
《疯狂外星人》乌鲁木齐获赞 新暖男:啵星人小欧|片名|观影_凤凰资讯
《疯狂外星人》乌鲁木齐获赞 新暖男:啵星人小欧
原标题:《疯狂外星人》乌鲁木齐获赞 新暖男:啵星人小欧亚心网讯(记者刘萌萌)上周五,美国梦工厂动画《疯狂外星人》首府上映,记者在新疆人民剧场观影时,100人的影厅上座率达到90%。据影院相关负责人苏蕾介绍,该片当日的排片率约在30%,上座率超过60%,而周末排片量则达到50%。另外,美亚大光明国际影城及奥斯卡影城等影院的排片率也在40%左右,上座率达到70%。影片根据亚当·雷克斯备受好评的儿童小说《斯麦克节的真正意义》改编,讲述了一次意外,啵啵星人小欧成为了全体啵啵星人的通缉目标。在逃亡中他遇到了正在寻找妈妈的地球女孩小钱,两人一起踏上了冒险旅程。作为近日少见的合家欢动画电影,大多数观众观影后评价影片“够暖萌”。34岁的首府市民孙嘉丽说:“我女儿很喜欢这部电影,故事很简单,但充满了想象力,挺逗趣热闹,而且外星人色彩斑斓视觉效果好,很适合带孩子看。”亮点一:暖萌外星人土豆形状的脑袋,清澈双眼阔嘴大牙,六条腿的设计一开始还觉得看上去不顺眼,但影片看下来会发现小欧的可爱。作为单细胞动物的啵啵星人,小欧的皮肤颜色会随着心情好坏而转换,在撒谎、兴奋、害羞各个时候,轮流变换着五彩斑斓的颜色,小家伙在听到地球的歌曲时,更不由得翩翩起舞,颇为滑稽。此外,因为每个啵啵星人从外貌特征到精神信仰都不能有“个性”,友谊和亲情对他们来说根本不存在。而小欧在其中却实属另类,即使面对同伴们的冷漠他也毫不退却依然热情好客,完全与啵星人整齐划一的传统思想以及教条式的社会管理格格不入,闹出许多笑话。除了萌,小欧还是个不折不扣的暖男,对“驴友”小钱热情如火,几番被冷落也不退缩,嘘寒问暖跑前跑后,完美诠释了暖男本色。两人在经历了文化差异造成的各种碰撞和误解后,最终一起找寻到了友谊的真谛,将“有家人的地方,才是家”的主题完成升华。亮点二:酷炫冰沙影片中深受影迷喜爱的还有小欧与小钱冒险之旅中的座驾——冰沙车,你恐怕不会想到还能这样。这辆车很容易让人想起“神偷奶爸”系列里稀奇古怪的车,比如飞天车、潜水车、喷火摩托、巨大的喷火飞船车、小黄人的蠢萌胶囊车。冰沙车不仅能反重力飞行,更是用果味汽水做动力来源,以玉米片当车载武器,基本把整个便利店搬到了车上,这些奇葩功能怎能不让人尖叫。那些来过中国的外星人除了会变色的啵啵星人小欧,大银幕上其实还有不少来到中国的外星人,他们技能迥异,性格多变。片名:《银河护卫队》人物:格鲁特(植物重生)魅力指数:★★★★★全片下来只有三句话的台词,还都是同一句“I’mGroot.”《银河护卫队》里的格鲁特却成功俘获了影迷的心,被赞宇宙暖男。好脾气的格鲁特不仅战斗力一流,更是为了保护队友而牺牲自己,成功赚取了观众的大把眼泪。不过,出于超强的重生能力,它以一棵盆栽小树的形态复活,并且跟着音乐翩翩起舞,萌呆了,不愧是银河系好队友。片名:《木星上行》人物:宇宙三姐妹(青春不老)魅力指数:★★★★《木星上行》里的外星人从外形上是最接近人类的,而其中米拉·库妮丝饰演的外星人可以用美艳来形容,颇似精灵。片中外星人们不仅可以用能量液洗澡永葆青春以及自动换衣之外,更有酷炫武器,脚踏能量鞋飞梭在宇宙天地间。
导演:Tim Johnson
As Real As You And M - Rihanna(疯狂外星人主题曲)
&疯狂外星人主题曲(As Real As You And Me)
could be a freak accident
There could be a fade of desease
I know you hate
to think about it
But it's as real as you and me
It's as real as you and
We could all fall down
Before our Saviour could return
I know you
hate to think about it
But it's as real as you and me
If I should
Hold my hand
If I should leave
Time cover me, please
We could drift off in our sleep
I know you hate to think about
But it's as real as you and me
It's as real as you and me
could rush the shore
And take us down forevermore
I know you hate to think
But it's as real as you and me
If I should go
If I should leave
Time cover me, please
I know you hate to think
But it's as real as you and me
It's as real as you and
Cannonball - Kiesza(疯狂外星人插曲)
I keep falling
keep falling for you
Like the rain fall
Like a cannonball
I keep falling for you
Like the rain fall
I was trying to take your heart
Keep it in a cardboard
So when it gets hard
You'll never be far
And your love won't be
As the bridges fall apart
I still find a way to cross
And even if
you are lost among the stars
Your love won't go off
For me me me me it's
But I need need need more of this
Can't turn away, feel it push
And I keep falling
I keep falling for you
Like the rain fall
a cannonball
I keep falling
I keep falling for you
Like the rain
Like a cannonball
Like a cannonball
I can feel you take my
And tangle it above the ground
And if the strings are cut
holds me up
Nothing takes me down
For me me me me it's in this
need need need more of this
Can't turn away, feel it push me
And I keep
I keep falling for you
Like the rain fall
I keep falling
I keep falling for you
Like the rain
Like a cannonball
Like a cannonball
When I try to fall for from
your candlelight
I get lost in your maybe maybe
I'm just falling
try to hide from your love I can't deny with maybe maybe
It's just my
But and I keep falling
I keep falling for you
Like the rain
Like a cannonball
I keep falling
I keep falling for you
the rain fall
Like a cannonball
Like the rain fall
Like the rain fall
Like a cannonball
Red Balloo - Charli XCX(疯狂外星人插曲)
&疯狂外星人电影插曲(Red Balloon)
If you got
troubles, let 'em go
Let 'em soar so high, high into the sky
Just like a
red balloon
Don't let your worries get to you
Let 'em float on
by, high into the sky
Just like a red balloon
Monday morning
like a rocket
Yeah, the sun is shining
Keep it in my pocket
golden feeling
Never gonna stop, it goes on and on
Join the celebration
Turn the music louder
On my favorite
Wanna spread my magic all across the nation
Do it all day
Today I opened my eyes
And now I'm so happy and free
friends by my side
And that's all that matters to me
So come on, get up
and join in
'Cause this is just what you need
Let's do it all day
Today I opened my eyes
And now I'm so happy and free
friends by my side
And that's all that matters to me
So come on, get up
and join in
'Cause this is just what you need
Let's do it all day
If you got troubles, let 'em go
Let 'em soar so high, high
into the sky
Just like a red balloon
Don't let your worries get
Let 'em float on by, high into the sky
Just like a red
So turn it up now! (Ah ooh!)
So turn it up now! (Ah ooh!)
start buzzing
Birds are busy dancing
And the trees are humming
are singing songs
Oh, can't you see it's lovely
Life is beautiful and it
goes on and on
Today I opened my eyes
And now I'm so happy and free
got my friends by my side
And that's all that matters to me
So come on,
get up and join in
'Cause this is just what you need
Let's do it all day
Today I opened my eyes
And now I'm so happy and free
friends by my side
And that's all that matters to me
So come on, get up
and join in
'Cause this is just what you need
Let's do it all day
If you got troubles, let 'em go
Let 'em soar so high, high
into the sky
Just like a red balloon
Don't let your worries get
Let 'em float on by, high into the sky
Just like a red
So turn it up now! (Ah ooh!)
So turn it up now! (Ah ooh!)
turn it up now!
Ah ah ah ah
Dancing In The Dark - Rihanna(疯狂外星人插曲)
&疯狂外星人跳舞插曲(Dancing In The Dark)
I wanna dance in the dark
We're gonna light up the
I wanna dance in the dark
We're gonna light up
Underdogs dance in the middle of the night
Can see the night
skies in the mirror of your eyes
If you don't dance, make sure you got the
Make sure that your heartbeat beats with the rhythm
I wanna run
wild in the middle of the night
Right under the moon, bodies glowing in the
Nothing in between our skins but the rhythm
Make sure that your
heartbeat beats with the rhythm
The nightime is the right time
dance in the dark
And never stop
We're gonna light up the night
shooting stars
Whenever you hear the sound
Don't be alarmed
Oh, oh, oh,
dancing in the dark
I wanna dance in the dark
And never stop
gonna light up the night
Like shooting stars
Whenever you hear the
Don't be alarmed
Oh, oh, oh, dancing in the dark
Underdogs dance
in the middle of the night
Out here with the stars like the creatures of the
If you don't dance, make sure you got the rhythm
Make sure that your
heartbeat beats with the rhythm
I wanna dance dance in the middle of the
Can see the night skies in the mirror of your eyes
If you don't
dance, make sure you got the rhythm
Make sure that your heartbeat beats with
the rhythm
The nightime is the right time
I wanna dance in the dark
never stop
We're gonna light up the night
Like shooting stars
you hear the sound
Don't be alarmed
Oh, oh, oh, dancing in the dark
wanna dance in the dark
And never stop
We're gonna light up the
Like shooting stars
Whenever you hear the sound
Oh, oh, oh, dancing in the dark
I wanna dance in the dark
We're gonna light up the night
I wanna dance in the
We're gonna light up the night
I wanna dance in the
And never stop
We're gonna light up the night
Like shooting
Whenever you hear the sound
Don't be alarmed
Oh, oh, oh, dancing
in the dark
I wanna dance in the dark
And never stop
We're gonna light
up the night
Like shooting stars
Whenever you hear the sound
Oh, oh, oh, dancing in the dark
导演:彭发、金成浩、Pakphum Wonjinda
导演:Shari Springer Berman、Robert Pulsin
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