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Perfume & Fragrance for Her
Our women's perfume collection is packed with sensational scents so you’re sure to find your ideal perfume, whether you’re stocking up on your everyday fragrance or buying a gift for a special someone.
We have everything from fresh, summery fragrances to musky scents and fine perfumes for glamorous nights out. Take a look at our designer perfume range from the likes of Marc Jacobs, CHANEL, Gucci and Dior to name but a few, save money too with our great range of perfume offers
For best results, apply Eau De Toilette to all your pulse points including:
• Wrists
• Throat
• Chest
• Behind the Ears
• Behind the Knee
• Inside the elbow
For perfume (Parfum & Eau de Parfum) application on the wrists & throat should be sufficient for long lasting results.
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Fragrance for her-_--_--_--_--_--_--_--_--_--_--_--_--_--_--_--_--_--_--_--_--_--_--_--_--_--_--_--_-" />2015年6月 日一二三四五六&123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930&&&&
细节是文艺作品的细胞,是通过对具体的性格刻画、环境描写、情节展示等多方面塑造人物形象的一种写作技法。细节描写可谓古已有之,古今文学家莫不精通此法之妙。翻开古今名著,我们可以发现几乎所有名著的成功,莫不得力于细节描写。 当然细节描写,可以是动作的、语言的,也可以是环境的、肖像的、服饰的、心理的,而一部成功的文学作品又往往综合运用多方面的细节描写,从而塑造主体的形象。& 一部成功的文学作品,是由一个个鲜亮、感人的生动细节支撑起来的,因而阅读文学作品要注意欣赏细节,并不在于作家虚构的惊险情节和胡编的离奇故事;同样创作文学作品,也要注意营造典型的细节,这样才能塑造出血肉丰满的形象,才能创作出成功的佳作。细节是文艺作品的细胞,是通过对具体的性格刻画、环境描写、情节展示等多方面塑造人物形象的一种写作技法。
白描和细描。白描是从绘画的术语中借用来的。它原意指中国国画的画法之一,是指用墨线勾描的,素淡的,不着颜色的画法,也有的略施淡墨。写作理论借用来作为一种表现手法。指使用简练的笔墨,不加烘托和渲染,把形象鲜明、生动地勾勒出来的一种写法。白描的特点是风格质朴,不事渲染。鲁迅先生在《作文秘诀》里对白描有专门的解释:Government insensitive to PEV victims, say CORD leaders ahead of president Uhuru's special address
By Rushdie Oudia
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Internally Displaced Persons in their make shift house.
Kisumu, Kenya: Coalition for Reform and Democracy () leaders have accused the Jubilee government of being insensitive to the victims of the
Post-election Violence.
The leaders said Jubilee coalition leaders have forgotten about the victims and are instead concentrating on the president's case.The
leaders who spoke to The Standard on phone said their decision to boycot the special session with President Uhuru Kenyatta was because they were concerned about the fate of the victims.Member of the National Assembly for Ugunja Opiyo Wandayi said he could not be a party to impunity of whatever shade or form by attending a sitting yet the victims have been abandoned."This is a House sitting that does not warrant attendance by any principled legislator who cherishes democracy and his people," said Wandayi.Homa Bay Town MP Peter Kaluma said accompanying the president to The Hague or sitting down to listen to him is being insensitive to the victims, adding that several of whom come from his constituency."I cannot sit down and give the president idle audience as a statue over legal matters better addressed in court," said Kaluma, who claimed the invite by the Speaker lacked an agenda and he wouldn't attend out of leadership and principle.
He added that PEV victims should be considered and that the president should carry his own cross instead of dragging other leaders and parliament into it.His Nyando counterpart Fred Outa said during the post-election violence many people's lives changed due to the loss they incurred.Outa said many lost property worth millions while some lost many people they loved through killings that happened in most parts of the country."It is very unfortunate that some leaders have forgotten those still in camps and others who are maimed during the post-election violence,& he said.A delegation of about 140 legislators and senior government officials have already applied for visas at the Dutch embassy and would be accompanying President Uhuru to The Hague Court.
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