crash card云云,相信高下立见Explanation of the CircumstancesI graduated from XXX University (located in Chongqing) in June 2011. After graduation, I found a stable position at Chengdu, Sichuan. I cancelled the bank card I used while studying in Chongqing, so I cannot procure the bank statements from then. I now provide the bank statements of the account I just opened (from July 2011 to August 2011) and credit card bills from the last six months to provide_details_of_my_account_transactions. Declaration is hereby given.绝对人工,贴切纯正,如果还有问题可以找我~
你好!为你翻译如下:I graduated from xxx University (located in Chongqing) in June 2011, then found a stable job in Chengdu Sichuan. I cancelled the bank card I used in Chongqing when I returned to Chengdu, so there is no way I can get bank statements of it. I hereby provide the bank statements of my newly acquired bank card (from July to August) and of my credit card for the last 6 months, so as to illustrate my consumption status in the past. May these would clarify.希望帮到你,满意请记得采纳,祝你一切顺利!
After I graduated from xxx Univercity in Chongqing in June 2011, I found a stable job in Chengdu, Sichuan. The bank card which had been used in Chongqing was cancelled before I went to Chengdu, so that I was not able to get the bank statements before June. Here are the statements of the new bank card from July to August, as well as the statement of my credit card for the past six months, which tell my consumption information.
Hereby my explanation.
i graduated from Chongqing XX University, and got a stable job in Chengdu, Sichuan. The crash card used in Chongqing was canceled after i returned to Chengdu, without any bank statement list. I am offering a bank statement registered just now, and recent-6-month credit card statement to state the expense cases before. For clarification purpose.&谢绝复制模仿:重庆金师教育&
一是题材独特。莫言的小说有很深的生活根基,他执着地描写中国北方农村底层,如同福克纳对于美国南方小镇的痴迷的刻画。莫言多部以高密乡为背景的小说连成一气,已经成形一个独立奇异的“文学世界”,那个对现代人(特别是外国人)来说遥远而又神秘的中国乡土世界。题材的独特性让莫言获得如此众多的读者,包括西方读者。不能说越是民族的就越是世界的,但可以说越“土”的,越有欣赏距离,也越引发好奇心,产生美感。  二是文化体察。莫言迷醉民间文化,那种生生不息缭绕在一代又一代普通子民生活中的文化,并不是字面上或庙堂里张扬的那些文化,他对百年来民间文化的变异与坠落有锥心之痛,他几乎本能地呈现了这种文化之痛楚。这得益于莫言的土生土长,没有接受系统生硬的科班训练,却有丰富的见识(当过兵,入过党),他对文化的感觉几乎是原生态的。在他的文化的体认中又常伴随对人性的挖掘,包括对潜意识、集体无意识的挖掘。读莫言的小说,常常可以照见自己的脸色。中外读者都不喜欢说教,在莫言作品中有文化的体察,却毫不说教。  三,想象力。莫言自己说在现实中他软弱无力,但拿起笔便力大无穷。这种“白日梦”的心理素质非常适合当小说家。莫言天性就极富想象力,当他阅读和接纳了南美《百年孤独》式的魔幻现实主义写法,便找到火山喷发口,让自己的想象不顾一切,驰骋无边。他的小说早就在“玩穿越”,现实与历史,当今与传统常常扭结交错,形成色彩斑斓的炫目图景。那种带有现代派意味的图景,和传统的写法迥然不同,更能刺激阅读快感,是中外读者都乐于接受的。  四,莫言很会讲故事。讲法奇诡新异,外国人也能懂。和那种偏重语言魅力的作品相比,以故事情节想象力见长的小说更适合译成外文,莫言自然也就占了这个优势。比如贾平凹小说的语言功力不在莫言之下,但翻译成外文,那种特别的语感便不复存在。莫言主要靠讲故事征服读者,他的大部分小说都已经翻译成各种外文,包括瑞典文。莫言小说适合改编电影,早在20年前张艺谋就根据莫言作品改编《红高粱》,曾一度风靡西方世界,谁也没想到这无形中也给这次获奖奠基了。
A theme is unique. Mo yan's novel has a very deep foundation of life, he took to describe China northern rural bottom, as Faulkner for American southern town of depicting the crazy. Several mo yan with high-density township as the background of the novel in plot, has been forming an independent singular &literary world&, the modern people (especially foreigners) for remote and mysterious Chinese local world. Subject to the uniqueness of mo yan won so many readers, including western readers. Can't say the more national, the more the world, but can say the &soil&, the more appreciate distance, and the trigger curiosity, produce the aesthetic feeling.
The second is cultural nature. Mo yan drunk folk culture, the circle of life around a generations of another generation of common people life culture, and is not literally or in the temple of the make public that culture, he has one hundred years of folk culture variation and fall have cone heart pain, he almost instinctively presented the culture of the pain. Thanks to the native mo yan, didn't accept system abrupt regular professional training, he has rich knowledge (as a soldier, entered into the party), his sense of culture is almost the original. In his cultural awareness, and often with a human mining, including the subconscious, the collective unconscious mining. Read mo yan's novel, often can revelation his face. Chinese and foreign readers don't like sermons, in mo yan works culture ?
Three, imagination. Mo yan myself in reality he powerless, but picked up a pen and mighty. This &daydream& psychological quality is very suitable for when a novelist. Mo yan is nature is imagination, when he read and accept the South America &one hundred years of solitude type of magic realism writing, then find the volcanic eruption mouth, let your imagination soar in spite of all, endless. His novels have long &play through&, reality and history, current and traditional often kink staggered, form the colorful dazzle eye picture. With the modern meaning of the picture, and the traditional method is very different, more can stimulate reading pleasure, is the Chinese and foreign readers are willing to accept.
Four, mo yan is a good story. He said new strangeness, foreigners can understand. And that kind of lay particular stress on language charm works than to story imagination in the novel is more suitable for translated into foreign languages, mo yan nature also accounted for the advantage. Such as the language of the novel jia ping-wa capability is not under the mo yan, but translated into foreign languages, that kind of special language sense will disappear. Mo yan, mainly by telling a story to conquer readers, most of his novels have been translated into many foreign languages, including sanna Nielsen. Mo yan novels for film adaptation, as early as in twenty years ago, according to zhang yimou is mo yan works adapted geisha, once it was once fashionable in the western world, who also have never thought this virtually also give the winning the foundation
出门在外也不愁帮忙翻译成英文 ! 陶瓷专业的!求人工翻译啊啊啊……急我选择的元素间存在着某种看不见的关系和秩序.以分块再拼合的方式来强调每一个独立个体和整体间的关系.同时每一个元素间有相似,_百度作业帮
帮忙翻译成英文 ! 陶瓷专业的!求人工翻译啊啊啊……急我选择的元素间存在着某种看不见的关系和秩序.以分块再拼合的方式来强调每一个独立个体和整体间的关系.同时每一个元素间有相似,
帮忙翻译成英文 ! 陶瓷专业的!求人工翻译啊啊啊……急我选择的元素间存在着某种看不见的关系和秩序.以分块再拼合的方式来强调每一个独立个体和整体间的关系.同时每一个元素间有相似,但又不尽相同,这也是我想呈现出的事物间的复杂性.而处于中间位置的黑底白色条纹肌理暗喻了某种秩序的存在这件作品是关于我对事物认知方式的一种叙述,是我对事物的组成以及如何看待这些组成部份间存在的某种秩序的思考,并试图用形势来表达这些含义.
There exist some kinds of invisible relationships and orders among the elements that I have chosen. These elements are broken down and put together again for the purpose of emphasizing the relationship among themselves, and between each of them and them as a whole. Meanwhile, they may share similarities in some ways, yet they are not exactly the same. This is the complexity between things I would like to show. And the black and white texture of stripes at the centre implies the existence of the certain order.希望能够帮到忙吧!


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