
雾都孤儿的 英文概要和人物分析.求雾都孤儿的 英文概要 和人物分析啊~人物分析一个就可以了~讲 他是什么什么样的人(一个形容词)再举例小说中哪些地方表现了他的这个品质.不用太长~_百度作业帮
雾都孤儿的 英文概要和人物分析.求雾都孤儿的 英文概要 和人物分析啊~人物分析一个就可以了~讲 他是什么什么样的人(一个形容词)再举例小说中哪些地方表现了他的这个品质.不用太长~
雾都孤儿的 英文概要和人物分析.求雾都孤儿的 英文概要 和人物分析啊~人物分析一个就可以了~讲 他是什么什么样的人(一个形容词)再举例小说中哪些地方表现了他的这个品质.不用太长~英文概要 一章一句话~后天开学.明天之前 一定要完哒,
第一章 奥利弗出生地及出生时的种种情况Chapter 1 Treats of the Place Where Oliver Twist Was B and of the Circumstances Attending His Birth第二章 奥利弗成长、教育和膳食情况Chapter 2 Treats of Oliver Twist's Growth, Education,and Board第三章 奥利弗差点找到一份并非挂名的差事Chapter 3 Relates How Oliver Twist Was Very Near Getting a Place, Which Would Not Have Been a Sinecure第四章 奥利弗得到另一职位并初次走上社会Chapter 4 Oliver,Being Offered Another Place,Makes His First Entry into Public Life第五章 奥利弗与新同事打成一片.平生第一次参加葬礼,便对老板的生意有了不合时宜的成见Chapter 5 Oliver Mingles with New Associates. Going to a Funeral for the First Time,He Forms an Unfavourable Notion of His Master's Business第六章 奥利弗奋力反抗诺亚,令诺亚大吃一惊Chapter 6 Oliver, Being Goaded by the Taunts of Noah,Rouses into Action, and Rather Astonishes Him第七章 奥利弗依旧倔强Chapter 7 Oliver Continues Refractory第八章 奥利弗步行到伦敦,路上遇见一位怪异的年轻绅士Chapter 8 Oliver Walks to London. He Encounters on the Road a Strange Sort of Young Gentleman第九章 快活的老绅士和他充满希望的弟子们Chapter 9 Containing Further Particulars Concerning the Pleasant Old Gentleman, and His Hopeful Pupils第十章 奥利弗对新伙伴的性格有了更进一步的了解,并以昂贵的代价取得了经验.本故事虽然很短,但很重要Chapter 10 Oliver Becomes Better Acquainted with the Characters of His New A And Purchases Experience at a High Price.Being a Short, But Very Important Chapter, in This History第十一章 警务司法官范昂先生及其审判工作小范例Chapter 11 Treats of Mr. Fang the Police M and Furnishes a Slight Specimen of His Mode of Administering Justice第十二章 奥利弗得到前所未有的照料.再说说那位快活的老绅士和他年轻的朋友们Chapter 12 In Which Oliver is Taken Better Care of Than He Ever Was Before. And in Which the Narrative Reverts to the Merry Old Gentleman and His Youthful Friends第十三章 向聪明的读者介绍了一些新相识:叙述与本故事有关的、跟这些人有联系的各种趣事Chapter 13 Some New Acquaintances are Introduced to the Intelligent Reader, Connected With Whom Various Pleasant Matters are Related,Appertaining to This History第十四章 进一步叙述奥利弗住在布朗罗先生家里的情况.他出去办事时,格林威格先生对奥利弗作出的令人惊讶的预言Chapter 14 Comprising Further Particulars of Oliver's Stay at Mr. Brownlow's, With the Remarkable Prediction Which One Mr.Grimwig Uttered Concerning Him,When He Went Out on an Errand第十五章 那位快活的老绅士和南希小姐是怎样喜欢奥利弗的Chapter 15 Showing How Very Fond of Oliver Twist, The Merry Old Jew and Miss Nancy Were第十六章 奥利弗被南希领回后的情况Chapter 16 Relates What Became of Oliver Twist, After He Had Been Claimed by Nancy第十七章 奥利弗的厄运在继续.一位大人物到伦敦来毁坏他的名声Chapter 17 Oliver's Destiny Continuing Unpropitious,Brings a Great Man to London to Injure His Reputation第十八章 奥利弗在他的良师益友圈子中消磨时光Chapter 18 How Oliver Passed His Time in the Improving Society of His Reputable Friends第十九章 讨论并决定一个重要计划Chapter 19 In Which a Notable Plan is Discussed and Determined on第二十章 奥利弗被托付给塞克斯先生Chapter 20 Wherein Oliver is Delivered Over to Mr. William Sikes第二十一章 远行Chapter 21 The Expedition第二十二章 夜盗Chapter 22 The Burglary第二十三章 邦布尔先生和一位太太进行了一次愉快的谈话,说明即便是牧师助理也可能多愁善感Chapter 23 Which Contains the Substance of a Pleasant Conversation Between Mr. Bumble and a L and Shows That Even a Beadle May be Susceptible on Some Points第二十四章 一个非常乏味的话题,虽然很短,也许你会发现它在故事中的重要性Chapter 24 Treats of a Very Poor Subject. But is a Short One,and May Be Found of Importance in This History第二十五章 故事又回到费金先生和他的同伙Chapter 25 Wherein This History Reverts to Mr. Fagin and Company第二十六章 一位神秘人物出现了,还发生了许多与本故事有关的事Chapter 26 In Which a Mysterious Character Appears Upon the S and Many Things,Inseparable From This History,are Done and Performed第二十七章 为在上一章中很没礼貌地把一位太太丢在一旁而赔罪Chapter 27 Atones for the Unpoliteness of a Former C Which Deserted a Lady,Most Unceremoniously第二十八章 关照奥利弗并开始讲述他的奇遇Chapter 28 Looks After Oliver,and Proceeds with His Adventures第二十九章 奥利弗投靠的这户人家Chapter 29 Has an Introductory Account of the Inmates of the House to Which Oliver Resorted第三十章 新探视者对奥利弗的印象Chapter 30 Relates What Oliver's New Visitors Thought of Him第三十一章 危急时刻Chapter 31 Involves a Critical Position第三十二章 奥利弗开始和善良的朋友们过着快乐的生活Chapter 32 Of the Happy Life Oliver Began to Lead WithHis Kind Friends第三十三章 奥利弗和他朋友们的快乐生活意外中断Chapter 33 Wherein the Happiness of Oliver and His Friends,Experiences a Sudden Check第三十四章 一位新登场的年轻绅士和奥利弗的新奇遇Chapter 34 Contains Some Introductory Particulars Relative to a Young Gentleman Who Now Arrives Upon the Sand a New Adventure Which Happened to Oliver第三十五章 奥利弗的奇遇没有结果,梅莱和露西之间进行了一次很重要的谈话Chapter 35 Containing the Unsatisfactory Result of Oliver's A and a Conversation of Some Importance Between Harry Maylie and Rose第三十六章 这是很短的一章,看起来也不很重要,但却承上启下Chapter 36 Is a Very Short One,and May Appear of No Great Importance in Its Place,But It Should Be Read Notwithstanding,as a Sequel to The Last, and a Key to One That Will FollowWhen Its Time Arrives第三十七章 读者可以了解到婚前婚后截然不同的寻常现象Chapter 37 In Which the Reader May Perceive a Contrast,Not Uncommon in Matrimonial Cases第三十八章 邦布尔夫妇和孟克斯先生晚间会面的情况Chapter 38 Containing an Account of What Passed Between Mr. and Mrs. Bumble, and Mr. Monks,at Their Nocturnal Interview第三十九章 读者熟悉的一些体面人物又登场了,还说说孟克斯和犹太人如何一起策划事情Chapter 39 Introduces Some Respectable Characters With Whom the Reader Is Already Acquainted, and Shows How Monks and The Jew Laid Their Worthy Heads Together第四十章 与上一章发生的故事相衔接的一次奇怪会面Chapter 40 A Strange Interview,Which Is a Sequel to the Last Chamber第四十一章 一些新发现,祸不单行Chapter 41 Containing Fresh Discoveries,and Showing That Surprises,Like Misfortunes,Seldom Come Alone第四十二章 一位显示天才特征的奥利弗的老熟人成了伦敦的名人Chapter 42 An Old Acquaintance of Oliver's,Exhibiting Decided Marks of Genius,Becomes a Public Character in the Metropolis第四十三章 机灵的蒙骗者陷入了困境Chapter 43 Wherein is Shown How the Artful Dodger Got into Trouble第四十四章 南希践约的时间到了,但她却没有前往Chapter 44 The Time Arrives for Nancy to Redeem Her Pledge to Rose Maylie. She Fails第四十五章 费金雇用诺亚实施一项秘密使命Chapter 45 Noah Claypole is Employed by Fagin on a Secret Mission第四十六章 践约Chapter 46 The Appointment Kept第四十七章 致命的后果Chapter 47 Fatal Consequences第四十八章 塞克斯逃亡Chapter 48 The Flight of Sikes第四十九章 孟克斯和布朗罗先生终于见面了.他们的谈话,以及打断这次谈话的消息Chapter 49 Monks and Mr. Brownlow at Length Meet. Their Conversation,and the Intelligence That Interrupts It第五十章 追击与逃亡Chapter 50 The Pursuit and Escape第五十一章 为多个秘密提供说明,其中还包括了一次不涉及嫁妆和私房钱的求婚Chapter 51 Affording an Explanation of More MysteriesThan One,and Comprehending a Proposal of Marriage With No Word of Settlement or Pinmoney第五十二章 费金在世时的最后一晚Chapter 52 Fagin's Last Night Alive第五十三章 尾声Chapter 53 And LastCharacter ListOliver Twist -
The novel’s protagonist. Oliver is an orphan born in a workhouse, and Dickens uses his situation to criticize public policy toward the poor in 1830s England. Oliver is between nine and twelve years old when the main action of the novel occurs. Though treated with cruelty and surrounded by coarseness for most of his life, he is a pious, innocent child, and his charms draw the attention of several wealthy benefactors. His true identity is the central mystery of the novel.Fagin -
A conniving career criminal. Fagin takes in homeless children and trains them to pick pockets for him. He is also a buyer of other people’s stolen goods. He rarely commits crimes himself, preferring to employ others to commit them—and often suffer legal retribution—in his place. Dickens’s portrait of Fagin displays the influence of anti-Semitic stereotypes.Nancy -
A young prostitute and one of Fagin’s former child pickpockets. Nancy is also Bill Sikes’s lover. Her love for Sikes and her sense of moral decency come into conflict when Sikes abuses Oliver. Despite her criminal lifestyle, she is among the noblest characters in the novel. In effect, she gives her life for Oliver when Sikes murders her for revealing Monks’s plots.2014版人教新目标八年级下册英语unit8课文详解74
Have you read Treasure Island yet?Section ALanguage Goal: Talk about recent events and experiences1a Have you heard of these books? Check
(√) the ones you hear.______Alice in Wonderland
[??lis ?n 'w?nd?l?nd]《爱丽丝梦游仙境》______Little Women
[?litl 'w?m?n]《小妇人》______Treasure Island
['tre??(r) 'a?l?nd]《金银岛》______Oliver Twist
[??liv? tw?st]《雾都孤儿》______Robinson Crusoe
[?r?binsn ?kru:s?u]《鲁滨逊漂流记》______Tom Sawyer [?r?binsn ?kru:s?u]《汤姆?索娅历险记》 A: Have you read Little Women yet?B: No, I haven’t. Have you?A: Yes, I’ve already read it.B: What’s it like? 这本书怎么样?A: It’s fantastic. [f?n?t?st?k] 棒极了! 2a Listen. Who has read these books? Circle the names. 1. Treasure Island
Mark/ Tina2. Oliver Twist
Mark/ Tina3. Robinson Crusoe
Mark/ Tina4. Tom Sawyer
Mark/ Tina1. Tina
4. Tina 2b Listen again and write T for true and F for false. 《雾都孤儿》是关于一个男孩出海,并发现了一个充满宝藏的岛屿的故事2. Robinson Crusoe is a classic.
['kl?s?k] 《鲁滨逊漂流记》是一部名著。3. Tina thinks that Treasure Island is a fantastic book.蒂娜认为《金银岛》是一部很棒的书4. Tom Sawyer is about a boy who lives in the United Kingdom.《汤姆?索娅历险记》是关于一个生活在英国的男孩(的故事)。 full of此处是形容词短语,意为“充满??;装满??”,在句中作后置定语。此外,也可在句中充当状语或表语。 He received several baskets full of cards, letters of congratulations.他收到了几个装满贺卡和贺信的篮子。(后置定语)Robinson Crusoe stared at the footprint, full of fear. 鲁滨逊盯着那个脚印,满怀恐惧。As we returned home, everything seemed to be full of life.当我们回到家时,一切似乎都洋溢着生气。(表语) full形容词“满的”,be full offill 不及物动词。“装满”。be filled with “用??装满” fill? with“将??装满”The classroom was full of students. 教室里挤满了学生。The basket is filled with apples by the old man. 篮子被这个老人装满了苹果。He filled the glass with water. 他将玻璃杯盛满水。 2c Use the information in 2a and 2b to talk about the books.A: Has Tina read Treasure Island?B: Yes, she has. She thinks it’s fantastic.A: What’s it about?B: It’s about… 2d Role-play the conversation. Steve: Yes, Little Women. I’ve already finished reading it!Amy: Wow, you’re fast! What’s it about?Steve: . . Which book did you choose? Amy: I chose Treasure Island, but I haven’t finished reading it yet. I’m only on page25.Steve: Have you at least read the back of the book to see what it’s about?Amy: Yes, I have. It looks interesting.Amy: Yes, I know. I’ll read quickly.艾米:史蒂夫,你已经决定英语课写哪本书了吗?史蒂夫:是的,《小妇人》我已经读完它了。艾米:哇,你真快!它是关于什么的?史蒂夫:它是关于四姐妹成长的故事。它真的很好,所以我爱不释手。你选择哪本书?艾米:我选《金银岛》但我还未读完。只读到了25页。史蒂夫:至少你已经读过书的背后,了解它的大致内容了吧?艾米:是的。它看起来很有趣。史蒂夫:你应该快点。读书报告两周后必须交。艾米:是的,我知道。我会快速阅读的。which book to write about意为“写哪一本书”,此处为“疑问词十动词不定式”结构,在句中作宾语。I can't decide when to start. 我不能决定何时动身。I am thinking about how to deal with the problem. 我正在考虑怎样处理这个问题。常用于此结构的疑问词还包括疑问代词who, whom, what及疑问副词when, where 和 how.He taught me how to pronounce it. 他教我如何发音。I didn't decide where to live. 我没有决定住哪儿。 grow up为固定短语,意为“长大; 成长”。此处用现在分词短语growing up作后置定语,修饰前面的名词sisters。 Where did you grow up? 你是在哪儿长大的?The girl singing in the classroom is my younger sister. 正在教室里唱歌的女孩是我的妹妹。 put down意为“记下;放下”,为“动词十副词”型短语,宾语若为代词,应放在put与down 中间Put down the new words and then read them loud把生词记下来,然后大声读出来:Put down your bag and take a rest. 把包放下,休息一会儿吧 hurry up为固定短语,意为“赶快;快点”。Hurry up, or you will be late. 快点,否则你会迟到的常见的hurry短语集锦:(1)hurry off/ away匆匆离去Miss Zhao hurried off to look after the man. 赵老师匆匆赶去照看那个人②hurry into匆忙进入Her parents are trying to hurry her into marriage. 她父母设法催她快点结婚③hurry out匆忙出去The man hurried out of the car before reporters could speak to him记者们还未来得及与他交谈,这人就匆匆离开了汽车。in a hurry匆忙地Don't be in a hurry. 不要着急。 due此处作形容词,“预期;预定”,其后可接to do不定式。When is the train due? 火车预定什么时候到?Her baby is due next month. 她的宝宝预计在下个月出生。The guests are due to arrive very soon. 客人们很快就会到。(1)due作形容词时, “到期的; 应付(给)的”,通常与介词to连用,due to sb.意为“应付给或应给予某人”。 The bill is due. 这张票据已到期。A great deal of money is due to you. 要付给你一大笔钱。②due to为固定短语,意为“由于;因为”后跟代词或名词。He didn't come to school due to his illness. 他因生病没有来学校。Her success was due to her hard work. 她的成功是因为她努力工作。3a Quickly read the passage below based on Robinson Crusoe. Then answer the questions. 1. What does Robinson Crusoe wait for? 鲁滨逊等待什么?Robinson Crusoe Waits for another ship2. Why does Robinson Crusoe call the man Friday? 为什么鲁滨逊称呼这个人为星期五?Because Robinson Crusoe met the man on Friday. When I first arrived on this island, I had nothing. But I’ve found the ship and made a small boat. I’ve brought back many things I can use― food and drink, tools, knives and guns. Although I have lost everything, I have not lost my life. So I will every day to kill animals and birds for food. 当我第一次到达这个岛屿时,我一无所有。但我发现了这艘船,并制作了一艘小船。我带回很多能够用到的东西----食物和饮料、工具、刀和枪。虽然我失去了一切,但我没有失去我的生命。所以我不会放弃,我将等待另一艘船。我已经砍倒了树木,建造了房子。我几乎每天带着枪出去,猎杀动物和鸟作为食物。我甚至学会了种植水果和蔬菜。cut down为固定短语,意为“把??砍倒;裁短; 减少;缩减”,cut此处作及物动词,其过去式和过去分词是cut本身。They cut down the big tree. 他们把这棵大树砍倒了。You'd better cut the article down to about 2,000 words. 你最好把这篇文章缩减到两千字左右cut常见短语集锦:cut sb. sth. =cut sth. for sb. .为某人切某物He cut me a slice of bread. =He cut a slice of bread for me. 他为我切了一片面包。②cut sth. into sth把某物切成某物First cut the meat into small pieces. 首先把肉切成小块:③cut in插入;插话;插队;超车Don't cut in when others are talking. 别人说话时别插话‘He cut in at the head of the line.他在队伍的前面插队。④cut off切断;隔断;断绝The flood cut the villagers off from the rest of the world洪水切断了村民们与外界的联系。 learn此处作及物动词,“学习”,后跟to do不定式作宾语。learn to do sth.意为“学习做某事”。He’s learning to drive a car他正在学习开车:与learn相关的短语:learn from向??学习
learn by oneself 自学
learn of/about 获悉 grow此处作及物动词,意为“种植”:We grow flowers and vegetables in our garden,我们在花园里种植鲜花和蔬莱。 几周前,我在沙子上发现了另一个人的脚印。我的岛上还有其他什么人?他们在这里多久了?不久以后,我看到一些食人族正试图杀死两个来自破船上的人。其中一个人死了,但另外一个人跑向了我的房子。我帮助他杀死了这些食人族。这个人现在和我一起生活,并帮助我。我称呼他为星期五,因为我在那天遇到的他。他很聪明,我已经教了他一些英语mark此处为可数名词,意为“痕迹;记号”。The dogs always make dirty marks. 这些狗总是制造斑斑污迹。The lighthouse on the top of the hill serves as a mark for fliers. [?fla??z] 飞行员山顶上的灯塔成了飞行员识别地形的标志。 e1se此处作形容词,“别的,其他的”,放在who, what等疑问词之后。Who else was at the party? 晚会上还有谁?But what else can we do? 但是我们还能做什么,else用于以-one, body, -thing, -place, -where结尾的复合不定代词/副词之后。Ask somebody else to help you. 请别人帮帮你吧。He has nothing else to do today. 他今天没有别的事要做。how long意为“多久、多长时间”,主要是对一段时间进行提问,答语通常是(for) thee days /weeks /months等时间段,它可用于各种时态。How long were you not at school last year?去年你多久没上学?About two weeks. 大约两周 one…the other…为固定搭配,用于两者之间,意为“一个??其余的??”The supermrket is on the other side of the street. 超市在街道的另一边。He has two sons. One is a doctor, the other is a student. 他有两个儿子。一个是医生,另一个是学生。some…the others用于三者或三者以上,意为“一些??其余的??”Boys are on the playground. Some are playing basketball, the others are playing football.男孩们都在操场上。一些正在打篮球,其余的正在踢足球。 towards介词,“朝,向; 对着”。They drove towards the beach. 他们驾车朝海滩开去。The overseas teacher said her Chinese friends were friendly towards her那位外籍教师说她的中国朋友对她很友善name此处作及物动词,“给??取名; 给??命名”,name sb.sth“给某人取名为??”They named their child John. 他们给孩子取名叫约翰。(1)named/ called为过去分词,作后置定语,意为“被命名为;称为??”The boy named/ called Mike is my friend.那个叫迈克的男孩是我的朋友:②name sb. /sth. after sb.“以??命名”。The child was named after his father. 那个孩子是按他父亲的名字取的名。 3b Read the passage again. Find words that have these meanings.
某人或某物留下的标记:in the middle of为固定短语,意为“在??的中间”。in the middle of the road“在路的中央”。in the middle of the night‘半夜;深更半夜” leave behind为固定短语,“留下;遗留”I don't want to leave anything behind. 我不想留下任何东西。(1)leave sb. behind意为“把某人甩在后面(即赶上、超越某人)In the final exam, I left Lucy behind finally. 在期末考试中我终于超过了露西②leave sth. behind意为“某人走后留下某物”。He left his umbrella behind. 他离开时没有把雨伞带走。 3c Correct the sentences.1. Robinson Crusoe arrived on the island with enough food and drink.鲁滨逊带着足够的食物和饮料到达这个岛屿。2. Friday made a small boat.
星期五做了一艘小船3. Robinson had some food and tools when he first arrived on the island.当鲁滨逊第一次到达岛屿时,他有一些食物和工具。4. Robinson used the ship to build his house. 鲁滨逊用船来建造他的房子。5. Friday saw some marks of another man’s feet on the beach. 星期五在沙滩上看到另一个人留下的一些脚印。6. Robinson tried to kill the two men. 鲁滨逊努力杀了这两个人。1.Robinson Crusoe arrived on the island with nothing.2.Robinson Crusoe made a small boat.3. Robinson had nothing when he first arrived on the island4.Robinson cut down trees to build his house5. Robinson saw some marks of another man's feet on the beach.6.Robinson tried to kill the cannibals. [?k?n?bl] 4a Use the words in brackets to complete the conversations.1. A: Would you like something to drink? 你想喝点东西吗?B: No, thanks. I’ve just drunk some tea.(just/ drink some tea)?(find)B: No, not yet.3. A: Do you know when Tom is leaving? 你知道汤姆什么时候离开吗?B: This morning.4. A: Is your sister going to the movies with us tonight?5. A: What do your parents think about our plan? 4b Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the words in brackets.Sally (love) reading. In the morning, she reads the newspaper and in the evening she reads books. She already (read) more than 100 different books! Her favorite kind of books is science fiction. She is interested in science and technology and loves to imagine what the world like in 50 years. She __ (not read) yet and she can’t wait to read them! love此处作及物动词,意为“爱; 热爱;喜欢”,其后通常可跟名词、代词、动词不定式、动词-ing形式作宾语。 Love me, love my dog. (谚语)爱屋及乌。He loves to go swimming. 他喜欢游泳。I love sitting in the garden. 我喜欢在花园里坐坐。would be此处为过去将来时句型,由“would十动词原形构成,主要表示从过去某一时间来看将要发生的事情(尤其用于宾语从句中)。He told us he would help us. 他告诉我们他会帮助我们。I knew you would agree我当时就知道你会同意的。 look at为固定短语,意为“看”look为不及物动词,必须用at连接看的对象Look at the blackboard, please. 请看黑板Father always looks at me with love in his eyes. 父亲总是用慈祥的眼光看着我(1)can't wait to do sth.“迫不及待去做某事”I can't wait to Watch TV. 我迫不及待去看电视。The young man could not wait to see his girl friend这个年轻人迫不及待去看他的女朋友。(2)can' t help doing sth.意为“情不自禁地做某事”He could not help laughing. 他情不自禁地笑了起来。②can't stand doing sth.意为“不能容忍做某事”。I can't stand waiting for a long time. 我不能容忍等这么久 I knew you would agree. ,我当时就知道你会同意的。4c Complete the chart with information about you and a friend.A: What books have you already read?B: I’ve already read Tom Sawyer and Harry Potter.A: What do you think of them? 包含各类专业文献、幼儿教育、小学教育、外语学习资料、文学作品欣赏、应用写作文书、各类资格考试、2014版人教新目标八年级下册英语unit8课文详解74等内容。 
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