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This article is about the song from The Sound of Music.
For the syllables of the major scale, see
For other uses, see .
"Do-Re-Mi" is a
. Within the story, it is used by Maria to teach the notes of the
who learn to sing for the first time, even though their father has disallowed frivolity after their mother's death. Each syllable of the musical
system appears in the song's lyrics, sung on the pitch it names. Rodgers was helped in its creation by long-time arranger
who devised the extended vocal sequence in the song. According to assistant conductor Peter Howard, the heart of the number - in which Maria assigns a musical tone to each child, like so many Swiss bell ringers - was devised in rehearsal by Rittmann (who was credited for choral arrangements) and choreographer . The fourteen note and tune lyric - 'when you know the notes to sing . . .' - were provided by Rodgers and H the rest, apparently, came from Rittmann. Howard: 'Rodgers allowed her to do whatever she liked. When we started doing the staging of it, Joe took over. He asked Trude for certain parts to be repeated, certain embellishments.'
In the stage version, Maria sings this song in the living room of Captain von Trapp's house, shortly after she introduces herself to the children. However, when
adapted the stage script into a screenplay for the , he moved the song to later on in the story. In the film, Maria and the children sing this song over a
as they wander and frolic over . Later on, in both the film and stage versions, a more intricate reprise of the song is sung in the style of a Bach cantata, showing the audience how versatile they were at multi-part choral singing.
The tune finished at #88 in
survey of the top tunes in American cinema in 2004.
(For the actual origins of the solfège, refer to .)
The lyrics teach the solfege syllables by linking them with English
(or near-homophones):
Do refers to , defined as the female of a deer or related animal, "a deer, a female deer."
Re refers to , defined as a thin line or narrow beam of light or other radiant energy, "a drop of golden sun."
Mi refers to , the objective pronoun referring to the speaker, "a name I call myself."
Fa refers to , defined as to or at the most distant or remote point, "a long long way to run".
Sol (pronounced as So in the song and in popular culture) refers to , to work with a needle and thread or with a sewing machine, "a needle pulling thread." ('So' is an often-used spoken alternate for the actual corresponding syllable in the solfege system, Sol.)
La lacks a satisfactory homophone (see below), and the line needs to rhyme with 'Do' because at the end it is 'That will bring us back to 'Do'. (oh-oh-oh), so it is simply "a note to follow so"
Ti refers to , a popular hot beverage made by steeping tea leaves in boiling water, "a drink with jam and bread."
As the song concludes, "When you know the notes to sing, you can sing most anything'".
noted in his article "Unfinished Business of the Century" that, while each line of the lyric takes the name of a note from the sol-fa scale, and gives its meaning, "La, a note to follow So..." does not fit that pattern and should be considered a placeholder. Adams humorously imagined that Oscar Hammerstein just wrote "A note to follow So" and thought he would have another look at it later, but could not come up with anything better.
released a version as a single in
which reached #94 on the .
covered the song for their 1965 album .
The song was covered by the band
on their album , where it is transposed to the key of C-sharp.
The song 'Do Re Mi' was translated in Hindi and used in the 1972 Bollywood movie .
The song was referenced in 's 1992 hit, "" with the line "When you know the notes to sing, you can sing most anything."[]
The chorus of the song is also regularly sung by football fans of the , otherwise known as the .
In a scene on the
episode "",
crashes into a deer
and blurts out his famous . An upset
says "A deer!", while
says "A female deer!". A sequence in a comic book features
and his brother Cecil singing songs based on musicals, with the lyrics changed to reflect Bob's
of killing , including a
of "Do-Re-Mi".
version of the song (Do-Re-Mi no Uta), performed by Eri Itoh and the Children's Choir of the Forest, was used as the first opening for 's 1991
TV series version of The Story of the Trapp Family Singers, ; however, it was replaced by another song later in the series' run and on all home video releases of the series.
Parodied in
by , , and
when they powered up their proton packs before facing off against the Scoleri Brothers in the courtroom.
The , which is used to learn the letters of the alphabet.
Suskin, Steven (2009). The sound of Broadway music: a book of orchestrators.
Unfinished Business of the Century -
Oliver, Brian (3 June 2001). . The Observer (Guardian News and Media) 2013.
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