
呵呵,这是我交过的一个作业。(字数,不计空格 3087) 题目:改革开放的一点思考 正文:我们30年的改革开放成就斐然,通过这个大改革、大开放,实现了三个伟大的转折:一个伟大转折就是从高度集中的计划经济体制向充满生机和活力的社会主义市场经济体制转变;第二个伟大转折是从封建半封建的社会向全方位开放的社会转变;第三个伟大转折是人民的生活从温饱转向基本小康的社会转变。 处在这个时代的我们,周围在发生翻天覆地的变化的同时,也存在着一些问题,现在就把对中国改革开放中出现的一些问题的思考写下来。 1.精神文明建设 在初中的政治课本上,我还记得有这样的话:物质文明和精神文明要坚持两手抓、两手都要硬!可在今天的现实社会中,我看不出精神文明建设到底建设在哪里?难道就建设在政治课本上,建设在口头上?我爸爸时常给我讲他们那个年代的事,尤其是那个时候普通老百姓的精神面貌,在那个物质资料极其匮乏的年代,中国基本没有贪污,没有抢劫,更别提有小偷,绝大部分中国人可以在路上捡到钱归还给失主,应该就是传说中的路不拾遗。而当今社会物质方面可以说比我父辈那个年代不知道发达多少,难道因此就可以有更多的劫匪和小偷,可以有更多的贪官?在广州或者深圳生活的人你们有几个在一个月之内都没有遭遇抢劫的? 毛主席那个时代会把有限的致敬用来拍“雷锋”“焦裕禄”这样的榜样的电影,每日宣扬好人好事,有“学习雷锋好榜样”这样的歌曲,在思想上武装所有的中国人,这些影视歌曲,在我小时还能经常接触到,然而现在的只知道嘴皮子上说“精神文明建设”,实际行动上比以前的中共不知道要落后多少了。 2.物质文明建设 中国建设到现在,物质文明不能说是不丰富。走在北京.上海的大道上,满眼都是高楼大厦。然而,这些高楼大厦这些厂房有几个是属于全国人民的,全国人民从这些物资资料中又享受到了什么?倒是时常听说某某大楼是新加坡人投资的,某某是老美投资建的厂房。如果这些厂房仅仅用来赚取中国人民财富的机器,那会让我觉得今天的这些外资的厂房和解放前西方列强在中国建设的工厂无异。 下面是引用郎咸平《中国的八大危机之详解》中的一段“各位都知道青岛啤酒是我国的著名品牌,你们还认为青岛啤酒还是中国企业吗?告诉你一个数字,青岛国资局控股30%,但是你们知不知道第二大股东是谁?来自美国的安海斯-布希公司控股27%,只要他再多买4%的H股,我们中国的青岛啤酒就会在一夜之间变成外资企业。各位还记得徐工的故事吗?美国的凯利基金要收购徐工,当时包括我在内很多的学者专家在媒体上对这件事情大家大法,由于大家的努力,成功制止了资产流失的现象。当时的地方政府以什么理由卖给外国人呢?是以负的净资产卖给外国人。负的净资产就可以卖了吗?你有没有那么一点点经济常识啊。一个公司的价值不取决于净资产,而是取决于有没有持续经营的能力。对于徐工的价值取决于未来持续盈收的能力,还好没卖,假如以100块钱卖掉,按照我所理解的凯利基金或者类似的基金,一定会把徐工分拆上市或者卖掉,赚到一万块钱。所以从100块价格到一万块他可以赚100倍以上。那么各位了不了解,收购青岛啤酒的安海斯-布希公司就是产业资本,收购徐工的就是金融资本,这两个资本的危害性我们还没有看出来,还在乐观的招商引资,你知不知道招商引资使得这两只秃鹰来席卷中国奄奄一息的制造业。那么你们可能要问我了, 郎教授这样是不是太悲观了,中国制造业我们自己都做不下去了,给外国人能赚钱吗?如果你们有类似的想法呢,你们就太不了解资本主义国家了!为什么我说的话那么像社会主义经济学家,而我们社会主义经济学家讲的话更像资本主义经济学家。其实错了,我是真正吃资本主义奶水长大的资本主义经济学家,所以我对他的理解是非常透彻的,我所以讲的这么社会主义是因为我理解了。” 有人说中国可以从在外资在华工厂中学到先进的技术,难道大家忘了洋务运动失败的原因了:西方列强并不希望中国富强,他们不会让中国掌握真正的先进技术,致使洋务派聘请的一些洋匠利用中国官员不懂技术,进行敲诈勒索,谋取暴利,使企业难以发展。 因此这些外资企业,他们会希望中国富强吗?他们会让中国掌握真正的先进技术吗?我想这些答案每个人都应该是很清楚的吧! 盲目引进外资使资本输入国本币面临升值压力,有可能引起宏观货币供给失控而导致通货膨胀,不利于国家经济安全导致非安全因素增加,中国政府无休止地引进投资,增加出口,中国现在的通货膨胀的压力巨大,恐怕普通老百姓的财富已经被洗劫了一层了。 3. 弱势群体 同寝室的聊天,大家谈到今天的中国社会中,谁是真正的弱势群体,于是大家七嘴八舌列举出一大串来,有农民,下岗工人等等。而他们的生存现状究竟如何?又有哪些困难存在? 先说农民,中国的农民,我想人数不会少于6个亿吧,这是中国规模最大的弱势群体之一。就说我们的家乡吧,虽然这几年国家出台了许多惠农政策,但执行的力度始终不是很大,有的政策根本就无法执行。仅仅只是少数人得到了实惠,大多数村民依旧徘徊在贫困线上,在一些地区开展的“圈地”运动中,很多农民也失去了赖以生存的耕地,而得到的仅仅只有几千元的一次性全额补偿。另外,每年有大量的农民流向城市,形成了另一类弱势群体即“农民工”。然而在城市人眼里,他们仍然是文化素质低、缺乏教养的农民。虽然他们从事城市的很多工作,但大多是诸如建筑、搬运等苦、脏、险、重,城里人不愿从事的累活。虽然也有少数具有一定文化素质和专业技能的农民工,通过自身的努力地入上层社会工作,但在少数世俗城里人眼里,他们依然是农民。农民工在城市的生存状况并不乐观,大二下学期的时候,我参加了学校一个社团组织的义工接力计划,当时那个活动是到咱们东大北面的和平区鲁园工会,在那里我们了解到这些进城的农民工,他们从事的工作大多超出体力劳动的极限,却常被拖欠工资,有的一拖就是一年半载,有的连基本的生活都难以为续,甚至经常出现暴力事件,为追要工资跳楼的事件,那都是被逼的呀!太多这样的事件,惊动了中央,惊动了国务院,甚至出现了总理为农民工追要工资的新闻报道。但拖欠农民工工资的事实依然存在,而且还时有发生。 那么我们要问,政府劳动监察部门都干了些什么?难道都要等这些农民工被迫以死相抵时才肯出手,平时他们都在干些什么事?为什么在日常的工作中不能深入工矿企业等用工部门了解情况,防患未然。再者,国务院总理帮农民工追要工资,一方面体现了总理亲民,另一方面也提示了中国体制中存在的弊端,难道国家总理的工作日程上竟要排上一条为民工追要工资的日程?还有,拖欠民工工资的普遍性是不争的事实,而由此引发的后果也是有目共睹的,既然国家出台了相关政策,为什么执行起来总是滞后,得不到彻底的落实。 当然,我的见识面有限,经历不足,无法对现实问题进行深入的分析,但我说的这些现象实实在在的就发生在我的身边,我们要正视我国改革开放过程中存在的真实客观,不要一味只是唱赞歌,粉饰太平而忽略了生活在社会最底层的劳动阶级,让中国的改革更健康、更理性、更符合科学发展观的要求,符合中国的实际国情。 总的来说,我们完全有理由相信,在改革开放中不断变得更加自信和成熟的中国人民,必定能突破当前社会发展中的复杂矛盾,使中国的现代化建设取得更大成果。
Introduction to Information ManagementInformation ManagementIn 2000, the Institute of Medicine in collaboration with the National Academy of Science published a report titled: “To Err is Human: Building a Safer Health System”. The authors estimated that 98,000 people die annually as a direct result of medical errors occurring in hospitals. These deaths are not associated with the day-to-day risk of surgery and medical practice in outpatient clinics. Instead, a significant portion of the mortality is a direct result of poor design and utilization of medical records. Medical Records Kill. To put this number of deaths in perspective, more people die annually because of medical errors then as a consequence of car accidents, breast cancer, or AIDS. Other examples include:
One in 25 hospital admissions results in an injured patient.
Three percent of adverse effects cause perman of these one in seven leads to a
patient death.
Preventable medical errors account for 12-15 percent of hospital costs.
About 23,000 hospital patients die each year from injuries linked to medication use.
80% of nurses calculate dosages incorrectly 10 percent of the time, and 40 percent of nurses
make mistakes more than 30 percent of the time.
Approximately 180,000 unnecessary deaths and 1.3 million injuries occur from medical treatment in
the United States.Nearly all of these events are due to errors in data management or interpretation.Most of this information is contained in a book titled, To Err is Human: building a safer health system. 2000. Edited by Kohn LT, Corrigan JM, Donaldson MS. National Academy Press Washington DC. A recent whitepaper refers extensively to the same ongoing problem.Building a better systemInformation is a broad term and includes all sources of facts and opinions that we use to make decisions (printed, heard, or seen). We are in the midst of a continuous stream of information and are being asked to assimilate and organize these data at a faster and faster rate. This challenge is even more severe to the professional fact finder. As scientists and public, production, and wildlife health practitioners you are active discoverers of facts and ultimately a source of information for the world. In those roles, you must organize resource information and original data so that it is correctly analyzed, and interpreted to be delivered to your eager and demanding consumers.The health industry (of which we are card carrying members) has grappled with the issue of data integrity for decades and the discipline of Information Management has grown to deal with it . There are professional schools training people to work as specialists in this industry (see our main page). A professional organization, the American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA
) is devoted to the challenges of collecting information in hospital settings. The United States Animal Health Association and American Association of Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratories have a joint committee devoted to Animal Health Information Systems. The United States Department of Agriculture has The Center for Economics and Animal Health and the National Animal Health Monitoring System completely devoted to the methodologies of collecting, organizing and analyzing animal health data. As this course progresses and as you proceed through the MPVM curriculum, you will take the lessons learned from these groups and their experience and apply them to smaller scale work. Please note that I have focused on monitoring efforts and not at all on research. From an epidemiologic perspective, these efforts are related but they are not identical and there are specifics to research that need to be addressed in a different manner than from monitoring efforts.The Skills of Information ManagementA survey of professionals (both employees and employers) identified 20 skills that were the most important for Information Management specialists. While some of the skills were important technology and computer skills many of them were skills directly related to understanding data. These skills included: defining data elements, understanding how the database or application will meet the needs of the end user, being able to integrate analysis into a database, perform data retrieval, ability to create and use if/then statements, ability to manage data quality, ability to create calculations within a data query, ability to communicate effectively, ability to listen and understand client requests, and an ability to create conceptual models.Data Quality Management ModelInformation or data is a fragile commodity and all steps in the data process need to be carefully mamaged. and the process AHIMA recently published a model for Data Quality Management (/journal/pb/98.06.html). It is a simple model that will serve as our guide for the class.Details of the ModelThe steps of data quality are APPLICATION, COLLECTION, WAREHOUSING, AND ANALYSIS.Although we often focus our efforts on the analysis and the subsequent reports it is absolutely, unequivocally essential that significant energy be devoted to obtaining and maintaining good quality data that will be used in analysis. Everyone has heard ‘garbage in – garbage out’. Translated, if the data going into the analysis is bad then the information resulting from the analysis -- no matter how sophisticated and no matter how clever -- will be wrong. This problem is the classic epidemiologic and statistical issue of &Bias&.Application--This defines the reason, approach, and the methods for collecting the dataCollection--This is the process of data collectionWarehousing--How the collected data will be stored and accessedAnalysis--Organizing, summarizing, and reporting the dataThe Characteristics of High Quality DataAccessibility—The data are available and useable.Consistency—Over the time the data are collected and stored, the data were collected in the same manner. In practice this means that the definitions, formats, and storage media were the same or compatible.Currency—The data has value to the target audienceGranularity—The dimensions or specificity of the data-- an example is the difference between a weight category (crude) and the actual weight (fine)Precision—The data are collected with the same measuring tool (biased or not) resulting in low variation data.Accuracy—The data are collected with few biases and are a representation of the true state you are measuring.Comprehensiveness—The data contain sufficient detail to answer the monitoring or research question.Definition—The meaning and intent of the data are clearly definedRelevancy—The data pertain directly to the question.Timeliness—The data are temporally related to the question.ApplicationYou will hear the following many times in the course of the MPVM year, but understanding and clearly defining the data application is the key to successfully utilizing the information you collect. Application design is the process of carefully defining: 1) the purpose of the research or monitoring effort and 2) the specific monitoring or research question to be answered. Application design is often an iterative process that includes the following:.1. Based on an observation or belief, pose a question that can be answered.Examples include:
Antibiotic resistance in the human population is a direct consequence of the use of antibiotics in animal feeds
Increased levels of estrogen in the environment decrease the fertility of free-roaming ungulates
Removing horses from watersheds can decrease Cryptosporidial infections in people
The primary source of salmonellosis in humans is from meat and poultry
The incidence of catastrophic diseases observed in poultry has increased steadily in the last year
The incidence of debilitating heart conditions in household cats has diminished in the last 5-years2. Investigate the problem/question by doing a literature and grant search. This will entail library work, web searches,or contacting colleagues or experts in the field.3. Read the literature and summarize the information and test your question against published information4. Restate the question or need to more specifically target the data application.5. Choose an approach to answer the question6. Define the specific data sets that will be needed to answer the questionWhile the basic steps of the process are clear cut, there are many ways to achieve the outcome. In many cases, the process is individual and may require little interaction with others. More frequently the process requires that you work within or part of a group. When this occurs, the success of your project lies not only with the quality of the idea but also with your ability to understand group dynamics and the processes of groups.Carefully dealing with these first steps will define the nature of the other three steps in the data quality model and ensure that the correct data are collected and brought to bear on the question.
 听到要回老家这一消息,我想吃了兴奋剂一样,一骨碌从床上爬了起来,高兴得手舞足蹈。今天,我要完成一个光荣而艰巨的任务——帮爷爷奶奶收玉米呢! 一到家,我们就同爷爷奶奶一起下地了。嗬!以往那弱不禁风的小玉米已经长得这么高了!它们像一位位健壮的士兵,头戴红缨帽,身插手榴弹;又像一位位年过花甲的老爷爷,摸着胡子会心地微笑。那肥大的绿宝剑似的叶子上还沾着湿漉漉的夜露,有的玉米宝宝吃得太胖了,将衣服都撑破了,露出一排排黄金般的牙齿。望着这丰收的原野,谁见了不生爱慕之心? “开始干活喽!”奶奶在一旁喊道。我的任务是掰玉米,一开始觉得挺新鲜,将玉米棒往下一拽,就手到擒来,真好玩!可干着干着就发现不是这么回事。有的玉米娃娃特别淘气,拽了几下仍然“坚强不屈”。看来跟它...
长兴岛是宝山的一座美丽岛屿,它三面临江,一面临海,着优越的地理条件,独特的气候环境。远离外界的污染源,生态系统完善,大气清新度维持在一级水平。 全岛面积76.32平方公里,被誉为绿色的翡翠,镶嵌在万里长江的入海口。长兴岛前卫农场位于长兴岛中部,占地451.67公顷,现已成为全国最大的柑橘生产基地之一。 也是华东地区柑橘生产的示范和科研基地,上海最大的“绿色商品”生产基地。橘园所生产的“前卫蜜橘”外观鲜艳光洁,皮薄无核,汁多味甜。 园内的假山、长廊、盆景园、蒙古村、跑马场、海螺馆、迎宾馆各具特色,颇为诱人。园门东侧有情趣盎然的盆景园圃,西侧为构思巧妙的柑橘文化长廊。每当春末夏初,喷香扑鼻的洁白橘花遍散绿叶之间;深秋季节,金黄色的果实垂挂树枝之上。 柑桔种植面积千余亩,年产量175万公斤。主要品种有特早熟、早熟、温州蜜柑、脐橙。产品主要销往加拿大、俄罗斯等国家及我国北方天津、沈阳、哈尔滨、山东、江苏、安徽等地和市区水果交易市场。 长兴岛是有名的“柑橘之乡”,游客既可享受芦荡泛舟、橘园赏橘和采橘的独特乐趣,又能在滩涂上拾贝壳、寻螃蟹,或去江边欣赏“落霞与孤鹜齐飞,秋水共长天一色”的绝妙美景。 垂珠园位于长兴岛先丰村,具有江南古典园林的特色,园内果园占地1000亩,大多为柑橘,是秋季赏橘、采橘的绝好去处。 上海橘园度假村位于长兴岛中部前卫农场,占地360亩,有别墅群、游泳馆、壁球馆、攀岩、卡丁车等健身娱乐设施。自80年代中期以来,每年秋季举办柑橘艺术节,吸引成千上万慕名而来的游客,观景品橘,成为上海旅游观光的热点之一。
你自己找点资料复制+点自己的东西不就好了。笨呐··别总靠别人 人要学会靠自己。
说明回力鞋受青睐 二十世纪在中国很流行 穿着舒适 不仅适合体育 还很时尚 rtuyury4yrrrtruughry4576gerryjhfgjjfgdyrjfhedhfghfhfdhergdgsgswg,ewgeg.egertg,


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